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big fuck edition

Previous Thread: >>8179410


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge



NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscaler models: https://openmodeldb.info/models/4x-Nomos8k-atd-jpg
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
List of useful A1111 extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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off to a great start already
>making more work for ximself all to protect the wellbeing of artists and maintain a gold-standard for ethics in the AI community
thank you AstraliteHeart, without you who knows how heinous this community might be.
I want her to bite me.
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where da thread highlights at
where they belong.
in the trash
they dont have cnuy in it so theyre always ironic
who are the superartist
or does he keep it a secret for safety and respect
those are his curated artificial styles
he's probably trying to be a literal retard and lump together a bunch of "totally mostly similar" artists into random categories without being able to actually notice or understand the fundamental differences between said artists.
They are premade mixes of "stylistically" similar artists of his choosing.
can you control color contrast/saturation/etc on NAI? or just gotta tweak it in gimp?
So just slop on top of slop
is he really training on 4ch auraflow
because im going to cry if i have to endure another generation of sdxl vae
yes, by blind zoophile deprived any sense of aesthetic
Garbage in, garbage out, laddie!
You could try high denoise img2img of a solid color image, instead of a raw gen. Works on local at least.
you will continue training on a 4ch vae and you will be happy
there is not a single architecture worth training on
welp, better start crying now, anonnie, because it's 100% confirmed he will train his slop on 4ch slopper
Since he'll retrain the model and not really finetune it, he could just train a 16ch vae alongside the model.
auraflow's not even finished yet, the base model could switch over. Not that it will.
that would be relatively expensive so there's 0 chance he'll do it
I have a gut feeling that ponyv7 somehow will be worse at NSFW than it's predecessor.

Also this screenshot leaves a sour taste in my mouth with the whole "superartists" stuff - like you're already training on other artists work without their consent, it doesn't make sense to try and hide the fact.

Do we know if there will be *any* promptable artists left, or will it all be "superartists"?
he doesnt have to train shit, he just has to get someone to modify the architecture slightly and use the flux vae
what a mess
Not like he's hurting for money if you go by his own statements. He swims in much deeper waters than jordach and the boorubunch
maybe his test run will just outright fail and he'll become a little more realistic about his options
Whenever I try to make use of Img2Img I somehow wind up with the sloppest of slop
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He made the absolutely genius decision to make 25% of the dataset realism, and has been talking about how important "safety" will be. It's going to be shit because he will need to aggressively prune anything thats not mature cartoon milfs to try to prevent CS*M generation. That wont even matter in the end, but it wont stop the retard from lobotomizing the model.
wonder why
shouldn't have donated your neetbux to the zoophile
can't wait for v7 to release just to see how big train wreck it will be
everything he's doing so far is self sabotaging
is auraflow going to be some sort of massive upgrade anyway? the base model is completely unusable garbage, 4ch vae is shit, is he gonna be even able to utilize the increased param count?
or maybe it will be like jordach and he will be delusional about the quality
should have just went with sdxl with bigger dataset and no hashed tag and most people would be happy
He's not doing it to make people happy. The whole "superartist" thing is just doubling down on hashed tags.
technically speaking it has the best prompt comprehension so far, period. and I haven't actually looked at it but I'm assuming it has better resolution scaling than XL, at least.
it just also looks like ass. and has a 4ch vae.
so I'd say it's a "kind of but also not really, no." There just also aren't really any other compelling models to bother trying to do anything with right now.
it would still be disappointing, fuck the shitty vae and eps sepia
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>4 times less resolution than flux
nice, pose is kinda fucked tho
What about supercharacters? Did he ever address the hashed vtubers and 2hus? I mean with artists at least you could make the usual argument, but not even the vtubers themselves would want to be hashed.
based retard
>technically speaking it has the best prompt comprehension so far, period.
isn't it the model that occasionally shits out the ideogram nsfw cat? haven't really looked deep into all those meme bakes though
anything with 4ch vae is disappointing now though, flux is too much of a kino experience
He'll have to hash any characters that are "young" or have a particular body type, even more aggressively than he already has. Why? Because he's including millions of realism images in the dataset, and he'll have to do everything possible in the name of safety to prevent CS*M. To be fair, it is an actual concern if you include realism in the dataset like he is going to. Again, another mind boggling decision. He's just a fucking retard, that's all there is to it.
reweik doesnt have sepia
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Thanks. Really? Where exactly?
>Did he ever address the hashed vtubers and 2hus?
>isn't it the model that occasionally shits out the ideogram nsfw cat
yes. training on purely synthetic data is difficult, please to the understand.
still somehow the best prompt comprehension of any available model right now, even better than dall3.
no, I don't think this is a good enough reason to use it but it's something, I guess.
seen that but that's ages ago
it was a meme word for the general dullness of eps models
The arch of her back seems extreme
16ch vae is extremely important but i'm also sure that most of the people who are complaining about 4ch vae here don't understand why (this doesn't apply to the few lora bakers and finetuners we have left)
I am a lora baker and I don't understand either
its not hard to understand that 4ch produce worse details/writing, its like looking at your gen with a blurred lens
do you really need to *understand* it to see how much better it is at small details even at lower resolutions?
It can't do the detail density that I want at base resolution and can't learn any fine details like the texture of oil paint. Not a baker, am I missing anything?
The only reason you'd think this is because you're a ponyfag.
To clarify, we've never had a larger VAE. So it's all just an assumption based on "more is better", which might not be true.
You do know those were ironic and were in fact showing the WORST, shittiest, sloppiest pics of the previous thread?
>he was never on the highlights
we have flux which has insanely better detail density
you can go RIGHT NOW and encode/decode an image with the various 16ch/4ch vaes and see the light
Your Flux, sir?
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One hour late to the party. Might still post it though.
the XL vae is absolute garbage even ignoring the 4ch part.
and it's not really complicated to understand. more channels on the VAE=more fine, granular details are possible. This allows better/more detailed stylization(and better character detail capture).
please post it so i have ideas of what to gen for this thread
isnt cascade 16 channel? and it looks absolutely terrible, especially at fine details
it's not very complicated. well, it sort of is but it really isn't.
I hate hands again.
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the 1b looks terrible
the 3.6b looks normal
there's the whole extreme latent compression and stage b shit, not really comparable
What model is that?
yeah cascade is 16ch
does this mean that the base 3.6b model is significantly better at details than sdxl? no, not really
Cascade is 16 channels per 32x32 square. SDXL is 4 channels per 8x8 square. SO...
The only true 16 channel is flux right now.
So is the zoophile baker going to rape the LR like he did with SDXL?
You can change the size of cascade's square
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He'll fail to bake auraflow and go back to doing XL
Yes and you will get even shittier result than with 32.
Does anyone know of any good totally free image gen sites? I've been using Yodayo but I just found out it's completely dead for nsfw now.
I know about Civitai and Tensor but that's about it,and civitai currency is stingy as fuck..
Just bite the bullet and pay for NAI
Unless you're living in like venezuela or something..
oh my bbc
$25 is an insane sub cost proposition for someone looking for a "free" image generation site desu
rather pay 25$ for something decent than waste time on garbage
most people really aren't that picky when it comes to ai coom
He was asking for garbage though
Is that new model in OP just a meme? The gens on Civit look pretty shit. I stopped genning a couple months ago, just checking in semi-regularly in hopes of something new...
you are jerking it to ai porn you are getting garbage either way
which model?
if you can't afford a gpu or a nai subscription then you should fuck off, simple as
The new one, Reweik.
If you're unironically considering civit, pay for NAI Paying for civit solely for image gen is for people who do not know how to set their own machine up as a server
It's just a pony with better backgrounds and color balance, at the cost of some creativity.
vast.ai, colab and paperspace cost pretty much same as wasting money on civit would but allows you to whatever shit you would with local, I don't know why are people completely ignoring those options
i scrolled down and saw that granny spammer uses it so i think ill steer clear of it
>that jpg
yes? this has been known since v1.0

very based take ngl
because the person who asked the question is a retarded poorfag asking for free shit and those cost money to set up
Looks like a meme to me. But as I said I'm not following the threads anymore (until some nextgen local model comes out), so enlighten me.
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Have we gotten a proper solution to inpainting seams? Image dramatized for demonstration.
These options are already available to you with no extra cost other than your own PC. There's nothing "extra" you can benefit from it
>it's just a better autismmix at the cost of freeing you from shitty piss filter
thought it was shitposting cunnyfag https://civitai.com/user/VoidVoyagerAI
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Wish I could be her.
Don't let your dreams be dreams.
it probably is though. some of the stuff that has been reposted in these threads is from months ago on that guys profile
but people jump to suggesting nai and civit immediately
some people are using laptops or are too poor to afford a gpu
>some people are using laptops or are too poor to afford a gpu
and "people" like that shouldn't post here
>Looks like a meme to me
It's just another pony based mix with better colors just as >>8183053 said, like, for real, you still need to stack loras on top of it to make it half decent
I like it but it's not a game changer if that's what you were expecting
merge of blendermix and hassaku
bro still thinks this is some kind of secret elite genner club lole.
What unfortunate developments led you to this point in your life?
i'll answer for him:
extremely excessive porn consumption
it should be. thread quality would improve thousandfold if local models needed 48gb minimum and nai cost 150$ monthly
I dont have to post process color correct as often with reweik so thats a win for me, dont really care about base style as long as lora work
Where do you think you are?
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Nah, too lazy to fix it after few failed inpaint rerolls, some reimu instead
based reimuposter
Idk, the only mental illness i ever managed to incur here is a mild depression (about 3/10 on the scale)
Use a controlnet or T2I-Adapter in addition to your img2img. The image structure will be better preserved.
Her left breast is very low compared to the right breast.
one gets pushed down by her clothes and the other pushed up. seems fine to me
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thread saved
nevermind, looking closer at it, there is something wrong with her torso in general
I was mostly looking in reference to her armpits. It's like it drew her torso straight and then only put a bend starting at her nipple on her right breast
Re-gen it on Img2img with low denoise
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Low quality post for a low quality thread
You announce that as if you were capable of something better
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What happened to Neggles?
that is a child
very based, idk how NAI is so good at breasts like this, never was able to recreate it on local
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I've was trying to do that intentionally for slipped off effect, it's just not interesting when both are covered or out, probably manually adding some blur there should make even more effect, but it's just lazy sloppa t2i gen
Ordinary long pony torso, at least not double belly button
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Better yet, what happened to the "open model initiative"
Of course I am, but this thread doesn't deserve my better gens
Boxman works innately. Might be more suitable for negs tho. Any more artists missing from the rentry?
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Previous Thread Highlights
why did you have to do miku dirty like that
what a joke, half of it is zero effort slop again
It's not that its too long, it just bends in the wrong spot. The bend should happen in her midsection, not the rip cage. 404box for that gen pls btw
bro why are you doing this? clearly you spend some time and effort on doing this but the reactions are overwhelmingly negative
>still somehow the best prompt comprehension of any available model right now, even better than dall3.
I would be wary of cherry picked prompts chosen to show case models. Not auraflow but I tried flux, which also got hyped for this prompt comprehension business, and it still struggled a lot in scene compositions. You'd try to get it to render a gunslinger pointing a gun at a medieval knight and it would give a sword to the gunslinger and put a gun in the knight's hands.. it did get a few gens almost right (but still with things like broken perspective where the alignement of the arm/pointing the gun at enemy just didn't feel right) but in the end when you consider how dogslow the generation of content is with these they better produce something perfect or else you're just better off doing controlnets, inpainting with lightning and hyper-SD SDXL. Nothing beats fast iteration with some manual editing to get the job done. Better than trying to get those idiotic AIs to comprehend human words in prompts.
Highlights are getting better, the thread is healing
After conducting a statistical analysis of the previous thread highlights I have come to the conclusion that doing girl on top POV vaginal sex images increases your chances of landing on the highlights by astronomical margins compared to other type of sexual acts. This is directly followed by fellatio style images.
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Good work sir
remember to check your DM's for a 'cord invite
Is the anatomy on par with Autism? And what happened to that Cascade furry tune btw?
I joined the 'cord and within five minutes troons were in my dms
Nothing ever happens status?
>The only true 16 channel is flux right now
If flux is meant to be a reason to go for 16 channels then it's a really bad one. Everyone here talks about 16ch having better detail ? Have you guys really looked at the skin produced by Flux? it's like the lens of the camera was imbibed with vaseline before taking the portrait shots. Flux overall has a high tendency to look hazy, smoothed out, it's the opposite of being detailed. And the constantly extreme blur of backgrounds when there's a prominent subject in the foreground with bokeh like you're running a 90mm lens at 0.9 aperture is insufferable.
wat is even that pic?
Better look at anime pics, not realistic. But yeah it was trained on AI outputs so it's fucked.
but it's much worse for anime gens desu
whats a better 16ch vae that the one that flux has, then? any examples?
cascade's 16ch vae
There were a bunch of reddit threads detailing how to achieve hyper realistic skin on flux with lower cfg or loras. The flux vae is perfectly capable of a high level of detail. Flux making smeary skin at default settings is some issue unrelated to the vae
Flux has mostly shit loras now trained on either 512x or at most maybe 700-something. And without loras base flux is boring as fuck so almost nobody uses that for anime.
she smok
Funny how the "aesthetic" of new models has gotten worse kek
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wait why didn't it attach
facts or cope?
Cascade has a 4 channel 4x4 vae, but vae doesn't matter because there's also stage B before it, which is literally there to make your gens as shitty as possible.
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Nai will drop their own from scratch 20B, DiT, 64ch vae anime only model soon guys
that's due to syntheticslop dataset, not vae
What's this style?
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Looks like I'll have to reverse the timesteps after all (pic)
For the low price of $500/mo
why stage b bad? idk shit about cascade so i would like to know
wouldnt a finetune of stage b help a bit?
stage b is perfectly fine, that anon is confused
and here is the lora because you cant find it anymore
>dos two (zwei) (ni) 1.5 slops
come on man, you also do this shit on /e/ for some reason

>Is the anatomy on par with Autism?
I don't have any problem with it but I never tried autism so maybe another anon can point that out

>And what happened to that Cascade furry tune btw?
Still sorting out the possible problems before the real training of the 3.6b model (or so I do believe)
>dos two (zwei) (ni) 1.5 slops
1.5 is LOEV. 1.5 is LIFE
Cascade just sucks in general. It was developed as a low cost alternative to sdxl and should only be used if you don't have the funds to train a proper model
Finetune would help, but jordach doesn't have money for that. It would still suck because stage B doesn't take prompt into account, it just upscales the shitty 32x32x16 latent (this is the default resolution).
Just think about it, cascade generates a measly 32 by 32 latent with 16 channels and then runs a shitty upscaler called stage B on top of it. This upscaler doesn't have any information on what style you want because it doesn't receive your prompt as input, it has to derive everything from only 32x32x16 = 16384 floating point numbers and from that it has to reconstruct 1024x1024 = 1 million fucking pixels.
In comparison sdxl uses 65536 floating point numbers before shit goes into VAE and people demand that increased by 4 because it's clearly not enough.
>It was developed as a low cost alternative to sdxl
i love spewing misinformation on the internet
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Don't worry, another partial epoch will drop soon and DESTROY pony
kys dark schizo
I posted comparison images a few threads ago. Anybody who has seen those should understand.
Can you try adding taimanin suit? I've been doing them all day now because of /e/, it seems to go well with almost any character.
ok, your finetune???? link

oh right, you just cope with pony
Nvm, you're right, it's actually meant to be competitive with sd2.1
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Aimed right at the bowl, looks like someone is gonna eat good

Half of the prompt just got ignored, but w/e https://files.catbox.moe/7ci834.png
ugh she looks so moe it's making me sick
why would you do this to the ara ara lady
Eggs with a side of egg?
you have to eat all the eggs
>The only true 16 channel is flux right now.
That's my wife.
sd3 medium is a good base for a high lr finetune and i won't budge on that opinion
How do i prompt for a half smile where only one corner of the mouth is raised?
yeah and its vae sucks for being a 16ch
training on aisloppa is clearly not good
SDXL with HyperSD is the cost effective solution that SAI wanted to deliver but was too retarded to make.
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regional prompter?
>black pubes
based zack shipper
2b parameters is simply not enough to unlock the 16ch potential. It's fewer parameters than SDXL ffs. Make it at least 4b and we're talking. At least 4b would still fit into 12GB gpus so poorfags can survive that unlike flux.
Got twice into highlights again, sadly I don't have any new gen to celebrate
this is the no upscale kind of day

you shouldn't keep her in a cage for this long
much appreciate the artist mix if it's really (You)
is it really a ship when its literally canon?
its the creator's ship
i don't wanna and regional couple feels janky af
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flux is an 8b model larping as a 12b one. no need for it to be that big when it has such a slopped default style with less character/style knowledge than even base 1.5. we've yet to actually get a proper densely packed base model that isn't self-sabotaged by synthetic slop.
>It's fewer parameters than SDXL ffs
So that's why SD3 medium feels as random and chaotic as running 1.5.
What about hetero from side leg up? I got one of that in a previous highlight , but your observations are correct, the other highlights where pov cowgirl or fellatios
no, it's because sd3 we got is absolutely ravaged by incompetence and "safety", not because of le vae.
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Found them and put them into a single image. SDXL VAE vs two 16 channel VAEs.
Probably a pretty good chance still. Anal is usually what you want to avoid. Or maybe it's just survivorship bias and there's way more vaginal / fellatio than anything else in the threads.
can somebody check if this exact image composition exists somewhere on the internet?
That's it, no more backgrounds on my gens or old 1.5 sloppa (unless it's to compare to current models or finetunes)
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Forgor my gen
why would it need to exist? diffusion models don't just rehash their dataset
that would be pretty impressive considering that image was generated with pony, img2img-ed and then the entire left side of it was inpainted with nai
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the clash between 3d body and 2d face is weird but kinda hot
Oh, NOW people find it hot.
that reminds me https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/122110512
it's not always hot
that's the spirit
someone else was posting those super 2d face and realistic body images and they were fantastic
They don't. Reminds me of that creepy terra elin mod in skyrim
it is hot, although not a fan of this particular style desu
Did you tell them they were fantastic?
>this prompt
so even you switched to NAI kek
I can see the appeal of the body shape but there's a uncanny valley feel to everything, also why they are so noisy
nice petite tits
This is not the same than >>8183245 not even by a single bit, first of all it doesn't even looks realistic it looks like blender 3d slop and second of all the dude does girls that looks like any slender female from one piece so no it really isn't the same
can you do bleached tan girls?
he used nai before though
i did, saved quite a few too, last one i remember commenting on was the classroom pantyhose legs up image, i forgot who the girl was

i didn't "switch" to nai, i've been using nai, pony, 1.5 and all the models i liked enough that i could get my hands on and that would run on my machine the entire time
He used to make his own 3D models, but then AI came along and was way less effort. So he trained a shitty 1.5 lora off of them. Still gets patreon money somehow...
Yeah yeah. All I'm saying is it's not just the contrast between 2d and 3d.
that just look weird
Got any example?
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And here was wondering if we will see some Miyuki after ( https://files.catbox.moe/fwhjg9.png) had one at the bottom left.

Sorry to bother but, Would it be too difficult to make pic related ( >>8180276 ) go into the non-anal side like it was done in the other one? If it is too difficult/time consuming then don't bother as pic is already quite nice enough.
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One I figure out why my loras always suck I'll make a proper one from his old pics, for that extreme hourglass bodyshape.
Not near my PC to verify but has anyone though of perturbing the artiwaifu 2.0 release similarly to how that guy from reddit unscrewed SD3 to some extent a while back?
just use a raita lora
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seriously who gives a fuck about these highlights and why does that anon keep doing it despite nobody giving a single fuck? Just to hate on the fuckers for highlights here is a 1.5 sloppa
You'll make it one day as long as you keep posting images, keep your chin up.
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If i make it on highlights i am never posting here again. that just means i have failed. Remember that nobody here gives a fuck about anybody elses slops. So if you appeal to an anon that means your shit is bad. Have another 1.5 sloppa
The highlights are the only way to climb up in this world. They are hard, but fair. I toiled over my gens for months before making it once, but from that point forward my life changed for the better.
You can do this on the fly with comfy while genning, no need to mess with the model.
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wanted to do some moody DrowXhighElf stuff again. Hoping the mod tools bg3 releases will be good enough for some fun, since most vidya is hot trash atm.
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isn't that chinese monke game kinda good?
Literally this, if you still want to have the 2.5d look add another lora
The thing for me with most 3D styles that are out there is that any prompt that hints at muscle definition it just defaults to hard chiselled abs, is not that I don't like them but sometimes I want to add a bit more detail and depth to the ladies belly but the ai decides that is hard mommy time
>Remember that nobody here gives a fuck about anybody elses slops
Okay then, let's fill this thread with pure sloppa so /hdg/ finally dies
>nobody here gives a fuck about anybody elses slops
>but also i care so please stop posting highlights
>so /hdg/ finally dies
Aren't we already undead? this place is our purgatory
What triggered your schizo instinct this time? was a perfectly pleasant thread so far.
what's an artist that draws good, clean pussy, not to use for generation just so I can know what I should be aiming for while rolling. I don't know what vaginas look like.
>let's fill this thread with pure sloppa
that's just business as usual
It is, I like it so far, it isn't the best game I have played and there is many things that could be improved but it's fun
Creepy? More like keyed.
>I don't know what vaginas look like.
just look at the boorus and find an image that looks like the one you are trying to do to get an idea on how it should looks like
you can find pictures of real vaginas on the internet if you want an authoritative source
he asked for an artist name for a reason
a lot of artists draw terrible fucking vaginas
i'd take >>8183333 's advice
When creating batches from a defined seed does it always go in the same order?
I've avoided it so far because I can't play as a cute girl, but I feel like I slowly have to give up on new vidya if I cling to that requirement
>I've avoided it so far because I can't play as a cute girl,
Holy based but mods are a thing you know, I played Sekiro with a Kasumi model and voice and it vastly improved my experience with it, I had the intention to do the same with the monke game but it's super new and while there is plenty of mods out there already, they aren't that polished yet
I haven't posted anything here in months, the thread's been shit until yesterday/now-ish.
I was gonna post something funny but NAI broke the seeds again and I haven't had the time to sit down and inpaint.
>it's hard mommy time

What about this one? >>8183099 She's like 2.8d and has that slight definition. Mixed in 0.3 mantisX and some 2D artists. Would probably work with other "soft" 3D artists like vicineko, usukeninja, etc at low strength.
ok I'll reiterate, uncensored cute anime vaginas. but yeah I guess I'll just start browsing
what AGP and no pussy do to a mf
Yeah but anime ones aren't trying to look like real ones. Just like real people don't have eyes the size of a golf ball. Unless you're going for a very realistic style, which would get called out as /aco/.
Why do you talk like a twitteroid?
seethe all you want tranny, but I need a self-insert or a cute girl to enjoy my games.
reading comprehension anonie
discord screenshots thread thoughbeit
he's a tourist summerfag
Why would anyone here comprehend your twitter babble? wtf is agp?
that's /v/ babble
raita draws anorexia with tits, not impossible /fit/ girls
>/v/ twittershit memes
makes sense why this thread sucks so much, it's full of brainrotten zoomer cancer
>Add prompt for fangs
>Gives them either half fangs or multi-fangs instead of just the basic one on each side like I want
What's the easiest way to remedy this? Go into paint and do some shit like this and then run it through img2img?
1girl, indoors, burger, McDonald's,
>this thread sucks so much
go check anywhere else in this shithole, boards are dead, cancer or both, hdg isn't even that bad despite all thee shitposting
fucking kill yourself zoomer
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Relax bro, I just hit the griddy no cap fr ong
New cascade epoch dropping soon
/haniho/ is safe and alright and that's all that matters
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gave me an idea
el basado
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imo it's easiest to just let it make multi-fangs and then draw over the extra ones with mouth-color red. Then inpaint at 0.2-0.4 denoise to clean up your ugly drawing job.
the anatomy is really weird here
better style than what you used before tho
her entire body fell victim to the object permanence meme
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keeping track of shitty anatomy can be harder with nsfw because of certain features drawing your eyes more
I like how it left empty space in her hand for another finger and just didn't put one in. That's not how it usually fails.
I learned to take a mini-break before posting, then look over my image once more. Once you start inpainting or editing it becomes easy to miss even glaring issues.
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In my case because the mouth isn't open I guess just replace mouth color red with flesh and then use teeth white to make a triangle on the desired side of the outh?
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The burger needed some sauce
kinda looks like victoria from hero killer
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Very cute.
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That's how I'd do it, yeah. Since there's usually no shading on teeth they're easy to work with. The closer you get to what you want the lower your denoise needs to be for the cleanup step.
>nearly zero art of a cute card
>want to make more
>nearly zero art
What's the NAI inpaint trick again?
I'm impressed with the quality of these. Model? Can you box please? (the one I called cute at least)
it's nai
its nai
I see, I had checked before asking though.
>This image contains no metadata.
How come I cannot inspect them?
because it's not nai, they're baiting
it is nai thoughbeit
he scrubs the metadata
I'm a newfriend, please stop bullying me.
Seriously though, I could never get anything like this with NAI. It's too crisp and multiple characters are properly handled, which is nearly impossible to accomplish in NAI. Even simple sexual positions in NAI are horrendous to get right.
he does a lot of inpainting and uses good artist combinations. you do have to put some effort even if you're using nai
he inpaints and gachas a lot. there are still the occasional odd mistakes that he missed
>It's too crisp and multiple characters are properly handled, which is nearly impossible to accomplish in NAI. Even simple sexual positions in NAI are horrendous to get right.
Have you actually tried out NAI before?
>which is nearly impossible to accomplish in NAI. Even simple sexual positions in NAI are horrendous to get right.
have you ever genned with anything before? or is it bait? nai is more braindead easy than anything in this regard
NTA but he's not wrong unless you use certain artist combos.
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Thanks, I guess I'll do the same when cleaning up the slit pupils (Just make the lines blacker and more defined and across the entire iris I'm assuming).
Note to self - Don't use the sharp teeth tag
Have also (You) tried NAI before?
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I kept looking through my folders but i can't organize for shit so these two are the only ones i managed to find
saved them from here, i like them a lot. can get kinda similar effect with pony but it's inconsistent and only works on a single artist mix. dunno about loras

i dunno whether that or this one is more scuffed but best I can do atm

the way i see it you can always filter out things you don't like but you can't exactly filter in something decent, gotta do it yourself
>NAI broke the seeds again
as in they spit out garbage or not reproducible?
cute reisen
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rookie numbers
I see, thanks.

I do but all artists I use are relatively painterly, so that's probably why I thought it was local. I'm not used to see this kind of detailed artstyle from NAI.
You don't have the symbol
i do but it's dark due to my browser theme setting
i laughed

>read my mind

put the character into the white space
mask the entire noise area but leave a bit of noise at the side closest to the character
adding "solo, solo focus, multiple views" tags might help, gonna be a lot of gacha and if your input image isn't great the results won't be great either
you don't really need this kind of template to do it btw, just makes it more convenient i guess
My god, that's incredible. Shame on me than, good work sir.
what is this trick for?
if you mean the inpainting trick it's for genning art of characters nai doesn't have knowledge of
like this
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Man i sometimes miss 1.5 days ngl. I said slop to that image but i actually like it.
Sharp teeth is actually shark teeth. It does work, but only with inpainting/adetailer, close-ups or really high resolutions.
very cool, thank you
You can only filter so much shitposting, you might as well not post/lurk at all if you have to hide 80% the thread.
>garbage or not reproducible
Not reproducible, they broke determinism with the scheduler update. They seem to have fixed it now but old seeds don't work anymore in theory. In practice most are probably fine/close enough but I've had quite a few break quite noticeably, more than what could be attributed to hardware differences/xformers/ancestral noise.
>really high resolutions.
how high we talking?
>Sharp teeth is actually shark teeth.
fucking CLIP again huh
nah that one is because that's how it's tagged in danbooru
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wanted to convey some imminent tentacle rape, not sure if it gets that across.
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Give me some schizo prompts
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1boy, 1girl, standing, holding hands, outdoors, sunset, from side
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Are you a cuck or are you black?
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Both obviously
It works when adetailer blows up her face to 512x512. So if her face makes up a quarter of the image then about 2K?
you haven't even tried the taimanin suit
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Caused some other issues with the gen like more flawed eyes and causing her pubes to become a second tattoo but yeah much better on the teeth at least
Denoise too high maybe?
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I use WANIMAL images with vibe check to get the moody lighting and better anatomy. Just grab anyone and slap that bitch into vibe thing at 0.15 and 0.1, preferably full body shots.
[[deformed : bad anatomy : disfigured : poorly drawn face : mutation : mutated : extra limb : ugly : poorly drawn hands : missing limb : floating limbs : disconnected limbs : malformed hands : out of focus : long neck : long body : monochrome : feet out of view : head out of view : lowres : bad hands : text : error : missing fingers : extra digit : fewer digits : cropped : worst quality : low quality : jpeg artifacts : signature : watermark : username : blurry : artist name : poorly drawn eyes : out of frame : black and white : censored : bad legs : bad hands : text : error : missing fingers : extra digit : fewer digits : cropped : normal quality : jpeg artifacts : extra legs : without hands : bad knees : multiple shoulders : bad neck : no head : poorly drawn limbs : amateur drawing : odd : extra fingers : mutated hands : multiple penises : disembodied : deformed breasts : bad proportions : extra limbs : extra ears] | [deformed | bad anatomy | disfigured | poorly drawn face | mutation | mutated | extra limb | ugly | poorly drawn hands | missing limb | floating limbs | disconnected limbs | malformed hands | out of focus | long neck | long body | monochrome | feet out of view | head out of view | lowres | bad hands | text | error | missing fingers | extra digit | fewer digits | cropped | worst quality | low quality | jpeg artifacts | signature | watermark | username | blurry | artist name | poorly drawn eyes | out of frame | black and white | censored | bad legs | bad hands | text | error | missing fingers | extra digit | fewer digits | cropped | normal quality | jpeg artifacts | extra legs | without hands | bad knees | multiple shoulders | bad neck | no head | poorly drawn limbs | amateur drawing | odd | extra fingers | mutated hands | multiple penises | disembodied | deformed breasts | bad proportions | extra limbs | extra ears]]

it's simply a gap in talent at this point
(gpo:1.1), (cet:1.1)
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i think your the same anon asking, but there's a wanimal thread I dropped a few images in on /s/
might be archived by now.
just wait brother. we need more epochs to cook a ponykilla bake
i hope that the lora i'm training works out ok it's for a very important subject matter
It's not even talent it's pure retardation
>pure porn model
>"we care about the safety of our model"
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Done already?! T-Thanks.
>i dunno whether that or this one is more scuffed but best I can do atm
While I do admit that the vagina looks a bit lower than it should. Pic looks good.

Really appreciated, thanks anon.
So far I've been extremely impressed with NAI's vibe tool, it just hadn't occurred to me that I could use real models since I'm a 2D guy.
Thread's still there: >>>/s/22001577
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Actually I was, and that's precisely how I know.
>its actually nai


I DONT WANT TO PAY. fuck this gay earth when is this leaking I FUCKING WANT IT

absolutely epicurean taste though. and amazing gens, i have no clue why i never see anything even remotely like yours posted
ofc it's nai you can tell from the linework
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based and soulful
>Why are there not more chick coded, oddly artsy full body gens posted?
Idk, most people just don't fap to that I guess
>i have no clue why i never see anything even remotely like yours posted
i think the big thing is that this is /h/ and not /u/
there's this too
I meant the style mostly.

i have used nai with one of the free accounts posted here like 6 months back and was throughly unimpressed at the time. whatever model updates they did really show
they didn't updat the model at all though, you just had (have) a massive skill issue senpai
they had literally no significant updates, and this dude has been prompting pretty much same shit for almost a year now. nai has a lot of quirks if you want to gen something that isn't awfully fried slop so it's not surprising that 3k anals (or whatever that free account was) wasn't enough to actually try anything
>nai has a lot of quirks if you want to gen something that isn't awfully fried slop
kettle calling the pot a N
well i get it, but everyone has their own way of looking at things i guess
>Not reproducible, they broke determinism with the scheduler update
thanks, i hate it. there were some things i hadn’t finished testing on a single seed, which i put off for later since i’m taking a break before resubbing

>(multiple views, comic:1.3), (ass grab, anal, vaginal, fellatio, spread ass, facesitting, from above, from below, from side, straight-on, peace sign, grin, open mouth, closed mouth, talking, pout, grin, crying, wavy mouth, scared, cheek pinching, close-up, full body, eye focus, crotch focus, ass focus:1.3)
just add it to your existing prompt and you're good
bonus schizo if you do this via img2img of a completely random image 0.5 to 0.8 denoise
There's a good chance your seed still works fine, the few that broke for me are all SDE/Native.
that goes for any model but with nai people who got the hacked account freebies had very limited trial and error window
help i accidentally made my lora too good
Looks like Japan is going to end up making a court decision on AI art for the first time kek
> We have achieved 100% on Crowdfunding! Thank you very much! As you can imagine, we were not expecting to reach our goal in about 10 days, so we are surprised at the level of interest everyone has in the generative AI issue.

I would like to note just one of the current unresolved issues. One of the obvious inadequacies of the current law is that there is no obligation to disclose datasets of AI models (including LoRA, etc.). Copyrighted works are being reproduced and used in datasets without permission (which is an infringement of reproduction rights). However, since the generated product is a mixture of multiple images in the data set, it is very difficult to identify the original work and claim the rights to it. The Agency for Cultural Affairs clearly states that permission from the rights holder is required to use a copyrighted work as a data set for the purpose of enjoyment or entertainment, and to obtain permission, a data set usage fee is required as a return.

We assume that many of you understand this point, but we have written about it again.
I always paypal a fee to every artists I include in my prompt, this does not concern me.
literally nothing will come out of this
The east has fallen, billions must hash
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precisely, nothing happened in the end
Cant wait for the resident /hdg/ legal experts to weigh in
this person was just crowdfunding the legal fees but they haven't even been to court yet
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I know what I like. But I try to change things up, sex gens get boring after a while.
They're well known in the JP anime community and have a good reputation, I'd wager they're definitely going to take this to court. Hence, the "is going to end up".
to be clear, i didn't mean it as a "this is /h/ not /board im currently seething about". im also in agreement that /e/ is generally more enjoyable to prompt and makes up around 60% of what i gen with 20% being cute chibi stuff (not cunny) and then the other 20% being /h/ porn. it is what it is
no i like it
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this is very weird, it's like the koikatsu style was somehow burned out of the lora so thoroughly via difference training that it shifted towards primarily generating pseudo realistic images unless specifically combined with a style or character lora or caption
also it's fucked up that the lora didn't actually figure the face sitting part out but maybe iteration 2 will do a better job
>futacock naitrash

great... more fucking naishills. guess ill see you anons next thread. grow some balls
>maybe iteration 2 will do a better job
>inb4 maybe iteration 3 will do a better job
>inb4 maybe iteration 4 will do a better job
>inb4 maybe iteration 5 will do a better job
good, i hope ai gets banned globally honestly. local had their chance, if they actually made good models i wouldn't care. but the future is clearly saas shit charging exorbitant prices and i'd rather see it all burn down than live in a world where everyone is paying $100/month to various different ai services. if it's trained on copyright works it should be free. yes, i'm a freetard. i don't believe in taking all of an artist's work, training on it, and then charging money for it. i wouldn't shed a tear if all of nai was lined up and shot honestly. ai deserves to be a free tool to benefit artists and humanity, not more kiked subscriptionware. liberate it or destroy it all.
i am confident that it will improve since i made all of the training images and can just replace them with better ones if the ai is having a hard time
Honestly I don't think it would suck to have a way of adjusting styles without remembering the name of every artist ever or hoping that prompt mixing a couple artists comes out the way you want.
My issue is this is just going to be an expanded version of source_anime instead of anything I would actually want for adjusting the style and look of things.
If you are going to put in all this work to make 5000 variants for source_xyz you may as well make the model properly understand line weight/velocity/texture/opacity/etc in a promptable way. At least bake a model that knows what tsurime is.
Using artist tags the way NAI does is clearly playing with fire, there's a reason they didn't include them with the furry model. It's just that Japan hasn't really laid out firm guidelines on AI yet so it's more of the wild west with their artists. Within the next few years regulations/lawsuits are going to start really hitting home.
>Zoomers shot their attention span and can't wait longer than a few months for Le next thing
>At least bake a model that knows what tsurime is.
Straight facts, brudda
okay, but have you considered that nothing ever happens?
Fuck, you're right.
It's amazing how Toriyama characters probably have more fucking art resources than most anything and yet any girl from Dragon Ball/the sequels probably has the shittiest LoRAs of all time
because they're ugly
I'm an artist and I don't care. Everyone's stuff should be available in every models. Someone referencing your art is the same shit as putting it into a dataset. If you want to strive then get good taste. AI needs to progress without shackles.
i mean that's not really a japan thing, there simply aren't laws anywhere yet against training on copyrighted material
Is shit like negative embeddings a meme
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Jordach discovered one simple trick that will turn cascade from an amazing model into the God Model Of All Time (GMOAT). You can't even imagine what this next epoch is capable of.
we're so back jordachsisters
is nai down
NAI sisters...
>jordach figures the one weird trick that makes cascade better than flux
>nai servers down
just according to keikaku
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it's over.
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I check on the thread because NAI is down and first pic I see is a sovl gen. Nice.
Nice cadaver, but we're just got our final infinity stone so it's Jordachover for you.
i love how stupidly cute her face looks
Latex fox
It's been a while since I downloaded new models for Pony, but any recommendations for models that could be described as Autismmix but newer? I've used it a while but not sure what to try out.
not even euge will be spared?
>Jordach discovered one simple trick that will turn cascade from an amazing model into the God Model Of All Time (GMOAT)
Remove all the furry shit from the dataset?
It's Arti2?
euge will be allowed to live in the cascade paradise as a court jester
but astralite and neggles both get a public execution
no but that's why it's already so good. the more it knows the more it knows not. by training on furry art it knows exactly what furry art looks like, and therefore knows exactly how to un-furry it thanks to the amazing infinite power of negative prompts. it's actually the most anime dataset possible thanks to this technique
the furry art is important so it gets the fox girl tails right
box? onegai
it's a controlnet on a lora I haven't posted for a model mix I haven't posted, it was also inpainted a bunch.
The pose was "(hetero, 1girl, 1boy, vaginal, sex, missionary position, faceless male, sweat, female orgasm, looking at another, blush, arm support, spread legs :1.1), biting lip, lip bite, biting, closed mouth" if that helps
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it is, probably not for everyone but i'm thoroughly enjoying it

sounds good
i need euge to live at least a little longer
>Download control net
>Apparently there are models I need for control net also
How do I know which ones are the important ones bros...
on pony? should be
or something. the pn is for pony
i believe this unironically
pruning tags from your dataset will make it learn things inherently, which is why score tags on pony makes things look aco
he said tl:dr its clip skip 2 the thing that helps (aka NAI's sekrit sauce)
Arti is good, i did unspeakable amount of img2img controlnet fuckery to unslop my pony gens.
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Yeah it looks nice, and thank you for the tip
why do her boobs have no oxygen? good otherwise
1.5 called
It wants its gen back
nothing ever happens
including you having $25 to spare on a nai sub
based. i've found it pretty decent at upscaling nai stuff but it'll probably destroy lesser known characters

her disgust does unspeakable things, including oxygen deprivation localized entirely within her tits
could also be me half-assing things
>clip skip 2
holy shit we really are back to square one
That's my wife, put a jacket on her.
some people say NAIv3 also uses clip skip 2 but thats just a rumor
jordach's idea of 'NAI' is early 2023 aomslop. i honestly do not think he even tried a model that wasn't his in over a year.
it was more of a "are you fucking kidding me did that fucking idiot seriously not try that first thing?'
clip skip isn't a thing on sdxl so idk how they raped it into working with tags
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At first I thought picrelated was artfag cope but it's becoming truer with every passing day

all AI art is transforming more and more into a singular globohomo style that is pathetically easy to recognize and fucking garbage. for now pony art LORAs are pretty good because pony is a 'weak' model that has little style to it, but what happens when pony gets replaced with dalle-3 ripoffs like flux? and what happens when newer shit gets trained on already AI-generated stuff? what happens when only corporations with massive hardware can improve on the newest fad models?
>for now pony art LORAs are pretty good because pony is a 'weak' model that has little style to it
stopped reading there
All of the new models are trained on synthetic slop (auraflow/flux/ideogram/etc....)
As time goes on, more and more of this synthetic slop is going to bed fed into llms/image models. Artists have always been right about AI, once you've seen enough AI images it's all slop all the way down (and this included NAI).
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>generation timeout
Hot Mona
NAI is dead.
y tho?
he killed it
last one
More BWC cunnies please
bwc is a myth
I like it.
nice, mogs local even at aco-coded imagery. grim truthnuke but a needed one
is that flux?
It's auraflow sar
it's auraflow
Any tips for doing see-through clothing?
When I just add prompts like "See-through, nipples, pussy" it just distorts the outfit instead of making it transparent
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The results are a bit yellowish for now, but otherwise quite interesting.
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Need more discord screenshots please
use nai. also see-through silhouette, but that can just make the whole character black
Morning sirs. QRD on auraflow?
what was it?
Tourist? Phoneposter?
It's back.
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any hassaku users here?
The fact the right has worse composition and contrast too is funny. Yeah, at a certain point capitalism ruins projects just as much as it funds them since it gets focused on min-maxing profits.
that image on the right might be the literal definition of AI slop
what to gen
Combat ejaculation.
e14 1b cascade is out, did it improved?
yes, it's the real pony killer now
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don't be like that, i asked for real
reimu is having a good time
why must I only gen 1girl, standing?
because you have 1penis
it really is THAT simple
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can you give me a cunny, now that jannies are asleep rn?
Absolutely not
a catboxed one works too, thanks, very hot
I hate anatomy
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I never played with any image generation AI before. Wanted to ask if it is possible to remove a futa bulge from art using AI? I like futa but sometimes I just want to look at normal women, you know?
>because you have 1penis
are you sure about that
You could mess around with inpainting, which is a technique where you can specify a certain area of an image that the AI will alter with respect to the given prompt, but your results may vary. I've never tried something like that personally but I've seen people do similar things.
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How do I do that? I have to pay for NovelAI, right? It's just one image, can I request an anon here to do it for me, or should I ask the edit thread for that?
In fact, you should be able to remove a bulge without writing anything in the prompt just by doing a mask over it and using high denoising strength.
I often manage to remove extra fingers/phantom hands from my scenes just by doing this. I'll try prompting stuff or controlnets only if it doesn't work.

When you i2i something with no prompt and high strength, the model will try to fill in with what seems logical to be there. So unless your model has a particularly bias about imagining women to have penises, the bulge should go away.
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Emphasis not working? Just inpaint the shit pussy.
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If you have a decent GPU (6 gigs of VRAM or higher) you could follow the instructions in the OP for downloading and installing a local AI diffusion model. For this image it might take a few tries but I imagine it'll be fine. You could even try the Llama cleaner (Also linked in the OP) if you just want to remove the detail, though that program is typically reserved for text or whole bodies/objects. This thread doesn't really do requests unless people feel particularly generous, so I'd recommend asking the edit thread if your GPU sucks.
Thanks for answering.
based bot fucker
thats a alot of shit artfags have to worry about, how did those fuckers do this before AI
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how many fingers
I count 14
every week he comes up with something new fucking up his model
Does anyone know about the specific properties of the noise used there? I get I can copy paste it but what if I wanted to make it myself, does it have specific properties I need to get right for the trick to work?
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now do imminent giant spider rape, to keep on the drow theme

they go on /e/
very nice, box?
For simple ones, yeah. And if it refuses to work just flatten the shading that suggests a bulge or adjust the edges with liquify tool, and have the model clean up your work afterwards. But with major edits like >>8183927 you'd have to use an inpainting model that can match the style at very high denoise, and I'm struggling with that. Maybe NAI could do it?

Interesting challenge though. It's such a rough style, makes it easy to work with so I did a rough redraw and had AI clean it up. Reminds me of Aka6 before he went full futagay. But why is there a shoe coming out of her butt if she's standing on both legs?
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Shouldn't matter, as long as it is random noise so the AI can't see anything in it.
>Does anyone know about the specific properties of the noise used there? I get I can copy paste it but what if I wanted to make it myself, does it have specific properties I need to get right for the trick to work?
It's just for convenience sake so you know what to mask
NAI infill completely ignores the masked area
You can put literally anything there and it wouldn't matter.
Ignores it completely? Because on local a denoise of 1.0 still considers the underlying image, like an extremely weak vibe transfer.
yeah that's how it works, it's just a different approach compared to "classic" inpaint, pretty much it uses prompt+context to recreate what it thinks that should be in the masked area, that's why it's good at adapting to styles usually.
anything like vectorscope or alternate init noise for comfyui?
I know how it works. Just that noise is usually an offset added to the underlying image, doesn't overwrite it completely. And there has to be a reason why the trick was done with noise instead of a flat color, I remember anons going through the extra effort back when it was discovered.

It's still weaker than a single-image lora btw. You can just train one, gen some pics with it then train a new one with those new images etc until you get a varied enough dataset.
literally the first search result
Can anyone explain to me why /hdg/ is fascinated with this grifter? we all know his tune is shit, will be shit in the future, and until the end of times. Can we move on, or is watching the trainwreck something you can't stop doing?
>And there has to be a reason why the trick was done with noise instead of a flat color, I remember anons going through the extra effort back when it was discovered.
that inpaint trick guide also mentions using smea for inpainting while it's actually disabled for anything that isn't txt2img in the default interface, and anons were like absolutely sure that it's smea that is doing the magic!
you don't have to trust me of course, run your own tests, those are my conclusions after testing this stuff a while ago
Can you post the full edit please?
are you new? generals raising and tending to their lolcows isn't exactly uncommon
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Seriously? You can splice it together as well as I can.
NTA, but fine choice off nikker. Rapunzel doesn't get the love she deserves.
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what's lora?
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dog u about to be murdered
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think i have exhausted the whole drow on elf thing at this point.
Nonsense. Drizzt Do'Urden has been at it since the 80s and shows no signs of abating.
why are all her booru images sfw
It is rare for someone to lewd her. Saintess even in this world, I guess.
I can't even tell if that image is the template I downloaded here or the one I made myself as it didn't seem to matter at all, I just added gaussian noise in photoshop - probably around 40% and that was it. It is useful for separation of two parts of the image but you could just draw a border for that purpose - both of those options can be better than a flat image since without a clear border it can often either try to extend the existing image or use too small of an area for the stuff it's trying to add, could be why people preferred doing it this way

you can make two images that have clear separation line with one of the sides being black in first image and white in the second (aside from the character image) and then carefully inpaint only the white/black area on the same seed making sure your mask perfectly aligns with the border and is exactly identical both times. that might be the best way to test whether their inpainting completely erases/ignores the masked content or not
>>8183729 if you fall for such bait so easily you should leave
he's not wrong doe
Thanks Anon. I was at work so I couldn't splice it.
massive promptlet cope tbdesu
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Does this NAI inpainting trick work on local/pony as well for characters not recognized internally by the model?
No. You could try it on the animagine inpainting model or foocus, since that's what the trick is leaning into.

But we have other options. Training a lora works better, even from a single image. Or you can go back to sd1.5 and use ipadapter.
Darn, thanks for the answer though. Might try out the other options you mentioned then.

Completely different question to all anons - Whatdo you use (if any) for posing models in 3D, before passing them on to controlnet? I've tried cascadeur but I had a hard time using it with multiple characters. I would really like to know if there are other alternatives.
just open pose
openpose sucks for anything but upright poses
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I seem to remember the default SDXL open pose models don't work with pony, and you had to use xinsir controlnet models instead - I assume it's this one right?:
Or the promax/union version:
thats not even precum at this point, also I wonder what style you used to get those emoji popping out for no reason
I did some lying down pose that worked well too but I agree that its not always working as well as it should
I think so yeah, havent tried openpose with anytest4
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I don't pose stuff myself, but as for controlnet input you can use pretty much anything, even real porn. So whatever tool is easiest for you to work with, doesn't matter if it's MMD outputting textured and detailed models or just a Blender tubeman.
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>openpose sucks for anything but upright poses
Are you using the T2I-Adapter as your pose controlnet? because they trained it with the wrong color channels. It's using BGR instead of RGB so you need to inverse blue and red before feeding it pose images.

If you're using it the right way, or another kind of openpose controlnet, and still feel it sucks, I'd suggest using "CN-anytest_v4" that's in the thread op (the controlnet test2 hugging face link).
It's extremely good at doing things like transferring a pose from a sketch, a photo, or a 3d model. Don't do any pre-processing (not like with openpose or canny) just feed it the image and let it do the magic.
yeah, I'm using anytest and xinsir union most of the time. Still would be nice to have something that is better at depth than openpose and can be posed easily within the ui
why exactly don't people just finetune 1.5 the same way nai did but with a more curated dataset and at a higher base res? clearly the number of parameters isn't what's holding imagegen back so what's the point of coping with even shittier architectures than 1.4/1.5?
>clearly the number of parameters isn't what's holding imagegen back
clearly it's one of the things that matter
time to upgrade your 1050 bro
>clearly the number of parameters isn't what's holding imagegen back
it's the money, lack of competence, experience, etc
Text message / emoji literally
can i switch back to forge yet
heh, i've been using forge this entire time
just read this entire thread
nothing ever happens, huh
it's not even about the dataset and compute. there are creative techniques employed during training and inference that throwing compute at the problem won't solve. just like how vibe transfer completely destroys ipadapter yet nobody has figured out how it works. same with smea. nobody is the local space right now is clever enough to figure these things out, which is why we're still getting shitty washed out xl bakes over and over.
you can throw billions of gpu hours at XL and still wind up with shit results if you don't address the problems in the training process/architecture. just like how cascade epoch 14 has passed over the dataset more times than pony by now yet is still unusable trash.
it's exactly as kurumuz said, it's an unironic skill issue. it's a complete gap in skill when it comes to understanding how to manipulate training, loss, attention, etc. local bakers think chucking their 12 million image dataset into EZBaker will somehow result in a creative and smart model. the biggest payoffs will come from tricks employed in the training methodology, and local has no idea where to even start
I didnt expect you to actually prompt this since its always messy, my bad
nah the dataset is probably by far the most important, what big corps have is money to pay people to prepare and process it
who are you talking to
also all can be true at the same time, need good dataset, good compute and good training parameters
this, in my 2 years of on and off training dataset is by far the most impatcful thing
one of the reasons I want to start a patreon is to fund getting people on fiver to tag loads of data
Vibe transfer could simply be ipadapter. It's just that the only ones we have on local are trained on base SD1.5 and SDXL, not even anime.
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>creative techniques
>like magical blackbox
stopped reading there, dataset is king
garbage in garbage out
it's weird no one trained one for pony considering it's biggest weaknesses is the style

>against glass
>but people jump to suggesting nai and civit immediately
Civit was mentioned in the original post, it was NAI the one that was brought up for no reason other than desperation.
what are you prompting for the bangs to fall back like that?
>It's using BGR instead of RGB
how can they be so retarded
i knew the order was always RGB when i was in elementary
Yeah 80% of the time is trash
Nobody trained an inpainting model for pony either, which would also be a huge help. I guess it's not that easy.
Yeah, the original poster was asking for free options and only made a passing metion to civitai, but it was still enough to trigger the shill. It wouldn't surprise me if he was paid to make posts based on keywords, even if it doesn't make sense to the conversation.
those puffy covered nipples look great

>when your tail is fatter than your waist
>it's weird no one trained one for pony considering it's biggest weaknesses is the style
every single time these papers demonstrate proof of concept style transfer they promise code and just don't deliver, even this time they've shown cascade or something not SDXL
It is easy, but why would anyone but astra himself care to support his project?
It's still smaller than in canon t bh. Her life must be tough.
Model issue. NAI does both "fang" and "fangs" correctly. Just train a Lora?
The worst timeline canon is her going on a diet and losing her thick thighs and tail. I'll never forgive HG
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I'll just pretend they all got eaten by seaborn before that could happen
>prompt mixing in UC
I've copy pasted my positive prompt to negative and then wrote a different, regular prompt in the positive and that was an interesting experience
Content-wise current architectures don't have fundamental flaws except maybe the fact that they use non-zero terminal SNR. The model quality directly reflects the quality of the dataset. Clever tricks will only let you train all your shit faster.
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no it's not, which is why i'm saying that there is more to it than just using existing techniques over and over again. just like with NAI v1's frequency-based loss. they are employing novel techniques that nobody in the local space is even thinking of. reminds me of when dall-e came out and emad and his drones coped about how it was actually a 'complex workflow' and the same results could be achieved in SD just by chaining together existing tools. or how midjourney's style knowledge was totally them just 'applying loras' behind the scenes.

people in local tend to think all saas solutions are just local tools chained together when that's a complete copium mindset. picrel is exactly what i mean. nobody in local even thinks of doing shit like this. how it learns is equally as important as what it learns. if your training techniques are generic, your model will be generic.
so img2img where the latents are a combination of your input image and the transfer has X parts kept lora style?
I reckon the issue is that local inference isn't hackable. Or rather, there isn't a nice (for example single file) SDXL stack to poke around and experiment with. If there was some minimal example where you could load some model into VRAM and repeatedly smash random code paths against it you'd have a lot more interesting local dev.
As of right now, basically 100% of inference goes through some UI which is a pain in the ass to adapt.
nope, that's comfy
It's kind of inevitable isn't it?
Local is pretty much just people doing what they can in their free time or trying to grift enough so they can do it full time, but even if they grift enough money the simple fact is that NAI supported by a proper company at this point.
NAI has people who for probably 8 hours a day, 5 days per week, are doing things like working on datasets, research and testing out things because they have the compute to try things out on a whim.
It's not like its impossible for a group of people to get together and pull something off considering all the founding members of NAI were essentially a group of coomers who got burned by AI Dungeon, but there needs to be more organization and people trying to work together then we are seeing now.
You are coping hard if you think that NAI has the talent or compute to produce anything that isn't just a rehash of some well known paper. vibe transfer isn't fundamentally different from ip-adapter which is clear from the fact that it's just as shit as ip adapter
kind of tired of all the noncery tbqhwy
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That doesn't look right...
>no abs
Ptui, I spit on your gen
>dark labia
disgusting, filth. fuck you
>no abs
Cute, I like your gen.
Did you want to say "pedophilia"? :)
eternal problem of putting abs anywhere near the prompt turns her into a roided bodybuilder
you ever read birchlabs notes
guy is hacking away at every layer of SD, it's no wonder neat new patterns are observed.
it's not so much groundbreaking insanity so much as many small improvements stacking to a measurably better result.
My usual prompt is (abs:0.4) and neg muscular. Seems to match what you'd get on NAI with a regular "abs" prompt.
>research and testing out things because they have the compute to try things out on a whim.
They don't have that kind of compute, and what kind of research have they done? They always do things that are oddly similar to things that are already published.
NAI is just a small company with a niche because they're willing to take some risks, while giving up mainstream marketing. You just have to bear with the intense astroturfing here because it's their main marketing channel.
See for example how irrelevant they are on the text gen side.
>intense astroturfing
>main marketing channel
What, all 20 anons that are here across all time zones?.. Delusional.
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this is with (toned female, abs:0.5) , kind of nice tummy
Sir, all the 15 miserable freetards who threadshit here all day are a very valuable market, please understand.
the people who get upset at shilling on 4chan are beyond fucking retarded, it's the same in /g/ for someone posting a model or a mix. You are not relevant
I want to start an AI imagegen startup, ready to jump in?
Yeah, who could possibly be behind these type of "nothing to see here" posts.
Normal people aren't triggered that hard by the word "astroturfing" that they need to make an immediate response.
Sure, but I'm not investing money. I can code and you'll have to pay me.
I am triggered when I see the lazy, dishonest "shill" argument, whether it's here or /vg/ or /tv/. Go fuck yourself, monkey.
Sure. Mind if I work from home?
I'm nooooticing
Normal people also don't have to try this hard to do damage control, by the way.
I was looking at nai job openings and they all seem to let you work from home
must be nice
it's easier to just cope and lie to yourself and act like everyone employed is just retarded and incompetent and that the 'real researchers' are in another castle. then they'll come back again and again wondering why their latest xl failbake looks the same as the previous 5 xl failbakes and jump to the conclusion that it must be the dataset size, time to download another 5m booru images to add to the collection!
10 billion amazingly tagged images won't fix XL's problems like dull colors. it's the actual research into the architecture that makes the model stand out. baffling how people lie to themselves over this when some of nai's ideas are literally cited in research papers. it's a completely different level of skill and the amount of coping delusion is sad to see
>he said tl:dr its clip skip 2 the thing that helps (aka NAI's sekrit sauce)
lmao, he was training on CLIP last layer, seriously?
>Normal people
Where do you think you are, retard?
SDXL always uses CLIP skip -2, so nobody has to set it manually.
You got me, I'm a NAI employee... kurumuz himself actually, since we are too poor to pay for PR department, I just have to do everything myself. Hi. Nice to meet you! Would you be willing to part with $25? This would be of immense help to us and I'm sure you will like our service way better than local alternatives!
yeah alright here's your 25 bucks
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I like this pose
how can people like melted shit like this
It is actually popular and people have patreons and stuff with it
He will do the same for 3.6b model.
reminds me of those kumiko shiba syndra pics
very based
People have relatively low standards. Why do you think some people liked the weird 2D/3D mix of 1.5 that came from Orangemix so much?
I like that mix (minus realistic faces) and my standards exclude melted shit
kumiko has such a high % of syndra art that met my standard for LoRA training I would have to put it in negatives to have it not look similar to his syndra lol
Company that has so far delivered nothing of note apart from 2 stabilislop tunes is somehow at the forefront of Imagegen tech. Do you people even listen to yourselves, lol?
this is however arguably the result of Stability casually not documenting shit about their models.
Had they just dumped out a giant "here's how we built the fucker" article that goes into depth about every single decision:
archtecture design + reasons, how the model is arranged and why
performance tradeoffs, what parts of the model were intentionally gimped to make it consumer friendly and how you could get more mileage out of the same arch
training best practices as a black box (batch size, tagging, image size/variety dataset balancing, loss calcs, etc.)
training best practices more granular (tuning specific layers of the model like layout/content/style/etc.), masked loss
exploring latent space, manually adjusting activations

you get the idea, people having to rediscover fire almost feels unethical for how much compute, globally, has gone down the shitter because Stablity won't/can't document anything without $$$
this is probably a major part of why alternative arches (Rectified Flow: Flux/Aura) Chang (HunyaunDiT, etc.) are underdogs, because they don't adhere to those same blackbox models.

NAI's LLM game sucks, but I don't think it's for a lack of trying, I think it's for a lack of interest. They mentioned that imagen represents most of their use case now, overwhelmingly.
>36 pages of this shit
Nai sucks at everything they do because they lack talent. Why would anyone accredited in the industry work for some anime porn subscriptions service? Top talent either stays at universities or goes to the highest bidder
>its not real research!!
>but dont ask us why we cant replicate it locally!!!
so which one is it? if finetuning a stabilislop model is so easy, then where is local's answer? the reality is that no matter how inferior nai might be to say, midjourney or dall-e's research team they're still vastly superior to whatever local has been doing. coping and acting like they've accomplished nothing of note while every day you still squabble over pony and cascade is a pretty cognitive dissonant mindset.
you can point at the millionaire and laugh at how the billionaire is richer, but at the end of that day it's still you who remains poor.
The more you attempt to do damage control, the more obvious it becomes. You just can't stop replying. No one is this invested in making sure no one thinks about astroturfing.
It's just how NAI works. Being open about a porn generator is too risky, they need to let people know by other means.
are you astroturfing, son?
Think I just astroturfed my panties a little :/
I just love triggering schizoids, that's all...
most people are browsing that on their phone, on such a small screen you dont see the melt as much
why is it called ancestral
I have a few questions for you guys.
1. Do you understand what a "gradient" is?
2. If you were given a few matrices, could you multiply them by hand?
3. How does AlexNet work?
4. Explain backpropagation in a few sentences
5. What's the difference between a mode and median?
6. Can you solve (3+e^x)yy'=e^x ?
Most of local is perfectly content with pony as far as sdxl goes. The schizos here that endlessly complain about colors or object permanence aren't exactly indicative of the community as a whole.
>say retarded shit
>autists feel compelled to correct it
Have you heard about how bait works on 4chan bro? although that's probably a bait too... fuck.
ancestral samplers add noise at each sampling step. the resulting image is based on the previous images, hence ancestral.
Apparently you can't say the words "NAI" and "astroturfing" together without triggering a defense force. I wonder why is that.
call me crazy, but i really think cascade's problems are in the architecture/1b model rather than jordach's inability to bake. i see potential in this model but the shitty compression just completely kills any usability. the hands and eyes are consistently fried. i wish we had a nice 4b normal base model that isn't completely fucked. every option is just trash one way or another.
They just astroturfed over my house
>LoRA's understanding of the character completely breaks if you omit something as simple as "white panties"
I fucking hate Civ LoRAs so fucking much
I can feel the astroturf is leaking through... :c fuck you kurumuz
Pony is the final solution of anime image generation problem
i used to get so excited whenever he put out a new image, back then his shit looked miles ahead of what everyone else drew of her

>NAI's LLM game sucks, but I don't think it's for a lack of trying, I think it's for a lack of interest.
they've got to squeeze the image cash cow in case that shit gets regulated. although if aetherroom will be better c.ai with no filters that'll probably pull in a lot of people
holy shit bro I think you're onto something
hello sir, isn't buzz economy harsh lately?
i ask myself the same question but about scat, giantess, massively unrealistic cocks that couldn't possibly fit inside anyone, and shit
>Model optimized for efficiency bleeds quality
Local man finds out that you can't have your cake and eat it too, more news at 11.
I find it EXTREMELY fucking suspicious that astralite's website is forbidden to link here while novelai isn't. Think, sheeple. Make conclusions.
just a single little morsel please...one image of a penis and a vagina...maybe a little bit of semen in there...please...i would even settle for some breasts
>but dont ask us why we cant replicate it locally!!!
when I tried vibe transfer I was instantly disappointed, the results seemed random. Also, the name "vibe transfer" already tells you it's a phony copy of style transfer techniques that already exist
nai is just a small company with not enough money to do actual research like google, bytedance or tencent
even the 5 people at instantx vastly outperform their whole company
the way research papers act like vibe transfer doesn't exists also reminds me of how kayra is absent of most benchmarks because of how irrelevant it is
The evil majority just has different tastes from you. Normies just have to ruin it all, don't they? If they all just subscribed to nai, kurumuz would have enough money to train a model on all cunny ever created and we would live in paradise happily ever after.
speaking of his cascade bake, can someone point me to that thing where you can download it
you need cumfy to run it, right?
holy cow, are you psychic or something, reading my mind just like that...
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vibe (transfer) check
too busy with something that can't be posted here
thank you, i accept your tribute...
Shilling for majority is retarded, bro. Majority sucks. At everything. Half of the people on this planet are below 100iq. If you consider their opinions valuable, you have a problem.
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>the thing where you can download it
which one? it requires like 6 different downloads.
this is his gui which requires comfy. i can't remember if it auto-downloads cascade or not, but this is the latest epoch 14 of 1b: https://cdn.spectrometer.art/resonance_lite_r1_e14.safetensors
this is the final te: https://cdn.spectrometer.art/resonance_r1_final_te.safetensors
and you also need the original cascade stage models which might auto-download.
If you use opencv to load images, you get BGR.
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I'm not happy with this gen but since you asked nicely
whats with all the catsup
well that's a bit orphanphobic isn't it sisters
reckon we should pressure them to change it to something less offensive
What's your point here? Models that appeal to the majority will continue to be made. If you don't like that, better start buying some scratch tickets and train your own
>which one? it requires like 6 different downloads.
i was just thinking of a rentry someone linked here a while ago that had all of this shit explained
but thanks for all the links and explanation, time to figure out both comfy and cascade at the same time, hopefully 6gb of vram is enough
>ynr there are people alive who have an iq less than a gorilla or a chimp or some shit and who never developed the ability to farm so goy please give our ceo money so they don't starve
i hated nvidia for their prices at first
now i think they're based for keeping local in the stone age and they should quadruple their prices
>figure out both comfy and cascade at the same time
possibly the worst possible combination given how nonsensical cascade is with a 3-stage system that jordach himself doesn't even seem to understand. the capgui is basically just a a1111 gradio wrapper on top of comfy so you don't even need to touch the nodes.
this is the rentry: rentry DOT co/resonance_cascade
but it hasn't been updated likely because whoever wrote it moved on after realizing the project would never amount to anything usable
>he hasn't heard the news
My point isn't about models at all since I'm not the anon you responded to originally, just about your ironic tone towards people disgruntled with majority. It's unwarranted.
>either stays at universities
Have you ever worked at university?
It was written by b-chama
This link got expired. Can someone reupload it?
No, I dropped out. Universities are nothing but a racket for the Jews anyway.
All of a sudden my Pony is outputing duplicates with Hi-Res is there a setting that prevents this?
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Do you have this checked?
There are people that are smart and not motivated by money, believe it or not. Stat prof at my fairly unknown uni was a beast and got his phd at 26 or something like that.
Decided to try embeddings for the first time, but I don't see how to add them in SDXL.
If I put their trigger in the prompt do they just fire automatically as long as they're downloaded to the correct directory (I don't need to select them like a LoRA?)
who the fuck is b-chama
Which UI? And why do you mention SDXL when the process is the same for every model.
if you have them in the correct directory then they are active and will work like any other token.
Fuck off, troll.
Because I am a newshit
also automatic1111
The queen of /hdg/. Jordach expelled her from the discord in an autistic fit of rage and she hasn't been seen since.
please explain
Universities are usually compute poor though. It's not ideal if you want to work in this field.
Didn't stop the LMU folks
This post made the NAI shills piss themselves.
kek this, my diaper's full of astroturf now
t. NovelAI shill
seriously, where's the troll? I was just trying to help
The sarcasm definitely proves that the defense force doesn't exist. Nothing to see here.
>this is however arguably the result of Stability casually not documenting shit about their models.

They likely don't know the shit you want to know about their models. Keep in mind how big these models are and the compute cost to test all those things out. They likely haven't tested shit and just went with some idea.

Add to it the fact that the research lead (Robin Rombach) in SD team was like 28 yo at the time, and he was the oldest person in the team, and you have a perfect recipe for "why should I even make notes about what I'm doing? Nothing will go wrong, and 6 months down the line I will remember".
I mean the more posts I make the more rupees I get, so I win either way :-)
>Download an entirely new checkpoint just to see if that's why my results don't match the creator's example
>Somehow it looks even worse
If only I could buy nai sub for 25 rupees.....
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Yeah I think some of them cheat in the previews, or maybe they just don't know any better. I found several loras that were completely fucked unless you used latent upscale hiresfix.

and same with https://civitai.com/models/329999/sdxl-artist-style-kcccc
Not even from the same person, but all baked with Civitai's trainer.
>Eyes still better than cascade
Jordach bros, not like this ...
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Same checkpoint base
Same seed
No inpainting
Can /hdg/ guess which one is the "Better eyes" variant of the checkpoint?
>You are not relevant
/hdg/ is VERY relevant. It's the main hangout for the image generation elite, the lora bakers, the model makers, best prompters are here.
Even if they "converted" one of us it'd be a huge success and a worthy investment so you have to stay vigilant and THINK what sort of information you're being fed here, analyze every post you see. Shills are very nefarious, even your best friend, a veteran lora baker could actually be an undercover NovelAI shill.
>all baked with Civitai's trainer
whenever you see this on civitai you can be 99% sure that the lora is garbage and not worth bothering with
>yet another "we're not here" post
Thanks for the information.
Idk, but the blonde pubes on the first one are based
>They likely haven't tested shit and just went with some idea.
They surely tested a shitload of stuff. But they might not have kept notes, because
>Add to it the fact that the research lead (Robin Rombach) in SD team was like 28 yo at the time, and he was the oldest person in the team, and you have a perfect recipe for "why should I even make notes about what I'm doing? Nothing will go wrong, and 6 months down the line I will remember".
this yes.
Ahh, claw hands. Classic Hassaku. Looks even worse than 1.5.
I have evidence of NAI contacting me and offering a generous amount for my endorsement of their services. I'll share once I get home. Hope nothing awful happens when I turn the ignition in my car.
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>Ahh, claw hands. Classic Hassaku.
That's mostly the base prompt being imperfect and me just running the same image through checkpoints to see how it'd look
For example this abomination checkpoint fucked it even worse
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wtf bro
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Is it the right one? My guess is based on the eyes simply look clearer and more detailed on the right.

But za hando...
it wasn't intended as a comparison for anything but eyes I know the hands are fucked AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
The author of these images is long dead from myocardial infarction and you are still reposting them...
we do it in loving remembrance of her contributions to this thread, it's what she would have wanted
right eyes is better but everything else is better on left
>Base gen something acceptable
Where does control net come into play?
in the upscale portion via controlnet tile with low weight, a low end step and high denoise.
Erect nipples is one of my favorite tags
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what scheduler should i use with it?
Must anything be deactivated/activated when using it? (like min SNR gamma, learning rates etc.?)
Disabling MinSNR should be enough. But if you don't like the results, you also should adjust the learning rate.
tanks fren
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thanks a lot i got it working and yea that was the rentry i was thinking of, that csv is useful
slightly slower than forge sdxl. glad i don't have to play with spaghetti to use it
it's not too bad so far but for some reason it repeatedly melted and mangled her hands with a relatively simple finger to mouth prompt

>erect nipples
is it erect or covered? my covered nipples prompts on pony don't turn out great, idk if that's an artist thing or i'm missing a tag or i just have too much shit going on at once
too bad it looks like ass in practice because your image is pretty nice
jordach should really just cut his losses at this point
Erect nipples is the e621 tag and tends to make some nice puffy nipples, covered or otherwise
the mangling of the small details is what kills it. usually if you get a bad face or hand you can just inpaint/second pass fix but because cascade just sucks at it in general you just wind up with a different mangled mess each time you reroll.
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>my covered nipples prompts on pony don't turn out great
nta but I've found what works best for me is to weight covered nipples depending on the artist like (covered nipples:0.7 through 1.2), and then keep areola in the negatives. Without areola in the negatives, it always just comes out like the nipple is vacuum sealed as opposed to poking through the clothes.
>base gen something specific
>img2img with much higher denoise, for changing styles
>inpaint colors without changing shapes
>upscale at very high denoise to add detail
Also guidance for refiner, and a bunch of other niche uses. You can live without all of these, but they're nice to have.
hot more hex, and box?
Is generating txt2img as a model that does thing A well and then img2imging to another model that does thing A bad but everything else good to retain the original prompt's "Good thing A" a viable strategy
Who are these people and how dare they be the same rank as astraliteheart-sama
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Cool, didn't know that was a tag. I've always just done covered nipples with huge/long nipples, and the result would mostly depend on the artist.
Chvddies finally fucked off to /b/ :3
They didn't, some filth's still getting posted.
Does switching models in reforge take as long as it does in automatic1111?
Switching models is 99% disk I/O. It has to read those 6.5GB, the UI can't do much about it.
not entirely true, it's actually pretty well known that forge is inefficient at loading and unloading models
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Trying to experiment with generating semi-realistic sovl slop. Would you plap or pass hdg?
I dont really like the colors those semi realistic model do, nice ass tho
well i hope this didn't make him reconsider training 3.6b cause what other options does he even have? if we go by what people were saying itt he seems to hate every other model lol

small details seem really fried, maybe inpainting small area at high res would fix them cause that worked on 1.5, but that would be a lot of fixing for every single image. the inpainting seems kinda schizo but maybe i'm just way too used to a1111 inpainting

that explains, appreciate it. gonna keep this stuff in mind
Think I'd need to see her face. I usually prefer either full photorealism or full anime, those halfway styles are hard to do well.
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Its the harem bro
i just want him to start the damn 3.6b which he took money for over 5 months ago. if it fails it fails, neither flux nor sd3 existed when he fundraised for cascade. the original plan was 5 epochs of 1b, 5 on 3.6b. now we're 15 epochs deep on 1b with no sign of stopping as Mean continues to 'look for a vendor' for 3.6b while jordach pretends it doesn't exist.
he wanted to use the prototype to raise even more money on reddit back when everyone was doomer over the failure of SD3. except he waited too long fucking around with the 1b and now that ship has sailed thanks to flux. cascade now looks completely out of date in comparison and the 1b results aren't promising enough.
What's funny is that most of the funding came from one guy, wonder how he is feeling kek
Thank you anon for the honest feedback. You mention colors are an issue, could you be more specific?

Also I just stacked loras here, the checkpoint is actually reweik. I can give you a catbox if you want (or if anyone else wants).

I see. Perhaps I will return later with a new gen, same style, with an added face.
The colors are grey and dull
img2img with a CN model
As always I admire the effort but damn
Where did miqoanon go? Did the nai-imoco-anon doxx him and made that one crossover gen a reality?
he passed away, I went to his funeral last week, rip
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The power of thiccc catgirl compels you
same but to shit on his coffin
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I hate how the heart sign little finger is always like that, cant have it raised at all or not touching
he's in the 'cord
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>>8184775 (me)

whoops forgot to reply, I was away for the weekend and I started making a new lora when I got back so I've been distracted
can I get an invite?
based based
He's been in the 'cord for several weeks now
Post your catboxes, we'll contact you if you're good.
i can't tell now if it's really you or just another imposter
He transitioned and died shortly after
this is like the sixth time i get baited
just checked the civitai page, its him bros he is inventing up a new hentai artstyle
>can't ctrl+v images into capgui img2img
>paste button doesn't work

he can always go back and continue training 1b after he's done with 3.6b if it's a success, i don't really get it
idk why, but i'm kinda relieved
tree said he found a vendor a couple days ago and is running a "feasibility test" with them
does it matter?
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i dont wanna work.....
I literally just opened up SD to make something I've been wanting to make only to have a fucking meeting I didn't know about get forwarded to me in 15 minutes. I don't mind edging but not like this bros
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indeed, just playing with a new style I like
he's also had access to some aws accelerator program thing for months too, as well had a deal with intel for some of their latest chips. i don't know his endgame but he seems to have infinite connections that he mentions in passing but never seem to ever actually touch the project
maybe he's just a mentally ill larper
What's the point of LoRAs for characters that Pony knows natively? Just stupid people or does it help the style blend better or some shit
If the outfits are super detailed sometimes it helps get those details more accurate if you're super autistic about the character that you're prompting
most of pony character "knowledge" is junk
Reminds me that I dropped this because I found the main character so insufferable. Should really pick it up again since it seems to be a staple of anime culture. If only VNs weren't the worst media format ever created
It's pretty good about genning girls that have a ton of shit on booru like One Piece whores
But I've noticed that even with style LoRAs the "One Piece"ness of their default look is impossible to ignore in terms of shit like eyes/faces
it's not really predictable in that regard, tons of booru arts doesn't mean it can generate the character
more often than not it kinda knows some features but fails to do alternate outfits and details
what's the point of prompting if the ai can't generate their shoes correctly... ?
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Accuracy. Pony knows many characters "somewhat". It doesn't take much, middle is with a shitty nochekaiser lora at 0.4 strength. Could go higher to get the emblem right but then it bleeds style.

I think it's good enough for porn since they won't be wearing their more detailed clothing pieces.

Nico Robin keeps her sharp nose even in photorealistic checkpoints, looks really funny.
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ExpressiveH has got to be the biggest meme I see on Civ
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me on the left
All Disney Princess XL LoRA Model from Ralph Breaks the Internet
I've noticed that the gens on Pixiv are generally much higher quality than the ones posted here. I thought that was because the Japanese are using NovelAI, but that can't be the whole reason since they're generating characters that NAI doesn't know about. I wonder why that is.
It's just effort difference, that's all.
I wouldn't be surprised if most gens here are just base gens no touch ups
Which account? Quality on pixiv is all over the place, plenty of people are still stuck on 1.5 with no adetailer.
Bleh, that sucks. I'd contribute, but I have only 6GB VRAM, so running any XL diffusion model isn't an option for me.
>I've noticed that the gens on Pixiv are generally much higher quality than the ones posted here
Let me guess, BBC gens?
Don't forget increase detail loras. People just use these stuff and spit out smeary garbage.
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Hey I finally managed to get the Sogna lora to produce something that's almost fappable and not completely deviating from the style it's supposed to represent
everyone but the bottom of the barrel hagfags stopped posting gens here, and effort-posting hagfags are extremely rare
Very /h/ gen as always sar
Lighting and proper expressions/posture are something you can only really accomplish with img2img runs and inpainting and they take a lot longer than just pressing the slop button and receiving your slop
Also there's definitely a sort of insidious nature to genning where you'll get something that's pretty good and rather than touch it up you'll go "What if the next thing I gen comes out even better" and then 3 hours pass and you've got like 150 images of pure slop and nothing that looks that good but it's not awful either
vex sexo
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Civit was a mistake, they really need some sort of quality control for new uploads. It really got bad after they added the on-site lora training.
>"What if the next thing I gen comes out even better" and then 3 hours pass and you've got like 150 images of pure slop and nothing that looks that good but it's not awful either
This is so fucking me but I have learned that if the pose don't change on next 10 gens it's time to tweak the prompt or change some parts of it
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downloaded sd last week, been messing around with stuff, still no idea what im doing, if the base checkpoint is trash i feel like its impossible to make anything good.

Also most lora's just destroy the quality of the image so no clue how to use them effectively :(
i don't know how this faggot does it, but you can always see that it's his garbage, regardless of style or subject matter
>if the base checkpoint is trash i feel like its impossible to make anything good.

>Also most lora's just destroy the quality of the image so no clue how to use them effectively :(
Try to use a good made ones or lower the strenght of them if you are using multiple styles
My favorite is when you go to some anime LoRA of like
>Scathach from FGO Koyama art style version LoRA
and then all of the example images are like
>3D super realistic art style hyper muscular Kim Possible sucking a futa cock of a Disney princess
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Burger chads cannot stop winning
Is there a guide from how to graduate from just text2img -> upscale?
Like I know what inpainting and img2img do but I also don't really know how to use them to actually fix shit or improve things like hands, posture, lighting etc
I will not eat the soggy-ass burger
this is sadly /b/ material, since its furshit anon. im sorry to break this to you
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Nothing wrong with a soggy ass burger.
Inpaint is just going to give you better "refined" details on the parts were you decide to do, it's not going to help you to completely unfuck the pose or the lighting, for those, you will need to externally edit the image with another tool and then inpaint those changes to blend it back in
>you will need to externally edit the image with another tool and then inpaint those changes to blend it back in
You mean like shading or coloring over with photoshop?
nah, there's that one 1973 oneshot by fukaina geijutsu that has a style just like this
vex is furry content
Effort doesn't always translate into quality, and neither of those always translates into (you)s. I often find it hard to judge if my gen is "good", even after inpainting all the objective technical issues.
>You mean like shading or coloring over with photoshop?
That's one option, yeah,I personally never touch photoshop because some simple doodles on ms paint is just more than enough most of the time to fix my gens

Are (You) me?
jealously isnt healthy, nogen
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This account, for example, has some Pony gens that I'd swear were NAI: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/43848934
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119706277 lol
kek i love this meme
ackshuallee it's /trash/
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Is there an anime image related checkpoint that is beyond everything else in terms of performance and accuracy, or it's just digging through 100 piles of trash until you find a great one?
tf does that LORA even do
Fox sex...
Any wojaks today bros?
Yeah, I carefully specified "some" and not "all", kek. Some of his gens are definitely weaker than others.
Good question considering I've never had problems getting the expression I want
just looks like mass produced tponynai gens with some nai style/trending on pixiv lora slapped on top. Technically they are pretty unimpressive.
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yeah here, go away.
This was not worth the 88kb of wasted bandwidth
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Me on the left
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Well NAI just fucking works and it's the best anime model out there but you need to pay for it, however if you are planning on doing a local setup, you can grab any of the pony based models, stack some style loras and roll with it, it's honestly not that bad but yeah, no where near NAI levels yet
what the fuck is a lycoris
Imagine a lora and a black man had a baby
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Breaking news straight from my cock: you're all faggots.
failed meme, like Dora
I don't think I'd say NAI is the best
It definitely just works and there are some artists that I like better on NAI than on local but not having LoRAs feels extremely limiting for certain characters/artists
Cutesexyrobutts and Mimonel on NAI mog the fuck out of local though
nai dissident detected, initiating cleanup
it's just a lora implementation type. it's more just a signifier that it's being implemented via kohakublueleaf than anything else at this point, since there's about 15 different types umbrella'd under lyco.
double retard no takes backs
looked it up and i its not open-source and you can't run it localy, can't get behind that rip
Its a lora that is (allegedly) better at styles and concepts but worse with characters, somehow.
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Keep in mind I wrote anime model, I do considerer pony the better hentai model (take me out from this hell please), but NAI has a better understanding of anime styles and concepts
oh well yeah if you're discounting /h/ then yeah of course pony is going to lose
Theres 2boys in this image actually
t.gay mercenaries
Cascade's 155th epoch. At long last... The perfect 1girl...
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Sorry bro, unless he drew those eyes himself from scratch, that could never be cascade...
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deep fried
Who's cascade?
Waiter! Waiter! There's a fly on my discord screenshot, please bring me another.
they're just shitty tponynai gens, you simply have no taste
this, tasteful ai imagery can be found only here, in the home of seasoned connoisseurs
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Pretty sure that anon still posts, but the threads this week have been so spammed with shitposting that most of the usual posters have been avoiding the general.
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>most of the usual posters have been avoiding the general.
based? the last thin we need is regular losers trying to make a name for themselves and farm fame here just because this is one of the most influential AI spaces on the internet
its jordachover
im so fucking tired of the mogging... nothing ever happens. local will never catch up
I thought wamu did the best smugs, but this porkforever is also not bad
This might be his worst take yet
not for long
not a new take, he's been arguing that sdxl and flux are garbage from the minute those models released
yeah, but I never knew that he has a problem with the fucking parameter count of all things
>more parameters means more rigidity
no it doesnt you FUCKING IDIOT he's literally coping because he's gpu poor. that's it. he's making up delusional headcanon because he can't afford to finetune flux. his stupidity is fucking unbearable. it's fine to admit that flux is out of reach, but to say that it's 'rigid' and 'inadequate for creative purposes'? it's complete sour grapes. it's his garbage shitbake that's inadequate for creative purposes because it's so fucking fried. absolutely incompetent, why did people give this retard money?
So what you are saying is that spamming with shitposting actually made this thread better? Yosshhhhh, we must keep going!!
The good thing about it is that it doesnt impact the style or the character outfit but im not sure what it does
Is that lora posted somewhere?
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That's why we're on /h/ not on /e/, so we can look at cocks.
It's supposed to do exactly what it says it does, make expressions more "expressive"
Until the other anon pointed it out I didn't notice the disney princess thing thoiugh - that is definitely a bigger meme
>wow nai has such a large dataset!!
>uses the same 5 artists as everyone else
based, ty anon
I mean, I also use the same 5 artists. But nobody else uses them.
I use my own loras so nobody can use them.
I share my loras and nobody wants to use them.
Maybe I'm using them and just never post any of my gens
holy based
Is there a way to see a LoRA's triggers in WebUI so that I don't have to pull up a fucking notepad or civ page every time
Please write a 500 word essay on why you think this image is "based". Present at least three arguments for your opinion. Explore any potential criticism that could be levied against your arguments.
nah bruh i see a girl like that and its based i dont care what you wanna say
there's an AI thread on /c/ now btw
yes, click on it
This image encapsulates a poignant commentary on societal judgments based on appearance.

1. Challenging Superficial Judgments

The primary argument for labeling the image as "based" is its critique of superficial judgments. Konata's youthful appearance, despite being an adult, reflects a broader issue where individuals are often misjudged based on their looks rather than their actual age or maturity. The shirt’s message, although humorous, underscores a serious societal problem: the tendency to overlook or undervalue people due to their appearance. By highlighting this, the image prompts viewers to reconsider their biases and the impact of their judgments. This aligns with the “based” notion of standing against shallow perceptions and advocating for deeper understanding.

2. Using Humor to Address Serious Issues

Another compelling reason to view the image as "based" is its use of humor to address serious issues. The phrase “Below height of consent” is a clever play on the concept of “age of consent,” turning it into a critique of how individuals who look younger than they are are often perceived and treated. This playful approach can make the critique more accessible and engaging, facilitating a conversation about a serious topic in a less confrontational manner. Humor can be an effective tool for social commentary, making the underlying message more memorable and impactful.

3. Fostering Empathy and Awareness

The image’s portrayal of Konata’s frustration taps into a universal feeling of being misunderstood or underestimated based on superficial criteria. This can foster empathy among those who have experienced similar judgments. By resonating with those who face similar issues, the image encourages a broader awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by individuals whose appearances do not align with their true age or capabilities. This empathetic approach aligns with the "based" value of promoting genuine human connection and understanding.
Despite these arguments, there are criticisms that could be levied against the interpretation of the image as "based":

Oversimplification of Complex Issues: Critics might argue that the image oversimplifies the complex issues surrounding appearance-based judgments. By focusing solely on Konata’s youthful appearance, it might neglect other intersecting factors like cultural context, gender dynamics, and socioeconomic influences that also play a role in how people are perceived and treated.

Potential for Misinterpretation: The humor and playfulness of the shirt's message might be misinterpreted or come across as trivializing serious issues related to age and appearance. Some might view the image as reinforcing stereotypes rather than challenging them, particularly if the message isn’t received as intended.

Lack of Constructive Solutions: While the image critiques superficial judgments, it does not offer solutions or ways to address the underlying issue. Critics could argue that highlighting a problem without proposing actionable steps might limit the impact of the message.
Based essay.
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Next thread text highlights contender?
>i use chatgpt XD
kys samefag
there's a Mary Jane LoRA?
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she ate too much chips
bro her torso...
>I'm also not touching flux because everyone is coping.
The only truth said by him

>more parameters means more rigidity
Only if it has 92649623649236942 parameters AND is distilled
too many* chips
Flux is sick, just probably not tuneable
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now she isn't so bad
was about to say the same
Broke back without the mountain
the subtle indentations of the skin, the fine strands of hair, the sun rays illuminating the image in a soft warm glow, the subject properly in-focus with the arm and the background out-of-focus. local could not and will not ever. it's a level of artistry simply far above anything that could ever be produced locally. it's quite simply over.
it's unpruned though, so you have to prompt every single thing manually, including hair/eye color etc. I don't have a wildcard either, just prompt it out manually every time. But you can use this as a blueprint.

I've genned far better images with animagine refiner.
But would those get you a 3-day ban? Didn't think so.
It evening here
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Trust the plan
ive spent over 500 dollars on nai
local could never........
You just have to realize that pedophilia is a prerequisite for artistry and quality. Images depicting underage girls don't necessarily have artistic value, but images without them can't have it at all
if nai is so good how come no nai images are in the highlights
The evil localoids never include them
Really makes you think...
you can pay to win for image gen but you cant pay to win to land on the leaderboards, suckers
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This. People just don't know how to use their tools. Local can get equal or better images if you know what you're doing. Pic-related is a piece I've been working on. You can see a lot of the similarities. Artistic rendering, soft lighting, subtle and enticing imagery. All the elements are there. You can get so much out of local models, at the end of the day they're all just tools and it's up to the artist how to use them. Local forever and always
idk what it is but using NAI isn't as fun as local. Maybe I was just born to slop....
This is literally the average image on civit kek
How come none of the rumored "effort-posting hagfags" use it. Could it be that it's only good for loli?
then explain this >>8185442
I can't tell if it's meant to be ironic or a NAIfag falseflagging
I'll just put a matte filter on my gen and then samefag with a bunch of art terms that don't apply to the image in the slightest.
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i just make an image or girl with some big tits and a wiener in her vagina or butthole maybe her mouth too
too much talk with 0 result
i think it's meant to ironically point out how local is complete dogshit aesthetically and no matter how many shitty loras you stack you'll never approach nai's level of quality because local base models are such utter garbage.
just a guess though haha
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I like how light is coming from 5 different directions and nowhere all at once
Imagine being this mad about other people not paying your favorite company money
You don't have to point out individual issues, there's plenty
if that's the message localoids take away from this, then they're fucking doomed rofl
nai3 leak... save me...
why do all the pro nai posts never have images attached so 90% of the thread ends up being local images but 90% of the text posts talk about how much better nai is

im confused
>go to civit
>sort flux loras by "top all time"
>bear witness to some of the most disgusting synthetic looking slop that's worse than 1.5
Amazing stuff
So glad I've put nearly 1k into my NAI sub localtards are so stupid lol
Because they have to pay for each image
i'm astroturfing so hard rn
oh shit seriously?
almost as if it's some retard trying to """troll"" people into pissing away their money because "lol it's funny"
>pedos bad on 21th Century, witch(pedo)hunt is a norm
>no one cared and was completely fine before the first half of the 20th century
i hate it here
why did they enjoyed their cuties a hundred years ago but now that i try it, i cant just do it? thats just not fair
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Just contacted Hasbro and gave them a quick rundown, sorry pony bros.
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uh oh nai meltie...
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Me and my remaining three NAIsisters would like all the evil localoids to leave
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It's because of the money, the more money a person spends on something the more they have to justify it to themselves by justifying it to others.
the only thing I miss about NAI is stuff like steam or panting which are better represented than in local
+ better backgrounds
Shut up, nohighliterino.
Can we get that essence of pony collage as the highlight of the meltie?
ah so that explains why jordach keeps saying anything more than 1b is too much and 4090s are all you need. explains a lot of local logic really
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Remember when we were all mining together for gpo and ces tokens? Those were the days...
I prefer the "by Jeremy Lipking, by Antonio J Manzanedo" days.
Jordach lives is a local user from the furry plane, his thoughts are different from those of other locals.
(wrinkles:1.1),(monotone). 3D. low quality lowres multiple breasts, low quality lowres mutated hands and fingers, low quality lowres
long body, low quality lowres mutation poorly drawn, low quality lowres black-white, low quality lowres bad anatomy, low quality
lowres liquid body, low quality lowres liquid tongue, low quality lowres disfigured, low quality lowres malformed, low quality lowres
mutated, low quality lowres anatomical nonsense, low quality lowres text font ui, low quality lowres error, low quality lowres
malformed hands, low quality lowres long neck, low quality lowres blurred, low quality lowres lowers, low quality lowres low res, low
quality lowres bad proportions, low quality lowres bad shadow, low quality lowres uncoordinated body, low quality lowres unnatural
body, low quality lowres fused breasts, low quality lowres bad breasts, low quality lowres huge breasts, low quality lowres poorly
drawn breasts, low quality lowres extra breasts, low quality lowres liquid breasts, low quality lowres heavy breasts, low quality lowres
missing breasts, low quality lowres huge haunch, low quality lowres huge thighs, low quality lowres huge calf, low quality lowres bad
hands, low quality lowres fused hand, low quality lowres missing hand, low quality lowres disappearing arms, low quality lowres
disappearing thigh, low quality lowres disappearing calf, low quality lowres disappearing legs, low quality lowres fused ears, low
quality lowres bad ears, low quality lowres poorly drawn ears, low quality lowres extra ears, low quality lowres liquid ears, low quality
lowres heavy ears, low quality lowres missing ears, low quality lowres fused animal ears, low quality lowres bad animal ears, low
quality lowres poorly drawn animal ears
Jordach is one of the four local generals of the evil locallord astralite. The hero kurumuz has to set out and slay them all
any rumors of flux finetunes yet
maybe next year
I refuse to participate in the console war. When V4 releases, I'll enjoy it. When the next pony releases, I'll enjoy it. When a chink finetune releases in a year, I'll enjoy it.
when a cunny gets posted, ill enjoy it.
have you not realized local is fucking broke? there have been only two relevant finetunes, both of which were an accident. nobody is paying to finetune flux and even if someone magically does, they'll train it on synthetic slop anyway. ai is a monkey's paw scam. nothing ever happens
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when a hag gets posted, i'll condone it.
i think NAI's could farm extra cash with a lora training and sharing service for their models, and maybe some extra-premium sandbox tier with a preloaded webui and/or comfyui host
NAI's lawyers say no
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This LoRA is pretty cute for a character with barely any art to source from
'cord status
i need screencaps
Pony is white man choice
as a fellow white man of mumbai, i am of agreeing to you
This is based
I like this change. It's a whole new look. She's like 100 times hotter now.
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My specialty seems to be co-opting oc's
t..that's not pony ...
just stack a couple loras and ummm use controlnet, it's not THAT impressive
weird content but what ai model do you think this is? https://e-hentai.org/g/3045813/23541b9f56/
I was looking at the ai-generated tag and a full comic is kind of unusual. Doesn't really look like pony or flux
Its pony
very generic artstyle looks a lot like base pony with score tags desu
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Is this NAI vs Pony?
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"lick it"
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>loli is an issue
>(huge breast:1.3)

Problem solved.
>Problem solved.
is censored
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Inpaint it, faggot.
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How do you guys handle wet clothing on local? I have been struggling making it look good.
the furries who did easyfluff have been looking at flux. they seem to be trying (and failing) for the past year to make a natural language captioner for furshit. if it works out we might have a repeat of EF+HLL, but nothing they've done on flux looks remotely promising and i highly doubt we ever see a full scale finetune of it.
Flux is cope for finetuning, same with shit like auraflow. What bakers needed to do was stick with SDXL and work out the kinks (v-pred/etc), and just bake on what we know works. But they'd all rather waste a shit ton of time and money baking shit like cascade or flux kek
You have the hardware to do that sort of thing?
No, but the bakers who do are content with spending thousands to achieve nothing :)
>just stay stuck in the past on a shitty outdated architecture trained on literal garbage!
no thanks. i'd rather see them struggle and fail with cascade and flux than go back to dogshit xl which is over a year out of date. the amount of wrangling you need to do to 'fix' xl is absurd and not worth it, as evident by you suggesting that they "bake on what we know works" despite animagine, pony, arti, kohaku, neta, wdv, and friends ALL baking on 'what we know works' yet all apparently not being good enough for you or else you wouldn't be asking for more.
xl is fucking dead. move on.
See you in six months when Astralite fails to bake auraflow and comes running back to XL, all while every flux attempt fails. We'll have NAI v4 by than though so local can finally be put to rest.
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I struggle a lot with it because it feels like the taut clothes and loose clothes tags don't really do much of anything so it's hard to get that kind of damp see-through look unless you're using specific artists that excel at it.
im not disagreeing. but you seem to have the idea that they will just figure something out on attempt 71 as long as they keep banging their heads against xl. i'd rather them move on because it's clear no matter how many attempts they try they'll never figure it out. vpred/cosxl has been out for this entire year and not a single one of these shitty xl bakes got it right, see >>8184134
unless EZBakerscripts includes a 'click to fix sdxl' button then no local baker is going to bother figuring out what's wrong. they'll just load their 12m dataset into their trainer and hit the play button again. the result is doomed either way, so i'd rather see them at least play around with the new stuff than waste another fucking 6 months rebaking kohaku zigma again and again. naiv4 will mog anything anyway so it's all pointless in the end.
nai might have needed way more than 71 attempts to fix sdxl desu
I really do hope there's an inside guy waiting for the prime opportunity
She looks so soft.
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She looks so squishy.
The threads are too boring now that all the saars left
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man, there used to be an anon back at the start of the year that would post kanna sasaki images using a perfectly baked lora he wouldn't share. The kaedeko lora on civitai is bullcrap. If you're reading this, kanna lora anon, you can still redeem yourself.
I was trying to bake a Kanna lora myself, but most of her images has her with the GAKI KYONYUU on every single image, which you need to edit out or it will poison the subject of the lora.
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Okay, what did I fuck up this time?
finally some original content
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Damn, that's one of my first pony loras and it is far from perfectly baked. Those gens were cherry picked and inpainted and still don't look that great.
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Do you have any recommendations for a toe correction LoRA with minimal impact on the painting?
oh shit, so you weren't keeping it for yourself out of spite but rather because you didn't think it was good enough to share? I'm sorry, anon. I owe you an apology.
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>clothes still on
Guess thats the effect of most of the tribal art having the clothes instead of the more "advanced stage" of bodypaint only.
If the sheet were a bit more organized with tested/untested tokens I would probably search but as is I have a hard time telling where to start.
It has all been mined, there is nothing left
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If you draw more than 2 characters, you will frequently see 6toes,4toes.
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Did someone say Kanna?
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your best gen so far
no anon, you were my soft hero...
Just stumbled upon a checkpoint on civitai called "YAPRM - Yet Another Pony Realistic Merge", all the showcase pictures are very old grandmas and it looks realistic enough that I can believe this dude put legit effort into rendering grandmas with a pony model. Which one of you guys made this?
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So it didn't turn out well at all, it just went schizo. So far my experiments show that using different timestep sampling can indeed boost the learning speed, but the quality just isn't as good as using debiased estimation loss scaling on such small datasets. I suspect it just stops learning after some time because it literally sees the same timesteps of the same image. If the model is using RF, this isn't a problem, but diffusion is kinda fucked in this regard...is what I was about to say but I just noticed that I accidentally commented out loss = loss.mean([1, 2, 3]), but I'm not sure if it was fucking something or not (likely it doesn't really matter)

Also, it starts producing artifacts which are extremely similar to what Arti produces, and I suspect the reason why Arti gens are so noisy is because it was trained with a flawed timestep sampling schedule
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Sorry bro
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640 K ought to be enough for anybody
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hows it going /hdg/? /ldg/ is getting to squrriley for me.
what is it about cute girls getting fucked by fat old ugly men?
Shitty brat. Don't waste the whipped cream.
is based because i am not even fat or super ugly but if im compared to the girl i am basically one, and also the fat ugly men on pics usually are doing very dirty and dominant traits to the female (i would too) so in the end i can self insert safely
>what is it about cute girls getting fucked by fat old ugly men?
whats the ram ranch of /hdg/ content?
asking seriously
what does this even mean?
it means he's a fag
or a fujo
There's no females on /hdg/.
meant the internet
if that's the case then whats with all these pictures of women?
>tfw I only generate /ss/ so there's never anything I can post
Based textgen hours.
textgenning based hours
After some testing, I have come to the conclusion that neta v2 is better than artiwaifu v2
Arti tends to oversaturate images even at a low CFG, neta doesn't seem to have that issue.
No I will not stop using them, chuddies.
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how to fix hands
meshgraphormer keeps letting me down
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"pick up a pencil" is the most reliable way still, if you don't want to reroll. Her knucklebones seem fine here. Erase the shaded part of her hand on the left and the broken extra finger, then shorten what is to become the pinky, smooth out the shading on the ring finger, clean up the nails with flat color at least. And finally inpaint the whole thing at like 0.15-0.25 denoise to hide the edits.

Her nails are a different color on each hand, is that intentional?
Hey broskis, I just woke up with a huge pile of astroturf in my pajamas. What's up with that?
that one is great

he's the dark knight
Thanks. I had hoped that wasn't the case unfortunately.
Yeah, I guess you could say that. I prompted both red and black nails hoping for something interesting.
Astralite visited you in your sleep.
>Also, it starts producing artifacts which are extremely similar to what Arti produces, and I suspect the reason why Arti gens are so noisy is because it was trained with a flawed timestep sampling schedule
someone tell euge
v2 artifacts are really weird, there are several artists that seem to not cause any artifacting unlike the rest
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Updated lora list, new artists and stuff check changelog. If the new stuff is too strong just post about it I'll try to catch, I can use a different epoch. The mega is right at cap so worse case add multiple and just start deleting older stuff but I dunno.
clean style
Thanks, Kakage folder doesnt have lora in it btw
I see it in there it might've just finished or error'd out, if not just re-upload it.
Oh yeah its here now, nevermind
>not ending in .safetensors
good try
any tips on training styles? mine always feel underbaked & fried at the same time
just rename it bro lmao
>mine always feel underbaked & fried at the same time
That's just what it's like training on pony, because you're competing with its extremely fried base and have to fuck up any lora to get it to take. Whether it takes or not seems to be pure luck
catbox please
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What? Are we collapsing bros?
Which ones I'll remove I guess, last I checked all these should be safetensor.

Pretty much >>8186060
Pony training is a coinflip if it takes or not. I got another like 40+ artists I've tried that just don't take. More then likely skill issue but I don't have the 4090 (s) to just play with and try out different LR's and stuff.

Always have been.
No, because we can take datasets from boorus that don't allow AI.
Don't care about 3D though.
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>that don't allow AI.
How the fuck would they police that? It's absolutely getting uploaded and then the person claims it's not AI, like people do on literally any site that blocks AI
pictures that are not obvious aislop aren't an issue, and you can only use pictures uploaded pre-2022 if you are extremely paranoid about le model collapse
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They were saying the exact same thing 2 years ago.
if you cant distinguish between ai a drawn pictures, then what's the difference
All I know is that Abubu uses AI and I cannot tell which ones are his and which ones are prompts. Him being smart, I would assume that he does 70%/30% of the work and lets the AI take care of the rest.
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lmao even
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I dont have any answers and am really curious. But what was the reason that all of these models looking like this fucking slop? Even putting a lot of stuff on negatives was not working at all. There was a bleeding of this type of mix and i remember it all boiled down to abyss orange mix for some reason
Model collapse happens because of the similar noise patterns that all AI images are made of causing unpredictable overtraining compared to the non AI images in the dataset. Not because of flaws in the images. Something like a lora might get away with this without issue, but when on a bigger scale like a finetune or foundational model the flaws of synthetic data start to crop up fast. Look at flux's pension for same face and over powering use of the same limited styles and characters, those concepts all converged into one 'sameface' concept burnt in because the model over learned on AI images despite what was likely a visual variety of data in the dataset
>sexy asian babydoll model is popular
emphasis options in settings -> no norm
holy cute
tit monster
>why do asians like hot asian chicks with a particular aesthetic pushed by their culture(s)
gee boss i dunno
pretty much all of those sd1 models were based on 1-3 big finetunes that mostly contained asian instagram sluts.
with jeetmixing the models were getting dumber and dumber, less flexible, more overfit with time to the point they could literally produce one face, and no one bothered to do any new finetune, it was just jeetmixes to produce this """"anime-inspired"""" sameface trash
and well sd 1.5 itself wasn't that amazing at variety
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auraflow and flux are mostly trained on ai pics
they are shit at styles (fixable) but nowhere near "collapsing"
also the ai artists that pass for danbooru are actively redrawing their pics anyway so you won't have diffusion noise patterns there
>Look at flux's pension for same face and over powering use of the same limited styles and characters, those concepts all converged into one 'sameface' concept burnt in because the model over learned on AI images despite what was likely a visual variety of data in the dataset
That's just styles/real people's names/characters not being tagged in the dataset, that's what leads to averaging out of styles and faces. Has nothing to do with synthetic data.
is she ok
Can you guys pls buy a nai sub? I already missed my recruitment goal last month and kurumuz is breathing down my neck
>made a metaironic bbc pixiv 2 weeks ago
>same style, same prompts as everyone else
>already got patreon and commission requests, much more engagement compared to my actual account
Feeling like dropping ai altogether desu
add crypto payments lazy faggot
none, sorry for baiting you. thanks for sharing the loras.
release a new model that makes all of the characters i like in perfect accuracy and i will
you haven't astroturfed enough anon
How did you prompt that?
But forgot to add, probably has to do something (or everything) with synthetic captioning. It just labels any anime drawing as "digital illustration" or something without any nuance.
>still open a patreon
Dont lie and just eat your own slop
I think it mainly depends on its existing knowledge. Stuff that's hashed trains extremely well, which we only found out retroactively once people found mjm, gjem, aqe,...
Eeven just being similar to a known artist makes it learn much better.
Is there even any Merchant of Record type payment provider for crypto?
yes but you won't be able to use non-custodial wallets from what I understand which makes it useless
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She's doing just fine.
With Nai
Nutaku takes anonymous crypto payments with no issue, I don't remember the provider though.
meatdata is right in the image bwo
you can prompt that shit on local but might have to fight with limbs

>still open a patreon
i can't tell whether you have reading issues or i do, cause i understood his line as he got requests to open a patreon
nice bait
NAI's payment provider is an MoR, so they probably handle all the international tax for them. I don't think NAI would want to start having to handle those tax thing on their own just to offer crypto payments.
If you train a lora on 200 images of vastly different photos labeled "woman" with no other common qualities
And 200 images of a single, uniform art style labeled "woman"
What do you think the AI is going to associate with the word "woman"?
The latter will overpower it's understanding because it's matching those similarities in the art style
The model is a similar concept
Except when you make one with both AI and non AI outputs, it over learns the AI outputs due to their similarity (like the art style) while the non AI outputs (like the different photos) are overpowered and under learned
Models trained too heavily on both will collapse in that they'll lean too heavily into the ai part of the dataset and burn it before they even start to learn the non AI stuff

You could see an easy example of this in the cascade finetune, where at first the synthetic datasets were the only thing that worked, and later in they became the first to fry when the actual art styles were beginning to pick up

It's not rocket science, it's basics of how the model learns things
there are tens of thousands of nai images online at this point why don't people just make a local model of nai images and then we would have local nai for free???
they can just train on all of danbooru instead and have nai for free!??
he's right about sdxl, it's a fucking terrible arch, it's only being used over 1.5 because it's bigger. all the ideas behind it were idiotic though.
I wonder what's his gripe with flux though
too many parameters make the model unflexible and stiff (lol)
>I wonder what's his gripe with flux though
He's scared of t5s and thinks you have go train them even though flux didn't train the t5 themselves, no one does, they just slap it on the model and call it a day because the t5 already understands more than enough to grasp what furry dick words mean when put into a caption. Aka he has autism and fears change.
wtf kind of retard logic is that
No, just sign up another provider for crypto specifically.
I need a non meme answer for if Flux is actually the future or not. I keep seeing people trying to shill it but then they also talk about shit like the 1.5 days where you needed entire loras just to get certain basic sex positions working. I'm not going back to doing that shit. I even heard people saying you need loras just to get nipples. But then I hear it's way better than Pony, NAI, etc. so I'm always wondering if it's just a skill issue or complete snake oil

I just need to know should I have hope or am I stuck with pony for another year as I wait two more weeks over and over
That's tPonyNAI
Except styles are not a problem on cascade, only badly drawn details. Even if synthetic data trains faster, there's still no bleed from it when I prompt "by artist". Nothing is averaged out. All you need is to actually caption the styles.
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What's so special about SDXL? I have vague memories of people saying it was a lost cause or censored before NAI made their fine-tune.
Nobody trains CLIP either, you know. Except for retarded local bakers.
How will that magically handle taxes?
i used to say he's smart but mentally ill
I take my words back
He's completely retarded
actual lolcow
You don't seem to understand. The styles are capable of existing seperately because the model has over trained the synthetic styles, causing the synthetic styles to burn. If the model had stopped prior to when you start to see burning, the synthetic styles would dominate and it wouldn't understand the normal styles. Burning and bleeding are different things
It needs a full finetune. The same way SDXL was an improvement over SD1.5 but was useless by itself, and barely an upgrade with Animagine. And the same way SD1.5 was useless without the NAIv1 leak.

You can gen stuff on Flux yourself and see it has much better understanding of non-sex prompts, anatomy, object permanence, backgrounds, all that good stuff. Even just with the smaller TE. As for how well the finetunes perform, we'll have to wait and see.
I understand, I feel deep disgust and shame every time I see this shit. He just digs his heels in deeper and deeper, applying heavier clown make up as he goes thinking it'll somehow spite someone. He's like a person drinking poison and expecting it to kill someone else.
What's the issue? If your card payment provider can handle taxes for their customers, why couldn't a crypto provider handle taxes for their customers? Again, it works for Nutaku.
The difference is that, from a quick google search, none of the crypto payment providers do handle tax.
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fully agree
show me a model that didnt train TE and can do porn
>I just need to know should I have hope or am I stuck with pony for another year as I wait two more weeks over and over
why does that even matter, just do what you enjoy right now and if you don't enjoy doing anything occupy yourself with a different hobby. is pony not enough for just jerking off?
people made good loras for flux, it can copy certain styles really well, good prompt comprehension lets you do all kinds of crazy shit that was only properly doable on dall-e 3 until now
it has no problem with nudity except for genitals
sex acts? what's that? yeah it's 1.5 in that regard, even worse depending on how you look at it
no one can tell you if it's the future because no one knows what else might come up, no one here anticipated pony and it just came out of nowhere despite it being there the whole time. you never know what might happen.
>is pony not enough for just jerking off?
I don't jerk off, I make ART.
SD1.5 and NAI1. Any pretrained model with an unfiltered Dataset. Probably SD3, before the safety people gutted it. If it couldn't way would they have needed to lobotomize it so hard?
can't wait for astragod to elevate local again with v7!
Wonder what happened to jordachs whale. Where is hid disposable income currently goind?
i know you're trolling but there's a shit ton of tools and different models available if that's what someone wants. it just depends on ones autism and how much effort they're willing to put into something like that. might as well just start drawing
can't wait for flux alphonse lora so i can do artistic gymnasts paintings
Tits or ass?
Thighs and tummy
flat chest and small ass
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why is SD forking into flux?
very sad new models get made and they fucking spend time, energy, money to censor them, fucking cucks. they should all chop their dicks off. now we are eternally stuck with pony
new cascade 1B partial epoch mogs pony hard
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why are these models getting censored?
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he fears anything outside his budget. 1b is all you need, 4090s are the peak of training hardware, etc. he draws the line conveniently right where his budget ends. which wouldn't be a problem if he was actually honest and just admitted "yeah flux seems neat but it's a bit uncharted and expensive for us and the money would be wasted on experiments" like a normal person but instead he has to gaslight himself with retarded shit about how more parameters = more rigid and somehow 1b models are an infinite spring of creativity. his entire worldview is based around sour-grapes fueled spite.
unironically hate him now
he seemed to level-headed and chill back when it all started, what a fucking disappointment, retarded decision after retarded decision all the way
I like jordach. thread would only be half as entertaining without him
>wake up
>browse new styles on civitai
>oh those look nice
>download them
>loras are complete shit
>try to mix them with others
>all results end up shit
>delete them
>do it all over again tomorrow
>maybe get a single usable lora every month or so
what is this called? retardation? am i retard?
I bet you didn't even follow one of the pajeet user submitted image prompts, chuddie.
Not trolling though, literally doing it for aesthetic pleasure, masturbated to AI images maybe five to six times in total since 2022.
why are you in the porn thread then? why not troll on ic?
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yes here is your 1girl, large breasts, long hair, black hair, 1boy, sex, missionary, pov, pussy, penis, sex,
but thank god the TE isnt fried
i am cum
Oh yeah, that reminds me. Monochrome, greyscale, and bw in the negs kicks pony's (and other models probably) into the warm end of the color temperature spectrum more often.
>T'was the schizo negatives the whole time...
But I like generating images and they don't.
I do the same except I cant be arsed to test as much as I download so I have a constantly growing folder of lora to test
greyscale doesnt do it that much from what I tested, monochrome doesnt have much impact overall anyways so im just not using it
worst offender is putting white background into neg
>is pony not enough for just jerking off?
Fucking no.
I wanted to say that I'd probably never touch imagegen again if there was NAIv3, but it isn't true, 1.5's 1girls were occasionally enough for me to jerk off back in the day. Sex acts were fucking awful though, no amount of inpainting could make that shit fappable.
Maybe if there was no v3 I'd be content with p*ny too, who knows.
I was jerking off like crazy to fully clothed girl with massive tits back in 1.5
Weird. I only noticed because I hadn't run in to the dreaded piss filter issue until almost an entire page of gens was distinctly fucking yellow after trying out some negatives.
Based. Although I'd probably need at least a glimpse of panties or tits for a fap.
I'm running zero negs by default now until something undesired shows up. Adding a (kagami hirotaka:0.1) or other anime artist does more for style than negging all the sources and painting, monochrome, greyscale, sketch, 3d realistic, etc.
Flux is not the future. There isn't going to be anything new for a long time. Nobody has the funds to train Flux, and Flux itself is an undocumented mess. AI in general is drying out. The cost to entry remains absurdly high as companies fail to monetize their models and industry leaders (anthropic, midjourney) have the market pinned. NAI4 remains nowhere in sight as their aetherchat shit remains in perpetual alpha. Pony is coping with auraflow over money. SAI completely failing paints a negative picture of local releases in general. More and more concern about 'ethics' and regulations is causing models to become increasingly sterile and slopped, with NAI gutting furry artist tags and Flux lacking any native style knowledge. More and more money has to be spent to unfuck these models and less and less people are interested and able to do so.

Catbox plz anons
>download a lora
>it had a preview image within the safetensor
what, that's the first time ive ever seen that. you can do that? it was like a jumpscare
Thanks, unfortunately exiftool seems to have fucked it up in the end even if it shows up fine in a metadata viewer.
good joke
circle the lie, i'm waiting
first time getting a well prepped lora huh
>Nobody has the funds to train Flux
Astra, but only if auraflow fails
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astra is a poorfag. he was literally begging for sponsors to help him finish captioning his dataset, not even at the training stage yet. if astra is local's idea of a well-funded baker, then yeah flux is doomed
better to have no model at all than one produced by Astra
Oh yeah I was prompting deep cleavage, bursting breast, areola peak and so on, I started the day with regular sized breasts but I just kept going overboard everytime
still waiting on the lie to be circled, threadshitter-kun. you've only circled the obvious truths about the current AI landscape
Flux has more native style knowledge than SDXL did
Is there a way to unturbo a model? biggest problem with flux is, that schnell, the only version without a cucked license, is step distilled and barely better than sdxl. Wonder if it's reversible or if there are changes in the architecture
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Same. But then later I'd also img2img them into photorealism.

Post some old 1.5 gens.
When kohaku expands his dataset to 20m images it will all sort itself out
I'm open to reading another opinion. Without more infor this is a pointless post.
i know who you are but who am i
>only one guy ever uses a memeword
i started using it too recently because "shitposter" got old
flux will never take off, it's hopicopium from localsaars who think someone's going to hand them a magical deep-dive immersive porn model. it will sit there and rot with shitty synthslop loras on civit for all eternity
>local textgen is doing better than imagegen despite the higher vram requirements and costs
textgen is much more lucrative to investors
textfags get a lot more corpo handouts
and also they likely have a higher iq community
Whenever I try to refine I get deep fried images
Local text users are generally financially competent and first-world. There is a minimum barrier to entry of 24gb, and they know and accept that while stablesaars cry about flux not fitting on their 6gb. It's not absurd to see people running rigs of 4+ cards, and 30b+ param models are seen as normal. Local text users also have actual use-cases for their models, finetuning and engineering for specific data analysis workflows. Meanwhile the pinnacle of local image generation amounts to the front page of civitai. Nobody wants to release quality image models locally, and for good reason.
kek we got another one boys
this but i dont even have to refine
what was that thing about counting melons again?
Fuck off with your racist bullshit, seriously dude.
I dont think 1.5 clothed slop is fitting for this thread
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This, we only jerk it to discord screencaps and wojaks here.
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Box for this one?
do not 1.5 my poor jalter
i'm doing something wrong or pony doesn't know what split is? trying to do something like this https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6717044&tags=split+on_stomach+
with split, lying, on stomach, from behind but it does barely spread legs
majority of images tagged as split are standing split, there is few that are sitting split but that's makes girl sitting with one leg up
you can only do something like that on nai
but sir, pony is supposed to be superior at poses and anatomy knowledge!
just bake a lora lmaaaaooooo
said nobody ever
try adding other contextual clues for the pose
are you reading this thread from yesterday?
since pony released i've seen countless times cope that nai= better style, pony= better poses
you have no idea what you're talking about, summerfag
nice history revisionism kek
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cause it's true. people that can't get a pose with pony just have a skill issue
try a from side kneeling deepthroat or paizuri on nai
the results may surprise you
literally screenshot any serious post that has ever claimed that pony is superior to nai in poses or anatomy
but why am i even replying to a retarded summer newfag
yes, it can do phenomenal gangbang triple penetration double handjob spitroasting, what more do you need
You're close. NAI has better style and poses, but pony handles anatomy better and upscales better. The poses that Pony does will have better hands than the NAI equivalent as the cost of being less dynamic and interesting aesthetically
hmmm today I think I will download a nochekaiser LoRA and then delete it after 3 gens because it's underbaked
today I will spent 8 hours justifying my 25$ nai investment on an anonymous basket weaving forum instead of generating the superior images it most certainly makes
people keep adding laugh crying emojis to my civit posts... wtf....
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people probably mean different things
pony is indeed better at handling sexual concepts without crumbling, but the poses and composition tends to look very samey and boring compared to nai. nai is much more varied but can go schizo and ignore your prompts on the other hand (that tends to happen with smea more often than without it)
look at your prompt and result then look again at what I asked for
not only is that not paizuri or deepthroat, you got the wrong result in your gen anyway.
solved problem in PDXL/local
maybe the guy has sensitive kneecaps
Could've sworn I typed deepthroat. Guess it read my mind.
You should have asked for pov prone bone, because that shit is actually fucking impossible. Kneeling deepthroat and paizuri are alright, just don't have absolute success rate, I've genned plenty of deepthroats
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lol'd and based.
see this isn't an issue for local. with local models you can do anything you want. the potential is limitless
The thing I was most frustrated with when I was subbed to NAI was the inability to do lip biting.
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yeah, the specific is irrelevant. I was just drawing attention to any "missing" thing at all to show how it's kinda jarring how such a capable model can trip over basics we already take for granted locally
if you're going to shitpost by uploading civitai gens then at least change their filename to make it less obvious
precise control over expressions is a problem on all models in general. Whenever I see some cool expression in a manga, there just aren't enough tags to get remotely close
guys, pony feels bad... when is it going to end?
it ends with 25 bucks
Also, even vramlet textgen has gotten quite good. Gemma 2 9b is really nice. There's nothing in the image world that can even begin to compare to the level of quality Gemma 2 brings to local users with low end hardware.

Reality is that textgen has both solutions for people who have the means to own really high end hardware and run 70b+ models, and solutions for people who aren't as well off. And all options are a lot more viable than having to be stuck with Flux or SDXL. Flux has so many issues I'm amazed it got so much hype. Even for basic bitch SFW rendering of some random cinematic scene I find it worse than SDXL. Images are less detailed, less crisp, it follows prompt better in certain situations but it's not always as good at prompt understanding as redditor would have you believe. It's terrible at mixing concepts to create new things.

And text gen communities are less immature than here and understand that.. you can have it all anyway. Why does it have to be NAI vs local? we textgen users have long recognized we can use local for certain needs and online for others. I mainly use GPT-4 as a programmer's assistant myself, while I go for local with abliterated Gemma 2 to get some nice shitlord roleplay going. Having a local setup doesn't stop you from using the best online services. Using the best online services doesn't stop you from experimenting with some local stuff. HDG constantly turns this shit into a retarded war.

If there's a time you no longer like NAI, just unsub? you're not married to whatever service you're subbing to. Whatever.
how much is that in jordachcoins?
Do you know why SD3 was completely destroyed and chained with license before release?
It was because a pony based on that would be orders of magnitude better than what FLUX is now.
One can't even begin imagine the levels of unsafety that such a thing would reach.
SD3 sucks because the people who knew how to train image models left SAI to make Flux.

There's no conspiracy involved.
Talent is no longer working at the company, the people left are all retards, did you really think SAI could make something good if only they had the will to?
10279 partial epochs
when did it crash so hard?
the neutered 2b sd3 sucks. the 8b api model is pretty nice
If your LoRA requires more than 3 triggers to activate then you can simply fuck off
b-chwama's departure left the economic division in shambles as the budget was soon after allocated towards fursuit imports
>such a capable model can trip over basics we already take for granted locally
danbooru tagging is shit for sexual concepts, just lower quality all around compared to e621. A lot of stuff than nai anime misses works on the furry model (but it looks like garbage. can kinda be used for inpainting though)
the tag has 3.2k entries but seems like it really can't, lol. I'll try to wrangle it some more though, interesting
>Flux has so many issues I'm amazed it got so much hype. Even for basic bitch SFW rendering of some random cinematic scene I find it worse than SDXL. Images are less detailed, less crisp, it follows prompt better in certain situations but it's not always as good at prompt understanding as redditor would have you believe. It's terrible at mixing concepts to create new things.
so what youre saying is that JORDACH WAS RIGHT THIS ENTIRE TIME?!!?!!??
Oh, really? The models that had behind their API were all failures like the released SD3? Do I have to disbelieve my lying eyes and favor the party? LOL
character loras that actually remove each part of the outfit if the trigger word isn't present anymore are chefs kiss. even more so if they double as cosplay loras when you remove the character tag
what model do you recommend for uncensored erp and/or rp? that is at least 13b or lower
>character loras that actually remove each part of the outfit if the trigger word isn't present anymore
I just experienced the opposite where if every trigger isn't present you not only lose the outfit but also the character
Amazing experience
Post a grid made with the same prompt (a promp, any prompt, that induces the gen of humans where you can see the hands doing something, anything) and random seeds, pick the first 20 gen - cherry picking the best out of a thousand gen is not allowed - and post. Do it, show us how great SD3 can be.

Hint: in the real world no one is paying for those models, if you're paying for online image gen you're going with DALL-E 3 or Midjourney. Period. NAI if you're one of us thirsty perverts.
SD3 is not even something you would consider.
>e621 tagging is amazing
literally simplest tag like front view https://e621.net/posts?tags=front_view+ has odd wage definition including "scenes viewed from the front" and tons of images are misstagged like for example this https://e621.net/posts/5030903?q=front_view which is three-quarter view
do the needful yourself and close the tab
turn your cfg up retard
he is right in his conclusion that flux isnt epic, but for all the wrong reasons. he lacks the nuance to actually pick up what is wrong with it and instead just pulls from his library of 40000+ "future i-told-you-so's in waiting" and applies one of them to the situation regardless of how irrelevant it is, just so he can go "see heh, i was right!"
he hasn't even tried the model, same with nai and pony. he just draws conclusions based on complaints others have while failing to grasp the positives and learn from them for his own model.
Can local textgen do rpg stat role playing yet? I want to go on an adventure with my waifu.
Is b-chama still a janny on treech?
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don't put yourself through the suffering of bad local models.
You need to run mistral large for a non shit local experience, that requires 48gb vram, which is two 3090s
Dunno what to recommend if you're focused on ERP. I said it, I myself mainly used abliterated gemma 2, and it's exceptionally good at creatively writing characters and having them act out violent, sadistic stories, but sexual content is pretty weak in that model - clearly didn't have much of that stuff in the data sets. It has enough understanding to write sex scenes with the uncensor that comes from abliteration that removes refusals from the LLM, but what it writes is repetitive and lacking in detail/dirty talk unless you are very explicit with your prompting in instructing it with what you want to be output, in which case the writing is as much yours as it is the LLM's.

I've heard of sexual finetunes of Gemma, like Gemmasutra, but I never tried them.
she probably still has mod but she'll never post there again
I blame clip, too many other "split" things could be leaking into it, either during training or generation. There are like two dozen split tags on danbooru.

Try "on stomach, wide spread legs, split" "small/---/large ass", add "standing, standing split" into negs and use a wide resolution. "breasts from behind, backboob" also helped me get the right perspective, but I guess you won't be using those.
>non-shit local experience
>quantized mistral large
/lmg/ nigger who jerks off over benchmarks and never actually uses models detected. mistral nemo is unironically better for a casual user than large despite being 1/10th the size because it isn't overfit to shit. for raw intelligence yes large wins but nobody in a fucking /h/ thread is looking into llms to do anything but goon.
shittiest take I've ever seen
you can just use claude or cope with gpt, it's not like you need to pay anything
I kek'd very heartily
Can't win against the horse cock, tragic.
ganyu's soft, squishy, sweaty soles...... uoh.....
thinking nemo is anywhere near large is a wild cope, yes for ERP
is there any correlation between LoRA size and quality
it depends but probably not
I usually open the lora in a text file and look at how many images it was trained on as my barometer but even that isn't a great test if they just used 1000 shit images
there isn't
if anything there might be a weak correlation between 32 dim loras being worse since that's the default setting for loras trained on civitai
same but in this case i increase my expectation of it being bad if it was trained on >100 images
Overfitted LoRA are painful garbage, yes.
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1k is too much, over 100 is overkill, if your lora cant understand your concept with thta much picture then you are using garbage pictures
all loras are overfit
i try to shoot for at least 5-6k training images. it just produces better results imo
good morning nochekaiser sir
this but all loras
AI is honestly such a great tool for this. If you didn't think of it already, you can actually use PonyDiffusion to generate images for your lora dataset to help round it out. There is almost no such thing as too little data thanks to AI's ability to generate practically infinite data. It's crazy, AI can actually replicate itself to produce better and better results. The potential is endless! What an insane time we're living in, and I'm so excited for what the future holds
i just use koikatsu or mmd or whatever
So true sister! Make sure to include some NAI images as well
It's not an ethical source.
i always make sure to include the best examples of my old nai leak gens, that way the lora learns even faster!
if there's some shape that's really complicated and has a lot of training data, then you'll get better results with higher dim, but that basically never happens and you'd be better off making an inpaint lora for the feature instead of trying to shove it in forcibly
For styles, no. For characters, it needs a larger size if they have intricate details in clothing and accessories. For concepts, it depends on what it is. Poses and character features are usually cheap, guns, cars, architecture are insanely expensive.
Well, the only downside is you cannot guarantee quality with that many images. And a few shitty or mis-tagged ones ruin the whole thing.
has anyone baked any good mizumizuni style lora?
no pls dont link me the ones on civ since i tried them all and they all suck so much, one is undertrained and the other is crispy as fuck
A well trained style lora is better than an innate style trained on whatever that artist had on the boorus under his name
why do character silhouettes become more accurate if the base_weights are trained without backgrounds? if i train the character lora using only character loss then the silhouettes are fucked. if i train the character lora using character+partial background loss then the silhouettes are great. but this effect only happens if the base_weights were trained with only character loss. if i include background loss in the base_weights then the character comes out shit either way.
but there's also something more to it. i have been trying for a month to recreate the effects of xb kk mask 047 but after 6 more iterations of the base weights and around 50 iterations of the character lora used to test it i haven't been able to actually recreate the same effect to the same degree of strength. it's weird. gonna have to try out training the base_weights with IN blocks to see what the effects are.
This. A curated, well-trained style lora is so much superior to modelslop. Really enjoying the flexibility of local models thanks to LoRAs (low-rank adaptations). Everyone complaining about pony just have skill issues; with local, sky is the limit.
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Just got back from discord bros
unironically true but the caveat is that this only applies to the best 0.01% of style loras
uh oh
If you don't want to train your own you can run them both at the same time, with like 1.0/0.2 strength. Use the burnt one to add that last bit of missing knowledge. Or run latent upscale with just the burnt one, it seems to clean up deepfried civitai trainer loras.
why is this Sigurd guy always running defence for NAI anyway. I've raised a few issues and it's always this guy who responds instead of any actual employee.
Is he paid or something
thank you anon
wide spread legs helped, sort of https://litter.catbox.moe/5iyge4.png it's not really real split, but it's fine
also it's very gacha and and it likes to break anatomy https://litter.catbox.moe/t1ci9d.png
other gymnastic poses are no go without cn
>but I guess you won't be using those
kek, linked picture was example but yeah
Best I could get are those, I did both of them a long ago with reweik
Try to play with resolution and perspective tags
simp/janny mentality
Find any game/movie/service/etc and there will be people who defend it to the grave. It's just a mental illness.
i will do it for free and say i agree with that guy, some of the online generators have pretty generous free limits and if you use comfy its pretty similar to what you would get with local since they bloatmaxx the amount of installed custom nodes
He does it for free.
Is there a way to include lora hashes in Comfy metadata? I'm renaming my loras so that they're just "mochirong" instead of "mochirong_schedulertest_v1-0003". But it might make them harder to identify later, or when sharing catbox.
furfags are always like this, doesn't matter what they're defending, they're literally always in the way
every community has that kind of faggot and it's almost always a furfag
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Text gen has a lot more corpo benefit. F a company can have a decent text gen AI with some controls doing their websites, in house newsletters, random tedious shit they could easily can a few hundred jobs and pocket the saved money
Discord screenshot lora when?
It's funny how apparently spamming discord screencaps all over the thread is fine but if you post an /e/ or /u/ pic you get faggots sperging out
I don't think the /e/ criticism was serious
i'm falling asleep over here, who are these side characters? where are the screenshots of our heroes jordach and neggles?
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9/10 blur
well you could rename them like name_hash
>Regional Prompter still not updated to work on newest version of Forge
What the fuck is the hold up.
Style? This is great
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>genning sample images for saved loras
>antifreeze pops out this
Wait wasn't this some pedo artist?
>check boorus, one result
more commonly known as tiananmen bing chilling
Yeah, good idea. But how do I get the hash, other than installing webui? Is it some universal hashing function I can run from a python script?
Oh it's fang-dong. Into the trash it goes. Anyone got a better lora?
i dont use webui so im not sure how its there but civit uses first 10 letters of sha-256 for its hash
Thanks, they probably use the same standard. I might hack together a node that calculates the hash and saves it.
Better fangdong? Not an expert on this artist, but probably from this guy: https://mega.nz/folder/FiUlmbaY#THGdabflbUDLMXffz_febQ
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thanks, it's better
so much so that I can't post it
it fucking works
with reweik it started to make it closer and more consistently than with autism or vanilla pony with the same prompt for some reason, so thanks
also after adding flexible and stretching it started to make real split, also poses are quite varied what is a good thing in this case
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Do I need to update any of this?
If nothing is broken, there's no point
>imagine using gradio 3
couldn't be me
NTA but something's telling me this is the same anon except with metadata: >>>/c/4361090
It's NAI, but: https://files.catbox.moe/5gqjhf.png
Good thing he is gathering a dataset he can reuse later for a better architecture and better tagging
looks like a nice style, thank you (I will steal it)
It's probably the best time investment. Even if a new model comes out 10 years later, you can still use the same dataset to train on it.
bro, she doesn't even have eyes
literally worse than cascade
thank you anons!
Oh no, I'm being stalked, whatever could have given me away!?
anon, it's just raw gen without inpainting
I know, it was a joke. Mostly.
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They care and focus so much on the inane technical shit that they forgot to actually make the image look good. Pure unfiltered AI slop like everything else out there. Trash.
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more like this please
>panties under loincloth
Are they just blind to the slop or what. It's genuinely mind blowing.
>nooooo anime is only fangdong teehe huehue pedoshit
Fuck off to /b/
legit chicken legs
is this the T-Rex lora
Civijeets only like "realism"
Autists are blind to styles and only care about techical and "ethical" aspects
Yes, unfortunately this is what happens when you give indians access to computers. The aesthetic isn't something they even consider when they spam this "art" everywhere.
Shut the fuck up, bro. You clearly have no clue. That style is 1:1 that of geijutsu nogōkan-sha, that he used in his C67 anthology "Kuchi no naka ni sukoshi hakimashita"
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are you sure that's really style by this legendary artists and not some filthy gaijin counterfeit?
lurk more newfag
I'd like to see some C45 content
i wonder when this mentally ill wapanese will have new meltdown, i'm pretty sure that "lolita complex" one was by him also
love the pic like this. little bit more realistic hentai
I can never get good eyes
so true sir!!!!!!!!
Don't you have a cow to fuck? A river to shit in? Fuck off somewhere else.
That is one low effort pussy
Fuck adetailer, inpaint only eyes. Weaken or disable all loras for the inpaint, keep denoise low. One mask for both eyes connected above the nose, helps keep them consistent.
I'll try this and if you're wrong I'll be a little annoyed and perhaps even a little upset.
switch to cascade 1b, perfect eyes every time
The irony is that the 1.5 image had more soul. Both images suck and are filled with flaws, but the 1.5 had some actual styling done to it, it's textured. Also, those fingernails on the flux one.. I need jesus. Who gets the confidence to post this crap? And flux users are the most deluded AI sloppers out there, they really think this smoothed out, undetailed PoS is the second coming of local christ.
It's fine, I can take it. It's all for the sake of a better world.
it's a base model sir
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Fair enough
Suketto Sanjou
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tftard probably can't distinguish styles and emotions, probably an actual autist with hyperfixation on ai
it probably isnt actually bet they finetuned the shit out of it just like stability
Anyone know if this is local or NAI? It looks very nice...
it's nai
Shouldn't stuff on AIbooru always have metadata?
*smacks lips*
Local with a lora trained on NAI outputs.
>I like the first image much more desu. Looks more natural
>i hope they fix this ai plastic problem in flux2.0. i cant believe i find myself preferring a 1.5 gen to flux.
>The pose in the 1.5 image is so much better. In the Flux image she's just awkwardly standing on the board like she doesn't even know how to surf.
redditoids are waking up, they're tired of the aislop look. there is a schism now where saars are getting ousted for being slop-selling grifters. flux is ugly as a result of being trained on synthetic garbage. finetunes aren't coming and people are getting heckin mad now
it's nijijourney
Thought so. Unfortunately the metadata was stripped on the pixiv post as well then
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Looks like arti 2.0, no, I'm not joking, has the same artifacts
no? there's a tag for when it has it
interesting guess but this guy has been using that style since months ago
hour long inpainted gen of anime fine tuned model beats first try gen of base model
No amount of inpainting is going to bring texture to that Flux slop. Unless you mean passing img2img to a SD (1.5 or XL) model but that's not really flux anymore, right?
please wait for the anime finetune saar
base model cope ages poorly when 'finetunes will fix it' never comes. nobody is fixing flux. the bigger the model, the more important the base model's knowledge is
don't want to sound like a "just bake a lora bro xdd" coping retard but flux does learn styles pretty well with loras, this ain't fried pony
Oh ok, I see it now that I'm checking out his pixiv, I only compared that particular image he linked
unironically use a lora. Those snowglobe gens by that one anon were miles ahead of everything ever posted with sd based models
Meant to reply to >>8186797
flux is pretty much an sd model desu
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Flux does tend to look plastic but good dynamic makes it look better than pony already
there is nothing that I hate more than than this grey no contrast look of local xl models
cute biribiri
Flux won desu
The only valid criticism against flux is that it's too expensive to tune right now. Every other complaint is from vramlet monkeys that want imagegen to stay in the stone age forever, so they can continue to run new models on their 2015 dell laptop.
how can i get a 3090/4090 with 48gb vram, 24gb is too little to finetune on flux :(
this one looks alright https://civitai.com/models/185558/zankuro-artist-style-flux-and-pony-and-sd15?modelVersionId=735430
>irrelevant local hopiumposting
flux will never get a finetune. every single finetuner has brushed it off as too expensive. it will sit there as an 'image if...' alongside nai3 local and dall-e uncensored.
actual see-through slimegirls
never is 1 gen of nvdia gpus in this case
nvidia gets fucked by the antitrust case
hardware stagnation ends
local hentai flux finetune in a year
>civitai users on their way to upload completely unrelated images to a lora page (they still get buzz for it)
>does not take refraction into account
there are modding services to add 24gb to 3090s but they're VERY expensive, might be cheaper to just get another
Are there any alternatives to ReForge? It seems to be having some performance issues compared to Forge.
ray-traced gens doko?
original Forge?
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>there is nothing that I hate more than than this grey no contrast look of local xl models
Ran your image in WD14 tagger, then used the tags detected as is, without changing a single thing (except for putting "loli" in the negative prompts, as God intended), with a pony style model, no added LoRA, not even a face detailer node or upscale. Just a simple basic bitch gen with 20 steps Euler. No contrast, eh?
>anon doesn't know what contrast is
it's nai
Thanks for letting us know, Sigurd.
Maybe next base model
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>First one to post tifa paizuri gets to stay on my aircraft
>3 epochs 900 images
Sounds awful, but the screenshots are nice.
>nvidia gets fucked by the antitrust case
will never happen but it would unironically be the best thing ever for local
(somehow has the same face as 1.5 models and same prompt adherence)
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Meanwhile 324235793rd rebake of v-pony
it's fried
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>nai mogging every local saarbake even the 12b 'god model'
local simply cannot cook
2 more weeks before the flux finetune mogs nai saar
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Yeah maybe it is. Here's the pic with the the previous epoch.
Sigurd is working over time again.
the background looks like absolute shit without depth of field doe
damn, misaka got a rack
>ask flux for a french flag
>get a completely white flag
Is he the astroturfer guy??
Is there fucking ANY way to get ponyxl models to inpaint properly
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*Actually I should not call this an epoch, it's just a mid-epoch save. So it learned for about 2.67 and 2 epochs respectively. Here's the 3rd epoch. I don't remember putting any city-like pics in it, so it's kinda impressive in its own right.
i see, eu hours humor
SwarmUI generates comfy workflows for inpainting that work really well with pretty much any SDXL checkpoint, anything, pony or other things, it doesn't matter if the model isn't suited for inpainting, it just works. The UI isn't too dissimilar to what is in A1111 and Forge, so it's much nicer to use for inpainting than doing it yourself within comfyui.
can any of the noodle eaters say whether this is txt2img or had some inpainting/adetailer applied?
I see. Thank you
It's not NAI, >>8186795 is probably right.
>previous thread
>18 results
>current thread
>93 results
What the flux happened?
bfl shills out in full force today and quarreling with the guys on nai payroll
just more localoid delusions, its a new one every day
>here's how cascade can still win
>what's neggles up to
>pony v7 wont be THAT bad
>flux finetunes incoming!
>there's no possible way they're lying about releasing v3!
>china will save us
2 weeks buddy
Do you know how? This seems like something that should be easily adapted to other UIs, the same way foocus inpaint patch was. That one doesn't work with pony btw.
Can't wait for nai to release canny controlnet in 3 months, call it sketchposeultra and pretend it's some industry shattering invention because they asked claude to rearrange the code a little
Bro the NAI bait doesn't work anymore, the naimelt guy probably hangs out at ldg nowadays. Just get back to pedo pedo pedo/chuddie bait, it works better nowadays
Dude, the pic is straight out of a comfyui workflow. Just drag and dropping it in comfyui shows you what was last done as a workflow on it.
This guy doesn't seem to have used inpainting but he has a few custom nodes.
Like :

He's using flux-dev and doing an upscale on the image with 4x animesharp. Dunno about some of the details since I don't have all his custom nodes installed and I won't install them to check the rest of his workflow.

Anyway, a close up portrait shot like that definitely should not require adetailer or inpainting to look right. Not even on SDXL, and this is flux-dev. Not to mention, you don't even see the character's hands, and there's no background, pretty much the easiest sort of shit to gen without issues.

Btw the prompting style of flux really gives me cancer.
Here's the prompt of that image:

"This image is a digital anime-style drawing featuring a young girl with distinct animal-like characteristics. She has large, expressive teal eyes and long, straight blonde hair that cascades over her shoulders. Her hair is adorned with two large, cat ears and cat tail, indicating a cat-like transformation. She wears a white off-the-shoulder t-shirt with the word "OSAKANA" and fish below printed on it. Around her neck is a black choker with a circular pendant, adding to the cat theme as the pendant has a small cat face design. The background is plain white, making the character the focal point. The art style is clean and vibrant, with soft shading and a gentle gradient to create a sense of depth and texture. The girl's expression is neutral, with a slight hint of curiosity or surprise. The overall composition is minimalistic, emphasizing the character's unique features and attire."

Jesus. Pony booru tag style ain't bad compared to this shit. I don't want to tell a story to my image generator.
you don't NEED to write those essays
What about these noodle sar
flux elevates prompting to an art form. Now I can finally write poems as my prompt that match the finished gen in beauty and elegance. Can't wait for the first 1girl haiku championship
Literature chads cannot stop winning
I cant wait to write a fanfiction for all of my prompts
imagine describing penis that way
its length, girth, beauty, strength and glory,,,
"The elegant long penis, which is a humans penis, is erect and girthy, elongated and of human form, with testicles attached to the penis"
This is the future
I haven't thoroughly checked every single workflow, but after looking at a few there's most likely no inpainting ever involved. In fact some of the pictures in your link have the sort of flaw that people who obsessively inpaint would never let go of.
Like the hand here:
"That thing was too big to be called a Penis.Too big, too thick, too heavy, and too rough, it was more like a large hunk of flesh"

could always prompt like this
flux can do decent textures, maybe not necessarily textured anime styles without a lora but it's not incapable. someone was posting nice fkey images here before as well, there was some artifacting I think but it looked quite nice imo
>Unless you mean passing img2img to a SD (1.5 or XL) model but that's not really flux anymore, right?
i've done that with flux->pony a few times, flux can be good for composition since it's more likely to include most of the shit you prompt for
it's good to think of flux like local dall-e 3 with worse aesthetics, less style knowledge but no prompt filtering + loras

>Btw the prompting style of flux really gives me cancer.
on one hand when you prompt something simple it gives you the exact thing you prompt for and nothing else, straight to the point
on another hand it is annoying to have to write out a fucking essay if you want a larger, more detailed scene. i just lecture claude into using practical terms instead of flowery language and let it write prompts for me. does a decent job. would be great if it was that easy to have a good llm running on your machine(s) doing most of the prompting for you but not everyone is made out of money
>captcha 4NASA
"An elegant beautifully detailed anime illustration that is also detailed, which takes place inside of a truly magnificent and never before seen cinematic anime film of epic proportions. In the middle of the scene is a girl of average height, her hair blows in the wind, but one must not also forget the hairbow that is placed on her hair."
>sell images on bbc patreon
>sell prompts in the womans books section on amazon
>double profits
grifter futures are looking bright
Why is a hentai thread full of racist filth?
>The next pony model is going to have incredible prompt adherence, but the aesthetics are going to be even worse than V6.
brace yourselves
ask the blacked general
yeah last few months made me realize that I wouldn't even care about such model
Why is a hentai thread full of lovely sirs?
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That has been the trend for every new model, better prompt adherence with absolutely horrible aesthetics.
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skill issue
this is good for refiner stocks
Amazing shadows and darks. Love this and love my TN display!
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So I looked into it, and it seems it's mainly the work of the differential diffusion node and it should already exist at least in Forge, with the name "Soft Inpainting". I don't know if it's as effective as the comfyui stuff though.
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i thought you guys were going to defend it tooth and nail instead
but it seems theres no perfect model for local and specially for porn

maybe jordach and kurumuz were right after all
new partial epoch just dropped btw
uhhhhh I'll have 1 cutesexyrobutts, 1 nyantcha, 1 orange_maru, 1 blushyspicy, 1 redrop, 1 j.k, and I'll starve myself and pay 25$ to vomit the exact same gens that everyone does (I'll have to starve myself for 2 weeks without eating pagpag to afford the opus tier payments)
are transformers really necessary?
huh, the more you know
they may be more expensive than other toys of the time but fuck if they aren't the coolest shit ever. i still have my starscream somewhere
yes, they're more than meets the eye
Ah. Yeah that's old news, and nowhere as good as foocus inpaint.
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Speaking of artists...

Can anyone recommend one or more artists that draw skin more roughly and textured compared to the default glossy/shiny/smooth anime skin textures?

Pic related, I tried yesterday on pony to do this, but it's skin is still somewhat glossy and sometimes still too smooth to my liking,
I want to steal other people's styles but everyone uses the same 5 artists so I suppose everyone is leeching from one another
hey guys, finally got a refurbished 2070, finally ready to enjoy some genning! cost me quite a lot but worth every penny!
downloaded autismmix and few loras I found here, but the loras don't seem to work :(((( all the pictures I generate have extremely strong yellow tint and look like nickelodeon cartoons no matter what I prompt and how many loras I use. I'd like to generate anime/hentai. any suggestions?
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bro what are you doing
Is your issue with tinting only happening when you're using LoRAs? if it's only with the LoRAs, try to reduce their strength first, or/and lower your cfg.

If it happens without the LoRA and just your checkpoint you have deeper issues.
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Unbelievably based
A few innate ones off the top of my head:
asura \(asurauser\)
hero neisan
is this a NAI falseflagger
anyway, stop using score tags
Is that an upcoming flux finetune or LoRA?
kek excellent, love her face
yeah i have no idea how he did the text, it HAS to be flux theres simply no other way to achieve text like that in an image. so glad training on text wasn't a scam, it's finally paying off big time
wherever I am, I must also falseflag
5000 analbeads to whoever can decipher this art style.
and no, it's not the usual grifter style there are at least two artists that I'm trying to figure out here.
either edited in with photoshop completely or genned with pony then inpainted in flux
i don't mind current state of /hdg/ as long as you keep posting, good job
What loras you using?
It's local
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Thank you for the suggestions! I'll try these out.

Is there a /hdg/ made misaka12003 lora, or would I have to look on civitai for one? Doesn't seem pony knows them innately.
there is no good misaka lora
I figured since he dumbs +1000 images a day.
That's clearly NAI though.
It's so fried that it might as well be local kek
its local
it's NAI
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pretty sure nai can't do schnee raizar
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>still no nothing ever happens chud lora for flux
why live?
Are you guys sure someone didn't use his images to train a lora? like what they did to other gifters?
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Why do you guys like blacked so much?
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reminder that cascade 1b is capable of creating a near perfect simulacrum of the real world
I'm more interested in the facial expressions and not the nigger.
FOSSfags have a thing for getting cucked
stop samefagging
nice interlocked fingers, how much inpainting did that take?
no fucking way this is real
why is jordach typing out no man's sky's plot?
none if he's smart and used controlnet
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If i had a parameter for every stupid thing jordach said, I could make a non-rigid base model
not much, i got it pinned with 2 sets of 15-batch inpaints at like 0.7 denoise, one got half the hand right and i just inpainted the other half afterward
if i got impatient i already have a good interlocked hand from another gen i could frankenstein into it
Or someone trained this lora on other NAI images and now he's using the lora. In the end I'm not sure it matters.
smartest /hdg/ poster
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what artstyle is this
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is there a method to organize loras better like subfolders and shit without bricking automatic1111
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just like my '99 vns
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Gotta be, I mean there's no way Comfy would be more user friendly
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can someone give me a tldr on what xformers do?
if you were the guy asking about them earlier, i apologize for giving a meme response about transformers toys
im just trying to figure out this black output shit. it looks like i need xformers (although ive been going without it up until this week) and was just trying to figure out if its necessary
these are the characters that work on pony?
no it just makes stuff go faster
can't be since that list has touhou characters besides reimu
Apparently. Not mine, just grabbed it on trooncord
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Looks that way, nowhere near complete though.

And imo many work better without the franchise tag, for example "arknights" is super overfit on the standard NPC uniform, even if you include it in escaped brackets.
I've been using this one for pony
pony doesn't know half of those characters
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doubt i'll get better oral stuff fiddling with the prompt, shower sex is a fun theme though.
cant you just simply go to /u/? yknow theres already an aigeneral there, right?
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patchy works fine at least
sorry for the...everything, just used my last prompt
It is still quite an improvement over the previous Neo Ranga gens I have seen.
Why chase out one of the few remaining effort posters?
pony barely knows patchy and it can't do her clothes at all
The guy claims that he tested all chars on the list
i remember seeing him posting actual /h/ why cant he do that instead? its very simple
i've tested a good amount of them. pony has been out of 8 months after all
model, loras and prompt pls? no catbox cuz im not touching cumrag
>1girl, pov, cowgirl position, penis, stomach bulge, large breasts, nipples, cum in mouth, cum vomit, excessive cum, gjem, (sparrow:0.3), hero neisan, rolling eyes, patchouli knowledge, mjm, anal, pussy, surprised, mature female, best quality
>text, censored, mosaic censorship, bar censor

Good enough for my uses. But yeah, Pony seems bad at characters' clothes in general.
>figurine in negatives
those discordtroons might be onto something...
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genbros how do think anon did this one?
You can still read the metadata, just search for "ckpt_name", "lora_name", and "1girl"
Mixing innate styles on pony seems unstable, one of them usually tends to take over. Might be better to swap between them with prompt editing.
I saw somebody saying sdxl vae fucking sucks. I wanna try different stuff. What do i use?
Do those again sometime but with no clothes.
the sdxl vae
damn, you must be so mad with most of /h/ and this general then. Guess im part of the problem though, doing 1girls and cord shots
it sucks because it's a 4ch vae but there's nothing you can do about that until we can use a better architecture
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It kind of knows Marisa
what the fuck does FreeU really do?
wrong hair bow color, wrong sleeve length, no buttons on her vest and it's giving her a random neckerchief for no reason
"kind of" is generous for the character with the third most danbooru tags
it's a COOKIE character ACKSHULLY
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its clearly not local you guys are retarded
We made it!
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Yeah if you're doing 1girl standing clothes on then you have way better options. But if you stick her onto an oversized penis she looks pretty accurate.

I think that might be an issue with the model itself, rather than its innate character knowledge. Loras are also way easier to train on anatomical features than clothing. It wasn't like this on 1.5.
there is no mysterious issue here, the only problem is that astralite pruned every touhou character besides reimu
It's local.
Lora used in the image? Box?

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