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KF5 announced for next year.

Waffle also announced a Love triangle VN for October:http://www.waffle1999.com/game/104renai/

As well as a Gyaru VN for November: http://www.waffle1999.com/game/105gyaru/
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man i remember reading through the first one so long ago

i dont know why does it take so long for these "bigger" more "official" games to be translated despite all the tools of today

also its sad they went so far with the "if" or whatever side-universe versus the "original" which seems much better and more sovlful
wow, last one I read was sidestory 2. Are 3 and 4 translated and worth it? And was the if chapter of sidestory 2 where the girls actually get impregnated translted?
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3if is translated and I love it. Specifically Venus. Best woman in the series. Perfect body and lovely personality.
Oh I freaking love this. Still furious that majin refused to release chapter 3 of the first one (neglecting some specific scenes) and the possibiliy of seing the second one with Zebia. And forever mad that they instead keep shilling kuroinu.
Didn't know that there were more than 2, though. Stopped lurking about this series cause my investment on hentai industry died.
She looks actually like a potential best girl. How does she compare against Zebia, Isis and Emeralia?
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Venus is in another league. Goddess tier femininity. She's deeply erotic while also very playful and blithesome. And her body is pure sex. I love commissioning art of her.
Sounds very promising. Nice dedication, too!
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Thank you. She is my ideal woman.
gladys is my main girl but my god emeralia has the most erotic blowjobs in all 3 eroges
is there an eng patch of the japan only IF sequel? i believe it has preggo scenes and lute gets to marry emeralia
Newfag here, if I wanna read this serie, only thse are available ?

>Funbag Fantasy
>Funbag Fantasy - Sideboob Story
>Funbag Fantasy 2
>Funbag Fantasy - Sideboob Story 2
>Fungag Fantasy 3 if

We're left with untouched :
>4 Astor (I see a version on mangagamer, I guess its still in translation mode?)

Am I getting that right ? Missing anything ? Going to download everything and see which playorder is the best.
can you share 2after/2if if you found an eng patch
whats is '2 after?'
The Kyonyuu fantasy 2 series only has the original, the digital novel and the if.

Do you mean KF gaiden 2 after with the priestess?
The queen of the neighboring nation Faria, that is populated solely by elves
She is renowned for her peerless beauty. Has an extremely cool personality, and rarely gets emotional
In her role as a queen, she will only be a tool for diplomatic relations, and so she has given up on the notion that she will ever be "free"
For the future of Faria and Legalia, she is preparing for a political marriage. The Legalian Princes Tarakin and Kilaru have aggressively been trying to woo her, but she does not care for either of them
She is secretly very self-conscious of her inverted nipples
Regalia Kingdom's Third Prince

At age 5, his mother Dede passed away. Because she was a slave, he was spared from the succession crisis. Different from the first prince Tarakin, and the second prince Kiraru, he was not considered as a candidate to become king.

Upon turning 20, he was given the territory Burondo as a fief to rule as Count, which had the lowest crop yield. Thereupon he became Count Lien (?). Upon heading there, he came upon a female mage who lost her donkey. He gave her his horse, and in exchange she bestowed upon him a magic lamp.

Regalia's king and princes usually have court mages who serve them as magic bodyguards, teachers, and advisors, but Lien has no dedicated court mage. In exchange, a squad of three assassins serve as physical and magical bodyguards. His sword skills aren't extraordinary, but he is agile, light-footed, and is are gifted at swimming and drawing.
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>character bio
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>Character Bio
Kyonyuu Fantasy Gaiden 2 After, 2 IF, 3IF sequels and the Kyonyuu Majo VNs all have MTL patches. Surprisingly they're pretty decent

KF4 english version was announced in 2022. Its been years and they're only 80% done with it.
>MTL patches
Are they edited MTL? Last time I read a rough MTL it couldn't even get the gender of the characters correctly, it was quite a turn off.
>Are they edited MTL?
Unfortunately no. They're good enough to understand the story and character conversations, but every now and then you'll read/hear something that isn't right. It sucks, but it doesn't look like we getting proper english translations any time soon and beggers cant be choosers
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Kyonyuu Burst just added Gladys in a new costume for the game. Her bio reads :[Holy Knight Introduction]
[The Invincible Empress] Gladys

The invincible empress.

The Empress has arrived――.

Suddenly appearing from a pillar of white light with a large sword was Gladys, the strongest swordsman and empress of the Edelland Empire.

Someone should really translate all the heroines of Kyonyuu burtst into english and add them to the anime character database website. i really wanna know what their proper names are.
Hopefully we get more heroines from the entire Kyonyuu Fantasy works added to Kyonyuu burst. its weird how there's only a handul
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i was about to post that, nice that my girl is in.
i wish this game can be in english man
Whats the difference between 3 and 3IF? Are we missing out not having vanilla 3?
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3if is pretty much a strict upgrade, since it includes all the women from 3, plus Athena and Venus who are not in 3.
Never played it but can you tell me what makes her character interesting?
I'm an aspiring author
yup, the goddesses are by far the best part of KF3/if

zoe is the most interesting human, but the rest are all just kind of there to fill out the roster
The difference is like night and day.
First the inclusion of heroine mentioned in the original but never shown like Athena, Medusa and Venus, along with a whole string of other gods and goddesses

Then the changing of characters like Ajura and Farnelia from whatever they were in the original ( A demon and a noble angle woman i think) with Ajura being a goddess of war and Farnelia being a goddess of ice

Then there Escelda and Destra being upgraded from characters that have a fling with Julinas then go their separate ways, to becoming main heroines who are fully committed to Julinas and are officially his women.

Most of the original heroines don't have as much screen time as they did in the original but they still have vital roles to the story and are more endearing in general.
Some non-consequential characters are taken out from IF, but they're not missed. Others have similar roles to their original characters like the emperor but now he is no longer a villain.

There's also the main story where, in the original, Julinas settles for living in the human world, to Julinas achieving earning the gods recognition of him as their own and he takes residence in the heavens with his harem

Also every story is just much better than what the original had.

Just like Kyonyuu Fantasy 2, the IF version is just superior in every way

My only complaint is that there has yet to be a complete harem route that include Artemis and Medusa. Their 3IF fan disk should of included the human heroines as part of the ending where the goddesses get pregnant. That would of been a 10/10 ending for me
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Kyonyuu Fantasy Burst is having its first anniversary. Its good to know its a successful game. Throughout the year i saw it constantly being ranked among the top 3 in Fanza games weekly rankings.
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Speaking of Kyonyuu Fantasy, it kinda sucks that subsequent KF titles don't have their own Gaiden series like the first one has. I mean I get it, the first one became so overwhelming in its harem that they can't even bring back the characters in Gaiden 2 After but still.
I don't care what anyone says, Glady's bust is AT LEAST 105cm!
I think the only other Kyonyuu Fantasy title that got a sequal was KF3-IF with its Artemis and Medusa VN
In fact, i personally believe that every Kyonyuu Fantasy heroines busts are all 5cms bigger than their profile says. That way everyone of them has a bust that's over 100cm.
Make it 10. Some like Pia have a bust of 90 and need double digits to make it over 100
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The Black Knight may be my most favorite original heroine from KFB
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>80% done
It's been stuck that way for like a year now, WTF is taking them so long.
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Latest character of KF5
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Dont know how to write her name
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アルシャール - Arushyaru?
Can someone translate the bios?
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man, i wish mangagamer got this IF game
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