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>J18 and JAST USA
I liked its cleaner interface over ehentai, but they don't have a forum
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No, my porn!
You should include nhentai's response to it.
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what is even the point? there are dozens of nhentai clones out there, If I didn't know any better I'd say source code is on github. the only advantage nhentai has over it's competition is that there's a bunch of third party tools associated with it. policy wise nhentai is super pussy and has purged huge amounts of material.
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I still don't know how to get into ehentai. If I don't figure out soon, I'm going to have to import my kodomo doushi hentai mangas from Japan....
i know this is a typo and you meant exhentai but its incredible how hard you fucks get filtered by this
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>gets triggered by the misspelling of exhentai
>ignores the misspelling of komodo dragon hentai
i dont even care i have already lost all sense of reason on the first fuckup
sadpanda is next of course, get ready
Did you take your meds for autism?
Should I panic or is it literally nothing?
Who cares. The whole site is just loli and shota
Eh no, hardly the first time this has happened
The big legal difference is that nhentai's staff upload content, not users. With e-hentai, the owners can go "whaaaa? Our users uploaded your stuff? Oh those naughty users, we'll take that down!" That absolutely doesn't mean e-hentai is invulnerable (lolno), but it's why nhentai is a much much much easier legal target.
i'm glad this shitty cash grab is getting sued nhentai was long gone this shitty site hasnt received any update since 5 years now fuck nhentai its just a cashgrab they are removing everything fro mthis site even stuff that you find on ehentai because the admins dont care that how shitty this site is
Take your meds
And? Who the fuck care? It's a fucking exhentai mirror so as long as the original source is up there is no problem
it's gonna cause all these idiots to clog up e-hentai again.
Anon come on they don't even know how to get past the sadpanda it will change nothing
Who gives a single fuck?

It's just "I dl'ed a bunch of stuff from e-hentai, put it on a website, and plastered ads all over! $$$$$" website #348975349857349857439857439874...
I don't want you to panic but If you personally don't write a strongly worded letter to the California based company to end this frivolous suit then hentai on the internet as you know it may cease and desist.
Not if you direct them to some other mirror instead.
Shit like this won't end unless we start to punish those faggots

Oh fuck looks like it's dead
I'm now getting a Domain not resolved error
Movies and TV free on the internet disappeared after the first major lawsuits?

no. idiot. calm the fuck down.
same here.
I started using bookmarks on nhentai instead of my browser about 3 months ago and now it looks like im in shit creek when it comes to migrating them.
At least I downloaded my favorites.
Well it's actually not dead
I had Adguard DNS and they blocked the site for some reason or another.
Try changing your DNS. Still works with Google and Cloudflare
Those guy ruined my fap
session ?
Did something happen recently?
Streaming sites are getting taken down and now this.
yes, companies are finally moving against piracy sites lots of claims have been filed and lawyers have been contacted to make overseas cases.
it's not an apocalypse per say but they're making massive moves
if you arent already takjng precautions like vpn you should start doing so
apparently the guy who ran telegram also ran a bunch of piracy sites.
This is what I'm noticing now. I'm already preparing to accept the end of NHentai.net, even if I have alternatives with better loading times than E-Hentai/ExHentai.
Is there a easy way to save all my favorites?
I have some too but they annoyingly omit certain artists on a whim so its hard to keep track of whats been released unless I obsessively track everything
wtf I just wanted to goon
ugh I'm too lazy to change my dns
How do I do this with android?
I can enter from my pc just fine, but I just wanna goon on the comfyness of my bed.
aaaaand it's gone
It was alright when it still had anthologies and some deleted shit from panda but yeah, it's fucking trash.
User voted tags make panda bearable, this shitass site just scrapes and uses tags that were there upon initial upload on other sites at best, so there's often incorrect tags or no tags at tall.

That's why I don't really read in E-Hentai/ExHentai. I just use that site primarily to see new releases. I read in the alternatives (NHentai.net being the go-to site until it vanished) and if want to make comments, I'll primarily do so in E-Hentai (don't know if the account I have in E-Hentai is applicable for ExHentai).
Shit. Guess I’ll have to use the url numbers to figure out what was what now.
yeah I'll need to run a script or something to keep track of the releases so I can look through it later on.
honestly should have been doing that in the first place
E-hentai load 1 page every site is so annoy
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It's not dead. The website is just blocked in a lot of countries now.
Of course
whois says the domain is inactive, it's over boyo
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He's dead, Jim.


The A record (which allows you to resolve the site) has been removed. If you can still access the site, it's only a matter of time until your DNS provider updates to honour the change and cuts off your access.

Thanks for playing.
How will i keep track of over my 2000 favorites on clones, anon?

I assume your "2000 favorites" refers to works you read repeatedly? I was able to save the names of the works I read before and artist pen names on one clone.
Some of you guys are celebrating that its dead not realizing that these mirror sites play a big part in decentralizing pirated content.
>hurr panda filtered
Thousands of galleries removed from the panda could still be found on nhentai even if the site was poorly tagged and needs adblocker to be useable.
There are jews demolishing your house and you're dancing to the sound of your walls breaking down
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nHentai was previously blocked in Iran and China so it still resolves to a "site blocked" page in those regions. You can confirm this pretty easily by looking at the returned IPs (10.x reserved, non Cloudflare)
>>J18 and JAST USA

Looking through their catalog they publish some very obvious loli content. How do they get away with it?
well fuck, where do I go when using my phone now?
I switched to mobile data on my phone, and it's gone.
>Thousands of galleries removed from the panda could still be found on nhentai
nah, nhentai purged all the irodori galleries like a year ago. if anything they had even less stuff than sadpanda because the last time they went down they also took down a lot, and I mean a lot of galleries as well, even non fakku/irodori/wani stuff.
Hope it comes back online for at least a little while so I can swap everything over to exhentai. Kinda weird they would shut everything down before any actual litigation happened.
Comics lasted way longer there than on sadpanda
only if they could get scraped before they were deleted off of ex. lots of stuff just never makes it to nhentai because the scraper is slow.
problem is a few thinks on nhentai where long gone on panda because of some fags so its sad for the few thing that are now gone
My point still stands. A mirror -even if shitty- is still another obstacle to jewcob and his gang
That's how it was up until a year ago when irodori started targeting them as well
the few galleries that made it to nhentai would also get deleted a month or two later.
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I was reading those comments muthafucka
on another note my list of shit to download for later only had 6 digit numbers in it, now I will never remember what I wanted to download (picrel: mfw)
all the mtl stuff removed from panda cause of someone's autism is now lost (some of it was pretty good, even in tone with the official work's literary style. will be missed dearly)
not disagreeing. but a mirror thats used as a shield should be easily replicatable and deployable. nh wasnt.
well hopefully this will help with my porn addiction.
our most important job was to have a database of the title and artist associated with each 6 digit number
I wonder if we can still do this
I’m surprised one didn’t already exist somewhere
>my list of shit to download for later
Should have just hit that download button and stored the torrents
Not that guy but I usually use nhentai to find and read stuff online and then go to exhentai to download torrents there, exhentai is a pain in the ass to actually read on but it has better quality torrents.
not some mtl Anon older stuff that fags on panda just nuked for god knows reason and yeah im in the same boat should ahve downlaoded that shit month ago
>california based
Isn't california sjw central? It's already ogre.
On one hand it's sad losing the biggest panda mirror like this, on the other losing the biggest easy-to-use mirror which also has the most retarded practices such as no user uploads, slow as fuck scraper, and arbitrary omission of certain tags might finally encourage people to create or move on to a less stupid alternative.
it was too big and needed to be cut down anyway.
there shouldn't be streamers and social media making jokes about just going on to nhentai or making memes of 6 digit codes.
okay, which of the other ehentai mirrors to use? even nhentai used to purge some fakku stuff.
i just want to fap to the 'licensed' stuff without having to download anything. even chaika doesn't host the 'fakku exclusive' works
Hentainexus came back recently and seems to have the most up to date stuff
that's exactly why we care
that's mostly for licensed stuff though, doesn't have a lot of comiket doujins
So, is it gone for good or what
Who knows? Too soon to tell I guess
you know
at least its porn
my morality causes me not to feel too bad when its gone
just look at the amount of 2000s western porn lost to time when luscious turned crap, I miss it sure, but I cant feel bad about it
now novelplanet on the other hand, that stung, it stung bad
its been 5 years and I still cannot find a lot of stuff that was on novelplanet
Yeah that’s what he said he wanted was the licensed stuff

>there shouldn't be streamers and social media making jokes about just going on to nhentai or making memes of 6 digit codes.

I concur. That was a double-edged sword: while knowing the codes helped, it exposed the site to unwarranted attention.
true still sucks though and dont remind me of the old luscious that was my first site for hentai
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i guess i should finally get around to scouring my sadpanda favorites with 'forbidden content' and making a list. fuck irodori and fuck jewcob.
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Which countries are the ones getting cucked, lmao? Most likely the americans as usual.
I can access without problem.
South east Asia is fucked rn, hopefully nothing serious tho
Think pretty much anyone not disconnected from the wider intenet, so only russia, china etc. can access it.
This isn’t .net
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My bookmarks...
Back to Hitomi…
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Phew. Glad I had the foresight to download all of my favorites last night
Use a plugin scraper to store all the digits.
hitomi is usable but the UI is bad and it has too many non-doujin uploads
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so which close is the best clone to go to now?
nta but is it to late to use one of those? if not which one?
wait until after the coping and hoping it comes back ends
Get Tampermonkey and Nhentai Favorites Scraper link.
watch the entire thing get backed up under a new name
How would this even work when the site is down
how're you supposed to use it when you can't even access the page?
Oh, the site is still up for me. I don't why.
Still mad that they switched to that garbage webp format for downloads. It was supposed to be the perfect panda mirror for backups...
Things I wished exhentai had:
- jump to same dojin but in different language
- why come things keep going away?
- more tags for finer detail
Apparently a workaround from r*ddit

Temporary fix if you're on windows PC:

1. Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and open the hosts file with a text editor with admin permissions.
2. Paste the below content into the file: nhentai.net static.nhentai.net t1.nhentai.net t2.nhentai.net t3.nhentai.net
>just put this text from a rando in system32
uh huh sure
Can only access the site, can't load images if you click on any of them

>doesn't even know what hosts file is
i can access the site, but images all fail to load
It’ll at least let you scrape your favorites for titles so you can find them elsewhere I guess
A shame - nhentai's UI gaps that of exhentai
same, I tried everything but I suppose I'm just banned by IP. Regular e-hentai works though

and fuck this guy btw
Oh boy, I can't wait for CORPORATE HANDLING OF PORN and the sudden weird omission of certain fucking tags! Goodbye loli! Goodbye shota! Hello NTR central!

Buncha fucking cocksuckers Californians.
But the state sponsored tabloid said letting your girlfriend fuck strangers is the thinking man's fetish!
did you delete all cache and cookies for exhentai after logging into e-hentai forums?
At least i was able to save my favorites with this, thank you anons, you have done a great service to my penis.
exhentai has turned into fucking garbage, anything older than a year you have to pay for with points, they have also deleted stuff that was still available in nhentai (and viceversa)
losing nhentai sucks, it also had the best UI
anyway if some data hoarder has been backing up the site, please share the torrent I promise to seed for years to come after I'm done downloading everything
I don’t understand people complaining about exhentai, I’ve downloaded ancient stuff through the torrents
are people trying to download the individual images or some shit
a ton of shit doesn't have torrents so image downloaders are the only way
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>I promise to seed for years to come
You must be trying to download some obscure artist or some unpopular work if it doesn’t have a torrent, anything worth reading even from like 10 years ago has a seeded torrent.
>Hello NTR central
tbf...NTR got mainstream enough with pirate fags thus there will be always an NTR doujin in the popular section.
Obviously with the "I was baited by the hot art style" cope.
is there like a batch nhentai torrent downloader to around? I have like a thousand bookmarks
this and i recommend phillychi3's nhentai-favorites, you can find it on github
if you have 2k+ favs like me it's a bit much to save them manually
There are people posting here who use extensions written by randos to scrape nhentai images when the website already provides you with a torrent file of the same exact images hosted in the server
Oh nice, The scrapper worked for you.
This just exports the csv, right? Doesn't actually download
Sadly it's only the numbers, if theres no way to crossreference number with titles its kind of useless.
Which is hilarious because the nhentai torrents are downscaled dogshit too just like the gallery images. The stuff that fakku and irodori had removed can be found at full resolution in other places too.
>Me, having only bookmarked everything and not put them into nh favorites

Guess i will have to be all fashioned about it
Looks like torrents just died?
There are sites out there that are just scrapes and copies of nhentai so you can usually find the work that the number is attached to if you google the number+nhentai and you’ll find it on one of the many copies.
Oops I lied
Some of the numbers are coming back up, mainly in the USA.
you are absolutely wrong and I can tell you only consume the most mainstream big titty slop you can find
>was a dummy and would just hoard tabs to reference later
>can just scrape the titles off my browser
sometimes being lazy works I guess
It's up again for Texas. Time to hoard
Same. It's going to be a bit of a pain but at least I'll have the titles.
yeah, this is the quick emergency thing to do, save the numbers and names and in case it disappears you can look them up later and find some torrents or something
I haven’t run into something I wanted to download not having a torrent even when I was downloading old guro works, so I have no idea what the fuck you’ve been trying to download.
Does this really mean anything in the grand scheme of things outside of a popular and very easily accessible frontend? There's nothing really lost, is there?
So, has fuckmaou said anything yet?
Nothing is lost currently except for maybe some of the more recent raws for stuff DMCA’d off of sadpanda by fakku and irodori, best example I can think of off the top of my head is the raw for Manno’s new part 3 of his gyaru doujin but even that is still available on hitomi.
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>if it was popular enough it would have a seeded torrent
>if it doesn't have a seeed torrent it wasn't worth archiving anyways
It’s back up for me
Was it ace again?
so I got the titles still saved on my tachiyomiaz app, but the extensions for nhentai don't work anymore, is there some way I can migrate all of these titles to a new source? or do I have to manually look up each one on random ass sites and download each image? ideally I'd like to have a downloaded backup for all of my favourites
when it comes to something as oversaturated as hentai unironically yes. there’s so much terrible art, badly translated, watermarked, and defaced shit that I’d say at least 60% of the crap that gets shoveled onto exhentai is ignorable garbage.
Yeah seems to be working fine on my end
I'll always be a little relieved they just try to hit the frontends and never actually go after the databases.
They don't even distribute shit digitally.
How the fuck do I get rid of non-english doujins on exhentai? I can't fucking read japanese and the settings don't even give you the fucking option to exclude japanese, fucking garbage site
Threadly reminder that even as shit as it is, nhentai works to a certain extent as an archive to shit that's already purged on the panda. And their thumbnail view is more convenient.
>there will never be a distributed, decentralised doujin repository
I'd be okay if the DMCAs were limited to the available licensed works but they all appear to do takedowns based on the artists/circles. Some of Doumou's older releases are now only available in a handful of places and I cannot ever be certain whether I have the whole list.
Learn to use the search functionality, dumbass.
Can't you just tag language:english?
me too, I can look them up by name and everything
just missing out on some of the latest stuff that I had look at on my phone and hadnt bookmarked
>Gotta find the shit I didn't favorite that I often find by my itch for the day
>No image preview to find it
California go eat a fucking dick
Then where do you draw the line? Who gets to draw the line? How are you any different from the faggots that try to ban things they don't like?
This is missing images because it's incomplete, here's the full list bros:
[code] nhentai.net static.nhentai.net t.nhentai.net t1.nhentai.net t2.nhentai.net t3.nhentai.net t4.nhentai.net t5.nhentai.net t6.nhentai.net t7.nhentai.net i.nhentai.net i1.nhentai.net i2.nhentai.net i3.nhentai.net i4.nhentai.net i5.nhentai.net i6.nhentai.net i7.nhentai.net
I guess this is my wake up call to start downloading everything, I don't have anything else to do anyway
Sadpanda is going down soon
Backup your favorites list now
What site is the closest to nhentai?
If this is from California, why is it impacting ALL their servers?
Saw stuff on exporting #s but any way to export tags? Also, what's a good reader to use?
Didn't Denmark try to take it down and fail
you thought it was a joke when people say jews rule the world?
Hitomi works better because they haven’t purged anything, nhentai has deleted a ton of content since about a year ago.
nta but no clue, on what grounds?
t. danone
Well I mean I know that the internet being controlled for its entirety through cloudflare is actually one of the stupidest things we've ever allowed when KF couldn't get back up for a while there. Then it turned out that what cloudflare does is an intentionally lost knowledge and most people don't know how to actually fucking launch a site safely and properly.

Which seems very fucking strategic.
I don’t draw the line anywhere, I’m just sharing my personal experience. I haven’t had an issue trying to torrent anything from hentai and I read everything from vanilla to scat. There’s also an undeniable amount of trash uploaded to ex that you have to sift through to find anything of value.
I believe they swept the under website as hosting underaged content? Either way I remember the massive attempt to archive the site across every board. It was stressful.
I'm only a few fav pages and some pages of browsing behind of having everything I find hot saved on my pc (not every fav is worth saving, sometimes I only do it to check it out later)
Today I will finish doing it even if it means not sleeping, the problem is that I'm slow since I see a hot fav doujin and start to goon, kek
Oh no. Anyway, there are like a billion other scraper sites.
Panda isn’t going anywhere, the people doing this to nhentai already have the owner of panda on their leash. More stuff might start dissapearing which I guess effectively would be the slow death of the site but it’s not going to be wiped like this.
California = USA = DMCA
Anyone doing business in the anglosphere will oblige immediately.

Blame Metallica
This. The problem with anti-piracy faggotry is half the reason why piracy exists at all is because the official services fucking suck. And why nuking shit that you don't even offer to sell?

Btw, do official sites, both English and Japanese actually have all the hentai under the sun available digitally? Because if not, and especially if they don't plan to, then doing this won't get them any more money.
Fuck it, I'm stupid, why does that hosts file work? How does it work? I'm kinda curious about that. It works for me but I don't know why and I'd love to know.
I need a better downloader. Or is torrenting it the best?
Hitomi UI kinda sucks though
No, and that’s the main reason people hate irodori. Irodori tricks the artists into selling them their distribution rights and then DMCA’s EVERYTHING with that artists name on it off the internet even if they have no intention of translating it.
iirc only real loli is illegal, although photorealistic stuff is bordering being close enough to the real thing to warrant removal
this was from years ago, so law might have changed
hitomi as a site sucks but it’s probably now the most “complete” archive as you can find stuff there that’s not on exhentai or nhentai
Meh, just use naxter https://naxter.net/
>There's now an official American vendor for hentai
>Its slow as hell and likely treats artists like shit. Probably pays them like shit. Probably worth more to go to the artist directly. Who can't speak English 80% of the time.
>Likely and for some reason trannies end up in positions of influence in said business, curating and filtering as according to THEIR morality and ideology
>Including butchering the translations to adhere to their standards
>Preferences would also follow the strictest state to make distribution as easily as possible, so loli and shota are just NEVER available.
>Fuck you, you thought any of this was physical? Its expensive despite being digital. Pay too much for shitty resolutions of jpegs.
problem is tons of stuff gets removed even if its fucking comiket doujins
I specifically had an android tablet I was using to browse and I'm not fucking with DNS settings when there's a bunch of clones out there.
its working !!
nice !
do you think it will be blocked again ?
Being a data hoarder in the age where there are so much stuff that you know you can't reliably get is suffering. Especially not even if you have money. Maybe possible if you have fuck tons of money but I don't see myself being a multi-billionaire anytime soon.
>ctrl + F
>8 matches
You guys need to stop posting her if you want her to stay up.
>Is the doujin based on an existing property? Now has to go through the copyright channels. You want Dragon Quest or Xenoblade porn? Too bad, SE and Nintendo says no, because it damages their brand.
Luckily it’s pretty well known which artists are on the no-no list so if you’re that dedicated you can find what gets removed, but unfortunately some of that comiket stuff is just lost forever unless you can find and scan physical copies for yourself.
Its kinda irritating that we've been turned into a fucking honeypot.
Comiket Doujins are still a product being sold by someone. Just because the guy is a corporation doesn't mean you can short him 500 yen on booth or dlsite
It’s probably the 3rd most well known site after nhentai anyways, I don’t think it matters
shit shithole hasnt been a secret club for almost 2 decades
the faggots doing all this shit came from 4chan too, which is even sadder. they wormed their way in as middlemen in a market where they can control the narrative to the jap artists since they don’t speak english
I've seen a 180 pages doujin(?) being sold for 26 dollars on jewcob site. I don't exactly know how much should drawings worth but that does seem excessive.
>26 dollars
Depends on the condition.
If it's good, I will buy it.
From what I understand the artists themselves have some input on how their shit gets priced if it’s an original work. $26 is how much it costs to get a digital and physical copy of any of their books.
So many old stuff is physical and scan only. Shit sucks. Japs need to up their digitalization game.
well that sucks, I was still planning to grab the torrents for a couple of my favs in case they went on another deletion spree
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At least I can access to my fav page to save names of my 500 favs and look them up on funny panda site or any clone to download them... I guess...
It's the only one with a functioning native full screen
Even with extensions, eh and other h sites full screen have wasted space
Still works for me, will probably just move everything to panda even though it's a hassle. Would just download everything but I don't know how to set up tags properly
I just try and remember artist names. If I like their shit enough to remember their name then I actually like it in my mind.
bcs only the DNS was taken down
I like ken-1 but it seems his stuff is mostly nuked on panda now. Also, apparently he's on the NTR phase now, which also sucks.
who knows, I hope not.
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it's coming back up
Probably the image and css servers are still not routed right.
Yeah, irodori has his stuff now. It’s being translated though, you can find it around currently.
this is so fucking annoying holy shit
thankfully it didn't go down mid fap for me
Still works for me. I was lazy and copied some nhentai listings when I was fapping on my phone because the interface is better on mobile than panda. Now I have no clue if the numbers I got will mean anything if it dies for real. Have them saved in discord, but not all links have preview embeds displaying artist and doujin name.
I may be 'tismo enough to take matters into my own hand. Does any retard know to what extent metadata fall within the realm of copyright? e.g: Does a tagged database of creative works count as a violation - think MAL/IMDB but with doujin.
When you type "nhentai.net" or "4chan.org" into your browser, your operating system automagically asks your DNS provider (typically your ISP) what the corresponding IP address is. In the nhentai case, this would typically be the cloudflare address which would then just handle your connection to the genuine nhentai servers. The hosts file is intended to skip the external enquiry, if the domain you're requesting matches a host file entry then your operating system immediately spits back the listed IP address.
In essence, what's happening is that we're sidestepping a few (presently) undesirable intermediaries and communicating directly the nhentai backend.
If you google the numbers they’ll more than likely show up on one of the many nhentai copies that you can at least get the title from
any similar fixes for mobile?
thank you very much man, i think im gonna cry
>trans people are the enemy i promise don't think critically about this
god you're retarded

the smallest fucking minority in the world that isn't an island-locked ancient tribe and somehow trans people are responsible for every single thing that bothers you. make it make sense.

go outside or go to therapy.
If you're willing to put that much effort, just work on improving mangaupdates database.
They allow doujins and porn doujins.
Lately less and less faggy artists aren't putting their shit on dlsite for some reason, only fanza which makes everything a fucking hassle to buy, in fact, I don't buy shit from fanza
I don’t think you can even get into Fanza without a JP vpn anymore. Plus don’t they have worse censorship requirements? Feels like everything that comes out of Fanza is ridiculously blocky blur instead of black lines
>dlsite for some reason
From what I heard, the commissions for selling shit on dlsite are insane. So only artists who are confident on making a profit ever want to sell on dlsite.
It’s funny to me how porn is being chased after more aggressively than regular manga, the only people causing a problem on the manga piracy front are the fucking gooks getting pissy about their shitty manhwa getting pirated lmao
Dlsite has the same rate as Steam from what I remember, about 30%?
Even JPN VPNs are now being blocked
Why don't they do a patreon like service/crowdsourcing? To self publish their work.
Yeah I think I'll finally look into torrenting my collection
Some of them do, but probably because it’s just too much work for not enough pay to have things distributed in other countries. That’s where the snakes at Irodori come in and sweet talk them into handing over the distribution rights so they can go hog wild getting everything taken off the internet so they have a monopoly.
if you have a rooted Android you can change your hosts file.
Shut the fuck up, tranny
Used to think JAST was le based for not being steam, they are just jews are well. Expect Jast to go after Visual novel sites too(not saying any names, fed-kun)
Thanks for the write up, anon. At least I know a bit more about networking now.
i know viz and such are pretty shit all things considered, but i'm glad we have more than just one manga publisher in the west. the fact that there's only one or two official english doujin publishing groups is awful, because again, they have a monopoly

i really do need to keep up my japanese studies so i can just bypass all of this and read straight from the source(and support the mangaka i like, of course). guys like the bastards behind this, and crunchyroll for non-lewd stuff, are scum.
>i don't like what you're saying, you must be trans
like clockwork
You can use other programs like PowerTunnel that lets you change hosts by acting like a VPN.
How many TB would a full backup be? Sounds relatively easy to archive
It’s planned. Like many things, they always start out testing against porn because no one wants to be “the guy defending porn,” but once they see a trick work there they export it to mainstream.
Assuming you can read Japanese, how do you get the Japanese stuff? Like all the tankoubou/magazine and doujin stuff? DLsite? Do they organize their shit neatly (relatively) like on the panda?

Also, I think many of the stuff on pirate sites aren't actually for sales anywhere.
On the non-hentai side, Kimcartoon.li just got nuked.
Also, Internet Archive just lost it's case.
A few days ago the entire FMovies networks got taken down.
And Nhentai is getting fucking SUED, first time ever this happened to a bloody hentai site.
Dark times. I don't want to think about the stuff we'll lose next. Nyaa?
I downloaded a hundred galleries. I could've saved more. I could've got more. If I'd had more disk space... I wasted so much disk space you have no idea. I didn't do enough.
Too many retarded torrents that are resized, have missing/out of order pages, have extraneous bullshit, etc. Plus Ex removes torrents that don't have enough activity, and finally for some reason all of my torrents from their tracker started to error out and I haven't bothered to figure out why.
I'm completely illiterate. I have installed Tampermonkey and the script and I'm now in my favourites page. How do I start scraping?
We already lost the original Nyaa
Any of the stuff that’s not for sale is probably “safe” because the artist doesn’t have the money or time to get it taken down but depending on its age there may not be a torrent so the only way to get a hold of it is through exhentais convoluted economy system.
This. I need so many SSD and so many more time. Data hoarding is indeed a mental illness.
As globohomo keeps funding anime in Japan, if they realize their slop is on there, big mad. But hey thats just a theoory!
Thanks, I will postpone scraping for now
>exhentais convoluted economy system
How does that work? I don't remember ever doing anything beside torrenting and using image downloaders for exhentai.
Nhentai is back in the US, but not in Germany.
Can you give some examples of the works you’re seeing that have these issues? Usually when I download from torrents I don’t run into any issues with resized images or out of order pages
Am I going crazy or is the site back up?
It's slowly coming back up. >>8184741
FUUUUUUCK, half of my favorites are suddenly gone
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how do i achieve my shit without sabing one by one
I have no idea really other than you can gain points for seeding or uploading galleries that you can use to just download straight from the site instead of torrenting. I’ve always just used the torrents.
>Internet Archive just lost it's case.
So there's a good chance that entire sight will go down? Will the Wayback Machine die with it?
Shit like this is why I’m ready for the end to start already. Tired of niggers in power trying to put their nasty little fingers in places where they don’t belong.
What did you use to download?
>like clockwork
Why would you even care if you're not?
No idea. Best case, they just remove the copyrighted books and science papers.
can you name some of the artists? I don't have an account and just bookmark the links directly so I wouldn't know if they are gone
First, the power that be makes the common men lonely and depressed in the modern world.
Then, they started taking away from men their ways to cope.
Hentai is just the start.
No, I will not take my meds.
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Give it to me straight guys, I'm never getting them back, am I?
Even Internet Archive? Internet has really became something so tamed.
The site is coming back up so get them while you can, I’m going to spend all night cleaning mine out and swapping over to ex

Is the surge of NTR part of their plan too?
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You get points for
>views of galleries that you uploaded
>Seeding torrents
>lending your computer to be a node for the server network (H@H)
You can use those points to DDL entire galleries. (clicking on the Archive Download button in the gallery)
no. that’s just how japs are. and usually it’s the husband cheating over there and not the wife, ironically enough. japs don’t see prostitution as cheating like other cultures do.
Last time it happened, nyaa.pantsu was up within a day, and it ran quite well, ultimately some fomer mods just remade the old Nyaa.
Only hope we have is that fanatical anime fans just do the same, again.
Nuke California and it all returns to normal
>some fomer mods
cute way to say the cartel
And New York. And Seattle. And Portland. And Atlanta. And Washington. And New Jersey. And Massachusetts.
Soon it's Darknet for watching animu and cartoons or reading mango and old White Dwarf publications.
Right next to the child porn and drug sellers.
Interesting, I didn't know that. Still, that seems like an awfully inefficient way to get points unless you are frequent uploaders. Maybe that's the point but I may be out of luck there then.
Images fully load for me now. The site is back up and running, dunno for how long though. I can't open the site on incognito for some reason.
I can't use those, I tried in the past. Unless someone makes a video how to guide. I'm not good with trying to download those programs.
Just kill all coroporate lawyers, un-person corporations and force big businesses to be represented in court only by the CEO, no lawyers.
>Seeding torrents
I seed lots of torrents but never get any points. Does it have any limits or anything?
Nah, just california will be enough.
Remember the issue with credit cards and dlsite?
It was a california judge that said Credit cards could be liable for the content sold, making them panic.
I'm not going to make a video, but what is the problem you're having with using it?
>losing nhentai sucks, it also had the best UI
No the fuck it did not.
Can't japs just separate their NTR and non-NTR content? I'm fucking tired of seeing them mixed together in tankoubon and magazines.
It’s to encourage participation in the site, there’s also a whole RPG game thing built around it that you can play
AI will just make everything even worse, since it might eventually allow for easy patrolling. I could imagine that internet becomes so controlled that corpos trust their AIs with autodeleting stuff.
This is our cyberpunk dystopia. Only the pollution, only the despair, only the corruption, none of the cool gadgets, space travel or cybernetics.
No way they actually did that? What's wrong with Cali? Is it something in the water?
With an actual legal threat emerging, exhentai will go down too because the owner is too paranoid for this shit.
Kek japs dont even properly tag their shit on Pixiv, all the westerners on pixiv do though for some reason.
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If you download the torrent correctly, the tracker will have your account code appended to it.
You can only see this info in the e-h settings portal.
Like someone already said, Jacob already has his balls in a vice so don’t expect much to change with sadpanda except more stuff getting removed under fakku and irodoris brand
>Also, Internet Archive just lost it's case.
hmm yes you will consume what's offered, none of that old no-no content that might be problematic
This is probably the least efficient way to gain points though isn’t it considering it’s the easiest
That's why I don't block NTR tags out of fear of missing out on tons of great content that are just bundled together with the NTR stuff. At least I can tolerate NTR. I don't have a meltdown when I see them or anything but I certainly aren't thrilled to encounter them either.
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The rate isn't that bad considering you literally do nothing at all to get them.
I don't know how to install it properly, I'm not familiar with the git clone or pip clone process. So I just give up after a few tries.
>And why nuking shit that you don't even offer to sell?
Turns out having a functional business partnership with an artist is a lot easier if you act as their representative in another country and help them with legal issues. I don't like it, but it's not hard to figure out.
Remove is a strong word, perhaps it would be more suitable to merely disable public access. An archive need not be immediately open for public viewing.
I have 0 completes. Looks like I gotta seed more popular stuff. Thanks for the help anon.
It was about copyright, no chance it's not going to be removed. Genuinely might end up being the worst thing that has happened to the internet
Unsure if it will work, but you can just make a simple webscraping script with Python.
In order to "log-in", just save your cookies in a file and feed them to your script.
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>It's already back up
no it's not
t. euro
No one’s had time to pour over the site and figure out what’s gone yet, who knows what happened while it was down
I'm not a lawyer, let alone from the United States, but the infringing act seems to be the dissemination of copyrighted materials and not necessarily the presence of digitised backups in their entirety. Then again, what do I know, the courts will have to decide.
Honestly more interesting than the nhentai panic.
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Who gives a shit about NH? It's just a scraper site like the 10,000 others out there, it just happened to be the most popular one.
Exhentai is the only site that actually matters, plus they have all the tags NH refuses to host. Not to mention the game cg/ image sets/ etc
This is literally a non-issue if you have a brain, which I guess is more than can be expected of the average coomer
it's back up for me
t. french
use cloudflare dns not your isp's, some of these wankers update with a delay
>first time a hentai site gets sued for copyright
>who cares?
I bet you're also one of those who whine about sites responding to DMCAs.
NH hosts several materials EXH removed. Less options are always for the worse.
My 1025 are still there, maybe there was indeed just a dns problem for now
Another issue to add to the fire is that laws are so nebulous that different judges can make different rulings. This is why some people can appeal to a different judge to rewrite a ruling. Of course, in this scenario you’d be “the guy defending porn” so a lot of lawyers wouldn’t want to help.
There’s also activist judges who are purposefully abusing those nebulous laws.
I only bookmark loli and trap galleries and I can confirm not a single one of them is gone. I thank the lord everyday for making me a gay pedo. I'm still mad about seki sabato and binto getting irodori'd though.
People keep saying this but most everything that got removed from exh was also removed from nhentai. I say that as someone who hates nhentai but would occasionally use it to look for something missing from exh. Not once did I ever find anything I was looking for.
got access here in denmark with cloudflare's dns but it's just a white screen and titles so far
yes it is
isp dns isn't screwing it either
t. east euro
I don't really care that Nhentai is a shitty mirror that I don't use, it is significant in and of itself that a federal lawsuit was filed against a hentai filesharing website.
This is like a week after E-Hentai tightened the ability to archive AGAIN while you-know-who has them by the balls.
I won't wait for the boiling water to get too hot before saying these are troubling times. I have a plan though. Visual art and eromanga is still several times more winnable than anime, which is several times more winnable than games or general movies, television, sports, etc.
Nyaa seems to have strong operations. For one, they are not using Cloudflare, which is American and will respond to American subpoenas. ACE and CODA are scary motherfuckers though, international. The former worked directly with the Vietnamese government to squeeze Fmovies/Aniwave and the latter IIRC is directly sponsoring raids in Brazil. Many corps have their fingers in the anime market now.
It was like that for me 20 minutes ago. But now it's fully functional.
Maybe cloudflare is reactivating the nodes little by little or something. I'm not an expert on CDSs.
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Anddd it's dead again
It's back to just saying not found.
Talking about the internet archive, anon. Porn is not the main concern there.
You were saying?
nice try, fed-kun
Update, I actually figured out how to git clone it. But I'm stuck with installing the docker container.
let a man enjoy his goon-cave
and it's up
apparently my phone data can't access it but my isp can
Works on isp but not on phone
ExHentai is a compromised shithole and I say this as someone who has an account.
Missing the painting for the strokes.
All of them are comped.
nhentai already deleted tons of irodori/wani/fakku stuff.
Since most of nhentai's content just comes from exhentai, is there an easy way to copy my favorites from nhentai to exhentai? I've got 1,679 favs and it would kill me to do it all manually.
>ExHentai is a compromised shithole
compromised how?
they listen to some DMCA requests?
fine by me honestly...
No. Favorites on exhentai are borked because you have to invest in their economy in some way to unlock account perks. Exhentai isn’t a free lunch like nhentai.
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Can we blame Daiz for this as well
Fuck surface normalfags.
I came to laugh at you fags
add it to the list
Favs are account perks? Why?
The Internet Archive case is weird, by the way. It's not about the Wayback Machine, but instead about the National Emergency Library, a COVID-era book sharing experiment.
Interesting thing that needed to happen, but they were never going to win against the Author's Guild.
Imagine using a .txt file to index your links.

I don't know why I didn't bother saving any of it but at least I can find them – we never learn.
They could at least be maliciously compliant about it and let stuff stay up for a couple of days instead of yeeting it off the site within hours or sometimes minutes
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I don't know.
I never trusted favorites/bookmarks inside sites.
I used to just keep a notepad with titles and links, but eventually that grow out of convenience and I ended up building a personal database that I keep in my desktop and can access from my notebook and phone (it's the same notepad list but with pics and slightly more advanced search functions)
nhentai had its purge sometime ago, but yeah up till then it was better than panda and retards need not apply

still fucking sucks, because it had a lot of good stuff

fuck i was going to enjoy some nice stuff this week, now ill have to lurk through copycats to finish reading
I finished manually backing up all my bookmarks while the site was (temporarily?) back up. Luckily, I only have around 600 favourites, so it didn’t take too long. I guess I should start backing up other sites too, just in case.
This is the funniest thing I've seen all month XD
It's back up
t. SEA
Wish there's a version of this but the titles instead
nhentai is something of a buffer for the good sites, and it gives redundancy. It dying is not a good thing, even if you didn't use or like it
the panda will still manage to filter zoomers
fuck you and stop laughing at me
God i hate california so fucking much. Just nuke it, break it off, burn it down.
Do fucking something, man.
At least the religious prudes of old were too tech illiterate to do any real damage
At least panda's servers are located outside the country.
Hopefully away from the jurisdiction of anything and everything.
And if not, i'm sure an autist with a 40TB drive has downloaded everything on that site to put it elsewhere just in case after the scare a few years back.
on NH if i click on the left side of a page it goes back and if i click on the right of a page it goes forward.
on EXH it'll go forward no matter where i click. it also takes longer to load.
also if i copy-paste an entire upload's title into EXH's search sometimes it'll tell me "you used too many keywords so we won't show you anything", while on NH it'll give me the exact thing i searched for.
>All of them are comped.
Exactly. I'm not saying Nhentai is better, or even disagreeing with the assertion that ExHentai is the actual standard sharing community from which everything else flows, but saying that both are weak as shit and not doing too hot.
freeanimangos.to dying has almost no significance because Nyaa and Mangadex are extremely stable, modern, maintained. The visual art sharing community does not work like this. The distance between Nhentai and ExHentai is not that great. We essentially have those two and the Fakku-specialist site of the month all as standard, and unlike with anime or manga this time there's significance.
if e-hentai works, you're not banned
Invest how? All I've ever done is look at stuff on there and I have access to favorites.
this is all happening because no one uploaded the new Sahara Wataru C104
It's over 100 terabytes, probably in the range of 150ish or whatever. Which honestly isn't THAT much, considering. But I would not hold my breath that some dude has a 1 to 1 working backup of the panda. In 2019, when it seemed it would actually die, there was nothing in place. People were scrambling to archive it, and all the traffic basically DDoSed the servers so that those who actually had the hard drive space couldn't archive as well. That was 5 years ago and things may have changed, but again, I wouldn't count on there being a proper backup waiting in the wings. You also have to remember that the panda doesn't host just doujinshi and h manga. It hosts non-h, CG sets, Artist sets, art books, old magazines, and image sets (pixiv, twitter, fanbox, etc). There is so much of the site that isn't even porn.
I know it's honestly nuts to think about.
when it was going away in 2021 it was no exaggeration to describe it as a library of Alexandria being burnt to the ground.
Hopefully. HOPEFULLY; someone out there has done what they needed to do.
In the grand scheme of things, and given the size of the userbase, it is realistically possible for a few hundred users to pool enough resources to mirror it. 150 TB isn't THAT much on an industrial scale and neckbeards like the archiveteam probably have the necessary resources to pull it off.
The search engine in nhentai is kinda garbage if you search for stuff with its japanese title/artist. Specially if the query has any character that isn't japanese
>It's over 100 terabytes
But a lot of that is trash in languages that don't matter like chinese and korean who have their own backups/forums elsewhere.
If you were to do a backup you would probably skip about 2/3s of all galleries.
Yes, that's true, which is why I said that it really wasn't that much in my first post. The problem is getting those neckbeards together. It didn't happen before 2019, and odds are it won't happen before the panda does fully go belly up for real. I'd love id there was a 1 to 1 backup on archive.org or something, but as far as I know that isn't the case.
I can still access the site
t. Central America
Hosting an anime torrent tracker wasn't as dangerous back in the day
maybe try buying an external hdd and downloading all your porn onto it?
>library of Alexandria being burnt to the ground
Exactly how I felt. Even more knowing that many of the stuff don't have any official alternative. So many stuff out there only exist as pirated content.
This site was my daily driver along with a certain booru. Fuck, man. 22 pages of faves. Thousands of hours probably spent on that site. Gone, just gone. Forever.
I agree but we don’t need multiple langauges of every doujin. Raws and english are all we need.
And I think pretty much everyone might agree on getting rid of western cg sets
The site is up. (we don't know for how long)
If you don't see it, it's probably your dns/cloudflare nodes messing around with you.
>It's over 100 terabytes
Yeah but how much of that is doujins in Chink/Korean/Spanish/Russian and stuff like cosplay/image sets/western?
I downloaded the code of everything, but I won't make the download of all of them in time I guess.
Some image sets can be ok to keep.
There are plenty of pixiv rips that the artist has already deleted all their accounts so sadpanda is one of the few places to get them.
It sucks that when they nuke sites, they also nuke the metadata. Like at least let us know what we lost, but we can't even have that.
*recklessly adds host edit text above to host file

It works; bros. Obviously you shouldn't do what I did randomly but it does work.
Made a script to save my favorites. You can use it if you want. But you will need to use the script above to get a list of numbers in your favs, then format it as links like this:

Then you can use this script:
>jewcob at it again
on veddit anime piracy sub
get a 4 day ban because I apparently broken rule 1 aka
>you promoted identity-based hate or attacks.

you fucking oven dodger, don't ever show your face around or you are fucking dead.
I think it's worth archiving Chinese and Korean translations. It's not all the time, but it happens often enough that a certain work is only uploaded as either a Chinese or Korean translation (ie, the raw is not available). If you want the most complete archive of content on that site, you should archive Korean and Chinese galleries too.
you didn't need to do that. the site is back up and running normally now
What script above? and what do I put the script into? Tampermonkey?
If a work is not available in RAW it should not be considered as scanned at all.
The lack of it might convince someone to buy it and share instead of just going
>oh well it's in chinese so people can still see the art I guess...
i did it hours ago when it wasn't working for me.
still works for me, though I'm gonna save later my booksmarks
All of the piracy subs on leddit are filled with actual retards who don't know anything. The only exception is r/trackers, and even that has gone down hill very fast over the past year.
Quite the uninformed take, by this metric old works that are no longer in circulation may as well not exist anymore if only chinese or korean versions are available.
how many of these old works that are only available in chinese have you read or are considering reading?
Pro tip: it's none, but you might try to lie to yourself and others.
If something is only in chinese it might as well not exist.
Sure, but this is an imperfect world where what you're saying doesn't happen all the time. I'm just talking about archiving the site. If you want the most complete archive, you archive Chinese and Korean translations too, simply because you'd be able to catch certain galleries that don't exist as raw or English translated. This is a relatively tiny portion of the actual galleries, so obviously it may not be worth it. I'm just talking about the case where you actually want to archive everything.
This one:
It uses Tampermonkey, yes. You will get something like:
Which you could format with a script like:
Just use this one https://sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/375992-nhentai-helper
What is he wrong about?
How do i make ex be more like nhentai
Hitomi still exists, among others.
it's up for me now, question is how long it will stay that way
This, it's the same basic locked down UI from 5 years ago that hasn't changed one bit.
This. There are sometimes Chinese and Korean galleries with better quality scans and excellent decensoring edits.
You know those removed galleries are every other mirror site too, right? You HAVE heard of chaika box, right?
What's wrong with keeping an UI for long?
4chan hasn't changed its UI for 2 decades.
What would you improve from nhentai's UI?
Do someone have a gallery metadata dump?
Categories, multipage viewer, improved tag searching, literally anything so it isn't just a lazy mirror.
> it has too many non-doujin uploads
And this is a bad thing how?
Search is shit and I'm not thrilled with the viewing experience either. It's serviceable, but I would never call it good and especially not "the best."
female vs male tags
so tired of getting gyaruo when Im looking for gyaru
>- jump to same dojin but in different language
>- more tags for finer detail
>- why come things keep going away?
Like what?
>4chan hasn't changed its UI for 2 decades
Yes, and there are extensions that people commonly use to enhance the user experience. For fucks sake, other imageboards have a lot of QoL features that 4shite could definitely benefit from.
Start uploading your own shit, I've got tons of hath points so I can download any gallery I want in one click. No torrent or script required.
I think he wants an explanation on why a gallery was removed rather than just pretending it never existed.
>non-h, CG sets, Artist sets, art books, old magazines, and image sets (pixiv, twitter, fanbox, etc).
I got like a shitton of tabs saved from there
Hitomi is just kinda awful to read
>- more tags for finer detail
Getting them to add tags is like pulling teeth. I remember when there was a big fight on the forums just to get them to add a vtuber tag. People were throwing Comiket numbers for categories at them and they still wouldn't budge. You're not going to get them to add anything they can't use in a very broad sense, unfortunately.
I like it, but the file name in japanese, is a pain to change.
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Did you even bother to check settings?
They probably didn't. I s2g, the amount of illiterate retards in this thread.
It finally died for me. I was in the middle of going through my favorites to add them to my exhentai favorites. I was going through them in reverse order and I still had like 50 pages left to do.
>all the normalfag pirating sites are getting shut down
>all the sites that take 2 seconds of work are fine
skill issue
I want a cosplay tag category.
>cosplay: Shimakaze
that way you can distinguish between doujins about Shimakaze herself, and doujins about some trap who bought a shimakaze cosplay set.
you are so fucking retarded that it's not even funny
you are completely missing the point of what this entails
fucking two digit IQ subhumans I swear to god
>changing the filename
It's still working for me, I'm using the hosts trick though.
Is there a way to just scrap the names of the galleries
Why don't someone make a extension like Sponsorblock that adds tags by community consensus?
w-why would you want that?...
I can still access the site without the hosts shit.
I'll just search them on ex and add them to my favs
Copy paste?
Nvm it changes to English, in the settings.
From 96 pages, on the site that doesn't have a compact mode to look at titles?
ex is fine
follow the methods mentioned in these 2


then open chrome, go to console and paste this script

then wait until it finishes and save the file. I managed to get all my 300 pages.
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Made this two years ago.
Not sure if it scrapes the codes or the names. Either way, you can just change a single line to make it scrape the codes instead.
Godbless anon
I don't understand what happened because I can still see everything
I miss hentai cafe much more... :(
Did it work? I hope it worked for you.
Is there an equivalent for firefox?
This could work even if I cannot access to the page? I lost it half-hour.
I ran a couple online DNS tools and they're all reporting the addresses people are adding to their hosts file alongside running code from random people on the internet.
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my 1700 favorite works
and whats the implication?
i really hope that soon they will be canceled from first to last one
The silver lining of this little downtime is that zoomers have been taught to never trust their favorites/backlogs to servers outside their power.
Let's hope that they've learnt their lesson and never do that again.
It's back up.
I long for the day my stash is forever lost and I'm set free
This seems to be just Javascript so it should run fine on Firefox.
It didn't.
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: window.showSaveFilePicker is not a function
Thought it was generic javascript but then again THERE IS NO FUCKING STANDARD FOR THAT PIECE OF SHIT LANGUAGE.
They removed cloudflare and DNS was updating. If it were taken down entirely entering in the IP addresses into your system's hosts file wouldn't have worked.
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the site is now working again (i live in france) i used this occasion to delete my account! so that my e mail adress is no longer associated with this garbage shit again!

i see a lot of people here acting like uhhh uhhh nhentai is a huge loss when you have site like 3hentai who have the exact same ui and all the content that nhentai used to have before getting purged multiple time lol

anyway good riddance i really hope that nhentai die soon when the admins started to remove parody work (impossible to dmca) and a shit ton of magazine work that you still find on ehentai till this day! this is when i realized that those motherfucker just didnt care this site is a cashgrab this site contribution to the hentai world is 0 i hope it dies soon.

long live tenboro this dude is a genius the day he dies hentai is done for good!
It is standard when all other browsers can handle it.
Firefox tranny devs as per usual lag behind the standards for no reason other than incompetence.
This is BY FAR e-h's most useful feature. It' basically the only site that does this.

Yeah uh good luck suing someone neighboring Ukraine
Zoomers will run to another working mirror
So this was all a nothingburger?
if they removed cloudflare, the cloudflare ip wouldn't work anymore.
They're still getting sued and that could cause them trouble operating the site, but at least the "It was taken down" part was overblown.
>my e mail adress is no longer associated with this garbage shit again!
Did you peabrain really use an actual email with this instead of a burner account or temp mail?
Are you a zoomer?
One thing I will say about Tenboro is that he knows how to keep a site running. Knock on wood though, kek
Bro, who cares what you think or do.
You're french.
It's also the only state that allows loli, meanwhile, nuTexas and other conservative states almost tried to locked down porn to a State ID or outright ban it.

That didn't happen because common sense kicked in and some lefties and centre-rights blocked efforts because "whoa what about that First Amendment guys?"
Why would anyone even login to nhentai at all?
There are zero benefits.
Unless you're a turbo retard and want to trust them to keep your favorites.
Which are useless because if any gallery gets 404d, you wouldn't even know you had it bookmarked in the first place, and also if this mirror falls, like just happened today, you'd lose all of them at once.
>my e mail adress is no longer associated with this garbage shit again!
>implying they deleted the account instead of just setting an "deleted" flag
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should i save now or what
Thank you, anon.
It worked.
Why would anyone even give so many importance to hentai at all?
That's deplorable.
It's just coom bro, you don't have to seek the best experience possible, you don't have to care if something you liked before was deleted or not. Go take a walk or something.
I'm downloading my favorites for now but slowly
I hope the site is still up tomorrow so I can finish
then hopefully a full week so I can add everything I could ever want to my favorites and finish up downloading all of the high quality loli doujins
Tell that to normalfags who jump trough hoops just to get pussy.
How do you use this for firefox? I added it to tampermonkey and nothing is happening.
End of an era
Step 1: Go to your favorites page
Step 2: Press F12
Step 3: Click "Console"
Step 4: Paste it there and press enter (Note, it might warn you to write "Allow paste" or something before)
Step 5: Profit
does it work? What apps are you using to download

hitmoi has it too
I'm using this: >>8184847
It works like a charm, also downloads metadata, and even makes an html viewer for each gallery.
there's supposedly a windows executable for batch downloading favorites here, haven't tried it https://github.com/edgar1016/nhentai-GUI
so do you just leave your torrent client open and seeding to get points? no torrents are showing in my account even though i'm running some right now
i could not get it to work at all. How does one get to use pip, I cannot get it. Is there a simple guide for noobs?
did you install python with the PATH thing enabled? Or if you are on Linux, does "python -m pip" works for you?
i am on windows. assume that i am a complete noob.
start by installing python then: https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.12.5/python-3.12.5-amd64.exe
Retards never learn.
Download your porn.
Download your porn in original resolution, so obviously not from nhentai.
did chaika ever have downloads? I refuse to play the tranny game on sadpanda
The only material missing from exhentai that's in nhentai is material that will be removed in the future.
Nhentai is just slow as fuck to respond to requests, but they do respond to requests.
In fact, they're in far more liable to remove content because there's no upload functionality in nhentai meaning nhentai is far closer to a distributor legally.
Sadpand can always give the excuse that DMCA'd content was uploaded by the users, thus its the user's fault and they'll just fix it by removing that one gallery.
done. what are the next steps?
>on NH if i click on the left side of a page it goes back and if i click on the right of a page it goes forward.
You can navigate with A and D.
>on EXH it'll go forward no matter where i click. it also takes longer to load.
It takes longer to load because the images are higher quality.
>also if i copy-paste an entire upload's title into EXH's search sometimes it'll tell me "you used too many keywords so we won't show you anything", while on NH it'll give me the exact thing i searched for.
Retard doesn't know how to use quotations.
The tagging system on EH and EX is so much more powerful and versatile.
You just have to not be retarded.

I hate zoomers.
pip install nhentai
python -m nhentai.command --id XXX --download

to download favorites it would be

python -m nhentai.command --favorites --download --all-pages
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oh, I forgot one detail. It's a bit harder to download favorites because you need to set the cookie before downloading the favorites. To get the cookie you have to:
>open the developer tools
>go to the network tab
>refresh the page
>copy the first request cookie

then you run:
python -m nhentai.command --cookie "the cookie you copied"
Before I try it, how does it work around the anti bot schizo shit?
That was cloudflare, nhentai doesn't support it anymore.
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I guess that isn't an issue if you set the cookie like I explained here: >>8185502

What is the new IP then?
update your host file nhentai.net static.nhentai.net t1.nhentai.net t2.nhentai.net t3.nhentai.net
anon, my point is that "" is from cloudflare.
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Cloudflare is still their CDS platform. But the anti-bot feature is something you have to pay extra for. And they stopped paying for it as far as I can see from simple usage..
You can't just put the IP in directly, cloudflare will block you. You have to update your host file and use the nhentai.net host

I know. I wasn't asking for help, I just thought anon meant that they weren't using cloudflare anymore.
oh shit, i thought that it just counted any torrents from ex since they have unique personal trackers
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my favs are safe
now i don't care about what happens with nhenshit anymore
wait, how does this guy have so many points from torrents but none from H@H?
It does. I never used H@H and have millions of torrent points.
However trackers do take some time to update and some might even take a whole day to even register what you've seeded. Don't expect to get a million points if you just seeded 3 torrents for 5 minutes.
> Users earn GP either by creating and uploading a torrent, or by owning a gallery with a torrent. Users earn twice the amount if they are both the torrent uploader and the gallery owner. There are no other means to gain GP from torrents.

unless they updated it
Is there a fast way to export a csv of my favorites in case it's jover?
I know at least 2 nice alternative:
idk if this is the place but do you guys know the name of the doujin that was put up for april fools either last year or this year? I wanna save it before gone yk
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Just wasted a few hours manually.going through and archiving 365 pages of 9110 doujins which didn't include purged stuff
I better hope it was worth it
God what is the name of this one.
I’ve been looking for it.
>normalfags are starting to learn about sadpanda
it's over.....
wait for the tiktoks and every government agency being made aware of it...
Legend of the meme queen
A rewrite
It used to get posted a lot back when it was uploaded
Isn't that the whole point of Hentai@Home?
Based memequeen
do you guys believe panda was some super sikrit club?
normalfags knew
ofc stacy and chad didnt, but why would they?
people just didnt use it, because there were much more convenient alternatives
its literally the same situation as the streaming sites a week ago
people just switched to torrents
>*takes forever to load 1*one* page*
someone pls recommend something better than exhentai pls
so is the site going to get shutdown completely/blocked somewhere or will some of the copyrighted stuff get removed or like whats the move now? it seems like they dropped cloudflare and website is currently accessible so far (eastern europe)
accessible here too in scandinavia but I do use cloudflare dns as someone recommended above
used to be that it was unavailable othewise
Never went down for me in Sweden
assume you got that pirate friendly ISP, forgot what they're called
We can't know that yet. The party that is suing is demanding a shutdown of the entire site, but this is a copyright issue so it could still be ruled that all infringing material be just removed. They want the whole site gone so that it does not have a chance to upload their copyrighted material again, but when companies file lawsuits they always go for the harder demands, because they might end up being softened by the court in the end.
However, it is a pirate site so it could still very likely end up going down entirely

This. I believe someone on /a/ said all you need is a certain code and it’ll be back up no problem.
Jews are monopolizing porn so they can institute digital ID laws. If you want to view porn on the internet, you have to give Uncle Schmuel your drivers license. This is why Tumblr and Imgur banned porn and so many sites have been cracking down the past few years. It's already being tested in certain states where you need "age verification" to access shit tier sites like PornHub but it's just giving the jews your ID.
They plan to implement this in the form of a law to remove anonymity from the internet. To view 4chan posts you will need to put your government ID through your computer, phone, etc.
Site is still dead. Guess it's not temporary. R.I.P.
somehow the panda is still filtering these retards to this day
hopefully it's enough to keep some focus off the panda, but to be honest tenboro already responds to DMCA so i would assume he's pretty safe
here in euro is still up
nope, just died for me
are you in the eu too? because im checking again and is still up
just use gallery-dl
I have like a 1000 favorites
I wish England had never left the European Union
I'm from South America and it's still down for me baka
thank you for your cervix
turns out I was using the wrong dns
and if you are on windows
py -m nhentai.command --favorites --download --page-all
also recommended to put --delay 1 at the very end so you don't get your ip banned
just checked now in Boland
its up again without fiddling with dns or anything really
It's up here in South America now too, nice.
Just checked with german vpn and it works?? Gotta download all my favs before it leaves for good
It wouldn't be hard to create a clone of nyaa since it only hosts torrent links and not actual content, remember what happened to the pirate bay
>It's over 100 terabytes, probably in the range of 150ish or whatever. Which honestly isn't THAT much
The rate is 10$/TB so around 1-1.5k just in hardrives

If there is a way to only download ENG/JPN Douijin all at once I'm willing to spend the money on some HDDs
Can you imagine how much the misc category has expanded with tons of people posting 100's of pages of their terrible AI caption galleries. If any category can be left behind it's that one.
yes... still blank screen
Only redditors, twitters and npcs will get affected by this
Anyone without a 2digits IQ was using panda
Fmovies was from Vietnam? Somehow I always assumed slavs.
Alright boys how do i get more hath in ex
I downloaded everything I wanted, but it still seems up
fuck, am I still on time to download manually?
The site is still up
the fuck, are you downloading 10 year old material or what?
nhentai had a complete english translated 250+ page full color doujin including bonus chapters that got deleted during the previous purge, and when i looked it up on exhentai they only had the rough sketch black and white version of it. i later found what i was looking for on hitomi but it was missing some chapters.
>torrenting samples
the absolute state of this site
but that's what you get when you click on Download :<
The internet is dying
Everyone migrating over to exh as if it isn't vulnerable to the exact same thing
Decentralize or be taken down https://www.gnunet.org/en/index.html
In Hitomi there are also art books without H?
this lmfao
the amount of people who
a) somehow got/are still getting filtered by the panda
b) think nhentai is better than the panda when it just copies the panda, only scrapes the downscaled images, and throws all the tags in together instead of separating male and female

astounds me
the amount of retarded normal/newfags on this site is incredible and depressing
is doujinshi going to die like animated hentai in the west

jesus, those fucking merchants can t let we have a iota of happinness without paypigging

damm i m legit in shock
what do you mean? i don't know jack about animated hentai, but i'd assume places like nyaa and other anime trackers have most of it, since way less of it gets produced than other forms of h material
It's just porn
Same here in italy.
It went down for a brief period during evening.
I downloaded everything I wanted with gallery-dl. browsing with an image viewer is a bit cumbersome and I can imagine some autist must have already made a reader compatible with the gallery-dl output so my question is where is this autist and what is his tool
It's still up what gives

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