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==For years, these were though to be lost media.==
A little story:
>In the uncensored version of the anime, all the sexual scenes involving the little ninja guy, Nin-nin, were deleted for some retarded reason, (apparently back then censors thought that any short character could be considered underage) and people thought for years that these scene were lost forever.
>Alongside these, there's also a bonus scene that wasn't even present in the original Japanese version, where Miko Mido gets teleported to a classroom where a bunch of punks molest her, right before teleported to the S&M club for the dominatrix scene.
It would be cool if someone with the right skills could put these forgotten scenes back in and make an uncut version of the hentai anime.
Unfortunately, the classroom scene is lower in resolution, only 320x240, so if someone has the right AI upscale software, it would be better to first upscale this one to 640x480 to match the rest of the anime before putting it back in.
Also, all these scenes, since they never left Japan, are sadly still censored, i have no idea if a drawfag with the right skills could also edit the censored frames so that the final release could be uncut AND uncensored.

There you go:
Why was the last thread deleted?
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Mods fault, several boards were affected.
I was disappointed by the lack of scenes with monsters or even the lil ninja guy, and with how the series got progressively worse
how were the scenes found?
Link of the HQ Japanese LaserDisc version.
Uncut but censored:
Agreed. The promotional artwork for most of these old H-OVAs is extremely misleading.
Miko is such a sweetheart. Not only has looks, but also such a adorable and sweet personality.
post screens.
you think i should trust a random 7z ?
>boomer shota
now this is kino
How were you able to find this? Btw, does anyone know the sauce to this webm desu?
saucenao, dumbass
>post screens.
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>Internet Archive lost the suit
Save the La Blue Girl rip while you can
Anyone can explain the matter?
Has anyone read the manga? Is it worth reading after watching the OVA?
somebody should create a torrent on bakabt, I'm lazy.
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This is how my wife collects us new females but she spends more time with them than I do.
I want to be her Apprentice as a sex Ninja.
I like that.
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>bumps the thread multiple times but then leaves the thread at page 10
not even posting a pic too

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