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Previous thread: >>8077876
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God I love Moms in lewd outfits
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Let's make this a good Momcest thread!
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I was watching this show Pantheon, and late in the series the main protagonist, a 15 year old girl got pregnant and fast foward 20 years she's 35 with a 20 year old and it triggered a 'sub-fetish' of sorts in me in seeing a son fucking his mom whose age gap isn't that much from him.
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Holy shit is this the last chapter?
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I'll go first.

1 - Yumiko by Horsetail

2 - Nush by Xter

3 - Naho by Hyji

The series with Naho is still in progress with 10 chapters planned, meaning we'll get 3 more.

Xters next work is going to involve the MC, Nont and his mother friends. Hopefully there will he a cameo from Nush and a potential threesome. Dude is straight up building the MCU of hentai lmao.

Regarding Horsetail, I hope we get more Yumiko content, but I doubt it since it has been years and he has create a number of new works since.
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The Satsuki Imonet tankobon was lovely, had 2 chapters of the same momcest in the beginning and a different one at the end that had appeared in magazines but which I don't really remember reading. There was a very brief tankobon epilogue extra of the characters at the very very end, but with how much talk of impregnation there was, I think they could have shown pregnant bellies in this extra, would have been a nice finish to it all.
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I really really hope that Horsetail continues the series with Yumiko. It was literally perfect in everyway, from the story to their banter to the romance and sex scenes, all of it. It really felt organic.

However, at the same time, the series feels incomplete without a marriage episode + maybe a honeymoon. Their relationship had progressed through every single milestone in the genre, from the initial guilt of the act, to regular sex, to her initiating sex, to a pregnancy and then them raising their child together. The MC even works to support his new family. The banter constantly between them shifts to reflect the double nature of their relationship, as a mother and as a lover. All the story needs is that marriage chapter to wrap things up fully and conclude their story. Maybe even a little timeskip.

His Twitter comments are filled with people requesting for him to pick it back up. Although he doesn't really reply, he has stated that he reads all of them.

So, if you love this series please to comment under his posts that you would like to see it return! His twitter handle is @horsetail_mama.

His most recent work was a Momcest doujin after years of hiatus, which I hope is a good sign that he's returning to the genre. Especially considering his work before that involved the main characters deceased mothers twin sister, so auntcest.
are there any other hentai artists besides ecoruby that does Shota/Thick Mom doujins? i mean currently, it seems like most of them banished
anyone knows where we can get translation of tarobaumu's recent work?
even MTL will do
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Tanishi is pretty good for thick milfs and even has a couple of mom son ones.
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1 - Mother it Has to be You by Horsetail

2 - Mother's Care Service by Kojima Miu

3 - My Mother by XTER

Inseki so it's trash unfortunately
stop dude you've posted this 3 times already
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Kita kita! Old man boob job is unnecessary tho
well she is an escort but at least the son gets to hit it
why would you advertise this ntr cuckshit?
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Someone know the sauce for this?
its ultimately momcest and *most* momcest in a way involve ntr'ing the husband
if you cant handle the father getting ntr'd. especially since they dont even appear in this fucking doujin.
go read something else, you imbecile. every fucking time you complain about the same BS. its momcest, there will be consequences retard. This aint a widow only thread.

might as well complain about the thread image retard.
Yea, ngl. I really dont like horsetails work at all. The father was kinda cool. But i srsly dont like the way he writes the story and characters. Also not a fan of the mother. Horsetail is just not for me I guess. Maybe its too realistic, idk. Loved the recent moya doujin a lot.
Eh, its her job and in a story about incest her choosing and only getting excited about him out of both her husband and any other man, kind of contrasts the fact she really wants son´s dick.
she's fucking a random old man, you think i give a shit about cucking the dad? i didnt even bring it up holy shit you're obsessed with it
The new Takiyama Yuichi looks lovely too. Chap 1 mom, chap 2 sis & mom, chap 3 & 4 unrelated stories, short chap 5 preg bellied mom and sis and I'm guessing this is a tankobon special chap
His newest series is momcest. But it’s nowhere near as good as “Mother, It Has to Be You!!”
The new mom design is ugly and the story isn’t interesting at all.
Horsetail is usually good at doing a ‘realistic’ story, but the aunt story and newest one don’t live up to any of those expectations.
#1 is Jirou's series

Then #2 is horsetail

#3 is toss-up. For #3 I think I would rather pick a visual novel instead of a doujin.
where can i read this in english >.<
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"Mother and no other" is amazing in how unique and realistic it feels compared to others. Even though we know the mom is enjoying their sex immensely because we can read her thoughts, she's always trying to reject him and steer him towards a normal life instead of lusting after his mom, which makes it feel extremely taboo because it really does feel like the son has to put in a ton of effort to win over his mom, who obviously rejects him because she is his mom. By doing so, every milestone feels extremely satisfying once we finally get there, especially her initiating sex and getting impregnated, but also small things, like when she starts moaning "yes" or telling him where to lick her pussy to make her feel good.

The pages you posted are also extremely hot, despite not being sexual because they show how much their relationship has progressed despite her constantly fighting any kind of progress. This is what makes it feel like she is both his mother and also his woman since she still clings to her role as his mother, but they've gone so far already that even she starts to treat their relationship as one of lovers of even husband and wife. I especially love their talk while watching TV because it clearly shows that she does view him as her new man, even if she would never admit it, which is huge given how much resistance she puts up.

I agree that I would love one more part to give it a proper ending. Given their progression and the son's inner monologue, we can infer that he will impregnate her with his second child and she will become even more accepting of their relationship in the future, but it would be nice and really interesting to actually see that. Though Horsetail seems to prefer these sort of vague endings since he did something similar with his auntcest story. But I'm not going to bother him on twitter because I feel like that would be too annoying and he is probably done with this series. If anything he needs to want to continue by himself.

Because it's still momcest you retard. regardless whether it some scene the mom fuck someone else as long as it revolve around mother fuck her son then it's considers as momcest and belong to this thread. you have people keep posting how awesome Jirou's work is despite it also have the mom fuck some random young dude in the first chapter

if you want momcest that never involve any other aspect then create your own pure momcest thread
>calling others retard when you aren't even able to write coherent sentences
What got me was that despite there being ntr threads, this cuck demands yet another momcest thread be made to filter his ilk out.
Looks cute, sauce?
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Dude Horsetail is UNMATCHED when it comes to depicting the Slice of Life of Momcest. Other mangaka tend to focus only on the sex and erotic parts of the relationship (fair enough), but Horsetail really takes his time to portray the changing relationship between Mother and Son beyond just the sex. On top of making the mother and Son ACTUALLY LOOK ALIKE, these scenes add a next level element of immersion. You can tell that he's really passionate about the genre beyond creating works to please an audience.

In "Mother and no Other" we see them grow throughout the series. Yumiko grows to see her Son as a man and opens up to him emotionally, showing a different more vulnerable side to him, a side otherwise reserved for romantic partners, not your own child.

Even more than the sex scenes, my favorite scenes are the ones where they joke around with each other like a normal couple would. In these scenes there is always a sequel undertone that is so hot.

Like in picrel, the end of the Bonus Chapter where he he hugging her from behind and holding her tummy. It's not explicitly sexual, but given that she's his real Mother it becomes so hot.

I'm going to post other scenes that really capture this feeling.

One thing I really hate about some Momcest works is the polarization in the Mother's personality. Some works portray the Mothers as all fluffy, which is not immersive or realistic at all. Other works, protray Moms as all bitchy. These ones, though preferable to the former, are also not reflective, as they seem to not give af about their kid at all. Yumiko has a really good balance of both. It makes her feel like a real, tangible character who clearly cares about her Son but also nags and lectures him when necessary.

His past two works really haven't hit the same as this one. I'm pretty sure he's burnt out or working through a depressive episode, that's just the vibe he gives from his tweets. I really hope he's able to produce more masterpieces in the future.
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Her falling, then proceeding to take off her pants and walk normally is so subtle but so hot.
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Or here, when she's just doing normal Mother things in front of him like chores but he can't help but star at her ass.
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Saw this posted last time
where can I find them translated?
Saw it briefly on exhentai, but got claimed by """""""""""fakku""""""""""" quickly
I found first chapter on nhentai translated
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Or her greeting him as a wife would carrying their child in her arms while also commenting on how he's grown as a Mother would.
It was MTL'd You're not missing much really.
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this is one my favorites
I would much rather read about an overly "fluffy" mom who's doting and kind versus a truly bitchy mom because then I start to think
>Oh, okay, she's started fucking her son out of convenience, not out of love
>This isn't any sory of relationship, they're just getting off with each other
>The son aspect isn't special, any guy would do but the son is "right there" and "safe enough"

It's a very clear line that can be crossed between "mom with an attitude" and "woman who gave birth to you."
Listen, I love Horsetail as much as the next guy. He's great in the momcest space, and I'd say he belongs in the MVP conversation.

But to be clear, the only reason his stories feel so in-depth and realistic is because they're fucking long. If he's going into projects knowing it will be 3 to 7 chapters, each chapter being 40 or more pages, then yeah, he's got time to kill getting to the lovey dovey stuff.

Most other writers merely dabble in momcest/incest. They want to write other things. They do momcest one-shots that are 20ish pages or maybe a couple chapter long stories with the same characters. Either way, they're only gonna work on it for so long so they have to get the ball rolling faster, which can lead to less realistic set-ups. But we still love it.

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