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Since the thread got purged from what happened a few days ago, here it is again. There was a livestream on twitch a few hours ago where they revealed the names (under pseudonyms) of the VAs for Suzuna, Tomomi, Sayaka and ail. Their main page also updated with samples of some of the voice work. Their second crowdfunding campaign is still ongoing.
So, are they still the same VAs as the old game (just under psuedonyms)?
The VAs in the original game were never credited, so the only way to know is to listen to the audio and do a direct comparison.
Any updates? Did they reach another milestone?
Not yet, they’re about 400k away from the next stretch goal. I figured this would happen so close to the end of the previous campaign, they hit the first goal and then just stalled for a couple weeks. With only about 2 weeks to go I don’t think they’ll hit all their goals.
Could be, maybe they should've waited a time before launching another CF
They just hit the 4 million stretch goal, so now we’ll get a comic version of the game.
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No, all new VAs

Like was said in the last thread, the only reason for 2 CFs is system limitations and trouble with the first one combined with far more than expected engagement. If Ci-En had allowed it they woud have just edited the original CF or extended it, not made a new one.
Wonder how they'll handle ii. The original VN had a lot of doujins from Carnelian and a comic anthology, not an official comic.
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Behold the power of ROOT, Suzuna took the first place spot in BugBugs monthly popularity ranking!
I don't even know how many years Saber held that title, but it was on the level that it just got ignored in favour of literally anything else. Saber is at the top, the sky is blue, Saber is at the top, water is wet, Saber is at the top, summer is warm, Saber is at the top, the seasons pass, Saber is at the top. Probably has something to do with eroge and a magazine focused on them not really having the freshest blood for readership.

That being said, I did mention that KaoTsuki was a popular work, and that can be seen through Suzuna appearing in the monthly rankings well before the remake was announced, making her a regular in the top 10.

Just some random examples:

2024-01 2nd
2023-07 4th
2022-12 3rd
2022-06 2nd
2021-12 3rd
2021-04 7th
2020-12 3rd

Web article: https://www.bugbug.news/b_game/174985/
That’s neat. I’m honestly surprised she appeared so often.
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I say "a regular", but of the ~20 post-2020 rankings I skimmed through she was in the top 10 of every single one. Which says a whole lot more about BugBugs voters then anything else I think, since the characters that fill up the rankings haven't changed a whole lot the last 10~15 years.
Seeing Tamaki Kousaka at #1 makes my heart soar
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Breaking Sabers at the time 58 month streak.
And of course, Suzuna at number 8 close to a decade (2009) after KaoTsukis release.

I've looked at some other polls from the 00s and Suzuna never really drops out of the top 10/15 even if her position varies a fair bit.
But I really want to emphasize how this says a lot more about the voter base than anything else. You need just a few dozen people to get into the leaderboard, and only the very top breaches three digits. Nowadays I would be surprised if even that.
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So that's stretch goal 13, 6M in CF2, reached. I said in the last thread I thought if they got this far they would get to 7M as well, because a drama CD is a kind of major thing, while a TRPG... isn't. Will be exciting these last few days.

Also, there's a stream announced for the 30th, which I guess will be about the end of the CF and probably some more asset or voice reveals.
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And there goes 7M, giving us the drama CD. Will it hit 10M? Stay tuned.
It looks like the same thing as last time, a max rush of support on the final days of the campaign. I’m curious with all the interest in the game whether they’ll consider a remake of the anime too.
>remake of the anime too.

I don't think it's gonna be one. A remake by the current Pink Pinapple is not gonna do justice to the original Ovas.

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