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Thread discussing inactive and missing hentai author

I miss Chuuka Naruto Oyaji, his last active works was in 2021. Seems like license money from AV was enough to fill his stomach and paid his biike hobby. He still active on twitter and his blog, but no words from him for returns to drawing another manga.

Resurrecting the nuked thread.
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Previous thread

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Urotan, one of my all-time favourites
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Ayato Ayari is probably the best shota artist to date. I understand his family found out about his work and was forced into retirement.
Senor Daietsu
kitty | urawaza kimeru
ootake pashio
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Got a link to a version that doesnt have absurd censoring?
File deleted.
I miss "Periscope" https://naxter.net/search?q=group%3Aperiscope

This man made a really nice stuff
mukai masayoshi
They probably got regular jobs and found they could divide their time. Sad but it happens.
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All his Tifa work was legendary, wish he'd do more.
With FF7R, his new stuff would have been godsend. I'm sure he would have given us a lot with each remake part's release. A lot of authors went MIA during and after covid. Even if they didn't pass away, it slowed the doujin scene down a lot. There were many authors who simply stopped doing works months after it all ended.
That's very weird, doujins would have been the last place I expected to be affected by the wuhan flu
It's because many of them rely on being sent out/released during Comiket, which couldn't happen under the lockdowns.
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yuasa whatever happened there?
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is tsukasa jun even still alive?
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Ss-brain...he's still working on it, surely...
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Didn't he get a series not long ago or I am misremembering? Dude is ancient tho.
Personally I wonder about Iwami Yasoya, he did a bunch of commercial work, threw out a compilation roughly a year ago and then disappeared. Snatched by legit work?
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A-At least you still got a chance...
Any update on cuzukago
seto yuukis new chapter gonna take over a year apparently
kill me
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Satou Kimiatsu suddenly disappeared leaving his work incomplete, I have searched to see what happened to him, but I found nothing. It is possible that he died.
oh damn thanks for the rec
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>fem naruto
That reminds me, I have no idea what it is about artists who gender bent male Fate characters, but they are always god tier and always fucking vanish, this is an artist that Gelbooru saved called "kt", and there was another one named "rokkotsu" who gender bent Arjuna and Geronimo. Right now there's an artist who's been having a gender bent Wodime get railed by a futa Caenis and honestly I'm just waiting for them to vanish without a trace as well.
Literal sexiest hentai girl
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What ever happened to the guy who drew futa vampire girls with huge fangs and basically only wore dracula capes? any one who was around from the early 2000s knows exactly who im talking about. I forgot his name
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I'm still waiting for it to come out...
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Sugaishi, last activity was on Twitter in 2019
[Yozora]Vampire Girls Multiplying
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>Did two top tier Belldandy doujins where a muscular, turbo horny Keiichi does lots of lewd stuff with her
>Second books ends with a cliffhanger where on a lark he sends her out for public use while he barges into Skuld's room shouting "A SKULD IS FINE TOO"
>Teases a Macross Frontier doujin
>Never heard from again

R.H.D or Ougon Dokuro, I wish we could find you. I still wonder if the weird ending of the Oh My Goddess manga with the lame sequel series just killed off the once thriving doujin scene for it.
thats def him, thanks man
What ? Is that really what happened, holy shit I'm mad... One of my favorite artist, hoped for kinda a sequel to your picel

a-anyday now...

his assistant keep releasing new work though...
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I have no idea what happened to Pija.
It's painful how this series has remained unfinished.
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I think he got married and had a child ? Dont quote me on this, have read that somewhere...

Meanwhile picrel... Karasu, come back please...
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what the hell happened to Iruka Kamiri / Hellabunna? I'm still waiting for Toukiden 5..........
need jin to come back and complete his fate doujin
What happened to Karasu?
quit after exposed for plagiarism
Good question, he still does some cover magazine but yeah, no news.
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Not sure.
he does normie ecchi manga under the name 白津川. don't think he'll ever come back...
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I miss Shiawase Kanmiryou aka Yuki Tomoshi, but really it was just for good ToLOVE-Ru doujins and that series faded, so that's probably why he did too.
He occasionally still posts random stuff.

Also, that series got a third entry, but it never got scanned.
>his assistant keep releasing new work though...

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