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File: 1.jpg (1011 KB, 1280x1872)
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The detail of the artwork is amazing. Does anyone know where the rest of this artists work is?

They go by 'Hana Ohikori' and there doesn't seem to be anything anywhere. Even though it carries a poor plot for porn it'd be a shame if this version of Wednesday wasn't continued.
i found the artist but i don't think they have actually made those other episodes listed. it looks like only the x-23 one is probably done if at all. there is a bunch of art for x-23 but it looks more like non-porn comic art.
Clearly a western artist affecting a faux japanese-looking name but then mangling it so that it's like "Jihn Smoth". What a retard.
You are useless.
Artist also goes by "chikoritawow".

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