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Images preferably of the butthole, rimming/licking/eaten all acceptable.
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that's /e/.
>No minakami posted
sad tbdesu
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Why buttholes feel more erotic than pussies?
>inb4 you gay
I am, but that besides the point.
Because its the dirty forbidden hole. You fuck pussies for primal purpose, you fuck buttholes to make a point. Also fucking a girls ass highlights an inherent degeneracy in the girl herself.
Can't speak on gay sex tho, but its the only way to have sex for men so there isn't a choice in the matter.
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The skin is the same as on the lips
pussies are complex organs and men often struggle to even find the vagina when it's their first time
the asshole is just right there, a nice and simple hole, as if you were meant to go for it
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There's a thread for this on /e/ >>>/e/2894728
fucking a girl's ass takes time, preparation, and often willingness to endure discomfort on her part. it can be about power but for me it's about trust. i think it's really hot that a girl could be so into you as to let you do that.
I want to kiss this butthole.
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