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personally, its one of my favorite pieces of media ever
the story is so heartbreaking especially by the end
grow up
It's what got me started with doujinshi, funnily enough I've only really read around 10 in the 4-5 years since I've read metamorphosis. Good story, It'd be a great manga/anime without the sexual themes.
It's not a doujinshi.
Happy 14th birthday anon
same, for some reason I had headaches while reading it, teared up a bit ngl
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it was the first manga I ever read, and honestly the art is good, but while reading it I felt like I way being pulled into some depressing downward spiral. Didn't touch hentai for the rest of the week. Have an obsession with horror/dark manga ever since.
>My first manga, its metamorphosis
Well that’s a new one
Didn't even make me feel anything. It's praised as some existentialist masterpiece by South Americans but it's pretty platitudinous for something so drawn out. There's much better stories even in the hentai space where the moral of the story is to appreciate things for what they are. The porn itself is uninteresting btw
it should have been about the dad raping her daughter after learning that she turned into a high schooler prostitute, then he sells her off to his friends or makes her his new wife or something incest kino
It's real? I thought emergence was just a meme
It's certainly overrated, but that's more people's fault that it itself. but it is good.
Definitely real, its pretty well known too.
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what do you mean anon? josuke comes in at the end to save her. that's the canon ending and nothing tragic happens after that. she lives happily ever after
It's quite famous and pretty good but there are things that quite bother me, like the character being just fucking dumb and the nonsensical mother. It kinda breaks the immersion because I can't feel pity for the character only scorn.
Wow, heroin looks awesome.
Long, lame, boring. Need shindol to get back to making dojins where girl Link gets her head crushed by Ganon's hoof while she orgasms
Reddit doujin.

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