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MTL - https://sugoivisualnovel.up.railway.app/vns/22448

No translation beside MTL yet
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Also please tell and explain. Which one you like most?
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or Aiko?
Also first kissing scene https://files.catbox.moe/sfumdf.mp4
Previous thread before nuke hit https://archived.moe/h/thread/7830276/
That's for different thread, Anon
ya know the title cover is such a good picture, two Mom's, with both their Sons standing over them, clearly in complete slut getups, and the sexual tension can almost be felt.
you can tell at a glance that these women are about to be made into cumming whores, and they clearly can't wait.

which is fitting, as much as the two Son's push the women, they are complete pent up horny bitches.
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Ryouko no fucking contest
>her voice
>torpedo tits
>ex-gyaru looking bitch.
IDK how her son didn't fucking rape her as soon as he could nut. motherfucker's are both very lucky.
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Moms are for mating press!~
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Professional dicksuckers
Under-eye beauty marks are waay sexier than next to lip ones.
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Link to dlsite if you guys wanna buy this
And one of the devs https://x.com/okomeman
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Aiko for me, she looks so beautiful yet has such a 10/10 sexy body. She's sweet and soothing but when her horny switch is on goes full seductive mode. It makes her H scenes turn me on even more
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I like Ryoko more, she has that tomboy spunk energy about her which is even hotter since she's so much older now. Also just think her tanned skin, hair style, and beauty mark make her really hot. Also god damn her VA is god tier.
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Hell yeah, she's the best MILF
this is the best scene, she completely falls into a slut in this exact scene, being roughly handled by a kid she helped raise and turned into his bitch completely made her fall into a horny cock pig.
anytime there was a scene with her asking to get pregnant it got me fucking diamonds. I wish there were more scenes of her begging to get pregnant from her son like there were with Aiko. This entire VN was great, idk anything quite like it
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My favorite part of this was that her son was watching and this is when he realized he could not hold back anymore and decides to fuck the shit out of his own hot ass mom.
I think she asks her son mako for it on this one.This is my favorite scene ever.
Please do some of the sex scenes. It'd be cool if you did them with the patch on.
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>impregnating your mom with your younger brother
yea the hottest part of this VN is that the Mom's know what they are doing, they aren't coerced or tricked, they are just horny sluts, and they give in so they can finally be fucked like the bitches in heat they are, some of the best VN's are when women just completely give in to their inner slut and demand to be turned into cumdumps, by this scene here, they were completely under the thrall of both sons, each, all their motherly nature towards their kids was completely worn away and replaced with essentially a very soft form of sex slavery.
I think this is the scene where this mother fully fell, he tells her alot of very affirming statements on her nature as his women and she just demurely goes along.
ohhh how did you get the english translation to work? When I tried adding the patch in, it would always say there wasn't enough space. Maybe the game download I got made it so I can't really add anything else to it?
Regardless though, yeah this scene was really hot, I just wish that when you see them pregnant it was more clear if they were impregnated by their sons or not, they kinda left it vague as to who was the father.
yeah it's really hot, i just pasted the thing on the game folder and it worked.
as for the vagueness, they fucked each other all that night. hiro fucked Ryouko and then his mom and Ryokou right after, and mako fucked aiko and then his mom then aiko again. So they fucked all over probably even after that. So i can see how they would not be able to tell first glance. maybe with a dna test.
yeah, I just think it would've been hotter if you knew for sure it was from their own sons. Also maybe the download of the game I found is the problem, did you buy this game or find it elsewhere?
I think I got it off H-suki years ago. Careful tho cause the patch will override all your saves. It's something I just found out.
thanks for telling me where you got it. Whatever place I downloaded it from wouldn't allow me to place the patch in the folder but this download did, very nice. It was a pain having to translate the stuff before without it, though I guess it was good Japanese practice.
I just used textractor before. It had some problems with the mom's dialogues and seems this patch does as well, but it's certainly an improvement.
Whywhyman's Koikatsu cards of this characters. If anyone needs it https://files.catbox.moe/e6pfge.7z
I think I saw that model on pixiv once but the pictures disspeared somehow. Hope someone here knows how to use that and make something.
Whywhyman released all his cards and then left pixiv
>Hope someone here knows how to use that and make something.
Here https://files.catbox.moe/xmg7mq.mp4
I love you.
oh man, that's really fucking good. i'm a huge fan of the grab their head and piston fucking hard. Thanks a lot for this anon. Hope there's more in the future. Specially some mating press.
Do you know if they ever made one of Aiko? It'd be great to see a foursome.
wish there was an official translation of this
specially because it'd be uncensored.
is there more?
Nah. I did very fast render with Koikatsu. Maybe later i do it again
I think it's because when you put the patch in the folder, it acts like an entirely different game. So if you take it out, you'll have your save data from the JP one back.
Yeah. When you put patch game uses different save file. If you remove it, it goes back to old save file location
nice, thanks man. I ccompletely forgot that model existed. It'd be grea to have more.
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any way to skip to the end? Like if I have a new save but don't wanna have to click to get all the way to the end.
Skipping , beside using save files with choice points.
press space? or enter? ow whatever key progresses the thing? just keep the button pressed and the thing will fly past really fast.
This shit needs a sequel.
Tell this to Devs https://x.com/okomeman . But Orcsoft haven't made sequel to their titles
I have, multiple times. I also asked them for the official English version. But they're not really responsible for that.
Post the other one where she apologizes for being a slut and getting impregnated again.
that belly and those armpits! damn.
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I wanna fuck this slutty gyaru milf and knock her up.
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I want her to eat my pubes!
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What a perfect masochistic brown gyaru MILF bitch whore. All here scenes make me hard as diamonds and cum buckets.
Why you have Orcsoft name near corner?
I know it's studio / dev's name. Just dont remember it being embedded like that
don't know, that's how the screenshots come out.
What did you use to screenshot them?
the screenshot function in the game?
Oh. I forgot that existed. It explains it then
What's this machine translation patch? We had this shit 10 years ago. Can't they use AI to make a better translation?
AI is not much better.
yes it absolutely is, you can give it context and it will do a far better job at translation. the machine translation fucks up names and shit
AI fucks up shit as well, but if you really want the thing done. You should probably get on it yourself. I rather we got an actual fucking translation from an actual human being that knows what the fuck they're doing. but I ain't got cash and I don't know shit about moon, so I take what I can get.
Are those clitoris piercings?
I think they're clamps? same as the nips? If you look close at the nipples ones they're not really piercings. I assume it's the same down there, but it's harder to get a clear pictures cause the heart covers it up.
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other one
But like I said, it's hard to see, because the heart covers everything behind it. I honestly don't think they're piercings.
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this scene is great, its made very clear that both moms wanted this obscene, degenerate lifestyle and they admit it finally here.
They admit it in both routes kinda
I like it for the complete authority role reversal, on top of everything else.

these were their moms, their sole authority figures, and they worked for them at the shop.

now they are nothing but cock craving sluts, completely submitting to their dominate male masters, all authority flipped as they admit the truth, that they are owned, property.
Indeed. But i like when they become lovers. Also pregnant scene only in that route, which helps. This eroge has good slice of all. Out of all orcsoft stuff, this eroge deserves some sort of sequel . Atleast something after release
>Atleast something after release
VR jav doesnt count. And we still hadn't got proper English translation. Fucking hell
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I even like the "bad" ending when they flip the roles again and make their son's into their live dildos.
Indeed it has a slice of everything.
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And pretty much yeah every route has them become degenerate whores just craving cock. But the best one is when they admit that their own son's cock is number one and they get impregnated.
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Yeah. Also that route has a lot more romance ish moments. While other routes they act more like sluts. In this route, they more of a lovers . Truly great eroge
Is this one of the sons or some rando?
her best friend's son. Best friend of the MC. Kind like a nephew since they both grew up together both of them re single mothers. The sons made a deal to fuck each other's moms but end up wanting to fuck their own moms in the end.
What bgm it uses during sex scenes? It feels like remix of other track.
maybe you can find it in the website, I remember downloading some sound files from it a while ago. can't remember if it had the music on it tho, but it had some voice lines and sex voicelines.
BGM10 already somewhere inside game files. But when trying to find what exact track they used. It linked to certain track. But sounded like this BGM remixed version of that
idk what you're trying to say
Forget it
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i love her
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I love their fucking fat bellies man.
Man of culture
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Their arms and bellies just make me feel a kind of way. It's screams thick ass MILF no wonder their own sons went down so hard on them.
fat bellies and thick hips makes it more real for me, perfect milf bodies
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She is amazing
>tfw you will never have lewd baby-making sex with her
>I'll let you fuck my mother if you let me fuck yours
Damn, that's a great concept for a game.
Goddamn, these guys know their audience.
Oh, looking nice
tfw she is not your mom and you will never get to fill her pussy with your cum.
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the TL is shit but when I was using textractor these scene spoke about how if they had male children the four of them would rail their moms together,
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and they seemed pretty damn into it. Maan this shit needs a sequel. A DP orgy with your son fucking both your moms, shit was fire. gives me some ideas.
I think this is a very interesting question. Would a sequel be about a new pair of friends or their mothers or a continuatiion of the story from the first one? I feel like a continuation of the story from the first game should be more like an add-on and doesn't really warrant a sequel, but I don't know.
Definitely I can see the point of it not warranting a full sequel. But it does make for an interesting scene.
As for a full on sequel I guess it would need to be a new pair of moms.
It'd make for a great visual to see them getting Dp'd by their son and "grandson" though.
different pair, go wilder, have one turn the others mother into a complete sex slave, have the mom's in the BDSM route strapon fuck them, I dunno, get wild with it.
Sure, but the question is, does this scene warrant it being a sequel or just an add-on showing their life after the game?

I personally think that having a full-on incest route would be interesting, but then again the whole thing with this game was the swapping at the beginning then the realization that their own mothers were the best.
yes? you realize they would have to make a remaster or a direct sequel to add any of that. so the question's obvious. I really don't care what the fuck they do I just want more is what i'm saying.
Yeah the build up to the explosive incest end was the best in my opinion.
>you realize they would have to make a remaster or a direct sequel to add any of that
Not really, other games have simply made an add-on or spin-off game that includes more of the story/alternate scenarios. So no need for a remake or sequel when it's not needed. I agree however that there should be more.
Orcsoft is in the habit of making remakes or remasters and adding shit to old titles, specially of late. I'd not like them to do that specially if it meant changing the art style. I rather they work with Oltlo again to either, make a fucking sequel, or another game in the series.
Has Orcsoft ever done that? add scenes YEARS after a novel's release?
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Anon, why you bumping few thread with same line? Because they tick down so fast or ?
look at the rest of the board
they're probably retarded.

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