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Anal Sex with Chika edition

>First time here or old installation?
Download the latest repack for the game you want and you're set to play (backup your UserData folder if you're transferring)

>Koikatsu Repack RX 21
>Koikatsu Sunshine Repack R10
KKS is a new game with a resort island setting. Get KK for Studio and KKS for more in-game sex positions.
Place KK cards in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male" to convert to KKS

>KKS scene compatibility patch for KK
Get this: https://files.catbox.moe/uohdx3.zip and drop it in:

>HF Patch (Get this to update without waiting for the repack)
>KK: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KK-HF_Patch/releases
>KKS: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KKS-HF_Patch/releases

>Sideloader Mods Pack

Cards are put in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male"

>/kkg/ Card Creator Pastebin

>Where do I upload to share my cards?
(Litter links can be accessed through internet archive)

>KKScene Mega

>Theme Stuff

>Koikatsu Resources Pastebin

>Koikatsu Guides Collection

>Modding Guides

>Thread Archive

>Previous Thread
"Heroes and Villains" theme is here - superheroes, magical girls, toku heroes, super-spies, monster hunters, aliens, demigods, mad scientists and more have taken over Koi City!
REMEMBER to reply to this post to have your cards added to the theme spreadsheet!

>Character Sheet
>Sheet Font
>Theme Spreadsheet
>Theme Mega
>Monster Pack:
>anal sex
Hell yeah my kind of thread.
>Anal sex

Shit thread.
>Anal sex
That's not MY Christmas!
There are two kinds of people.
There's a lot going on with her nose. I'd at least remove the line from the middle of it.
Yeah, I've been meaning to get around to that.
Thanks for the heads up, lad. I'll fix that up soon.
So now that Anna has been topped, what went wrong?
Nothing went wrong, sometimes you just want to sit back and let her do all the work.
It is finally done, I've been working on this in my spare time for 3 months. Disappointing as always, but at least I got it done.
I think I will take a break for a while now.

That's the good shit. Thanks for the hard work dude, and enjoy the break!
Damn, boi, how'd you get the ass to jiggle like that?
Anna is the Metaknight of /kkg/
Hi hello hi
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Requesting someone to repost the SMT ( Shin Megami Tensei / Persona ) enemies ZIPMOD I remember seeing months ago.

I lost it when my hard drive stopped working.
What should I do
hi mr frog I love your show!
Why is the theme still being promoted again if it's dead with kkg?
It's a pet project of a handful of anons. Quite typical. A handful choose a theme and the thread goes to shit for a few weeks. It's been like this for a long time now.
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record something and forget to uncheck the rotate option
can you not just rotate it in 1 second using ffpmeg?
Because of the shit thread from a month ago
idk man, i got sidetracked hard.
(and i'm currently fighting with the meido game, lol)
im gonna be honest i only recorded that to shitpost
What the hell! IRC garbage killed kkg?
They are the worst posters so what did you expect?
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something about this character is very ANna
Yeah, worst posters! The IRC garbage really was the downfall of /kkg/ >>8102824 >>8102825
You’ve done this bit like 5 times already
despite all my rage i am still a femboy in a cage
doesn't look bland and boring enough
It really doesn't.
i dont see it
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something about this character is very ANna
Wait, like a dog cage or a cock cage?
A question to card/scene makers.
What makes you still be around in the general these days? Why here and not anywhere else?
a regular cage
Everyone is gone now except for kitfag and emianon
I don't know of another image board running a KK scene/thread.
I started playing some Unite again and Umbreon is my new main.
But that's wrong. Several old legends were posting in the last thread.
Not real psyop
I just lurk and look every few hours and it's not like there's anywhere else to go.
discord is too cliquey and has way too many actual fags. this is the only other place to be and it's sad to see it's not what it used to be. but i guess people move on
>but i guess people move on
To the discord. We're better off now.
Discord is fucking SHIT. I continue to try asking questions there and have never received a single good advice, or any sort of direction.

What's the point of that shit heap? They don't even more or release good mods anymore since everyone with a brain put it behind a paywall.
They make better scenes and cards
Some of them do. But they're useless to my objectives, making them worthless human beings.
You're worthless.
there's a good mod release every once in a while, but there is no other reason to be in there. like you mentioned, you will most likely be ignored if you try to ask for help/questions in the main chat
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Are you sure?
discord is gay and too fast, pixiv requires censoring, twitter blows
On average, yes. see>>8102852 >>8102880 or >>8103089
You are right. I apologize.
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Why does Anna break everyone?
Because Anna is a schizo as well. See
>magical girl theme
With all his shitposting and efforts to ruin this place.
Because he lives rent-free in everyone's head
>schizo gets called out, starts trying to No You
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I totally see it.
That was Aika fag.
I don't know why anymore. I'm starting to understand why so many have left though.
>its always someone else
>it doesnt matter that anna is always the common factor
>its always someone else
I like when people do stuff with my characters and KKG is a place where people sometimes do that. It's the reason why I first came here and the reason why I stayed.
What do you mean common factor? That they existed? That makes you a common factor of all this shitposting as well dumbass. You can't actually be this retarded.
Shut up cliquer.
This but unironically.
Anna shitposters are deranged. It's going to be one of those threads.
Ok, so from my limited understanding, Discord is generally better to showcase finished shareable creations, but not for the actual creative process. For just pics it's a roulette, sometimes it works out and sometimes doesn't.

Honestly this place seem to be the best for getting resources (cards, scenes, etc. but only OC content, IPs all went to F95), and also pics. However, it's not actually too friendly to the creators themselves unless they form cliques and such, ironically. There's no true general best place, just a best place for your own interests.
>it's not actually too friendly to the creators themselves
No one should be a known person on an anonymous image board.
the only thing anonymous on KKG is the shitposting and there's no real way around that.
Yes and that's the problem. Allowing egoposters.
What anons do you miss?
I miss A11 the most.
He had the cutest girls.
Whats wrong with egoposting?
Look at this thread.
>no one should be a known person
You're right, but in a way it's also kind of unavoidable given most of us create unique, distinguishable characters that only we use, have preferred subject matter, and usually have our own styles, plus of course varying levels of ability. Ultimately, we become distinguishable individuals over time whether we want to or not. Drawthreads and writefag threads suffer from the same issues.
NTA but all I see is a retard sperging out over egofags existing
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I even miss Uglyposter
egoposting has never been a problem here. The problem is all the cowards anonymously shitting on anyone with a name.

What >>8103673 said.

>>8103672 also put it better than I could.
There is no reality in which anyone could be anonymous here except the faggots who only textpost.
>This place is dead
Those anons sound more desperate than anything acting like a thread that gets around 200-300 replies with 50 or so images(even if 1/10 times its a repost) in between can be called "dead thread" when there is worse shit like that in other pages like /vg/ or /g/ which get way more traffic
>Anna this, anna that
These fuckers, both the bootlickers and the haters prefer to come over here and bring over their discord shit and make this place about this one guy to drown out everything else, and they are too cowardly to throw shit at him in discord, twitter or shitpost about him, regardless if anna is actually replying to them or not
i dont care for a thread where 90% of the images is this guy >>8103682
Red, Benis, Sachianon, A11, Droib
even textposters can become distinguishable given enough time
Droibs is still around at least, he just makes stuff very infrequently nowadays
then post some images yourself or fuck off.
yeah, posting styles are a thing.
Then leave bitch
>Sad to see X anon leave
Passage of time is a thing, you guys know? School theme 2021 was a success because fucking Covid was wrecking the world and forcing everyone to be stuck in their house with free time in their hands, its fucking 2024, it has been 3 years ever since, people change in all that time.
We should be appreciative of all the anons that were here or give them kudos for the good shit they did, yes, but that alone wouldn't have stopped any anon from having to go to the university, find a new job anything else that could happen in their lives, IRL is more important than this website, and some people act like this place is more important than real life
Im unemployed and have no positive outlook on the future.
uh oh, you upset one of the cliquers! watch out for the irc defense squad, they just finished eating their daily box of crayons!
Off to an amazing start
It's true, but that's the problem here. Especially considering what many of the creators want.

>>8103672 puts it better.

That guy will unironically be one of the last remaining makers around here, simply because insults and shitposting barely affect him compared to pretty much everyone else.
Either make your own stuff to overshadow his, or go elsewhere. Or find him irl I guess. Pretty much nothing else will work.
Meant to reply to this guy on the last point >>8103683
Nice waifu choice
I want those identifiers of other boards in the rest of the board too, even if it doesnt really fix the issue they have to try harder to rile up the thread with that
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unpopular opinion, but I want to have doggystyle rawdog sex with Becky.
latino btw
*defeats Anna*
Whats the problem?
If you want more content post it.

They have good nutritions!

I will remain here as long as I continue to have fun making stuff with Koikatsu.
One day I'll get a proper open jacket for him sorted.
She's going to get poisoning from those crayons. Foxes can't digest colors.
They remain as long as you keep giving them attention. Both negative and positive. Discord posters already learned to ignore him and he goes away. It helps that there's a block feature though.
>the fox girl enlists in the Marine Corps
I honestly also blame a lot of the shit threads the past year to this guy in the pic >>8103616 and his constant depression-baiting, deleting himself and coming back and riling up the others with his shizo behaviour that gave us stuff like the shit thread from a month ago. And even other places weren't same from him. I hope the fucker never shows up ever again.
Ngl I'm convinced most of the anna bashing is this guy being crazy jealous
maybe try a shirtless open blazer? it might hide the nipples, but it can look quite great.
we need this so bad, having a way to do background checks on anons will deter most of the shitposting
They've literally never interacted with each other in this thread.
No. There are plenty of Anna haters even on the discord. They're just more subtle about it. But yeah it's all jealousy.
I share your desire
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I'll give that a try, thanks.
Just let it fucking die already damn.
sentenced to mating press
I kneel to Anna-sama. I am truly greatful for all the help he's given me through anonymous means.
>posting within seconds of each other
not trying very hard today, are we?
There's never a need to try hard when it comes to the fox fucker
>posting within seconds
>he thinks this means samefagging
Hello newfag, you need to wait 60 seconds minimum on this board before posting another reply.
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Post Sex

Im busy making shitposts.
Idk why some Anon always assumes I samefag.
Worst I do is just repost images occasionally
Are we currently in that shit thread from a month ago?
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have sex
I am grateful for the endless entertainment, never seen one dude make so many children seethe
Okay little timmy, maybe it's time you go back to roblox or some other safe space for minors like the youtube kids comment section
I've had sex and even touched grass before yet I still hate women.
Try dudes next
>background checks
This has to be bait
Why the fuck this shit I said became a meme instead of anything else is something I will never understand
Because of that shit thread from a month ago.
That shit thread from a month ago will forever haunt us.
Its the same guy beating the dead horse into glue still thinking its funny
Things changed after that shit thread from a month ago.
Yeah, Anna is now here with us once again.
so thats where the horse that fucked Anna went
daily reminder that Anna got beaten by a guy who didn't even know how to take renders in studio
He really fell off.
Where can I find that mod that allows spawning character maker accessories in studio? I've seen it mentioned in passing but I haven't seen a link anywhere.
Really cute outfit. Big baggy jackets are the best.
Cute. Who is she?
It's because of the face+body proportions and the haircut.
Anna lives rent free in your head anon, and in this economy that's the real win
it would be if he wasn't seething over the contest
Is the seething anna in this thread with us right now?
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Its not anna, its just shitposters realizing throwing shit at the wall here will get them yous or the attention they want when ignoring or not engaging is what you should do
of course he won't admit it directly, but his comments speak for himself
he moved the goalpost, making me the winner
unlike Anna, who didn't win even the 2nd place
ctrl + f and search for AccessoriesToStudioItems, i think it's that one
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what's wrong with you guys, just report and ignore the idiot.
Let's try to change the pace.
Once again, I'm asking for 1-3 characters per post to make random (lazy)posts. Offer stands until the end of the thread, but pics might take some time depending on time of day.
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Her, dragon girl waifu
No luck for me.
Might have to commission a jacket or something at some point.
Ah, well.
I don't think I've posted this Lucia wallpaper yet.
G'night lads.
High effort posts go ignored, shitposts gets the (You)s. That's how it's always been, that,s how it is and that's how it will be till the end of times.
Honestly effort itself usually doesn't matter if the end result is boring. Foxguy's dumb posts are often more entertaining than most other things despite being objectively among the worst in terms of technical prowess.
To me, it seems Anna was purposefully not given first place to give someone else the spotlight.
I agree with you Anna.
Buddy, if you're serious about making Colormeme a thing you should definitely learn how to make your own custom outfits.
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dude imagine if like
Please use my card I paid for that I love and cherish: https://files.catbox.moe/0y9thg.png
Thank you

Best Regards,
bro, how fucking stoned are you when you post
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pop rocks
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it was them making a stand about me talking shit about discord being ever relevant aside from customer service
i also forgot the fellatio_club
hopefully the guy gets famous
yo dude, I love your cards, do you do commissions?
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he's literally me
This is a sign of the end times. Dire circumstances have fallen upon kkg
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I would take 100 kitfags over 1 vhix
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just press the screenshot bro
Well sadly we only have 1 Kitfag.
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Why do the people who shitpost Anna never post their work? Are they that scared of her?
mutual annihilation of vhix and kit would be the optimal
File deleted.
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yo check this scene>>8103859
Man, y'all are going all out today.

that's actually insane control you have
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Is Vhix actually insane?
since we're all on reposts, lemme repost one of my favourite works (and couple).
>Verification not required.
This is very good.
Who's the former president Donald Trump of /kkg/?

And no, it's not you Emi anon. Don't even think about posting your scene to this image as a response.
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i think this is cute
Thank you! That's a nice low angle.
I think this is the first time I've seen her used by someone else (excluding paywalled shit), so I really appreciate it.
Pretty cool scene. I like the ornate patterns on her scissors.

No probs, part of what I wanted to do is to showcase different kinds of cards.
I was actually expecting more people to send their own cards before. It's like the 4th or 5th time I'm doing this and most people just asked for the usual suspects in the previous threads.
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you know what? you know where you can find her (in the superhero theme lands).
More to come.

Thanks. They don't all fit together - the floral scrolls and the calligraphic flourishes are pretty different from one another if you look closely - but they're the best I could find without having to pay royalties for a fucking png. If only I owned a drawing pad and stylus...
Either way, I'm still proud of them. They're not just good - they're Good Enough (tm).
dead theme
What you did there, I saw it.

>>8103882 >>8103945
Cool stuff dude, you're selling me more on your doll with each passing thread. You might end up keeping the theme alive on your own.

Did you mean to quote me? >>8103793
Ah christ my legs are being funny again, no sleep yet...
Yeah, I'm HOPING that once I make progress with the project (outside of renders here, I'm talking actual progress) then I'm going to commiss custom outfits for them. I'm also hoping to leave Koikatsu behind once I've reached a point where I'm happy with things and have a small team put together.
Koikatsu can only take me so far with this.
yeah. missquote.
Have this anyways

I'll come back to this later. I just noticed I didn't actually put the theme files in their place, and your mods are usually what takes the most time to properly sort.
I think this one was more popular on the AA2 general.
you just miss me making content :o)
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womp womp
Doggo taking a bath with his big sisters.
Great work man, blah blah futa isn't my thing, but I can appreciate the effort you put into this. The expressions are really cute and the way animated the faces and bodies is awesome.

She's incredibly cute, I love her!

Very pretty Samus, plus this since is really nice.
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Aaaand done. Not the greatest paneling, but moderately more complex than I usually do. I'm lernding!

Some of the scenes here are also available on my mega.


I've got more planned for her, but we all know my track record when it comes to plans. Besides, I doubt one person can keep a theme alive. But that's okay! It was a good run, and we had a good amount of entries. As long as it garners engagement and inspires anons to make new stuff, I consider it to have been a success.
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Wahey, very nicely done.
Glad my advice with the scissor blade handles worked out too.
What'd you use to get the sharp teeth on her? Alphamask the teeth?
>Could I get the coord for the one on the left please? I like those big sleeves.
Uhh, sure. It's still very janky though.
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Naughty doctors with god complexes shouldn't skulk around in dark alleyways dressed like cute, squeezable little bunnies. It's very bad for their health!

Original scene is by droib if I remember correctly.


It's one of the headmods included in the repack.
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Oh wait if you were asking about the silhouette face, it's just an image plate. Here's the png.
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Come back to us, Benis-chama T_T
Yea I meant the teeth, didn't know it was a headmod though. I'm using an alphamask for teeth on a new girl but it looks weird in maker
Seeing your girl and that other anon's sketchbook doodle girl, I really should figure out my own kind of girl.
All very well with cyborgs and alien women, I want to make something unique like that.
Just for fun, nothing serious.
Good stuff, love it.
Is there a way to view which mods a card is using?
Upload the card here:

Be warned the name shown there isn't always the same as the name of the mod file, but it should at least give you clues.
Shiz Week has been upgraded to Shiz Month. Congratulations!

I'd let her coerce me into making terrible Earth-dooming decisions so she can reunite with her space pirate captain

That's a gorgeous shot, and a cute bounty hunter as well.

That's excellent dude, the eye catches are great and the posing is absolutely stellar. She looks freaky as hell in silhouette. A+ work! (And thanks for using Arisu!)

Is she gonna love her and squeeze her and call her George?
>Is she gonna love her and squeeze her and call her George?
You have no idea how tempted I was to put that in there but it would’ve been way too on the nose lmao. Have some subtlety!
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Yay more Shiz!
Which pet would Shiz like to be with?
>That's a gorgeous shot, and a cute bounty hunter as well.
Thanks. I didn't make the scene though, you can get the original here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119133720
I'll post the Samus card tomorrow.
I see the error.
>he thinks it's an error
Someone help poor Flower, that ladder rung is going through her leg!
Perhaps this is how we save the IRC
I will admit that's embarrassing.
Be honest, do you think the winning entry was better than yours?
Yeah please answer this so we can needlessly antagonize you and others
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damn brehs
Demon/goat horn girl mega cute.

>I'd let her coerce me into making terrible Earth-dooming decisions so she can reunite with her space pirate captain
Same except for the part of reuniting with some space captain.
I think its time for another sexpet.
I have an idea for a very tomboy doggirl but im open to suggestions.
i just shared
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hey kf could you share this version of the scene?
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I think its deserving. It reminds me of that Chinese New Year scene I made 2 years ago for the other discord thing.
I just wanted to do something unique and I'm disappointed by a lot of comments saying it's "not summer themed" since there's no beach or swimsuits. At that point I didn't really care, and the event staff was an asshat that had me muted (presumably because he hates me) so I couldn't even send them my scene initially.
I didn't know magi hated you.
I didn't know coppersocket hated you.
No it was the Jas guy. I think I struck a nerve some time ago.
I love Anna (the Koikatsu creator)!
No he just has a lot of issues, the guy is pretty block happy,
Time to try and sleep again
Ayy, brute wyvern life.
I hate anna more. I hate the way that he walks, the way that he talks. I hate the way that he dress.
Shizu likes Milly the most out of her family, since they intersect on some weeb interests. I wonder how Milly'd react if she found out the original version of Shizuka actually met Shirou and Saber?

Thank you on both counts!

Does she have a watch on because it's always time for blowjobs?

I can't explain scientifically, but I'm pretty sure this is a frame from Butt Ugly Martians
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if you want vengeance just post any of my stuff on the discord
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this hand is the most powerful by far
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this is probably the next forbidden screenshot
This guy really wants to tie up Anna, gag him and strip him naked.
??? anna is a girls name
thank you
cool shots and everything.
breed every last one of them
I like her look
>Shiz Week has been upgraded to Shiz Month
but pride month was last month.
Anna pronouns are she/he you bigot
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oh my god


you still have e-celeb aint it


oh no she gonna tie me up afterwards



Celinda, The Psychoblader

thats rated meow

nice font

the boobs and the breast

This is definitely the thread of all time.

Good shit. I don't know how she's projecting her face onto the rock but other than that it's pretty cool.

I don't know what brought on all these Clarisse lewds as of late, but they've been really good.

Stubby squid girl. Take it or leave it.

So what you're saying is... the game was rigged from the start.
And he definitely can’t skate transition!
thread of all time for now
>>8104199 >>8103616
who is this even again?
He caused the shit thread from a month ago.
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i missed that thankfull, but alrighty then
Scene Mega Anon: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=kZllDcVZmuwVQB4ykrywXYIkf3thg4nJa4HX
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Maybe I'm just retarded and missed it but is there any way to hide the nodes of everything EXCEPT the item you currently have selected in studio
Scenes become such a clusterfuck of nodes that it's difficult to actually select the ones I need
The second named character variant is equipped for its pilot's role as the ordinance expert. With specialized shoulder armor, forearm mounted grenade launcher, and a specialized ballistic camera housed in the center of the head's camera array.
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I love this little goat like you wouldn't believe.
No idea but I'd also like to know.
I am consistently blown away by the things you manage to make in studio, nice work.
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i posted your stuff at lumalabs
Me three, I never found out how to do that
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show me your screen

if you don't wanna then i'll just share based on my experience

#1 Sorting things out
-If you sort things out from the very beginning, you could just hide everything and voila

-i call this gigantamax coz you just hit the model size to 10+ so all nodes look smaller

#3 Bird's eye
-move up further distance up the sky then look down, everything should be placed like chess pieces

you see, i can't answer the problem if i can't see the problem so this should give you idea that i know what's up

though, if this answered then nice
this is how i do things and some i haven't said but i usually end up with simple ones coz i like it that way
>-i call this gigantamax coz you just hit the model size to 10+ so all nodes look smaller
I believe there's a node size slider in the options menu for this.
i didn't see it and im used to that
can i have a screenshot
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what the hell does you being latino have to do with anything? also get your own waifu anon!
you guys are going to hell
this guy also defeated me as well!
she looks nice!
she reminds me of kingdom hearts for some reason. i don't know if i said that already
egyptians are weird
that guys seems to block or mute people randomly just to see if they notice. i've seen him talk about it a couple times. i don't know if you guys have any previous battles though
cool robutt
I did a little work. It's a bit off from my original concept, which was going to be a classic arcade machine.
Player 2's view.
>what the hell does you being latino have to do with anything?
I like big gringa butts. And Becky checks a lot of boxes.
>also get your own waifu anon!
It's not the same when I make my own OC!!!!
>more Clarisse porn
Webm is exactly what I'm doing to Becky tonight.
i like it
Update: I considered ending my life only 20 times last week. I’ll keep you updated.
womp womp
>also get your own waifu anon!
Says the guy that hijacked some random card
>More to come.
Scroll down homie
You can't bump retard
She's on the clock sucking cock... or something.

>I don't know what brought on all these Clarisse lewds as of late, but they've been really good.
There's this artist I like who's a complete waifufag and he draws sex a bunch and I realised I was lacking there so I've been doing more. Also horny.

uwaoah indeed!
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>Is she gonna love her and squeeze her and call her George?
Haha, I saw your pic and I was thinking the exact same thing.
kkpe bone edits and displace maps. The scenes are on mega.

thanks. there is still so much I am not happy with but that's how it is, you have to tell yourself enough is enough sometimes. that's true in general, and that's how i feel
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Here is the scene you asked for the other day.
Long delayed hypno bunny drop. Sorry for the delay
Extra bunny maybe eventually!
Nice bunny.
Impressive, I get tired of a scene after a couple of days.
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The monke reminds me of
here you go. I was gonna say check the repack but I checked and all but one of Anna's mods is there so fuck if the discord has them and if those links work at all

oh very nice so far

thanks again V lovely animations as always

I've been around 4chin for a long while so its nothing new to me to hang around a board and generals of my interests and a personal thing with me is the discord chat has way too many conversations going on and so many people screaming into the void trying to get some attention and its really not my jam to compete with other people like that

I need to test this stupid thing out

excellently done and man I really can't be arsed to work with chains or rope accessories again its so fucking annoying to get it to work right but you managed to make it look smooth all the way through

good stuff and I'm slacking on making character sheets myself cause I keep getting distracted playing with my toys making shootout scenes
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>cute bunny girl
>mind control eyes
maybe its time to actually make something for the thread...
what time is it in your country?
It's Goofy Time
This can't be true
plapping time
Did someone say mind control?

Past 2pm
>waiting for her since forever
>computer is broken
Fuck. She looks really, really fun
Thank you so much! I tried digging through the old mod releases on d*scord but it was hell and found nothing of the like. I should have figured it was Anna who put those together.

Cool scene too. Should have brought a riot shield.
Pris is my favorite girl from the theme. Are you going to release any more scenes soon?
Doggy wip

>I really can't be arsed to work with chains or rope accessories again its so fucking annoying to get it to work right but you managed to make it look smooth all the way through
Move controller is an absolute blessing. If it weren’t for that I wouldn’t have even bothered giving her the needles.

Are we looking at a /kkg/ revival?

To people like us, Goofy Time is just Time.
Very intimidating. I tried to do something similar with her face in panel 4 but it looked kind of dumb at that angle, so I just angled her head downwards more and hid her eyes instead.
In the future, I’d recommend looking into projectors as well - if you disable a character’s facial features in matedit (mayuge, ohitomi 1 and 2, noseline, and the eyelines) and set the render queue of her face and body below the projector, then set the hair above it, you can get a similar effect without any clipping with the shadow. I haven’t found a use for it yet, but it seems useful!
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But she's slutty! And her default attire shamelessly steals parts from Mashu Kyrielight! Thank you for liking her regardless.

>scene releases
I lost a lot of my WIPs and completed scenes after my hard drive died during a power outage. I was really bummed out and took a break from Koikatsu-ing.
I do have some stuff I've been working on since then.
Assuming you like my degenerate content, here's an unreleased scene of Pris and some cockroaches hah. will still need editing before release



Nrgg, the Becky. Would it be fine if I make Pris and Becky scissor some time? No weird gimmicks or anything. Just fun scissoring.
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damn son
Here's one
I'm not sorry, in the slightest.
Here's another, because it took less than 5 minutes.
where'd ya find this
rayne would definitely find an explosion entertaining.
I am assuming she's a villain, so I put her in the bad guys tab. Lemme know if you want her somewhere else.
Do smart lesbians even exist?
Do you consider non consensual bunnygirl bimbofication an evil trait?
Well, mind control is generally considered an "evil" power, as that one guy from MHA can attest. And she is essentially engaging in commercial sexual exploitation.
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haha wtf
Assuming they don't might bite you in the ass later. Better be prepared for everything.
I only have _ to go off of so I'm going to say no.
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what u doin guys
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>I like big gringa butts. And Becky checks a lot of boxes.
well that's something we have in common.
tell me exactly what boxes she checks anon
i saved her anon! she'd be gone forever if i didn't act and we'd all be dead!
nice! she kind sus though
>Nrgg, the Becky. Would it be fine if I make Pris and Becky scissor some time? No weird gimmicks or anything. Just fun scissoring.
dang no slugs action?
but go ahead! you can do whatever anon, i don't mind!
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thats kaboom

cute girl
oh wait is that an insect


its over for mr pp

the strangulus

oh no reload faster

+150% holy damage

CATastrophe upon thee

bunny time


me with my fresh fig

no thats a monkey
someone's bout to become a girl on this one
>dang no slugs action?
Wh-what? Becky would be willing to partake in the slug ritual!?
Quick, pick out a slightly sci-fi-ish outfit for her. PLEASE. (and give me her latest card too)

>cute girl
>oh wait is that an insect
Pris helps endangered space species reproduce. It's completely altruistic.

y are ur girls melted :(

Your Egyptian map looks amazing btw!
>endangered space species
I pray to God that cockroaches become endangered. Disgusting little shits. Only bug I fear.
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Ermmmm ackshually cockroaches are important to the environment and are rather clean creatures! Have a change of heart my Peruvian OC having-friend.
I’m well aware of how important they are.
But I will burn this planet to the ground before I spend another minute with these vermin.
Her being slutty is the best part! Nice to see you back
She's a huge fan
I want to make something unique like that sketchbook girl or the ragdoll lady, but I can't think of anything...
How do you think cockroaches feel about being near you? Don't be a jerk.
This is actually really cute.
>Quick, pick out a slightly sci-fi-ish outfit for her. PLEASE. (and give me her latest card too)
i don't really have anything other than these on her card. problem with her og fit on the right is i've been too lazy to convert it to v plus, but feel free to switch up her fit if you want something else.
also here's her latest version
She looks like she came from future Brazil
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I hope they are pants-shittingly terrified.
I'd a Becky.
>Hideko walking in on her mom getting railed yet again
Cute Hideko, she looks like she's just seen my remote control girlfriend
Sounds like you need some cockroach correction.
Clarisse is lactose intolerant btw
Contrary to popular belief Hideko can't do a split.
She absolutely can! She just has trouble getting out of it…
And Kit isn't real
The breasts of her mother, the thighs of her father...
I love spreading misinformation
I love spreading Shiz's legs.

And shaving every hair I see.
Shiz was originally a self insert!
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She's ready, enjoy.
Shiz is still where I insert myself! Literally, not figuratively! More specifically: the part of myself that is my penis!
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Listening to music is always a good way to find inspiration.

I like the way her hair looks like she has a helmet.

Space shader and a duplicated material using an alpha shader to display the drawn textures and outlines.

Thank you, Mr. Scorsese.
Post nut clarity. I give her a 7.9/10
muh diiiick

Can you post the “we outta rum” pic again?
Shiz was originally a Fate fanfic OC.
Shiz never actually met any Fate characters because she's not canon to anything Nasuverse.
All of Relvel and _ jokes were written by me. Debuff did not die for this.
I like to think Shiz and Julia have an intense rivalry over which of their daughters is the top and which is the bottom.
Shiz is over hyped
Shiz is under raped
Where's Laggen?
who the fuck is shiz
who the fuck is laggen
Who the fuck is Relvel?
Who the fuck is Antares?
Who am I?
It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan!
No one cared who I was until I put on the mask...
If I pull that off, would you die?
It would be very ruff.
What if I don't have a plan? What should I do with my life then?
Fun fact! no one in kkg is Asian!
WTF, i want to hold Becky with my slimy gamer hands
Anna is Cambodian
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It seems the OVERLORDS of a CERTAIN board fear the uprising of the Big Becky Controller (BBC).
Anyway, here's the front and back. Very good for gaming slimy I assure you. You'll see these in a Walmart near (You) very soon.
Is this legal?
I'm not joining this theme but I appreciate the cards, scenes, and comics. Thanks anons.

Great job, enjoy your break!

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koikatsu 7
my career...
I don't quite understand your brain Becky but that's pretty cool. I wish I had waifu dedication like you and Riceman.
It's all a dream, wake up.
I'm not gonna be able to beat the schizo allegations after this one.

Hell yes.
Farm Theme died for this.
I know I only post garbage, but you ain't gotta do me like that, man.
good riddance
no its not garbage wtf

is this you?
its cool as fuck so i checked out what it looks like on ai
tested on my frame first to be sure and yeah it rocks
Make her less sexy
Futa, but pretty good. Better than most shitposting anyway.
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We're going back to the Sci-Fi theme with this one boys.

Stay tuned.
Rip regulars.
Did she gain a bit of weight?
Ever so slightly....
wouldn't you be after taking in some radroach breeding material?
Waiting for this anon>>8105480 to remake my card
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Anika, Choco, Bubba, Poin, Eleven, one french anon who isn't a schizo, pureShiz, Aikaanon who isn't Aikaanon, Red, chibianon.
is this good for a begginer? what could be improven?

She makes dotty look skinny
Wow, is that your card?
Even if not it's fantastic and you have already surpassed several month long users in the discord and mayhaps here.
The scene is basic, but her expression is spot on.
do you have the scene for this still? if so can you share it?
Which card?
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somebody made an Anna AI on spicyAI and it has over 800k messages. Truly unbelievable.
holy cow that is hilarious.
I'm gonna fuck Clarisse.
No one misses me because I'm not worth a damn
No one misses me and I'm glad because I wouldn't want someone else to be sad because of me
no one cares
I only miss myself when Im horny
These people need a hugbox
k. i'm out of reposts.
Is this free and is it any good?
Im sick of CAI
Your activity levels have been low huh /kkg/

You people have the entire forest at your disposal but only see the first trees. In other words both CAI and that SpicyChat thing are both shit
gangbang, gangbang?
I can try to cook something up
we need more of them, but not with the usual suspects
Sometimes that's all you need
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Vertically challenged
Chunky girls are in season.
Did you ever add that newest animation scene to your mega?
Anna won
That's botted as fuck, or/and some obsessive autist who has nothing better to do.

In no world does Anna fare better than fucking Makima from that gay ass Chainsaw anime.
short meaty fuckfox
botted like his twitter
dead internet
It is on the mega, along with the uncompressed video

I am stuck at home due to circumstances outside of my control so I am not allowed to touch grass. I meant to make a girl with covered eyes for a while however.
I am once again drawing shitty fan art of the next OC posted
There is a hairstyle I like but it's not long enough in the back. Is there a way to make it longer? I searched through the editor and I couldn't find any options to stretch it.
As dumb as it is to say on this board, I'm not drawing pornography
Press BM in the character creator to open the advanced bone mod editor.
Find the corresponding accessory number, expand the dial, and mess around with the components of the hair piece.
meant to respond to this as well lol
Take your pick.
Thanks that worked.
Flower, every time.
it's very okay but it's free and you don't have to run it locally
Which creators do you wish you could cuck with their waifus?
I'm glad because that's exactly what I want.
Emi-anon, because I know it would bother him the most.
Tats-anon because I know we'd both get off on it.
No refunds.
GOD she’s so cut
Not quite cucking, but I'd like to see kitfags characters be taken away by child protection services.
wouldn't that involve PETA?
Based emi hater
Isn't Peta infamous for mishandling animals and sometimes even killing them themselves?
Pussy from an insane crippled war criminal
even better
Hot, any chances of you updating your mega with your newer scenes?
Also, I think giving her a bunch of scars and burns was a good choice. Kind of makes her look cuter as well as shows off the damage she sustained alongside being crippled.
Cute! Thank you draw anon!
card for this cutie?
Chocopops, strawberry anon, Arch
I can dump them eventually, compatibility is probably going to be horrible though.
Gonna finish my girl I made for the contest.
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i remade one of my old scenes!

i don't know what this means but it can't be good
that's a neat flip effect! i really like the teacher fit!
how did you get in my house!?
ha ha, glad you like it anon! you weren't supposed to leak the merch until we get a real deal though! I GOT A LOT RIDING ON THIS MAN!
are you ashamed of your waifu anon?
looking forward to it anon!
i think it's pretty good for a beginner!
nice! i truly feel like i'm next to a girl in this pic
i miss him too. goodbye monopoly girl
reminds me of league of legends
She's probably the only character you made I'd fuck
Mecha bros, how do we recover from this?
Backhanded compliments. KKG certified.
>big ears
>big tail
>big booba
>big hips and thighs
i give her big plaps/10
Anon, if it makes you feel better, I'm a much more simple man. I see a cute girl, I love her. That's a cute girl.
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Is there anything like picrel here
Have you ever met someone, but can't shake the feeling you've seen them before?
That dark skin girl that's always with tats I want to fuck her and make her creator watch
Here are some TF sequences for a story I've been writing with Koikatsu about girls getting turned into intelligence vampires. Haven't been posting here about it for a while since it's had a few stops and starts, but now its almost over. Here's a link if anyone interested. https://www.deviantart.com/samaster/gallery/92681727/intelligence-vampire-
you mean a visual novel? one anon who seldom posts here has like one or two and another is making their own game
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I like this succ
How many cards would you say are cute on kkg?
I'll post cards some day, when I finally write LORE and full profiles. Because I'm cringe.

Just in this thread, somewhere between 10-15. But that could also includes some double counting, I'm new to the threads and might not recognize some of the frequent ones just yet.
Name all the cutes in this thread. If mine isn't named I will quit playing gacha games.
Save him, anon. Don’t say anything!
Fertility pills are hot.
those are freakin tootsie rolls anon! you can't fool me
Speak of the devil and he will appear
Yeah that's me unfortunately.
Nah didn't mean it in a bad way. Glad to see you still posting here and having success with your projects.
Thank you.

Not around as much as before but I try to workpost a bit.
You able to share the animated scenes for tropicali? All the animations are super well done
Maybe at some point. I stopped releasing a lot due to some really weird devs on f95, it's not you guys.
Is /kkg/ finally back?
Anyone still up? I will call you cute.
Oh I'm not sweating the card but lore and the like aren't too cringe, several people here have that.
For now, the forecast looks positive
Fuck it, whatever, here's the folder.


I'll do the profiles some other time. Feel free to use the cards however.
Nice, I like the one with the blindfold the most. I thought they were sunglasses at first and it gave me the impression that she was really cool and confident. Like Char but a bondage slave.
Damn i know the cards were off limits but even the scenes too??
I'm up but I don't need you telling me what I already know.
Wait, your stuff is also getting ripped for a different renpy vn thats not already your own vn?
"we love you anon!"
shut up baby I know it
not him but i know f95 devs well and they probably took his free stuff and tried to lock it behind a paywall, so i can understand it.
Anna would never say that.
Anna (la creatividad) would say that.
They're cute, anon. Welcome!
look down at that little piece of shit with horns, Imagine kicking her in the head
Hello everyone it's me, Jetjaguar.
I like men.
Hello everyone it's me, Becky.
I hate myself.
You cant
I, Becky, can do whatever I want. I'm a psychopath it's my super power.
Hello everyone, it's you.
She will never be real.
So... What you guys been up to?
Nothing. I have too much to do but no motivation to do any of it.
meidoposting. as, using com3d2.
I would post my work but im afraid of thread IDs
They implemented IDs for only high quality posters. I can see your ID right now.
Oh yea. who am I?
I like women actually!
You can like women and be gay. Being gay is in the soul. Just look at Relvel.
Finishing up Dawntrail. Playing Red Dead Redemption 2. Still looking for a job.

Don't ever reply to me ever again.
Just for that I'm not fapping to Mavis again.
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You don’t have the strength.
Fine. I'll do it. But afterwards I'll kill 20 futas.
Mavis>Julia>>>> his other cards.
Pretty much, yeah.
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I think they’re all special in their own way.
But some are special on more ways than one…
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I'm partial to Hideko for mysterious reasons no one could possibly guess.
Because you suck.
anon no, they... lick.
like a hungry anteater discovering an unmolested termite mound, they plunge their tongue deep inside the labyrinthine chambers of their partners to extract the nutritional eggs and delicious royal jelly within
I hate that you have said those words.
well rub my tummy and clap my flaps, there ain't no need to be so upset mister. we can all get a long with a little love and understanding
over rated.
It's better not to read anything she says after 3 words.
Just wait until I reveal my next card, Anne Teater.
Do you think I'm fucking Applejack or something
Milf shiz1.0 >goth shiz>>>>other cards>>>>kiki
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>no internet
>computer finally gave up the ghost
At least i saw this coming and backed my shit up but damn. I was almost done with the thing I've been working on since like january
Damn that sucks, hope the new place is cool though.
What's wrong with Kiki

Don't say she's black
Thanks for reminding me I need to update this one but I'm surprised someone saved her.


That fuckin sucks, hope you can at least recover whatever was on it.
I don't see them
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It's pretty alright, I'm out in marlboro country now. The one thing i wasn't expecting was all the girls walking around in bikinis but I'm not gonna complain

My userdata folder is safe and that's what matters, I'd be distraught if I lost my cursed project. Sucks to have ideas and time but no way to work on them though
you left her on the oven too long
who's the animan studio of /kkg/?
I'm glad your move is going well! What's it like breathing in all that bold, smooth flavor?
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Damn I didn't see this part. That's rough, but at least you were smarter than me and backed shit up. Which reminds me, if they're not in my mega or in your backups, I may have lost my other magical girls besides Arisu...
Megaton Musashi
Surviving. I made this based off a joke comic too.
how did you make those clamps? Care to share the scene?
its a conquestus mod, but they're not FK rigged like you would expect. better to make your own with basic objects.
unfortunate. I've been trying to scrounge together more nipple clamp options, and I don't have the patience or competence to make something myself.

One thing I probably could actually make is clamps connected by a chain, but I can't figure out how to connect one end of a chain to something and I haven't had the patience to dig around to get it
still on my outfit rut but I'm making progress and in the interim found more random shit I want to obj import and make dumb stuff with

I would if I can get some good looking man tits but gotta edit some displacement maps to hopefully get them the way I want fucking man beefers

delicious choco woman

cool as always barz

its always fun to go back to old scenes and cringe at my old techniques

perhaps some day I can catch your request and have one for Shiz it would make for a nice one off idea

>her hair looks like she has a helmet.
with the way the dynamic bones are set up it might as well be

>Move controller is an absolute blessing
yea if its free floating in space sure but fuck if I can sit there and get that shit to coil around a body without meticulous adjusting

thats a damn shame but at least you thought ahead
pet ya goth.
I'm usually here, just lurking in the background
like a wiggler about to pounce
Dawntrail, Fallout 4 and Fortnite
as a certified monster fucker, Arcadion was MADE for me
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I spent my one week off playing Elden Ring. It was good, but it would have been good to do some koi too.
Goddamn that's terrible, glad you at had a backup.
>Marlboro country
Are you telling me you're now there in the fields with that cowboy waddle, cheeked up with that saddle sissy stride? Congrats on the move my dude.
The plaprats...
Hell yeah, cute balls are essential. I loved the Guriposts from last thread.
I like this guy, he reminds me of playing Payday 2.
Oh I like this very much, nice work.
Is she being freed from the gag or being re-gagged here? This is important characterization for Slaveowner-kun.

No worries, I got em.

Nodesconstraints, but unless you're animating that's really not going to save you time. There's a set of handcuffs on my pcloud that illustrates the principle.... I think. Building shit out of shapes is pretty simple, too. Give it a shot

Awful queer talk for a fella in lasso distance
extra outfit. what do you think?
Looks pretty good. Don't know if there's anything you can do about the weird outlines at the nipple.
Just work them into the lore by saying the boob gravitational field warps the light around them.
even if im not finishing much ive been enjoying the faces ive been making
>Is she being freed from the gag or being re-gagged here?
Putting the gag in. It's important to get her all dressed up for her walk, especially since they're on their way to pick up Em's sister from the milking barn. Whole scene on my pixiv involves Em being a little grumpy that her servicing her Master was interrupted by this.

>Nodesconstraints, but unless you're animating that's really not going to save you time.
yeah I need to figure out nodeconstraints. I'm getting by reasonably fine most of the time just fiddling things around by hand, but I tend to cannibalize parts from scenes a lot and I feel like it'd be a timesaver going forward if I'm swapping out characters.
Cute chubby cheeks ready for cum deposition.
Ain’t nothing wrong with it, he just got that rodeo rectum, that bucking bull booty is all.
im afraid in that pic shes the one doing the cum deposition
Straight onto her own cheeks, just like Toshi when he got folded by Hako sensei...
i prefer it going inside other girls myself
reshade users, what would be the best way to OBS film it without melting my computer?
Uhh, the normal way? When it comes to OBS the main thing affecting performance besides the shaders themselves is the resolution, I believe.
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Someone used one of the horses I ported for onces!
>timeline with reshade
Oh I've used those horses Nara...
I've used them...
Coloris is a French word pronounced as Cuh-LURE-ees (more or less anyway)
But the Coloris title and mysterious alien crystal is pronounced as Ko-LORE-iss.
Why? Because in the story, France was straight up wiped off the fucking map in 2029 and hasn't existed for around 65 years by the time the main story's events roll around. There are VERY little people in-universe who know how to pronounce it like the French did.
And that's okay.
Humanity has outgrown the French.
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as a story maker with too many fr*nch people (not my fault that france has cool af tv channels like game one (and j-one. and the forgotten game one music hd. and nolife. and mangas. and voyage, i could continue for an eternity...), another spin is kinda filled from those. kinda. nimue is one of those.
Now make them use her
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I'm afraid to use Nara's card.
I can't use her. Impossible. Sorry.
Awesome work, great effects with the bullets there.

AHHH cute!

She's my wife, get your own.

Messy bedhead peak comfy.

She looks great, love thse big ears.

Hey, they are pretty hot. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

damn that sounds rough, welcome back though.
You deny her holes their purpose jack
You're the best dude, thanks!
Uh… kupo?
furry little shites
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But why..?
I'm telling you man, the French gotta go.
do you really need horse cock that bad?
Ok, perhaps in the future. But I better get a fucking (you) from you.
Or I swear to GOD.
>Get in bitch, we're going on a road trip
Hope you like Neil Cicierega, because they're going to be blasting it and singing along for the whole 6 hour trip.
>get your own
it's too late. I already fugg
I will no longer being a fan or supporter of bugnug. I expect scenes to be advertised as is but his scenes have Chikas within them rather than his advertised cards.
Let's boycot catanon
potions on the right look like amongus
I went on one of those zero-g flights a few years ago and it made me realize how important the balls are in detecting the orientation of the lower body and legs. I can’t imagine how girls get around without an equivalent, possibly they could insert a small pebble into their uterus and use it as a statolith, much like a squid or octopus would.
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Hey, the farm theme wasn't that bad.
I had fun.
I liked the funny weasel
Goodnight lads
hey guys it's me! i love haribo candy products!

what's the point of these giant robots if they can get 1v1 by infantry?
i finished setting up this room! i'm gonna make a new comic and you'll see characters in a new light. i think you'll all really have a blast
unfortunate, hope you get stuff resolved anon!
high maintenance
there's never a good reason to do drugs
>its always fun to go back to old scenes and cringe at my old techniques
i was pretty terrible back then! i'm glad you guys didn't make fun of me that much!
i used your squirrels one time!
Not everybody makes it back home, Anon. Especially the guys in the stock grunt color scheme.

That infantry guy was a last minute addition for scale. I initially wanted to have a couple more infantry guys checking out the wreck, but couldn't fit them in. Its ambiguous as to what took that guy down, but the infantry guys are on the same side as the deady. They're both carrying the same weapons after all.
the squirrels were cute and very easy to capture
Their pelts will bring a fine bounty at market
I like women in armour
She cute.
Very cute squirrels desu, the way that one is tied up is so lewd.
Tats is gonna get in big trouble when she tries to pawn off a skunk as a squirrel
No you don't.
I can't stop making succs
maybe you need some succs on the beach?
I'm from new jersey, they deserve better beaches than that
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Oh this is about cock? I didn't know lol.

I don't care that much I am just happy when people use my cards!

always like cock just dont care about the kind.
Alright guys anyone mind helping a retard here? Discord for the HF patch isn't too helpful.
>Enjoys AA2's chan patch so wants to try KK again
>Downloads HF patch and every modpack with it in KKManager
>Goes on bepis and pixiv for cards
>downloads missing plugins from the KKManager list of missing mods
>half the cards I find still have missing clothes like skirts or parts of their shirts
>only comment I see on fixing it is "update modpack"
the fuck am I doing wrong anons?
Did you start with the better repack for koi or sunshine in OP?
Also no matter what people say, the better repack sideloader repo KK Manager is also using has been outdated for maybe a year or two. So you're probably missing mods that arent there.
Post that message in the upper right when loading a card with issues and try asking if they have the zipmod available somewhere.
Now that I'm reading to OP post, it seems that it might be worth to uninstall and restart with better repack. Always assumed that version was what I nabbed if I didn't have the steam version.

Gonna restart there. Thanks for the heads up with the outdated KK Manager updates. Knew I wasn't crazy.
>I'm surprised someone saved her.
I save everything when Im horny
which of your characters would like to be treated as a pet the most? nothing weird, just petting and stuff
What should be done to tats?
I'm pretty sure the answer is 'no,' but is there any way to set up a split screen in the CharaStudio? I'd like to show two camera angles at the same time
now i can figure why creamstar ports meido stuff in koikatsu.
custom maid is a pain to use (and lacks many things that koi has).
(now, if only cream ported all the meido fits in koi...)
Turn her into a water feature
No but also yes, you have to use the camera and monitor items
Interesting, how does that work?
nvm, I just found out how. This works great, thank you.
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Getting ready for coming back to university this august.
If I wasn't able to do shit before, my output will become nonexistent.
File deleted.
i'm an asset stealer

i steal assets from other cards and then incorporate them into my own
This is normal, fine, and a good idea as long as you aren't a filthy p*ywaller
We already know that relvel.
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the MOST? Probably Frida. Consdering she is a puppy girl.

But many of them probably would. I mean who doesn't like headpats?
what a cute doggie. in that case, what about a top 3? I'm gathering inspiration
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Nara likes getting petted and pampered a lot. She is a bit of a nuzzle gremlin too.
Maybe ones like Kana as well? although just pointing out all of the animal girls almost feels too obvious and like cheating.
Beemi likes being praised a lot. If you consider robots as viable pets.
Momo likes to play cat but I'm not sure that's quite the same.
Linny would probably like petplay and stuff honestly.
Colette possibly could.. or maybe she'd leash you instead. Either way would be dangerous.

Kind of hard to say otherwise I have too many damn characters. Feel free to ask about specific ones if there's ones you wonder about specifically I suppose.
She looks like she wants to be punched in the face
>Colette possibly could.. or maybe she'd leash you instead
unf yes please
that's a cute selection, thanks for sharing. I'll have a look at the cards and see who fits best
You should get your eyes checked.
Take this
Oh fuck yes
is that a man? it seems like a bit of a faggot thing to do
based Kohei, now it’s her turn as master
Majority of posters here are faggots.
translator's note :
please let me get your card for free coz' im broke so i could paste it on my garbage gacha assets because paying the right price for the skill is too hard
well obviously the price they think is right is 0 dollars. should've learned metalworking anon
>unironically go to work
why not just be a neet?
About that...
I'm just never supporting anyone who paywalls other IPs' characters.
How is it any different from paying for art of gacha characters?
Does it count as being a fag when he’s getting more pussy than you?
>he’s getting more pussy than you?
>anthropomorphic fictional character
i mean getting jobs would probably make 80% of you guys less retarded
My oc get way more pussy
Don't you do that to me!
Anon here >>8109379 has a point.

My hate instead goes towards those who have time limited cards on sale. At least some have a gumroad or something to buy later, but not all. Don't be surprised when I pirate those cards.
>right price for the skill
Which is $0, considering the level of quality you see in most paywalled cards. Basically anyone who posts in these threads, or anyone who's been actively using Koi for a while, is vastly better at making cards than most paywallers.
Oh yeah, the ones who do FOMO time limits or any kind of convoluted tiered membership scheme are especially scummy.
Post examples of these threads making better cards so I can laugh.
/kkg/, genius.
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none of your gay paywallers can beat this
Use logic?
It's a weird way to do things, I agree. I guess they're trying to manipulate the fomo in people. I don't know if they're actually helping themselves with this tactic, though.
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Hell yes. Very happy with these results!
I’m insulted that you think I’m a frogposter.
Where do you think we are?
nuh uh I’m buff and hot and rich and I fuck sex women every day and live in a nice house and my stepdad doesn’t make me eat dirt fuck you dad FUCK YOU DAD
Any plans to reupload your mega? I wanted to check out your latest cards and scenes
my cards
The boysniffer sniffs again !
Asians have a weird thing of doing things on the internet. I guess they consider our ways weird too.
hopefully its working so well
if it doesn't maybe i wouldn't be able to read a whine about it
if it does work, i mean
gee how many whines we get from time to time
Do you think she gets in trouble with the staff for her habit
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there's so many free cards yet the special ones whine about paywall
whats wrong? you think im a child
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i heard the free ones have great quality but you start to sound like you miss something

such a tsun-tsun
I just think you're delusional
>Verification not required.
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you made her blush so here's the promo
blud is arguing with himself
you bet i am
I'm back, what'd I miss
me, get naked
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is that time. the reposting time.
we are on /h/ not on /lgbt/
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Kit made me cum.
kit is an animal and a minor, is like combo of pedobestiality and she look like she is on drug so a combo of rape and animal abuse
Kit does drugs?!
What the heck is Foxowner doing?
motherfukin fentanyl, a bad strong shit
It's actually only bestiality, the rest is all in Foxowner's head. Drugs do that to you.
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Little by little we get more insight into his twisted mind
The fox girls aren't real?
What else is a lie?
this is what schizophrenia do to a mf
Christian "foxowner" chandler
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The strangest part of all is that Millyfox actually does still have that phone.
My theory: The foxes are actually highly intelligent alien life forms who hypnotized Foxowner (and all other locals) into accepting them, pretending to be pets while they survey the area for their own purposes.
My theory is that the foxes piss all over the house and the house smells like piss and there is piss stains all over the place and probably shit
So Kit really does smell after all.
smell like shit probably
My theory is that the sexpets are the secret cover identities for Neil Cicierega's band, and Kit's favorite song of his is Piss.
my theory is that each of the foxgirls are actually three smaller foxgirls stacked on top of one another, and of them are trying to not get caught by the others
My theory is that Milly is actually a girl.
We're trying to post believable theories here, Anon.
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A nearly 2 minute animation?
How long does something like this take to make?
On and off for a week. The only thing that took long was the hair.
Cheers mate
The girl's armor is really cool. How did you make those accessories? Custom normalmap+tess?
Yeah I just made some high res models that looked vaguely souls-like and used them as a normal map.
Finally some good fucking content.
When are we getting the scene data for the last few months though
>posts NSFW
What did he mean by this.
another one of her outfits done, her previous traditional outfit was rather clunky to use

great shit as always anna
I'm gonna be late!
So fucking cute, what’s she going to do to him now?
Doing (get-pregnant) drugs with your genki brown tomboy.
Very cool, can't believe I didn't think of something like this. Hot as fuck
Random pretentious neon shot because a snake can't change his scales.

Right? I should have done it earlier.
A small tweak with alternative voices
she needs to be bigger and he needs to be smaller, you know this to be true
That would be problematic.
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Goodnight lads, 8 foot tall alien woman be upon ye
no balls
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I stopped playing/posing this game because of this.

Is this adjustable in the new game? Honeycome?
You can increase cheek depth to smooth it out. The "Outline Rework" headmod detailmask disables those outlines around the nose. You can just export the detailmask from that headmod and then apply it to a different headmod of your choice.
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>increase cheek depth
Not enough. I also need to make the nasal base narrower.

>disables those outlines around the nose
What does that look like?
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dude wtf
Well from a low angle like that other pic, like this.
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this honestly cinematic

i love those outlines

this stuff looks like the girl from popteamepic
ok so have a nice day brehs
No, I don't think I will
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Looks retarded. Thanks anyway.

I just want a normal looking nose when viewed from below.

>Wide nasal base = N
I can't fap to this
Is there a way to get dildos to work with better penetration? Or do l basically have to make an invisible male character for ever dildo? Which doesnt look quite right
Technically attaching a dynamic collider (and adjusting it properly) should work but I've not tested this because I only put my own dick in holes, nothing else.
Id fuck it.
who wouldn't?
lazy scene before the fun this weekend.

making convincing environments using Koi's assets and textures isn't fun sometimes. X X
Why is Julia just taking a piss in the bushes.
that one in a bush is a guy, why calling him with a female name? It sounds very faggot
You make a fair argument, sir. I will from forever onward call Julia "Julio Iglacias."
she knows where those two are heading
>Sideloader Mods Pack
Is there a way to just mass download everything on that website just to get it over with? Going one by one for each mod feels like a pain in the ass.
yeah, its kk manager. common troubleshooting issue is the average kk/kks user place their custom curated mods inside the same sideloader folders that kk manager references the directory data from, so those files get deleted.
>what about a mod torrent
back then it was included in the repacks, but iirc there was a torrent file split, and is probably more outdated than the BR sideloader repo, even though those mods are also years outdated.
Still hopeless with lighting

just out of curiosity is this all in koikatsu or are you using other programs?
Looks entirely koikatsu.
The text and lines are adde din photoshop, although it could be done just as well in koikatsu (see my animation for that)
Looks cool. I think this is very cool honestly. Good job. here's a heart
Hands up, pants down! Post your girl getting arrested.
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My OCs are law abiding citizens you thug
Not really, sorry
does this count
Yeah this works nicely. Honestly if prison had public more sexual humiliation I think it'd be a much more effective deterrent.
I've also got an alternate setup with a pillory
But... where will I go? Who will I be?
I love this scene. It's comfy in the way the dialogue in armour core is with your allies.

This is awesome, but she didn't beat the game.

based and fertility pilled.
explain the fertility pill. I thought women had to take pills to be not pregnant?
I tried doing this and it gets the pussy to open but doesnt follow the same way that better penetration does. Link related is the effect lm going for

Prior to the 1960s women were essentially permanently pregnant and lactating from the ages of 13 to 60, after which they entered the crone phase and acted as neighborhood watch. Now after 60 years of taking infertility pills, most women are completely infertile except on full moons, or if they fall below a certain level of socio-economic status. As such, fertile women have become a sexual fetish, the mere thought of a woman being able to bear a child from the act of natural sex being a strange, fringe idea.
Having sex with no birth control doesn't mean they'll get pregnant for sure. But, if you really don't want a child and just want the sex then you don't want to take the chance. Whereas if you're trying for a child then there's pills that can induce ovulation and make it more likely that she'll get pregnant.
Gluttony smiling has the same energy as that meme of the smug cat with a knife being pointed at it.
sorry, i'm lactose intolerant
is it just me, or tinara shows up with nara image whenever her/his/its/theirs cards are used/mentioned
is it just me, or undelscore shows up with shiz image whenever her/his/shiz/theirs cards are used/mentioned
...Am I talkin' to me?
Where do you download all new scenes? And how do you make them work in game
I miss Desk-chan
Scenes are for use in Studio only, you put them somewhere in the scene folder in Koikatsu/UserData/Studio.
You can get them from many places. Start on this thread's OP, and also bepis and pixiv. With time you'll notice the quality authors for things you like.
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blue woman jumpscare
I think it's cute that anons can be summoned by using their characters. It's nice seeing them around and knowing that they enjoyed seeing their character used.
Whenever you use anon's card their heart goes doki doki
most of them are shitposting behind text posts
It makes me happy to know this, even just a little love can make someone feel good.
All of these are true
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You used my Koikatsu Card.
I came
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What the f I got this recommended in my youtube isn't that an Anna Anon card? You really made it big or something

Anyway how have you people been
>lust provoking image
>time wasting question
it never gets old
Hello satan. Been good, got Lust's prototype theme tune working and I turned Grym pink (pictured)
this unironically
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how do i get good at koikatsu
do you really think that way?

nice is this like a seven sins themed character set?
I found this same clip on Instagram the other day
how long until i can find chikarin in my instagram ads?
you never used my card
Yeah, they're the primary villain characters
Wrath, the war-profiteer who commands his own PMC
Gluttony, the pint-sized hell raiser with a hunger for carnage
Sloth, the lazy shrine priestess who commands her own family spirit to fight for her
Lust, the master of shady trafficking/drug dealings with a knack for manipulation
Greed, the sister of Wrath whose love for wealth even extends to the gold and jewels she embeds into her weaponry
Envy, the Gigerian leader of the Seven Sins Mercenaries who uses acidic claws and unmatched agility to shred opponents
and Pride, the world's best hacker who is as much of a genius as he is fucking insufferable
me in the center with the nut
It won't auto-target, you need to do it manually. Or attach it to an invisible male card like you said before.
Anna is tiktok famous.
serious question btw
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you are cinematic
learn animating, composition, etc?
idfk I just watch.
light some incense and tribute chika with 3 cumshots every day
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at this level, you just need exposure honestly
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a challenge for you vhix, post so many of those you'll singlehandedly end the thread today
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nah that's last, how many posts left
Do what Anna does.
How would l do it manually? Im still kind of newish to the studio lve done some very basic stuff
imagine taking a bolt cutters and breaking the chain and then covering her with a blanket and tell her that you are here to save her and then pick her up and bring her to a safe place
and what does that mean?
then offer her a bowl eggs and hopefully she would cheer up and play fortnite all night
This is a 100% genuine non-bot post.
that means you have to suck a lot of cocks
and then brutally rape her and throw her into a tub full of ice where you remove her organs and then violently dismember her into several pieces
It requires Timeline. That's too complicated to explain in a post, you'll have to look for guides.
Appeal to tiktok zoomers.
Just give up
this but unironically

Anyone have this SD? its stolen from some chink named Riri or something
This place is probably the worst place to ask for advice. Anna knows how to get the perfect balance of cute and sexy in their characters, and their scenes are focused on being cute, sexy, and funny. There is always a reason to rewatch some of their scenes to examine all the details and sometimes extra character interactions. Most of their detail goes into character expression above all else. Their characters are well proportioned and don't feature massive cocks, boobs, legs, etc.
they do feature a massive head, however
While true, that's not really anything special compared to other creators. They're really good at following trends, and making high quality animations which is what's impressive.
they also put those high quality animations out pretty frequently
That's a lot of words to say basically what >>8110815 said. Just as useless.
>not anything special
>makes high quality animations
Meant for >>8110868
I was replying to that anon talking about characters. Anna's characters are good, but I wouldn't say they're a cut above some other people's, but it's mostly taste. What does set him apart is the scenes he makes, it's not that difficult to understand.
which creators make (arguably) better cards than anna?
but how do i get exposure
You have to be baiting. I get this place doesn't like Anna but to even suggest anyone comes close to the quality of his cards is ridiculous.
jus b urself
and if urself doesn't work, be someone else
Like I said, it mostly comes down to taste. It really depends what you like. You're not going to get a serious answer from here.
what if someone else doesn't work?
then find another someone else until works because that someone else doesn't work and yourself doesn't work either so you just become someone else except its another else until you're bored and finally there's no other choice but to be yourself then you build traffic by having bipolar disorder
Nobody reasonable questions Anna's technical skill. Critique (that isn't just shitposting) is often about more subjective things like design sense.
Taste is an excuse to deflect criticism of art. Anna is objectively the higher end.
so basically, just b urself
The variation in his characters are also nonexistant. It's all the same character with a new hair color and new clothes.
Anna has the subjective better too.
anyway, the only real answer is to follow the trend and appeal to the masses
That's not how that works.
that's not what I asked
holy trips of truth
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i get that you guys have to find ways to entertain yourselves while the workposters are busy, but can you at least find a new topic that isn't anna argument #95678?
at least throw in some reposted images so we can kill the thread
Anna's most liked content is mainly their original characters, so that excuse doesn't really work.
what did you ask?
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he used the shota trend though
we go back on what the other anon said, people like his animations not his characters, then if you want to have more exposure follow the trend which is what anna does.
this >>8110786
shota is unsaturated market and he posted quality works on there so that shouldn't cut his (your) vibe
and the point is

he used this one

y'all just need exposure if u do gud
>shota trend
actual cope
Actual bait? All his popular works feature non-OCs.
no one said his work are low quality
Reminder that Anna lost to a guy that doesn't know how to take a screenshot.
anna would still be big but slower if he competed with the much more massive market

ya, its unsaturated. people are busy making what you call those korean manga thingies and it consist of grown males to the point that people catered on genshin boys

point is, if you battle a much more competetive market, it would be slower assuming you started there

also most people make gacha, its same stuff except anna stood out on that market and made a name
this makes him a shota king and he should farm it while its there
you don't know if someone else starts to penetrate that market then you start to understand my point being
making a nonexistent enemy is great motivator
Anna couldn't possibly be better than me. It must be the market!
why they are so mad? i dont even think anyone criticized anna's work quality or his skill
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there's insane nameless animators (3d artists in general, sculptors included) forced to work for car companies or whatnot due to lack of exposure

marketing is an analytical strategy and they have no time for that
they just took their diploma, maybe made some stupid short and went pro

for being better though, no one's better than anybody when a concrete style has been forged.

it could be effortless, effortful, abstract or more words i could say but the point is, concrete style has been made

and here, you do get exposure for fame and >>8110912
Always remember that you brought this on yourselves /kkg/ maybe if you hadn't chased away an amount of the good posters directly (like the GF guy with the AI thing) or indirectly you wouldn't be like this
Is the goal to get Twitter famous? Make Patreon money? Have a huge Discord circle jerk?

All of those are legitimate goals, but they're also all completely different and success in one doesn't necessarily translate to success in the others.
>there's insane nameless animators (3d artists in general, sculptors included) forced to work for car companies or whatnot due to lack of exposure

does anna even make any money doing any of this
Anna lost a popularity contest to a guy who doesn't even share cards
My question isn't "how do I get famous?". I want to know how to get better.
Wow, a good few people here are really upset they never got their friend request accepted huh
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it means there's nothing to improve.
you just find a way to make things with more comfort or set another goal like exposure
no you asked "how do i get good at koikatsu" you dipshit, are two different thing
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appealing to masses is another type of "improve" and if that's the point then you switch styles in-between whatever is trendy

though, you know yourself that you're good as fuck
Practice doesn't make perfect.

Perfect practice makes perfect.

Every time you make something (which you should be doing regularly), you need to be critical of what you're doing and actively examining what you could be doing better.

Character models, animations, textures, lighting set ups, everything. Look for inspiration in real life, nature and other creators.
the next step is this one >>8110918
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i'm at the end of my seraphina reposts... at least, +1 for the image count, so the end of the thread is nigh.
i am grateful for your work here
Who in /kkg/ even does? story anon?
what if someone does it effortlessly
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Yes, I do!
I lurk a lot.
People using my cards makes me very very happy!
He literally said its a concrete style.
If Anna was in Danganropa, he'd be the Ultimate Koikatsu
>Good at animating in Koikatsu with decent character designs and super specific fetish
>"how do I get good at Koikatsu"
This is literally just a cry for attention and you're all feeding into him.
You were already told do what Anna does.
It's entirely dependent on donations so no.
This thread is ultimately all about attention and I'm fine responding to genuine requests for it.
You should make scenes with other anons cards
coming from him it's probably not even a genuine request, just a way to garner (you)s for his futa animations
well, only 4 (You) a bit of a failure I'd say
That's silly considering he does pretty well on twitter, (you) farming on /kkg/ isn't very efficient by comparison.
At this point any talk about anna should be directed to discord or twitter like how we direct begfags to f95zone for paypig shit. Because some people can't help but suck his dick or hate his guts here, regardless of the quality or non-quality of his work, just because he managed to make a name outside the KK community and like it has been pointed out millions of times, shit posters realized they can just say "Anna" then any random statement and people will flock over, or they will samefag to make it look like they are relevant or derrail the thread.
>bu-bu-but he is replying to them or giving them atte-
He just wants to share what he makes, and some people proceed to make shit up to try to mask their strawman arguments.
Should we start spamming stuff now, or do we wait a bit? we are at 10 pages.
>like the GF guy with the AI thing
If telling someone the truth makes them run away, that's kind of on them. I like his stuff but I'm not going to pretend AI is Koikatsu related.
holy bazongers, card pls?
this is a certified womp womp situation innit bruv
I don't think putting a moratorium on discussing the arguably most famous koi creator is really the solution to anything.

Art circles tend to have crab bucket behavior, because ultimately most people here think they're less recognized than they deserve to be. That frustration manifests in shitting on more successful creators, because how could THEY have possibly succeeded when I haven't?

Also doesn't help that whenever Anna's content gets posted outside of /kkg/ that people immediately assume it must be Anna himself shilling, which doesn't make any sense considering the level of traffic he gets everywhere else.
Damned if I do, damned if I don't. I want to know what I could improve at to get better. I know what >>8110991 said makes sense but I'm also told I criticize myself too much, both online and offline. Sometimes it gets to the point where I don't even trust myself anymore. Issue is though that people want to be nice, too nice. At least 4chan is honest, generally.
But what's the point of even trying to have a talk if it always devolves into whatever this is. It's always anna this anna that. I know he's the best but being told "be like him" is useless. I'm me, not him, not anyone else. I look at his scenes, try and learn but I feel like I'm not succeeding (see above for why I can't trust myself on that).
You're already one of the few people who can actually make decent animations, something very few people in Koikatsu has even attempted much less perfected. You're better off asking other animators or taking and reading up on things outside of this place on places where you feel you're lacking.
>I know what >>8110991 (You) said makes sense but I'm also told I criticize myself too much, both online and offline.
I'm the guy in that post.

There's a big difference between being open to self-critique and shitting on yourself. One is being objective, and one isn't.
Your art isn't perfect. That's not a flaw on you, because very, VERY few people's art in all of history could be described as "perfect" within the specific genre they're working in.

Just because the boulder still needs to be pushed uphill doesn't mean you're a failure, it means you still have room to grow. Being analytical about what you can do to improve isn't a bad thing at all, but beating yourself up over it can be.
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Just to prove it
you seem quite obsessed with this thing, apart a couple of posters it seems to me that no one has thrown shit at anna or his works
anon it's 2024, downright gaslighting doesn't work anymore you'll need better bait
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hey guys wanna enter my white blue room? share me your card
literally rent free in your head
Crab bucket exactly like this, honestly.
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Should be in Weegee's folder in the pastebin. I don't remember if he shared that specific version in a card or just in a scene file
I really wish we had thread IDs. I'm so sick of every thread going through this shit. Schizoposters please get a fucking life.
Also yes we needed to start spamming hours ago.
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dude its an express
They call for spam, and I answer
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Thank you anons, means a lot. I haven't done much Koi lately.
I love this one.
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free yuri sex
>My schizo rant about Anna didn't work, QUICK EVERYONE BURY IT NOW
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She's just standing there... MENACINGLY!
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Anyone recognize this girl? It's a pic from 2021 and I have no idea who this is
That's a Becky card I do believe.
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something ancient?
look at gaspard and seraphina (but, from last year?)
How do I install all the mods from Repack?
Have something theme related.
I wish you actually did new stuff, your cards are nice, the problem is that you barely fucking use them.
They should have come when you installed the repack? right?
this cake killed deskchan
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The repack has everything installed already, I'm not sure what you mean
Nice work.
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I wanted to make some pics with these two myself but as usual I never got around to it
i unfortunately dwell in charamaker too much for actually open the studio so i have a limited number of pics to repost until i get to cook something. (half joking, mayhaps? who knows)
also, she was captured?
I get a strange emotion when I see this image. It's not a positive one. But I can't describe it.
This one is awesome, you should keep doing stuff in this vein
>I want to know what I could improve at to get better
>I'm me, not him, not anyone else
You want some honesty? Then unlike the other anon replying to you I won't sugarcoat it, these two things are at odds with each other. You want to know what you could do to improve but you suck ass at actually listening to other people, in your head you've already built up a whole cope cage you don't deviate from that you call a style. You keep doing the same thing over and over again, adding little changes here and there, but essentially the same thing, you keep hoping for some kind of breakthrough that will never come true because you're already stuck within a box you don't want to escape from.
You're the futa fox guy, that's the only thing you make, that's the only thing you are, and that's the only thing you think you are, so of course you're going to stagnate. The fuck are you going to learn if you think making something else is 'not you' or beneath you?

You want some good advice? Don't listen to the mouthbreathing toddlers who come here and say that you should only do the things that you like, not if you actually want to fucking improve. If you're not satisfied with your work no matter what you do or add then the problem is either on a foundational level or due to a lack of clear purpose. Sometimes you just have to change the whole training regimen to train the proper muscles.
>it's okay when anna is the shota guy
I haven't seen him crying because he can't get better, have you?
new thread
Yes because they have done a lot of different things. If Anna just made animations of shotas fucking complete naked elves, it would get boring fast.
>teaching her swallow without stockpile

what the FUCK are you doing foxposter
missed opportunity to give her color coded terminal nipples

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