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Now that the board is dead everyone has to look how I'm impregnating my wife Hanuma Makoto
Too old
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>too old
talking about yourself old geezer
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>bweh bwehh bweeeh
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Empress games thread was deleted for this
>Now that the board is dead
what happend?
Mods fucked up and wiped a bunch of boards by accident is the official story. However it's possible that some mod went rogue and did it deliberately to fuck with people and they're covering it up rather that admit to whatever internal drama prompted it. We'll probably never know.
everyone laugh at this pleb >>8167343
Still waiting for an artist to do all students
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Damn, BA thread?
It is a BA thread now.
>wanting to impregnate the second most obnoxious and sperg student
At least you are not fucking cherino.
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BA Thread?

BA Thread.
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I love BA's girls and their power to heal me from this dark and rotten world.
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They can only do that because of Sensei(You) caring and leading by example...

Now open your legs manslut
Suits me
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good taste anon
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Based Take
she is ancient
Poor Seia
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>Hanuma Makoto
What franchise is she even from?
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Blue Archive
i mean if were just posting wives
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This is technically a Blue Archive thread.

Just wondering honestly why this isn't as actuve when there are tons of BA doujins and BA constantly dominating Comiket
Weird case that more folks fan of the series would rather circlejerk on /vg/. Think the anti-Mika poster keeps evading ban and spam almost /d/ replies so turn off almost /bag/. And also cunnies are not allowed.
Say what?
>their power to heal me from this dark and rotten world.
how do they do this for (you)? interested in playing the game because of asuna and karin
I dont like gacha but it's nice to see most artists just do lovey dovey stuff of their favorite girl while a lot of gacha just get degenerate ntr art
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Not that anon, but Asuna is a unit you'll get within a week, if not at the start
But the story is (both overall chapters, events, and relationship stories(momotalks)) just very well written. Good sense of pathos. It's free and you'll find out pretty quickly if it's for you.

Have a Suzumi.
I can't post my studentfu because she's too cunny for this board.
>But the story is (both overall chapters, events, and relationship stories(momotalks)) just very well written. Good sense of pathos. It's free and you'll find out pretty quickly if it's for you.
i see, so good story and character moments are what im getting from this game. how's the gacha and gameplay? do i need to spend money in order to clear hard difficulty?
Gacha is average RNG with attainable spark cap, though most will reach spark because the target rate up student is still horrid. Gameplay is semi auto, just focus on building student skills and when to activate during fight (or run auto if they are strong enough). Tons of online guides for easy clears.

For P2W gacha pulls, depends on how many students you like. I'm 1.5 years in, mostly spend for monthly pass and rarely huge package unless RNG fucks me to spark double limited.

If you have the patience, save and roll during their anniversary/half anni when their high rarity students double. That saved me the trouble of getting like half the student rosters, and the anniversary student is usually the strongest. Next one is about 2-3 months away. Global event and gacha currently has a cat in heat, while JP has idols.

Personally play if you really fancy the characters, else just watch YouTube videos for lore and lulz and wank to their lewds. That's what I do for Hoyo games.
Someone else replied before me, but they're more or less right.
If playing for story, you'll be able to punch up at 5-10 levels above your actual level with even the slightest bit of competency. There will be a hard filter at chapter 3 that will require you to be level 45 to have an actual chance at a clear (level being the issue, not needing rare units or anything)

Gameplay isn't particularly complicated, the recurring raids/boss fights can have some interesting moments.
I haven't paid money a single time (although the 99 cent pack has tempted me), but I also tend to get lucky with these things and have only needed to spark like twice over the course of two years.

There's an event currently going on where one of the clubs has formed a band. Events typically rerun after a year, and we get content 6 months after Japan, so we have the advantage of foresight.

I disagree with just watching it on YouTube because even just knowing the length of a scene or not personally participating in the interactive segments of the final chapter (that's its name, it's not the actual last chapter) really do wonders for your involvement. I don't think it would have been impactful at all had I just passively watched it rather than participated.
(I can't explain why without ruining it, so you'll have to trust me on this...sorry.)

You don't need to dedicate hours a day or anything, it's 100% a game where you pop it open for a few minutes, dump your stamina into an instant sweep, and go about your day.
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>Episode Final
NTA but this is seriously the main reason I'd suggest playing rather than watching. Your interaction is the payoff of not just every story leading up to that point, but of the theme of the entire game. Use YouTube for the relationship stories of characters you don't have if you want (the game pays you for doing them, so don't skip them for your own students), but don't YouTube the story.
Pubes ruin everything
grow up
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Sorry to be that guy, but can I get the sauce? Saucenao and Yandex aren't giving anything.
This too.

Thanks in advance folks.
Google reverse image has the names
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Also we are as usual eating good next Comiket [spoiler]if people scan and translate ofc[/spoiler]
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>This too.
>buy book
>enjoy greatly
>do not scan, do not translate, because you guys are faggot beggars who wouldn't contribute a single thing even to save your mothers' life
Feels good.
>showing naked wife to others
That's a cuckold move
Dangerously based

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