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what could have been edition

Previous thread: >>7948971

- [COM3D2] -

Comprehensive COM3D2 Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/n6Uhi5zQ

Custom Maid Ultimate - 2023 Edition (CM3D2 + COM3D2 + all DLC up to 2023/05/22): https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3885249
Custom Maid Ultimate Master Guide: https://pastebin.com/1SFajwy5
Custom Order Maid 3D2 English Vanilla Repack: https://pastebin.com/1nhpdNML
COM Modular Installer [CMI]: https://github.com/krypto5863/COM-Modular-Installer/releases

-Official English version-

KISS: https://dl-en.s-court.me/top.php
Nutaku: https://www.nutaku.net/promo/custom-order-maid-3d2/
Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/1097580/CUSTOM_ORDER_MAID_3D2_Its_a_Night_Magic/

- [CM3D2] -

Comprehensive CM3D2 Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/qZQGcmxX

DO NOT use Hongfire Patch, Reipatcher, or NTleas, they're old and can break the game. Switch to Japanese locale and install CMI/LMMT

Brief Installation Guide for Custom Maid 3D 2 (Updated 7/31/2017)
A recently made installation guide:

How to Play/English Wiki
Legacy Meidos Modular Toolbox [LMMT]: https://github.com/krypto5863/Legacy-Meido-s-Modular-Toolbox/releases

Latest mod releases:
Twitter Search: https://pastebin.com/kySD2ABv
MotiMoti3D Catalog: http://motimoti3d.jp/

International List of Mods (slow&outdated):

Discord for news of CM/COM Updates and DLC and more:

Presets: https://db.bepis.moe/com3d2
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-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Studio Mode Enhancement Pack] [Vol.4]: https://mega.nz/file/8xNEFQoD#bR8zXKph6Hso3FqkQT11JuJwvJQOw99AcC6l0HRcITQ
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You have to pee, but the toilet is already being used by your gf.

What do you do?
her throat seems unoccupied
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So does your anal cavity.

Be careful with lust provoking behavior around well-endowed gfs lest it backfire on you!
The official english COM3D2 facebook page recently hold a poll and asked people which CM3D2 personality they wanted translated first, these are the results in order from top to bottom:
I'm new to this and planning to buy COM3D2 off steam but the reviews seem to be saying that it's lacking the actual NSFW content? Should I just buy it from Nutaku?
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>Have to choose between translated version but gutted content or full version with google translate version and not understanding any of the story
you have to buy a patch for the h-content on steam. nutaku would be better, yeah.
i've heard multiple people claim/imply the international translation isn't much better than the mtl or that it is just cleaned up mtl.
The OG three personalities from CM3D2 are a pretty much a bundled package just like Muku/Rindere/Majime. They have a lot of content that hinges on them being together. It'd be weird to just port one of them at a time.
Translation is a bit of a mixed bag. Base game is competent enough, but you can see a noticeable dip in quality for yotogi dialogue. DLC translations can vary depending on release. Some are very well done all the way. But some do well for the most part, but then suddenly drop the ball. For example, the rest of Masochist's scenarios and yotogi are competently done, but then it goes full retard for her Harem scenarios for the three main personalities. Makes me think that there are multiple translators working on the releases. (That or like the translator only got paid for like 90% of the script, and the remaining either got MTL'd or thrown to an ESL monkey paid in peanuts)

tldr: Official translation is generally better than the MTL, with a few headscratching moments here and there.
I get the English releases because it offers an option to also display the original japanese text besides the english translation.
It's a handy way to practice your nipponese reading skills if its something you're doing as a side hobby.
I thought people here could read japanese.
How disappointing.
I'm good enough to read babbys elementary level manga and basic bitch eromanga/doujins/eroge!
Are there any other scenarios (not just a yotogi position) where (you) are the evil rapey master besides the entrapment paths in scout mode and some sex slave events of the EX personalities?
Why would somebody mention if they can read Japanese? You can just grab uncensor, basic plugins and play away.
(you) are a canon cuckold, so no
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-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Event Add-on Pack Vol.16] [Special NTR]: https://mega.nz/file/E8F21T7a#KP2-kFmCs9yCFdntl85pveUMXI26ZdZq5Szdg_DXkYg
>Special NTR
what's this?
multipart ntr storyline for com trio. scenario written by https://vndb.org/s2612.

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