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I'd like to explore what the best from of self-insert hentai should have

>Faceless / "face out of frame" sole male
>Focus is on the girls
>No or very generic and vague background for the male (supposed to be (You) after all)
>All the girls are virgin or only have (You) as partner. Otherwise, their sexual history should be unspecified so it can be whatever fits your fancy (some people may be into sluts)
>No netorare/cheating. Doesn't necessarily have to be vanilla though.
Nothing except the second point should matter at all. What's important is that you like and sympathize with the male lead. How this is achieved shouldn't vary too much from any other medium.

I have no idea why eyeless leads became the universal sign for self-insert. I have eyes; why would I relate more to somebody without eyes? Is the audience for this content secretly mole people?
What about ugly bastard lead?
>I have no idea why eyeless leads became the universal sign for self-insert
Almost like it's easier to self-insert into a blank template than an established character.
If having eyes that don't look like yours (no anime character's likely will) is such a deal breaker, why not any of the numerous other physical characteristics hentai men often have in great detail? Almost no man in straight hentai is anywhere near as pale as me, for example.
Face is the first thing when it comes to identification. Of course, if the body is also generic then it's even better but face is more important.
Do you watch action and drama media and think that the male protagonist would be more relatable if he was a mute, featureless mannequin?

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