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Post Nuke Edition

The dark side of yuri, the other face of /u/.

Pastebin: rentryDOTco/249zu

Previous thread: >>8143892
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I guess you really do get what you pay for.
>Post Nuke Edition
Fun fact: /u/ avoided the nuke.
Fuuko needs porn badly. These tits simply cannot be allowed to go unfucked.

Based /u/ being superior as usual.
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I've just found out that Gaki no Modotte has an LGD character, and I'll never not be mad that the anime didn't adapt her part.
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Speaking of /u/, /h/ is playing a friendly match against /u/ this Saturday in the virtual divegrass.
If anyone is interested here are some more details

Sachiko from the yuri series Maria-sama ga Miteru has been chosen as the Dyke that is getting dicked, because of Mizuryu Kei's doujin series on her.
Why is she also argentine?
Argentina gets dicked daily
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Can't argue with that.
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with bit for RAPE!
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Fucking A! I knew it was just a matter of time before we got LGD of this. Wherever yuri goes, LGD trails not far behind.
Does anyone have the source for this?, reverse search isn’t giving me any result
Is there anything for mahoako?
Not a fan of ugly motherfuckers, but I'm glad Asumi is getting some content.
The other one can be searched on pixiv, you should know how.
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I'm not sure the artist was entirely aware of the implications.
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Hey, it's SDDE-594 in manga form.
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I didn't like it at first, but I've come to warm up to stuff involving dick smells. I alredy liked semen addiction (lesbians becoming dependent on drinking cum against their best judgement), and this would basically be an extension of that.
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So where is the artis now? Is he dead?

Non colored version of: https://www.dlsite.com/books-touch/work/=/product_id/BJ717679.html/?unique_op=af&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=ch.dlsite.com%2Fmatome%2F158176

Akira, a younger brother who loves his older sister Misato, gives her sleeping pills and loses his virginity to her, and then mercilessly fucks her lover Aika.
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ASMR about getting a lesbian couple pregnant

>Immoral seed donation ~A lesbian couple who want to get pregnant asked me to make a baby~ {3 major early purchase benefits included} [Falling Club LACK Premium Series]
anyone got a catbox or some other equivalent for karmaniac's lgd stuff? he had some of witch from mercury and yagate kimi ni naru iirc, but he had some in his patreon that werent in his kemono i think
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Features a cross-dressing pixie dyke. the teacher she has a crush on ropes her into sex with a man and from there she gets domesticated and even wants to have the guys babies by the end.
File deleted.
>she gets domesticated and even wants to have the guys babies by the end
Holy based
This is a picture from the Author of that manga

and also in the prototype for the manga named A Yuri Manga That Starts With Getting Rejected in a Dream

Hijikini deleted it because of some negative reactions for adding a molester in the story. The scene is on the busy train and some ugly old guy unhooks hinoka's bra. Tsukushi rescued her quickly but the man received no punishment in the end. Tho I think its supposed to have a continuation. But hijiki already deleted it and decided to create a different plot for Hinoka and Tsukushi in the future chapters. It's a little sad because the deleted chapter have 8 pages. But I'm still fine with it since I'm really disturb with the theme lol.

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Since we're on the topic of AI sloppa
Someone actually remembers the lesbian(s) from Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon in the year 2024. Amazing.

I found an author online who put this work in the public domain
I'm retarded, how I'm supposed to see their works? The public domain link only takes me to a page telling me that the author decided to put his work on the public domain but I don't see the work itself
wait, was the discord nuked?
It was the board that was nuked two weeks ago, along with several other boards. If you check the catalog you'll see that we only go up to page 9 because we had to rebuild fom scratch.
Pretty sure the "work" is just the characters themselves.
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Some lesbian could perceive differently on how is getting dicked.
Reverse LGD turns into regualr LGD.
This one got a shitty translation years ago

Bi girl roping lesbian into getting dicked sounds peak
Rodion and Angela? Pretty wild pairing.
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A shame it's only 4 pages, it deserved it's 200 pages I would say.
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There is an extra page on the author's twitter but is just a pinup of the girls
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I'm all for it because it's one of my favorite LGD pieces, but I'm afraid it'll take a completely different route from what I expect. I want the story to start with flashbacks of the MC and his crush in their childhood being the best friends, making that promise of getting married when they're older. Fast forward to high school where MC's CF is an innocent girl but as the story progresses, she's corrupted and lesbianized by the alpha blonde dyke while MC is unaware of it. Put some yuri scenes here and there to show the ongoing relationship between MC's CF and the blonde. MC's CF tells the blonde everything about MC, and the blonde starts bullying MC for being such a pathetic simp and for ever thinking about having a chance with his crush. MC is disappointed by his CF but also extremely annoyed by the blonde dyke so when he sees the opportunity, he takes advantage of the blonde. The blonde likes her first taste of cock so much that she becomes submissive to MC, accepting breaking up with MC's CF. There are more sex scenes between those two. MC and the blonde become lovers and MC's CF is simply left alone. Maybe an epilogue where years later MC's CF is still depressed for losing her girlfriend and her best friend while looking at photos of MC and the blonde being pregnant or with kids, forming a happy family. MC's wish of getting married came true, just not with the girl he wanted at first.
That would be the perfect LGD doujin for me, but I think it's better if it stays as 4 page only.
There are quite a few of these, should make a list.
>being pregnant or with kids, forming a happy family
Literally the best ending for lgd
Need help in finding certain doujin (I remember it being posted here). It was quite short story about two girls dating at first but then one of them suddenly started dating a guy, then other girl decided to fuck with this guy to humilate him or something like that. Of course she likes it in process and in the end she found out that her girlfriend dating not this boy but his brother actually and boy asked her out and she agreed to be his girlfriend, the (happy) end.
All the promises of eternal friendship fading away...
Get ready for the Watanare LGD flood.
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Docking and double fellatio? That's a winning combo.
Is that Lady & Police?

And drawn by the creator no less
Kemono page is not updated fuck
Kemono is probably ded. Is been months since the fanbox scrapper died and there is no sign of being worked on.
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AI generated but still

>Crossick have a fight over who gets a dick and break up
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Based, why dykes make the best wives once converted?
Because they lived through degeneracy and don't want to go back, unlike a regular girl who might get "curious"
That's Meru? If so give me some Riru.
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Someone really likes to put these gay and dykes fucking each other
Who are they?
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The protagonists of a yaoi manga called umibe no stranger, there is a bunch of commissions on pix where they are fucking a side character dyke couple
I want to fuck Nemo so bad. Make her forget about that idol bitch.
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Sure, they're a great duo
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Thanks anon.
Another cute one. Incestuous oneeshota threesome is peak LGD.
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The girl is Kanako Miyama from Atlach=Nacha, an old VN from Alice Soft
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This pic feels tailor-made for /a/ shitposting.
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I just found this.
Is there more for the white-haired girl?
The right girl looked like the heroine of that chibi vampire romcom manga which title I can't remember.
This gallery has most of the pictures of them but is a bit outdated since Kemono stopped ripping fanbox


Ohisashiburi stopped drawing them in lewd situations for some reason months ago.
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Those two characters are the tulpas of the girls of this pic, based on their memories of each other.
Imagine the level of dicking brainwashing that is fucking all four
>reading another romcomslop
>fMC best girl friend is in love with her
>but fMC is straight and is love with MC
>student council vice-president confessed to lesbo
>she totally rejects him but then offered to be sex friends with him to cope with the fact that fMC doesn't love her romantically
>after good dicking falls in love with boy and turns from spiteful bitch to caring and loving tsundere girlfriend
>author went beyond based and make 3 (three) extra R18 chapters about it
It was unexpected but I liked it.
What series?
Can't find those R18 extras anywhere, seems like it didn't leak from dlsite unfortunately. But maybe someone in this itt thread have it
Speedread it and it was worth it.
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>one of the best LGD doujins of all time
>author never made a follow up or anything as good afterward
>remains untranslated so fewer people know about it
>>student council vice-president confessed to lesbo
>>she totally rejects him but then offered to be sex friends
What's up with vice presidents and sex friends
How does a single captcha break so much?
He did both of them recently but it's in fanbox
I commissioned a translation into English
I think they just taking a long time granted haven't seen anything from the artist since Nov 23 https://x.com/domo394959/status/1724774163397980168?t=IyaqZGQS9pRZQnR6zYg2_g&s=19
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Thank you.
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This doujin is the crown jewel of dgd

You're my hero
I wish that was my cock~
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>being pregnant or with kids, forming a happy family
Based beyond all recognition
This >>8199312, they know what they're "missing on" and how it doesn't lead to happiness. It's the same reason why converted atheists end up becoming far more zealous than cradle christians.
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This is somehow the only porn pic with all 9 Revue girls together.

can anyone translate these reviews



the characters only know the truth in fragments, and the change in their hearts as they struggle to get past each other was very wonderful.
It's fantasy, pure love, slavery, mutation... it 's packed with all the elements I like, so I highly recommend it
. It seems to be continuing, but I'm very curious to see what happens next. From the afterword, it seems that it took a long time to release due to various circumstances, but I'm looking forward to the next part

. There are many erotic doujinshi works that can sometimes lead to excitement. However, there are also "exciting excitability" and "not excitability". This work is overwhelmingly "not excitable".
Just adding a contrived warning does not cut off , and the reader is constantly reminded of the unbearable news that we often hear these days. Knowing their misfortune, there is no way I . Besides, the choice of words in the warning is wrong.
At first glance, the illustrations look beautiful, but on closer inspection, the flaws are obvious and the pretty atmosphere is a cover-up. As an erotic manga, the quality is low.

I found out about it through Twitter, bought it, and thought,
"Yuri couples are being offered to the gods of lust?! Seriously?!"
But I liked the story and the way the characters were drawn, so it wasn't a problem. I'm looking forward to the next installment .
That's what a review from a buyer of the work said.
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I love this guy's work
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Thoughts on LGD featuring monsters? (lets use something simple like orcs/goblins as the baseline). Do you need the individual performing the dicking to be consciously aware that they are fucking a lesbian, or no?
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>Do you need the individual performing the dicking to be consciously aware that they are fucking a lesbian, or no?
Not really. It's usually better this way, monsters don't care about anything regarding their victims, they just see a female to be bred. Instead of some cringe dialogue there's just yuri couples taken by insatiable beasts and forced to fulfill their biological purpose.
It's also comfier because they'll get taken to a lair to pump out babies for the rest of their lives.
Orcs come from Roman mythology it was a curse by Orcus for doing bad things to corpses.
No such thing. While the word orc does come Orcus, orcs/ogres as creatures were a medieval invention.
I see. I brought it up because there's an LGD-relevant eroge coming out that pertains to monsters fucking the cast of lesbians, good to know people don't just need humans.
which one?
Minagoroshi no Otome. There's a demo out too. It has a fair amount of yuri sex scenes, but the end of the demo teases them getting dicked down.
Any good non visual novel lgd ges? Like shit you'd find on dlsite.
Doesn't need to be explicitly lgd, so like tentacles, ffm, "good friends" etc are fine
Boring. It's far better when you see a girl who loves girls have genuine lust towards a man.
I'm currently really into Mayuri-sensei from 2.5D Seduction. Kinda funny how a harem manga has such a great lesbian character.
What are some more mature lesbian/yuri-friendly characters or couples?
Can anyone kindly please post the name or sauce of this LGD doujin where one of the lesbian main characters is a gyaru and the story involves one of the lesbian leads being initially groped and assaulted by a handsome or decent looking guy in the train. And who also turns out to be the brother of the gyaru lesbian and also turns out the gyaru and her brother have an incestous relationship in the side.

I know it was posted in here to before.
Riko and Miyako from YagaKimi for one, a mature lesbian couple consisting of a dyke bartender and a bisexual teacher.
You could also include Nanoha and Fate given how mature and mother-like they are in StrikerS.

>Kinda funny how a harem manga has such a great lesbian character.
From what I heard, the yuri in that series ends up being more blatant than the het because the author didn't really want to make a harem manga, just a cosplay-focused story.
>Riko and Miyako
criminally underrated, can't even find any decent AI slop
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You can't go wrong with Lady Lady >>8231459
she is more like a bisexual then a total lesbian, even she got nervous when some one ask to MC she is atractive.
Lady Lady is peak, pity there is so little with them. I can only imagine the amount of art we would get had it aired now.
True. The other YagaKimi girls have plenty of porn, but the hottest couple next to nothing. I would really love to see them with giant milf tits, possibly pregnant and with dark nipples.

I have no idea how Lady Lady slipped off my mind (maybe I don't see them as mature enough?)
In any case, they're probably THE hottest yuri couple ever created, the gold standard for mature, stable dykes with dynamite bodies.
Riko and Miyako follow the same mold, I would love to see them with Lady Lady's porntastic bodies and personalities.
I wish there’s a way to support the creator here, they removed the only way to top up Toracoins recently. I really wanna see the policewoman sucking on some cocks.
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What do you mean? Fanbox doesn't use toracoins and lets you use burger credit cards to pay.

Also, Piko just announced Police and Lady is being published as an E-book. I hope this doesn't mean she has to tone down the lewdness
I don’t have a credit card so using Alipay to top up Toracoins was the only option available.
Lesbians dicked by crossdressing men:
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It's shit.
Does this dude post ENG translations on his fanbox?
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Her fanbox, Piko is a chick.

And yes, she does but she translates them herself using MTL so is not the best. It is readable but could use some polishing.
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i edited this touhou fanart so it's rae and claire instead (1/3)

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So fucking hot

I need to find a way to pass my money to her, maybe I’ll wait for some Skeb commission slots to open and dm to pay her extra for the Fanbox contents
I was able to use PayPal.
Honestly having looked through everything, it's not that good, I mean 500 yen is basically nothing so I guess it's worth that, but the LGD content is kinda weak. That double blowjob pic that's been posted here is the best of it, but in-story it's pretty obvious Chizuru is not into men at all, so it's more of a soft cuckquean manga than actual LGD.
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Well, you have to keep in mind that Piko considers herself a yuri artist and she is down bad for Emma x Chizuru. Making really interesting that she has no issues about having them have sexual interactions with men.

She has also promised to draw more of them with men anyway.

>Thank you for your support this month!

>This is a picture of Emma when she worked brothel.
>I heard that it is illegal to have a male character in a yuri manga, but I think it's safe to say that Emma is a former brothels cast.

>I am working hard on the rest of the manga!
>Making really interesting that she has no issues about having them have sexual interactions with men.
That's just standard straight girl behavior. Can draw innocent lovey-dovey yuri but when it comes to sex, she can't imagine it working without a dick.
I think she even wrote in a post that she needed there to be a "stick" involved, and not a toy either but the real thing.
Conclusion: she horny af and needs to get dicked irl.
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Going by her twitter posts, it seems she is a dyke IRL since she only ever lusts after girls and even used the term Bian to describe Chizuru and Emma once.

That was also why we thought she was a dude until she outright admitted being a girl.
I don't think she's a dyke, might be bi-curious though. Beyond wanting to draw dicks, she's also into oneshota.
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Speaking of, she just posted a relationship chart for the series. I translated it myself using google. The random addition of a trap is cracking me up.
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nhentai is not working!
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Fresh from the drawthread
>head and body look disporpotioned as hell
>thin ankle
>small foot
>cringe filename
Quite meh.... 2/10

Using Google Translate for this: Apparently the twintail girl confess to the tomboy and said tomboy wants to see her have sex with a guy.
How in the fuck this this fetish spread out like a fucking cancer?
Was it because of all these new politics shits?
Yuri is more popular than ever, so it's only logical it's accompanied by a raise in LGD (mostly from yuribros).
You mean trannybros, they seem to be everywhere when a LGD pic pops up to be ready to roleplay.
always be popular this troope and the most ironic of this mostly in women, its very strange an ironic but is the reality of this.

mostly of LDG doujins are make it be women lol
Can you repeat that in English?
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Haruka is still queen after all these years.
Discord is still there, but now I need to verify my phone number to post.
Ah, screw that.
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Blessed Mizu-no
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