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Of all the series girls, which pair of tits is your favorite?
Fujima Nagisa
the mothers are always better
I am absolutely in love with Reika. They animated her with just the right leg and ass thickness while keeping the bombshell proportions. Squat riding is also kino.
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sometimes a little petite can be a lot better
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the hottest MILF of all time
>pair of tits
The phrasing of this can be interpreted as either both tits of a single girl, or two pairs of tits from two girls. So I choose Sakura and Tsubaki. Maybe that's cheating but IDGAF, these two have the hottest goddamn oyakodon scenario ever made.
They FINALLY added the voice samples. About God damn time.

I think the most disappointing Voice has to go to Fujima. She sounds NOTHING like what I expected, and nothing like her hentai voice too. I get that they changed her VA but for fucks sake they could have at least had her talk like her anime version. And she's using WATASHI?! NANI?! She's supposed to be a tomboy ffs! XD Based on her looks I was expecting her to be use "ore" or "boku" or at the very least regular feminine pronoun "atashi", but you got this unruly looking boyish chick using honorific pronouns?! Eh?!

What's worse is that her younger tomboy track classmate sounds like the voice she should have had and uses "boku" too no less.

Mikage sounds... decent, I can definitely hear the Olga Discordia in there but she's using a real tomboyish almost bully type dialect and speech mannerism. I know she's supposed to be a tomboy too but I was expecting her to talk a bit more dignified since she's so arrogant.
Eh, it's better than nothing I guess. One month to go!
Bugbug posted part of the article that came out earlier in the month again for those that haven't read yet: https://www.bugbug.news/b_game/173452/
I'm really loving the voice of the Green Haired teacher and the MILF.

Also the loli chick is voiced by Akeno's VA too which is nice. I also know that the orange haired chick from the manga and anime who was voiced by Fujima's VA is in this game so if she's voiced by her here too why not have her aso voice Fujima..?
Not in the budget probably. It's also an extra long game, so it's too much work for one person.
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If i am not wrong in the thrid audio she mentioned Kurashiki and her mother doesn't she?
Can someone who knows japanese confirm that?

She mentions Kurashiki's mother. She is interviewing the mother, corrected herself after just saying Kurashiki-san, and realizing that might be confusing. Just their way of telling us she's talking to Reika instead.

Her fourth line is about "licking something that was just inside?!", btw

Reika. Easy. Not even a Contest.
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I wish we would get more of her, in gehin swimsuits or lingerie.
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cool,so that confirms that she is including in this game. Also there is the possibility to be see these other characters because they share the same VA.
when does it release?
>redhead mom in socks
september 29th
I hope they include the red haired mother too, one of my favorite in the saga, Or at least other mothers, like the one in the light novel. Lets hope the interview(s) scene(s) bring us suprises.
that's not the mother
when are we getting a translated tank of this series damn it?
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If we are talking about the anime only then it's Reina for sure. Her first appearance where it suddenly cut to the doggy style and her screaming of pleasure even though she was so smug a minute ago is one of the best hentai anime scene ever
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Holy shit
I didn't know all the best moms and Reina were voiced by an absolute HAG GODDESS
More reika
She's a veteran, but the problem is that she has no range...Tsubaki Reina and Reika all sound too alike.
Interview with NATORI
he say that more mother characters will appear in the game
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No love for true petites?
I want to break her
Me, shame she is only one time.
Can't stop fapping the this series' vids, make it stop I am too old for this shit
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Now MC seems like wants to entice all girls to take Sakura's type of counseling, aka getting pregnant while before he wanted to do sneaky impregnation.

He will probably entice Yuu by saying she could take full day rest by getting pregnant and her family would do anything for her, she will likely agree. Honestly i think she is the only character that even if hypnosis is released she wouldn't care as by staying with MC she could slack off (and have sex) all day forever.
It would be interesting to guess what would be their reacction If they got released From hypnosis. I could guess:
-yui: depress
-reina: would not care and would keep trying to seduce Tanaka
-sakura: move out the town
-tsubaki: move out the town (but raise tanaka's children)
-natsumi: would tried to forget and pretend that never happened
-reika: angry. Try to kill or imprison tanaka
-Yuu: would not care and would request for more
-takamine: ashamed as hell
-PE teacher (dont remember her name): beat the shit out of tanaka.
What about Fujima?
Big News we getting new ovas from aiue oka.
The blue haired sister is my favorite
i know more than likely the censorship is worst at released but i can dream
I really hope these are good, this artists girls get me going almost 100% of the time, I just hope atleast one of them has good scenes
incredibly low expectation, but hope they do the third episode with high budget on this scene
The Maiden OVA PVs from Lune, same studio as the other two Saimin series
Wake me up when they adapt the chapter of the huge tittied teacher, please
It's probable. Lune usually launchs 2 ova per month. But I don't think the third chapter has enough material for 2 video. Not even With the manga's extra scenes. Lets hope they include other story like the teacher's story.
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yeah where is it
>>8200203 This is just a guess but i think their original plan was to make it 3 chapters for girl, heck they even got designs for the sister's friends? Now im not so sure maybe 1 for the last girl, 1 for sister shimaidon , and one last with a 4some?
shimaidon and oyakodon combo hehe
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I agree. When they like a character, they tend to overdo her prominence. It happened with Sakura, and now with Amane (I don’t mind since she’s my favorite). The ending seems predictable and boring, I’d prefer a shocking twist—though not an NTR with the MC's friends or something like that. But they’d need a second season for that, and at this pace, they might not even finish until 2030, haha."
The problem if that they are involved in too many projects simultaneously and some interfere with others, the last tweet I read about FAMICON was that Etchizen left all in hands of Waon to complete it. The bad thing is that waon works really slow, So that means it could come out the next month or the next year
It's clear something went wrong with the Famicon schedule, less than a chapter every year makes clear they had problems or simply got swamped between game CGs, comiket releases and stuff for online supporters. I can't even remember if they hinted at the chapter 5 release in any way.
I don't entirely agree they weren't building towards something non-predictable. The protagonist is clearly not in control of the situation, constantly getting deeper in its own perversions and escalating. This wasn't done for revenge or for whatever is going on in Saimin Seishidou, the guy started clearly rationalizing that "they like it" and the girls push him harder and harder. Some kind of reverse situation where he finds he can't stop them and the situation goes to hell would be novel.
I know, it’s just that the first two episodes were so good I thought they could keep that level or add a plot twist. The other episodes aren’t bad—I liked them—but I expected more character and hypnotism development, like Amane struggling with her feelings for the MC, hiding the situation from family and school (in the sisters' case), or a competition to win over the MC. But it was my expectation, I know that it 's just a fapping material. I still think this is one of their best works up until now and one of my favorite.
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i think i remember they said they will cometo the last comiket.
And the butt of the joke is seishidou chapter 5 with suzuka hiragi (twintails) she exist since the first chapter back on 2016 and she only appeared in the novel sadly.
always love a good orgy scene
bottom left
My favorite is Reika, I wanna do such sweet things to her, tittyfucking, cuddling, more tittyfucking, impregnation sex, more impregnation sex, inviting her daughter to get impregnated, making both their wombs my property to dump babies into every time they both finish their 9 months, and also more cuddling
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Dangerously based
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10 more days before the game come out
I completely forgot I was gonna pre order it, I put it off for a while but I'm gonna put a order in now, I'm mostly excited for all the milf characters and that bonus doujin that comes with it
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"Imagine if we finally got the long-awaited Reika and Tsubaki threesome scene (although I'd prefer a 60-page long doujin and including Natsumi)."
>Reika and Tsubaki threesome
None of us would make it out alive
>Can you fix your own breakfast? You are not a child! Im busy learning very important things.
>Proceeds to get railed practically in front of her husband, zero fucks given.
Hahaha, somehow I prefer when the boyfriend/husband doesn’t appear. I find it kind of uncomfortable (though tolerable). That’s why I like Famicon a little more.
For me it's his slightly disgruntled look at the dinner table that irked me. Since tanaka's common-sense replacement type of hypnosis IS working, he should be more non-chalant about it. Since he was a bit uncomfortable it makes the NTR flavour a bit more pronounced, which I personally can do without. But yeah, it's tolerable because it's only shown a bit and the breakfast part is included just to give Tsubaki an excuse to sound even more lewd.
We all know that Famicon is going to end with the MC finding his three friends fucking and hypnotizing the three waifus and 1) getting hypnotized as well or 2) developing a new fetish.
i remember aiue oka saying that he will do Reika Tsubaki Natsumi foursome with tanaka in the second Compilation
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The best answer is always Reika.
hopefully it gets animated
Yeah, in 5 years maybe
I think they have enough material to make a 2nd compilation. Adding more chapters would be too much for book.
I wish the hentai studio could've made up it's own story just so we could've gotten more animated Reika goodness.
It is my humble opinion that Hajime should marry into the Kurashiki family, make them his official "Wives"/sex slaves and everyone else is just a sex therapy client
>reika being everyone's favourite despite only having only half and episode
How does she do it
in japan you have at least 150 to 200 pages to make a compilation so far they have
not counting the covers
Reika Kurashiki's Case: 15 pages
Miyajima Sakura and Miyajima Tsubaki Case: 93 pages
Natsumi Obata Case: 27 pages
Yuuki Mikage Case: 51 pages
put all that together is 186 pages so they have enough to make 2nd compilation they just need time from busy schedule they have.
all i know that the compilation 2 will have
mikage: after episode
Kase-kun's pseudo-insemination training
aiue oka say on his blog that eveyone in school think Reina is tanaka girlfriend he also say Reina might have a tattoo that say Tanaka favorite girl, Reina Kurashiki he hope to draw that someday.
ice queen
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9 more days
need tomboy
Not to mention that the 5th chapter is practically done, so that could add 30-50 more pages. Also, they can add the kurashiki oyakodon chapter or the extra chapter that is coming out with the game. And the extra stories and character information that they made the last time. So they have a lot of material to make a compilatation even bigger than the previou one.
Best girl in the saiminverse xd.
Natsumi's personality + Tsubaki's body = TOP GIRL
Agreed. I like Aiue Okas stuff in spite of the NTR, not because of it.
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Considering the sakuras novel, i think he will only marry her cuz she was the only one who respected him before hynosis.
Maybe have Yuu as her mistress as he saidhe wanted to have her as her personalonahole.
when did they say it was? if it is why havent they publish it?

And by the way i want the girls in picture to have extra material or animated T_T
the tanaka in that image looks less ugly and a bit more easy on the eye than usual wtf
>when did they say it was? if it is why havent they publish it?
No idea, I was supposed to come out on 2022, but they But they postponed it. But it is almost finished, they even gave us a preview on chapter 4.5 (the one withe PE teacher).
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I think they only said they will realese it that year, and nothing more. First update was on nobaras doujin january 2022, second on teachers chapter in august 2022, no updates since then so if i have to guess is in the same state as back then T_T.
They mentioned their interest in many things too, mothers 4thsome, kurashikis oyakodon, natsumis oyakodon. Let alone their fantia and alike websites, familycon. Hopefully releasing the game will liberate their work load...
it was meant to come out in 2021 but covid postponed many physical events, such as Comiket, for over 2 years and affected many parts of the doujinshi industry
here is the preview
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also here is the prototype of 5
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At this point in time covid is not an excuse... we know is overwork plus 1 of them slacking off.
>Since tanaka's common-sense replacement type of hypnosis IS working, he should be more non-chalant about it. Since he was a bit uncomfortable it makes the NTR flavour a bit more pronounced
Although I enjoy NTR ngl I think thats beside the point, the fact the husband is fighting against the hypno suggestion at some subconscious level makes this series way more interesting, like they all know this fat bastard is doing something to them but their brain just cant process it.
It was just speculation. If they said they could finish the work in 4 months (since volume 4.5), I assume the work is pretty advanced at that point. So, it all depends on whether they find the time to complete it.
and that is the problem. I am pretty sure that comic exe magazine is upset with them for their delays in Famicon and they are going to pressure them to give it priority. Or at least that was I think.
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I believe the games (both of them) took more time tham they expected, and that delays Famicon which delays Saimin Seishidou . In addition to their intentions to always release a doujin every year-end like Bocchi or Frieren (which are half-finished). Kurashiki oyacodom, which was also half-finished, was supposed to be released completed last year but it was also postponed. I hope they could learn to prioritize their projects better instead of opening new ones.

(this game supposed to come out on 2023)
To anyone who can access the game's Dlsite and other page, do they have a trailer yet? I can't find any. Usually VNs have a trailer ready at least a month or more before release. If they don't, yet despite it being 9 days away from release I'm pretty sure they'll postpone it to 2025 AGAIN cuz that fuckwad is slacking off on his side of the work.
waon being a hikikomori reaffirms theory that Hajime is based on him
He might have his issues. But Etizien He seems like a good friend for putting up with him and sometimes handling the work on his own. Even though their styles differ a little bit, Etizen draws slimmer, more proportioned bodies, while Waon goes for bulkier, thicker ones. the mix of both brings balance to their work, though I personally prefer Waon's thicker bodies.
he also get covid while back too
Do they usually region lock on PC games? I was going to get it, but then it hit me that I might not be able to play because of that, I want the goodies that come with the physical edition, so I hope I can play it
kinda. some games dont work unless you change locale in system settings to japan, also had one game refuse to work without jp date format.
The girl that voices Fujita in the nukige voiced Misaki in Nukitashi, and the main heroine from an Oppai Academy game, so I think she'll do a good job with this girl in the game.
They don't have a trailer yet. Unfortunately, by the looks of it, there is no master up confirmation either. This company in particular doesn't post that for some reason. So, it can be inferred that it's done. Also, the size is double that of a normal visual novel as well.
>why does our eroge products fail to reach the global audience? is it because we don't put minimal effort in making them more available to everyone?
Do you have a link to the blog post?
Reina looks like she smells so good.
>Reina might have a tattoo that say Tanaka favorite girl, Reina Kurashiki
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Game got delayed to Dec/20.
Do they have asssitants? i mean it sure fells like they dont.
At these rate we will seee progress in another 10 years...
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I just put my order in last night...
I'm so mad
i just realized comiket comes in december 29-30,
very unlikely we will get anything just like the past august....
See you all next year, at least this thread was lively before delay announcement...
Pipipi :(
I read he was sick for a pretty long time but I couldn't figure out that it would interferir With this project, the other of course, but not this one.
I fucking CALLED it guys. What a bunch of lazy as bums
Honestly I can't say I'm surprised. At first I joked about it bring delayed again due to the VAs not being announced til last minute but as the time drew closer and the marketing for this was utter shit, no trial version announced and no trailer it became clear that a second delay was inevitable.
I'm giving up on this shite of a game and moving on to better things. When it comes it in December (IF it comes out, it'd be fucking hilarious if they delayed it a third time) I'll just pirate it the first opportunity.
Eroge development being very unstable isn't a big surprise for me, but I always wonder what the mindset is in delaying a game by three months when you're a week away from the release date. Surely if you know the game is in an unplayable state, you would delay it much earlier right?
I remember an anime thar ran into issues a day before it released due to the band that did the op getting into legal trouble, might not be a development issue and more of a internal company issue that suddenly popped up
But What I understand is that additional materials are the only thing that are missing, likely extra doujin or other goods they couldn't finish before the illness. However, the game itself is complete.
This. It's probably contractual i can guess.
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the blog no longer exists
i do have some notes writing down of little trivia things he say on it
like the Kurashiki family has a female cat (Russian Blue) that reina love with all her heart
Reina proves herself to be the best JK again.
>reina in tube top being gf-like
He did sakura is first Hajime playing favorites
Probably a seniority thing since she's a 3rd year.
But let be honest, she is the favorito for the autors at least
You know guys. I always imagined a scene similar to this. Tanaka going on a retreat or trip with three waifus, but not with the daughters but with the mothers. I hope he does a similar scene (I don't think so anymore) when he does the threesome with the 3 milf. Perhaps a Onsen retreat
Where were these samples posted
Or it's to get her out the way first to set up the other two begging to be next, could be hot

hot as fuck outfit on reina
LOOK at those tits
>that outfit
>that hungry look
>those tits
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They work better together because one draws skinny bodies and the other prefers thicker ones. Together they find balance. This Sakura scene looks skinnier (maybe was even skinnier at first), but it will feel thicker if Waon is involved; otherwise, it will end up like the others below.
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And you can even tell when one has had more influence on the drawing
Oh Shit you re right waon does draws thicker bodies.
Also waon have a more perverted mind and echizen has waon was the one that come up with idea for sakura father being fine with his wife and daughter getting pregnant at the same time in he own house he also was one that think of Reina to be a natural career woman.
"Yes, both of them complement each other. Echizen is the responsible and structured one, while Waon is the carefree and pervert one. I hope Waon can pull himself together and Echizen stays healthy."
so when's this dropping
This was my NTR awakening
I love how the vitcims know something is wrong, but they can't quite figure it out and so they just go along with it.
And only one guy being allowed to have sex while it's "illegal" for everyone else is also hot.

Too bad so much of it is untranslated.
>Too bad so much of it is untranslated.
Very good information, I already knew that they were 2 artists and I always thought that they both drew the same but now I realize that WAON draws much better than Etizen.
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Dreaming Maiden 2 OVAs will be out this december


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This is also Waon without supervision, well depends on everyone's taste, but for me he exaggerates sometimes, for that reason is better when they work together.

By the way I prefer aiue oka's thicker bodies.
Hmmm so that means Famicon 5 is getting pospone too, Which affects the release of Saimin Seishidou 5. And that will give them no time to finish the Kurashiki Oyakodon doujin, Also because they are probably working simultaneously on a doujin to release at the comiket. Which is posssibly gonna be half-done.
It's an interesting domino effect.

Well, I think that by 2027 we are assured that everything will be ready xd
and their future projects are getting put off too. The kurashiki's sister, famicon 6, 2nd compilation, the mothers' threesome, a probably 3rd novel, etc.
It's so over.

I'm surprised no one is bashing Echizen or Waon's twitter over this whole thing
By the way, do you know who is more important between the two?
I see that Etizen has almost three times as many followers on Twitter as WAON, but in the mangas only AIUE OKA's name appears as the author.
Both are as important considering both draw their own shit sometimes, but both don't continue their main works if one of them isn't available
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I see, I asked because I feel that WAON draws much better and I thought he was the main author since now that I have seen the drawing styles between Etizen and WAON, Etizen does leave a lot to be desired especially because his current drawings are very thin and not very voluptuous.
Etizen is the one who hold the reims. Work a lot and leads their projects. Waon lately have been having issues that have been affecting the realese of some of their works
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>The kurashiki's sister
wait what? Do we know how she look like?
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nice, where is this pic from? haven't seen this before
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Don't know is this was post here before but here is the interview by Aiue Oka
>Also, Reina Kurashiki hasn’t had her finale yet, so I want to draw her story to the end.
Reina bros!
IT better end with this:>>8207797
I will only accept that ending if it ends with pregnancies, like the saimin bullying series.
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It's kinda implied that he remains involved with Hynotism in Famicon's future , and Sakura and the other girls who recieve tons of "seeds", I don't think they are getting any "unpregnant". So i guess we can say he won- probably.

Another scenario could be that he got caught and the hypnosis was reversed, so he had to run away and change his identity. In that scenario, I think the only person who would follow him would be Reina.

I wouldn’t like him to win., but that would be really cruel for girls that it's better they remain hypnotised.
In my Headcanon Reina Became Hajime Secretary in Famicon's Future
Yeah, me too. Tanaka will have a similar ending like the white haired guy in World's end harem. Running a entereprise with all his waifus.
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I'm super excited for Airi. She seems super cute, and having one of the girls put into the role of perpetrator rather than victim really mixes things up.

None of it is untranslated dude. You just gotta up your searching skills, or pay the jews.

There's no way he could continue to satisfy Reina if the hypnosis was broken. He's not a sex god, he just hypnotizes the girls into being far more sensitive. If the hypnosis breaks, its back to regular sex which can't satisfy her anymore.

She might let him rehypnotize her so she can feel it again though, who knows.
it's confusing when you type like that. so it IS translated and what do you mean translated
Maybe you're right, I just said it because of how actively she goes after what she wants and also for the "re-education" Tanaka’s been giving her.
But probably if he is not got as he was before I also think she'd rather be hypnotized again.
I didn't know there was a discipline committee in the game. If I am not wrong, Aiue Oka mentioned that the discipline committee was the final boss of the the serie. I read the intereview long time ago

The entire series was translated. Then FAKKU licensed it and is aggressive about doing takedowns of both the original scanlations and the official ones. People post it here and there, but you gotta download it quick because it always gets taken down.
They really did, hate that she isn't a virgin.
Student Council President will be final boss that what Aiue Oka say
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in the novel, Hajime mentioned that he had no intention of abandoning Yui and the other girls even after they gave birth or reached marriage.
>a mother
Sir are you clinically retarded
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M-me on the right..
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I hope he actually turns this into something. I love ojou-samas.
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He's gonna have to. It's just not logistically possible to keep fucking women on a daily basis the way he's doing it. Even with teenager stamina where you can just get hard almost immediately after cumming and go back on the horse, he's gonna keep going after new women and some of the old girls he's not really all that invested on are gonna fall by the wayside.

I guess you could do an ending where he just impregnates like a dozen women and that's his harem for life, but why would you do that if you can hypnotize more women? His goal is the entire school, and now he's also going after their moms, it's just not feasible.
Depends what his definition of abandoning means. If he's just gonna fuck them sure, but he's definitely letting the cucks raise his kids.
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can't wait for chapter 5
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Reina by far. Otherwise I hate the tags central to this work, but busty bratty gyarus getting bent get my blood pumping.
me too. This is going to set the tone for a lot of things. If the story keeps focusing on the older sister, then the plot could stretch out more, maybe even leading to a sequel (since they'd need at least two episodes for the younger sister, Amane's return, and the trio). But if it only focuses on the younger sister, then the story is pretty much wrapping up. It would feel a bit rushed, considering how little time they've given to the sisters
Wifeable material, wonderful.
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What was she thinking at that moment?
Her brain probably looked like scrambled eggs, so there couldn't have been ant coherent thoughts in there
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Probably something along the lines of
>Ahhhaafhhg, fuuuuu-hngasfda, uwaaha, n-nuu... aahahhasdf fsshhh, guh, uwa, uhhh... holy fuaarrr, gh-h aaahh, c-can't, uhhh ah fuccck
Whatever faggot, I got the mom and daughter mixed up, the daughter isn't a virgin either in case you forgot numbnuts.
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Bottom left, 2 for 1
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So this is a new light novel, right? (I don't know Japanese). If it's true, I hate when they start a new project without finishing the previous ones. But happy for a new work.
Goddamn, how many active projects do they have now?
Like six? Holy fuck.
1. FamiCon 5
2. Saimin-seishidou 5
3. Saimin-seishidou game + goods and extra material + extra doujin
4. Complete Kurashiki Oyakodon
5. A probable doujin for comiket
6. This light novel

Without mentioning their Fanbox and Fantia
>6. This light novel
This really shouldn't count. Not that I'm trying to defend these fucking dickheads who looooooooooove to take their sweet little time with their work, but light novels take like 3-5 art pieces, they're more novel than art. Just hand the "plot" to a ghost writer and move on with your day.
Aiue Oka is literally the Hideo Kojima but in Hentai Industry.
hot milf by the way
>60 page buildup
>Taka-kun looks in the mirror
>it's a reflection of the reader
Bravo AiueOka
>it's a reflection of the reader
Do it.
Tsubaki for sure. I even have her onahole.

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