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To discussing anything from e-hentai and exhentai.
Sure, but they have a buch of stuff not on Anchira. Maybe they bought them, they are just assholes for serving up the watermarked down sampled dogshit in their downloads.
If you favorite something on ex, and it gets removed (like a copyright takedown) will it still show up in favorites, just not readable?
Like what
Reminder Tendon encourages machine translations because it doesn't decrease profit, English machine translations are not translations and Tendon harasses good English translators, hence why E-hentai/Exhentai is seeing less real and good English translations.

Daruna was banned by Tendon for hate speech for making fun of a potential machine translator who doesn't know English and Japanese.

The same Tendon who claims "freeze peach under any circumstances". Daruna called him a hypocrite because he's got a Wehraboo neo-Nazi for a moderator, which Tendon denies by saying it's a conspiracy to say someone is a neo-Nazi for worshiping Hitler, wearing the Nazi black sun and other Nazi symbols, and promoting neo-Nazi videos. This is because Tendon is also a /pol/tard, they're cowards who only deny, deflect, manipulate and lie:
>As far as I know, no one who has been appointed as a mod has ever said anything remotely related to nazi ideology. If a "black sun" makes you a nazi, you're probably over-interpreting symbology. Say, would using the swastika kanji in a text make a work supportive of nazism? You know, like Machikado Mazoku and Bocchi the Rock.
[Nosekichiku] Learning the Ropes From an Old Friend
[Onizuka Chris] The Depths of Passion 2: My Jealous Wife
[Hokke] My Cucking Uncle
[Ootori Mahiro] Hot Spring Hotties: Pits, Tits, & Paradise
[Tamai Moko] Housewife Delivery 2
[Hokke] Sharing Dicks with My Other Self

from what I can see
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We need a feature to make favorites like a graph of what tags you have the most of, I have like 5000 favorites and i'd like to see what tags I have the most of. Like pic related but have it be the tags. Idk if this is the right thread for suggestions but yeah
Interesting. I doubt they bought those, so the real question is from where did they scrape it. Animebytes and Animetorrents, maybe.
Does koharu posts stuff from J18 and ProjectHentai publishers?
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yeah I noticed the massive uptick on absolute horrible translations specially mtl the last few months, I starts to get really annoying.... I swear If I read "fuck me in my anal" instead of ass one my time..
guess I really have to prepare for the invitable downfall of panda, since I feel it coming soon, with how trashy tencuck manages this.... allowing mtl and shity subs at all instead of deleting them is brain dead.
MTL shit is a single droplet in a sea of garbage. The fact that faggots are allowed to waste panda's bandwidth by uploading multiple 2000 image AI slop galleries per day is far more baffling. Especially when some of them are borderline CP, like actual photorealistic depictions of children and not the "haha cute and funi" type of loli.
Welcome to my world. I'm absolutely fluent in several languages (including English and my mother tongue - but, alas, no Japanese), but I never even bother reading anything in those languages - because most "translations" are just awful re-translations from the English TL made by morons who can't properly speak neither language, it seems.
This is a cool idea
Yes, but I think they are all uploaded by users.
Right now it has:
- 16 J18 galleries
- 17 ProjectHentai galleries
Damn an actual year passed last week without me publishing these game cg sets I made
I am too lazy to learn how to make a torrent but I don't want to upload it without the torrent. So I keep putting it off.
is there any alternative though? as long as you can't read japanese things will be like this
Correct, with the thumbnail and everything
I still fear one day they will remove everything from favorites as well
Anyone know about an imageviewer that lets you open images in multiple tabs within itself similar to a browser? So you could cltr+tab to move progress through the pics ( as opposed to standard image viewers that open a new tab for each image and you can only alt tab between two of them)
I know about xnview and hydrus but i'm looking for another program i could use with Everything, rn i'm actually just using the browser which i guess it's fine but i was wondering if there was a proper imageviewer with such behavior
yes but you're plebbit typing so stop doing that
Other than ex, is there any good booru for pictures I was using sankaku but apparently they've gotten cucked lately and will only allow two tags and have an issue with certain tags.
But can you share it
you might wanna try imgbrd-grabber so u can browse all boorus at once without having too chose, otherwise i'd say drop sanka as it got mutilated and go back to danbo\gelbo + supplement with pixiv and exh/kemo (for fanbox stuff)
>Yes, but I think they are all uploaded by users.
>Right now it has:
>- 16 J18 galleries
>- 17 ProjectHentai galleries

Damm KOHA is missing a lot of things

NeeView is the best viewer for all types of content, including manga.
It does it all and is highly customizable.
Once you go with NeeView you never go back.

I already tried neeview but i only use it for manga, since for images it doesn't have this specific feature i wanted
In fact i found it even worse 'cause if i open a 2nd image it doesn't even open a new tab like a standard image viewer would but it just overwrites the previous one
theres ways to do that
but easiest is to allow multiple neeviews to be opened on the options.
hmm you *can* do it in neeview too altho in a different way, rather than opening new images you can put them in playlist and then use hotkey to browse pics in the playlist
Thank you for the suggestions, unfortunately the "allow multiple instances" doesnt work for me as it just creates too many tabs like other image viewers (and can only alt tab between two recent ones), but the playlist workaround works very well,can even view double pages, so i think i'm gonna stick with that
You can actually ctrl+tab/shift to move through multiple neeview tabs rather than just alt+tab, however if the issue is opening too many tabs then i guess playlist is a better alternative, since u can even keep multiple and have them saved for future use
retard here, but i assumed sad panda had all the latest stuff, but there's a particular street fighter doujinshi i saw on ebay that i was considering buying. I wanted to check out a scan to see if it was worth it but couldn't find it anywhere and it's not like it's that recent (2023). basically is there a better way to search for scans?
Buy it , scan it and upload it on Panda then
Is there something wrong with the phone app, I haven't been able to access ex all week. Is there an alternative app?
If you're on Android, try with TachiyomiSY

If on iOS, try with EhPanda
>have f:netorare filtered in my tags
>says 1 gallery from page is filtered
>upload tagged f:netorare is present
Saw Schale announcing a J18 scraper

The next day the scammer Ndbir/Nayumi/HVNC/Hentalk is spamming the same torrents about J18 and begging for money through gaslighting newfags

The absolute state of nu-4chan
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checked the scammer's j18 torrents, the scammer either deletes pages or doesn't know how to rip (probably the latter since he tries to scam third world workers to rip for him)
lol, begging for money? wtf? you mean I'm begging for money on behalf of J18 for poor people like you who never pay for anything?
okay, now even though J18 does nothing and pay me 0 cent, I will be called a J18 shill, it's humiliating, I will kill myself.

it's just, you're idolizing k-dev too much. I think that's not wrong, but let's be a little smarter. don't let k-dev feel embarrassed and want to "shot himself in the foot" just because of a retarded fan like you.

lol, if you hate me, stalk me properly. not everyone from Vietnam is a "scammer" like me. btw, i'm not from HCM City. as a (non-professional) programmer, i wouldn't "hire" someone just to setup open source software that have full instructions in readme file.

if according to your argument, the USA (insert eagle sound effect here) is just a bunch of retard who love extreme nationalists.
*then J18 will be called a scam because it is promoted by Viet's Scammer in "her" torrent

anyway, my summer vacation is about to end, if you want to curse me so I can read it, wait until next summer, or mention me on Discord HenTalk that someone is saying bad things about me, there are odds I will read it and reply back to you.

love you all, especially my lovely haters (no homo)
"shooting yourself in the foot" is an idiom but of course an esl nigger like you might not know that or understand the meaning behind it
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o(_ _)o
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Just saw these being uploaded, it's nice that these useful packs will live on. I have a question, regarding the FAQ and the pack versions
>What does [v1], [v2] mean in release names?
>The source sites might remove galleries from id ranges that are in an already finished collection.
>Removals often happen because a gallery was replaced with a new version. Removals and additions may also occur when a gallery is placed in the wrong collection.
>Whenever a new revision of a collection is released, I will tag it with a new version number and hide/delete the older versions from nyaa.
Okay so, if a file is in pack A instead of pack B, I don't care that much as long as I have the file. If so, no need for me to redownload everything.
What about "a gallery was replaced with a new version". What does a new version entails? Do Fakku, irodori and shit make V2 or V3 of their translations? If so, i might have to redownload after all.
Great stuff, buddy. Keep LARPing as a contributor and re-uploading your torrents on a daily basis to advertise the scam by the Fakku shill. It's not enough that you're behind all of the 100 or whatever recently uploaded torrents.

I am however curious. Does that Fakku shill pay you to shill for him? I mean, actual payments and not some colorful role on his Discord.
It's interesting how the scammer has admitted being underage but has never gotten banned for it and how anyone but the scammer gets banned for copyright infringement for sharing as little as a screenshot of the corner of a Fakku panel.
by "source sites" I mean Koharu and HentaiNexus, not the "real" source like Fakku and Irodori.
Example of a replaced gallery: https://koharu.to/g/9703/fa3d1225d746

>What does a new version entails?
I think there are multiple reasons for that.

In this case:
There are two random gray squares in the second page of the first version. It probably was uploaded like that to fakku and fixed later.
Since you're not supposed to download anything from them, they just don't care about warning you that something changed.

There was another case where they just uploaded another completely unrelated work with the wrong title and tags (it was called "Training Your New Pet Girl").
>What does a new version entails?

A convenient excuse for the piece of shit to shill his friend's scam more, re-upload the exact same torrent and waste everyone's bandwidth.

And to discourage people from torrenting Fakku shit. Since they showed up, the average download for Fakku shit has dropped significantly.

But they are in fact not Fakku shills. It's a total coincidence that everything they do benefits Fakku.
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>lol, if you hate me, stalk me properly. not everyone from Vietnam is a "scammer" like me. btw, i'm not from HCM City. as a (non-professional) programmer, i wouldn't "hire" someone just to setup open source software that have full instructions in readme file.

See? More coincidences.

Another coincidence that the job offer and the scammer have the same email address.

Another coincidence that the job offer and the scammer are asking for help to set up the same program.

Another coincidence that the job offer was posted the same time as the scammer asked Schale/Koushoku to work for him for free and teach him how to set up the program.

So many coincidences!
The scammer is such a parrot. Every obsessive thing this creature hurls at people are things somebody said about the creature which hurt the creature. I've not seen this tranny obsessively call someone a stalker or idolizer before someone proved "she" has been stalking and idolizing Schale for over four years. I've not seen this tranny obsessively and falsely accuse Schale of being a scammer before people proved "she" is a scammer. I've not seen this tranny obsessively accuse anyone who isn't "her" lackey of being a "samefag same posting style" before people proved "she" is an unapologetic samefag. I've not seen this tranny obsessively and falsely claim to be a contributor before people proved "she" hasn't contributed a single thing.

Although he is a literal tranny for pretending to be a little girl on Discord, he doesn't give a shit about being a hypocrite due to how brain damaged newfags are, hence why he'll unapologetically beg 4chan to be his personal army by screaming how anyone who isn't his shill is a tranny like he did in this post >>8099440
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>lol, begging for money? wtf? you mean I'm begging for money on behalf of J18

Fakku trains you shills very well when the first thing you shills always do is to lie, re-use the same straw man and admire how easily duped newfags are because of their incapability of doing any research.
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Is this "fakku shill" you keep mentioning in the room with us right now?
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>people like you who never pay for anything

Remember that time when you banned someone (despite claiming to be anti censorship) who asked you to show a single receipt because you were claiming on a daily basis for years that you'd bought and shared every Fakku doujin and you'll "buy more" if people "donate" to you?
>you're a schizo if you think i'm a fakku shill because all of my actions benefit fakku
What did you mean by this, tranny?
mb forgot to ask for permission before uploading it, your highness

Clearly there's a difference between being a Fakku shill and doing what the scammer is doing which is only doing things that benefit Fakku, including but not limited to harassing uploaders, doxxing uploaders, honey potting and disincentivizing people from torrenting Fakku shit.
anon is mad because no one is letting him gatekeep piracy
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>Thanks to Goggito who bought it
>copying files is theft/piracy and you're gatekeeping it because you don't like my scam
What did you mean by this, pedo?
I meant "paranoid schizo lol"
What the fuck? Are you using a machine translator? How are people gatekeeping "piracy" because they know you're a scammer?
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While the scammer screams everyone is a paranoid schizo, "she" deletes "her" messages after incriminating "herself", pretends they never existed and bans anyone "she" suspects might be conspiring against "her"
Only you are allowed to decide the best upload format.
You also decide when and how often we are allowed to upload.
Ah, and uploaders must pass your moral purity test.

Anything else? Can you write all the rules here so I don't forget anything in 14 days?
Where do real rippers like gipaf go anyway? Are they retired? Why do people stop uploading doujinshi on nyaa? And why do we have to put up with batches of unorganized files that mostly come from another site? God, I miss the days when people just uploaded, kept their mouths shut, and left, unlike all these nu-4chan narcissistic zoomers trying so hard to farm e-peen points.
The tranny is saying "I am not a scammer, I am infallible and my scam is justifiable because I pretend to be buying and sharing Fakku shit and re-uploading what others bought and shared, please give me money for my hard work and contribution"
yo goise i'm not an attentionwhore but pwease fork and star my github repo pwetty pwease
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Gipaf is still around, he gave up scraping Fakku's subscription chapters when Koushoku did it.

ndbir/nayumi/scorpion/hentalk/hvnc isn't farming karma, he's scamming people by LARPing as a contributor
anon thinks he's been talking to nayumi for the past two hours and gets mad when he's called paranoid. mind if I tripcode only this post?
I am brazilian. Call me "monkey" instead please.

see? the real guy just appeared.
Okay, now try answering the question instead of deflecting. How are people gatekeeping "piracy" because they know you're a scammer?
>i'm going to keep screaming everyone is paranoid and mad while i delete my old messages exposing myself, pretend they never existed and sperg the fuck out when people re-post them
>also please refer to me as an individual despite my shilling of the fakku shill's scam
This >>8120688 is sarcasm for you but of course it went over your ESL head. Next time I'll use /s so that a redditor like you can get it
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>"she" deletes "her" messages after incriminating "herself"
the fact that "she" does it every day is weird, how is anyone this retarded?
well, I'm not a scammer. Can you fix that part and ask again?
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>please give me your fakku account
>ops i got it banned
>give me another fakku account
>i swear i'm not a fakku shill
>also let me use your computer
>i swear i won't do anything suspicious
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the rodent even begs for money from fakku
rndseed should make his own discord server and start a crowdfunding campaign, I'll even donate $1k to him as thanks for everything he's been doing.
Oh okay. If it doesn't make you a scammer to say you'll "buy more" from Fakku if people send you money which they did, despite the fact that you've never bought and shared anything from Fakku, what does it make you?
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I did actually laugh when Ndbir said only newfags will believe in the "lie" that he's a scammer. Because literally all of his lackeys and victims are newfags, lol.
I'm just a random guy that started scraping sites and compiling stuff into torrents one year ago.
Whatever happened here before that doesn't matter to me in the slightest.
I'll make the logo
Yeah, keep pretending you're not pissed off, your friend isn't a scammer and a Fakku shill, and you're not assisting him with his scam by telling people to join his Discord because archive.is or Wayback can't record Discord.
Fucking great. The two posts on nyaa.si with the proper j18 archives were removed after the scammer posted the shitty j18 torrent.
I'm so pissed I'm going to leave for two weeks. Tune up for the next release and have fun with the voices in your head.
All it takes is just one attentionwhore to ruin everything. Every uploader and ripper until now has been doing a thankless job, remaining anonymous and never asking for anything, and then this narcissistic scammer comes along, writing paragraphs and advertising his Discord in his torrent as if he has done something profound.
Try saying that without doing damage oontrol and without samefagging and using your trip code whenever Schale posts something or your name gets mentione
>not gatekeeping
>list of rules
everyone must obey the CEO of piracy
2 real torrents were removed and then this guy somehow still wonders why he and his peers are a problem lol
reupload them with the same infohash.
add your name to the title and a donation link (optional).
no victims.
Yeah, keep pretending you didn't say you were going to fuck off for two weeks and you're not a scammer and a shill.
>jewcob tries to play victim after he took down tons of whole sites and even took down tons of works HE DIDNT HAD THE RIGHTS TO because it came from the same authors of other works he did
dont care about the other fag drama but I see the water is getting him neck deep and he realizes hes fucked without the public support he shat on now that ncose shills and puriteens are taking down adult stuff worldwide. Bit too late when every nerd worth the salt wants jacob butchered for 1% of what he knowingly did
>no victims

If you killed yourself or bothered another avenue, we wouldn't have to clean up your shit, Ndbir.
Jacob isn't playing the victim in that screenshot. Both him and Ndbir are pretending to be enemies to further test how dumb newfags are.

Support for Fakku has actually only gone up, for a wide variety of reasons. It's important to note that Fakku made six figures in their first fiscal year.

Oldfags are fewer than newfags who think of Fakku as this heccin awesome hentai comic porn website standing up for free speech.

Over 90% of 4chan are newfags.

Fakku LARPs as anti-censorship and selling porn and pandering to Weebs make it plausible.

Newfags can't be taught about Fakku because either Fakku bribes social media operators to ban anyone who tries it (see /a/ and the banning of the Exhentai general after Fakku went legit), Fakku hijacking websites (see Nyaatorrents, Nyaapantsu and nyaa.si) and people being afraid of getting falsely accused of being anti-censorship by Fakku.
I dont care about 4chan but I'm going to spend all day posting on 4chan telling you that I dont care. I hate 4chan but I'm an attentionwhore so I keep coming here because discord isn't enough to satisfy my need for attention. I'm also a tranny btw idk if that matters. /s
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(that's DD/MM/YYYY, your date format sucks)
>waste everyone's bandwidth.
The torrent client will recheck it and only download the missing data. An average chapter takes like what? 20 to 30 megabytes? Out of all the things you could hark at him, that's the hill you wanna die on?
Why are you lying that the torrent client will remove unused files?
Point exactly where I said anything like that.
Point exactly where anon said the torrent client doesn't recheck.
If you start downloading something you want, you're not "wasting bandwidth".
You asked your metal box to do it and it did it.
Does anyone know how to access exhentai?
can someone help me find doujin that
been lost in my memories 10+ year ago pls

i was found that doujin in sad panda long time ago
idk the auther name or doujin name or is it have specific tags in it or not
all i know is story how it goes and how it end

idk if that doujin got removed due dmca on sadpanda or not
because i dont even know doujin name or auther name
all i know is the story of that doujin are similar to "ballad the singer" but it end kinda hit diffrent
the only thing i can remember clearly is that picture from letter both in hawai suit and
her mother scream her daughter name at the end

the story goes with

singer are loli
singer fanclub are a loli that got deceive by singer to get *** on staff room
fanclub at first doesnt like it but sooner after long time start to enjoy the sex

plot point start whare fanclub mother found out that a singer her child like are grooming her child
mother exposed him and ruined his cereer
singer got arrest goes to jail
pretty much like "ballad the singer"

except thare more

about ** year later singer got out to jail and come back to fanclub
apologize everything he did to her bla bla bla confuss his love to her blabla bla

fanclub not just forgive him she also accept his love confuss and ran away together with him
left her mom alone in the house

about week later fanclub sent a letter to her mother she will go with her boyfriend
with picture fanclub and that singer already in airplane with hawai suit

mom screaming her daughter name

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surprisingly accurate
If someone points a gun to your face,
and the gun shoots if you move a little,
it's your fault and not the fault of that someone,
because you chose to voluntarily move.
but i need to know if it has certain tags, otherwise i would never buy it
would it be stupid to ask the seller for a tag list?
I've got the URLs to the two Nyaa posts with the proper J18 torrents, their magnet URLs and some of the direct download URLs in their uploader comments. I'm not sure about posting it here because of how trigger happy J18 is.
You should shoot yourself with a gun (or a torrent file)

Do it
Contrary to what anon wants you to think, you don't have to ask for permission
Only you, your lackeys and your victims should commit suicide, Ndbir.

>Contrary to what anon wants you to think, you don't have to ask for permission

Difficult to tell if you're being ESL in this post or if this is you trying to gaslight because Fakku taught you shills it's one of the first three things you should do when working.
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Are you aware you're posting something that /pol/tards plagiarized because they're pissed off by the original for explaining how they do propaganda?
The only reasons I still don't have my own discord server are that (1) I'm too jaded and lazy to manage a server that would likely be filled with manchildren and actual children in their 15s, (2) I don't use discord that much, and (3) I enjoy not having to care about public opinions or validation and being able to do whatever I want without worrying about validation or consequences.

On another note, some people had a crazy meltdown over me adding ads to the site, so I don't know what would happen if I created my own discord server and started accepting donations. I might as well abandon my principles and do it for shits and giggles. Seriously though, should I?
do it, add ads and watermark the images too
I'll make the logo
You should also add a time limit before downloads start unless you donate.
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Fakku and Ndbir have failed to stop you. They've spent years trying to stop Weebs from using your website by projecting themselves onto you (that you're a scammer and a doxxer, and putting up ads).

Weebs are the reason why Ndbir and Fakku are thriving. Collateral punishment sucks but Weebs are cancer so it's justified.

Make sure you add actual watermarks and not some little text at the bottom. Stamp each page with "Brought to you by Nayumi/Ndbir. Ask Ndbir for the original files". You can easily automate this with Imagemagick and a batch script. Weebs will literally rip him apart when they realize he's been scamming then.

Add watermarks like 18kami
The new J18 torrent by the scammer has missing pages in every archive, some pages are in the wrong order, all webp files were re-encoded to jpg, and every page is downsized. The older two J18 torrents had proper order, no missing pages, no re-encodes and no downsizes.

Did the uploader of the old J18 torrents assume the scammer's J18 torrent was valid or did the tranny@nyaa.si delete the older and only valid J18 torrents?
Can you point out some archives?
Does it cross your mind that he may have sent the first torrent, then deleted it and sent the second one with lower quality with the sole purpose of annoying you?
I mean, that anon is biting every single bait he throws.
Keep pretending you didn't deface the archives on purpose.
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Thanks for the suggestions, (((ladies))) and gentlemen. I'll definitely create my own discord server, start accepting donations, add ads, and add watermarks to the images once I’ve finished importing these 10k galleries from chaika. The drama is going to be so spicy and wild that I honestly want to start doing it right now, but I’m doing everything I can to resist the urge.
Your samefagging will be less obvious if you learn basic English and type less like a Redditor. Give it a try, Viet.
you're just memeing right please dont let it be real
What do you mean? I want to download J18 torrent but your comment makes me think whether I should download it or not. But I need to verify the information, especially this information comes from 4chan. I need some sample archives so I can download them and see if I should download the whole thing.
Then verify it.
Does that mean you're just spreading fake news? Fair enough. I won't waste time on fake news, it's everywhere. Download J18 torrent now and will seed it.
Does that mean you're samefagging, Ndbir? Yes.
Can actual contributors get a special account on yout website to download? I might even give you my nyaa.si account if Fakku didn't ban it because I've only accessed nyaa.si from a proxy. I stopped uploading on nyaa.si years ago because of Nayumi/Ndbir.
>There is nothing wrong with my torrent
>I'm not samefagging, it's not my torrent
>But I need to verify it
>But you must do it for me
>If you don't, you spread fake news
>My torrent is fine
>I'm not samefagging, it's not my torrent
Ndbir moment
No shit, sherlock.

I have my own nyaa account, so you can keep yours. I don't really see any reason to upload there anymore, other than just doubling my workload for no reason. It's easier to just let someone else with too much time on their hands reupload to nyaa. Jokes aside, I'd never do the uploaders dirty. Even if I decided to go full retard and watermark the images again, I'd close user-uploads and buy everything myself since me going full retard would deincentivize people to upload. No one is stopping you from uploading on another site, but no one is stopping me from scraping them either. The only difference would be that I'd be the only beneficiary here, while everyone else would have to make do with my sloppy seconds.
Since you're monitoring this shitheap, I'll just ask here instead of sending you an email. Why do big galleries need two separate buttons to reveal more images? Why would anyone ever click on "show more" instead of "show all"?
Before I knew it, the J18 torrent had been deleted from nyaa.
The very first posted torrent was perfect, scraping the complete original images including the table of contents page which is not published on the free-reader.
The latest torrents are crap, they should at least store the highest quality webp they can get from the manifest.

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