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So its seems like Seto Yuuki's (世徒ゆうき) Yuuzai desu 有罪です will be released until August 2025, what the hell

I know there are jokes about the time it takes sensei to release his works but am I reading this wrong here? from what I gather the manuscript is done but are they fucking saying that the left over work will also take them 1 year?

Chapter 1 was released almost a year ago on November, I would not mind if it's until November of this year but come on, 2025??
Level E when?
I love Twitter screenshot threads, /v/ is such a good board
Storyboard. The word used is コンテ、 which is like a more-detailed ネーム (which you can google but is basically a super loose rough version just to get the pacing of a comic down).
And no, they're not joking. Seto Yuuki has been with this publisher from the beginning, and is one of the absolute greats of eromanga. He's more than set for life, and has probably achieved basically all he wanted to. I'm speculating, but I imagine he considers himself in semi-retirement. At this point, it seems like he's just writing stories that interest him (thus NTR, a genre prime for drama and heartache) at a pace of "whenever I feel like it". The publisher has no choice but to accept that, because he's fucking Seto Yuuki.
Frankly, I don't understand why people seem to be genuinely mad about this. Dude's made more than enough fantastic work over the decades. So what if new releases are rare? You could stop supporting him if you want, assuming you ever did, and it wouldn't make a shred of difference to anybody.

Though to be honest, I'm quite surprised that he's only just now finishing the storyboard, but we know next to nothing about the guy or what's going on in his personal life. We know he drew a handful of short non-h mini-comics for some other publisher in the meanwhile, but that's all.
>>8171422 (You)
And I'll should add that you really should not take that "August 2025" as a set-in-stone date of release. Obviously, he's not working on this stuff full time anymore. Just pretend he's retired so you can be pleasantly surprised by any future infrequent releases.
Oh thank god for this update. I can stop waiting for new chapters now.
Shit happens, OP.

Damn and here I was thinking the new chapter was out and I just forgot to keep tabs on Yuuzai desu

Something to look forward to next year then
This. Imperfect world.
fapping to hentai?

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