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But you already posted the best one?
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this is barely NTR, she's clearly a secret slut, even to herself, and the Father just flips the switch.

she's having insane lewd thoughts in her first fucking blowjob.

this one is better, Dad breaks her down over the course of months, and eventually she completly sucumbs, the need to be impregnated was simply to high, it doesn't even feel like she's flipped into another personality, as she still loves Hubby, she simply cannot go one more minute without being knocked up by the man who fucked her like 200 times.
Any info on their next work?
Unfortunately the artist doesn't have any socials so who knows when they're dropping a new work. In the afterword of OP pic artist said that they're thinking about doing the same premise but this time the story will focus on the 2nd son (OP cuck is 3rd son) and his British (iirc) fiancee.
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english version fucking when!
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I've read a lot of father in law stuff
>in law
so close to greatness.
This is the appropriate distance personally.
Isn't that Makoto's dad from School days?
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