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damn, absolutely destroyed
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But she poops from there
Not right now she doesn’t.
Let me ask you this anons, do you generally find anal to be more appealing in porn/hentai? What about it do you find superior to vaginal? Or is it just a variety thing?

Full disclosure I have kind of a breeding/impregnation kink so to me anal is sort of... bland, I guess.
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>Let me ask you this anons, do you generally find anal to be more appealing in porn/hentai? What about it do you find superior to vaginal? Or is it just a variety thing?
Fun things are fun, 2D ≠ 3D, etc.
you wouldn't get it.
The mystery of a girl's starfish.
>Full disclosure I have kind of a breeding/impregnation kink so to me anal is sort of... bland, I guess.
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It's because I'm a hipster; vaginal and blowjobs are way too mainstream. I gotta fuck some ass so nobody thinks I'm a normie.
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I have never met a girl that truly loved anal. They always tolerate at it at best. Any girl that says she likes anal is always lying but wants others todo it so she feels less like a whore.

Anal doesn’t feel better than pussy the power feels better. It’s basically rape. hearing them say slow down. Ouch a little less rough. Making them say they are a butt slut or an anal whore in order so i can cum. I am the only one who is getting pleasure.

That is why anal is better.
>Any girl that says she likes anal is always lying
you want to believe this because it's part of your fetish, but you're wrong
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This is true. Anal is about power but anal does feel good too. About the same as pussy if you ask me.
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Naw i have fucked a lot of girls in the ass and they don’t enjoy it. This guy is not wrong. I mean has a girl ever asked you to fuck her in the ass? Would your gf let you fuck her in the ass everytime you had sex?
>I mean has a girl ever asked you to fuck her in the ass?
>Would your gf let you fuck her in the ass everytime you had sex?
No because anal needs prep and she's not always in the mood to do it. Unlike vaginal where you just need her to be wet.
She butthole should always be prepped is the point. She doesn’t really like anal if she only does it when she wants it. She should do it everytime unless you dont want it.
My wife let's me have her ass almost Everytime I want. She needs a day of pause before the next round as a minimum recovery time though. She also asks for a buttfuck every now and then, but I'm generally the one deciding what is going to happen, with her never asking for anything. But her sexuality revolves around me having fun in the first place, so it doesn't really matter to her as long as it feels good for me. And yes, she get's sopping wet and comes hard when I stretch her and call her a good little bunny. She's not the only woman who liked it in the ass from me either. I still don't understand woman and what makes them tick in detail, but grunting like a fucking ape and showing that you like it seems to be really high up on the list.
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