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What is Teaching Feeling (Dorei to no Seikatsu)? An eroge where you take in a young "broken bird" slave who was abused by her former master, and heal her heart and soul. Fall in love with the endearing Sylvie as she learns to feel again, trust others, and fall in love (and lust).

Previous Thread >>7734976

v4.0 is out, with some translation and modding work that is slow going. AI Anons are doing god's work, generating new Sylvies.

>Ray-Kbys (creator)

>Buy 4.0.x
>PayPal can be used; just buy enough points and exchange them for the game

>Changelog / FAQ for oldfags

>TransFix Anon's MEGA
>3.0.22 English TL / Modpack
>Linux Ports
>Tyrano Player for Android (try JoiPlay if you encounter problems)

>3.0.22 Mods List
>Check \Teaching Feeling 3.0.22\modpack info.txt in link above

>Updating TF / Installing TL & Mods

----- Older versions -----
>Download 3.0.0:
>Download 2.5.2:
>2.5.2 English TL / Mods
>Buy 1.9.2
>1.9.2 English TL + Mods

>Story about the "official" 1.7.9 English release (download link at the end):

>Butterfly Affection English (another Ray game)

>Archive of Ray / Sylvie stuff
What the fuck happened to >>8132409?
Some moronic mod was pruning threads and accidentally purged several boards
Was wondering why one of my thread got pruned when I check archiveofsins and see nothing was rule breaking. Probably wait awhile and see more threads get made before redoing mine. While Sylvie is a staple so I'll hang around here...
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It's confirmed.
Post some Lost media

I can only remember I scraped this image from X like a year and half ago, I should've asked the creator for the model instead
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Reposting this cause it's cute af
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Me, every single day (I stopped taking my meds)
Someone should repost those alignment chart things. The discussion about them was pretty good.
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heyo i'm the chart guy
Now this one is about maturity and mental age, weirdly enough Sylvie is not in this one. Where do you guys think she falls?
I would put her where "flood" is, yes doesn't acts so immature imo, and she is a bit sentimental
>Sylvie is not in that one
Ray you had one fucking Job.
I'd put her around Visca.
Sylvie is difficult due to her reserved persona, which appears to be quite logical. Only when she loses control (a.k.a. drunk on alcohol or pleasure) does she revert, but not so much into sentimental and much more into childish territory, which makes sense considering her trauma: she becomes playful, shares wine with the doctor, and openly begs for sex, which are all things she normally doesn't do and certainly wouldn't have done under her old master. The morning after she profusely apologizes for letting loose, assuming that it's still not OK for her to be selfish.
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I'd put her between Tibia and Gaz.
She scoots toward Sachi over the course of the game.
I wonder where the voodoo donut thing would be
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This is getting out of hand, now there is two of them!
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Three anon.
She is splitting by mitosis, now it's an actual problem.
Things have escalated since...
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It is getting a bit out of control now.
If you make love to "Prime" Sylvie... Do the others feel it too?
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She'll never have big breasts. That's just typical Japanese fanfiction.
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come say that to her face
And she should take pride in what she has.
I can see her bursting out in tears after this exchange. Even if I agree she shouldn't be ashamed about her flat chest. Her ass makes up for it.
There's no reason for her to cry. She only wants big breasts because she thinks that will make the doctor like her even more, but there are guys that like small breasts and that's that.
There's nothing wrong with her having small breasts, it's the delivery.
Imagine the doctor poking her chest with each word.
I have also thought about this. I've also jokingly pictured her putting two water-balloons under her dress; looking at her self in the mirror and playing with them to then only be caught by the doctor in embarrassment.
>Imagine the doctor poking her chest with each word.
Who ever said anything about poking her chest? The requirement was merely
>come say that to her face

>they're a lot less fun than the term "funbags" would imply, aren't they?
They are evolving
Could you post the other two again?
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She wishes.
Thanks, still scared of Aurelia.
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new chart
Anyone has the og gif where it switches versions? Or artist
I'm surprised Ray has this much thought put into every character, even if they just show up a few times. Maybe he would be a good author.
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for those curious, the blue sign says "No petting" and the red one says "解禁" which basically means the doctor is allowed to pat her again
thank you
Breast mod would improve it so much
Objectively wrong. It would completely and irrevocably ruin it.
Then you don't love Sylvie with all her (im)perfections. She even frets about her breast size instead of learning to love herself. You shallow monster.
all I wanna do is give her headpats
Shes a growing girl, she'll gain a decent pair eventually.
Just a mod, not original
You could skip it
Wouldn't matter, its contagious.
Dumb reason
Thank you Sylvie
The doctor took great care of her, she grew taller, kept her wide hips, maybe still on the smaller boob side, but seeing her like that is the true happy ending
Everything to deny you.
I want to rub her tummy until it's red. That will be my thanks.
Can I forego the glass of milk and tell her to get rid of the classes instead? Hate that crap.
Sylvie will single handedly eliminate the middle class, for you anon.
... alright, I'll admit it, I was dead tired when I wrote that post. I meant "glasses".
Maybe you need a pair.
Nah, I just needed sleep.
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can't wait for this outfit
I don't know why I need to fuck this girl in the butt so much
You're just gay. Sorry you had to find out this way.
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speaking of butts
I dunno man, there is something really charming for me about thinking of her begging and crying while I jackhammer her little hole. Some Freudian shit or something.
It could have been a 9/10. The style is nice tho.
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Agreed. I hope the new update Ray has mention is the whole outfit pack update.
Damn, has Sylvie always had such long legs, and I just didn't notice?
"C'mon Lemmings". It's a reference to the Hamster enemy from Valkyrie Profile. Most of its attacks are completely useless and serve only to waste turns, but every so often it will use Furry One/C'mon Lemmings and hit your entire party for about 12 hits. Huge damage per hit. And their models are so tiny it's almost impossible to hit them even with magic.
>never did the Seraphic Gate
That would explain why I've never even heard of that enemy.
We don't get to see them much, she is always kneeling on the floor or we just can't see them at their full length.
Is this game STILL getting updates?
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damn she does
yes, we getting one around december of this year or january of next year
Damn, look at her legs... They must reach all the way to the floor.
Unfortunately all the translators got killed by Donut Tunnel boys.
>Donut Tunnel boys
Alright, I'll bite.
as someone that playes this years ago in version 2.52, what's new since?
Some scenes has been reworked, and now clothes may have 16,777,216 different colors.
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how was your day Master?
Was going good before somebody used heartless slop to fuck up your legs, but at least your horrifying fingers are hidden.
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>took my meds today
>Sylvie isn't real
>How could you have a bad day if your are greeted by those eyes when you walk in.
Part of me is amazed at how much this girl makes my heart warm and how much I want to protect her.
The other half really wants to see her socks covered in my cum.
You should be covering her cute face in your cum, not her socks.
Breast expansion should have been in the game.
Get out
I'm not even a feet guy but a footjob from her... can't say no to that when she has nice socks.
Also, as cute as she looks with her face covered in cum, that can't be good for her eyes. Her skin? Maybe.
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Sylvie in counter strike???
if anyone wants to see the autism: https://mega.nz/file/tQ8iwCKQ#DGQ1pHIYmbYy9rPCzmBu_JKDtNabrdxAfeqgllrfe7M
I had no idea this game even had mods and was still alive, haven't played it since v 2.1.1... What have I missed?
>porn game
>meet girl
>raping her is an immediate bad end
Why do you guys like this shit
Game wasn't made for incels, Anon.
Love it.
You got it wrong anon.

It's about making a girl solely depend on you as you slowly make her lust after you, and only you, to the point she will rape you if you don't fuck her long enough.
Because it's a porn game, not a raping simulator. May want to use more braincells next time (if you even have more)
Either way you are abusing a loli smart cunt
She certainly doesn't feel that way.
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This thread is awfully touchy about tits and rape, isn't it? The rape part I can totally understand, but it's undeniable Sylvie would be less self-conscious if she had bigger breasts.
Not saying that she needs them, we all know she won't get them. Even as an adult nurse she has small ones. If your Sylvie brings up the topic, you should try and comfort her and talk her into self love instead of shooting down the conversation and shaming her for her insecurities.
You clearly haven't played the game.
No one's shutting her down. We're shutting down those who can't stop talking about big breasts.
If I play my cards right I'll Sylviemaxx next week. Wish me luck.
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Careful anon. Last time I Sylviemaxxed I ended up writing a 5,000 word essay about all the ways I want to fuck her.
>Sylvie at the beach
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i hope they don't take this one down
Thanks for the tummy. Saved.
ok...hear me out.....


*distant sound of crowd howling in anger*
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I mean she has them. Small ones. Would have been accurate if you said "big breasts"
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reminds me of gmod server i a part of good times
This pixel style is cute too.
You can smell the Cheetoh dust from here.
wait, so I've been gone for a few years, what's the difference between 2.5.2 and 3.0.0
is there a changelog?
or a shitty spoonfeed copypasta?
Read the OP, there's a pastebin link.
>McLoliPussy and cunny soda
3.0.22 from 2.5.2
>Fixed artifacts around main room mouth sprites
>More granular lust settings
>Tons of palettes additions for outfits and accessories
>Rework of herbal concoctions

>Removed/replaced most unique to outfit palettes for uniformity
>Cumshot tracking in standard Hscene now has extra jank
>Revamped the say/help menu to be worse
>Saved outfit slots reduced slightly

2to3 has bothered me the least out of the version jumps.
I think Sylvie's pussy must taste like Greek yogurt.
No one cares what eating yogurt without any silverware made you think about.
So lucky to live in a time get to see her
Wonder why she's so scared. It's not like she's closed off about how much she depends on the doctor.
That seems more like embarrassment than fear to me.
Everyone have things they are embarassed about and want to keep it a secret. It's like a small secret box only they know. And sometimes you have to burn them so others don't find out. No matter how attached you are to it.
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Fear: wide eyes open, starring at the perceived danger.
Embarrassment: looking away or hiding face.

It's fear.
You've never seen someone freeze up deer-in-the-headlights style from sheer embarrassment before? I've seen it IRL.
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Embarrassment doesn't freeze you. Fear does. They may have felt shame as well, but fear is more potent.
"Here comes the pain, bitch"
I want to watch Sylvie's eyes roll back in her head, tongue hanging out with spittle running down her chin, as her poor little pussy stretches around my dick.

And then coddle her and dote on her with aftercare. I must be some sort of pervert.
The pussy would argue it's poor and little until it stretches around a dick.
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Uh oh... AIslop doesn't look as sloppy as before now, huh???? Does this looks like slop to you now???????
I wasn't aware that Sylvie could look like a predator, so yes, it's still slop.
>look like a predator
excuse me what
>squinted eyes
>red face
>sarcastic smile
>titled head
>all as if she just located some sexual prey
>has never heard of a mesugaki
>implying mesugakis aren't predaceous
give me a trained model of ray art and i will never call it sloppa again
Even Ray can't replicate his style anymore.
I for one wouldn't mind being raped by her.
>inb4 that's not rape
First four to five rounds will be consensual, the moment she thinks I won't be able to get hard again and ties a knot on the base of my cock to keep the blood from escaping and fucks me until she is either satisfied or a blood clot gets to my brain and kills me is when the rape begins. Which is nice.
That's cause Ray went full schizo retard and started fetishizing cyclopses and eldritch horrors that probably "ate" that away from his being.
Ray's been drawing those for longer than you've been allowed to post here, retard-kun.
Most of them have been around since long before Sylvie.
>earlobes don't exist
>inexplicable hyper-armpits
>hair doesn't cast shadow onto face
>melty, asymmetrical eyelashes
>background makes no sense (what, is she standing atop a cliff in front of a lake in a clearing?)
>hair melts into background
>shitty, static pose with no visual interest, screams "solo, 1girl"
>flowers on shirt are melting

Anon literally just open up ms paint. I'd prefer anything you draw to this mass-produced sloppa.
Nice editing, can you drop the box for OG gen tho? Haven't neuroslopped in a while, time to give trusty 4090 a spin...
Is this supposed to be on a train? Cute.
kill yourself underaged reddit retard. Ray only got famous because of pirates like you.
I didn't pirate the game, though? I've been buying his shit since he made that idolmaster collection. Hell, I've got his piercing and skullgirls painwheel animations, still, from when he had a HentaiFoundry account. Save your vitrol for a valid target.
I want to grow strawberries on the garden, close to the edge of the forest. I'll pick only the best ones and feed them to her one by one while I pet her head.
She would look cute with curly hair and a sundress.
You can do sundress. She looks damn good in it, too.
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Hello anons, can we fuck the hag yet or not?
No, and now fuck off forever.
I don't think we ever will, not in this game at least. Being a story about healing a broken girl, cucking her would probably make her kill herself.
Chill man.
>cucking her would probably make her kill herself
That *almost* sounds like you think it's a bad thing.
Weirdly it is the suspended train in Germany, the Wuppertal. I just thought it was neat.

Modded Chinese version you can, but it isn't particularly good.
Sylvie = Silver Hair
Aurelia = Golden hair
I'm seeing a naming convention
Ferrum => Iron.
No way
This guy gets it. She needs to be pressed down against the mattress and fucked like a toy. Then cuddled and made sure she knows she is loved.
Imagine pushing in and hitting the cervix, but not being all the way in, and pushing those extra couple inches and feeling her vaginal walls ooze all over your tip
Has the game been updated yet?
Pushing past her cervix and fucking it like a second pussy inside of her must feel amazing.
>Weirdly it is the suspended train in Germany, the Wuppertal. I just thought it was neat.
I reject the idea that Teaching Feeling is taking place in Germany
The architecture and clothing style certainly fits Central Europe in the early 20th century.
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>She didnt save you the red one.
I've thought a lot about what my life would be like if I was the doctor and had someone like her under my care. And I have absolutely no idea how I would react if I ever caught her eating color pencils.
I know how I'd react:
>you could've told me I wasn't feeding you enough
>you will never care for and be a father and lover to an adorable girl whose horrible upbringing has left her more than a little developmentally stunted
>you will never catch her eating crayons and gently caress her hair, explaining that it's alright, and she'll get through this in time
>tfw you ask her what's in her mouth and she starts chewing quicker
Reminds me of https://s3.amazonaws.com/theoatmeal-img/comics/dog_paradox/4.png
Sylvie is more like a cat than a dog, always wanting headpats and so on
>explaining that it's alright, and she'll get through this in time
If by "this" you mean her 24 color crayon box, yeah, she will eventually go through all of them.
first contact is very reserved and scared, then it starts to know the place, then when you least expect its on top of you marking her territory
she really is a cat
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>marking her territory
Can't confirm that, I only have experience with them crawling into my face in the middle of the night.
Is there an EN TL for Aliss Gallery TF manga?

Your glans would probably get stuck in there so each thrust would have extra resistance, I wonder if her moans would change of you pushing that much deeper in
Is there a way to view the gallery without having a facecuck account?
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>DL 3.0
>follow instructions for TL patch
>still in moonrunes
Is there like a settings where I have to manually toggle english or something? I redid this 3 times
Did it a fifth time and it worked for some reason. Bizarre.
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Spanish lol
Damn, that's hot. I can imagine an audible "pop" when pulling out after leaving a few loads that deep in her. I'm sure penetration that deep must be painful for her to some degree, but it's Sylvie we talking about, she can probably endure it just because she knows it's feels good for you.
That and she gets off on your moans and breathing, her moist walls giving your dick the "inside hugs" as you shudder probably rush her to climax too
Heck no. She has gone through enough pain.
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I agree, don't miss understand. But I think she might take some psychological pleasure in being slightly in pain in an environment she has some control or say in. Since she trusts you and probably thinks you'd stop if she asked you to.
In both instances she trusts the doctor; in both instances she "probably thinks" he'd stop if she asked him to. The only difference between the two scenarios is that she'd have a real reason to tell him to stop because both parties know that she's a complete sex fiend who's actively asking for it, and Sylvie is mature enough to not egg him on and then close her legs shut for petty psychological games.

And good for her, because I drop women who're childish enough to engage in these games like hot potatoes. If it's elementary school level games you wanna play there's no shortage of elementary schoolers - y'know, for that extra bit of psychological power you can hold over them. Me, I like cats, not dogs.
I don't get how fucking Sylvie so deep it hurts relates to women playing childish games. I mean sure, she is eager to be used by the doctor, but her desire for the act itself doesn't mean she carves for the pain that might come from having her pussy stretched beyond what's pleasurable.
Did you mean she DOESN'T have a reason to ask the doctor to stop despite the discomfort a rougher pounding than expected because she might have been really eager to have sex?
Read this sentence again:
>she might take some psychological pleasure in being slightly in pain in an environment she has some control or say in
The thing is, she has always some control or say in, with or without pain. She could tell the doctor to stop with or without any reason, and he'd obey, so there's no reason to further inconvenience her.
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Ah, I see what you mean. But, I wasn't saying all sex should be painful for her to get psychological gratification from it. She needs to feel loved and cared, that goes without saying, in and out of the bedroom.
Sylvie, as a trauma survivor, might get catharsis from being in a controlled situation where she is being subject of a moderate amount of pain. The fact that its the same amount of control she has during a normal love making session it's what might get her a feeling of power over her body. Something she lost after being hurt for real, where no matter how much she begged the pain would not stop. In contrast to the doctor fucking her rougher than ussual, where a single "stop" would make the pain go away and be followed by comforting words and aftercare.
I keep saying "might" and "maybe" because there's no way to know if she could be into that scenario, I'm making a guess on my interpretation of her. Believe it or not, I love this girl very much.
No English translation as far as I know, but you can read it in better resolution through her media fire.
Is picrel supposed to convey that she thinks of herself as a crybaby?
It looks like she's eating a pad.
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It's a gemstone
Found it, she is afraid of eating sandwiches, which is just as dumb as eating a pad.
I don't know if i should admire or loathe someone publicly posting their drawings with those skills
I think his traditional drawings are nice. Some are pretty good even (like that one). Just goes to prove that neither AI or actual drawings can satisfy everyone.

Excellent argument. Approved!
>Action lines
>Visible ribs
>Nipples sticking out
This might be my favorite you've done.
Interessting take on the doctor being depressed and suicidal, but I always imagined him to be a gigachad.
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None of you remembered her birthday. Now you will face the consequences as soon as you fall asleep.
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I remembered, just didn't get around to posting something.
didn't want to post AI slop and I didn't get the hair part for my figure.
i forgot to post here and i knew i was forgetting something lol
also it made me remember when ray used to stream for some reason
I did.
I was just busy generating and fixing by hand this pic for today

Happy 9th anniversary, my dear Perfect Goddess!!!
I upgraded from 2.5.2 to 3.0.22 and can't seem to load my save. I noticed that the save is now spelled TeachingFeeling instead of the typo it's been forever of TeechingFeeling. I renamed it and it sees my save however when I click on my save nothing happens.
It's been a while since I played, I've done the usual days of head pats and pancakes and she died. I'm surprised as it used to be just love via headpats is what saved her. Guess that's a good thing.
Told her she's cute?
Yes I did all those too, the basic select the top option on all choices and keep patting her head and don't molest her. Turns out you now have to talk to her a little bit now too.
Aliss Gallery manga in EN ep 1
any mods for 4.0? new to all this
Oh, no. A cute little girl with a ridiculous amount of libido is going to have her way with me - what ever shall I do?
Nice, formating could use some work, but it's already way better than taking a screenshot and making google translate it.
For me, Sylvie's birthday is May 12th.
That's when Ray started working on her.
I can't believe this is how I found out her actual birthday. Now I can stop celebrating her "adoption" day like she was a pet. Thank you.
It makes sense though. How would Sylvie have ever known or even cared about her own birthday before meeting the doctor? And when she finally does she naturally has no idea what her own birthday is, so going with the "adoption day" makes sense, because that's all she has. You might as well ask her what her surname is.
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that is how I thought of it as well. We only have the little bit of information of her past so I always treated the day the game came out / adoption day as a way to celebrate.
But that is neat, I never knew that.
Was it really? Man, all these years really does fuzz with my memories.
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Do you eat the cake afterwards or do you keep there as offering?
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sadly not my picture, I wish I had all those acrylic stands. There are a lot of things I want to have.
As for the cake I would 100% leave it as an offering if I could.
Indeed, money is hard to come by and when it comes it goes so fast. But the feeling of buying something you truly want is great.
Though i really want to start doing my own things too.
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love how the fumo Sylvie is patting mini Sylvie
Leaving the cake there to rot for a whole day like a day of the dead altar offering is one of the best ideas I've had the luck to read in this thread. I'd totally do it too.
When taking her on a date at the market, the guy keeps coming up saying he has new products, I have the plum wine and book already. If I go by myself like how one did to get those two items however it's not presented as an option. Do I need to leave later in the day or early morning? Don't breed Silvie in the doorway before leaving?
>what her surname is
Ferrum, obviously.
Since when does iron beget silver?
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Her hips drive me insane, how is she so perfect? Look at her.
She's really begging for it at this point, isn't she.
It's just a pretext for him to approach you during the event and doesn't have to do with anything else.
You should remember that the Date is mod content.
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How would Sylvie react if the doctor called her beautiful?
She might not believe it at first but with enough repeating she'll begin to believe, yes you do think she is beautiful.
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You could just ask her you know.
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Alternatively, how would she react if the doctor called her a hoe?
"Am I ... your hoe?"
I'm now seeing Sylvie somehow excited by this and while doing shopping in the town announcing how happy she is to be Master's only hoe.
What a cutie
Why wouldn't she be excited about her desires being accepted?
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Cute indeed
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I don't think calling her a hoe is a proper form of validation. She either doesn't get it (like in >>8308545) or the bar is just that low.
It's the best she can hope for.
big thighs for a small girl
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I love my flat yet fat bottomed wife.
i want to licke her burnt moles
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She is absolute perfection, peak body type.
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yoo we share almost the same Sylvie
She do got a butt
Have there been any updates on mods for the new version?
I want to fuck her doggy with my thumb up her butthole while I kiss her neck and whisper compliments into her ear.
Then I want to feed her a slice of apple pie.
My adopted daughter-wife can't be this cute and sexual

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