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Corruption of The Hero Edition

Not the normal OP, but I figured I would get us started after T H E P U R G E

No old thread to link here, I guess.

Related Stories:

Old OGG:
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There's no form of defeat more humiliating than Lady Knights being spared from an honourable death in battle, forced to watch their armour being ripped away plate by plate, unable to prevent their most terrible foes preparing to turn them into little more than the spoils of war.
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God, I need a doujin of this bitch getting gobbed in detail like you wouldn't believe.
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How the do you not have https://www.scribblehub.com/series/660067/goblin-cave/ ?
Oh, I thought this one was gone when it got deleted off of Hentaifoundry. Thanks for posting this!
Anyone that have good quality Goblin Slayer stuff? With Archer or Priestess. Sadly most public ones are very low res. Would be thrilled to get my hands on the rare goodies if someone willing.
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I mean, what are you looking for, exactly?
"Goblin Slayer" stuff with the characters Priestess, Fighter and High Elf Archer x goblins. Not blurred censored stuff or images that are low res like 640x920. 2k+ resolution. I know, it's picky and rare to find but i'm sure that someone has got a hold on something and if willing... Pregnancy, rape, willing, doesn't matter as long as it includes some of the three characters i meantioned. Thanks for the reply.
nah, the author came back a few months later, and it got reuploaded.

Though now they've vanished off the face of the earth again, and don't seem to be coming back any time soon. Their Red Sonja story is top-notch though, definitely thread material.

I love that story! I never realized they were written by the same author.
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Not sure where your bar for quality is, but I'll look through my PC and share some of my favorites. This will probably be a bit sporadic, so bear with me.
Okay, so not goblins, BUT...it's one of my favorite images of Fighter, and she was gobbed before this, so...
A larger version of this gif exists, but for 4chan, it's what I got.
Big Erufu guy, by the way.
Realizing I don't have as much of Fighter as I thought. Aside from Elf, I mostly like Sword Maiden, Cow Girl and Spear Girl (who is my beloved, and also literally only popular here.)
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I'll end this mini dump with a two for one.
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So... what's the deal with those P U R G E S?
Also, does anybody know a good Pixiv downloader tool? Toolkit Plus decided to kill it's app and start to rob data from its users
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>So... what's the deal with those P U R G E S?
Apparently, it was just a mod fuck up. Multiple boards had all of their threads wiped. Fucking weird. Also, I don't know any good sites to download pixiv stuff, sadly.
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Ah, basic yet good game.
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Someone did art of the hottest brown anime woman getting gobbed. Today is a good day.
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Apologies for the previous image, I was trying to post this lol
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Can't be helped, I hope that the page that is literally called ugoira does the cut to download the gifs of Pixiv
I don't know who Sonico is but she reminds me of Miku, lol.
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henrybird's new comics.
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Henrybird is crazy good.
Kind of weird when I see my favorite Fate/BA vanilla guy crossover into hardcore monster stuff. Along with the weird demon priest book it looks like he's aiming around 50/50.
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what is a kind of goblin stories are you guys are really looking for but haven't found yet? What kinks, fetishes, or scenarios are you craving?
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More stories of like, townsfolk or innocent wanderers getting captured, humiliated and bred.

It was a one off image, but also there was a short comic of Juno from Beastars x gobbos that I wish could be expanded upon.
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can't believe no one has posted Sanrokumaru's new CG set, Mamono no Nie 3. It's an absolutely amazing orcs and gobins story that will hopefully get translated eventually, here's some of the highlights:
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For orcs but my favorite scenario is large scale. Mass conquest, city sacking, and mass rape.
Pot of Greed is too OP
Honestly.. I found it kind of disappointing. I liked the second one much much better. Maybe its better in english.
Do any Japanese/weeb artists at all do the sexy female shortstack gobbo thing, or is that exclusively a western thing?
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Goblin Burrows dev making another iteration of their game series. This time the girls are also female versions of Sengoku period generals and officers. The girl in the screenshot is Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
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Looks like there's new goblin/monster types too, with updated "breeding" art. in the burrow main screen.
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I think that the sexy shortstack gobbo is the minority or even the exception for the Japanese artists. Only way to see one usually takes a commission from a Western client
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I'm still surprised absolutely nothing came from this goblin-bait Tawawa page besides a single MMD animation. Figured plenty of artists would have jumped on this.
Tawawa in general doesnt get as much porn as one would expect
Seems like it's already out.
One more on her crotch and is just literal fuckmeat. But this is what we are here for!
Spear girl probably had a lot of experience having every hole full of goblin cock at once.
>t. goblin guarding her who got to fill her sweet pussy
Can we all just take a moment to think about how stupid and illogical the goblins from the Goblin Slayer world are?

Like... Besides wasting this perfect piece of breeding meat after rendering her completely and totally defenseless by breaking her staff, her only means of attack, they stabbed and killed her for no reason instead of keeping her for breeding more of their numbers and just generally having fun with her.

This is a thing that happens CONSTANTLY throughout the managa btw. This isn't a one time thing.

And it's inconsistent too. Cuz they waste perfect girls regardless of whether they are a small unintelligent nest with little to no higher caste or a big nest with a Goblin Lord or paladin.

If they encounter a party of 2 or more females, even if it's an all female party, they'll literally only keep 1 if she's lucky alive while brutally murdering the others for absolutely no reason instead of disarming and keeping them for breeding and sexual entertainment.

I'm chalking this up to just bad author writing and writing violence for the sake of shock value without any logic behind it cuz the behavior of the goblins in GS makes no God damn sense.
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You have to remember that goblins aren't always the smartest creatures. They like being violent for violence sake. They could keep a girl to get her pregnant and have a toy to amuse themselves with, or they could kill them for sport. It's worse if they particularly piss off the goblins.
That doesn't really make sense though because multiple times the goblins are stated to NOT be completely stupid even by GS expert himself and to know about priorities when building a nest. Killing off females especially ones that no longer poses a threat, without even using them to birth more of their numbers is not only brain dead levels of stupid (which the goblins are constantly said NOT to be) but also very wasteful in terms of entertainment. For instance, even the goblins selfishly only think of their own pleasure and not about growing their numbers in strength, it would’ve make sense to quickly waste a new toy so fast before even using her.
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Unless led by a smarter goblin monster, goblins tend to care more about what's fun. If killing and torturing is what's more fun, they do it.
*goblin OR monster
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This does bring up an interesting topic of discussion over which female characters in GS would be more likely to get used for sexual pleasure and breeding more goblins if captured and which female characters are more likely to get wasted, killed, or just tortured for fun with little to no sexual involvement from the goblins part. Anyone want to give their assumptions based on the known behavior of the goblins in the series so far?
Seems like magic users get taken out first. You want stronger girls who can take punishment for a long time. There was mention of some village girl who was captured in the first volume who lasted less than a week. Fighters and warriors would be the go-to for breeding and fun.
So out of...
-Cow Girl
-High Elf
-Female Paladin
-Guild Girl
-Guild Inspector
Which ones are more likely to be used for sex and breeding and which will be getting killed prematurely or wasted without getting raped?
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>Killed/tortured for fun:
Maybe Priestess
Elf because she's small and probably wouldn't last, the others have spells that make them too dangerous to keep for long.
>kept for breeding/rape
Guild Girl
Guild Inspector
Cow Girl
Cow Girl is BUILT for this. The others are healthy and young enough to be used.
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The High Elf ironically would be a prime breeding material according to Goblin Slayer and every evidence from the anime, manga and novels. Elves especially high ones are basically a delicacy for sex in Goblin eyes, their sent is so strong to goblin noses that they can smell them from miles away, and almost if not all elves we've seen captured by goblins were spared and used up to breed more for long periods of time. The captured elf slave in the ogre ruins, the elf companion of the Noble Fencer, they tried immediately raping High Elf in Water Town instead of going for the kill as they tore off her clothes, and recently it was revealed Blue Haired Elf Swordswoman attracts goblins with her scent. So yea, elves seem to get a free pass for breeding purposes. There's also the fact elves have fuck tons of vitality and last long which makes them good for weeks of breeding and violent play due them being able to take the abuse.
take the werewolf knot girls
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Now, if High Elf was a spell caster, she'd be way more in danger of getting instant killed or just tortured and killed without much if any rape because Goblins in GS for some reason just despise sorcerers, wizards and just about any spell caster class even if they happen to have the most breedable fertile body possible, as we saw with Wizard and this Elf Wizard who was part of the Doomed Female Party in ep 2 who got burned alive on a stake while goblins danced around her, probably didn't even use her despise being the oldest and most fertile and big titted member from her party. It seems not even her being an Elf is enough to spare her from the goblins' spell caster hatred.
mamono no nie 2 ~ishu no ko o haranda boukensha-tachi~
Priestess yea I'm pretty sure she's getting a brutal fate with little to no sex involved since she's s spellcaster. She's likely getting wasted and used for violent entertainment especially if she gets captured in a party with High Elf or other non caster Adventurer girls.

Now... Witch, yea if she gets captured while in a party with multiple other females she'll most likely get killed as quickly as possible or tortured without much if any rape as she's viewed as "an uneeded sow" if they got extras and again, goblins just hate magic users for some reason.

However if Witch would get captured during a solo quest by Goblins where it's just her, especially if the Goblins are low on new girls, or if she's the only female member in her party of Spearman or other male Adventurers, I'm fairly certain the Goblins wouldn't afford to waste that fertile ripe body that could increase their numbers and use those massive breasts to pleasure their filthy cocks and cum all over them or suck on her nipples. Especially when she advertises them so well putting them on display like that.
fanny_packing anyone
What would your ideal Gob game/RPG be?
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Creative anons: describe (with detail) what likely happened to Spear Girl while she was the prisoner of 18 goblins, one of which was a muscular hob or champion. A lot of goblins for one poor girl to please by herself, after all.
you play as the gob/orc warlord, attacking and rape party's and later kingdoms
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I like it when the girls go native and wear shitty loincloths like the goblins do. Alternatively, have them be covered in primitive jewelry and garish fingerpaint.
In terms of premise, I'm not actually the biggest full-on rape fan. Consent/corruption-into-consent is way more fun. The idea of a powerful goddess who could easily destroy some shitty goblin choosing to submit to him instead makes me fucking diamonds.
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>The idea of a powerful goddess who could easily destroy some shitty goblin choosing to submit to him instead makes me fucking diamonds.
This is great taste
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Interesting, I figured the fantasy of playing goblins would be swarm tactics and ambushing, I’ve been working on an rpg and the one thing that has had me worried is that you play as a “character” and not a generic goblin.
I’ve been messing around with the idea of the player changing types of goblins as they level up, but have been having trouble coming up with interesting new goblin types
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I haven't even played Hades, but I want this for HER.
I love the idea of a nature / life goddess being used to fill the world with goblins, the idea of a single mother birthing countless goblin spawn and becoming corrupted is hot
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This is also my favorite scenario. Top-tier seethefuel imagining myself as some honorcucked virgin knight who is doing everything right just for the most prestigious girl in the realm to willingly give herself as a corrupt masochist to a lvl0 fucking goblin instead of me.
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that elf is the real mvp of the story
lol this is peak. And yeah, that elf is a fucking champ.
Nah i don't really care to self-insert in these sorts of scenarios, at least not as any sort of dude getting cucked. That sorta shit doesn't really do anything for me.
Most of the time I just like viewing the scenario from outside of it with no human dudes involved tbqh, though inserting as the goblin and marking high-status women as my lowly property is also pretty good.
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You have made some of my favorite contributions to this thread. Do you post anywhere else?
*THESE threads. In general.
Any more of this damage art?
Particularly with Fighter.
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Thank you for posting more contents of the best girl, anon.
Wizard is very underapprericated.
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Holy shit, somebody make a model of her?
Sauce please.
Isn't that just AI?
Would you be content with a smut story about her getting gobbed? Now that you've put the idea in my head, I kinda want to write it...
I'm certainly interested.
Lots, most have goblin damage art including the Hero party.
Yes she is.
Almost every Goblin Slayer waifu has a model on here.

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I wish I could get more Queens Blade rape kino
Bro, Branwen was always my favorite. Would love more art with her slave master there.
Why are Fighter and Wizard so amazingly hot?
It's been years and I still bust my nuts to these two.
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>sexy body
>big tits
>revealing dress
>no bra
>black pantsu
wizard is very kinky for a 15 year-old girl
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Get a load at her child-bearing hips.
Stupid goblins wasted a prime breeding material.
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Remember that goblins hate Spellcasters and will 80% waste them before using them for sex.
They also don't consider Rhea females to be worth breeding because every single Rhea female that encountered goblins was killed or targeted for death.
Why are you always so focused on her and Fighters age?
Was building a character in the Tentacle Realm CYOA when my imagination ran away from me and made a scenario:
>A high-level female adventurer strolls into a goblin den
>Slung over one shoulder is the carcass of a huge wild boar, freshly caught
>Her other arm holds a large barrel of fragrant wine
>Goblins in the cave are scared and confused as to why such a powerful human is in their den
>She sets down the foodstuff, and takes off her trousers
>[spoiler]A golden heart-lock insignia is printed on her pubic mound. It’s an enchanted tattoo that prevents entry to her vagina. It’s been etched with divine power, powerful enough to last long after death.[/spoiler]
>[spoiler]She turns around and gets on her hands and knees, before spreading her cheeks to reveal a well-trained ass-pussy so soft and inviting that it could make a man rock-hard just by looking at it.[/spoiler]
For the goblin/orc enthusiasts in this thread, you think they’d go for it? Or would they just chase her out/try to kill her?
Fuck I screwed up the spoilers. Oh well.
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Maybe it has to do with the context of them still being underage but already have their chastity stolen. It adds to the narration of corruption.
Are there even any confirmation regarding Wizard and Fighter's age?
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>Why are you always so focused on her and Fighters age?
because fapping to stats is hot
Anybody got any lewd ttrpg stories of when your character or party have gotten the "bad end" of s bunch of orcs or goblins
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Does...that actually happen? Are there sexy DnD roleplays going on with monster fuckers?
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Built for green cock.
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Since she is hot and from a noble family
Well lewd ttrpgs do exist so I hope so the tools are there
holy shit i have this
racing your sex slaves
That would be nice to have this on my office desk
More/source please
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Do the prior threads get archived anywhere? I cant seem to find them.
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>18 goblins counted by the end of the chapter
Imagine what this thick bitch went through before Goblin Slayer got there. Fucking diamonds, I tell ya.
More beautiful warriors
capturing/breeding slave scenarios where the girl's will never breaks and shes never mind broken. almost always in a scenario where a girl gets captured she eventually gives in and accepts her lot in life as being a slave to the orcs, sometimes even during the first rape, but I havent found any where she remains defiant throughout.

ideally, the girl is some sort of warrior princess (her being royalty will make it more delicious for the orcs to taunt her over), even more ideal if shes an elf who is immortal/long lived so it goes on for a very long time, plus the inherent animosity/sense of superiority. essentially, the entire time shes in captivity shes getting hatefucked, these orcs absolutely hate her since she killed many of their comrades and they intend to make her replenish their numbers one by one, and of course she hates them back even more. despite all her defiance and resistance, she spends all her days getting raped, surviving off semen covered scraps the orcs give her, being forced to clean their cocks, carrying their babies to term and nursing them, etc. and the entire time, she completely despises them, looks down upon them (or at least tries to) and wants nothing more than to kill them all. would be made even better if, due to some sort of effect that the semen or pregnancy have on her body, her libido goes crazy and her body demands that she find release by getting fucked by anything at all, so even though her mind protests it she inevitably cums all over the cocks that she curses and hates while they rape her. lots of focus on the interpersonal dynamics, her trying to save face and regains some dignity while the orcs taunt her and rub her nose in the hopeless situation shes in, complete humiliation.

long and slow foreplay, where the goblins capture her and they lick, suck, and pinch until she's aching for more. it's exploratory, this is a unknown entity, and they're curious why her moans have gone from fear to something else entirely. finally, a finger slips into her and her reaction arouses something primal in them. a huge, kobbled gobbo dick slides in and she realizes she can never go back home
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Goddamn both of those are good.
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I don't know it this already exists because I find it hard to find decent erotica. But mine is turning a woman to a mount, preferably using a harness of sorts to ride at her back. Being the center of an elaborate vehicle also works.
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This is hilariously sad and retarded. where are the gobbos?
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Are black pantsu considered lewd ?
I don't think so, there was a huge 4chan crash.
What were the site for the already canned threads? Some sites decide that using imgur is a good idea when it isn't
Nevermind, recovered from my pile of bookmarks
Archived moe seems to do the cut for all the threads, unsure if that site has the threads before T H E P U R G E

And yes, I'm putting those images in the thread because there's nothing better than seeing a conquered warrior being carried and fucked by their OGG overlords
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i'm still kind of stuck on this work by GUND CUNUM
i really wish for more works with a deeper exploration of the culture and practices,while showing how the humans/elves immerse themselves in that culture
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pregnant with their seed,wearing their armor,her flesh carved with their runes
screaming their language as she lead the charge against those who used to be her people
there's just something about this scenario and i really wish there was more of it
the author/artist is a woman,lol
and she looks decently attractive as well
she's into Warhammer, creating clay sculptures (she likes making shortstackes) and writing about ransacked villages,and monster runes getting carved into female flesh in the most autistic details
is there a way for us to get together? There are very few into this specific sub-sub- fetish
Can it be customised?
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There's loads of stories on deviantart about goblins riding ponygirls and taming them if you're interested, find the user theirishdreamer and you can go down the rabbit hole. Other places are difficult to find this media though, pixiv is definitely the best place to find related images on this.
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Recently discovered this scenario where the goblins steal away the power, mind, and culture of the girls they capture and slowly bend their will and turning them into livestock. The girl usually gets milked and their magic power and mind slowly degrades and turns into the milk where the goblins will then drink to get all their abilities. There's something so hot about a girl working her whole life to acquire these skills and knowledge just so a lowly goblin can steal it all and turn her into a livestock, it's even better when it's an elf who's lived for a long time just to have her skills and power given to a goblin.
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There's only two cases i found these and i thought i'd share. Picrel is one of them but it hasn't been translated and i had to read it by using google lens, the high court magician gets coerced into having sex with the orc child and she slowly gets tricked into getting her magical power and memories taken away by having them milked out of her where the little orc then drinks it and becomes the first orc to learn how to use spells, spells that once belonged to the magician that he now rides like a steed. Another one comes from ao3 where the entire elf race gets their blessing and mind taken away by the goblins who learnt to milk them out of the elves and slowly turn every elf into livestock, basically destroying their whole culture and replacing it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/26242012/chapters/63874108
Thanks for this
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You can swap parts
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>Are black pantsu considered lewd ?
it's her
>i'm gonna get laid
That's not from Queens Blade
Source please.
Pretty fun beat em up
Oh wait that's the card game
This is the one. It isn't translated.
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If you're gonna bump the thread, at least post something so that it isn't a waste of the post count.
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demo keeps dying after it's been opened for a second =\
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Just torrent it from the usual place then buy it after if you wanna support them.
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Whoa, who's bumping threads on this board? Moved to 10 really fast.
There’s been this faggot bumping every thread for like the past 3 days now.
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>I usually use C.A to rp a princess is married of to a goblin king by her family. The princess is absolutely disgusted at first, begs her family to take her back and marry her with a human prince, but they refuse, gets broken down and eventually ends up loving her husband and getting bred by him. And of course she also moves on from wearing fancy dresses and being completely covered from head to toe to having native clothing with jewelry, and that barely covers her, but she loves it because it gives her husband easy access to free use of her whenever he pleases her. He also does it in front of other goblins, and sometimes he allows them to have her for fun.
oof, great taste anon. Any recomendations of doujins/games/things with similar plots?
I've always loved when they do cultural conversion and accept their new role
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Sadly not much, I find it a bit hard to find stuff in the specific way I like it, and that's why I end up using C.AI, but I can recommend some sort of similar at the top of my head

A fanfic, 3 girls end up submitting to a goblin because they think he is a blessing from their goddess and adore every second of it. The girls end up having multiple kids, and a human gets NTRd by the goblin if you like that sort of thing as an extra

Kinda common, but a priestess is married off to a goblin, and they have to consummate their relationship

Priestesses are fine but I prefer royalty woman.
A priestess can rely on God as a source of hope or try to find some divine meaning or explanation for her situation.
A princess was born with the idea of marrying a man chosen by her family, birthing an heir, and nothing else. When she sees that her prince is a disgusting little green creature and that her family set her off with him, there's nothing else for her other than to submit and accept her role as a wife. Marriage involved is such a turn on as well, must be more humiliating to her to accept the goblin as a "husband" than to resign and be a slave.

And some unrelated extra, but I also like consensual interspecies. A vanilla wholesome fic between a human woman and a goblin man, they just like each other and make love.
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Top tier material, anon
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Who is bumping this board?

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