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Why hentai is soo freaking good? Why there is no other media like this?
Is it though? I can agree about pictures and mangas cause I jerk off to it more than to 3D but hentai videos are absolute shit with zero quality.
Would be better if uncensored.
I'm the opposite. I can't get off to pictures. I need the moans and movement. For that reason 90% of H games are just an automatic no go for me. I reeeeally wish it wasn't the case, but it is what it is.

Pictures can get me hard sometimes, though.
based take, and its even worse with the censoring
It is very good
Because real humans have physical limitations and Western cartoons are either too obsessed with being "cartoonish" or realistic with little room for the in between. Basically anime is the only medium that can graze against realism while still being exaggerated enough to make something as legendary as Taimanin Asagi.
Because women.
I gladly choose a drawing over a "real" woman every day.
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Ahh, much better.
The production quality has gotten so bad with animated hentai that I don't think I've seen one made within the last 10 years that I liked. Even if the concept/source material is hot the animation and just the individual drawings are so bad I can't find them hot.
Japan is ruined. But I think the young people might be the first in Asia to break the shackles of Confucianism and rip society from the boomer grips finally. Or just die slowly like they've been for the last 30 years.
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>Why there is no other media like this?
Because us males can manipulate background, visuals and sound as we like. The most aggressive and depraved fantasies/fetishes can be drawn and rendered without limits, while IRL porn, even the most hardcore, feels "fake" as you understand that women are all acting; and since at that point you understand that both hentai and porn actresses are a form of "fakery", at least we can go unlimited with the former.
Stuff like lolicon, heavy NTR/gangbangs, beasts, orcs and the quintessential tentacle porn is only available in that wild, wild porn lands that is the Hentai media. IRL porn can't literally compare unless go illegal, and the only things that is closing the gap is 3D rendered hentai

The biggest issue is the censorship. I mean, really, fuck censorship; the last hope I have is advanced AI programs to decensor hentai in real time.
based cunny enjoy
Because in hentai animation and hentai "comicbooks" you can have all your pervert thoughts done.

Even the most disgusting and hot ones like:

Mako-chan Kaihatsu Nikki, end of ep3 or ep4. One of my all-time greats.

Would literally kill for the mentioned hentai to be uncensored, even talked to the artist about it.
in theory yes, in practice sometimes the artist or the studio can't or didn't bother to draw the dick and puss worth a damn
see the uncensored version of Itadaki Seieki for proof of that (shame, since doumou certainly knows how to draw both)
>decensor hentai in real time
you stupid gorilla moron, you wouldn't need to do it in real time, it's not a live fucking broadcast
>Because us males can manipulate background, visuals and sound as we like
there is no "us", retard, and there's no "we", either. YOU haven't done jack or shit of anything you listed. You're a consumer, nothing more. Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back for the hard work others do, you fucking parasite.
When the hell was the last time we got anything uncensored? 2016??
Nah we got 22' releases, but only by Queen Bee
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wow relax bro. tell us where mom hurt you

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