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Previous: >>8005787

Check out >>>/h/mmd Sex Dance & MMD General. I'd like to say check 3D threads at >>>/aco/, but alas...

DL links shared by Anons:

Multi part free:

Sauce of OP pic:

do you know any cloud gaming service that lets me play 3d hentai games
i dont have gpu
Intel igps can run illusion games, most 3d h games are old enough to run in any modern igp with everything maxed, btw, OP games are just videos, not real 3d, real 3d porn industry is dead.
what about new mikonisomi demo though
Did you try running it? I don't have a discrete GPU yet I could run it.
>The new dollhouse is still not on sukebei or f95
wtf is taking so long
2bh I ended up buying the previous release last time. People don't have much, if any, interest in Doll House.
It's been on a-s since about 2 days after its release. It's kind of disappointing anyways, and the "real skin" textures are weird.
The only Dollhouse game that caught my attention was the Sister one. Wish he'd do some school girl one and keep it simple.
what is this controlc shit that always keeps leading me to a 404, some pastebin alt?
does anyone have the latest work from aznyan07?
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Bump for 10 more days until the new Gyaru Mama video should drop if Flim is on time to the 20th like usual. What's everyone want in that or the video after?
more mitsuki nakadashi
need more nipple-licking sex or nipple-flicking blowjob type shit
this desu, RIM too
Mitsuki rimming her dad
>new gyaru mama video
What? Are you talking about the one where gyaru mama gets fucked at the staircase but getting voice over dubs or you’re talking about an entire new animation? Sorry am super out of the loop.
anon's just speculating based on flim giving updates/releases on the 20th of every month and the fact that there's already been 2 WIPs of the current work = the next one "should" be the complete version
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still waiting for nude sex with the glasses girl
those fat tits being a sweater is a crime
More gyaru mama duh
but from futa gyaru mama
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I'd be happy with that too, Satan.
Wouldn't mind that but I'm a fan of rimming in the first place. One of the best parts of Flim to me is how hard the guys cum so a huge rimjob cumshot would be very exciting.
Yep, that's what I meant.
Same here anon, that's what I usually post and say she's my Flim waifu. Good taste, I want her back in any capacity at this point since there's been no hint it'll happen unlike when Flim said he wanted to do more of Gyaru Mama/Mitsuki. Doubly important if glasses girl would be nude. Here's her cute side face shot.
I'm also a fan but I find it harder to find more 3D rimming videos by the day...
It’s sad how little material there is. Whenever I want to watch some rimjobs I just rewatch the Wantanworks videos, but usually I skip to the happy rimjob at the end because I want the girl to enjoy the taste of that fat old man ass.
New Mozuku48 anyone?
Are you me, anon?
Anyone have STUDIO LOIRES compilation?
I hope MipoZ next work will have happy rimjob too
Otemotoya is alive and released a remastered version of 夏のひめごと
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>Initial release circa 2014
Can westerners even buy this shit in a somewhat convenient fashion?
i'm doing it now i think
also no
here was my method as i found out in later steps they actually removed normal cards for digiket
-make an account on digiket (use translate this page in chrome. most entries don't even matter.)
-make an account on offgamers.com to buy "webmoney" currency
-offgamers wants a phone number (gay)
-used paypal on offgamers to somewhat protect myself
-offgamers shows an image of a serial number
-go back to digiket
-type in the serial number to pay with "webmoney"
-you now have 2000 yen or whatever
-pay with points like dlsite
-randomly read this on the game page while downloading
>*If purchasing on a computer, in addition to the file you download (1.89GB), you will also need to download additional files (1.89GB x 1, 1.3GB x 1) from the URL listed in the enclosed file.
-upzip lzh file
-check the txt file and its 2 digiket direct download links
-the text file also has a secret password to enter when using the exe
-its just fucking 3 mp4 files, and the text overlay is forced
the new video quality is obviously better but i'd prefer a game version
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>All that nonsense to spend like 12 bucks on porn
Well, thanks for going through the trouble Anon. Don't know if I can be arsed to do that. I guess it's not as heinous as having a legit Japanese credit card and address or whatnot.
WHAT. Holy shit I thought he died in the tsunami.
>Having dogshit ecommerce system to prevent gaijin to buy their shit through legal and convenient means
Fucking why? Nips deserve to suffer every single financial misfortune and I hope the dollar to yen conversion gets x10’d to see every nip seppuku near the Akihabara streets
don't pretend like you don't know visa and MC are to blame here
Two reasons: western credit card providers go full retard when (loli/shota) porn is mentioned (see >>7986571), and they don't give a shit about gaijins. That being said, their credit/debit card system is completely retarded too, even for domestic customers.
Can you upload the remastered mp4s? Would be appreciated, I don't mind if you wait few days before posting etc. the guy gotta eat.
Hope he continues working on stuff.
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A few more days until I explode
I wanna suck the shota’s cum out of her and then fuck her while he fucks me or have him in the middle. Same with Mitsuki and papa.
but that's really gay though
hi does anyone have a collection of flim 13, pastakudasai and RIM_mmd's works
also is kemono party broken?
>also is kemono party broken?
nah im pretty sure it aint broken, no one's just updating whoever artist you're checking out
For the love of goood, sauce?
Spring memories never ever
Group behind it is called Film13.
Before the 20th or a bit after the 20th?
evening of 20th
Mitsuki, mating press, impregnation, breeding/pregnancy talk.
A long time ago I remember seeing this 3d hentai, it had several different scenes that start differently. In one of them, instead of being forced, the girl slowly teases the monster (?) by licking his dick, and when she finally puts it in her mouth he cums immediately.

Anyone know what this was?
Whatever happened to Stborough Ag Seirenjo? Prison Loop was great, was hoping to see more of Hana.
>still no flim
im actual;y gonna lose my fucking mind anons. Iv'e never been this committed in checking 4chan DAILY for an update.
It’s typically on the 20th, we have already mentioned as much so I’m unsure why you’re thinking it would post early.
Good luck running ai shoujo lmao it's not optimized at all and runs like absolute shit
that got patched, now it runs almost as good as high quality manure
>no mituski
no watch
I dont like this mama anyway
so skip for me
huh, how didn't this show up
fellatio cum play
very nice
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Not against more in general but I'd like at least one video of another girl first as a break, especially if she stays with this set of clothes and makeup.
May as well have them like the experience, it's cuter that way.
There's been little bits of this before I think, during the couch video where she had clothes on? Been a little so I may be misremembering. But that would be ideal, I love pregnancy talk and x-ray shots and Flim is great at x-ray.
>There's been little bits of this before I think, during the couch video where she had clothes on?
The impregnation/breeding talk was in the second video where she was laying down. Most of Flim's works have assertive/more dominant females so it'd be really nice to see Mitsuki be the one dominated for a change.
That's fucking incredible. The sucking sounds like farting, it's kind of off-putting.
>MtL remaster
>Check the rest of his work
Fuck, why is there always a monkeys paw.
Now I'm interested.

>Fuck, why is there always a monkeys paw.
That paw is your own, which is why can only go away when you overcome it yourself.
the impregnation talk was the one with the one foot job/pussy rub.
the little laugh she does at the end makes me cum buckets
looks like tomorrow night Flim will upload it
I know this is gonna be a long shot but does anyone remember/know of a BJ animation that got released a year ago? I didn't save it and can't seem to find it anywhere. I only know it is POV, the girl has yellow hair and its on a beach
mi po z released something like that
Flimfans... are you guys not worried that he might work in some NTR element into a future Mitsuki video? Isn't this next Gyarumama video a full on NTR piece?
got it thanks
also HOLYYY i’ve been missing out on his works
Does he live in japan? Cant wait this gotta be the best gyaru mama
>he might work in some NTR element into a future Mitsuki video?
I mean if it will be NTR it sure as hell wont be Mitsuki fucking another guy
the scenario will probably Mitsuki leads on a boy from school and bring him to her house so that she can fuck her dad in the next room while the kid waits for her
He is the goat but he is taking too much time making his new work for years now and still losing time by making side projects
JFC, how can one anon be so based?
Where did you find it?
Nobody minds netori
yeah what this anon said >>8109263
its fine if im the one cucking
did anyone ever post a link to this? I've been checking the archives and I cant find shit. Maybe someone deleted it? Or possibly i'm just a fucking blind retard. I'm losing my fucking mind here
yes, but you're better off waiting a day or so for the full version to drop
>better off waiting a day or so for the full version
that's true but good news i found it lol, also to anons who been with flim13 for a long time, are his videos really 720p?
nvm again, the sources ive been taking from is just recording it in 720p i guess
I don't like that there's NTR elements, preferred when it was just implied or that Gyaru Mama's husband was out of the picture. The son being around for intrigue was enough. Also definitely don't want it with Mitsuki, she's for Papa. Meanwhile glasses classmate girl isn't seemingly in a relationship that we know of so we can't even know what is going on beyond the scope of the video.
I don't like netori, as far as Flim goes Gyaru Mama and that JK gyaru leading on a boy is cuter, also Papa and Mitsuki are pure in their degenerate incest love.
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Hopefully only today left Flim fans, wanting more like this where she's nude and we can see an x-ray. The translation someone (here?) gave about shota making her womb twitch was so hot. Eagerly awaiting for whatever comes after this, preferably another girl featured.
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Any recs for super-crafty long uncen 3d hentai animations like recent Fischl X Slime?
This might be my personal favourite atm desu, it's just legendary tier quality.
Just checked flim fantia, I was excited and thought the new video is out but it's only a repost... sad
its out!
tell them to do a long hilichurl one
New gyaru mama FLIM


Thanks and credits to Shiro guy from fagg95
ty anon
may god have mercy on my dick for I shall not
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I've gotten into kind of a habit of rewatching all the gyarumama/mitsuki videos when a new one comes out, but as the series keep getting longer it's starting to become physically painful for my nuts
i can barely get past the second gyaru mamu video, never seen any better mamashota content than that
flim's latest has some fucked up legs on gyaru
The last of Flim was good but i just feel he needs to go even further...He knows already his content will be global, he needs to start to put the english subs too with that amount of dialogue.
And it is a NTR vid but i wish he puts the pov of the cuck and what he hears on the phone, something similar to the viewer pov of the Mitsuki streamings. It really was a missed oportunnity. If you are going full ntr vid, then go all out bro.
Nah, I'd rather he go for the more hidden sex in public angle.
The way she says she wants to drink his cum and he gets nervous is so cute. Then the vaginal in episode 3 where she teaches him and then says she’ll ride him until he shoots his load, she really wants that shota semen. See >>8110125. It’s the best.
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This dude gets it. Mitsuki's scenario is already depraved beyond needing to bait NTR. The relationship is already perfect as it is
>Mitsuki being the dom makes her seem like the one who probably initiated
>The few scenarios where the dad initiates ends up with Mitsuki turning the tables
It's only lacking a few crucial things, impregnation, a kissing scene (beyond what we got, the kind Gyarumama got would be ideal), and some lovey dovey post-coital dirty talk.
Won't be home for 12 hours and this gets to live rent free in my head until then. Thanks anon
I'm dumb how open this
You can download onto phones including IPhones by using the links and a video player, I saved it to one I sue called Xtremeplayer but VLC works also.
God I want to see Mitsuki dripping a fresh creampie while she says she’s going to be pregnant. I wouldn’t mind an impregnation route for Gyaru Mama either but that hasn’t been mentioned or teased about like with Mitsuki before.
ask ChatGPT
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We already have that impregnation video with Mitsuki mention it.
Yep that’s what I was referencing at the end.
Also looks like DMM is going the way of Dlsite and removing 3d loli.
mitsuki bringing home a friend to corrupt scenario when
Anyone have the eng sub Flim13 collection?
just edge till the latest one
gyaru mama's proportions in this latest one are fucking wack. just look at her while she's standing on the stairs. her legs are twice the length of her torso
The voice acting really makes it. Even makes me regret watching the update posts without audio.
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Thank you Anon.
Kek I noticed that too. She looks like an xxxholic character there
I think i've had enough of the gyaru mama. I mean Flim is the best when it comes to blowjob and episode 2 of gyaru mama was god-tier but i don't know why the sex isn't as good. I felt like the doggy on the stairs was weak as fuck, the phone call and the way she give the shota her boobs like a mommy feeding her child is nice but not as existing as previous videos. I just hope Flim move on with a new character, also gyaru mama old model was better than the new one where she look like a fucking alien now...
This isn't 3D but does anyone have any leads on Teacher's Carnal Courses/3SLG's English dub? It came out in April.
flim is just better at doing setup, teasing, and foreplay shit than actual sex, but that's true across all his characters
her legs look weird when they're bent as well
like polygons
you cant not see it either they're not well hidden
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coomed buckets
worth the weight desu
Only appeared for the gyaru for now. Hopefully it stays like that instead of spreading. Cuck apologists saying it’s this brand of NTR so it’s ok!!! need not apply
There’s a 3d MMD animation of two girls floating in space and doing all kinds of sex animation on Iwara with this music relaxdaily N 025 playing in the background:

But I seriously cannot find it out for the life of me. Any anon have any leads?
not too unlikely that it was deleted, I'm afraid
bless you
Hehe. Funny goat.
Does anyone know where I can find the full version (if there is one)? I only knwo that it was made by MipoZ.
Welcome to the club anon, please take a sit and brace yourself because i have some bad news. MipoZ is working on Torima 8 (which is the video of the brown girl you posted) since the end of 2021. Still nothing. No release date, no trailer, only short samples since 3 fucking years. Now you can suffer with us. And his last update on fantia was about another small bonus video with a new girl which have nothing to do with Torima 8...
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I looked everywhere but I can't find the source of this image (found on Steam). If anyone happens to know it, it'd make my day.
>no x-ray
This is more /d/ than /h/ but does anyone have the new Jaxmmd animation?
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Planned for august release. I vaguely remember this being announced years ago as a oneeshota title, not sure why they changed it. Even amidst all the payment processor retardation they typically don't care about shota.
Wtf happened to Blendy's new work? Was it not done which is why he's releasing it in parts?
Can't find schwein work's paizuri delivery 2 on sukebei but the first one is up there, has nobody uploaded it yet?

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