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Post pokegirls.
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I'm here to shill again. I made a Cynthia VN! Hang out with Cynthia in Olivine City and solve crimes. Also feature Jasmine. Contains multiple lewd scenes! It's 100% free but if you like it you can donate to me on Ko-Fi.


I'm working on a Marnie game, and I hope to have it finished before Christmas. It will also have multiple lewd scenes. It's mostly written but there's a metric fuckton of editing to be done.
Looking forward to the Marnie one.
Dude you're the best
Will the Marnie VN only include Marnie lewd scenes or will it have one side route like Olivine night had jasmine?
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Marnie and the (male) player character are the main characters, with the supporting cast consisting of a pokemon, the player's (male) cousin, Dexio, Sina, Professor Sycamore, and a handful of OC's who you briefly encounter doing various things during the story. There isn't really another "main" girl for you to have a relationship with, like Jasmine in my last game. I kind of wanted to include something between Dexio and Sina, but since the game is played from the perspective of "you," it's kind of hard to do a sex scene with two people who aren't you. I don't really want to write a M/M/F threeway or a M/M/F/F fourway and I'm definitely not writing something where you just watch them. Maybe I'll make it something unlockable that you can then view from the main menu, outside of the story. Or maybe I won't give them a lewd scene and I'll just save them for some other day. Art for lewd scenes is expensive after all.

What I'm saying is, I haven't decided yet.
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But Erika is a lesbian...
*Misandrist, there's a difference.
Hey guys i dunno if anyone can help me, but i have this problem:
im trying to download this in its original size (706kb): https://archiveofsins.com/h/thread/8069574/#8072246

But it keeps downloading like almost 300kb
Any idea how can i download it in its original size?
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Yeah, but is still 370kb not 706kb like in the original file
Why are they black?
This was shockingly pretty good, I love that Cynthia had her canon breast size, it's a small nitpick I have with most Cynthia art

Also the writing was much better than I expected from a random game being shilled on /h/ of all places

Good job dude!
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I reckon Bianca is the most slutty pokeslut
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I can't get over how hilariously uncomfortable this position would be for everybody involved
Just downloaded this just to get my brains fucked out by Jasmine. Thanks.
Got any Horizons pieces?
The mechanic?
The doctor?
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Still wish he had tits.
Thanks. I fucking hate beach ball tits in hentai. Doubly so for Cynthia. Large tits don't suit her, she should be willowy.

If you liked the game, you can help me by telling other people about it. :)
Thanks for shilling, genuinely great VN. Still need to explore all options.
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Who is the artist for
They all have twitter filenames and look fairly similar so I assume they're from the same artist.
I couldn't find it with the reverse image search, Yandex just identifies the characters and Google is completely useless.
I tried looking them up by entering the character names as tags into Pixiv and the like but couldn't find anything either.
So, who is the artist?
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Man this look goo-
>MC is not a shota
I'm sorry! I headcanon Cynthia as a lolicon/shotacon too, but the fact is that kind of game would get deleted off of itch and would be impossible to get most people to play. I tried to make the MC a blank slate so the reader could imagine whatever traits they wanted, but there's only so much I can do once you get to the lewd scenes. I hard a hard enough time finding an artist for the lewd scenes, I can't imagine how much longer it would have taken if I was also asking them to draw sex with a minor.
I see, I was just asking because I really like your writing and was excited for your next VN but I just don't like Marnie.
Who would you want to see as a main character or side character in a pokemon VN? Posing that question to the whole thread, I guess.
How is this titfuck called?
Hard to pick one.
My top favorites ones I would like to see the most as protagonist would be Lana, Lillie, Leaf, Misty, Rosa, May(anime version), Serena(games version) and Hex Maniac.
As side characters that you can optionally fuck Sina, Iris, Bianca, Erika, Gloria, Selene and Sango.
(I only left out Roxie and Dawn because they already have very good VNs)

But really I like almost all the pokegirls, the only ones I don't like are just Marnie, Nessa, and Nemona. I don't even have anything against them as characters I just can't stand their design. In Marnie's case I really dislike that kind of aesthetic.
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I'm torn between Lusamine and Cynthia. Both share the 1st spot for me.
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Oh hey, I commissioned that artist. Based on pic related, I thought he could do some good Jasmine lewds for my VN. But his quality is kind of all over the place, and I wasn't really thrilled with what I got.
Oh yeah I remember that. The sudden change in art style during Jasmine's sex scene was really jarring.
Yeah... the artists who did the other lewd scenes both had disappeared from the internet (one eventually came back, the other is still missing) so I was forced to go fir someone else. I couldn't find an artist with the same style and level of quality for a price that I could afford. I thought Meeps123 would at least look really cute and nice and that would make up for the style shift. I don't think it did.

Oh well, the whole game is ugly anyway. The Marnie game will look better, and more consistent. I have more money to throw at the Marnie game and I have better connections now. Some day in the future if I get a bunch of money through donations, I might remake Olivine Lights with all new art that isn't... bad.
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I just started looking at your work and noticed you said you spent a lot on commissions. Have you considered using AI art? That way you can have the same style and you would be able to create exactly what you want.

I am also requesting a hex maniac ghost story VN, I think that has good potential

This is a hex maniac ai image I made, I think its pretty good.
I'm using AI for the backgrounds for my Marnie game. I don't want to use AI for character sprites. I don't believe it will give me good enough results to make me happy, and it will attach a level of stigma to my game that I don't want. I have a full-time job and few responsibilities, so I have plenty of money to spend on art. Ideally I'd set up some kind of partnership with an artist friend to split the proceeds from the game, but I don't actually have any artist friends to collaborate with and there will never be much in the way of profit for something like this. Big N will shut down anything that starts making real money, even if it should be protected under parody doctrine.
Oh I meant more for the other scenes and not just sprites maybe I misunderstood. Either way good work on your VNs
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I'm looking for this lewd acrylic oyakodon stand of Lana and her Mom that I remember seeing everywhere for a few months but I'm either too retarded to find it or it's practically been purged from the internet.
Anyone know what I'm talking about?
This looks like it had potential, but the perspective seems fucky, the shadows feel off, and the legs are fucked (almost looks like they're grafted on at the knees, with a different skin tone, weird angles, and seemingly oversized feet). Jawline is a bit odd too. The art is overall lacking in cohesiveness.

Yeah, you don't want to take money for anything Nintendo related, or they'll sic their lawyers on you.
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I honestly wasn't expecting it, but it made the penis in my heart erect. Job well done, brot/h/er
IDK about you but Phoebe is one of those pokegirls that don’t get all the love their deserve
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BTW, when I shared this image in discord way back it gave me an idea, and I know this is basically a furry trash concept.

This idea evolved from a simple foursomes into Arceus having a bit of a race-play / bleach kink, were he’s obsessed with having sex with dark skinned pokegirls and treating them as his pets/slaves (I know cringe).

Like, hates when humans do that to Pokemon as he would rather have humans and mons be equals. Yet he can’t help but become super horny at the thought of fucking the brains out of dark skinned human girls, not even Lopunny is in the scenario anymore (maybe he used to do it with one of them to take the edge off, but in the end he dropping her because he wanted the real deal), he’s full interest now only involved human girls.

Anyway, I’m yet to get around to make something with this idea, maybe commission something? (Although how many artist would be okay with doing both furry and race play?), or I might just write a fic about it
please don't post shit like this in this thread.
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Misty in EToP was something special.
That's /e/, not /h/.
Go to /vp/, they have a writefag thread
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Enlighten me, what's the appeal of off-model art.
You're saying something isn't appealing if it's not canon?
You just asked what's the appeal of off model art, off model meaning non-canonical body proportions. In other words, you can't understand the appeal of not sticking to canon.
I wouldn't use the word canon, but yeah, I feel there's no need to exaggerate their body proportions when they're attractive enough as they are, most of the time feels like they're totally different women cosplaying as pokegirls.
>when they're attractive enough as they are
That's the thing, most artists disagree, and sexual preferences are almost as subjective as music.

Think about it, the sheer act of a pokegirl having sex is already straying from canon because it doesn't happen in official material, adding secondary sexual characteristics is just part of that. The same way an artist aims to make something arousing by inserting a gangbang fetish, so too are they adding other fetishes like large breasts, which is the most common fetish of all time, both of which are part of the "straying from canon" spectrum. Fanart has always been a display of "what if", and porn is "what if the character had sex, and had this and that". The vast majority of porn is OOC and OOM, the viewer is pretty much expected to be okay with straying away from canon if they're consuming this kind of material. Of course, this boils down to preferences, loli artists for example are perfectly fine with the character being canonically flat (but even they tend to draw their girls with thicker thighs and shapely butts anyhow).

To put it simply, most porn artists like big boobies and don't think the stick figure body proportions the characters have in canon are arousing enough, the same way they think the characters not getting dicked in canon isn't arousing.
Forgot to mention the best example to illustrate my point: pairings. 99% of pairings aren't canon, but people create stories/drawings where they happen anyway because they enjoy creating displays of that "what if" scenario. Porn is like that, a free realm of "what if"s dedicated to give people boners, because emotional attachment to an existing character + your preferred fetishes has always been the most popular and powerful combination.
>Like art of girl
>Look up art of girl
>Art of girl doesn't look anything like girl
>Jerk off anyway
I don't understand it either, anon.
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many thanks
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She was born to do this
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Anyone got good art of lusamine specifically with small breasts? I have the hots for her the most of Amy pokegirl but everyone gives her giant boobs and it takes me out of it
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I'm surprised more people like Nessa when Shelly exist but mogged over by Courtney during ORAS
Probably because Shelly looks like a bimbo, same reason Japan rarely draws Jessie.
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Based and milkerspilled
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fucking luv mantan
i straight up got melony-pilled because of him
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Will you do one with Hilda? And maybe, just maybe, the swimmer from X and Y?
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Hey writefuck. Once again thanking you for the game looking forward to your next work.

For me its Karen. A criminally low amount of material for her despite everyone wanting to quote her lol

I always wanted to do bad things to her in the forest
Fucking hot. I hope you do one of Lusamine, too.
Cynthia is still among the best.
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Post Hikari!
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>the sheer act of a pokegirl having sex is already straying from canon
Unless they're a mom. But also who is too say what happens years later with these clearly 18 and older girls?
Or thinking about how the girls would look like as adults
Or a bimbo fetish.
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Thanks. I'm stealing "made the penis in my heart erect" by the way.

No, but I've seen at least two separate devs mention working on a Hilda/Rosa thing so there's hope. The X/Y swimmer is kind of bland and has no set personality or backstory, so don't get your hopes up for that. If any unnamed NPC trainer would get a game or something, it would definitely be the hex maniac.

You're welcome. Also post more Clair.

If I wrote something with Lusamine, she would be more likely to be an antagonist or a supporting character, either focusing on how she's fucking crazy or focusing on her shaky mental state.
>If I wrote something with Lusamine, she would be more likely to be an antagonist or a supporting character, either focusing on how she's fucking crazy or focusing on her shaky mental state.
I can fix her but unironically
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As you request! I like her quite a bit too, she's a bit of a brat despite her mature appearance which is what I think drew me to her. Though all the early gen girls are underrated outside of the anime fan favs so Im happy to rep any of them.
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I don't have a deluge so thats it for now
Clair is great and underappreciated. I love blue bitches. When I was just about finished with my Cynthia VN, I had a few different ideas for what the next one could be about. Some of those ideas were able to be combined and some were incompatible. A Clair thing was one of them, but it wasn't really compatible with any of the others so I ended up not pursuing it. It may get made in the future, but it won't be for a long while.

The idea was, (you) are an apprentice dragon trainer in some kind of dragon training camp, and the day comes when you and your classmates each gets assigned to a dragon master for like a year of apprenticeship. Unfortunately (you) end up getting picked last, which means you get assigned to Clair. The only reason Clair is at the training camp is punishment from the League for her unprofessional behavior. She doesn't really want to be there and (you) don't really want a semi-disgraced bitch as a master, but over time the two of you would bond. Maybe you'd fugg. The problem was I didn't really know how to make a "game" out of that. It might work better as a fic, and it might work better if (you) were replaced with a named OC. If someone else wants to steal this idea, you're welcome to use it. I'm probably not going to use it, at least not in that particular form.
soft Hex manic pussy.
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how come this artstyle looks EXACTLY like afrobull?
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Maybe you are on to something but I feel afrobull works in a little more details. You're right though they are very similar indeed.
It's probably AI.
Many people use a lora trained on afrobull stuff
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>139 images
>0 of Misty
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Let's change that
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Has this faggot actually released the full version of this yet? He's been posting and reposting and self-quoting his tweets with previews of this for what feels like the whole year at this point.
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unless someone leaks it, I doubt it will ever happen
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Please keep AI slop in the AI containment thread.
AI is real art and I'm tired of pretending it's not
It has as much right to be here as the slop pumped out by Twitroon artists
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>It has as much right to be here as
Let me stop you right there. It's not just reviled for its quality or its "soul" which I think are both silly arguments personally. It's reviled for its enormous quantity and its tendency to completely flood the room. Containment threads exist specifically to keep flood-ready thing from completely drowning out everything else. It's a matter of basic goddamn politeness.
Right, I hate how it took all the artwork sites, especially Xhentai, fuck it.
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Those recent leaks are really something huh
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Fuck yeah dude
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Congrats Skyla on being an official titty monster.
so... I didn't know Skyla was latina/hispanic.
The profiles also say that Elesa is into teddy bears, is mentally unstable and only 15 despite being the tallest woman in the entire series, as well as other weird shit in the other profiles that is never shown in the games, so it's not like we can take them at face value.
Yeah the leaks are really interesting. This week about to be crazy.
I think it's fair to say that these weren't the final drafts for the characters.
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Please don't post AI stuff outside the dedicated thread.
AI is real art
Get over it
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and it has a real thread for it to get posted in
Get over it
Prefer old Team Aqua
She like sucking Princess Rosalina?
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So if you were to make a thread about unicorns they are real too? AWESOME!

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