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Facesitting too I suppose.
If this is male-on-female only, please include that in the thread comment next time or else people may feel welcome to post gay pictures of men getting their buttholes tongued.
Oh no.
I only come to /h/ for specific threads so I don't really look at the catalog and when I would infrequently look I wouldn't really see that so I assumed that might go on another board like /d/ or something.
Yes, male on female only. I hate how there is no sex distinction with a tag like rimjob. Since it always ends up being 90% the woman doing it because of some sick shit.
what's the source of these two, couldn't find anything with reverse image search
First is by S.M.O.K.E
Second is by Yonoki
>2b analilingus only has 4 results
It's a shame how few male-on-female anilingus posts there are.
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blessed thread
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I wonder what causes the disparity.
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This artist has some of the best male-led cunnilingus
Hand on head is the best version of this fetish
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Nutted so many times to these pages
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Im guessing its because its supposed to be humiliating and women are usually the ones being humiliated
Humiliating? But women's assholes are so nice looking
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My reverse image search skills are too weak. What's the source?
Aizome by Jun
Big thanks!
I don't see how analingus is humiliating. if anything, it would be embarassing for the person on the receiving end because they are getting turned on by things going up their pooper. but the person doing the licking? I guess its weird to lick someone's butt hole... I guess I don't think its weird because I have done it. Unless the girl is dirty, its a fun way to cripple someone with shameful pleasure.

"this is so gross. you butt is getting licked, and you *like* it? you are weird. what kind of pervert likes geitting their butthole licked. I bet you like it when guys stick their dicks in there, too. are you a dirty buttslut? do you like playing with your butthole? what a dirty girl..."
female on male, it can definitely be humiliating, theyre literally kissing your ass and if their ass is... unwashed then thats obviously degrading for her, shes sticking what she uses to taste into what you use to shit. I dont mean that thats always the case but theres definitely a subgenre of rimming pics where its a girl eating out a guys digusting asshole as a show of submission/defeat/etc.

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