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Tired of seeing sad pathetic NTR/Cuckold hentais? Post the most wholesome hentais you know with others. The type of hentais which restores your faith in love, brings happy tears, sweet arousal and crave human affection.

Thread rules:
- Strictly no NTR/Cuck hentais
- No Loli/Shota/Bestiality
- Don't be a jerk to others
- Requests should satisfy /h/ rules
- Always post sauce with the post
Bonus: Impregnating, pregnancy, including the couple start a family/having kids

(Sause of cover image - https://nhentai.net/g/488048/)
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Sauce is https://nhentai.net/g/333922/. Not exactly the most wholesome but it's still decent bumping material.
We honestly need more of these. No rape that the girl just randomly starts enjoying. Just two people enjoying some time alone, both of their own will.
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https://nhentai.net/g/497373/. Easily the best wholesome one I've seen.
I just really like the feeling of this doujin.
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https://nhentai.net/g/520557/. Generic wholesome hentai. Solid 7/10
Damn, it's not finished!
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Kimi wa Akaboshi

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