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A few years ago i lost my job and decided to fully commit to drawing degenerate porn online.

I have enough talent to gain a decent following and even made more than minimum wage at some point but after having to switch platforms i now make pretty much half of what i used to and feel like im stuck drawing for gooners when i'm having no fun.

How did other artist rekindled their passion for this or switched careers? (Art on the post ain't mine)
take a break
if you keep pushing you'll burn out completely

do something else for work for a bit and if you have the passion again you can return
sir, this is strictly a consoomer board
Try to find other hobbies, take a break if you can sometimes. Then if you feel like it go back to drawing again. Burning out is just normal anyways when you do stuff repeteadly.
As someone who makes degenerate stuff as well, the other anons are spot on. Burn out is super fucking real, take breaks, dedicate a certain amount of time to your craft and the other relaxing and doing something else. It slows down your production, but good god does it keep you sane.

Also if you prioritize Dat Azz your art is sure to do wonders.

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