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Give me your three wishes, /h/, and I shall make them true!
I wish you werent such a homosexual
I wish people stopped posting /e/ on /h/.
I wish NTRshit would disappear forever
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Turn me into a pretty and rich young woman right now
i wish my husbando had more straight porn
Yandere wife, yandere wife, yandere wife
Make femdom a more prevalent tag here
don't do it anons he's gonna turn you into a magical girl
Give me a great writing skill so I can write all NTR stories I wanted.
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you say that like it's a bad thing
I wish for the artists, commisioners and anyone that enables the tags I don't like to die, from now on.
I wish to commision all arts I like to anyone I talk for free.
I wish to fuck you and impregnate you.
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New Pija
Buta does a rom com
Nekoguchi does a Megumi Amano doujin
Name yours first, OP.
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I want a wife
Turn me into an immortal bratty mesugaki oppai loli succubus princess
Then transport me to an isekai world that I get to design
Then kill all feminists in this world (the real world, not the isekai one)
Thank me later guys
>all men get regenerative powers for their balls, healing them from any issues and keeping them at prime efficiency
>all women between 18-30 get telekinetic powers
[spoiler]>all women starting with 12 develop a secret ballbusting and castration fetish[/spoiler]
i wish bodysuit porn where they keep the suit on
i wish for more NTR were the cuck take backs his girl..then rape and in-slaves her (i read one where this happened)
i wish for Yandere Tomboys
Azur Lane’s St. Louis with her tits popping out of that silver dress as she hits a bong.
Slave girls in belly dance outfits smoking hookahs.
A cute girl drinking a Coke
>turn you into a magical girl
and impregnate you
every wish itt is a monkeys paw
1st wish: I wish I got a billion dollars without getting in trouble with the law, organized crime or the people.
2nd wish: I wish to have the powers of Zarathos/Ghost rider.
3rd: I wish to animefy the world, release us from our ugly hyper-realism and make the world full of waifus and chads, nekogirls and monstergirls, lolibabas and magical creatures.
Immunity to tricks, shortcomings, twists, monkey's paws, and the like for any of my wishes.
Unlimited wishes.
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make me a beautiful muscle mommy like Mirko in her prime before her injuries.
give me ever lasting health and youth at the preptual age of 26.
super but fully controllable strength from an infinite energy source, in a remote location that instantly fuels my body and mind.

please no monkey paw and thank you
wait chat does this work?
1. undo all the wishes above
2. ignore my second wish
3. grant 2 additional wishes for the anon below
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-Deadflow NTR image set
-Amazon Cheating Wife geimu
-Heisendou game with battlefuck
I wish for the complete destruction of NTR, Kadokawa and israel
wait no you cant do that, thats bull shit.
I wish more hentai plots revolved around time-travelling back to fuck girls you struck out with.
I wanna get reverse raped by big booty latinas at least twice a day

I want a 20 hour a week job that's not at a fast food shithole

I wish the world honored God more
milf/hag thread that's not incest
>I wanna get raped
>I wish the world honored God

Anon... have you tried starting with the man in the mirror?
shit ton of money
sasuke sarada hentai
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OP never delivered
1. Tomboys are celebrated and are not lesbians.
2. No more trans/sissy/femboy
3. People stop posting /e/ in /h/
>Every artists now make two version of their work, one with and one without females wearing glasses.
>The idea of NTR disapears completely.
>Hairy pussies are more common.
al doujins with big breasted women or girls have a full page of them sucking her own breast and enjoy her own tits be her own free choice.

a doujin of a busty cute girl in love her own tits and suck them all she want.

Furrys dont be a fucking hipocrites with a high moral ground over other.
I want all the race, gender, cuckoldry, anus, male humiliation, and other clear /d/ and /y/ material to stop being tolerated here again.

Literally just one wish, give us the mods from 2010 or so back.
I wish Make femdom NTR was more prevalent tag here
>wishes for people to stop posting /e/ in /h/
>posts /e/ in /h/

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