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Who draws the best MILFs and why is it Maron Maron?
>shows one milf which was drawn like 10+ years ago
grim, exact reason why AI removes these wait times
>b-b-b-b-ut AI is slo-ACK
skill issue and cope issue, better than half the scamming artists, especially these that draw once a year
Just look at this AItranny
Go back to your containment thread, faggot
Meh imo it would be either

Takasugi Kou
Mosquito Man
Senor Daietsu
Nypaon is pretty high tier for milfs
For me it's Sugi G
Speaking of milfs, whatevever happened to Sakura no Tomoru Hie
What ever happened to Oda Non?
Seems like he stopped uploading stuff around 2022 but he's still active on twitter.
Miyabi Tsuzuru no doubt
Oh, I don't use Twitter so I didn't know.

Thank you Anon
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Minamida Usuke
etuzan jakusui is one of the goats
Nah. It's Shinozuka Yuuji.
Too bad he's never draw doujin anymore (I think)
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Takasugi Kou

Specifically, the doujin Sweet Days. I've read this one more than any other. I've wanted to escape into this story and have it become my life.

The artist suffers from sameface but it's a good one and I absolutely adore his style and more reserved tone of the stories. Nothing else compares, for me.

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Oltlo is the best, by far
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Sakura no Tomoru is pretty good
Dude still tweets and shit so it's not like he's dead or something. Probably just burned out and on hiatus for a while.
He got big into Netorare for a period which was disappointing. He was a go-to for incest stories for a while
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Yokkora was at one point my favorite artist, but it seems like they've more or less retired from porn. Last things I saw from them were some fairly tame Idolmaster art, then nothing.

But got damn, I think he put me onto Venus-type milfs.
These days I'd say Announ's another one I'm quiet fond of, and TawaraH was doing great things too. Then they started drawing NTR and "Slut world" stories and now I'm pretty apathetic towards them.
Did he? From what I recall, the only netorare angle were the fathers/husbands the women had out of the picture, such as the protag's faceless uncle in Sweet Days, and that's why it technically got the tag. Did he start doing actual cuck POV stuff?
where to find artists? I guess pixiv and nhentai right?
Not familiar, I'd have to check their stuff out.
too bas it takes him a bilion years to draw
A shame his recent stuff is filled with shota shit
Agreed anons. I also collect physical stuff and this bastard has released like two books and that's it.
what's the newest thing this artist has done?
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>grim, exact reason why AI removes these wait times

It's fun
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pic related, some shota shit
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>hating on shota
It's shit. Look at this >>8235226 look at the little faggots faces. How can anyone enjoy this?
Someone really needs to translate the first 7 chapters of My Fair MILF. Ch 8-10 is a stand-alone story and there are 3 stories in the first 7 chapters.
Is the mom/son neighbors a reference from another one of his works?
Korotsuke has been my favorite in recent years
Takasugi Kou

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