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NTRMan Arrival of the Goddess releases July 22
who's excited?
The trailer showed way more black local girls sex scenes than the FemMC so i'm a bit scared. The last zombie game was average and the boat one was fucking bad so i'm not expecting much from NTRMan anymore.
I will never play any of the shareware he calls "games", but this one is an exception. Just because the original manga is crazy hot.
Will unironically send him death threats if it's the same hastily-made shit as he's been doing for the last 5+ years.
>Admitting to sending death threats over cartoon porn
You cannot be this much of a fag
Hyped as hell, but bracing for disappointment.
*cricket noises*
He's a mentally ill pajeet
Why does this nigger refuse to create anything MomNTR anymore? It's a niche that he built his brand on, but it's been 2 years since he's fed us anything.
The game was horrible as expected. NTRMAN made a name for himself thanks to NETORARE content and now the guy is releasing games with 50% of the content where the MC fuck girls or even with fucking NETORI pov. How can he be so dumb to miss the point every fucking time now...

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