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/h/ - Hentai

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To discussing anything from e-hentai and exhentai.
does nexus reencode the images?
Irodori Comics - 20248 galleries, +824 since 2024.05.20
FAKKU - 6443 galleries, +156 since 2024.05.20
Enshodo - 177 galleries
J18 - 109 galleries, +2 since 2024.05.20
MaiWai - 2 galleries
Why are Irodori, Fakku and Enshodo separated?
Is Wani also missing and separated? They only attacked Exhentai with copyright claims because of Fakku telling them to do it.
The original image files? No.
The ones served by the reader? Maybe. It depends on how the browser requested them.
All of the GIDs I could access from the categories Manga and Doujinshi when the latest GID was 2954564.


Yes. The re-encoded files are larger in size too. Seems like it's done out of spite.

Stop lying.
I compared one of the files I shared here with one I downloaded from them and they are the same file size.
I've looked at over 1500 archives from HentaiNexus. Each and everyone one contained files with different hashes. For example, "[Flage] Monster Sex! Heroine of Justice Falls Into the Enemy's Trap, Gets Turned Into a Hermaphrodite, and Ends Up Attacking Her Comrade" from HentaiNexus is larger in size and contain different file hashes.
Maybe it's only for some of the older archives? I don't know, I believe you but I compared "[Maihara Matsuge] Can You Really Use This App to Fuck Different Species_", both archives are the same file size, picked a random image and both had the same hash. I don't know if this is a spite thing is all I'm getting at.
every single thread
every single thread of you shitting it up with fakku shilling and then crying like a victim? yeah
>anyone who wishes I'd just take my meds and fuck off for a thread or two is a shill, and I'm now going to have my usual samefag schizo episode in response
every single thread
Less projecting, more taking meds, dear resident schizo.
I can only compare with stuff from Unlimited.

Example: ID 16987 page 1

I Included the HN image file from the site download.
It's slightly larger than the optimized image I got using PNGOUT which could be to HN not optimizing it enough.

If you consider losslessly optimized PNGs to be re-encoded, then yes, they're being re-encoded.
>if you don't agree with my constant derails you are the resident schizo
every single thread
The resident schizo doesn't only target this thread. Fakku has a bot that notifies their rabid dog of any thread that mentioned Fakku, Exhentai or any other particular word, and their dog has an arsenal of aged up and well-fed Reddit accounts for purposes of samefagging, astroturfing, etc.

The funniest thing to all of this is that Fakku has never compensated their dog monetarily and the dog has been doing this every single day since Fakku made a deal with Wanimagazine over a decade ago.
HentaiNexus re-encodes files from public sources like sukebei.nyaa.si, Anchira, Koushoku, etc.
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Best way to get credits/hats? i need 1000 hats so badly...
Am I going to get banned like eunt_domus if I translate a dmca'd doujin? I'm still waiting to see if shitrodori going to translate it, but so far it's still untranslated.
It's appalling how much better browsing exh is after I bothered to toggle half the categories off in the settings.
>no more eclectic danbooru-tier galleries of western cartoon characters
>no more pixiv rips
>no more jav screengrabs
>no more AI shit
>no more western comics with balloon asses
I can see why people opt to use leech sites like N-hentai, they actually bother curating.
The best way is to spend like 20 bucks to buy some primo doujins while the yen is weak and upload them. You'll get a bunch of GP that you can exchange for hath. If you're still short then grind the game a little.
I still can't figure out how the fuck am I supposed to enlarge the pic when I use eHunter. Do I really need to open the image in a new tab every damn time?

I asked this same question a while back. I ended up not translating it though, as it turned out they released a translated version of it first, but anons said it's okay. Probably.
Anyone help me find a doujin again?

>starts with guy at a cafe who goes there to write essays for college
>notes that a hot girl is always there slumped over reading
>one day no other seats are available except the one next to her so she offers him it
>they talk and eventually he agrees to go on a date with her after waiting for her shift to end
>after the date they go to a love hotel
>she says she stays slumped over to hide her huge tits since she was teased about them growing up
>after the foreplay she says she doesn't want to continue the one night stand and he confesses he had a crush on her and really did want to start seeing her
>she says she also hsd a crush on him and licks his fingers
>after they have sex it ends with them meeting at the cafe again and him asking her what she's reading, she blushes and says a romance novel
Anyone got a name?
Try reddit man, this thread isn't that helpful when it comes to that. This thread is infested with schizos.
Ikuhana Niro - Point of d02mView, or Perspective in the tank

Why the plural? It's just you.
Thanks anon.
Remember to go support the jirai-kei tag suggestion
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Stop brigadeering you heccin bigots.

Neo-Nazis/Zionists have the right to self-defense.
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Where did this weirdo learn that one bad translation reduces the chance of a good translation? Do we even know who started this hoax? And why does he go back and forth with demanding English words to be spelled like how they're pronounced by Japanis and to properly spell English words regardless of how Japanis pronounce them?
Fuck this, an artist I like deleted some pics from their Twitter which I'd bookmarked

Thought I'd saved them to my files but I can't find one in particular, and it's not on panda or any boorus I've checked so far
I've been waiting for over a year. And after finding out how many galleries they've taken down >>8087692, at this point I don't think Shitrodori will ever translate it so I might translate it myself as well.
JXL made the file 95.85% smaller while keeping it visually the same. If you can spot any visual differences, you are a liar. JXL is king.

Good luck finding someone who saved the pictures. Ever since the racist pedophile took over Twitter with tax payers money, he has been banning people for saving a few pictures in one day.
it does reduce it, by quite a lot. most translators are volunteers, uploading stuff so the artists they love get more reach. if the doujin already hit the front page once and people read it, they're less likely to reread just because a better translation came out. if a translation is particularily atrocious like the エステ thing in your screenshot then that's another story; people will be down to remake it regardless of the stunted reach it will have.
How did nhentai survive so long and get so big, my account is 10 years old really early and now theres like 7million accounts...

Like its so shit exact same for 10 years and now they even remove stuff dmca ?
You answered your own question: they survived by being DMCA compliant. The funny thing is, their host probably doesn't even care about it, but those DMCA notices went to their ad networks and threatened to stop paying if they didn't comply. nhentai, being a leech site, obviously doesn't want to hurt its revenue, so they have no choice but to comply with the DMCA requests. They can afford to do this because the site is already big enough, with over 50 million visitors per month and a dedicated user base that mostly consists of clueless normalfag who don't care about quality.
I'm kicking myself because those pictures were from 20-fucking-19

The particular one I'm missing isn't even a nude pic, it's just the couple from one of the artist's stories being cute fuuuuck :(
Sadly, it has no browser support
You might be an idiot, you didn't post any evidence.

Are you even aware of how hilariously stupid your claim is? You're saying that bad quality prevents good quality. When did a slow car prevent a fast car?
I translate and typeset 300 pages a month, I am the evidence. I'm not manually inspecting every word in a translation to see if the previous guy does mtl or not, if I open a page and it's properly typeset I just move on to contribute with a different doujin translation. There's tons of untranslated stuff, the effort is better invested somewhere else from my point of view. You should have more respect for guys like cutegyaru that remake machine translations, even if he's a cancer kid that does it for clout it's unpaid bottom work that no one else wants to do and he gains very little reach from it.
You really are an idiot. Why else do you keep replying when you don't have an answer? It's a hoax, you're proving that it is because you can't prove it's not and ramble unintelligibly in your spam. Also, it's such a stupid thing to lie about Cutegyaru translating for free.
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Re-asking my question from the previous thread.
Has this particular doujin been translated? Chaika has the third chapter translated, but I don't see the second. And irodori/fakku doesn't seem to have done the second chapter, either.
A fast car was enabled with funding. Most translators are volunteering, so the motivation to translate more is higher than the motivation to replace existing translations.

How young are you that you thought this was a good analogy? Should you be on a blue board?
You're not getting an answer because you haven't said what it's called, Fakku/Irodori won't translate something until the artist pays them upfront, it has taken Fakku years to translate a 20 page book, and Fakku is lying that they'll translate anything they've removed for "copyright infringement" because they don't want to people to find out that artists pay them to remove content on their behalf.

The right move is to avoid translating anything from an artist who pays Fakku to remove their shit. Let as few people be exposed to their shit because it hurts their sales. Also, you'd only be wasting your time if you're a paid translator because your translation won't reach that many people due to Fakku using a bot to automatically remove Exhentai galleries instantaneously for having a word that is similar to the name of the artist.
Are you capable of replying to a post asking you to prove something isn't a hoax without lying and straw manning?

You've never translated for free. You only translate after people paid you. It's called a commission. This goes for most translations on Exhentai.

Machine translations aren't translations and literate people don't want to read fake or shitty translations so there will always be a demand for a better translation.

>Should you be on a blue board

Are you blind?

I ain't the translator. I'm just someone offended by your poor logic.

>Are you blind?

You know /h/ is not blue board by default right?

Did you try to use commissions to argue against my point about funding? Why would someone prefer to pay for a better translation of a doujin than pay for a new translation of different doujin, when doujin are regularly released and uploaded?

There will always be more doujin to translate. Throwing money to fix one bad translation requires a level of passion higher than the average doujin consumer and coomer.
smells like summer in this thread
>I ain't the translator

Sure thing, samefag.

>You know /h/ is not blue board by default right?

Are you autistic? You wrote /h/ was a blue board by default in your other post.

>Did you try to use commissions to argue against my point about funding?

Try learning English.

>Why would someone prefer to pay for a better translation of a doujin than pay for a new translation of different doujin, when doujin are regularly released and uploaded?
>There will always be more doujin to translate.

Why can't you prove your hoax is not a hoax?

>Throwing money to fix one bad translation

Your machine translation is not a bad translation.

Your machine translation is and will always be fake, not real, sham, fraud, scam, etc.

It's funny that you deny this but you're obsessed with Cutegyaru who also agrees that a machine translation is is never a real translation.

>requires a level of passion higher than the average doujin consumer and coomer.

Prove it.
You need to understand that most of these people don't really care about the author, about the doujinshi they're translating, they only really care about being the first translator and getting clout

Think about it.
You really like a work, but it is MTL'd. The MTLor ruins the work.
If you really liked the work, you'd remake the translation into something good
If you are care about the author, about the work, you wouldn't want the MTL'd doujinshi as the only translated version of the work

These people are liars
It fucking bothers me how this line of thinking has polluted ex
>When did a slow car prevent a fast car?
When does shit on a plate prevent someone from eating good food? When the consumer is a retard who is perfectly content to eat maggot-infested slop, and insists that anyone who doesn't want to eat garbage dump scraps is "gatekeeping".
As if the only possible explanation is that everyone who does not want to be served literal steaming garbage is part of the international gourmet chef conspiracy.
This is like the fucking breakfast question for SEAmonkeys.
>How would you have felt if you ate good food this morning?
>But I already ate dumpster leftovers this morning
Alright, my bad. I thought the filename's enough. It's Richard Bahman's "Daddy's Bedroom is a Hangout for My Daughter's Friends".

Meh, I do translate from time to time. Honestly, even I think "the author" argument isn't strong enough as well. It's secondary reason at best. But saying that it's just for clout isn't correct either. Not saying there aren't people out there who do it entirely for the clout, though.
Personally, unless the MTL is really egregious (e.g. improper translation, shitty typeset, minimum effort), I'd rather just leave it alone rather than creating a proper translation for it. It has reached enough people already, and A LOT of people surprisingly are okay with it/tolerate it well. Why bother spending the extra time and effort? It's not about clout, I just don't want to bother doing needless thing. I do it voluntarily, after all.
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How do you live life so full of yourself but so wrong?

You gotta be 18+ to post here.
Hey I suddenly found myself into a new genre and was wondering what the best tags for it are and if anyone has any good recommendations?

I am looking for train/public molestation, from both sexes. Like, school girl molesting ojisans as well as the typical type. I don't know if there are special tags/words for that type of thing.

And like. no weak molestation either.
oh wait its literally chikan why did i forget that. well recommendations help thank you.
Schoolgirl uniform
Group sex
Mind break
Hidden sex

The world is your oyster with chikan.
>reddit spacing

Opinion discarded. Ironic that you're attacking SEAmonkeys too.

So, you're posting a screenshot of your samefagging which you're denying and a random theme of /h/ which you initially claimed was blue by default. How many times did your mom drop you?
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Do you live under a rock?
No, it changed from cloudflare error to that image, meaning it will come back soon
Check last thread, anon.
it is the funniest thing to see translator anons explain to you that they have nothing to gain/contribute from working on previous mtl and yet you still sperg on with your narrative. the fact that bad translations prevent good ones doesnt mean the bad ones should stop, you cant make a good translation before you've made a couple bad ones. most of the venom in this community is directed towards unapologetic repeat mtlers instead, and they deserve it.
Anyone know where to get their hand on [LINDA] sekirara kanojo ? I've found the first volume but holy shit there is nowhere to get the vol 2 to 5
Did all the scan groups or people buying translations die off in last couple years? Like I just see less english translated content now and it's just all mtl shit

like I still check up on official work but not many good artists or high supply or content so don't really care, they can't have all gone official
Does the same faggot who owns fakku own these?
Now are doujin always free or what exactly delineated them from h manga?
Is there a specific artist in general that is dcma'ed out of here all the time?
>Does the same faggot who owns fakku own these?
No, they are separate companies. Fakku is Fakku. Enshodo was originally Shikimaya until Enshodo died and Irodori was born from its corpse (some drama was involved supposedly). J18 is ran by JList. MaiWai was basically stillborn as they released a handful of things and nothing since (their last release was over a year ago). Then there's also 2D Market who's been around before Fakku but they don't send DMCAs to panda, they just get ad banners added to galleries.
>Now are doujin always free or what exactly delineated them from h manga?
Doujin as a word is pretty much just Japanese for indie, and that's exactly what it means with h-manga too, a doujin h-manga was put out by the artist itself without the involvement of a publisher. And basically no Japanese artist is putting out full comics for free, you are expected to pay money for just about everything if you wanted to read it legally. This is done either via fanbox or fantia or other patreon-style platforms, or full works being sold on digital platforms or physically at events like Comiket or in various comic stores throughout Japan.
>Is there a specific artist in general that is dcma'ed out of here all the time?
No, the publishers send DMCAs for either stuff they publish or for all works by artists they work with, even if they would never release all of them officially (Irodori especially does this, which is reflected in them having sent out more DMCAs than all the others combined).
It is the funniest thing that you pretend to work for free and bad translations prevent good ones.

But not really. You're schizophrenic. You need help. An intervention.
They either committed suicide, got a job as a translator at a company or went on to do something else.
>reddit spacing
>No, they are separate companies
>Enshodo was originally Shikimaya until Enshodo died and Irodori was born from its corpse (some drama was involved supposedly).
>read it legally
>the publishers send DMCAs for all works by artists they work with

These are all lies.

Also, Is there any of you Fakku shills who aren't a retarded newfag?

Although you're a R*ddit typing retard, I'll tell you.

>Does the same faggot who owns fakku own these?


Irodori is a proxy of Fakku.

Irodori is a rebrand of Enshodo which is a rebrand of Shikimaya, Phoenix Syndicate, Genesis Scanlations and so on.

Why do they rebrand so much? Same as why everyone else does it. To whitewash their past.
>Now are doujin always free or what exactly delineated them from h manga?

What the fuck are you talking about?

>Is there a specific artist in general that is dcma'ed out of here all the time?

Yes, any artist who pays Fakku or their proxy (Irodori) to issue out copyright takedown notices on their behalf.

Next time read the thread instead of spamming already answered questions, you retarded newfag.
Taking a shot in the dark here.

I am looking for any manga where the sexual action feels meaningful. Stuff that isn't just braindead porn, but where the author is investing some degree of effort into the build up, pay off and the emotional state of the characters.

To give an example of what I mean: incest is a popular fetish, one I can understand the appeal of, but why? For me, it's the sense of taboo. The very idea of it is considered disgusting, weird and wrong by society, which translates into a sense of "so wrong, yet so right" in the context of eroticism.
The problem is, porn manga authors (and porn creators across all mediums) don't seem remotely interested in creating any kind of atmosphere or feeling in their works. In 99.9% of incest-themed porn manga, it just starts off with some exposition stating two or more characters are related before jumping straight into a sequence of formulaic sex scenes. There's no feeling, no emotion, no sense of taboo; its just the same old porn I see everywhere else on exhentai prefixed with some low-effort expository context.

To give an example of what I consider incest done right, we have to step outside the porn realm and into the adult manga scene and look at a work called "Rika". The reason this manga works for me is because the author put in an effort to set everything up and created a believable dynamic between the two main characters. The older brother starts listing for his sister, but understands it's wrong and is dealing with internal conflict. The younger sister is naive and wants to "defeat" him by making him admit he's attracted to her, completely oblivious to the implications of an incestuous relationship. Great stuff? No. Better than the usual stuff on exhentai? Yeah, by several orders of magnitude in my opinion.

(continued in next post)
Another theme that appeals to me is infidelity. The rabbit role runs pretty deep here, but to clarify I am definitely not talking about cuck porn or any of those dime a dozen NTR porn manga where some girl gets corrupted by some old man or a dark skin dude.
I like the simple premise of sleeping around, or forgoing loyalty to a partner. One of the works I keep going back to for material is the School Days anime from 2007. Everyone remembers this show for its crazy ending, but for me it was the scenes of infidelity with the MC Makoto. Even though he's in a relationship with Sekai, he just haphazardly decides to have sex with the bully girl Otome (who is also his friend from middle school). Following that he also has sex with one of Sekai's best friends Hikari (twin tail hair girl) and even the rest of the bullies in a foursome (the shorter one also has a boyfriend she was cheating on). Being a TV anime, there wasn't one single instance of a sex scene; all the sexual conduct was implicit, and yet, I found it all exponentially more arousing than porn manga, because it all felt so wrong. Like, so many anime & manga MCs are written to be safe and good natured, then along comes this guy who starts having sex with all these girls like its nothing. I liked it so much I ended up 100% completing the School Days HQ and Shiny Days visual novels (which are basically like anime with choice events).
Another example I use is the White Album 1 anime. Again, the main character just kisses and has sex with girls while in a relationship like its nothing. Its a crap anime, but scenes like that hit the right notes for me.

Taking all this into account, assuming anyone here could be bothered to read, any recommendations? Based on personal experienced browsing sadpanda over a decade, I'm heavily inclined to believe there's virtually nothing there to satisfy my tastes.
I might be too retarded to know how to use these link
it's just one link, copy and paste in the browser
Have you consider reading visual novels instead? Your second post is literally about them. I'm similar to you, man, just not as... well, desperate? I rarely read stuffs on exhentai nowadays thanks to that. Other than that, consider taking a break from all the porn stuffs. Seriously.

If you're looking for visual novels, try to avoid one which is way too much of a nukige. Those usually are a miss and don't provide enough immersion.

Speaking of which, Doukyuusei 2 Remake has just been released not that long ago. I haven't played it, but the first was great. It's basically a nanpa game in which the protagonist goes around trying to pick up girls, instead of your usual visual novels. It might not suit your taste, but I really recommend it. It also has an English version, just in case you can't understand Japanese.
Don't know what you're rambling about. I barely read or watch porn to begin with because my tastes are too specific. I rarely ever come to this board and certainly do not have a porn addiction.

Visual novels are no good, precisely because they are not visual enough. Visual novels leave no room for composition, which is an essential ingredient to creating any kind of atmosphere.

I have bought and read Doukyuusei Banging Summer and I enjoyed it. It offers close to zero value as porn for me, I simply enjoyed it as a recreational read. I enjoyed the 1994 OVA adaptation for the same reason.
My bad, guess I severely misunderstood. I thought your problem is more about the lack of substance in porn, generally speaking. So it's more about the specific content within, rather than that. I misunderstood since what you seek needs significant enough substance to be good. Is that how it is?

Personally, I disagree with your statement. What makes things good are the stories they contain. While I understand that some people might have difficulty in enjoying literature pure of text, I think visual novels serve enough visual aspect to be good. The visual (and audio) is just meant to supplement the text-- the story that comes together with them. But then again, I guess it differs from person to person.

Glad you enjoyed Doukyuusei. I did recommend it not as porn. I still fail to see what you are looking for, though. So you want stuffs that cater to your interest (incest, infidelity, etc), but with porn?
If you could give us a description, then maybe someone here may be kind enough to find it for you. Or they may have made a copy of said image.
Is Kemono kill again?
It provides you with a magnet link. Paste that into your torrent client.
still works for me
What is magnet link
How do i paste
Am I being baited by zoomers
All importers except for discord are down currently (again...)
It's funny how you accuse others of "reddit spacing" when you're the one doing exactly what the original "reddit spacing" was claimed to be.
Can anyone get in animetracker.cc ?
but no updates for weeks except discord shit
Can someone enlighten this normalfag about using torrents?

Heck, Fewer and fewer people know about it, for better or worse.
It's funny that you retarded newfags don't understand the meme arrow
It's never for the better
>These are all lies.
[citations needed]
The burden of proof is on you, newfag
>n-no u!
yeah didn't think so
>Although you're a R*ddit typing retard, I'll tell you.
>>Does the same faggot who owns fakku own these?
>Irodori is a proxy of Fakku.
>Irodori is a rebrand of Enshodo which is a rebrand of Shikimaya, Phoenix Syndicate, Genesis Scanlations and so on.
>Why do they rebrand so much? Same as why everyone else does it. To whitewash their past.
>>Now are doujin always free or what exactly delineated them from h manga?
>What the fuck are you talking about?
>>Is there a specific artist in general that is dcma'ed out of here all the time?
>Yes, any artist who pays Fakku or their proxy (Irodori) to issue out copyright takedown notices on their behalf.
>Next time read the thread instead of spamming already answered questions, you retarded newfag.

Says the reddit spacing troon
You made the claims, you prove it, you fucking retard.

Are you having a stroke, you retarded newfag?
No, I didn't. You did.
>These are all lies.
Are they really? Again, [citation needed]
>no u

Kill yourself, you r*ddit typing retard.
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Where's the album of the vidya butt girl?
it's pretty crazy ao3 can host suggestive depictions of lolicon and lower and still retain a honorable reputation with no problem, meanwhile the only artform that gets critcism for it is that made in japan, doujinshi and manga. I suppose the biggest mistake the nips made is commercializing digital variants of their work (instead of just keeping it to local cons), these big american corportations don't feel the need to sink their competition until this politically incorrect media becomes a profitable industry that can rival them.
Currently generating 780x, 980x, 1280x, and 1600x archives. It will probably take two or more days to finish.

It also seems we're falling behind on the doujinshi. I want to fill in, but I don't want to risk myself anymore. If someone is interested in being a scapegoat, you can contact me at contact@schale.network, and I'll send the funds in crypto or whatever works best for you. If everything goes well, maybe we could work together, since uploading in the new system should be easier now that files uploaded by approved uploaders are automatically processed into galleries.

also lost my tripcode somewhere. Hopefully, this is the right one.
Why isn't there a "cock shock" tag?
There are so many opportunities for tags that just don't exist and I am guessing there must be a reason for this.
Looking forward to it. HentaiNexus has been a disappointed due to re-encoding files for no reason other than spite.

Why resizing pictures to those widths?
Tendon doesn't give a shit about making the website better unless he thinks it'll increase the profits
I'm holding onto about 12. I just don't buy from Fuckadori Cunts anymore. wait for them to come onto Fakku first.
Don't forget to make it scrape-friendly
(we'll try to scrape it anyways)
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It's censored?
>Kageshio AK-12 uncensored
>no hits found
I've found someone to scapegoat, so don't contact me.

I'm just copying E-Hentai. I've even managed to replicate their gallery management/gallery creation system, but I'm too lazy to write a proper front-end for it. This could prove useful if I decide to create an E-Hentai clone or expand the range of content in the future.

Understandable. I'll probably just focus on the bird once everything has returned to how it was.

I don't really mind your torrents, as the number of people who prefer torrents over using the site directly is quite small. In fact, you're doing me a favor since I'm just too lazy to make my own batch, and the anti-scraping measures were intended for third-party apps like Tachiyomi. Some people are particularly spiteful and unhappy about my existence, and my response might vary depending on their level of spitefulness. Don't blame me if I respond in kind to spitefulness and you find yourself caught in the crossfire, especially when dealing with an entitled individual affected by the Dunning-Kruger effect who fails to see the bigger picture.

It's a psychological operation carried out by shills of Fakku to motivate you into quitting. That scammer Ndbir aka Nayumi is one of them and he commands a legion of thousands of Weebs who will do anything he says. For example, when he falsely accused you of being a scammer in here, several posts falsely accusing you of the same thing on 4chan and other websites started getting spammed..
holi basedoli
will previous registered users carry over?
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It was a pic of the MCs of https://exhentai.org/g/1470945/a119afaeb8/ just smiling together, girl has her glasses and braids

I think he deleted it along with some sketches for chapter 2 because he might have abandoned the series. His Fanbox has sketches up to chapter 3 though, so in case they do come out, there's a tiny chance he might repost the drawing, but chapter 1 was in 2019 so that's all increasingly unlikely
Here's what I saved from his Twitter some time ago

>honorable reputation
AO3 actually gets a lot of heat for a non profit but they don't really bring much attention to issues that come up unless it will affect the users for more than an hour.
So tags aren't created by users? I can't make a cock shock tag?

They're proposed by users on Tendon's forum.

Then Tendon's lackeys decides if Tendon should add the tag which he almost never does for reasons like "it'll overburden the tag community" on the off chance his lackeys didn't reject the tag.
Interesting, I suppose I can check to see if there are any existing threads on this subject and if not I can propose one.
Anons, I got an old doujin that I want to scan and get it on panda, but I'm unsure if should I pick 300 dpi or 600 dpi for black & white one? What do you think.
which tool are you using for jxl and with which options?
Not in there but thanks anyway. There are only 4 images from 2019 there and it looks like he deleted older ones by June this year.
That was with "-d 3" with cjxl.exe from here https://github.com/libjxl/libjxl

I used ChatGPT to make a Powershell batch script that converts any PNG or JPG file in the specified directory, only keeps the JXL file and deletes the original file if the JXL file is smaller, preserves the original time and date, and works on a specified number of files simultaneously. If you want it, let me know.
Use 600 DPI.

Anybody have any tips on debinding tanks? I tried with some J18 books, but I always make a mess of the edges with glue.

It's done. The content remains the same, but some stuff such as newer accounts, favorites, and uploads, might be lost since I forgot to dump the database before pulling the plug. I'll wait a few days to see how things go before I start focusing on other tasks beyond simply ripping unlimited chapters. I won't reupload the stuff that were uploaded on nyaa because I want the original uploaders to have control over their uploads. Sooner or later, someone else will likely reupload them anyway.

I was planning to expand the range of content to also host licensed works and/or eng fantls of licensed works, but the browsing experience is so horrendous that I had to scrap the idea and will have to spend more time figuring out the best approach.

I'll do the usual redirection and stop coming here once things have been sorted out.
>to also host licensed works
to also host licensed raws
I love you. It pains my eyes whenever I visit nexus because of the lack of filter. Is it already up to date with all the previously uploaded stuffs?

Also, someone please enlighten my stupid ass where I can find J18 stuffs? Nyaa doesn't have everything.
Welcome back. Uploading 40+ missing Doujin/Books
Nexus does have a filter. The issue with Nexus is it re-encoding files.
Do accounts offer anything secret? Someone in here said they could see more shit when logged in. Please don't do Tendon-tier bullshit like this.
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This is nauseous to look at, so is the panel that moves on its own and is inside the gallery /g/ page.
wondering if anyone knows this doujin at the top of their head,
it's a bit older and I remember seeing it on ex and fakku and I hope it isn't an exclusive that was taken off sadpanda when they purged/
It was about a two members of a chess club playing strip chess that ends with sex. I dont have much else on that, but seems to be a rare story type that I cant even search up.
>Is it already up to date with all the previously uploaded stuffs?
Only the unlimited stuff.

Very much appreciated. I forgot to test the uploads on live production though, so I don't know if it works. And the upload process still works the same way, but now you have more control over editing the metadata. If you don't want to bother with it, you can just leave it be, and I can handle the rest.

No. Used to hide loli and petite, but that was due to an issue with the host. Also used to give fewer captchas to logged-in users, but now that it's totally gone, there's really no point in having an account anymore besides for favorites.

I can't blame you. Honestly, I don't like the current design and plan to redo it all over again once I have the time.
r*ddit typer
Welcome back, Koushoku v4.

> No. Used to hide loli and petite, but that was due to an issue with the host

I thought it was a problem with the advertiser. They don't like sensitive tags.
Please keep the experience ad-free. Or at least don't be pop-up ads.
I hope the site lives long, I don't like the prospect of Koushoku v5 happening.
>yap yap yap
Peak of mount stupid right there. A good sign for me to leave for good until the next happening™
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fucking chinks/koreans uploading their shit but not the raw
Does anyone have a program that can fix the file names of Fakku shit? Broken file names being anything that isn't the page number
>basic search button features
You know you can set an uploader and tag filter to get rid of most of the garbage, or rely on the rating system to get fed hunter x hunter gay piss comics. I'll just keep following my various tags that get filled with improperly flagged color edits in chinese every few weeks.
oh, found it. it was
>[Morino Kasumi] Check Mating (COMIC Kairakuten BEAST 2014-09) [English] [Amaimono]
for anyone interested. but it doesn't seem to be on sad panda. must have been taken down at some point.
downloading files doesn't work on Firefox (129.0)
Is "recently posted" the same as "date published"?
Yes. It's the date when the gallery was created.
I'm beginning to go schizo over this.
>make new account
>wait week
>no panda
>clear cookies a dozen times
>do this on a different device with a different IP
Technically, nothing should be the issue. Is it just something where I have to be manually approved, and still haven't been? I'm confused here, but I'm certain that it can't be on my side. I just want to read, then fap. It's gotten to the point that I'm wondering if new accounts will never get to ex.
Would there be any potential alternatives to help me in my quest? I want the panda specifically because I like the plots that artists put blue archive characters in, as they're typically funny.
I am sorry I'm retarded.

>Technically, nothing should be the issue

Technically you connected to Exhentai with a banned IP address, banned browser fingerprint, etc

>Is it just something where I have to be manually approved,


>I am sorry I'm retarded

That is obvious from the r*d**t typing
It's not. There are tons of new shit being listed between older galleries.
What's the difference between "[Hyocorou] Melty Gaze" on Anchira and sukebei.nyaa.si?
That... Makes sense. So it's just waiting and grating nord's balls. I'm going to cry because I was called a r*dd*t*t typist.
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nevermind, I had to allow popups for some reason
Oh hey, you're right. I didn't notice earlier as I had only checked until the latest unlimited chapter they had before the site went down. Dang.
When selecting Original for Archive Download, can you add an option to keep the original file name?
The reason is that it is one way of distinguishing whether the product was purchased from Irodori or FAKKU.
I appreciate his work but what drives rndsneed forward? Is causing jewcob rectal pain this much of a gratification?
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There’s no nhentai related thread so asking here.
Now that nhentai.net had their huge purge, is this possible scam offshoot site nhentai.to a decent place to find works nhentai used to have?
Example artist, Bose, had EN translations on exhentai, they got removed thanks to fakku, but they were on nhentai.net. Then those were removed but now nhentai.to has them.

Wondering if using .to is a good alternative or if that site has some fuckery going on in the background
If you find something you like on other public websites through google, just keep it to yourself, because they might get purged too.
>Fakku doesn't know about websites until they're posted on 4chan

Why not use exhentai?
You're equally as retarded as the reddit typer.
Does any one else get a "Fakku is having problems" page trying to access their rss?

nvm it's back
Fanbox content has to be censored just like regular pixiv, retardbro.
Can't you kill yourself instead of always reminding us that you're a Fakku shill?
Why F tankoubons stopped have specific torrents?
Why don't you do it yourself instead of complaining that nobody is doing it for you?
more proof that the viet scammer ndbir/nayumi is a fakku shill has appeared, nyaa.si is banning anyone who mentions it
Maybe if someone did something about Ndbir and any other Fakku shill to make it harder for Fakku to detect accounts leaking their shit, Rndseed wouldn't have to find a new volunteer every month. Just my 2 cents, of course.
Hey ys4401s, ONLY YOU got banned for being a belligerent retard spamming comments in torrents with FREE SHIT. What is you contribution to leaking fakku/irodori stuff? All you've done so far is bitching, moaning, coping, seething and dilating about some digital boogeyman, while the subject of your impotent rage has been uploading gigabytes of free shit for anyone to grab for free.

Kill yourself at earliest convenience, tranny, but make it so nobody finds your worthless corpse.
The cartel is Fakku, so it's not surprising to see nyaa.si banning people who expose Fakku shills.

When nyaa.si was only a few minutes old, Fakku formally promoted it by encouraging people to use it and helping with the cartel's hypocritical smear campaign against the owner of an alternative of NyaaTorrents because it had more traffic than nyaa.si.

One might wonder why Fakku says copying files "without permission" is an absolute evil but promotes nyaa.si. Obviously, it's because Fakku doesn't believe in their own lies since they're living proof that infringing on other people's property generates money.

But the real answer is the owner of nyaa.si who is famous on /f/ for injecting malware into flash files and doxxing people. Makes sense why Fakku would support her.

nyaa.si will also only give the "trust" role to Fakku shills. Take rbot2000 as an example who delays uploads by years and tells you to financially support Fakku.
> spamming dozens of comments with the same content
> think you won't get banned for spam
> got banned for spam
> crying

I mean, even if your comment was a compliment to me, you'd still be banned lol.
Goddamn would you look at that. Ndbir found "her"self a lackey who is less ESL than "her"self.

Apparently begging for money, running ads and deceiving people by stealing credits because you've never bought and shared anything is contributing.


Funny coming from someone who pretends to be an underage girl and shills for a company that acts chummy with /lgbt/.
Who are you quoting, you subhuman? And why are you pretending every single.thing you do isn't spam?
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That's the resident schizo you replied to. Ndbir posting immediately after him is a tale as old as time. Longest time I've seen Nbdir wait without samefagging is pic related.
You can mention it all you want, just don't spam 50 comments of the same exact thing one after another dumbass. Any site would ban you for spamming like that, even this place. They even left the most recent comment of your manifesto up at item 4142551 rather than delete it all.

It's funny to see this asshat theory is still doing the rounds, but if it were true why is it you can upload whatever fakku or irodori crap you want?
Yes the account itself is hard to get, but that isn't some magic fakku conspiracy it is just hard to get for anyone at all, even for anime or whatever innocent crap so don't try to spin that into something.
If you have an account or know someone who does upload any Fakku/Irodori content you want because they don't care about it and never have, if you even upload at all instead of complaining.
>steals credits from contributors
>spams shitty torrents to advertise my scam more
>spams shitty torrents to pretend to be a contributor because the general public doesn't know me
>spams shitty torrents to remove active torrents because nyaa.si will only show the 1000 recently uploaded torrents
>spams shitty torrents to obscure good torrents
>complain about spam

I mean you, the retards who gets scammed by you and the troon gang aka the cartel need to face the wall lol.
>Wahhhh what do you mean nazis hated jews? There are literally tens of thousands of jews fighting for nazis.
>Wahhhhh what do you mean blacks and kkk members hated each other? The imperial wizard and grand dragon has a black friend
>Wahhhh I'm the only one who should be allowed to spam and no one should be allowed to complain about that

You think you're so clever, you fucking redditor
Any good recs for stories where the sleazy manager takes advantage of a worker?
Ro_G's Ecclesia work right now is pretty amazing despite being a WIP and want something similar.
You need to go the nearest mental asylum instead of being a shill for Fakku. You spammed 50 shitty torrents. You're literally the only spammer. There were 3 harmless comments. You fucking retard.

Any site that isn't run by retards like yourself would've banned you straight away because literally the only thing you do is bring pollution.

What's really funny is that you think anyone is going to dismiss a fact if you screech that it's a theory. Feels good knowing it makes you afraid.
Don't have anything to recommend, but isn't there that one artist which works keep getting deleted for some reason? It's not because of some kind of fakku shit, if I recall. One work is about a manager taking advantage of a housewife that's working there. Another one about neighbor.
Any incentive to upload translated works if they'll be DMCA'd? Is there another alternative to upload at?
You can upload it to Exhentai and let someone re-upload it to Chaika and Gipaf to add it to the DMCA spreadsheet and maybe include it in a torrent if no one re-uploaded it to Chaika. Or you can upload it directly to Chaika but then there won't be any tags.
Your work will still end up in chaika and mirror sites. Depending on whose work you translate, it might end up getting buried for good if it's from an obscure artist. I say go ahead though if Fakku doesn't translate that artist's works other than the initial few. Fuck Fakku. Desperate people who are way too lazy to learn Japanese will still look for your fanTL, anon.
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Make sure to go out with a banger to cause Fakku and their shills to seethe more.
translate chapters from magazines other than these: Bavel, Dascomi, any Kairakuten (Ise, Shitsu, Weekly) (all Fakku)
Those magazines aren't the only ones paying Fakku
I don't know if my memory is bad or what but is the amount of actual english translations way way lower than like 7-10 years ago?
To the guy running the new anchira, love the new clever name (death penalty lol) but try to disable the newer doujin names from appearing in google search unless you are purposely letting them to get indexed.

>Most veteran TL/TS retire or gone pro
>Some stayed on but only for commission basis
>Fewer do it for passion if the work interest them
>The remains either get forgotten or awful MTL
Also this might discourage >>8100499
Fakku also deletes stuff from solo artists
a few months ago I watched thousands of pictures without problems, now I get a message about the limit being exceeded after 50 pictures, how can I fix this?

Contrary to what you've been told by Exhentai's translators (who never translate for free and always nitpick what should be translated) and by leechers who constitute 99.9% of the Exhentai's userbase, most translations on Exhentai exist because coomers paid for those.

Exhentai's translators who never translate for free invented the hoax "machine translation reduces the chance of a translation" because they don't want to admit they're getting paid to translate and it encourages leechers to attack coomers (which doesn't stop coomers from getting scammed, lmao).

Coomers don't speak Japanese, so they don't know if they're being scammed with machine translations. Even if you tell them, they won't care. The coomer is only concerned with masturbating while reading words in a language that they can read in.

Spam your scam by using machine translation and LARPing as a contributor/translator on the internet, and coomers will beg you to accept their money.

There are also coomers who can use machine translation. As shocking as it may sound, you can literally train monkeys to defecate into the toilet and then flush it. Why should a coomer pay for a translator when they can press one button to spit out some words for free?

You've also got Fakku who's since 2014 been either harassing translators or offering translators to work for them.
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>Any English translation not tagged with rough translation is an actual English translation


Here are some more fun little facts

NyaaTorrents was killed by the cartel

NyaaTorrents averaged many times more downloads than nyaa.si

Unlike on nyaa.si, you didn't need to waste your time and dox yoursslf to create an account on NyaaTorrents
nyaa si account registration is still dead and has been dead for years
The same reason there are less pirated games than ever, most millennials and boomers retiring because they got bored or found other stuff and zoomers are too retarded to take over.
It isn't dead. You join their IRC and wait for them to reply to you because they want to pretend they're not terminally online which is the same as you wasting your time, then you're forced to dox yourself for them because they won't let you register an account if they know you're hiding your IP address.
question; is there any way to get fakku content on mobile without downloading it? like some tachiyomi lib or an alternative to something like the old hentai cafe?

mihon/tachiyomi + repo https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keiyoushi/extensions/repo/index.min.json

hentainexus, spyfakku or wait for koharu extension https://github.com/keiyoushi/extensions-source/pull/3981
wew. much appreciated, godspeed.
So does anyone know how come certain galleries get expunged as duplicates, with the link to said duplicate being innaccessible even on ex?
Is there an even deeper layer to ex I'm not aware of? (not speaking of galleries that clearly state having been removed for copyright)
we're not good at mind reading, post the gallery
I'm talking in general, but here if you want more specific examples: https://exhentai.org/g/2876135/c84d956af6/?act=expunge / https://exhentai.org/g/2808435/05cc2ca3c1/?act=expunge
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First, you need to learn English by not R*ddit typing

The answer to your question is yes. Some people are more privileged than others

Banned IP addresses will have many less available galleries

Banned accounts will have many less available galleries

Tendon's lackeys have access to unavailable galleries
those are just copyright removals though
"Tendon's lackeys have access to unavailable galleries"
Figured it was something like that, but the fact that the guy who started the expunge on the second gallery only had +15 made be doubt.

I meant as opposed to a gallery like this https://exhentai.org/g/2960697/fa6c2a387f/ that clearly state that it was removed for copyright claim, though I guess it's the same thing at the end of the day.
I thought that for people to be able to use them as a reason to expunge duplicates, there must be a way to access them somehow. But I guess you just have to be privileged.
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Can I get sued for uploading something without permission on the panda? Like, harm can't actually come to me through my account there can it?

Sorry for the retarded gay question
Your question isn't retarded. Tendon is a compulsive liar and he's been exposed for working with Fakku under a new name and he's given Fakku a special account that lets Fakku remove any gallery and put ads anywhere on the page, so yes he would sell you out to the highest bidder.

Moderation power on Exhentai has nothing to do with someone being a lackey or able to access unavailable galleries
It's less likely than getting hit twice by lightning in the same day, but it is technically or rather legally possible.
Also forgot to mention that it's extremely unlikely that Fakku would pay Tendon to hand over your information because of how greedy Jacob is
I know, I just mean that someone with "low" MP is less likely to be one of those.

Then you don't know.
ffs you really like to argue on the smallest details, huh?
Ok, if it makes you sleep better at night, I don't know. Happy?
Whatever your next response is, I'm done wasting my time.

Learn English, you retarded newfag
>Tendon is a compulsive liar and he's been exposed for working with Fakku under a new name

What's the new name he's working under? How did he get exposed? Where can I read the details?
Is the ccdc06 13-14k torrent incomplete? 'cause by chance i noticed that kakao's love lariat (#13994) isn' there (nor in the 14k+ one) so i was wondering if more were missing
Yes, it's literally spam to advertise the scam of the Fakku shill Ndbir/Nayumi.

He re-uploads the same torrents and makes separate torrents for every file.
Is the site down? I can't seem to open it.
just you
The goal of my torrents is to mirror exactly what's visible in the source sites (currently Nexus and Koharu), excluding the duplicates between them.
If something is removed from the source site, I'll upload a new version of the corresponding torrent adding/removing whatever was changed in the source.
I update my torrents every two weeks. If that is spam for you, so is any form of version control (why use git? just go projectV1.zip, projectV2.zip, projectV2.2fork (copy).zip).

About the discord server, Everything you said is already explained in the FAQ and your complaint will be forwarded to the responsible sector. Also fuck you paranoid leecher.

"Love Lariat" is one of the galleries that were already downloaded from Nexus (it's in /view/4143332 on nyaa).
You can find a list of everything I have released here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ccdc06/metadata/master/indexes/list.csv

Now that I'm talking about release format, since I'm having a hard time keeping track of such duplicates, my next release will remove everything that's duplicate from the Nexus releases in favor of the Koharu version. The nexus releases will contain only files that are exclusively there.

Also I'm thinking about releasing everything as only two big torrents (yay, less scam spam), one for nexus and one for koharu/anchira.
The folder structure would stay the same (one folder for every 1k ids) because both windows and linux suck at dealing with folders with too many files.
The bi-weekly "delete old, release new" schedule would stay the same too.
Nothing is set on stone yet. My biggest concerns about this format is that big torrents could scare away potential seeders, but this is just a theory.
the second quote was supposed to be for 8104557, mb
>Everything you said is already explained in the FAQ

Lol, your excuse that you don't want to create your own Discord channel doesn't mean you're not advertising his scam. I like how you're becoming more idiotic as you advertise his scam. Something about pretending to be an idiot or being surrounded by idiots makes you into an idiot.

>Also fuck you paranoid leecher.

Lmao, the scammer you're advertising for regularly deletes messages when his paranoia kicks in, has never bought and shared anything (regardless of statements suggesting otherwise), tricks gullible people into getting banned by Fakku, and profits off the generosity of people. It wouldn't surprise me if there are logs of him and Fakku colluding with each other to discourage uploaders.

I personally know two guys who stopped sharing what they're buying, partially because of your scammer friend. The other reason is because of the MTL spam. Their main concern is the spinelessness in the community for giving you free reign.
Wow, this seems like a big problem.
For you, yes. Otherwise you would've not spent over a year begging and tricking people to destroy Anchira when Anchira was watermarking and downsizing every image.
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Those were good times. Anchira should do it again. Do it long enough and with an ultimatum this time. Maybe the community will grow a spine so we can finally move away from nyaa.si which is a website controlled by Fakku and not deal with scammers who help Fakku by discouraging contributors.
It's funny when a leecher calls someone else a leecher. Lil bro thinks he's done something important just because he's sharing torrents with content shared by others. How about making a real contribution, like buying and sharing stuff? Of course a leecher like you would never do that because you think you should get everything for free while someone else spends real money just so your leeching ass can get one hentai.
This ccdc guy sounds like a newfag. He's probably a tourist and wasn't here when this happened.
ys4401s being mad bc he got banned from nyaa.si for yapping. if you search his name you will see that he doesn't post any torrents but all his comments are criticism of other people/other people's torrents. typical of the subhuman hired by jewcob to divide the pirate community who against Fakku.
now lil bro keeps commenting how nyaa is dead and accusing everyone who posts torrents on nyaa as fakku shill/someone scam.
lil bro is so easy to recognize, because of his retarded writing style, and also because the media he used to accuse others has been reposted thousands of times by him.
it's time to let fakku's 50 cent army edit new videos/pictures instead of reusing the old stuff over and over again, it only fools newfag, anyone smart enough will only see you as a psychopath gets paid 50 cents by Fakku for every hate comment directed at people who are doing the work of helping the Hentai Pirate community against Fakku, Jewcob & his 50 cent army.

kys ys4401s
Not even him, lmao schizo. Still, it doesn't change the fact that neither of you ever bought anything and yet like to talk big as if you've done something that actually matters. How about you spend a second looking at yourself in the mirror and think: what have you done that actually matters in these past couple of years? The answer is obviously: NOTHING.
> talking about ys4401s

some 4tard user:
> Not even him, lmao schizo.

mega kekw
btw, If I hadn't done anything, I wouldn't have gotten this much attention XD
>this much attention
If getting an attention from one-two people is that much of a big deal for you then lol lmao even. Describe what you have done for this community in the past couple of years, apart from stealing credits, being an attentionwhore and shilling your discord circle jerk on 4chan, reddit, github, nyaa and facebook.
I could have sworn it was 81,000 results yesterday.

(I filter female:NTR, nose hook, and scat.)
>he got banned from nyaa.si for yapping [exposing my scam]

One good reason why nyaa.si should be burned to the ground for being run by Fakku.

>if you search his name you will see that he doesn't post any torrents

Not many uploaders reveal who they are. Even your buddy CCDC06 who helps with your scam is keeping his name hidden and you refuse to reveal which account you're uploading torrents from.

My bad, I forgot everyone except for you and your lackeys are subhuman so your rules don't apply to yourself.

>accusing everyone who posts torrents on nyaa as fakku shill/someone scam.

You're not everyone and you're indeed a Fakku shill and a scammer because of what you do. No accusations are being thrown, just harmless reminders.

>lil bro is so easy to recognize, because of his retarded writing style

You learned this phrase because of people saying this about you for years (and unlike you, they're not).

>and also because the media he used to accuse others has been reposted thousands of times by him.

I've posted it a few times too. What are you going to do about it?

>edit new videos/pictures instead of reusing the old stuff over and over again

Nothing suspicious at all that it took you years to start pretending those screenshots of your deleted and hidden posts are fake.

It's so surprising that you hide on Discord, not because nothing on it can be detected by archive.is or archive.org. Oh wait.

>it only fools newfag

Correct. Your scam only works on newfags because they don't know who you are.

>anyone smart enough will only see you as a psychopath

Says the Fakku shill who scams people, insults your paypigs by calling them toxic, LARPs as a contributor by stealing credit from actual contributors, and appears every time when Koushoku/Anchira/Koharu is mentioned.

>directed at people who are doing the work of helping the Hentai Pirate community against Fakku

Took you long enough to LARP as a contributor.
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>it only fools newfag
What do you guys think about this? https://koharu.to/wanted-galleries
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Like clockwork, the scammer is freaking out that somebody made a post saying Anchira should watermark and downsize images again. This is because it causes Ndbir to scam less people because he doesn't have the original files.

Last time Anchira did that, Ndbir told the resident schizo and the thousands of pieces of turds in his Discord channel to spam the internet that Anchira is a scammer, lmao.
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Very nice but you should still fuck with the images until Ndbir's head explodes. I'll even pay you through Monero the original amount and one dollar extra. It's time to let the newfags grow some spine and learn what "you reap what you sow"
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>I'm making a contribution by downloading what other people share and lying to the simpletons it was bought by me
I'm not the owner. It's a good way to incentivize more people to share, but I wonder if the whales even care about e-hentai credits
A lot of uploads on Exhentai only exist because of the bounty system
Thanks for the clarification, i was in fact wondering about duplicates between the two releases, i was about to decide to just ignore hnexus so i wouldn't have to cross-reference dupes even if it meant losing some titles, but if your releases are gonna have only exclusives it's gonna be great help, can't thank you enough
And yeah, big torrents are indeed scary, so scary that when i saw the 1-17k hnexus i just "noped" without even noticing the size and that it didnt actually contain 17k titles but just exclusives lol
>still no answer to this
I thought so. People dont realize that they're a leech until someone points it out. This one is a special case because it lacks self-awareness.
Trannysisters, let's all withdraw to our discord safe space!
>Even your buddy CCDC06 who helps with your scam is keeping his name hidden and you refuse to reveal which account you're uploading torrents from.
I'm using a borrowed nyaa account to upload and the owner asked me to always set the anonymous flag.
Why you want to identify me anyways? I'm not even trying to hide...

>Lil bro thinks he's done something important just because he's sharing torrents with content shared by others.
Yet they all of them have at least 30 seeds. Yell at the numbers.
I'm just sharing what I was already doing to manage my own archive.
>lil bro thinks the number of seeders equals money spent on buying doujinshi
>still missing the point of my message
Lil bro aint cooking anymore, or rather, you never cooked. Cringe discord little kids
Notice how he outed himself as the vietscum's lackey only after anchira was dead
I don't even know why I'm wasting my time answering all this bs... If discord is too modern for you, do things the old fashioned way and send your complaints to my email.

I think I'll start by merging only Nexus releases. The id ranges in the titles won't make sense anymore so I'll remove them too. ty for the feedback
Can't handle the truth huh? It's only bullshit to you because you lack self-awareness or have a negative room temperature iq to grasp the point. Keep larping as a contributor while someone else spends real money just so your leeching as can shill your discord circle jerk.
Keep up your good work of mumbling. It's very useful for the community.
>It's only bullshit to you because you lack self-awareness or have a negative room temperature iq to grasp the point
Another reason is because he is an ESL
Oh, I certainly will. I could simply screenshot my folder full of irodori pdfs to refute you, but I refrain from doing so because I pity you. You're at an age where you're trying to make a name for yourself, also known as the attentionwhore phase. You'll get bored after 1-2 years, and another attentionwhore will come up and replace you.
I'll explain it since people here are too retarded to understand what he's trying to say. He's saying that batch torrents or any reuploads make no difference and contribute nothing to the grand scheme of things because the amount of stuff leaked from fakku and irodori remains the same. Buying and sharing content from fakku or irodori is what really matters and counts as a real contribution.
>be jealous of my porn folder
hmm, dunno about that, i think it does matter how many people the stuff gets shared to and not just how much stuff is shared, at least in terms of wanting to hurt the business i guess
batch torrents and reuploads can help in reaching a wider audience which i think does affect the "grand scheme of things"
That's not what I'm trying to say at all, but you do have a good point. People can say they care about sharing all they want, but talk is easier than actually doing it. This guy and chingchong in particular use this narrative just to take the high ground and make other people think that they've actually done something that matters when in reality all they're doing is, as you've described, contributing nothing to the grand scheme of things. What's actually making it worse is that they have to be attentionwhores about it and constantly shill their discord circlejerk. I wouldn't mind if they remained anonymous, but no they just have to attach a name, put a tripcode, act like he's a big shot and call others leeches when he's the biggest leech here.
>reaching a wider audience
ok retard
Buying and sharing files is an important (and probably the most important) step in the process, otherwise there's nothing to organize. No one is denying that.
At the same time, there is demand for aggregation, standardization and management of metadata. That's what both official and pirate services do.

For example, I started by downloading the rbot2000 files. Then I started making my torrents because I thought it failed on two points:
- was not updated frequently
- There was no metadata
I'm not trying to "make a name for myself" as he accused me of. I just want to publish things in a way I would like to use (ad-free, self-hosted, searchable, update-able).

I live in a third world country where a 15USD subscription costs 6% of the minimum wage. Don't waste your time trying to humiliate me. I have more experience with humiliation than you. You're barely scratching me.
>not trying to "make a name for myself"
>I just want to publish things in a way I would like to use
By sharing your torrents and putting your name in them and constantly shill your discord circlejerk? You're not making any sense anymore you retarded attentionwhore, nice attempt at damage control though
>I wouldn't mind if they remained anonymous, but no they just have to attach a name, put a tripcode, act like he's a big shot and call others leeches when he's the biggest leech here.
This. imo it's not appropriate to shill anything if he has never bought anything himself. That's the least he can for the people who actually paid for and shared things.
- If I wanted to get famous from this, I would use my main "identity" instead this one I created just for this, by picking the RGB value from my pfp.
- If the tripcode is bothering you, I can stop using it. idc at all.
- The nyaa account I'm using isn't mine. The owner told me to upload then with the anonymous flag.
- The "name" in my torrents is there just to make my releases searchable. Uploading them with a named account would have the same effect.
The server is just a meeting point. There's where the few people who contribute to what I'm doing are.
Other than that, you won't see my name anywhere. No watermarks, no credits anywhere.
lol you're advertising ndbir's scam. all you need to do is stop that, stop splitting your torrents and stop updating them that often
Respect has never been in the dictionary of this esl

>There's where the few people who contribute to what I'm doing are.

What the fuck does contribute mean to you?
Reporting of duplicates and wrong tags, creation of tools like scripts for self-hosted manga reader apps, development-related shit, stuff like that.
What they mean by you attention whoring is you advertising Ndbir's Discord wherein he scams people by lying that he's buying and sharing them and need people to send money to "buy more"

Really? Last time I checked he was begging for money, Fakku accounts and for someone to teach him how to use Lanraragi
the division is bothering me too. not because it could be seen as spam but because it's hard to manage. I plan to do something about this in the coming weeks, but I'm still thinking about the best format.

There's nothing I can do about frequent updates. Two weeks seems to be a reasonable frequency tho.

I even moved the server URL from the torrents to an external FAQ page but it looks like I'll have to push a virgin into a volcano to please you (I'm not going to do that, though)

He's not the only person there.
BTW 4chan itself is also begging for your money in exchange for useless features, yet you are here because you are smart enough to ignore it.
I guess I'm going to stop sharing what I bought. I'm not wasting my money just so other people can promote their discord safe space. This idiot is too unintelligent to understand what people have been saying unless it's explained to them. It's to be expected from someone who has to stoop so low just to get some 'feedback'.
Pirate sites aren't for kids who don't know they shouldn't send money to strangers or click penis enlargement ads
New site doesn't have a way to easily sort or search only magazine chapters apart from doujinshi, unlike sadpanda with its manga and doujinshi category buttons
I guess I'm going to stop sharing what I bought because I want to share the stuff I bought with everyone, but the idiots on 4chan are arguing about which site stole it from where, while I just post it in the most convenient places.
You need to select what you want from the category dropdown menu. It's not the most intuitive thing but it's still there.
Shoot the man an email if it bothers you too much.
Your work is appreciated! Building a self hosted archive, and lack of metadata and standardization was always an issue when not on exhentai. Keep up the great work and others will contribute more! Started buying and contributing myself after seeing your efforts

Don't like ndbir either, but you are insane. Like shit, calm the fuck down you attention craving faggot. What do you want, not getting the new releases in the torrents or what?? Learn how a RSS feed works looser
You're not making any sense you larping retard
Scraping from a site, which anyone can do with a downloader like HDoujin Downloader, is an effort now? You guys are too funny it makes me wonder if you came here from discord just to defend your little buddy

>started buying
Do it then, no balls. There are more than 60 missing fakku/irodori doujinshi, how about some help there? But just like all the others, you're just saying the most convenient shit to defend your little hero. Only bark, no bite, and zero action.
If scraping a site were enough to make people contribute and buy, we wouldn't be missing this much doujins
Have some patience and give the anon one day to make sure he isn't making shit out of his ass
Anyone that wants to download shit you've bought+uploaded should state their intentions and ask for your approval first.
Chill, anon. It's just piracy. You're not saving kids from a burning orphanage.
Do you even read the whole thread? Nobody is arguing that you can't just steal shit. It's what you do with it that matters, like shilling your discord circle jerk you retarded bootlicker
I will never understand how to access this website.
I have an account, I waited for several months (yes), but when I log in all I can see is a white screen.
I even tried the add-on but nothing is working...
I'm using brave
Piracy and porn have always been used as bait for scam and fraud, even years before you set foot on the internet.
It was never a big issue.
It's not an issue at all.
>shilling your discord circlejerk and pretending that you are the one who bought it
Fixed that for you
It's not an issue for a leecher like you who only consumes, and they exist because people like you keep endorsing their actions and giving them the attention they want by joining and shilling their discord instead of staying away from it.
>they exist because people like you keep endorsing their actions
No, they exist because piracy and porn can attract unaware suckers and the suckers' money is there for the taking.
Almost every public hub for piracy has been like this.

You're just wasting your time complaining about what people do with public pirate stuff.
Retard, a cult would never have existed without followers. The vietscum wouldn't be here with his lackeys shilling the discord all over social media platforms like Reddit, X (formerly Twitter), and Facebook if nobody had joined his Discord. They exist because there are always people like you who don't know better and don't know how to find a better place. As for this poor ccdc guy seeking feedback, he had to stoop so low as to join the scam server when he could have simply joined MangaDex's or Tachiyomi's server and gone to their devs channel to speak with people who actually know their stuff.
>public pirate stuff
And this is why I dont share what I buy, I prefer to keep things to myself. Keep begging, poorfags.
>been in the scam server for months
>still didn't got scammed
did I get scammed by not getting scammed in a scam server?
nayumi, give me back the money you haven't stolen from me yet...

It's not piracy if you buy it and don't share it, silly. It's called "buying it".
Look, there's the Discord bootlicker. Next, you're gonna say he never stole anything, never asked for donations, and didn't spend two years attacking his archenemy koushoku. Then the other schizo shows up to post his screenshot folder, and you reply with 'stop posting the same screenshot over and over again' and ignoring the whole fact, or the Vietscum shows up saying useless stuff and contributing nothing to the conversation.
stop being so funny my stomach can't handle it anymore
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(tripcode for fun)
wait, is this "contributing to the conversation" still a thing?
I mean, anon just said he's trying to save piracy by not pirating stuff.

<- new nayumi lore just dropped btw
God, I love this general. It's a magical garden of paranoid schizophrenia. Have we found any websites on the Internet that aren't owned by Fakku? Is Google still safe?
too based
And, of course, his lackey put his tripcode back on because I struck a nerve. Who would've thought? Imagine my shock.
They're being completely baited by a viet troll with above-average tech knowledge.
I wouldn't be surprised if they believed this and non-ironically added this image to their "Viet Dossier".
Nobody cares about your screenshot btw. I had to tell you because you seem to think people here care about your inside discord jokes, which aren't funny at all.

>above average
lol, lmao even.
i'm sowwy okay?
everything you guys said is correct. please put all my crimes in one comment and i will pin it in the most prominent place in my scam discord server. I will look at it and regret it for the rest of my life and kill myself after looking at it 1000 times.
please don't fight, I admit I'm a notorious viet's scammer.
*insert anime girl crying sound effect here
*insert dark sad anime girl crying picture here
Talk about the devil. And just like that, the vietscum emerged from his cave to save face. You discord kids are too predictable. Now we just need this other schizo to complete the bingo.
fuck ndbir/nayumi and "her" lackey and their scams (btw I have never been scammed by them, but these are screenshots/videos I have reposted 1000 times but no one has verified their authenticity, there's even a screenshot of a private message between ndbir/nayumi and jacob (don't ask why I have it))
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>nobody cares about discord screenshots
>99% of his opinions are based on discord screenshots
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i'm sowwy :(
you were right, I was wrong. I'm so bad that I scammed everyone *started pretending to cry to get everyone's sympathy
But everyone makes mistakes, right? I promise I won't repeat it (btw I don't keep promises)
you are the king who enlightens humanity, please continue to attack ndbir/nayumi and "her" lackey. fuck them.
Oh hey, dont mistake me with your archenemy, the schizo who always spams the screenshots. I, for one, dont give a fuck about them because the jokes are too cringe and juveline for my taste. And you forgot your trip, retard.

nuh uh, don't say that
it's normal for people to believe bullshit lore about me based on discord screenshot. But when someone posts a discord screenshot that doesn't support their offensive stance, just say:
> Nobody cares about your screenshot btw.

That's how 4tard works.

so why you hate me so much lol? it's okay. sometimes people hate each other just because they want to.
And just like that, he's on a schizo posting spree to save his own face. Too easy.
5th anniversary soon

save who face? I'm fucking scammer, I'm just ashamed of myself *insert sad dramatic music here
Keep lying that you did nothing, you're literally dancing in my hands and acting like I predicted on
>He's not the only person there.


>BTW 4chan itself is also begging for your money in exchange for useless features

How is this the same as your friend scamming people?
Got a link to the screenshots? Newfag here.
Surely I wouldn't find living proof of this scammer attacking Koushoku for two years... h-haha... that's probably what you want me to think lol

>8 aug 20222
Grim, just so fucking grim.

on the 5th anniversary of having anti-fan, I will give each of my anti-fans $500 (from the $10 million I scammed).
actually, having anti-fans is very entertaining, because you feel like you are important to them and a bit "famous". at least no one hides in my closet and watches me while I sleep.


bro, I'm a scammer. I admit it. Why do you say that I pretend that I did nothing? Are you retarded?
>i didn't even bother with this trash thread until someone asked me "your name is ndbir? i saw it on 4chan" lol
this is truly a place of retarded trash

Half a decade later and he's still here begging for money lmao
> Got a link to the screenshots? Newfag here.

full album of ndbir/nayumi's hater starter pack here:
Those aren't his only posts. He is an obvious samefag. He's posted here before he made his Reddit forum in 2021.
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Thanks. You are really an abomination.
you're right but it's already more than enough for proof. I hate that this retard doesn't show himself with a trip until he's cornered
> https://github.com/ndbiaw/donate-hvnc

it's actually a website that says I don't accept donations kek (before that I received donations in my discord server, not gonna lie, but the amount is not like you think (approximately $10 million))
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>Please give me your accounts and personal info so Fakku can easier ban you
>nu uh, i did nothing
Next time use archive.is to archive his posted torrents instead of just screenshotting them
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>the simpletons are starting to realize I'm a scammer because I'm not buying and sharing anything and I ban anyone who asks for receipt
>hmm what do I do
>oh I will ask reddit to help me get into a private tracker where there's more Fakku shit and give those to my simpletons and pretend I bought and shared them
yep it's better for validity and authenticity
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>REEEEEE i need a positive ratio on the private tracker to download more
>oh I'll just upscale Fakku subscription chapters to x3200 if they're selling them in that size on Fakku store
Kek what a cancer
Feel I'm a big star, every time I show up on sadpanda thread, all paparazzi go crazy bc of me :P

See you at this time tomorrow, I've had enough entertainment for now, I hope yall will prepare more things to criticize me.
(note: If you criticize me, please add nayumi/ndbir to the comment, otherwise I might miss some comments when I comeback)
That owner removes anything related to porn or torrents
Uh oh, we've been cornered and don't have any arguments. Discordtrannysisters, let's all withdraw to our safe space for now!
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>Pls gib moni
>Me contributor
>asks for proofs
>nu uh they're fake
>posts proofs
>I-I'll leave
>with above-average tech knowledge.

Yet he begs people to help him use Lanraragi when there's a manual for it
and the one he's using for his current site isn't even made by him

What sort of damage control is this?
>I haven't been scammed by Ndbir, so no one else has been scammed
What did you mean by this and why is your trip code not on, CCDC06?
[Satou Kuuki] Netorare Girlfriend is missing the 2nd chapter in the J18 torrent on Nyaa. Can someone with an account write in the comments and see if they can fix it?
Why hasn't anyone made a better EXH and hosted it in RU,CN or the meme web already? every new site is just some dogshit for eops missing 99% of doujins because zero translations.

Fear of Fakku/cartel ruining your life and nobody wanting to migrate the new website
Fun fact: his Discord channel has never been banned for copyright infringement and FBI cancelled his websites for spreading malware instead of copyright infringement. He is the most blatant Fakku shill that I've ever seen.
just wanted to say that you just exposed yourself that you are Vietnamese lol. you are too retarded for this thread, please kys.
scammer samefagging again I see
Vietnam's health care system must be shit if you are really living there.

I had this tagset full to 100 and now there's only 99! Who did we lose? Why did we lose them even?
He's trying so hard to hide it but it's so obvious that he's just another lackey of the scammer. Next, someone is going to tell me that the person he's borrowing the nyaa account from is the scammer, and the only reason he toggles the anonymous flag is that uploading torrents using the scammer's account would hurt the integrity of his torrents and reveal that he's just a lackey! Who would've thought? Imagine my shock!
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>this might be a retarded (and lazy) question
But is there a way yet to download a title with no torrents in exhentai?
Other than manually opening them one by one and then right click save, repeat 200-1000 more times for the pages.
I know there are extensions to scrape the images but I'm pretty sure you all know that some exhentai uploads, the images uploaded in them are almost always lower res and re encoded to shit compared to the orginal file available with the torrent uplaod.
The web archive is the biggest enemy of scammers because it effectively proves their fraudulence. This is why he retreats to his Discord safe space, which is unarchiveable and gives him more control to censor and delete any opinions that don't match his narrative. Notice how every time someone posts an archive of his old posts, he and his lackeys always, without fail, go silent or try to deflect and distract from it. And if you want to know something funny, try saving his site on archive.org and opening the result. This scammer actually requested the owner of archive.org to exclude his site from it. He's so paranoid that he keeps this thread constantly open in his browser and always appears instantly when someone calls him out. That's hilarious.
literally the "Archive download" in your pic
send me $1,000 and I will tell you who owns the account (the owner and I agreed to split the amount half and half)
also no tripcode because I'm impersonating ccdc
>every time someone posts an archive of his old posts, he and his lackeys always, without fail, go silent
> he keeps this thread constantly open in his browser and always appears instantly
There are only two types of people in the world:
those who leave a 4chan tab open 24/7 (viet lackey) and those who leave a 4chan tab open 24/7 (the viet himself)

Are you taking your pills?
those who do not leave a 4chan tab open 24/7 (viet lackey)*
They're not mutually exclusive, you fucking retard
I find that to be a stretch because it looks like he started advertising Ndbir's scam these past weeks
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Yeah that's when I started seeing him advertising Ndbir's scam.
Where do I read locon now
The difference I spot is colors are somehow a bit more saturated on jxl, but maybe I need to check my eyes. What software can even open them though? I have a dozen image viewers and only this crappy one is compatible.
>I used ChatGPT to make a Powershell batch script that converts any PNG or JPG file in the specified directory, only keeps the JXL file and deletes the original file if the JXL file is smaller, preserves the original time and date, and works on a specified number of files simultaneously. If you want it, let me know.
Yeah dawg i want it, this could reduce my image horde by 90%, would appreciate if you shared your script, does it work with pngs too?
forgot pic, 4chan doesn't let me delete my post. aaah whatever here, you can see the color count is for some reason higher than on the png
well that jxl is not lossless so compression artifacts introduce new colors at contrast edges
Non-lossless recompression generally falls apart.
What does this mean?
jxl sucks
M4chan is very bribed by Fakku. People probably already knew this because it's quite obvious. There's a shit load of evidence. Banning Exhentai from all boards except this dead board in 2014. Never banning Fakku shills who spam and beg beg for money e.g. >>8108682.
>No stop exposing my scam y-you schizo!!!!!!
Cry about it
I'm trying to remember the name/author of a doujinshi, has an English translation. Premise is MC hooks up with a girl that listens to extreme metal or something like that by knowing the band shes into, and she turns out to be a huge butt slut. Anyone got the title?
Hello anons. Just a shameless plug but http://fakkunet27t5i5laxfyrrxqqndpd53do73vi4bbj6jcf7wfdszjukmid.onion/ is still running. So if you just hate the speed of the clear web you're welcome here. Also I updated when the torrents update so around every two or so weeks.
I forgot to mention if you want to download the file directly add :3001 to the end like http://fakkunet27t5i5laxfyrrxqqndpd53do73vi4bbj6jcf7wfdszjukmid.onion:3001 it's a plane file index.
seem clean, added it to backup note
It's over
>getting infinite cloudfar check on sadpanda but only on chrome
why chrome is so dogshit
Is it America that popularized that news anchors in the West should be filled with plastic and look like a corpse?
Hey. I'm looking for a particular gallery that just seems to have disappeared off the site. It was an original doujin about this woman, a witch type of character that buys a demi-human goat boy who has a huge dick and she has sex with him. The cover as I recall was her giving him a handjob. It was never translated. Anyone know the gallery I'm talking about?
panda.chaika.moe + male:horns
Is there a way to get a file list for a gallery? I need to compare what I've downloaded to what is on the gallery.

The page token is the first 10 characters of the SHA1 hash value of the file

https://exhentai.org/g/page token/gid-page number

You can save the page with the thumbnails and use regex to clear out anything that isn't the page number and page token to create a file list of the gallery

Replace /g/ with /s/
The real question is whether or not they alocate any budget towards proofreaders and editors. I don't think most irrelevant manga get proofreaders or editors that care for the translation/localization process to begin with.
This was my first thought. If AI can product accurate if somewhat awkward translations then that still significantly cuts down on labour costs and time investment. Big if though.
is panda down right now? been white since yesterday
Is there a userscript made to sort galleries by rating?
same thing happening to me
same here
works on my yuropoor machine
Came here specifically to ask this.
I know online versions of The Ancient Magus' Bride are machine translated, with the physical paperbacks being handled as they normally are by Seven Seas.

18kami has a bunch of Irodori stuff. They watermark it, downsample and compress the shit out of them. Stupid chink motherfuckers, I hope Japan comes back for seconds.
It's a scam site scraping Anchira

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