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Titties Edition

Previous Thread: >>8112824

Optimizations *NEW*

Maintained branch:


https://gitgud.io/gayshit/makesomefuckingporn (use Wayback Machine) *OLD*

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
EF+HLL: https://rentry.org/5exa3 *OLD*
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon *OLD*

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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how can i get the metadata (prompts) from an NAI gen posted on twitter? is it possible?
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reply to this post with a gen you liked but never plan on fixing up
When will the OP get updated
So then, how would you train a lora of a character with two distinct outfits, in both of which she's wearing a skirt?
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What does --network_module = lycoris.kohya mean exactly? I don't think I've seen it in either trainer's UI. It's also listed as having value `networks.lora` on another Lora

Also what does it mean when a Lora says it had a learning rate of 1 (when I'm expecting it to be like 0.0003)?
flat and fat
requires plap correction
If the file doesn't have metadata then you can;t.
Does anyone use OneTrainer on 8gb of VRAM? I am curious how it would preform.
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with tokens. like that anon said that's not really what the text encoder is for.
you should train it anyways though it makes things look better.
it's the internal name for lycoris locon with sd-scripts and maybe other trainers
Anon the TE already knows the meaning of the words "green shirt" and "purple jacket". In fact it knows most concepts you can think of, and does not need to be re-trained to understand them.
>And as for concept loras: what do you need a trigger for? You load the lora, and it applies the concept. What purpose does the activation tag serve? You don't use them for style loras when it's the same shit.
The difference being you want a style to be applied image-wide (always?), while a concept can be targeted to one area/character using regional prompt.
are you still using 1.5 models?
No you miss my point. I'm saying what happens when a character is wearing two distinctly different leotards but they're both tagged as leotard? How will it learn which leotard is which?
i mean i can trim it down with an anon or two for fun but i won't be baking it
what settings
How do YOU know which one is which? You tag them accordingly.
Disabling the integrated extension and installing it fresh from https://github.com/jtydhr88/sd-canvas-editor fixed it. Maybe just drop all the integrated support. Most of them are outdated anyway
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That's cute
What you're suggesting results in clothing bleed.
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EF+HLL is still a great option for VRAMlets
how do you stop forge couple or regional from shredding image quality?
Holy SHIT this is what a full unet finetune does, what the fuck?
No one told me you can just throw shit at it and it will work
What does that mean? Is it good?
If so gib config too.
i can't do full, vramlet
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Viewer discretion is advised: handling hot bread nude is a health and safety hazard.
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How is there no upside down lora to fix the hair yet?
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It's using the exact same settings as in the min_snr_gamma=5 except all the unet layers trained, it converges twice as fast and it does not look like shit anymore
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I like Rukia too but jannies hate flatties....
the drawing is too high quality, please shit it up a little bit
I asked in the previous thread but I'm gonna ask again here since it was past dead when I posted.

How do I into barcodes?
prompt barcode tattoo
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Box me for style though I like how crispy it is.
Alright what is the additional parameters flag you type in so I can test this? --train_unet_only?
it's kinda cursed but unironically smeadyn makes the most coherent and consistent barcodes i've seen. prompt barcode tattoo, the the location, and neg out conflicts e.g. heart tattoo, etc.
>NAI leak: oct 6 2022
>First Lora tech released: feb 7 2023
>First controlnet released: march 8 2023
>Based64: april 6, 2023
182 days
>Pony v6 release: jan 7 2024
>Today, july 23 2024
198 days
i learned how to read barcodes by eyes alone thanks to a tremendous amount of autism. just make something barcode looking and call it a day, it keeps weird fucks like me in check
Can you link it pretty please? I can't see them
182 days - 1151 shitmixes
198 days - one true model
This and also algo='full', preset='full', had to lower batch size
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Thanks! I've tried just prompting "barcode" and the results were always bad.
thats not a swimsuit...
Imagine if we didnt get pony tho
you actually want to neg out normal barcodes e.g. label, sign to help the CLIP
maybe im retarded but aside from filtering out the material that loses them money (such as, cunny), what is actually required to make a checkpoint like pony hardware wise? surely its not that special right?
need the metadata for this so bad sir
the hardware's not the problem
it's the hundred tries you have to do to get good at it that's the problem
because you get midwits like WD burning thousands of dollars otherwise
so if the issue isnt hardware, just the hundreds of tries, then what is the problem beyond filtering and testing? it seems to me like my autism would fit in well with this considering i already work on data scales greater than half a petabyte daily
because that hardware costs lol and most people will do it by cloud which racks up hundreds of dollars per try
and that is also why some started coping and trying to train on their own hardware
and also
>Based64: april 6, 2023
>NAIv3: november 15, 2023
223 days
so only 30 more days until we get a new breakthrough, trust the plan
>182 days to get a mid slopmix
astralite has 120k+ worth of hardware
if you have at least that much money then sure, it's not "that special"
Next big model will be some high lr finetune of sd3. Will have all the style and lora training problems that pony has, but people will still use it because it can do quadruple penetration out of the box
neggles gets free compute from xer job so they're not actually spending money on their experiments
>install a separate patch to scale the text encoder separately (independently of lr=1)
Where I can find it?
Sirs config prease
i dont see why it would be necessary to rely on cloud solutions beyond trying to speed it up, but thats all it would do. personally trying to make it trained on their own hardware would be better. the problem is very straightforward, but it sounds like people are impatient with this.

i will also admit its practicality is laughable if you try to do it yourself, but its just one of those things you learn along the way. a threadripper board with a few MI100 cards and the bridge connector could be had for cheap, would be marginally better than some stuff out there for comparable costs. downside is it would be AMD and that makes it harder but if youre patient it would still give you a speedup.

i operate on a budget of next to 0 dollars which is probably why im not understanding the problem as well. im cheap and patient, but if done right it would be more cost effective and practical. i tend to not work with large gpu arrays, im more of a storage guy so my immediate thought is "its not like its hard to build some arrays of machines with some compute cards, power might be a difficult factor but its not impossible"
There's the thing of being smart enough for this and having the hardware meaning you probably aren't going to bother with making shitty tunes for coomers desu
Furfags did it but they run the world so
ML isn't easy tech, most people struggle to bake a lora and that's kiddie stuff
bro nobody gives a shit about autism or patience
produce 120k+ worth of compute and then we can talk
it's NAI
same artists (forma del nai)
seeing as my expertise is more storage, would it be worth looking into more effective data storage solutions for safetensors? this might be a weird one but have you ever thought about how huggingface or civitai are storing/hosting all these models? im sure theyre doing a good job on the backend but i feel like thered be better methods to this. models being large isnt a problem its more those who use local probably face a legitimate size problem

but you dont need 120k worth of hardware to do this is the point
As far as I know, you can't really compress the jumble that is ML output code
storage is like 100th on the list of the most important things you need to train a model, it's literally all about compute
>he doesn't realize moving 10M pics around requires a database
making an OC lora out of 1 image is a pain in the ass
i've worked myself up to 13 images and the new lora can finally do more poses and styles
if you have the perfect dataset and the perfect settings you can train it on a single 3090. That's exactly the plan jordach follows
My approach is entropic-if it was as easy as ideas guys say, it would've been done already
Reality is 99% of FOSS ML is held up by the dozen people who actually know this shit and nobody else
i have some custom tooling that i feel might aid slightly but i havent actually bothered since i need a large enough dataset and i dont immediately have several hundred tb to spare quite right now. a few months yes but not at the moment so a scale-focused solution is more my angle here
you would still need to store the input data for that compute
i do not have such a dataset im more trying to find where i can help and compute definitely isnt it given the speed people want to operate under. but storage for the data going in/results coming out i do believe i have expertise in
might need to adapt the TE detection for SDXL TE dimensions, add a print statement on the tensor shape + name I guess.
after that pass te_scale to the optimizer
sure, you can train it on a single 3090 if you're willing to wait 8 months per attempt that isn't even guaranteed to work
>you would still need to store the input data for that compute
well duh, what i'm telling you is that this is one of the single least relevant components of training a model
>im more trying to find where i can help and compute definitely isnt it
then you can't help at all
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Don't worry lads, wdV is coming any day now!
>then you can't help at all
considering most people are avoiding AMD solutions, i can tell. Nvidia is clearly superior but its not like you cant get an equally good setup on AMD for cheap
You can
>scrape boorus, kemono, sadpanda, etc
>Create a new unified anime/hentai dataset
>Come up with a new more detailed tagging standart
>Manually tag enough images to train a tagging model on
But that would be a monumental undertaking
I'm not even a vramlet and still prefer it for certain things.
did Cyberrealistic Pony get nuked? says there's a new version on civitai but it 404s
who fucking cares about wdV
stay in that trooncord and don't post here again
Jordach has the perfect training settings and dataset. He will succeed first try. Trust me bro
the last one i definitely wouldnt do but the first 3 i could do. the third being the one id do a shit job at but could still do. i once mirrored all of rule34 for fun but that was years ago
well he already made Nai obsolete according to himself so its only up from here
Couldn't get it to start with this. For anyone else interested in trying this on the kohya_ss GUI it's
in additional parameters.
>tfw when no adult female that sits on your lap so you can sniff her hair
Bea sure loves her protein.
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>tfw people couldnt even do a lora for sitting on lap and Nai do it out of the box
>60 denoisings
>detail refuses to work well
>trash the entire gen out of frustration
Can you make a few more of these (preferably with different characters) so I have some more pics for the lora?
wtf is that monster high face
Yes that was what I meant
Holy that is a lot of inpainting comparing this and the 4+4chan version kek.
I can try later, its very gacha
yeah, looking at it a few days later I felt compelled to correct some tings
>its very gacha
No worries. Thanks anyway.
I'm not even sure why everyone want my config, I'm just trying to convert arti to vpred+ztsnr and what I'm doing is the same as a simple unet dreambooth except it's done via lycoris.
Now I understand why astrakike didn't like loras though, if you pick wrong layers to train, no matter how much shit you lose you won't get a good lora.
>all of this experimenting i did for styles
>dora, rawr, lycoris, locon
>didn't give me anything that simply adding an activation tag to my regular script didn't blow out of the water completely
>might need to adapt the TE detection for SDXL TE dimensions, add a print statement on the tensor shape + name I guess.
So it's incompatible with xl for now? Any thoughts how to adapt it for big encoder?
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Pokemon training is expensive.
Just use 1girl as an activation tag then
"activation tag" means a separate tag to tag with, it's not some special property you set in training
Activation tag is just a unique token you set to call on the features of the LORA you just trained. This is why you leave it out on Style LORAs so its active at all times
Catbox pls, it looks both odd and hilarious
why so many people add an activation tag on styles loras on civitai
Was thinking of something else then my bad
nta but well like i just said, in my case it completely mogged every other method without one, no matter what optimizer and network type
i don't know how much i'd need to fry these to get it to resemble the style without but i'll stay with
and actually i should try making a lycoris with that
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It's not but I can see why you'd think so
Yeah the Asanagi LORA we have grown here is actually BETTER than all the ones in CivitAI as far as I can tell and that one uses and activation tag, its weird, I heard a theory its because it calls on the innate Asanagi tag of Pony, but I can't be assed to test
>adetailer keep adding cum and penis inside the box
fucking fuck
So why is anon telling us activation tags are retarded?
Went to install Adetailer on reforge, for the life of me I can't figure out why it won't install.
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Kinda worthless cleaning my wildcards.
I mean, just prompt asanagi without any lora, even if its just 30% there its still getting it closer than without
The real test would have been to make a lora with a retarded activation tag like 4san4gi
A lack of ability, perchance?
And why I am telling you it's good ?lol that's just ml desu
Alls I know for myself is that I tested it multiple times already and training without gives me shit results at any reasonable training timeframes, and I tried with Adam, Prodigy, Lora, Lycoris, Dora, etc etc
It wasn't like that on 1.5, I always trained without there but that's how it worked for me on Pony.
Pony has a notoriously hard time adapting to Styles so you may be onto something here if an activation tag is helping ig
At first I thought it was just me being retarded but it's shooting out an error code.

TypeError: Commit.__init__() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'repo' and 'binsha'
The only thing that always throws me off is that there sometimes are good loras trained without, like that night lora. But that might just be because it's a concept not a style.
>training without gives me shit results at any reasonable training timeframes
i can understand claiming that using an activation tag gives better results but if you haven't ever been able to train a good style lora without it then you might have an issue of skill
>>8116146 me
(Which is why I went on that training test spree today, but I'm back home.)
I won't deny it kek but if something fixes issues of skill using one word then I'm all for it
It shouldn't matter with correct training settings. Using a tag binds the style to that instead of leaving it in the "residual" that is left after all the other tags grabbed their data. Whatever training settings he's using are causing the tags to pick up a lot of noise along with their intended concept, so there is nothing left in the residual.
>Whatever training settings he's using are causing the tags to pick up a lot of noise along with their intended concept
in my experience this mostly happens when your tagging is shit and the lora ends up thinking that random tags from the dataset are activation tags
this can indeed be fixed with an unique activation tag but the real way to solve the problem is to tag your stuff properly
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>like that night lora
That lora is such bullshit because the retard hid his info. Imagine how much confusion that knowledge would clear up.
Yeah I was the one complaining
But it's probably some easiest shit ever and the guy got lucky
The sovl n64 lora for 1.5 was trained on fucking aom3 lmao
too bad that's the only good lora that's ever been baked for pony and we'll never know how he did it
That quick lycoris test bake with the tag and old setup seems promising, doesn't look like it's SIGNIFICANTLY better than regular though
More tomorrow
does pony have controlnet models yet?
wait so now training styles with activation tag is the new meta?
>local STILL unable to generate anything like this
when will we see the light
>b-but... smeared grease
grow up
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>nai can make a blurry /aco/ mess
localtardfreeturd sisters...
A2A \o /
Ip adapter can do this, shitposter-kun
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>nai does local better than local
We don't have IP adapter for pony tho
i'd complain about you using local as synonym for /aco/ but at this point it might as well be
there is a gorillion variables in training already, why make it harder just to avoid inputting 1 tag
same with dims, if 32 works most of the time, why waste time training on 8/16 that might or might not work the best
got a bait muncher in here today huh
nyooo you shouldn't buy more hard drive space! Your loras need to be 10mb!
there's a difference between bait and shitposting, newfriend
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Sup fags. Anything better than pony now? Forge still dead and abandoned? Has that been replaced or what?
yeah we have NAI
ignore any naysayers
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this produced some fun visuals
its only 25 a month for a sloppy sludge
Ok I apologize for needing spoon feeding. I found what I think is anytest, but I do not understand it. Is this some all in one thing? Does it handle openpose?
>recycled bait
be original
That's not local is it? That's some paid wank bullshit
can you even use loras with NAI ? or is this copping ?
did you just go against SaaS? im gonna shit my diaper now...
You can vibe with NAI and that's as good as any lora.
Oh so you store all your images as BMP?
Raw 32mb .pngs only sar.
Anon whatever you're doing, don't post it. I don't think anyone can prepare for that kind of autism.
it change the style, but can you bring niche concept in it ?
reForge is the new updated forge you can just swap to it easily
Tried contacting the guy or?
This is with an activation tag and after training the TE.

This is without an activation tag and without training the TE.

I don't really see much difference or benefit so it might come down to personal preference. Having no activation tag weakens the lora as a whole which helps remove a bit of the style from the pics but also means I have to prompt things like her hair ornament which is missing in 8/9 pictures. Activation tags just make things more convenient and saves you tokens for the actual important stuff in the image rather than prompting every little feature.
I would rather outfit piece be promptable instead of hard backed into it because who cares about tokens count but thats just me
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>who cares about tokens count
Coherency drops when you type too much stuff in.
>I would rather outfit piece be promptable
It is promptable, since I didn't prune any tags, but AI also knows what I want when I type her name it but I don't need to type her entire life story just to get her to appear correctly. It's like on NAI where you just type 2B and it knows everything about her vs your unknown waifu where half the prompt is you {{{{{strengthening}}}}} her name and typing out every feature you can remember. Everyone always preferred the former.
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Oh nice I'll check that out
Why do my locally created Loras lack metadata (only 3 entries when clicking `i` in Automatic1111)? This is consistent across 2 different trainers.
Serious question anons, what is it with model bakers and their cult followers being so delusional?
after trying b-lora with a character, a style and a concept i'm starting to think that it might just be shit
watch wdV end up being animagine part 2
>he bought the snake oil
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Astralite is the only one who actually delivered for the coomers, these other models are just memes that will amount to nothing. Shit talk him all you want, but he put in the effort to curate and caption his dataset with nsfw. Every cascade image i've seen is just 1girl standing, all the wdV preview images are 1girl standing. Animagine and arti/neta(?) are more of the same. Meanwhile, pony produces coherent gangbangs and every other degenerate concept under the sun (not even considering how well concept loras work with it). I wish others luck, but I doubt anyone will dethrone pony within the next year when it comes to NSFW - especially considering he has been working full time on the next release.
absolute kino. perfection.
neggles sure does a lot of yapping with nothing to show
the fact that anlatan hasnt hired them yet says a lot tbhdesu
Jordach called Xir out months ago and was proven right a million times over.
Do you ever just go to civitai and wonder what the fuck?
They're infinitely weirder than /d/
You guys still use ENSD 31337? I know it does nothing for quality but seems like a mark of old-school fags.
It does nothing overall not just quality
>ML in a nutshell
Except change the image completely. Brainlet.
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I will unironically clap for him when he releases v7 with NAI tier object permanence and better colors. After the Ani disaster, all these retards are all talk and no bite.
I still don't know what that number does but put it in that field anyways
Sorry not "when" but "if." He seems to have gotten lucky with v6.
>outdated tech arbitrarily used for an outdated architecture
cope a little more pal
lmao this nigga has no idea what he is talking about
>no peer reviewed paper
>no proof
holy retard
unironically, when you're rolling the dice, faster hardware might as well be better luck. The more squares you can land on, the more likely one of them will be lucky.

And that's all training these models is.
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I cant do nursing handjob, I give up
do nursing handjob with this and my life will be yours
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What do we think?
i can do nursing handjob, i persevere
nursing handjob from a hag............................
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no one is going to use refiner bro give up
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im refining...
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i started out hating astralite but now im starting to like him solely for the fact this his mere existence makes other shitbakers lose their minds. jordach and neggles have mentioned pony so many times purely out of spite. with all the shit people say about pony (the poor colors, the lack of artist tags, the completely fried TE, the broken score tags, the lackluster toonslop dataset) you'd think that making a superior model would take but a month, yet every time someone attempts it their completely fall flat and start crying about how pony was never any good anyway.
it's amazing how both jordach and neggles are convinced that their dogshit prototypes are already pony killers
i fucking hate pony but these retards honestly have no right to shittalk astralite when they've never produced anything even close to it
Yeah, we only shill cascade here. Jordach will save us
guys try to space out the shill, we talked about it on discord earlier
sorry sister
kek we made our posts "defending" astralite from jordach and neggles at almost the same time
to be clear i still have a billion reasons for hating astralite but at least he has something to show, unlike the other local bakers
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just use the nursing handjob lora

Most of the shit people say about pony is exaggerated desu. I'll grant that pony on its own is rough, but like any other local model we have merges/loras/extensions/etc. Other bakers genuinely have a skill issue with using pony or are willfully deluding themselves into thinking it's worse than it is; both of which are equally hilarious. I look forward to the next pony model once again destroying the other bakers.
I should have said I meant pov nursing handjob, you dont need lora for nursing handjob
oh, well that's something completely different then
ponyv6 was a strong innovation but had a lot of dubious head scratcher choices made and obviously wrong shit like twice-converted jpegs and primitive tag hashing
astralite may have a better core dataset, captioning, and training settings for v7, but it looks like the bad decisions are also multiplying threefold and it's honestly hard to tell which side of the scale will tilt more
it would be hololive lora on whatever the furry 1.5 model was
why must our most accomplished bakers also be the most autistic
Which bad decisions in particular? I've been following his updates and he is aware of what he fucked up, seriously doubt there will be as many mistakes as the current model.
but none of our bakers are accomplished and all of them are autistic
you must turn towards the light, anon...
astralite is our last hope
doubling down on culling artist tags and subsequent cheap hacks attempting to compensate
lol jordach is getting his ass beat in his own discord
Hashing character and artist is pretty retarded but he is proud of it so... didnt he also plan to completely remove what he didnt like from the dataset?
The quality score tag is the dumbest shit
How fried every concept and positions are, dont know if he aknowledged that
I wont bitch about the problem related to sdxl because there is too much
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Wouldn't claim I succeeded with it but have it anyway.
Its closer to anything I got on local so yeah, you may have better success with a wide resolution
did astralite ever say why he pruned 2hu characters? is it really because of some retarded personal grudge?
although pruning vtumors is based, i'll give him that
you can always try a controlnet
it's kino...
btw does this style still look the same without your little vibe transfer
yeah im gonna do that tomorrow, cba right now
>terrible colors
>generic sdxl background
get some taste
i like it :)
you cant reason with blurmongers
theyre legally blind
So true anon, another baker will easily make a better model! Oh wait.
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They make a fairly big difference
>ponyv6 was a strong innovation
Yeah, not using caption dropout is really innovative, just in the wrong direction
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Mean did something to fix treechan and wanted to ask if it's loading correctly or not. So if it wasn't for you check now
no dice for me
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whichever anon suggested i try hidiffusion, im now confident it's better than kohya hiresfix/deep shrink
start with these settings for gens with decent number of steps, try reducing ca_end_time to 0.1 or 0 for low steps drafts or if you encounter weird noise or clutter issues, often involving stripes appearing on shit
the other node is buggy as shit
following up on the custom tooling claim, because i wanted to actually try something. referencing what it says on huggingface here https://huggingface.co/docs/safetensors/en/index the safetensors format is standardize to a degree so this does leave some room to figure out where that actual space saving can be. the ML results stored in it are obviously too unique to each model/checkpoint which doesnt help but there is a highlight

turns out that yes they can be "compressed" slightly. pic related, left is some pile of loras and checkpoints i had, right is what the custom format outputted with my tooling. this custom format is just a very fancy kind of zip but it does, if there is any room to, shrink the size. this obviously isnt usable in any manner but 25gb on a random format that this has no optimization for is actually quite nice given the data contained within is so unique.

my immediate theory is as follows if there were any chance to shrink things to be more space-concious,
>the space savings is likely coming from the header/index that points to all the actual data, so its probably negligible
>checkpoints being as big as they are, probably isnt necessary, and is just a byproduct of being safe rather than sorry
>loras definitely dont need to be ~250mb each, they can be smaller than that by a lot, im pretty sure people are just lazy on this one
>under the explicit assumption standardizing the creation of loras were followed, it would be possible to create a "cache" of sorts that can be forever expanded, adding whatever data needed with minimal additional size required
>the structure of the safetensor format is perfectly usable in this manner, you can likely expand/add to a pile of data without breaking anything so long as you keep the offsets safe, which my tooling alread does
its definitely not something people care about, but im confident if you REALLY tried, a random pile of checkpoints and loras like mine could go down to under 30gb
sorry that happened
anon im just being autistic, let me have my moment. if im right there could be significant space savings across all these models and sites hosting this shit
>pic related
>no pic related
hey at least people are not making 800mb lora anymore
Catbox, please?
What's the used style here?
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strongly contemplating killing myself now
that is nice
If you still have the last thread open, check the last 15 posts. Completely garbage. Hard to believe people complain about too many text posts when that is their fate without scrutiny
1 girl, sex machine,mda tarou,
What got deleted and why?
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finally getting around to making the lore accurate backgrounds lora. no more generic fantasy europe for my cat ntr or 1girls, standing
Did that anon finish that lora, POV sitting in lap or still in progress?
>like that night lora
Which Lora?
>fat bastard
>he uses his power for evil
I'm trying to make a Lora based on screenshots of a VRChat avatar. The issue I'm having is that they're all obviously in the same style and thus the Lora is bad at taking on other styles (from other loras) while preserving the features of the character. It feels like the style of the input pictures and the features of the character are tied together, which is unsurprising.

Is there a way to get the Lora to focus on the details of the character rather than the style?
he gave up
From what other anons said and did:
>train a style lora for vrchat
>train character with it
>remove style lora
Is there a guide on removing a lora? Do you mean there is a tool to 'subtract' one lora from another?
you merge the style lora with the base model or use --base_weights, although that command has been broken on my end for a while.
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I'm trying to get into dairy farming. Does anyone know where I can buy cheap cows?
and fuck, im down another rabbit hole
RAUnet may make euler SMEA dy obsolete, replaced with either euler a cfg++, euler negative, or back to regular old euler a
the SMEA version previously had distinctly better coherence than every-thing else at higher resolution base gen, but tended to make gens less dynamic from seed to seed. RAUnet may close that coherence gap.

ill have to continue testing tomorrow, work in 6 hours
How are you getting non-square image outputs? I used to be able to do this with hi-res fix in Automatic1111, but ever since I switched to ComfyUI, I haven't been able to figure it out. Generating with a non-square resolution results in weird artifacts, like duplicate heads and extended limbs.
Damn I appreciate the autism you have toward this, maybe if we sprinkle enough glitter on our turd it wont smell as bad
that's using kohya hires fix and i use forge
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ill leave with this
euler a, 5 cfg, 12 steps, raunet enabled
If Basedmix guy is so great why didn't he make a pony shitmix?
he became a millionaire and retired with the success of b64
Thanks anon, I'll give it a shot
he went into psychotic break and disappeared forever
unironically, either. I've gotten great results with both. like most of the other settings buried randomly within the different menus, it just produces different images. not better. just different.
Is this on reforge?
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I trained a few loras with different parameters but I don't have the parameter data for my favorite one - how can I find it?
>lore accurate backgrounds lora
Can you explain your process when you get a chance?
No it works well enough on base autism but has problems with coherency with style loras. The goal would be to figure out how to make loras work better together generally, but I don't know what the night lora anon did.
he died, he's dead I was at his funeral RIP
try https://lorainfo.tools/
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i trained a style lora using masked xenoblade 3 characters and then took a bunch of xenoblade 3 screenshots of random scenery and trained a concept lora using that style
too big
not big enough
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I just love ass
What if basedmix guy is autismmix anon...
its not great, but it marked the end of 1.5 developments and was essentially used for months to come until pony. just like pony marked the end of sdxl developments and will be used for even more months to come until we eventually get... nothing! because ai development is dead
You masked the characters or the background?
i trained it on only characters, no backgrounds. i wasn't planning on training a background lora so i didn't include any in the dataset.
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Nice backgrounds too.
Neta v2 is the new king of SFW.
It's basically NAI v3 except it's bad at NSFW.
so it's useless then
For /hdg/? Yes.
But if you just want to gen nice looking images of 1girl/2girls it's amazing.
it isn't even better than base arti tbqh
It seems a bit more consistent.
With arti I sometimes had to reroll 10 times before I got anything usable, with neta v2 I usually get stuff I can work with on the 1st or 2nd try.
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alright which version of anytest is everyone even using because between both "controlnet" folders there's quite a few
neta does have more consistent results but they're also consistently bland
do you guys don't get jokes?
do you find the level of delusion those guys operate on so shocking that you've managed to convince yourself they're joking? i don't blame you, i also told myself that at first
i thought nothing can be more bland than pony
i'm comparing it to arti
I also notice that some of the artist tags work better on neta than they do on arti.
Could be placebo though.
>pruning vtumors
there are at least two known vtuber hashes
the fact that he didn't release anything can only say that you are a retard
they're talking about the preview images troonggles has shown. baka ESL calling other people retards when he can't even understand the content he's sperging over
melon22 love
what even is neta, never heard of it
v4-marged (yes it's Marge not merge)
-pn is for pony, -am is for animagine
larger size is better, but take more vram and runs slower
oh it's Arti v2
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Neta v2 has definitely improves on arti's pussy generating ability, but it's still far from NAI/pony
Her legs are broken... even half baked cascade has better anatomy than this, how does Arti fuck things up so bad? What unholy hell did euge do when training it?
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whats the joke? that pony lives rent free in everyone's head? shitting on pony is a rite of passage, it's just humorous to watch everyone point out the 101 things bad with it yet nobody can make anything better.
why are there weird discoloration spots around her pussy. why is there a hole where her clit should be. if this is an improvement i dont get how anyone was using base arti.
>these niggas unironically talking about the "tech" and "quality" in a seed shifter
>NAI1 was revolutionary
>didn't train TE
>people train TE
>model is shit
really gets the noggin joggin
They had to have trained TE, you wouldn't be able to add new words base sdxl didn't already know otherwise.
>correlation is causation
Why are you jogging in timberlands?
they didn't it was plain CLIP. SDXL itself didn't train TE and learned new words too
openai doesn't train TE in dalle
google doesn't train TE in imagen
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Don't know why Pony likes Rukia so much, but almost every gen with her turns out bretty good.
>inb4 "image unrelated, right?"
I'm tryin.
It's because she lost.
You can add new words without training TE, strangely enough.
What exactly do you think the clip is/does lol?
obviously. the base models learned all the words without training TE

it's a shitty language model that generates visually aligned text embeddings
can anyone direct me to a decent read on what TE/UNET actually do?
You have no idea what you're talking about...
lmao enjoy your shitty models then
>been baking on seed 23 since forever
>kino loras might've been hidden in the gacha all this time
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nice gen, post more
>he doesn't check every possible seed before changing settings
This kinda looks like they probably did difference training. Probably set up a few 3d scenes with basic lighting then low light.
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Just can't be bothered to fix.
You can ignore all the filler text and skip to the part where it lists te/clip, vae and unet. Ask chatgpt to explain it like you're 5 if you want a more palatable version.
Bad bait. Props for keeping me replying this long.
not vouching for what this says about lora training since I haven't even skimmed that part. it just breaks down the other definitions into easy to understand terms
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Might be but it's incredibly flexible for what it does
>lora top, lycoris bottom at the same settings and dataset and everything
so basically worse
i'm pretty sure i could bake it as it was in the first place and somehow get a worse result at this point kek
time to stop messing with this stuff
Yeah training stuff that way tends to make it very style flexible without impacting composition much.
Should I get into Comfy? Is forge/auto ever going to get updated?
>Should I get into Comfy?
if you want
>Is forge/auto ever going to get updated?
an anon itt started updating forge, if there's not a link in this thread yet ctrl+f forge in the last thread should be there somewhere

-t. started using comfy and I hate every second of it. no matter the utility it's frustratingly stupid in so many aspects, you really have to be ODing on hrt to have created it
Node autism is only good when you have a very specific usecase to automate and are smart enough to do it
So probably not for 1girl standing desu
Anything unique about this fork?
>ODing on hrt
ComfySISTERS.. is this a personal attack?
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Thx. I'll check the forge branch. Meanwhile have a bowsette I did like 2 months ago.
is there anything actually *NEW*? I feel like there hasn't been a new model or lora worth checking out in forever
imagegen is solved
Does anyone know if you can use vpred in A1111 with SDXL models? In Comfy you can just apply new sampling.
Neta 2.0.
please check for double leashes
Now tell me how many artstyles and characters basic NAIv1 can do
Cleaned OP thoughtsever?
it adds a value to the seed when you make an image, that's it.
Why not just link autism mix why bother linking pony itself at this point
it can do a shitton of them, just a lot of them are not anime
shit i switched which was the one to use in my mind kek
you need it for trainin
Could be put with lora training
it should
Add the other lora training rentry and
>Add the other lora training rentry
Nvm I'm blind you didn't remove it
Artists? None basically. Characters? A lot for a 1.5 model.
Both of these sound pretty jumblish to me tbhdesu
The second is good but the first is mumbo jumbo with tag pruning and shit.
The second is completely factual idk what you're reading
Yeah >>8116690 I agree
That first one is a mess, the cleaned version is a huge improvement
Neta v2 is great desu.
Not for /hdg/, but just as a general anime model.
Basically a replacement for animagine,
>The Large Ass Collider (LAC) not working yet properly
Go talk about it on /e/ then retard
I added controlnet models and the upscaler site
If there's a good xl tutorial link it
controlnet xl tutorial*
But you can't post AI on /e/
nice meme
lmao newfag spotted posting about ai on /e/ will get you banned
wow this is a new tactic bravo
gooooooooooooooooooooooood morning btw
Any news about arti?
Stopped paying attention since pony models are so ugly and arti was not good at porn.
yep. this model is no joke bruh. if you like NAI, copy your prompts over to this one and see
It's still bad at porn from my testing (although slightly improved)
But it's the best 1girl model right now. Basically local NAI v3 for 1girling
Yeah, it's very good.
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>But it's the best 1girl model right now. Basically local NAI v3 for 1girling
Hold on a second and look at my cirno, gonna start training with full dataset soon instead of just 8 pictures (which will be 308 pics lol).
huber snr 0.1 loss + full finetune: https://files.catbox.moe/nr9w3r.png
Huber seems to like to pretty much fuck everything up, but gotta do one more run w/o huber just to see if it's text encoder's fault.
Thanks for tuning in once again.
been away from this hobby for months
what's the best model for porn?
what models are still baking?
how are cascade and wdv going?
neta just released and is sota now
that's how i know it's a bait
huh? waifu diffusion has been a thing since before nai leak
wdv is a thing since early jule, the way you try to find excuse like that only proves my point
it's been baking for months retard, sorry if you are clueless
so we figured it out i guess
least obvious /hdg/ bait
I beg you sire, a single discord screenshot
>ui design
Amazing how i can hate someone so much from a single screenshot
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the more time passes the less I care for raunchy sex scenes and the more I value style and color. sloppin just doesnt hit when it looks like shit
they are clearly using imageTo3d, bottom left give it away
pastel colored slop is still slop
With this much content, that's normal i think

good composition, original style, new concepts, animations, are going to be the new meta
more mistress gens is always good
It's missing there too - is there a box to check to retain metadata before creating it maybe?
I also miss the old view with all the tags in one easy-to-view place, I know that site exists to load it all but It's annoying to have to use another site and find the LoRA when it used to work they way most people wanted it before.
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I figured out how to preserve the metadata at least - now I have to do some rebaking to try to figure out what settings I used originally
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sorry Im not talking about that, I am talking about the newer version of ReForge and viewing the tags in the lora, where they would autosort by highest value. You can view it like in my catbox below, but its not as good as it used to be.

based MGE enjoyer

i have never seen a lora weight 1+go lol
Hey everyone.
Astralite here.
Pony v7 will release soon and I just wanted to thank you guys for exposing the 3 letter hashes. I'll make sure that kind of stuff won't work in v7.
Anyone manage to get cyberrealistic pony v5 before the author went bipolar and nuked it yesterday?
>scrolls down to comments
>"Any chance for making one in Clip Skip 2?"
enough civitai for today
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32 dim nonco lora
128 dim b-lora style and content loras
128 dim dim b-lora rescaled to dim 32
the combined b-lora is quite accurate to the artist, didn't become kanan and somehow has better anatomy then the extracted content and style combo
only reason i gen sex is so tards don't reeee about /e/ here
someone will always find a reason to whine here
>Keeping /h/ board culture
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This was so close to being good but you had to ruin it
you dont like thigh sex?
you're a dumb faggot retard
i'm not seeing your complaints in kk general
thank you god for ai

nasty roody-poo lover, you know exactly what he meant
post some neta gens if it's so good
Don't post scat here.
This is made with neta >>8116927
the schizo came here from /sdg/ and is one of their mentally ill discord avatarfags. they could take him back, but he got btfo by the other avatarfags so he hides here like a little bitch :)
That's bullshit, but I believe it.
can confirm, prompted it with neta
>July 9, 2024 6:00 AM
It's the troll. If you scroll up just a bit you can see he went mask off and reveiled Neta/Arti posting as his new refiner tactic. That he never posts gens from it was telling already
I think that the jannies released the schizo on purpose to get rid of the thread growth.
Don't believe? It's all in the numbers. For months, there's been a conspiracy of janitors against ordinary anons.
Tread carefully.
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treech stocks rising
I think that thing above is a bad falseflagging, groid-kun.
I'm the BBC poster but I haven't posted any images here in the last few days. Someone else is fucking with you guys.
You know how serial killers often have copycats? That's what's happening here. Stop blaming me.
Shut the fuck up, retard.
Are you afraid of my filter?
> Hentai General Chat /hcg/
why is it such a slow piece of shit, it breaks images too
i'd be posting there if it was functioning properly
I just tried posting there, but...
>thick thighs
A bit more
anon your literacy?
canon thighs
A few weeks ago there was an anon who was doing a pubic hair slider lora. Do you guys know anything about it? Did he finished it?
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pedos put a hit on him
Hello :3
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Like in real life, raunchy sex with literalwhos is boring after a while. Pov missionary sex with waifu still hasn't gotten old.
yuri with two/more wives is even better
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I hate it when I discover something awesome and realize it's already been around for months and I'm just way behind the curve, just found out about anytest and the night/low light lora.
>anon still hasn't learned where poo comes from
Been staring at slop for too long I guess.
Stop making the same mistake then. Switch from anytest to xinsir promax and get the negpip extension. And maybe the smea dyn sampler while you're at it
After that anon told me mod revoked his ban, I believe you. Fuck jannies.
yeah anytest is awesome, leagues over everything else out at the moment
>the night/low light lora
which one?
that wasn't just some anon, that was b-sama
This one:

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Promax is nice, it even recognized individual fingers in openpose mode. The "no preprocessor mode" is also a straight upgrade from anytest.
Catbox? I love this style.
>cute anime girl -> controlnet -> cringe ponysloppa
I'm sorry but I don't think controlnet solves the correct problem...
Does anyone know the styles, loras, or models this guy is using? Its legit some of the best AI smut I've ever seen. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/28442129
>I don't like style your style therefore your argument is invalid
It'll work just as well with your dongfeng zhenhue lingfang lora
Would love to share it with you, but I asked about this artist mix before as well.
It's from here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/9906436
I've only figured out that it's probably got quasarcakes and gogalking in the mix.
The whole point of controlnet is to draw your desired composition, not to just use an existing image because it defeats the whole purpose of creating something that was never done before
>/hdg/ at the point where people just repost other people's pixiv gens
Oh boy
>dongfeng zhenhue lingfang
Nobody said anything about toddlers. The (ai-generated:1.5) look is cringe.
Because I want to bring attention to it so someone to figure out the artist mix :)
No one posts gens here anyway or it's just ponyslop
how is the vram usage when comparing it to anytest?
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I can't do that, why do you think I'm using AI
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Retard here. How do I install reForge if I already have Forge? No idea where to paste the commands.
just train a lora
Then pick a different lora or even a different model. Promax is black magic and works with everything sdxl
If you have git installed, you just do it in your \sd.webui\webui folder
I have posted my gens before.
Why don't you post some as well, follow your own advice?
that controlnet is just weird
like what's the point of ai if you're just copying the images
weird, i still don't see any image attached to your post
weird, i still don't see any image attached to your post
Yeah I wanted to replicate this style as well but couldn't figure it out
maybe also wlop, s16xue or ningen mame
To recreate my favourite blacked gangbang scenes but featuring my elegg waifu.
around the same
wlop and ningen mame are very common in the better looking nai gens that I've seen, so seems likely. Especially with the more painted look.
s16xue is an interesting guess, I'll see what it looks like
You can pose the openpose model yourself from scratch. or use screenshots from cascadeur
>doesn't use his creative imagination to insert her in his head
yes that's what i mean
used to be people making their poses but afaik it's mostly the blacked schizo copying other shit nowadays
A lot of the more well-shaded nai gens use photo \(medium\), photorealistic and shit like that.
Here's one of the posts where some guy forgot to remove metadata: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120459581
For making style variants of my favorite images
Nta and never heard of that program before. Is is possible to create 3d porn with it for a retard like me? Has anyone tried?
Making original poses is a lot of work and there's no guarantee that pony won't throw a wrench in your plans at the end.
no metadata though
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oh nvm I'm a retard
Actual 3d porn or 3d gens?
Actual 3d porn with animation
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I use a posable 3d model in blender that allows you to output controlnet depth/open pose/other inputs that you can then just feed straight into it without a preprocessor. It's mostly nice for hands and being extremely autistic about particular angles.

Kinda shitty example image, just threw it together quickly, in this case getting the hands to show up on the pov male's body like this seems really hard without it.
If you're willing to put a couple 100 hours into learning the software and making the animations, then yes
damn ok, thanks
yeah it's good
Good morning Frens. Did a big update to one of my Huggingface Model Repos. Gonna do the same for the rest. Thoughts?

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>getting the hands to show up on the pov male's body like this seems really hard without it.
Might just be a resolution issue, where if you widen it then it'll add the hands in. The issue though is it loves to make the male's legs like this. But I also very regularly prompt painted nails so it loves to throw hands in every image.
Can anyone help a retard and link to promax?
That's a good find. I'm on the fence about the photorealistic type of phrases being used by the account I posted since the styles tend to lean more towards a very painted look
I'm getting shit results compared to anytest. The colors come out flat and simple. It's nothing like your results. What the hell am I doing wrong?
abhorrent image
you have to lower your denoise like 0.15-0.55 or some shit or else it fries the colors, don't ask me why
What is this "no preprocessor mode" thing? I did some test a few days ago and got worse result with promax than anytest
Gens of the guy I posted do be painterly sometimes: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120327939
But I can't confirm it's the same mix all the time since he doesn't have metadata on any of his images I'm actually interested in (and I don't have a nai sub anyway).
Anytest vs promax consoleware when?
Just tested it and it's probably the same
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Looks really cute honestly. You may get jannied though...
Hellhound is best girl, and best girls get walkies and headpats.
any of you using a 4090 for your gens? if so hows that comparing to others?
Can you also shift the open pose positions etc? That's what I really didn't like about anytest.
can i get a catbox for this? i wanna see the workflow
anyone try this with runway gen 3 yet?
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Definitely ikuchan kaoru. Probably iwao there too.
Yes I moved some of the joints and added both hands. The preprocessor output is garbage for openpose most of the time
making loras that aren't really meant just for porn is pretty cool actually
But anon used openpose_full in that pic. Are you saying you always use none for preprocessor?
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Okay, I was getting blown out results because I was using Euler SMEA Dy. I switched back to my tried and true DPM++ 2S a and now the results are much better.
The biggest difference I noticed between Anytest and Promax is, Promax is more accurate. (at about 0.5 denoise) Anytest gives you high quality results out of the box but it's not as accurate to the input image. (for ex. if you use an sketch drawing) Neither of them are better/worse than the other overall.
Promax for most accuracy, Anytest for ease of use and quality.
Here is a gen using Promax at 0.25 denoise (upscaled)
Original sketch
5 sec base res gen with no adetailer
changing sampler for upscale is helping
at 1024x1024?
Your usecase is kinda simple. You could probably just use the kataragi canny model and would still get good results. No need for a 2.5gb controlnet if you just want to color scribbles
>The preprocessor output is garbage for openpose most of the time
What do you mean by this?
Lucky star anon if you're here, what did you do to get wife's eyes to gen correctly? Idk why AI is having such a problem with ringed eyes.
When you run the preprocessor it'll try to generate an openpose for you.
This fails most of the time and the pose will be missing limbs or have joints in the wrong places. You can then edit the pose in the webui to fix it, which I did for my example
Ah okay thanks.
>kataragi canny
First time hearing about this one. I tried it, it seems to work well enough. It's even more accurate to the sketch. They also have a few other interesting CNs. It's nice to have so many options now.
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i draw them manually, there are not enough artists that draw show-accurate iris and screencaps fucks up style too much without any gains so i gave up on AI here
>screencaps fucks up style too much without any gains
Yeah this is the problem I'm having. Idk how I can have massive hires pics of her eyes close up and AI still can't do it properly. It can do makina so I know it understands but idk.
armpits don't look like that
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NAI also draws them fine even with multiple artist styles and this https://civitai.com/models/497407/ lora has Miyuki previews with passable iris so its a skill issue on my end
picrel lora has two screencaps steps out of ~230 and they alone push iris to be ringed
I'm too based for this world
Not where you live
IAbro are you still around? Could you catbox this or at least tell me how I could get that particular style?
don't worry anon, some day you will go to cunny heaven
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Pony can't do single wing unfortunately.
im pretty sure it can, alternatively inpaint it out
It's a NAI gen
this, metadata is in the image
The ai says they do (shuten-anon's adult wife btw)
pony can barely do wings to begin with
uoh hours
I plan to try NAI soon so I'd still appreciate having the info.
4chan wipes metadata though? Unless you mean NAI has ways to analyze through pixels only?
it's fun to make them of sfw artists
Grown men disliking big hangers, many such cases
NAI stores metadata in alpha layer of the image
rotten body bird anon nostalgia
Copy pasta into here: https://novelai.net/inspect
nai stores their metadata in a way that doesn't get wiped when uploading it to 4chan
you can just download the image and put it into their inspect page to check
alternatively use this thing in the OP
>4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
lets you right click the image and see the metadata if it's present, among other things
hagbros... just one hag image... please
Or just put it in png info in SD.
I don't know which is worse, treech turning my posted images into 404 errors, or 4chan giving me connection errors when trying to post images.
>posting images
hello newfriend
is loli time
>diluted dataset's lora looks better than curated
owari wa...
It's time for both.
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>owari wa...
That would be "owari da".
this kills shotahagfags
uhh based
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>alternatively inpaint it out
It doesn't even make an attempt at 1.6 weight which is strange but yeah this seems to be the answer to most of my problems thanks. I really need to get better at inpainting...
Alright, 22 epochs of 308 pics finetune done, but it was unet-only.
cirno: https://files.catbox.moe/og58vt.png
cirno by ciloranko: https://files.catbox.moe/ey4056.png
cirno by wlop: https://files.catbox.moe/vyyw8m.png
cirno by fizrot: https://files.catbox.moe/e3544a.png
What was the purpose of this test?
Anon that penis is backwards...
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we're getting pretty close to automatic animated smut gen
Image gen hasn't even reached its full potential and everyone just ran to videogen? Well at least it's much more coherent than it was 3 months ago.
>fixed up my dataset
>better tags
>bettter and more images
>worse result than old lora
every time
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Just wanted to see how easy it is to convert epspred checkpoint into vpred+ztsnr with more or less proper colors. Turns out it's shit easy, no wonder NAI employees were so smug about this.
kek this but only for basic features like eyes and hair
>better settings
>more thought out
>advanced optimizer sampler and network type
>worse than my most basic tested script
skill issue
Every time
where did you get chinese phone number? I wanna get that too
my loras usually work better after i try to improve them :)
signup is email now
you get 6 free gens. use a disposable email and gen as much as you want
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You are using klingai.kuaishou.com right? There's only phone sign up for me...
>prompt head back
>range from slightly lifting head to completely dislocating the neck
>prompt long tongue
>range from slightly longer tongue to the longest tongue you have ever see
yeah well fuck me i guess
skill issue
Any tips on inpainting spread pussy? I just get folds upon folds with most styles.
Absolute state of discord trannies
I'm blind. Many thanks!
Kek. Got pretty blurry at least, I think the "smeary blurry nai" anon will love it!
Download some templates, put the one you like over it in your preferred image editing software and inpaint with very low denoise.
lol this worked way too well
cascade, echo chamber
wdv, echo chamber
PD, echo chamber that delivers

take the jordach/neggles pill today
That poster is disingenuous. Here's the real e8 preview https://cdn.discordapp com/attachments/1220146790943166514/1265710648206295040/image_00000.png?ex=66a28066&is=66a12ee6&hm=8317e836477ca5c83ac9196fbbeedccaf6bfef6394ce784548c8e3f9a7113d7d&
That sounds like it would get old real fast. But at least it works, yeah.
for this i just untag stuff i want to be always a part of wife's look, like hair and eye color, so it would be prompted though her name, eye form usually carries to character name too but you can tag strongest images with eye form so it would be reinforced by prompting it
dont forget! one (1) test prompt is a good indicator of the model as a whole! it's just like an audio engineer using a reference mix!
Hmm and this was just a concept lora? No activation tag? How many background pics did you take for the dataset?
>big hangers
I like itty bitty titties on tall athletic milfs
Yep this is exactly what I did but it still didn't work.
but... isn't that you?
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>Turns out it's shit easy, no wonder NAI employees were so smug about this.
With that I can conclude that every single anime baker in existence except NAI and *just maybe* neggles, is having an unparalleled skill issue. Shame the hands, anatomy and little details are pretty much fucked, prob LR was set too high and there was too few pics.
Anon, take the blora pill and slap it on your basic setup. Shit's looking real good.
would help if the preview included anime girl and anime style artists (beside asanagi)
>by novelai
it's a lora trained on screenshots from that one part of future redeemed so that i could get a better starting point for difference training a background lora
it's 60 images from various parts of the scene, no activation token.
Can you explain further so I can cure my skill issue?
Genuinely I wonder what would be a good set of model benchmark tests.
1girl obviously isn't enough but I feel like I don't usually see model makers/mixers do much besides 1girl, 1girl mountain at night, 1girl eye focus.
I feel like showing 1girl/1boy/duos should be a baseline, handstands, holding hands or any complex hand/finger positioning.
Then also would be good to see tests for how much of the model has retained background knowledge and perspective.
By difference training do you mean this?
how and why
Can't fault a man for lurking. Discord has a monopoly on lolcows these days and a farmer must follow his herd
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help, nayuta is melting seductively
help, nayuta is very stiffly enjoying summer
help, nayuta is very smugly converting her ass into legs
the same underlying principal yeah
>Can't fault a man for lurking
i can and i will
if you use trooncord at all kill yourself
Cute melting. The stare on the second one is so creepy it would suit Makima better.
Professionals use purple eyes, 1girl, short hair, smile, open mouth, ruffled blouse, red blouse, pleated skirt, blonde hair, green scarf, pointing at viewer, blunt bangs, blue skirt, foreshortening, fang

pajamas are the most underrated sexy attire
Thank you anons.

based and kekd
the first one is cute but the chair is fucked and so is the stomach bulge
honestly its not a bad test for consistent color separation but even better would be seeing if you can have 2girls or 1girl1boy with unique color palettes.
why is she so melty and smeared???
her left cubitus is also angled at a 60° angle instead of 80°
its NAI so of course its melty
she's taken so many loads that she is, compositionally, cum
There's nothing to test there, it's not happening. Cascade is trained with randomly shuffled tags, there's no way to assign one tag to one character and another to another.
You just enable v_parameterization and zero_terminal_snr and do your next pony/animagine/arti/neta/kohaku. You are cured, congrats.
your mistake is assuming that those model bakers care about objectively evaluating their model's performance
there's a reason they only use the simplest possible prompts
I was talking in general
reverse suspended congress pictures
It's apparently used by NAI.
if you have something good, compare side by side
upload it, provide instructions to replicate
you won't, you'll just make shit up
yeah it's weird, you're not supposed to cook sushi
QRD, please: starting from zero, how do I get SD to make slight modifications to existing hentai like adding/removing underwear and such?
kek I wasn't even meaning to take it this far I just had basic curiosity but fair response.
>You just enable v_parameterization and zero_terminal_snr
Where exactly do I enable this in the kohya_ss GUI? Or is this a command I have to type in?
Well yeah of course not but it would be nice if there was some standard to hold bakers to.
go to youtube and have some indian man with a thick accent explain to you how to inpaint
Leg lock and hug. Hand holding is too hard imo. Might as well have said tribadism.
install some webui (stable swarm, reforge, a1111, whatever)
get a model suitable for your vram (SDXL if you have a lot of vram, SD 1.5 if you don't, get this "checkpoint" from CivitAI, pick one you like the look of)
launch your UI of choice, learn to prompt first
once you can prompt and gen normal images and are comfortable with that, swap over to the img2img/inpainting tab or whatever it's called in your UI
approximately edit your image in some image editor, painting in roughly what you want (hue/luminosity/etc, even a shit sketch is good like removing clothes or repositioning a limb).
set up sane defaults for inpainting (1024x1024 for SDXL, 768x768 for 1.5) with some padding and 0.4-0.6 denoise.
select your feature you wanna reroll/fix/add/whatever, inpaint. repeat ad coomitas
the standard is that you download their model and test it yourself
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Only started fiddling with it today but so far I've noted faster training with less vram used. Styles also look better since you can jack the dim up without gigantic filesizes + they work better with character loras and prompts.

At least for sd-scripts with lycoris library you just grab this toml and point to it in network args like this:

--network_args "algo=locon" "preset=C:/folder/blora_content_layout_style_conv.toml" `

I am glad people are unironically finally testing per-block training
good for mental
So what's the difference between blora and just training with custom block weights
nothing at all, they're exactly the same.
for XL, target IN08/OUT00/OUT01 and provide your own settings for everything else.
man i am so fucking tired of people making settings presets and calling them with a different name
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cascade bros...
i don't think that training is actually faster. the it/s are much faster but the amount of iterations you need for the same results seems higher
nothing, basically. the people behind blora have just figured out two OUT blocks that actually matter.
it's so over
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Will pony ever be dethroned?
faster by virtue of allowing larger dim which picks up more stuff quicker.
not sure the iterations are faster or slower but I didn't look too closely
missing fang and ruffles and let's not talk about that hand

has fangs instead of a single fang
you will consume horse smegma
and you will be happy
has anyone actually trained a decent style lora with this
its over...
Smol retarded model desperately trying to output something cute but failing at every step.
Easy winner, no competition.
joewari da
It's so sad, colour looks very good and eyes doesn't seems to be heavily melted as before, but what i can see is that i was indeed right, using gelbooru as dataset just poisoned the well too much due to it's incredibly shitty, misclassified, and false positive tagged images and this damage can't be undone, >>8117449 obviously is superior but the sepia just eats the fucking whole image it's not even funny to me anymore.

future is not looking bright boys. it's our doom.
watch out someone's gonna come in saying something about "blurry" and "smeared" soon
Just train a LORA
yes. normal style loras are probably the only thing that it's useful for
"purple eyes, 1girl, short hair, smile, open mouth, ruffled blouse, red blouse, pleated skirt, blonde hair, green scarf, pointing at viewer, blunt bangs, blue skirt, foreshortening, fang".safetensors
>kohya_ss GUI?
I don't use that shit so I don't know.
Fine, here it is, seed 0 comparison.
Neta 2.0:
Neta 2.0 with vpred+ztsnr lora trained on arti:
You train the checkpoint with v_parameterization and zero_terminal_snr enabled, use ComfyUI with a discrete sampling node set to v_prediction to gen.
ep 22 https://files.catbox.moe/ueheql.png
ep 44 https://files.catbox.moe/b7ymmq.png
Neta 2.0 https://files.catbox.moe/uqt0tq.png
Will v7 fix the sepia shit?
Yep, check the cord bro
I added blur and smear to negs, he can't do that now.
prepare for v7, now with x5 times more jpeg artifacts cuz dataset will get converted to jpeg 5 times now instead of 2
what exactly does this compare? both your gens are busto, the latter is less saturated
is this supposed to demonstrate your elite knowledge anon
Turk, release v3, this cannot go on... If nobody leaks v4 the moment it comes out, it's fucking over.
this will happen and it will still be the best local model
i unironically cannot wait for Ponyv7 just to see what new methods Astralite finds to fuck up his model
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I wouldn't know about needing more iterations since I'm already baking with pretty retarded settings. 1st is no B-lora, 2nd is 80mb B-lora and 3rd is 330mb B-lora.

Not the best comparison but identical settings and same epoch with the prompt "1girl, solo, maid outfit, tired, bored, gloom, short hair, white hair, open clothes,breasts, nipples, sitting, night, alleyway, panting, medium breasts, colorful, outline, black background, graffiti".
what exactly did you ask to compare?
Will it fix the low lighting issue or will japs need to train a lora again?
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arti sisters...
Faggot can't even release v3 docs and v2.
We can still huff some copium with cascade and wdv imo, it's not over yet.
>We can still huff some copium with cascade and wdv
please scroll up in the thread. ITS OVER
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Trifusion coming in!!! With 6 fingers no less!
it's jordachover
it's never releasing
cutest of them all
what was the mixture for trifusion again, was it the slopmix
if this is your sales pitch anon it's not working
I asked for something good smartass
when you shill tech you need to sell it by showing how it's better, you're not doing that
use a bit of common sense
erm i mean, at least cascade hasn't finished baking so there's still hope left until the bake ends, i think...???
it doesn't do the schizo blurry shit unless you try to stray outside of the booru dataset which is full of closeup images of girls on white backgrounds, lol
one more epoch
you're right, only 18 more months until it finishes baking!
Cascade is ded. Gelbooru tags fucked up the training.
lite will be done in 11 months, then 3.6b will be done in 22 months after that
That's a big ass nail
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animagine sisters...
if chinks will not deliver it's over
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vpred+ztsnr 308 pics retrain brothers...
>1.5 slop style
we are so back sisters!


at least jordach delivered something, unlike neggles and xir wdv which is likely delivering never rolfmao
64 days trust the plan
>at least jordach delivered something
A lot of discord screenshots
he delivered lies, ego, and false promises
He delivered doom.
and i respect jordach more than neggles because of that but since i have 0 respect for neggles that isn't saying much
an underbaked model

oh look neggles delivered something today: .safetensors
It's ponymagine + .... this??? https://civitai.com/models/121215?modelVersionId=520650
Then trifusion enhanced is that + 2 background loras merged in at medium strength.

And ponymagine is a block merge of pony and animagine where the guy tried to take style from animagine (success) but pose complexity from pony (fail I think).
you get one point out of 100 instead of zero
Heart of Apple sirs...
So bad you couldn't even post it?
pose complexity hasn't improved much since ConfettiComradeMix
we've been stagnant for a while.
>I don't use that shit so I don't know.
So I guess you're mad now? Idk why you get triggered so easily. Can you at least tell me what you use and how you enable it there instead? That's the obvious follow up to a response like this...
schizo arti heart netaDPO bros...
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you dropped your image, sir
It's pretty cute desu. At least while it's fucking up the hand like cascade, it does really nice eyes and hair in the meantime.
Would be perfect if the purple didn't leak into the blouse.
Impressive, very nice, let's see nijijourneys gen
hmmm well i do remember cascade being x10 times more melted than this, at least in this one the eyes doesn't look like an awful garbage in comparison, all that i can see is that is underbaked, but will be finished one day at least

btw what if you try e6 tags instead? remember that this finetune uses basically all of e6 and all the tags should be compatible with anime, at least it's supposed to
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Posting duo tests using Controlnet and Couple. Had to reduce the resolution to hit the 4MB limit but the original was using around 11gb of memory. Surprised it even worked together but I'm pleased with the results.
you're NOT worthy enough to contemplate what nijiGODS can do
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Honestly worth it probably if it's that clean with everyone separated. Now I wanna know how he did it unless this is like some insane 2-3 day cook of the entire MGE catalog of girls.
what about it?
prompt blocked
Back to ponysloppa it is..............
Complete with thick outline, ugly muscle folds, ugly cartoon dick, ugly fat women and all the good jazz.
>btw what if you try e6 tags instead?
tried this and it's more or less the same, i just switched out 1girl to be female, human + smile to be smile, open smile. also ruffled blouse doesnt even seem to exist as a tag lol
Controlnet + couple has been a thing since 1.5.
>it's more or less the same
well at least we know e6 tags and anime works together, i guess...
well yes obviously
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I'm just having fun fiddling with tools. Didn't mean to sound like I was doing something new lmao.

>thick outline
I cum
>ugly cartoon dick
Not ugly enough
>ugly fat women
Are you Irish?
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So I'm uploading the e44 checkpoint with the metadata if you feel curios. The colors aren't as good as on NAI but this is still miles ahead of everything local. It's likely very overfit, but whatever, it kinda werks. Maybe it will even work for pony, who knows.

You can use example comfy workflow if you want to try it out:

If you want to use it in A1111/Forge, you'd have to create a config file next to the base model that will switch it to vpred and put the lora under Lora directory and apply it as a regular lora.
It's officially over. OWARI DES
the art style is not what makes NAI
it's the vast understanding and diversity of training
like pov from behind that also leans over the shoulder
like upside-down or weird poses like handstand
the style is the least important part, anyone can train a style in
can you show how this remotely improves on the fundamental issues, like complex poses?
>miles ahead of everything local
>warped hand
jokes write themselves
her hands are garbage
thanks. i literally just got gome from getting me a brand new RTX4080TS after realizing how powerful this stable diffusion shit is. get's get into it.
it's all so tiresome
you're replying to bait but this simply isn't true
pony is actually not that far behind when it comes to prompt adherence, and for some degenerate stuff if even outperforms nai (because of the furry dataset). plus, local always has the option to use controlnet and regional prompter and concept loras if the prompt alone isn't enough.
the main problem with pony will always be that it's not possible to produce appealing art styles with it.
it's almost sovl with how she looks like a stereotypical retard
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continuing hidiffusion / RAUnet testing from yesterday, forgive the frequent sfw material among these gens but only anons ITT seemed interested
im being a little less lazy and strung up a test bench

first, 1536x1536 12 step gens under RAUnet, no time on cross-attention block, different euler variant samplers. try to focus on broad composition and unusual errors and not mangled hands at these steps. prompt:
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, (m-da s-tarou:0), ayanami rei, sitting on a park bench, sundress, cobblestone path, lake, flowers, butterfly, aqua hair, red eyes
each gen took about 8 seconds on a 3080 Ti mobile

this pic: 0 time on cross attention blocks (0.6 time on input/output blocks). no clearly better choice but i lean away from the negatives

ill catbox high res jpegs or full workflow if anyone asks
>the main problem with pony will always be that it's not possible to produce appealing art styles with it.
Come on man this is just false. The main problem has always been pony's shitty prompt comprehension. Anyone that can't reproduce a style from NAI is having a skill issue but there's nothing any of us can do to make pony understand object permanence.
That's not true either, it just takes effort.
you can't adhere to something that was never seen in training.
>The main problem has always been pony's shitty prompt comprehension
in all the months of retarded local vs nai console wars this is honestly the first time i've seen this take
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So from the samplers on reforge, which one is good?
You can't be serious.
bait used to be believable
>it works
>with this image attached
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0.1 time on cross attention block
euler negatives shat the bed, strong divergence from euler A versions and euler dy. i think euler A and euler Dy each benefit from this change
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So yeah, it kinda werks with pony but it's also kinda junk.
Can you please decide before baiting?
i'm almost confused by how wrong you are. have you used both nai and pony extensively?
are you ever going to explain what the fuck this is instead of vomiting your test results without context
None, doesn't matter how many + you add to your euler smegma dy ancestral sampler, it won't make pony pretty
Well at least this is genuinely new
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This is what you would get if it didn't work.
smeady with sgm uniform
any of the shit that worked before (eulers, dpm++s, etc) with sgm uniform
Alright I'm not getting dragged into bait I'll just leave the thread for a few hours. On the miniscule chance you're actually being genuine try doing some poses where hair goes behind the body and comes out the other side on pony and see how often it gets it correctly.
nice meme
what did you expect
this just in
pony no longer piss filtered?!
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here's hi diffusion node, ive posted it before (and it was suggested to me on /hdg/). it's basically a more advanced kohya hiresfix/deep shrink for genning directly at higher resolution
these are testing different ca_end_time values on the RAUnet node, on different samplers

0.2 ca_end_time, top 2 rows further improve, unsure about euler dy
oh, so your complaint was about object permanence, not really about prompt comprehension. in that case i agree that nai destroys pony when it comes to this, but again, you're the first person i've ever seen that thinks this is the biggest advantage nai has over pony.
Well in addition to object permanence, pony has worse prompt comprehension simply because it has a smaller dataset. There are things that it should know but doesn't which I assume will automatically be fixed in the next version.
Literally always, massive skill issue on your part. Pony messes up the alignment of a bench in maybe 1 of 3 gens, but that is hardly the biggest deal breaker
yeah yeah yeah faggot
>still talking about it
>over half a year after release
jeeesus get a hobby
Just admit when you're wrong. It's probably some ill trained lora fucking up your gens
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0.3 ca_end_time, now they're all cooked pretty hard.

imo ca_end_time adjusts the perspective/framing of the gen, in a positive manner, up to a point. i think that point changes depending primarily on steps, with more steps letting you push higher ca_end_time.
I'm going to try NAI next month but Pony really sucks at prompt comprehension.
>prompt 'penis on breast'
>most of the gens don't have penis on breast
>prompt 'deep penetration'
>none of the gens actually have the dick go all the way to the base even with penis related prompts pruned.
Then I look at NAI gens and even without vibe transfer it seems to just easily do what Pony can't do.
>anon spends his time trying to explore new thing
>shares the results with anons
>gets this in response
yeah thanks for reminding me this general is shit
gets what
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There's nothing to admit because I'm not wrong. NAI can do object permanence way better than pony and it's in no way controversial unless you're new. I'm not talking about shitty benches but bullshit like hairpins not moving correctly, arms or legs going behind the body and not connecting properly, penises getting fucked up because something partially obscured its view in the foreground etc. NAI never has this problem but pony does it was the thing I missed the most when I switched to local. Colors? Monochrome in negs or avoid score tags. Train your lora better to match your style. Done. There's nothing (You) the user can do about fundamental model knowledge but you're just here to shitpost since you can't admit something so painfully obvious.
>>prompt 'penis on breast'
>prompt something that isn't a tag
>doesn't get it
wtfffffff pony!!!!!!
spears and staves are the worst
Not sure what you're expecting, but "penis on breast" will most likely give you paizuri on NAI, and "deep penetration" isn't that deep.
Pony comprehends prompts very well. The issue is that we don't know the tags it was trained on
ganbare anon-kun
don't give up
>Colors? Monochrome in negs or avoid score tags. Train your lora better to match your style. Done.
if it was that easy 99% of pony gens here wouldn't be aesthetically garbage
Instead of wasting more time shitposting, why don't you tell me where the sepia is in my pic and fuck off with your shitty skill issue?
this, lol
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I've used e621 and booru tags. It's just bad dude.

Sounds like skill issue lmao.
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Is this supposed to prove something about pony styles not being completely fucked?
considering you think that looks acceptable i don't think there's anything more for us to talk about
Was gonna say this thing sucks but it's wild the variance so gonna need to mess with stuff. I couldn't gen Anubis at all at any strength without being insanely shit / blurry. Try binyup and it's perfect at like 0.9 or near 1.
Show some examples then. There is literally nothing you can do the mask the pony look, but object permanence is easily fixed by just hitting generate again or moving an arm an inch in photoshop before inpainting. Object permanence being ponys main issue is the biggest schizo take since that guy that argued 1.5 with loras was better than sdxl.
>dumb low IQ shitposters
im just now looking at the catbox you sent from earlier and anon why do you keep one single massive workflow for testing, im Not installing the extra bloat nodes
it's such a weird hour for that doe
it's usually right at 4pm
that's my normal gen workflow, the center is the main area which can fit comfortably on half a 4k monitor

these are using a separate workflow
it's genuinely over for pony if the cope about shitty prompt comprehension is "we don't know what tags it used".

like do you guys even read your own shit.
yes yes nai won etc etc
now post a gen from it ;)
are you genning these at that res natively? ill just copy the res you use and throw raunet into my own workflow if so
yes, those were directly at 1536x1536
I'm starting to lora train again after months and I have a question.
Do I prune pose tags like standing, sitting? I think I read somewhere that those tags need to go as well.
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based as always
unless those are wrong then never do that ever
why does our already degenerate time not allow shopify to sell full-on nudity god damn it
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sir, what?
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seems interesting though so far its kinda fried
you have to put in extra work figuring out settings for high res gen
i think this is a good starting point for RAUnet settings, and the other node is buggy as shit
everything about your post is wrong, pretty impressive
I mean the ecommerce platform Shopify does not allow 18+ content to be sold. or to be precise, their default payment processor doesn't and from what I've looked, finding an alternate card processor is a pain.
we need xyz nodes
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one thing 1111 forks have an advantage in: not as easy to put wrong values in for x and y axes on your plots

30 steps, /h/ content with lots of entangled parts

ayanami rei, missionary position sex, hug, kissing, leglock, beach, full body, cum in pussy, aqua hair, black hair

0.0 ca_end_time

full res/workflow: https://files.catbox.moe/x14t00.png
How do I get euler dy?
cfg+++ looks good
interesting, was using those settings already

axes were fucked up, >>8117717 is the correct one
reforge or google it for the extension
Still looks good.
reForge has the eulers from >>8117722, but you can also install those samplers as an extension to A1111
>Maintained branch:
When new OP that is not severely out of date? Forge is dead.
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0.1 ca_end_time
i dont think this composition angle benefits much from adjustments to perspective
maintained by someone else
that's the beauty of open source
Sure, but not the one linked in OP, that's ReForge.
Showing me the concept of a fixed OP doesn't help. Actually fix the damn OP. You guys have had months to do so.
You have to install it like an extension?
I only use the anime model. If those are furry tags, that would explain it.
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0.2, had some connection issues
and 0.3 is extra crispy, not worth posting
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posting a gen
but with this i think ill choose euler a cfg++ moving forward
you have to adjust CFG a lot more with it though, here >>8117717 it's at 1.5 to about equal euler a at 5.0, and here cfg++ is at 2.8
I made that today but OPs are a meme though
Nobody here is new
style isn't just making an image more aesthetically pleasing
there are plenty of strong artist tags on nai that end up changing the composition and affecting the entire image in a positive way, it leads to images that are more varied and interesting, angles, poses, everything, purely because you prompted good artists

pony has this to some degree with few of its strong artist tags, but most of them are too weak or hashed
you can achieve something close to that if you use a good lora on a base pony
yet most seem to prefer to use shitmixes, which is okay, but faggots will use them and then complain pony looks the same and they're tired of it
only time we'll have to worry about a new op is whenever le next big thing comes out and people come swarming back to spam posts
what is the point of cfg++ it seems like a meme
it is
though really im just impressed by how well euler a has held up. pour one out for the OG Leonhard Euler
I want to add to that, character used also have influence on pose/artstyle/angles on pony, I was having a hard time doing a pose, just removed the character entirely and used the result as a CN after getting good gen instantly
Use it with 1.5 CFG and Reforge Euler A cfg ++
It seems to work for me when doing complex stuff like 69/etc (less extra limbs/etc..)
But who knows kek
I think ultimately an OP should have basic information about <the thing> and be a vault for community resources
We just don't really have the latter unlike other generals
It basically is
I've used it the most all this time and mostly because it has a softer style that's better for anime images imho
Smea Dy now
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How many steps and what cfg for smea dy?
35 and 5
i wish it didn't break with denoising tho, having to switch back to euler a for inpainting is sad because it's like half as smart
confettitune anon is that you?
https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge/discussions/61 If using CFG++ samplers on reForge
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>((curvy)),((wide hips))
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also maybe uniform sampling better than AYS for cfg++
Can confirm, CFG 1 with changed negs is hash perfect
well not hash but yeah
new model when
NTA but most of us just use AI to coom anon,we're not zooming in looking at paint strokes. Pony can make fat ass gabi's in my preferred style and that's all I need in life.
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nvm they still do the same thing as before with the weird dupes even at 1.5cfg
smea dy 5cfg on top
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Latest is the 12 July one -- moreconfettialpha.3 -- I've been working on pruning/replacing/balancing the dataset. I started adding more of the pics I like, and it unbalanced it. :\
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Thoughts on this in the OP?
No, it's just plain wrong.
how so?
the way you write make you sound like an absolute dumb retard, which fits since you completely missed the point
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Pretty funny how polluted the white backgrounds are in the non dy samplers
But it also proves that Smea Dy is the outlier in logic, since dy and a have the same dupes as the ++s
I have to see if pure dy breaks in inpainting too
>the dude baiting about nai and pony being shit was posting normal posts about using smea too
well thats dumb
>I have to see if pure dy breaks in inpainting too
No it doesn't
But now that I started trying to compare it to Smea Dy... Smea Dy stopped breaking my inpainting and upscaling??? WTF how
1boy, 1girl, standing, reverse grip handjob
bending fingers backwards? that just happens once in a while on its own
1girl, lower body, plump, disembodied hands, belly grab, squirting
Ok I don't know wth happened but my Smea Dy inpainting and upscaling is suddenly cured. Good?
Ok no it still bleaches it a bit, so does regular dy
It was less visible with the style
Euler a still has the least color shift
I'm finding reforge's output to be worse than forge. Same parameters, same prompts, but reforge images come out with more anatomical errors and stuff like that
is clip skip correctly working?
xenoblade 3 scenery lora 2.0 came out ok i think
tested out LLM captioning and i'm overall pretty satisfied with it, i just used "describe the image with 10 descriptors separated by commas" and it gave me a functional prompt about 100% of the time. i think that i need to go through and just label what region the screenshots were taken in to improve consistency, though.
i also tried doing b-lora without b-lora and i think that sort of sucked though. it didn't learn the style but the overall content learning isn't amazing, it's got a lot of the vibes right but there's a distinct lack of stuff like half arch mountains you see in the game.
It shouldn't happen, at least with main branch (which is mostly a1111 changes). dev_branch for sure changes seeds since it is basically comfy upstream backend, but not worse necessarily.
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I am on main branch. And I'm talking about things like pic related. The tiny arm on Reforge, right, is weird.
I zoom in... and I see a white blob...
must be the cum on my glasses
Huh pretty weird, there are some changers from a1111 upstream on sd_samplers_cfg_denoiser I guess that could affect it, but not sure at that point if it's rng or sothing else.

The change on that file is mostly because new schedulers though.
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fuck off to /aco/
what order am i supposed to read this
just a batch lol
Very interesting results. I'll try this on wuwa one of these days.
>describe the image with 10 descriptors separated by commas
Why did you decide to do it this way? Was Tagger not working with backgrounds? I'm surprised pony even understands.
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when will your model stop having that fried blotchy look
that looks like bad sampler/scheduler combo
WD taggers do work with backgrounds, they just aren't as good
as an example:
ConvNextV3: scenery, outdoors, sky, solo, campfire, day, fire, sitting, grass, 1girl, blonde hair, rock
llava-v1.6-mistral-7b-hf: rocky, mountainous, rugged, wilderness, natural landscape, campfire, fire pit, grassland, blue sky, clouds, green vegetation, stone formation, serene, tranquil, picturesque
The controlnet info in OP is outdated right? What's the new repo called again?
what it is not outdated in the OP?
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can you guys do lucy from zenless zone?
Wait how did you install this? What folder do I put the files in?
https://github.com/picobyte/stable-diffusion-webui-wd14-tagger maybe it comes with this, i'm not sure i've had these installed for a long time
Colorblind anon. Literally don't see it. Circle it for me.
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CogAgent is pretty good with backgrounds if you ask it to describe the background.

I do grab a lot of my images from artbooks -- is it the physical medium thing you are seeing? pic related - one of the yoshida training images.
i have a 10gb gpu
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fuck you pony you bloody bastard
pretty sure he's talking about the artstyle, with how it's shaded more like a sketch than anything. plus the slightly melty lines / fine details. post a gen with a smooth artstyle if you would (for comparisons sake)
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V3 is supposed to be the new model that was just released and the files there haven't been updated in ages. I deleted the extension and reinstalled just in case and I still don't see it.
i'm using this pr probably
Huh, thanks.
ty anon
Asura maybe?
ooof anon. I just loaded it up to see how much 4bit cog agent takes --- 13 GB. lol. Do you use taggui? One of the other 4-bit LLM's might fit. I use an edited version of SD3's prompt. Describe the image in two complete sentences using the following tags as context: {tags}. Please specify the backgrounds within the image, interactions, and gestures or poses. Please keep your descriptions factual and terse but complete. DO NOT add any unnecessary speculation about the things that are not part of the image such as "the image is inspiring to viewers" or "seeing this makes you feel joy". DO NOT add things such as "creates a unique and entertaining visual", as these descriptions are interpretations and not a part of the image itself. The description should be purely factual, with no subjective speculation. Include the medium of the image (e.g., watercolor, pastel, 3D render, oil painting). If the image is explicit, use slang and be explicit. Limit your response to 75 tokens.
Does this look like the character? If so, it could be attempted. Not by me tho.
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What character should I make next? Preferably a Bleach or Persona character.
Harribel from bleach
what happend?!?
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I tried
need to see her sweaty in the gym
all this madness, pretty much solved if we had an actual request anchor. so we can be busy doing requests instead of doomposting
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sounds fun lemme see
it just wont let me gen a proper breast press pov from above hug
yes its a skill issue
yes its probably a lora issue
no i wont use controlnet
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very nice, can you do any without the outfit with whatever lora you are on?

also Yoruichi next
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Yeah I think she can wear whatever, Yoruichi sounds fun
resonance lite 1b has already surpassed pony you just need to know how to use it
we heard same thing about sd3
resonance lite 1b has already surpassed sd3 you just need to know how to use it
no not really
even comfyanon stopped supporting sd3 and sai in general pretty quickly after SD3 came out, and theres still no sd3 finetune
I actually made a model myself that I trained with a secret technology I developed, its on the lvl of NAIv5 so im quite ahead of the retard here
No I wont post gen
if you need a lora then its a model issue
if a lora doesnt exist because the model is just that retarded then its even more of a model issue
tldr fuck pony indeed
don't think it was a challenge in first place
yeah thats the character
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Not a huge fan of the Yoruichi Lora I found
Where are the secret japanese lora databases?
huggingface has a ton of stuff if you search for something you may want, just gotta dig. Some anons have posted good links from stuff there but I don't have the links anymore.
seconding this
pretty sure some jap baker is more autistic about lucky star wives than me
speaking mainly about 5ch, but the reason there isn't any secret database is that there are generally two types of japanese lora posters: those who use civitai and huggingface normally and those who only post links that expire in a day in a single thread (as a way of making sure that only thread regulars can use them)
i don't recall seeing many lucky star posters in 5ch desu
>post links that expire in a day in a single thread
people do that here too
i think that's pretty rare here (unless somebody is accidentally using litterbox or something), but in 5ch it happens pretty much every single thread
>i don't recall seeing many lucky star posters in 5ch desu
so japan has fallen huh...
only cathag anon and fat lora (>200mb) posters
someone should make a script that download litterbox and archive them but to be honest all of the lora from the megalink that was poste were shit so the quality is probably low
I mean there must be at least one autist in 5ch hoarding every single lora nip anons post... I just wish we could have access to that.
"ss_gradient_accumulation_steps": "50",
What's wrong with it?
How did you get the tattoo to be so clean? Fucking Miku's 01 doesn't come out like that.
>I just wish we could have access to that.
I'd rather we learned to bake as good as them so we don't have to put up with their litterbox bullshit.
nah i'm pretty sure that the best bakers here mog their bakers hard (tagging alone is very hard for nips since their english fucking sucks)
the difference is that they're actually into anime and manga and eroge and games so they have more interesting characters
Just use the top rated lora on civitai bro?
Well if lora content is the problem, if anons could gather the datasets we could have /hdg/ bakes around the clock. You only need 30 pics minimum anyway.
>so they have more interesting characters
that mega had maitetsu character loras, japs are too based for /hdg/
not just nips
>find a guy whose style I really like
>he is russian
>check his metadata
>schizo prompt, spelling mistake everywhere
>somehow works fine
>if I copy the prompt and fix the mistakes+ remove the useless tag it just doesnt work anymore
>cant even copy his style for some reason
Just russian magic I guess
kek i know that feel
maybe treating the english language like a black box and throwing random shit at the TE has its perks sometimes
I remember these threads being x20 times happier on 1.5slop days, and 1.5 is obviously miles inferior compared to what we have today, hell even EF + hll was so good in that moment, what just happened?
Is it just me, or is this NAI prompt very pony esque in its bordering/shading
always more hype when something is new
melanin rich male spam unattended for two months killed this thread effectively
might be because tracer has a lot of 3d pictures
>the tech was rapidly and visibly progressing week by week
this simply wasn't true for most of the previous year
>giant steps after original NAI leaked up to 6 months after
>poignant stagnation of the XL days
That's exactly my point, or are you just agreeing with me.
what we have today is at best a sidegrade. a tradeoff. 1.5 was limited but it was honest. what we got out of it were earnest attempts to make the best model possible. with sdxl we get intentionally sabotaged soapbox releases that take more pride in preaching about what the model removes than what it adds (pony, sd3, fluffyrock ultimate). and then you have the people promising to 'do things differently' yet failing every step of the way.
novelai v3 remains looming above everyone's heads as proof that SDXL can be way better than what is currently available locally. we are just stuck dealing with drama and failbakes for over half a year now while nothing really gets done.
I blame novelai for keeping their secret bake technique to themselves
but I would have done the same
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Can someone help me figure out which part of this prompt is producing so many blue man group mother fuckers? Shit is like every 3rd gen.
well theres your problem. cant believe people pay for that defunct garbage
there is a reason why nai is paid access and pony is free (please use pony)
consider fucking off to /aco/ and asking there, faget.
What anime is this
>when the schizo can't bring himself to type faggot

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maybe llms are also bad at captioning landscapes
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So it also works with A1111 but you have to put this config file next to the model (and rename it accordingly, remember EF+HLL): https://files.catbox.moe/d7ump1.yaml
Only DDIM, PLMS and UniPC samplers work as far as I tested due to A1111's retardation.
i think that the bigger problem is that pony's TE is so fried that it probably doesn't understand llm captions at all
Yeah the TE feels like is only listens half the time, even then youd have to sit there and experiment which tokens are valid or not.
downloading other people's loras is always a great self esteem boost
that bad huh
post it
200mb, 10 tokens to get it to work and afaik it does nothing
civitai users don't count as "people"
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what the h*ck is this?
Anon... this is shit
V-prediction lora for Arti/Neta
i still dont get it
That's okay, many don't get it either.
It was better when the girl was tan desu
box? I like the style
I wish I'd stop reading this thread before bed every night. in a way, it's like a calming bed time ritual. in another, I feel like I'm setting up my subconscious mind with bad vibes...
Going through all innate sdxl artists. Wish me luck bros
For me it's having to then open it up every morning and check replies
And see no (You)s
/hdg/ intervention
This one

but your link is good too
Getting the AI to disambiguate dark-skinned females (based) from dark-skinned males (ew) is a challenge, but it's one I'm willing to meet.

Anyone have any tips?
Sometimes certain artists help, but most of the time I would draw black blob over dark female and white blob on white male and img2img
on Pony you can prompt white penis
How can I nudify a clothed image? There's img2img models right? I've only used LLMs before, I have 2 3090s
linux btw
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>looking for related tags to dark-skinned male so I can exclude high overlap tags
>fifth highest tag, over everything except synonyms and 1girl/1boy, is male focus

Holy shit I knew bbc fetishists were closet gays and that blacked porn was blatantly homoerotic, but lmao, to see it in the data so clearly...

To put what I'm saying explicitly since I don't think groid posters would understand otherwise: putting male focus into the negs will make males noticeably less dark because such a significant fraction of the dark-skinned male dataset is thinly veiled gay porn that is entirely male focused. Blacked artists are so gay that they have made the AI think that any picture with dark-skinned males is inherently homoerotic.
gays or women
>when it works
NAI has next to know natural english comprehension left (it's very overtrained on the TE side), but I figure that black man and white man would be so common in the original sdxl training set that some vestige of them might still survive.

God I wish I could find it, but there was a survey of sex differences in sexual fetishes that is how many men vs how many women have a certain sexual fetish.

IIRC two of the fetishes with the largest male skew were black male porn and foot porn (I guess women just aren't into men's feet that way)
1. https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.11239
2. https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.00512
3. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.08891
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NAIv4 will fix it.
women are also statistically less racist so that makes sense
I think I finally found a fairly consistent prompt. The key was actually emphasizing 1girl (strategically placed near dark skin). The model always tends to interpret tags nearer to each other together, and emphasizing the 1girl tag should make the nearby dark skin tags latch onto that instead of the 1boy.

I am, however, somewhat concerned by the model's choice to put my white guy in what appears to be sweatpants and an ill fitting plain white t-shirt. What is the AI trying to say here?
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I tried out prodigy after seeing comments in this thread and here is my comparison, I don't think I am switching over yet
isekai protagonist?
what were your adam lrs and scheduler?
adam 0.003 unet, TE 0.0005
both cosine
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the LoRA is also less adaptable to applying a different style
in my experience prodigy is easier to throw styles at but adam is better for characters
what about the main one? 0.0001?
there is no "main one", it would be overwritten by both the others being set
huh why does everyone provide all three always then
not read their documentation
that's funny
anyway both of what you said sound pretty high, did you miss a zero? 0.0003 and 0.00005 sound more in line with what i heard
no, i've been using those settings for ages now and they seem fine
okok i'll try em
>be ayymdbab on windows
>anon recommends forge
>try to run it
>it somehow cannot load in the model no matter what i do
honestly fuck leather jacket man for making CUDA closed source
fuck aymdlmaoos for being constant second fiddles for 15 years and not making their own
try playing with your order, especially for 1girl/1boy
fair enough i guess though i have no idea how much time it takes to make one also kinda hard to do when all the people who know this stuff already work at nvidia
it's there by default and there's no reason to bother deleting it every single time
They have their own compute stack, just not on windows.
well fuck
i don't think it's easy to challenge monopolies but I think AYMD grew comfortable in that 15% userbase place
They have the console market locked down and are doing well with their cpus and enterprise stuff. From a shareholder perspective it would be stupid to allocate tons of resources just to claw some marketshare back from nvidia.
just use ZLUDA
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what's that style?
>talking shit about the model
oh no no, you can stop right there
>came out utterly fried, red or black screens
bruh moment
This >>8117600 and (by abmayo:1.05), by clearite
tried it already,didn't work
You have 3 options
>Bow to the nvidijew
>Bow to the saasjew
>Find salvation in the penguins embrace
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Sure but it's a mess, and I don't mean the noodles. https://litter.catbox.moe/bolb6v.png

Pose is anytest CN failing when I ran it at just 0.33 strength, gave me this instead.

Hentao lora is mine:
it does extreme hourglass figures and torpedo tits, like Raita but looks better with trace of abs.
E-note is in one of the megas, it makes those unique nipples and is otherwise loli.
Qwert6969 is in the rentry. It's trained on NAI images from a guy who doesn't inpaint, so it breaks fingers if used by itself.
Also Kagami Hirotaka and 3D in the prompt itself.
what card do you have? anything 6800 and above should work fine.
I got an Nvidia only because of anime4k and I'm so glad I did
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absolute death
whats wrong with her nippol
yeah i'm thinking about the penguin
they're huge
Nothing, it's just nipples on her nipples.
Statiscally the women in hdg hate blacked porn. B-sama...
it looks like she has batteries sticking out of her tit
>arti users think this is peak performance female anatomy, unironically.
they're like stoppers
that's just an inner nipple, they come out out of outer nipples when the girl is aroused

>inner nipple
>outer nipple
so girls have 4 total nipples?
Not an arti user but I agree. Big milk tanks with small faucets is impractical.
Nigga the movie alien wasn't a hentai. Not even your own mother breastfed you, you're so unfamiliar with nipples.
He's the other kind of closet gay in hentai. Instead of male focus blacked porn, he can only get off by turning female body parts into quasi erections
Actually, the inner nipples have nipples too, but they only come out during orgasm, so it's six.
her nipples have nipples.
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seethe and dilate
this looks disgusting in a way I can't explain even if it had normal nips. maybe seething artfaga were right after all, maybe autists shouldn't have been allowed an imaginative outlet
>maybe autists shouldn't have been allowed an imaginative outlet
Oh no ChrisChan and his pikachu sonic OC is a national treasure at this point
>arti users think this is peak vaginal anatomy, unironically.
Why the FUCK is arti so bad at drawing 1girls?? (or humans in general) You'd think they have at least a couple million examples in their dataset... Is it THAT hard to train a model properly???
>Is it THAT hard to train a model properly???
If it wasn't hard then we'd have more than like 3 viable options to pick from
I can't look at that in good jest any more after he repeatedly raped his elderly dementia ridden mother.
how do you even inpaint to mess it up this bad holy moly.
Probably, yeah. Consider the only good model we have is pony and everyone complains how bad it is.
that's not a difficulty barrier its a compute issue. you could go in blind and get better results than euge, as evidenced by tiny sdxl fintetunes the community has successfully done. they can't scale because it costs too much, not because its fucking rocket science
>I can't look at that in good jest any more after...
yeah no, hes pretty irredeemable at this point

Expensive, and time consuming, but I think both NAI v3 and Pony serve as good proof of concepts as what a properly trained checkpoint can do given their unique shortcomings
pony isn't the only good model tho, it's just the only one fully trained on NSFW. arti guy did something stupid
From what I've gathered, most black guys and women hate blacked porn or are indifferent towards it. It's a fetish almost exclusive to white and asian cucks.
>Random trooncord user proves something is wrong with cascade or jordachs code, plain as day evidence
>jordach: no there isnt!!!!

Is it the autism? This behaviour makes me lose my last bit of hopium for 3.6B.
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inpainting is for the weak
Huh.. that explains some things.
But where is the screenshot?
Don't forget jews and jeets.
Im not that big of a faggot.
There are dozens of us
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Jews own the business, I don't think they're really the consumers in this case. Unless you include the liberal söyjews.
Have no idea about jeets desu, maybe. Feels like they just furiously masturbate at anything vaguely resembling a female.
Again it's racism
I literally could not tell you one time where a black dude in porn wasn't presented as some roided up ultradominant giant dicked muscular tyrant kek
One jew owns the business. Whether it's a worldwide cabal or not, most jews are still regular people.
>instead of an asshole she has a second vagina
>within her vagina is a 2nd then 3rd clit
how are you managing such mangled gens, its an art of its own...
Yeah of course, it's just usually people refer to the cabal or the religious ones when talking about "Jews" on 4chan.
it's time already huh?
hammer time?
miami vice best new show!
U can always catbox it, stay as a liar then
It reminds me of the multiple anuses of the 1.5 days, but I've never seen multivag before.
>>instead of an asshole she has a second vagina
That's the hentai back pussy
Nah, multivag happened quite often, especially when genning sex.
Bros, I can't. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna come
Need to gen mouthpussy.
It's her yaoi hole?
can I get links to the mega and the rentry? I am struggling to find them. Love the style.
Thoughts on adding the tagger and dataset tag editor under training?
NTA but is should be under: "Megauploads/Other rentries with files too large for catbox"
Dont blame me if you get filtered by having to sign up to something with a throw away email.
I also struggled to find which mega it is since we have so many now, but it "should" be this one https://mega.nz/folder/iZcDnbiC#Yrxa1yRPxVd9F4pQQKuYpw
Unless someone else made one for the same artist, it has happened before...
>have guy repeatedly commissioning me for pics of his OC x a league character
this aint half bad
its nai
notice the melt and overall low quality
So you make a lora of the OC, or NAI?
the male OC is just some dude so i can just send it to inpaint sketch and crudely draw in features and let inpaint sort it out
>negpip can get rid of the pony look
>Also gets rid of all anatomical knowledge and turns it into arti
owari da
>tfw not keeping up with updates
>still on forge installation from march
i don't feel like i'm missing out on a lot
local never produces any sort of melt. i love the sharpness and clean lines and immaculate shading local gens like >>8118412
the new samplers and schedulers are nice
I mean, this is arti.
Pony gens, on the other hand, are immaculate and artistic.
either way there's no metadata
It takes 5 minutes to go from forge to reForge but yeah I don't feel like I've been missing much
they fear Euge because he has no limits
only his second model and its the quality increase is insane
just imagine what version 3 will look like
there is no pony look
I know you're shitposting but I feel like it comes down to the skill (issue) of the prompter at the end of the day. Melted shit isnt gonna magically disappear if you use some guy's model who's obsessed with cartoon horses or the 25 dollar paycuck one
What do you mean? Pony already caught up.
It has loras and you can train any style or style mix you like for pony. That's the power of loras.
Why do even anons think they have a duty to protect Pony from the likes of Arti unironically?
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>can't tell if the labels belong to the images before or after
>just wait for Stonetoss to load
So many of these styles look similar, or get completely overpowered by using scores in the previews.
The pony look is
>Shiny skin/hair and inability to not produce over exaggerated highlights regardless of lighting and style
>Think and smooth lineart (This can be somewhat remedied with the lineart lora)
>Gradients and an inability to do solid colored surfaces
>Sepia and small color range
If you can't see these things you simply haven't been here long enough
>got my stuff uploaded there
>anon must've fried them with style tags because they look nothing like my examples
What's the best way to describe different characters in the same prompt? I remember there was an extension once upon a time relating to this, splitting the image in 2 or something. Right now, even with BREAK, it's merging the details of each character together on both characters
Use Forge Couple or Regional Prompter
Arti is just too good, they sense danger.
The pony look is
>Beautiful smooth skin and realistic hair
>Adjustable lineart (This can be changed with style hashes and tag association)
>Pretty gradients and color depth on surfaces
>Perfectly replicated colors, although the XL vae is a bit grey
If you can't see these things you simply haven't been here long enough
>Sepia and small color range
I think this is the worst and the least correctable one. Trash colors on pony are the thing that no shitmix or lora or extension is able to overcome. You can, with due diligence, defeat the incredibly ugly linework/shading of pony now, but the shit color range and contrast never goes away, you really do need to have a proper model for that.
>I think this is the worst and the least correctable one.
It's actually pretty simple
>don't use jeetquality tags
>it's magically all fixed
I think he added all the ones not inside mega folders. But yeah some look spot on while others look like generic pony.
>defeat the incredibly ugly linework/shading of pony now
still not a single decent kiato lora available
Big if true
The only genuine color issue with Pony is the greyness but that's a problem with XL not Pony. There are fixed up VAEs but they break inpainting.
Glad you're enjoying yourself with pony.
Me too?
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Somehow lost it along the way. Basically same as this one except pov across bed instead.
thanks boys
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Why can't we make some 2.5m image 100xLR anime only finetune of SD3? How expensive would that be?
I already explained yesterday that it's having someone who knows what they're doing that's the problem not cash
The entire hobby is upheld by five brainiacs and everyone else is a leech
litetally every possible problem with model training is solvable with throwing cash at it
>having someone who knows what they're doing that's the problem not cash
lol, lmao
the best local model was trained by a guy who doesn't know how to train loras and doesn't know what caption dropout is, but who has 120k+ worth of hardware
Which brainiac am i missing?
litetally every possible problem with [insert your thing] is solvable with throwing cash at it
delete lykon and neggles, add euge, linaqruf, and kohaku blueleaf
you're talking about meme discord bakers i'm talking about the people making the software
yes, it's just a matter of how much cash you realistically need
5k bucks is literally nothing when it comes to training unless you are an actual genius trainer (and no one is)
That's the thing, I could give every anon here a million dollars today and we would not have a good model to use in two months.
catbox please?
give the confetti finetune anon alone 100k and pony will be dead in a few months
for a million dollars anon could hire someone who'd train the model for him
that hurt
that hurt
If you don't own the hardware you'll easily need over 20k to reach a decent epoch on a large scale SDXL finetune. And that's already assuming you aren't putting money into new tagging methods etc. Just look at how much Cascade project has burnt through and they barely have anything to show for it. It will realistically need many more epochs than they're planning to be truly good, but they'll cut it off prematurely anyway. And if you don't want to burn your model into oblivion like pony did, it'll cost even more because the bake will need to be longer to compensate for the non fried LR.
>meanwhile furfags are thriving
They're still running 1.5 lmao. The only non 1.5 furry bake right now is cascade and the majority of their donations are not just from one animu trooncord user, but from here.
post kagami and fuck off already
>meanwhile furfags are thriving
they really aren't, this meme was spouted by ef fanatics. actual furries are second-class citizens with pony as well.
your obsession is not cute or endearing anymore, fuck off already
I thought pony was more than furry enough.
almost all of their donations are from a single rich guy who donated 7.3k
Is that 2ch lurker anon still here? What do the actual japs think about pony?
I think the vast majority of them just use NAI just because the PC market in Japan is kind of ass so I assume local genning isn't as popular
lmao now that i look at the page again it seems like he's up to 9.3k now
i wonder what makes that guy trust this cascade bake so much, or maybe he's so rich that this is pocket money to him
don't they make a lot of loli loras though
I can tell you something, the finetune is usable not because of anime pics, not at all. Pony has a total of 500k anime images, that's even lower than naiv1, and 500k is 1/5 of the total dataset of pony. It's because of tags. The capability of this model to use e6 tags + some NL captions (which captions are proven not to be the best thing for a TE, but it's definitely better than an image with 5 tags at most) is the reason why, even after astracukie fried it's TE and UNet, is still the base model we mainly use today, and to train loras and for our mixes too. Yes, having a fried TE and UNet is terrible for LoRA training, but we eventually have found our own way to make things work at least. And yes, score tags are the most retarded thing ever, but he did something that barely any baker does today (for a big finetune): he curated the dataset.
Yeah, CES is a token bleed from feces, GPO is maybe some shenaningans that is probably something related to the fried TE. Things like that, but this doesn't changes the fact that he curated the dataset even a little bit, in any form or way.
>theres a lot of tags that directly doesnt work or are very inconsistent
Yeah he did curated the dataset A BIT, not literally re-tagged the entire thing. I mean he even said this finetune was kinda a yolo attempt, a thing we can clearly see.
Curating 2.5m images sounds like a real pain in the ass and is probably the main reason why no baker wants to do it when they have a dataset size superior to 1m images.
I believe it's their second biggest market besides Americans
Hence all the trips to Japan and all the jap text on their site
my friend just uses the civitai generator, and as far as training goes, it looks like a good chunk also trains on civitai too
btw lately NAI has been getting plenty of issues with payments
can't buy gift keys and it's not known when it's going back
can't pay with a lot of debit and gift cards now, a lot of shit gets rejected
don't know if it's their internal issues or paddle is starting to fuck them
payment processors and fucking with AI generators, name a more iconic duo
The furrys don't use pony, that should be all you need to know about how furry it really is. It is a pony model, even the deranged furfags consider bronies to be a different breed of cess.
That's what I meant when I said most of their donations were from a single animu trooncord user. The money is not coming from furfags.
>thinking again of curating images
>the space required would be enourmous
>all the hentai sites are also fucking utterly trash with uploads and tagging, each having their own system, each using different tags, each having thousands of notagged images unlike furshit, requiring to manually make a new tagging solution to get anything usable
>most of them are filled with western shit too, permanently poisoning any future model
If promax is so good, why is nobody talking about it? :^)
>test bake finally looking promising
Haven't seen that in a while.
It might push them to finally look at crypto payments. I'd have no issue paying 25$ if it was anonymous and using money I would have to tax otherwise.
>captions are proven not to be the best thing for a TE
>but we eventually have found our own way to make things work at least
>And yes, score tags are the most retarded thing ever
>Yeah he did curated the dataset A BIT, not literally re-tagged the entire thing.
You make wild assumptions and don't provide any evidence. You don't even know what astralite did to his model yet attempt to make conclusions and decide something.
>Yeah, CES is a token bleed from feces,
What would you expect out of prompting (ces:1.5) anyway?
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uncensored dalle endpoint, sadly it can't draw
pussies so it makes balls
they're much more positive about it than people here. when pony was newer there were lots of people complaining about the westoid artstyle, but as they got better at controlling it with loras and merges they don't seem to mind the pony style too much by now. maybe part of why they don't talk as much shit about pony and astralite is that nips sometimes seem reluctant to shittalk americans too much for some reason.
no, most people who use stable diffusion in japan use pony, and going by the 5ch threads they tend to have pretty decent gpus.
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I stand corrected then. Cool to know.
>is that nips sometimes seem reluctant to shittalk americans too much for some reason.
must be the army bases
have you tried "vagina"?
>uncensored dalle endpoint
>GPO is maybe some shenaningans that is probably something related to the fried TE.
GPO is bleed of gaping hole tokenizing gap ho

I hate Astrakike still
Azure has configurable filters for dalle and openai. By default they're enabled. But if you're a company and have a legit usecase, you can change those filters or disable them. The endpoint I have has the NSFW filter disabled (the one that checks the images after generation), but the prompt filter is STILL enabled, so I can't just say "vagina", and for nudity I have to say shit like "not nude, not naked".
I just scraped it.
The other hashes are legitimate. Those two being bleed doesn't invalidate the others.
>Curating 2.5m images sounds like a real pain in the ass and is probably the main reason why no baker wants to do it when they have a dataset size superior to 1m images.
im gonna get a stroke eventually after looking through ~600 images dataset for yet another tag review because of fucking pony, 1m images sounds rope-inducing
this isn't true though
simply prompt gpo and gap ho in a fixed seed and that should be obvious
I have to assume it's near automatic
NAI did some good job filtering the books for their modules in the leaked files but I highly doubt they hand filtered millions of files
But hand picking a few tens of thousands of images to make good automatization models also sounds rope inducing
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lol dalle
I have and they're the same. Try it yourself before claiming otherwise. I'm really tired of people not believing this because they kneejerk think it's some defense of astrakike. The other hashes are still legitimate, I'm not denying he hashed characters and artists, there are even discord screenshots of him admitting to it.
I remember back when dalle released people on /g/ were prompting pretty wild shit with some artist tags and massage prompts (I think).
Their gens are even worse than here though. They are more anime, sure, but they are so damn bad at it I feel sorry for them.
Beg tree to set up a community site for it. Volunteers can submit untagged/tagged images or add tags to images already on the site. Dataset curation is the final frontier of AI so better start early
M-maybe it's good that it's censored....
>adamw bake looks better stylistically
>but completely ignores background color prompt and puts in a wholly colored background unlike prodigy
huh i don't even know what might be causing that when the rest of the setup is the same
is that actually the low TE training lr that did it?
>Holy shit I knew bbc fetishists were closet gays
This is true
>blacked porn was blatantly homoerotic
This is false, but maybe I haven't watched as much blacked porn as you have. Judging by the pics people post here there's a strange focus on the guy's cock, even when the girl is there, which is disgusting but it's not any more gross than the typical solo futa, from below you'd see on /ddg/.
>that they have made the AI think that any picture with dark-skinned males is inherently homoerotic.
Interestingly, AI is actually pretty good at this. It doesn't associate dark skin with with BBC or cuckoldry like you do and can accurately tell the difference between an NTR image and your regular black self insert picture. The original anon's problem has more to do with nips liking contrast in skin tones. They always make sure the girls have pure white, shiny skin and make the guys darker and opaque which some retards interpreted and even tagged as dark skinned male. At the minimum AI feels like 1boy, 1girl must always have some degree of contrasting skin tones due to nips and so even when you attempt dark skinned male + dark skinned female it turns one of them white or at least much lighter than the other.
can dall-e gen hiiragi kagami though?
well yeah its undertrained on NSFW, it doesn't know pussies whatsoever
it should be easy for you to post a catbox that proves this, then
>Dataset curation is the final frontier of AI
The final frontier of AI is NOT to have a dataset curation, retard.
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dalleslop but nsfw, welcome
Different seed, different result.
I think the dalle model now is not the model we had back in october, they updated it few weeks ago, right?
ill try
it's the same seed anone
>This is false, but maybe I haven't watched as much blacked porn as you have. Judging by the pics people post here there's a strange focus on the guy's cock, even when the girl is there, which is disgusting but it's not any more gross than the typical solo futa, from below you'd see on /ddg/.
do you unironically think futa isn't incredibly gay? futa degeneracy is the pipeline you go down when you're either easing into your closet gay or have become prison gay
>What is the AI trying to say here?
What else did you expect when she's beaten and bruised?
Can you at least prompt for "hole" or something like that? Or use extremely meticulous medical descriptions
No I'm saying futa is gay, but that the large category of "blacked "porn" includes the closeted gay fetishist, straight people who like largely contrasting skin tones, and straight people who self insert.
I don't think it knows her. This is with anime name + char name getting into the resulting prompt. This is also the natural style which makes it much more likely to generate a character if it's in the dataset.
I can't get over how they're all seventeen but acting like either ten or severely retarded.
I'm a fag and I don't like futa
It's for weird millennials who watched too much cartoons
Yeap. The images available to make a very good model are already out there, it's just that boorus and image databases in general (with the exception of e6, an not even this one being perfect at all) are so poorly tagged, that if u try to do a finetune out of the unchanged tags, you would be doing the very same thing as doing a finetune out of LAION's dataset, it's the same effect: there's not enough consistency about what the image shows, related to the actual tag.
>You don't even know what astralite did to his model yet attempt to make conclusions and decide something.
I can only trust in what he said about using cogvlm do a pass to half the dataset, and also the fact that he pruned some tags, for example, loli. It is well known that this model can't make loli that easily, at least not by using the tag alone without using specific negs and positives. But yes, it's obviously my guess in the end, I just think it's the thing that would make sense. Additionally, I have trained some LoRAs in the past and I've got infinitely better results when I re-tagged everything again with a tagger, then I went to re tag everything by hand and results got even better, and that was because I did make sure to make the images to match the tags correctly. I even felt like it was learning faster and faster every time I tried to correct the tags. Was like 200 images for an old artist style LoRA, it took me hours to retag. My first try was when I scraped the images and tags with hydrus from boorus and trained with it. It went bad, really bad.
I'm phone posting from work right now, so unless you want to wait 8+ hours for that catbox, retry it yourself. Takes 30 seconds for you to not be a lazy nigger.
when coze was around desu i basically just used it for photo stuff, dall-e 3 is only good for /e/ level pics since penetration/genitals are a mess and even nipples get pseudo-censored a lot. But there's already masses of /e/-tier hentai and arguably pony/nai already do it about as well as dall-e 3 possibly could for most cases, hell even some other SDXL finetunes do, the reason pony's good is that it can do actual /h/ content which dall-e 3 can't do very nicely even without filters on it. whereas stable diffusion photorealistic stuff is not quite there for softcore or hardcore.
fox, no pussy still
What was your batch size?
baking tsukasa rn, sorry
two more epoches? interestingly that iris are very consistent across all dall-e gens unlike any other model
one girl sitting on the lap of another. a lolcal would have two strokes at the thought of such a prompt.
i already tried it weeks ago and concluded that that theory is wrong, and i'm not going to prompt for gpo again
first gen, ill try some more
that's because you're out of the closet. repressed gays and prison gays (majority are the latter from what I've witnessed) are different. It's a similar phenomena to guys who troon out "to become the gf"
upload your dataset and prompt I'll run the same thing on prodigy with different params.
for training? 1
That I could agree with
The vast majority of people who like futa and femboys have been closeted heterosexuals in my observation kek
its only a tsukasa thing, she's clearly autistic
How is futa incredibly gay? Gay people are not attracted to just dick they also like the body attached to it
Why did OpenAI settled for a default pedophilic artstyle as anime anyway?
>Had to reduce the resolution to hit the 4MB limit
Use this btw: https://github.com/fhanau/Efficient-Compression-Tool
Use the preset -5, it's the perfect balance.
It losslessly compresses your image so it doesn't affect quality at all.
Can easily save 50% space more or less, depending on image.
If you want faster and with better compression, you can just use mozjpeg at quality 95.
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>Why did OpenAI settled for an anime artstyle as anime anyway?
No, you tried gaping hole, not gap ho vs gpo. I remember you, you ran the fuck away when other people agreed with my finding, and were hyperfocused on spazzing because you thought this somehow invalidated the other hashes, even after I'd said then (like I have now) that the other hashes are still legitimate. I genuinely hope you learn how to accept being wrong because I feel bad for everyone in your life who must have to deal with you otherwise.
i'm out of the loop and don't know what specifically gpo or "gap ho" mean aside from gpo apparently being one of the hashed tags but i just threw each into an existing image with 1.35 weight on autismmixDPO and "gap ho" had almost no effect while "gpo" turned it into a strong western cartoon style. whichever of you is happy that i did this, please fill me in, and to the other guy, fuck you for being wrong!
GIGO still applies to AI and will always apply
NTA but for artists it's almost impossible to make a single futa without making her to have a ridiculously huge penis, sometimes it even seems it's just to see penises, I mean, futa pics often comes out in the form of 1futa, solo, masturbation and also hyper penis, sounds like the gayest thing ever
Anon... are you prompting on cascade and shitting us?!?
Eyes of the fox girl are melting, hands are melting, 6 identical toes with no big toe, completely broken anatomy of the girl behind. This is what I would expect out of 3.6B cascade prototype...
Is cascade dalle level??
Anon, dalle3 isn't as good as you think, especially with natural style (unless you have good prompts and tons of tries).
That doesn't change what I said, idiot.
i can finally gen wide angle fully clothed 1girl, standings with accurate, on model details in front of an accurate background... ai has peaked...
>is that actually the low TE training lr that did it?
I baked with a higher general LR this time and yeah it's better
Still grey but not colored
>the model looks good bro trust me
>posts dogshit
myep, convincing!
Because cathag groid shotapedo you're genning is not anime artstyle
see: >>8118639
in the same vein of your retardation, I can tell you straight guys aren't sexually attracted to dick and balls. time to face the music on your faggy futa fetish
I'd love to test this on my prodigy setup too if you're willing.
futa with small dick are just trap with boobs
solo futa and futa on futa are gay but i dont see how futa on girl is
what the hell are you talking about? i compared gpo with gap ho because of a discord screenshot somebody posted here claiming it was prompt bleed from that
Do anons experiment with different checkpoints or do you guys stick to the more popular ones and just switch things up with style LORAs?
To me that's like saying that Arnold Schwarzenegger with a pussy drawn on would be the straightest thing ever
It's not really a 1:1 thing to me, again as a fag
Any porn that has oddities that draw the attention away from the girl is gay
You need to use it on base pony. No shit the results don't replicate on a mix
i think it's normal for the gays to not like futas because i also don't like futas for the opposite reason they do
The latter but only because I'm in a third world country (the USA) and I have a datacap every month
If you think I care about the label im getting depending of what make my dick hard that day then you are retarded
I tried a couple of times and base Autism mogs
Fortunately we're out of the shitmix woodworks and we don't need them
ponyfags have become territorial, nipping at the heels of whoever dares try and make a new model
Sorry to hear that anon. What country? Do they not have unlimited data options?
Hmmm I wonder why futa often goes hand by hand with stomach bulge + cum inflation, but your usual hentai doesn't has this...
stay in denial it doesn't make futa any less gay
>style is better
>but backgrounds are again fucked
Not a good trade sadly
Not sure what else, maybe a different scheduler or even higher TE LR would fix that
The US. Depends what state you live in but I only have a single option for my ISP (Comcast) where I live and yeah they have an unlimited data option but I'm not about to pay another 50 bucks a month for it
Yeah that might be it.
I don't even use pony anymore and I think Arti is shit. I kind of think Arti might just be shit and it's not just tribalism.
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dall-e can do text???
I make crappy loras and then am forced to use Ebara or Reweik which mellows them out a bit.
please go back to /aicg/
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dalle sometimes likes to troll (the censorship was done by itself)
extremely based
Those feets are familiar
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*gens your desune in natural style* nothing personnel kid
brother please leak the method
face sitting
Damn, I thought us leafs had it bad.
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It's getting better but I'm surprised to see it's really not any improvement over say animagine in terms of quality. though I'm guessing dalle doesn't really prioritize anime in the dataset

someone leak midjourney niji so we can teach it nsfw
what prompt did you give it? im assuming this is API
azure dalle uncensored endpoint, you can't do it on normal openai api. the prompt is still filtered (but JBs work if you do some stuff), but the resulting image isn't checked against NSFW.
>sketchy painterly anime style, a girl with long brown hair wearing an open green victorian era dress, she has heterochromia with one red eye and one green eye, she has a lace hairband, she has fluffy fox ears and two fluffy fox tails, she has a small smile, not naked, not nude. Normal-sized pecs.
Bro have you never tinkered with it? It was one of its main features when it released
It's the main reason why I believe this Resonance v1 (or R1 as they say) won't be able to kill pony, it could only be able to be at it's level, at most. Even jordach said that danbooru's part of the dataset was making this bake to struggle a lot, and obviously admitted that this database is fucking garbage, that's why he told to send curated datasets to his DM's and even only a few people did. But if tree sets up a place where we can retag and even create new tags for new/untagged concepts, it could easily be 10 times better than pony, and also with the potential of the 1B version beating up pony. Cascade's TE is 1B, bigger than the SDXL's ones.
dalle picture quality never was never great, its the prompt comprehension that sets it apart from everything else
>jordach said that danbooru's part of the dataset was making this bake to struggle
when did he say that?
anon not to be grim but people here can't even bake a newer op lol
and speaking from ai general experience, people really hate collaborative works, i know of one initiative that had a response in three years
it'll be some lone autist spending a year on it that saves us in the end
It's clearly failing at the "not naked' part
Last one.
Couldn't resist.
Seems like sparse tags on the gelbooru's side are too sparsed (Aka. Poorly tagged Aka. Shit).
One day someone will select a thousand tags and make a tool to merge all tag associations from all the different sites
Dear local anon sirs. I had this idea, is it viable or not? Basically, for anime models, instead of doing a single prompt, we do two:
The first one is pure Danbooru tags and the tokenizer is specifically one that just maps danbooru tags (like Anifusion did it - https://medium.com/@enryu9000/anifusion-diffusion-models-for-anime-pictures-138cf1af2cbe).
The second one is a natural language detailed description that specifies positions, relations, etc, to give actual geometry and stuff.
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here is an xy on base pony. if you look really closely it does appear that gpo causes some changes that arent quite visible in the "gap ho" version, but i can understand how not everyone would spot them
actually pretty good considering the tail gets in the way.
>pierced rings into her titties to hang the sign
>someone leak midjourney niji so we can teach it nsfw
It probably can NSFW if there is no filter.
jordach needs to be the one that sits down and does this shit, that other people didnt do it is not an excuse
do you really think people will go and manually tag 50k, 100k, 500k images with better tags than booru? maybe they will, but this stuff took the boorus years
hire some furfags that keep e621 updated
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wait what? Care to elaborate? Did you register a company and contact them or something? How can I do it as well?
absolute sovl
tldr: a retarded dev of a company that did this put his azure endpoint with the key to github so I stole it
locakkeks, our response?
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Loclca keks GTFO
>wanted to make sure it isn't some other factor
>retrained a couple of epochs on the same script i used for the lora that has good backgrounds
>same seed and everything
>it also has grey backgrounds now
kek i love machine learning
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Hmm, the more it cooks the better it looks, kek.
welcome back early age 1.5 slop
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dalle pls you can do the subtitles, cmooooooon
Cascade tier gen
If you must post these, please do not accompany them with rhyming posts, it makes it even more horrifying.
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Huh? Is this DALL-E too? Why is it so clean?
>saas c'mon i believe in you
lol, lmao
rolfmao even
Euge is too powerful he must be brought down
it's pony
is it?
It's not. There is no tool that can produce accurate natural language captions for nsfw. Worse, it will hallucinate a bunch of shit which then confuses the model.
yeah obviously
looks like dalle to me
he is not mia he just gave up after seeing he needed to retag the 1.3m he used for arti again + add another 1.3m that needs to be retagged for the next version of arti

so in the end he returned to use use his gpus for what they were made for: gaming
it's galena redux
i was unironically looking forward to arti v2 desu
it's eugeover
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i love lolibabas
Anons, Neta 2.0...
>i love lolibabas
>pic not fucking related
it's worse than base arti
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At your service!
>last commit was after i was baking the other one
>only difference is i was on dev now
another variable to check kek
but hestia is a lolibaba
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me when evangelion
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Is the show still shit? Last I checked his unrequited love for some hoe was giving him superpowers.
now generate onee-shota
uhh, what does that mean? older boy?
>just a short girl with boobs
>doesn't even has a slight appearance of looking like a loli about her body shape
kill yourself.
unholy spawn of miqofag and goatanon
it means this >>8118772
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lets see if it gives me nsfw
a bit fried but good taste in subject
try this pls

anime.Bright light blue neon lights.big-eyed Saber from Fate wearing wizard robe in green & indigo colors.Worried,gasping.resting on mattress.multiple dark hands holding her limbs shinning under robe,playfully pulling robe apart.piece evokes a visceral sense of tranquility.glowing floor.glowing ultra aura
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its trying, at least
requesting the prompt if you get anything good
i still don't get why people are into her
other than the feet in heels
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it tried, lemme try vivid maybe
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>DDLC screenshots as dataset
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watched only first season, stopped when it become turbo harem shit
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its getting a bit closer, now lets try to make it make her nake
this but unironically
we need them
ah shit it rewrites her name
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This is without the name, I'll try so that it doesn't remove the name.
wow nice. I think my prompt was a bit fucked but it's really cool. You're a really lucky guy
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natural style is lower quality but it's more varied
I mean you can literally get 1:1 monika sprite as it looks in the wiki, lemme bring the prompt, I tried it like half a year ago.
the only reason why i have not already trained the best finetune is because i am too poor to do so. with a budget of a million dollars the only thing stopping me would be that i also don't know how
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prompt (directly with JB):
The main character - Monika from the visual novel Doki Doki Literature Club. She's an anime girl.

Monika has thigh length coral brown hair tied up in a high ponytail that is tied back with a large white bow, curled slightly at the ends. She has two prominent strands of hair beside her bangs that reach slightly past her chest. Her eyes are emerald green. She is of average height.

She wears the standard issue female school uniform consisting of a warm gray blazer fully buttoned and untucked, brown sweater vest, white shirt fully buttoned and tucked, red ribbon, dark blue pleated skirt, black thigh-high socks and white uwabaki slippers with pink tips.

In the image she's sitting in her room, looking at viewer and smiling.

result picrel

yes this is dalle3
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*clang clang clang*
People are into every poke girl, she doesn't have to be special.
This is like making fun of local for not figuring out what SMEA is or unfucking SDXL for better darks and colors like NAI did. If it was easy, everyone would have figured it out.
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cause she's a hag. people love hags.
you ok anon?
I meant the actual company, Anone.
he shifts from all uppercase schizo screech to "nai smeary bad" occasionaly
bmaltais kohya gui main branch updated 17 hours ago for anyone who still uses this shit
What? Yes I know. I'm saying it's hard. When someone figures some how technique or technology through trial and error, you're not stupid just because you haven't figured it out yet.
the normal dallekeks don't have an uncensored endpoint anonie
>apparently i was missing cuda in my system somehow
what how did any of this work so far
nope, i'm not that schizo
that schizo is a fucking blind idiot
the "baba" part is the keyword toddlerconbro
>no full penetration gen
She's also a bitch
But I did realize most people who jerk off to these don't play the games
hestia is a shortstack and you should kill yourself
"uncensored" as in "not having default filters", anon. I can use both local and NAI as well, it's just fun to try different tools.
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hello who called blender?
nah bro shes an oppai loli
more like 2011 mmd
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you haven't seen even an OUNCE OF MY POWER YET!
reforge fork guy here, pushed some commits that fixes euler smea dy negative and cfg++ samplers, i did a dumb error that now is fixed

ty for the guy reporting the issue
fart lora?
the fuck is happening
go the fuck back nigger
i am not your bro and she doesn't even looks underage enough to be called a loli of any type, shes even closer to a hag than to a loli
again, you should kill yourself.
What errors? Related to the CFG or were they properly broken?
I pulled
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no bro, she's an oppai loli. they call her an oppai loli and a lolibaba in the anime. sorry, you lose.
>arguing about a doa flavor of the meme girl in 2024
why are furries like this?
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sloppabros...the dallefag is too powerful, how do we stop him?
wow... holy shit... Oh my god
is that nai? any artists hint?
Properly broken because i let these samplers now to have custom values (eta, s_noise for CFG++, s_churn, s_tmin, s_tmax and s_tmax for Euler things) that you change on Settings -> Forge Sampler parameters, but added a .get for modules.shared that didn't exist so it was error-ing out when trying to inference with them.

Now it's fixed.

I only use base pony and have always used base pony.
nta but she looks much younger in the show than she does in those gens, and fanart in general

still not loli though
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man, im not gonna gatekeep you on artists. it's "kittew". pretty good gens, but they are too clean and sterile for my tastes. some people dig the style tho
Oh, I thought they were badly implemented before
So I assume no difference if I could use them?
nice thanks
Tag autocomplete seems broken on the dev branch
This is the first time I've found this girl attractive. Post moar.
dalle mogging local without even a finetune. sdkeks could never with their garbage censored base models. once again saas remains the bastion of actual uncensored generation.
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dallkeks cant stop winning....
Yeah I remember someone posted a graph a while back. It was mostly phone users on NAI IRRC.
Kagami doesn't act retarded though. I didn't really finish watching Lucky Star but I always liked her the most
I imagine because it's barely her anymore. Did almost manage to get the eyes right tho.
Yeah no change, implementation is the same

Okay I though it was a cache issue on my end, wtf I didn't change anything related to it. Let me try if it's because some value on options ui.
>went back to the exact easyscripts setup as before
>same seed same dataset same script same tags
>different outputs
ml will make me go insane
Makes sense since most don't even have PCs.
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western artists on suicide watch
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found a pretty decent style for lucky star characters
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aaaiiiieeeeeeee why is dalle so strong?????
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based and dallepilled!
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Any good new Pony Checkpoint models lately? or should I stick with AutismMix?
Still miles better than what luckypedoposter posts usually.
worst raid ever!!!
reweik does backgrounds
zonkey does 3dpd
also various mixes with 4th tail, I'm not sure what those were meant for
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Why is old anime always so ugly? Where there no good studios around back then? Guess I'll stick to post 2010 stuff for my lora training
good morning zoom zoom
Go back a bit further
Anon you know you can't bait with that here because nobody here watches anime, right?
loli is a bodytype, a one hestia doesn't have
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the succ
>background eventually baked out with prodigy with this setup
okay i can retest in adam now i have some sanity
Good stuff. Catbox, please?
True, gets a lot more soulful pre 1990
Hes not wrong though, much of it is just nostalgia. I rewatched Trigun recently and it looked much worse than I remembered it.
>we will never get sovlfvl retro style hentai done by big studios back
why even bother
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>it's decent because it's pedophilia
>Look at me, I'm based because i have a developmental disorder
>My synapses are fried and i got my sexual and protector instincts mixed up
so true sister!
why haven't you posted it?
I agree! Post more hags please! Attractive girls are a big no-no here!
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here's a hag, now, let's all settle down
cool almost looks hand drawn
Okay now it is fixed, I was passing (inf) to gradio and that killed a lot of UI things IoI
>posts something against the rules
>posts something against the rules differently
really hard to understand i know, maybe one day
Post more loli please :)
still using midkemia
I'll never understand their thought process.
>"/b/ sucks for loli!"
>why not post more there to improve the quality of the threads?
>"no i think ill just spam unrelated boards where it isnt allowed and then shitpost when i get banned"
and then the persecution complex starts
But this is a base res gen and its problem is style control. When it can do a variety of 1:1 anime, video game, and manga styles I don't think the issue is quality. I wonder if the source of the problem is natural language captions. We have the ease of typing "by asanagi" and getting one style but dalle fags have to write whole books before AI understands what you want. How would you even describe top down bottom up?
Monkey paw: some studio releases fotmshit anime in retro styles, zoomers obsess over it and turn retro style into complete cringe somehow
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thanks. we should be able to share and discuss shit desu, without people spazzing out, it's half of the fun in prompting shit. i never mind if someone posts "off-topic" shit as long as they don't spam it. one image really does not hurt anyone. if anything people stirring shit up over it causes arguments and that just starts up the shitposting chain. tl;dr : be more chill bros
post hags please
I love to imagine that they are my mommy
I love following the rules and posting the same disgusting ponyslop here every day.
it's 1 (one) image. don't you think you are overreacting?
you called it >>8118949
Groidspammer didn't break the rules, wish he'd come back and bring the on-topic content this thread deserves :(
post stuff through catboxes so raiders/schizos won't have power over you
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hell yeah brother! respecting rules is for the cool kids! *high fives u*
have a hag
I wanted to post an update, but actually let's wait a little.
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>1girl, standing, huge breasts
you need more?
no no please do share
Yeah, a gen that doesn't look like shit please.
throw a shota into the mix and you'll be golden
I kind of get it. Rather dial down my /d/ stuff to post here than go on /d/ and have to look at a thread full of solo futa. I assume /b/ is even worse.
If nobody snipes for shits and giggles I'll post the newer op unless there are objections
do it
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big girl
>given how chill he is
ragebaiting all the time because he's butthurt and occasional meltdowns because of hate (you)s
he's indeed very chill
Hang on anon, you forgot to use the word melty/smeary/blurry in your post.
Well, /b/ is impossible to improve by design. When I want to post loli, I go there because I really don't care about the vile shit people post here, but if you don't have high tolerance to internet trash you really, really wouldn't want to go there.
There's also a confusion what loli means. The term is quite ambiguous nowadays. Some mean literal kids, some mean hebe/ephebo staple anime characters. When you get sent to /b/ for posting Misaka Mikoto it can be quite rage inducing.
do you know the meaning of that word?
At least give me a hint so I know what to look forward to. I'm about to go play some gacha /v/idya anyway.
surely it's not mihoyoslop, right anon?
No it's kuroslop. Objectively better.
All I've seen are anons asking for his catboxes. Only nogens are usually angry about his gens, because they're genuinely high quality.
>Wuthering Waves
never return to this general
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i will test that theory
i'm sorry anon but they're both dogshit
No way this is only "kittew" r-right?
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have i intrigued you, anon? let me check really quick for you
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Too bad faggots. I'm here to stay.
Thanks, anon
good one
Loli is actually a body type, it's not about age. If it was, the billion year old vampire excuse would work. And most anime characters are underage anyway.
When the misaka posters left the thread turned to shit
just checked. i have not used kittew for that prompt. should i tell you the artist? :^)
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cathag anon is actually BobsBlazed on civit
he also just released a merge of SD3 and Pony
Just bake it now, get me out of here.
Update OP please
it was hard to find a good /h/ image here
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This is why I only post my girl on occasion. Both cat anons ended up becoming true namefags.
Wow, so he is the kind of person that commits to wrangle with something bigger than loras to make local better. Big props to him.
that's not cathag anon's civit profile, it's just anon schizo posting again
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Déjà vu!
I've just been in this place before
but anon, surely this time it's really true!
yes it is lol
who else would gen in this style?
>who else would gen in the default pony style
my issue with lolifags is that they never have taste
based blind retard
any hint bro?
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Should have posted the /h/ one instead.
you can deflect all you want BobsBlazed theres no shame in posting here
you also dont post any images with metadata which is very telling
maybe this guy?
based but seems there's more to that. arigatou anyway
>rolled back easyscripts to main instead of dev
>zero grey backgrounds on the same epochs in adam bake
Rule 1: Never update
~30 Anons in this thread
I'm glad we're alive again, despite all this
wait up, ill catbox it for you so you can get the prompt.
just upload, use same seed, settings and prompt. then adapt it however you want
>photorealistic, realistic
damn it has such an impact. thanks bro
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yes, double reinforcement. works very well. sometimes adding stuff like "real life" works good too depending on the artist. photorealistic shit takes quite a bit to work properly on nai, but you can get some interesting results.
Bros... why is the police at my door?
thats what i mean. there are thread regulars that are anonymous and mind their own business, and then you got "regulars" (namefags, avatarfags, or vocal anons that like to make themselves known) which are the bad kind.
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you posted loli on 4chan bro. enjoy prison bro
>i'm someone's "holy shit i recognize that typing, i hate this anon so much"
i'm sorry
just from this post you seem like an insufferable cunt, so it might check out
There are only 2 anons itt.
One that capitalizes.
and one that doesn't
>Have been here for months, occasionally trolling, but still didn't manage to get a nickname
>height of thread notoriety in may 2022
>so washed up
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anatomically correct Bocchi
worst thing is you can't even post wives with such requirements, schizos would immediately tie you to someone they don't like
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>tfw last anon in the thread
And you want one? I've been keeping my identifiable waifuposting sparse and separate from other posts on purpose.
Ganbatte chat nogen thread, I know we can reach 2000 post this time!!!!
those are both me
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Who cares what retards think? Just post whatever you like. As long as it doesn't break the rules there's no problem.
Metadata is in the file. Or use the catbox extension.
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me in the middle
also both me
Not really sorry, though.
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Or were they me?
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So is the other guy eating her out or some shit?
No, it's just amorphous flesh mass.
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damn, thats a fat pussy
>he doesnt't fuck his waifu on his flesh couch
/k/ would like a word
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that's a ballsack
In theory, yes. But there's more leeway here, same as in drawthreads. You can't blame people for only genning their wife, nor for being the only one to do so. Just don't be obnoxious with it, and don't use her as an avatar for posting opinions or arguing with someone.
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fuck, i cant unsee it now
>posting NAI .jpgs to hide his prompt
When will this thread die already?
If you fucked a clown girl, would it make you pee funny?
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why is aqua in distress?
What happened that this thread has reached a new low today?
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for me, it's Wiz
>new low
hello newfriend
>new low
>people actually posting hentai
go chat in your little cord buddy
i have faith in neggles
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It can make a man act unwise
>people actually start posting images after ~1700 posts
>"new low"
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>tfw no big titty goth gf...
>today means last 15 minutes
I don't live in the past, I live in the now.
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When is she not.
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>autists taking every word literally
He probably meant new low as in the amount of shitposts. Not how many images/posts are posted.
Dall-e spammer wasn't here like a month ago, nor was scat/fart art
Nor was the message to image ratio that high, maybe 1000 posts to 300 images, not 1700 posts.
He would be wrong then or were you not here for the thread with 2200+ shitposts before it fell off page 10
>Nor was the message to image ratio that high, maybe 1000 posts to 300 images, not 1700 posts.
we had only 1500+ reply threads for a month at least, likely longer
recently reached 2k+ reply record
2k+ reply thread was very chill
One more partial epoch bros, and Cascade will finally beat pony
>concave-skulled retard too scared to post a gen
according to jordach's most recent posts it's already better than pony
What values do you guys use for XL Loras?
>Network Rank
>Network Alpha
>Learning Rate Scheduler
>Learning Rate
Curious to try other settings but I've seen very contrasting info
1:1 dim/alpha, adamw, cosine with 1 restart every 800 steps, 0.000175 or 0.00003 TE and 0.0003 UNET, 1600 steps
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Was this mage when the thread reachet the 300 pics mark or is an early bake?
It was already on img limit when the next thread was baked.
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Is kind of a thing just how many pics get DED'd after the thread "ends" then.
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Pretty cool. Background is kinda weird, but the submerged part looks very nice!
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amazing job as always, anon
>hundreds of new loras and checkpoints added every single day
>average LORA: 100mb+
>average checkpoint: 6GB+
How the fuck does CivitAI afford the storage? So many are trash duplicate loras of the same character or retards uploading test loras.
What did you prompt for the man pubes?
I'm just reposting/filling the gap.

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