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>1.0.1/Latest Patch

Translations and other Mods are still in active development.

Previous Thread >>8174602
Add the translation links too
BepInEx+Auto translator for 1.0.1: https://gofile.io/d/FSRQfU
Maker translation(BepInEx, 1.0.1): https://files.catbox.moe/5xiadz.7z

Hardmods for other UI elements get re-uploaded constantly, check /vg/, not sure if I can recommend now that BepInEx is up. Also they fuck your map labels and some cannot interact with jizou while using those.

Pure a cute, always one of my favorites.
Thanks, I just didn't add them to OP since there's constant updates and nothing is really finalized yet.
Those shouldn't get updated I believe.
One is BepInEx+ always the same auto translator plugin, the other is just more accurate text for the maker in specific. Next we need a port of the UI trans to BepInEx and that's it, you got SVS fully in English but without hardmods.
which one would u recommend anon
The links with BepInEx.
Hardmods include the UI but I cannot recommend as they might cause incompatibility with future plugins, and they are already known to have bugs related to not displaying the map labels outside of the Station for some weird reason.
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it's hip to...
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Reposting hair and clothes mod from /vg/

I cant seem to get the translation to work. Nothing is translated and the BepinEx logs seem to just be spitting out a bunch of errors.
Asset mods already nice.
AA bros we are so fucking back, KK is done for
Make sure your game is on 1.0.1. And the files are in the right place
Run the registry fixer bat from the repack
>KK is done for
Not until there's a studio.
SVS studio was already announced anon
I did all that. BepinEx just goes in the main folder right?
Yes, but global metadata needs to be replaced with the one you find there
>SVS studio was already announced anon
Oh I didn't realize. GG then.
Actually not really you can just copypaste the decrypted one while keeping the original
I did that and now it just crashes immediately.
Not sure I know what's going on then, all I did myself was:
>dl prepack
>dl update and DLC, extract those and move into game folder
>dl both translation links, move to game folder
>run registry fix bat
>play AA3, fuck the shit out of Pure
Is there NTR and more "immoral" stuff (like rape, group sex and bestiality) in this game or is it vanilla only?
Yes. Can be disabled too by using Single-minded trait
Forced sex like AA2, but you need more specific conditions to enable the bulli menu, we are still trying to figure out.
>group sex
Confirmed in the promotional material but nobody knows the conditions yet.
Not yet

On the other hand there's also blackmailing and killing.
I've had a couple girls threaten me with my "secret" to do whatever they say but I haven't seen any consequences to agreeing yet
It means they can "rape" you now
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im having the same issue of the bepin translation not working, though my game isnt crashing
i guess ill just stick with hardmods for now
Yeah I was gonna wait for the BetterRepack, but I figured it was developed enough to give it a try now, but it looks like I'll just wait for the BR again.
So I was messing around with the blackmail mechanic
I just created a deserted island with me and the girl and blueballed her until she started masturbating
and yeah, while it works, it's a losing strategy because it's just normal sex

The blackmail mechanic is clearly meant to be used to get close to girls caught cheating on their partners.
need another layer for these open jackets...
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Why does the Maker Translation say it's a trojan?
send the card anon !
Are rainbow cards still a thing?
If there are safe and risky days for cards like in aa2 we can mod it back in like in kk if its missing. Should be possible.
Because you trust AVs in current year when they are well known to give false positives to game cracks/mods
and not some endgame bullshit either
Probably gonna wait a few years once the modding scene really gets going before I jump into this one.
We are already running BepInEx here anon. It's not harder than HC or RG(which already have plugins) with a decrypted metadata
>13 .txt files inside
>it's a trojan
I don't know what utter garbage you're using for antivirus, but you're doing yourself a huge disservice by letting that piece of shit waste space in your system.
haha just don't worry about it anon. just turn off your av and click yes when it asks to run in administrator mode. also when it asks you to disable your firewall, make sure you click allow on both private and public networks. this means it will work the best and have you making happy in no time :)
Is it translated yet? Yes? Please?
Im guessing they havent made it so you can play offline yet right?
CN has offline plugin but it's in frida
Someone in /vg/ thread said you can put HC offline dll in SVS and it will work, but i haven't tried yet [spoiler]waiting for slider unlocker[/spoiler]
Finally some more fluffy hair options
The AutoTranslator you posted doesn't work properly. This one is better:
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Dude this is 1:1 the same files.
I don't know man. I couldn't get the one he posted to work properly, but the one I posted just worked straight away, so either they aren't actually identical or I'm just a massive retard.
Has anyone seen that or know what can trigger it? I played this a bunch and never saw the bully menu come into effect at all unless it was me doing it, even with the trait that appears to be "scheming" on everyone. Made me think they made all the force actions player only which would be a disappointment.
>Made me think they made all the force actions player only which would be a disappointment.
This wouldn't make sense because if that's the case, they just wouldn't display them as actions the player can utilize in the first place, ala AA2's slapping, killing, etc acts that only NPCs could do (unless you used modules to get around that)

According to other anons, you basically just need to catch other characters either masturbating or straight up cheating(?) for the menu to activate apparently. That's just what I've caught anyway.
You know what, ignore me, I misread this the wrong way altogether.

>Made me think they made all the force actions player only which would be a disappointment.

That would be very disappointing, yeah. Part of my personal fun in AA2 was being the one "forced"
almost everything in this game can be done by everyone
the only thing you can't do is go up to a character and suddenly flash your dick at them
there's an easier way to trigger blackmailing
just change player characters and blackmail yourself
then switch back.
When I install BepInEx it just crashes. What am I doing wrong? Excuse my smooth brain.
NTA but the fun lies in it happening autonomously, not switching to them to make them do stuff and then switching back, that's almost a literal definition of playing with yourself with an extraordinary amount of extra steps that weren't necessary in AA2, and by all means shouldn't be necessary here if they bring it up on their own already.
Waiting for the better repack but glad there's traction in the modding community :)
Having same issue of the auto crash except I used the new link you posted. Any ideas or fix? I downloaded the game, added and ran the update, then installed and extracted both translation files.
New outfit is live https://www.illgames.jp/product/svs/download-add/
Thanks; I think we'll have to wait a bit to see if the current mods/translation will work with 1.0.2
1.0.1 archive

I'm getting an error about an object reference not being connected to the instance
Thanks. Guess I have to play the waiting game than.
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There's barely anything to fucking repack, stop being this tech illiterate.
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Thanks for the heads up. Need to see what make from that.
She looks like a goddamn brat
Where's the hongfire patch bros?
no :)
Fixed BepinEx+AutoTranslate for 1.0.2

No repack torrent for this one? Not too fond of MEGA and I can't find screwthisnoise repack on nyaa.
Whew already? This is really giving me H O P E
Not quite what you asked for, but here's a reupload on a less gay file service.

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This game fucking sucks, modders should stop coping and start porting their shit to HC instead, at least that one has real sex instead of characters floating in the void with massively downgraded animations
Honestly SVS should have been an add on patch / dlc for HC where you can switch between third person view (honeycome) and isometric view (summer vacation scramble) at will, or honeycomb 2 where you have features of both.
Not exactly a very hard feature to implement with mods
HC repack still doesn't have non 16:9 aspect ratios working correctly, I'm not expecting shit
>HC repack still doesn't have non 16:9 aspect ratios working
oh my god I didn't realize it was so bad, is there any hope for us?
That's because nobody gave a fuck about HC. Shit had less gameplay than even Koikatsu and a very barebones vanilla maker with maybe a few more sliders but way less clothing, hair etc. Using vanilla as reference for both, of course.
SVS on the other hand is a solid base
>he actually cares about the gameplay
SVS doesn't even have sex, why would anyone give a fuck about it? It's just a shiny new thing optimism, nothing about it is good
The maker isn't even better in SVS, many of these "new" clothes don't even have proper texturing, it's a massive downgrade over base KK just like HC is
Right now it's either
>less editor options
>an entire game mode missing
Pick your poison lol

Modding community won't revive itself until actual real KK2 is announced, this ain't it
Opinion discarded, didn't even read.
>incomprehensible /v/-tier seethe
Never expected any better from "gameplay" fags
>SVS doesn't even have sex
it... doesn't have sex? I thought that was the point of these games. what do you do in it?
Go back to your general circlejerking about how it's totally HC again.

Don't bother with deranged KK niggers. They were eventually going to have a meltdown about SVS getting some attention.
I fucking hate koikatsu fags so much
Mentally stunted children who wants to stop SVS from being modded even though it's literally not different than KK modding unless you are just a shit coder.
To be fair cracking metadata and dealing with il2cpp deserves a lot more praise than KK using mono and having no protection whatsoever.
It does, I'm just shitposting
There is no "Sex" button in the menu, you have to load into the game, add the card, manually walk to the character, press like 2 or 3 interaction buttons, then you can have "sex"
But the game has no 3D environments so "sex" is just 2 characters floating in the void, and instead of 3 animations per pose like in older games there's like 1 and a half
Now imagine you're in the process of making a card and want to see how your changes look in action, what would you even do? Shit's absolutely fucked, way more fucked than HC in my opinion

>AA general fag complaining about generals
No one is complaining about "generals", you are posting in one right now. The issue is being a KK nigger.
Lack of free sex button is as retarded as copying AA2 void sex
You just know it
>Go back to your general circlejerking about how it's totally HC again.
I don't think /kkg/ cares about SVS, I see more crying about koikatsu in this general.
Congrats on being self aware enough to know who you are, general nigger
From what I have seen they usually don't but if it ever gets brought up, everyone will say it's shit and dead. They are pretty much trying to pretend it's not there.

That's the best comeback you could think of? Go back.
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Cute. I need to get into making some girls too already, I usually get busy just watching shit happen in gameplay instead.

For real?
Does anyone have this somewhere that isn't MEGA? I tried downloading it 3 times already and it always get's stuck at the end.
There's an Evil trait that turns anyone into a yandere. If they get cheated on they'll start stabbing
It was in AA2 yeah. Haven't tested SVS yet but Evil trait is right there.
Guess I will have to make a yandere after all huh
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Bros...My game doesn't open anymore.
Run the registry fixer.
Make sure the files are in the correct directories.
Locale Remulator shouldn't be necessary any longer I straight up uninstalled it but doesn't hurt trying.
It's that >>>/vg/493136996
Try it with 1.0.2 and report back
3 days in, and half the roster is in 3-5 relationships at the same time, and not just the low virtue ones either
This feels kinda wrong
The characters seem super eager to get into relationship for some reason. By the end of first day most characters got rejected like 4 times in my test game with default characters.
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Posting it here too. First SVS creation.
Anyone having problem where the voices don't reproduce? Checked voice settings and they are turned on.
Does this game have any meaningful improvement to character generation and studio, vs HS or KK?
Doesn't have studio yet but it's confirmed to be compatible with HC's one.
Vanilla character maker is mostly the same as KK but with slightly more stuff, such as being able to move/rotate default hair.
No it doesn't, this game is intended first and foremost as a degenerate dollhouse for gays cucks and weirdos, in the areas you care about it's a straight downgrade and there is no studio yet
I take it you mean the character creatpr and not "character generation" but it does have some interesting features to blend and auto generate characters. I always wanted something that would let me quickly create background characters based on certain presets.
one step forward and one step backwards
also studio isn't in yet, widescale mod support isn't in yet
Does controller work for this type of game or is it mouse+Kb only?
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Can cards from AA1, AA2 or Koiktasu be converted?
no, those games were made by a completely different company
Free H status?
Unnecessary. The game is really fucken easy.
Plus studio will drop and that's better than free H usually.
>Plus studio will drop and that's better than free H usually.
Hard disagree, studio is too clunky and requires too much effort over just "pick favorite card->do H" routine i had since KK release
I literally never used studio for H, only for artistic posing
Clunky is putting it lightly, the studio feels like it was designed by an alien species. But that was KK, I haven't tried HC's studio yet but it looks much more usable
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Not as easily as drag and drop, but 90% of the sliders are the same as KK's so you can autistically recreate some of them if there's a card you're fond of that doesn't go too far out of normal bounds. I don't know if the maker's been jailbroken yet to let sliders go below or above the standard limits yet.
It's exactly the same but with a few new features (the lighting is much better) and NONE of the QoL mods. So actually painful to use even if you have KK studio experience.
They also removed the object rotation ball for no fucking reason.
how's the performance? honey come was barely running at 60 for me
60 FPS with stuttering on loading shit. Can drop if the screen is pretty busy. HC ran at perfect 60 for me so you are not likely to get good performance.

Using a 30xx GPU here
Oh well, here's hoping for free H then. I'm also hoping SVS being a so much more popular than HC will mean the studio will get some love, they're releasing a standalone version after all
idk what you expected, things like KK or HC only run "well" because of mod optimizations. Ill Games has really bad practices when it comes to performance, like I remember the maker in KK was doing a lot of unnecssary shit EVERY SINGLE FRAME in vanilla.
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The base character model is far better. Chikarin is a fucking embarrassment. Even retards can make something that looks nice with this.
The graphics, lighting, and character models are much better looking than KK. Only issue is they aren't as flexible with sliders and what not.
HC stuttered a lot at minimum settings
SVS runs flawless at maximum settings
I have the exactly opposite experience wth.
Mind that SVS has a lot more loading which causes stuttering
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can someone reupload this? catbox is down.
damn you're fast anon. thanks again
missed it my bad
Yeah well I hope the next plugins start dropping soon. Translation is nice but we really need the slider unlocker or abmx to make lolis.
Unrelated but someone was saying they got error messages with the translation. I just got them too and all I had to do was update my 7zip to the latest version. Might help someone in the future
Are the appropriate skin textures already built in?
It runs surprisingly well for me on a computer with hardware below the minimum specs, and far better when I moved the graphics slider down one notch (which only disabled one graphical effect, it seems).
Runs fine on a 1070, but there's big loading chugs
Reminder that >>8175529
was and is a faggot.
is he wrong though?
*sukuranburus ur samabake*
NTA, but yes, all of that just for the decryption to happen within the first week of release, and for them to decrypt it again the same day as the next update (1.0.2), so at the least, he was almost entirely wrong. Keyword being almost for a little wiggle room, if need be.
implying kk anons would move to this lmao
same, HC had perfect performance for me and still has but SVS feels pretty heavy, although it runs slighty better now that the locale emulator is not necesary but now is traded with the MTL auto translator stuttering
I will if this ever gets decent mod support as it has a newer unity version, not looking too bright right now but I have a sliver of hope.
it could happen tomorrow or never, we should remain hopeful, but if we are being total fair, this game is NOT killing KK at all, while this game has a nice baseline KK has years upon years of mods
>then we will just move them here
yeah that can happen aswell, but KK will always have a good lead on the race, the games will coexists but the two right now and probably in the future will have 2 different niches. or who knows maybe one discord guy would prove me wrong by doing a complete porting to here with a modded studio aswell that could happen aswell. the point is, there is not much point into thinking about the greener grass on the other side
I'll just play both.
Minimal coding experience and unity knowledge here, would it be possible to work with unitys universal render pipeline in this game or would the game have to have its source code leaked and have someone to recompile the entire game? because that's the main appeal of HC/SVS for me.
>decent mod support
It's factually never getting decent mod "support" when it's inherently hostile to modding. Unless someone decompiles the whole thing it'll remain a pain in the ass to write code for. Best single-plugin improvement you can hope for is sideloader.
No one really wants to stick with KK forever, but there doesn't seem to be an alternative on the horizon.
>No one really wants to stick with KK forever, but there doesn't seem to be an alternative on the horizon.
patreonCHADS do

im being ironic btw
Shitposting aside, I'm sure they could easily move if it was compiled in mono. A few of the most complex KK plugins were initially just half-assed ports from HS.
Huh thanks. it "works" but ill do more testing later.
Anyone else having problems with the download?

I've got both the files, but only 001 will open and 002 has an error.
Can someone post the web request blocker dll?
That HoneyCome patch requires the game to be installed and i can't extract the bin files.
So what's the consensus for this so far? I see mods are being done and so on
its fun, thats about it
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>still no way to play it without the DRM
Just kill me already.
Do you mean no way to play offline? The actual DRM was cracked by the second day
It's a split archive, you only open 001. The data is just split between the two files for easier downloading
so where do i download 1.0.2?
The OP. It's 1.0.2 now.
*iruru gamusus you back*
I feel the same as >>8189111 but more optimistic that it will get there in time. SVS having actual gameplay compared to KK:Sunshine of HC should mean it gets a lot of modding attention from the AA2 playerbase, which will naturally include character creator (and later studio) plugins. It might take a while, but AA2 is 10 years old and its modders are still quite active. Something like unlocked sliders feels like an eventuality.
>being hopeful
patreon grifters from kkcord >>8189096
are always wrong

I bet it causes a standard game over like in the AA games, right?
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do we have a changelog?
There's nothing much. Just new cloth and fix for Ryzen 3000 series.
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oh yeah this is like the canonical mesugaki outfit
Such a weird costume. Is it supposed to be cosplay?
Doesn't look very good at all.
Added dresses in SVS are weird
They don't fit theme at all, and game doesn't even have enough generic dresses/hairstyles in first place
It's literal waste of game dev time, while making users depend on 3rd party mods(which they oppose to!)
I mean, that's pretty much the same for their previous games too.
The settings were mostly normal yet they kept adding weird fantasy/sci-fi stuff to them anyway.
But in all fairness, they're probably for studio use in most cases anyway. And some people actually made pretty amazing using bits and parts provided by them.
But yeah, they look pretty jarring in the game itself.
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Is this actually a game or just a posing and photography simulator?
Given the poser isn't even out yet, it's game first.
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Should be this I believe
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My game gets stuck on loading beyond the title screen, first menu option gets me to a menu of the bedroom where none of the buttons work, what do? Game seems to load fast and normally otherwise.
Japs can't into programing. Change time format to jap and it will fix itself.
based thanks
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What is the install order for this to work?
>Install base game
>Patch 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 + bonus clothes
>Bepin tranlation
>Web request block
Game insta crashes, event viewer shows GameAssembly.dll is at fault but removing winhttp.dll makest the game work again, with internet acces required. Reinstalled the whole game again without bepin autotranlation and the web block still crashes.
Card plz?
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Yeah, the mecha stuff is at least open ended enough that you can get creative with it, but then you have shit like the thunder god accessories that are so specific to a theme it's hard to imagine a use for them outside of the full premade costume.
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there is not theme in the first place
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Can I run this on my rinky dink toaster?
Do you like slideshows?
Modern world
Will it lag? My toaster could run COM3D2 at least.
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i am a bit retarded what should i copy here? and should i drop it just in the folder with the exe or somewhere else? also does anyone have the link for the thunder costume?
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>Split the game into two parts
>Attempting to download both puts you over the cap for Mega

good job guys, very well thought out
>being tech illiterate in 2002+22
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Baka baka baka
>just upgrade to mega pro bro only $150

how about use a torrent like normal people?
umm sweaty... and your vpn?
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MEGA is dogshit, there was a torrent from day one, I don't know why OP posted that crap
mvp right here
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nice. Rat when
everytime i try to run the game it doesn't start and generates some doorstop file i don't know what to do with
Try to run it via some jap locale emu
You updated the bepEx right? delete it and extract it again.
Updated to 1.0.2, now game wont start. Is there an updated Bepln for 1.0.2
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NTA but mostly not
IL2CPP fucks up lot of referee engineering and performance in favor of muh security
Modding framework wont like they used to on previous Unity games for a long time. Its really hard but not impossible
Dont ever expect KK/S or AA2 levels of quality modding though
>would it be possible to work with unitys universal render pipeline in this game or would the game have to have its source code leaked and have someone to recompile the entire game?
But how would you access to that code in first place?
>But how would you access to that code in first place?
by breaking into their office and stealing it?
Is it possible to change the height of males? I want to make a shota+oneechan situation.
>and performance
IL2CPP increases performance actually, that's the main reason it's used. Just because they can't optimize for shit doesn't mean it's slower than Mono.
Not for me
HC runs sets my GPU to 100% load at the point I can hear its fans and also CPU ones. My GPU is fixed to 75°C
Just like priority process. But Koikatsu (despite Dx9) runs better and has lower resource usage at similar priority and does not fry my GPU (rarely goes past 70°C)
and without IL2CPP it would be worse, so what's your point
Any site for cards up now or do we have to use catbox still?
Milfy OC I always make
>without IL2CPP it would be worse
Its not.
I already said even Koiktatsu runs better than HC under the same conditions
Apply some critical thinking, they're different games with very different graphical capabilities, that's very far from "the same conditions"
here you go anon kun

Is there a way to set up multiple outfits on one character through character creation?
You could make cloth sets or whatever fuck they are called
So I can access to everything but the main game where it crash, anyone with the same issue? got bepinexe
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>you fucked up
can i make lolis? like potato lolis?
>can i make lolis?
With slider unlocker - yes, unlike tallflats that suffer negative breast hole syndrome
It doesn't run as well on my laptop as AA2 but it's way better than either of the Koikatus, if that helps you.
So still no clue how threesomes are supposed to work?
Can you even avoid getting interrupted by others in this game? Compared to KK with bigger map this one is almost impossible to not get interrupted in normal conversation.
They buffed interruptions massively. Small map aside, characters might easily team up to interrupt you during the recovery frames.
At minimum everyone's affection need to be at "Good Partner"
MFF : You need to play as Male
MMF : You need to play as Female
Just bang your partner in front of someone you want to invite, wait for him/her to interrupt
Well that would explain why I wasn't getting threesomes on my futa save

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