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Under the Moonlight Edition

Previous Thread: >>8187225


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge



NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscaler models: https://openmodeldb.info/models/4x-Nomos8k-atd-jpg
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
List of useful A1111 extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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Previous Thread Highlights
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I've been away for a while. Can I update the original forge or is it still experimental stuff that might break the install? What are current best pony forks? Last I was using autism DPO.
Fucking unasked for garbage, just as always. Thanks!
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>made the thread early to make sure to snipe it and try and force your retarded highlight bullshit
kill yourself
>/hdg/ 601
wtf is this? remove this shit
Someone is sore they didn't get featured.
i fell for
reweik 1.1 + 4th extract
artiwaifu v2 refiner meme
Cooking some juicy aomslop just to get into the highlighterino, stay tuned bros!!
I haven't played around with refiners yet, no idea how that works. Can you post an example of a gen?
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any tips to gen a deep breast grab? like, one that pops the breast out a little
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Skin indentation. It usually makes the breast pop out a little.
are we back? miqute's sister?
still messing with samplers/schedulers
>missing finger
well duh, no "bad finger anatomy" in negs
mistress your hair is melting into your forehead!!!
I'm not him. Just gave a quick example to that anon.
Kirino is a whore that gets raped by fat ugly men btw
deep skin, there is also a lora for it but I never tried it
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love it, box?
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Any model recommendations for this kind of hyper-detailed clothing?
please go back to /e/, you're insufferable
Fuck all of you guys. Do you know how much time I spend on every thread bake? Do you think I just randomly pick pictures I like?
No, I actually look at every single one of them with consideration and choose the ones that objectively good, high quality and have effort put in them. Sorry you didn't get into the highlights, guess you need to try harder. Quality matters and it will be encouraged.
oekaki did get into the highlights though?
and no one asked for or wants that shit. fuck off.
I asked.
you got baited
what is this ass shit lazy troon falseflag spergout?
Use more buzzwords, please... so sexy nonnie-chan...
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She's very cute
Thanks for invitation, but I fear I stick my dick in there, it will also start glitching out and melting. Like an std except you catch AOM...
Fuck you, I like her
local could never
reweik 1.1 for some reason fucks faces for me, they are distorted and with lines that looks like after heavy upscaling
that's normal or there is something in my setup that causes it?
Me too, that's why I'm giving it a (You), the highest value currency there is.
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>objectively good, high quality and have effort put in them
>very first "highlight" looks like VAE-less SD1
Stop being such a sore loser. It's not "vaeless", it's pastel.
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this more your speed?
Hey does anyone know a trick to get an unskilled doggystyle pose for the girl where she's rounding her back?
The wiki says bent_back but that's only got 150 images. You can find some with bent_over but it doesn't help make them.
where's our favorite aqua genner?
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>top comment on that one reddit thread is someone calling the SD subreddit local jeets without a sense for aesthetics
Lol, lmao even
Bitch looks bored as fuck while sucking dick.
don't know how to help you but based, hot concept
hags could never
Good post don't let the bitter haters stop you
And you guys yapping about sepia. Look how COLORFUL it is!
i love orange girls!
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I was too late for the litter boxes, sorry, but thanks anyway fren.
Thanks, much appreciated.
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NAI declutter is awfully convenient for LoRa dataset cleaning. It's the only thing I use on NAI because NAI doesn't know my waifus and random artists that I like.
I actually wonder
what kind of waifus people have that nai doesn't know
do people just choose the most obscure noname characters imaginable? or its some newer characters like fern?
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Krita is an open source photoshop alternative. The addon is Krita-ai-diffusion and uses comfy in the backend. It's easy to use with a drawing tablet and lets you inpaint/extend etc.
It kills the quality of the whole image, not just the areas it cleans up, that's horrible for datasets.
loli oc's not on danbooru
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remember shitty colors and contrast levels are a choice not a fact of life
Nice gen, reminds me of hokkyoku hotaru. Is the lora f149b77a9cab from the op or a mega? it's not on civitai
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I already zoomed in and looked at it. 1 to 1 resolution declutter have no visible decrease in fidelity.
Nai generally sucks at rance characters for example. even the popular heroines have less than 100 images.less popular ones like katsuko and torako have only 6 and 7 images respectively (common torako W btw)
For me it's the former. Not really a choice though, it just happened.
I can see decrease in fidelity in your zoomed out 400 by 600 example. Look at her earring, it's sharp and you can easily discern it's shape on the left. On the right image it's blurry and poorly visible.
Not to mention I've already seen some more examples of this "wonderful" tool on /e/ and if the eyes are stylized and small in the image, it completely ruins them 90% of the time. You can see a lot of other small details getting completely fucked too.
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Thats the good thing about AI you get to make porn of random girls from random VNs from the 90s. NAI literally could never.
That's mostly because Rance is ancient, and boorus prune old pics. Officer Jenny has 180 even though she was the top 5 pokegirl for years and had thousands of pics made.
In that one's case you could probably just vibe transfer or do the inpaint trick. She doesn't seem to have complex clothing or unusual features.
for me, it's not waifu but artists, I really like some art styles that NAI just can't do and nobody seems interested in making a lora
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I baked it myself quite a while ago:
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bros.. look at my disciplined student
>that last pic
my fucking sides

pick any visual novel or nip game that isn't in the top 10 and you're gonna have issues replicating girls from those
even worse with doujin stuff like sequel series and its artist hakika - they aren't super obscure but there's way too little content on danbooru to replicate the most popular girl, let alone any of the other characters
then you have anime that just kind of flies under the radar or even if it's popular the girls aren't exactly popular, shiki is a novel adapted into a manga adapted into an anime so it's not something that came out of nowhere and original is like 20 something years old yet danbooru has fuck all art for it and can't do any of the girls
then you add the fact that art quality matters and sometimes you can have a character with seemingly okay amount of art but most of it is off-model or just cluttered with tons of other things/characters and you're not going to have a good time trying to gen that character
Disciplined? Face looks like she's already planning some payback
perpetual cycle of correction
how to I automate the process of mixing different loras at different strength?
Why always marine? Why her instead of all the other wish fulfillment jk heroines of recent years?
nta, she's the hottest one
don't think anybody comes close
with wildcards
> if the eyes are stylized and small in the image, it completely ruins them 90% of the time
That's just SDXL VAE desu senpai.
i only watch anime for the hot girls now
thinking about skipping that part and just genning them anyway though
Indeed it is. And if the whole image gets VAE roundtrip, you better not use that image for the dataset. Especially if you believe the schizo theories about how specific AI noise patterns fuck up the training.
Just play gacha. hotter girls anyway. move set of that rat girl almost tempted me to download the cp spyware
How does LoRa training scheduling work? Would a 10 epoch lora be different from a 5 epoch, resume training another 5 epoch LoRa? So far, I am getting better result doing 5 + 5 rather straight 10 epoch. What the hell?
Could splice the images back together, use most of the original one plus the edited bits. Could even automate the process if it wasn't nai.
nope nope nope
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What's your scheduler? 5+5 with cosine basically means you're doing cosine with restart. 5+5 constant should be the same as 10, unless it's Prodigy which adapts on the fly.
it's blender
catboxxxx plz
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nice, which artist is that? reminds me of ディă‚șăƒ‹ăƒŒă‚čロップ
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LR Scheduler is Cosine. Tried cooking straight 50 epoch. It's shit. 25 + 25 comes out better. I don't get it. Whatever works I guess.
which artist draws tits like that?
Because the cosine graph resets to x=0 when you resume
I mixed nyantcha, hater (hatater), hero neisan, and honjou raita.
>hater (hatater)
how dare you
Go back to /e/
I forgot about that I might use that actually. I subbed because I couldn't get over my curiosity on how much better it was over pony and I'm not impressed so far, think what hit me the most was the 225 token limit and it hard caps it with the cutoff, most of my prompts go beyond it so I was confused when I was running it in the a1111 extension and shit just wasn't genning half my prompt and I realized. Other then that I got a month left with this so was figuring out what to do with it besides gen some datasets of style mixes I like but that sounds like a great use to declutter a lot of my data sets.
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After installing Automatic111. Which guide i should follow? Veldy guide too old?
>hit me the most was the 225 token limit
Could you show your example prompts anon? Literally the only two times when that happened to me was when I copied civitsaaaar prompts and when I prompted 14 artists for testing purposes.
/e/ is dead. Now he wants to kill off already ruined /h/
just go the the main branch forge repo and download one of the 1 click installers
it's ă‚Čン無しぼホヱ野郎
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Oh yeah Hakika, that's a cool style. Surprised there's still no lora for Malice. The others sort of blend together for me after so many games.
I'm 90% sure it's skill issue since I'm trying to figure out how to even prompt artists / charas. I tried daiwa scarlet and it wouldn't get her at all in nai3, but I've had issues with genning the same thing in a1111 extension to base nai as well it's an uphill battle.

None of the prompts are converted since I toggled the convert to NAI stuff so I'm not sure if stuff is getting lost in translation from that as well but they're probably pushing 450+ characters or something without artists. And it's pony style / base so
Ballpark arrangement.
Why would i need Forge?
That's ç”Ÿæˆç„Ąă—, learn to spell.
what did u even use? i just hit auto on photoshop lol
why would you need auto?
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bros.. look at my blackmailed student.
/hdg/ is healing though
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Isn't most stable? What even is Forge?
>ask question
>get trolled
>What even is Forge?
faster auto with better memory management and a bunch of other features. It's greatest feature is, that the maintainer cuddles the users and doesn't require them to open any scary terminals
Looks like her I think?
NAI's prompting is more rigid compared to pony, it's kinda similar to arti (maybe less autistic). Character tag should pretty much always go in the beginning (after 1girl/1boy tags). Sometimes you can put other stuff before chara, if you really want to emphasize some style or meta tag, but expect character recognizability to be much less consistent if you do that.
Still not sure how you reach 225 tokens consistently... I barely get to 150 most of the time.
>faster auto with better memory management and a bunch of other features
Can i install this to base Automatic111? Better memory management part
That's not very /h/.
no, newest forge version can't be installed on top of auto anymore since it's gradio4. Just make a new folder for forge and move your checkpoints, loras, etc over
I find that the position of the character tag doesn't matter that much, although it should be towards the front because tags at the front are much stronger. The important part is to also add the copyright tag, even if it's already in the name.
This link got expired. Can someone reupload it?
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trying to get pose like this but from POV https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3228114?q=lying_on_lap+spanked+
that's best i can do, any idea how to get girl actually lying on lap?
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Almost certainly impossible with pure prompting. Non-standard POV shots are a weakness of every model so far.
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here's my quick slop
nice, i made it
from the spanker's pov
yeah, it took me about 100 rolls to get girl masturbating while sitting on lap POV https://litter.catbox.moe/tj0xa4.png and still it's mangled
Love the gen where the dude is fucking the piercing wound in the girl's thigh. Came 10 times already.
>girl sitting on your lap pov
>one leg up, standing sex pov
>doggystyle kissing pov
>pronebone pov
Even just sitting at a bar next to to a girl is damn tough.
>Even just sitting at a bar next to to a girl is damn tough.
this but irl
just do cosine with restarts and two restarts. that's why it exists.
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Can pic related be colored?
just sitting on lap POV works but it's very stiff and gives same pose with girl leaning forward, lora helps somewhat but still can't get pose where girl is leaning her back against male chest like this https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7710791?q=sitting_on_lap+pov
but to be fair almost nobody is drawing pov besides blowjob, also multiple females group sex is very lacking
i could make a lora like that no problem desu
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bros.. look at my athletic student
Yeah that's the pose I meant. Otherwise it's just a reverse cowgirl variant
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eh, close enough
those gens would really profit from a high res pass
It's probably harder than it looks. Besollo tried and failed, despite making a bunch of other weird concepts.

Then again this exists https://civitai.com/models/320709/mixed-bathing-from-behind-animaginexl-v3-and-pony. Could just do it without the bath.
kill yourself
>it's still going
some uncommon POVs would be great
well you are much closer than i, wil check with different style loras because maybe this one is sabotaging me
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why is there another thread?!?!!
>I find that the position of the character tag doesn't matter that much, although it should be towards the front because tags at the front are much stronger
The closer it is to the start the stronger the tag is, yes, but I think it's the most important for character tags, especially the weaker ones. I'd say characters before artist tags is a good advice for someone who doesn't have much experience with v3
>The important part is to also add the copyright tag, even if it's already in the name.
Not always necessary, some popular characters will work fine without copyright tag, like aqua or megumin for example. It does improve accuracy (especially with some outfits) at the cost of introducing own style
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Some artists or more importantly artist mixes will refuse to give you the character you want even if it's super popular, in that case there's a 50/50 chance of fixing this just by moving the character tag before the artist/mix. If that doesn't do it then you can add the copyright tag before/after the character (but before the style mix) OR at the very end, sometimes it works there as well. I don't recall having style bleed issues for anything but GuP characters early on, in that case just negging "official style" did the trick.
But more often than not just emphasizing the character tag twice is enough.
nai v4 status?
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She'll never tell.
cooking apparently
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>NAIv4 is... something
t. kurumuz
Characters that are strong will work late and the prompt and without copyrights, but weak characters benefit from being right after the 1boy, 1girl part and having the copyright. The induced style can usually be overwritten easily with some artist tags.
Do you really need the 1girl if you already called the girl by name?
>Characters that are strong will work late and the prompt and without copyrights
Even extremely strong tag like "hatsune miku, vocaloid" is getting consistently ignored at the end of the prompt. Or even after artist tags if the chain is long enough.
Don't really need, but why not? Helps to avoid ambiguity, sometimes there's genderswap version that might pollute the results
very cute
Depends on how long the chain is, and your CFG. Whatever's at the end will get partially ignored, but you probably care less about the curtains than the 1girl.
It's better to have it.
flux finetune in 13 hours
7cfg is really high for nai already
>Whatever's at the end will get partially ignored, but you probably care less about the curtains than the 1girl.
true, prompts towards the end are weaker, but my "side ponytail" prompt at the end is working consistently, while the character hasn't showed up even once out of ~10 pics with this prompt. I think it's safe to assume that it's trained to expect character tags at the start (I don't know shit about model training myself, but from what I've seen with models like arti that's probably about tag shuffling or something)
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Why do all old anime characters look shinji?
Sorry I'm asking but what source are you basing this claim on? (Or was it meant to be a joke - I'm just desperate for anything new)
it's meticulous artistry of le 90s anime style
Just going by cryptic hints in the Kaiser Lora metadata. We're only sure of the number 13 so far. Could be hours, days or even weeks
you'll see in 12 hours, don't worry
He fucked the world.
True - also if someone was finetuning a nsfw version of Flux we would likely have heard about it beforehand.

But on the other hand, pony v6 came out of nowhere, so it could be the case again instead with a nsfw flux finetune made by some unknown furries/chinese/Koreans or something.
i pulled it out of my ass sorry for the ember of hope anon
it doesn't seem too bad. this is from a quick test run i did:
i realized after testing this out some that i accidentally used settings where the TE was disabled so i need to try it again with that on. but it seems pretty promising for such a small dataset and for having more or less completely untouched captions
That's ok, thanks for being direct and honest!
If this thread gets any worse I WILL post blacked loli in sloppa styles
I thought we were on an upwards trend lately
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You can do that at any time tho
>/e/ got it's schizo infesting threads now
Worrisome all around lads. If anything gen blackface anime lolis getting white'd.
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this exact pose is possible just by prompting and there are like 3 loras on civit, the hard part is >>8191023
picrel is just sitting on lap, POV, from above, from behind, no loras
How does this /e/ schizo stack up against legends like groidy or the refiner tranny?
AI default slop
just like before the spammer is actually an incompetent retard. he's even using a name so filtering him is easy as fuck. the worst part is that jannies are indulging this, warning/banning for "false reports" and ignoring blatant spam
nogen default reply
A janny or multiple is in on it is the worst part of it so people are getting banned for reporting him.
>>/e/ got it's schizo infesting threads now
its the same guy
MO is different. Fixed resolution on all gens, namefag and no text attached. Doesn't seem to mind being easy to filter.
oh, fuck that then. you need some wonky ass proportions in order for that kind of image composition to actually make any sense
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/d/'s fucking weird, man.
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This is my yd \(orange maru\) slopmix! There are many like it, but this one is mine!
stung by bee...
>prompt clothes
>male also get them
How do I stop that from happening?
clothed female nude male tag
naked male
regional prompter
better checkpoint
Regional prompt or forge couple webui extension. You can also inpaint after genning the picture.
"nude male" works for me.
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So I want to post some pics on Pixiv and I was wondering, are pics like these considered R-18 or For All Ages? The reason I am not sure is because of the underboobs, but doesnt show anything else otherwise.
Kinda work but I need to put the strength at like 1.3
I feel like regional prompt is overkill for that sort of thing, and having the male wear clothes fuck with the composition
For training your own character LoRas, how much synthetic data do you use once you have your first round of epochs trained? Do you just generate a batch of synthetic data at 1024x1024 and train again? I trained a LoRa for 9 epochs on around 120 images or so but the data was really limiting because I had to clip them myself from gameplay screenshots. The result is that I got a LoRa that knows how to do the character real well and consistently, but tends towards the same position or pose under certain prompts because of the lack of variety in initial training data. How should I go about injecting more variety in this 2nd round of training data and how many images do you find are generally good enough to accomplish that?
They have an r15 tag some schizo may want you to use if he feels like spamming, but for my use I had that shit and it was fine for suggestive, I never got flagged for it being tagged wrong just illegal content.
i'm gathering my ki for misty monday once again..............
There's a sexually suggestive toggle if you choose to post it as all ages, just use that if you feel like it's not completely sfw, that pic is not R-18 by any stretch
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>training on AI output
How fried are the poses? Can you lower the strengths without losing accuracy? Does it break controlnet poses?
It seems c*vitai banned his second account now.
Can you please reupload both typehatena and sugoi hi lora? I only care about those two.
Man fuck civitai
just out of curiosity, what did he do that got him banned? lolicon?
cute and funny style loras i think
But the preview images were always sfw kek
Maybe he's mass-producing artist styles loras and civit doesn't like that.
The poses and positions are pretty fried with sex prompts or any prompt including another male. Lowering the strength to get a different output doesn't result in a huge loss in accuracy, but it is noticeable. Is it bad to train on AI output? I think I got as much quality data as I could the first time around so there's not many options left.
It's only a matter of time until Civit purges all artist style loras/etc, the writing is on the wall.
in both cases, wtf? especially latter, that's just big part of their catalog
>Is it bad to train on AI output?
yes. imo you should look for model/asset rips that have been ported to posting software
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People who use civit are a different breed, always makes me laugh reading the comments.
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Oops, meant for >>8191243
I see. Alright thanks for your input. I'll see what I can find.
civitai, 1.5 slopmixes and horsefucker have caused irreversible damage to the imagen
>he's mass-producing artist styles loras and civit doesn't like that
what the hell are you talking about man
slop machines like zombocrombo and nochekaiser upload multiple loras a day and they're at the top of the leaderboards
It's going to be a beautiful day when civit finally goes full corpo/nukes itself.
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imagine swarm of sirs flying away in search of new feeding grounds kek
So glad this thread always has vigilant anons! :3 No chuddie zone.
Alright, thanks
Damn right :D Why can't they just go to beeeeee XDD
10/10 more of this
is there any lora compilation
Don't worry, nochekaiser has been saving up his commission money to launch a new generation service for them
you could try the OP
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Corrections Facility
furries already released flux finetune prototype and we have nothing
she went to /aco/ jail...
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Create a curves adjustment layer, click on the black color picker, click on a part of the image thats supposed to be black, do the same with the whites, change the blending mode of the layer to pin light if you just want the extremes. Done
Limited capability for duo+ compositions, as it's not specifically trained for this.
Limited ability to modify style of generation, there tends to be one singular ‘house style’.
Image quality tends to degrade with aspect ratios beyond 1:1.
Tendency to accidentally include genitalia on characters when not specifically requested.
Characters often default to nude unless specific clothing items are prompted.
Reduced text generation comprehension compared to base Flux.
Tendency to include human figures in backgrounds, even when only furry characters are requested.
Occasional issues with image quality, resulting in graininess or blurriness.
Let's see if they can get those fixed kek
Nice gen! Do I recognize a bit of ă‚ąă‚łăƒ»ă‚čロッパ style used?
Here bro. I'm not sure if I'll make a mega with his loras. I'm a lazy ass nigga, sorry
https://files.catbox.moe/g5fws2.safetensors - SugoiHP
https://files.catbox.moe/aee4jm.safetensors - TypeHP
what the fuck is this
the average civitai user?
At least he isn't a filthy nogen.
"Brute Force Generation will bring us closer to better results, even if we're just feeding sources for negative embedding."
Thanks. NTA but make that mega though. Erotic body defense force needs your assistance in fight against civitai oppression!
did you use a lora for the filled condom? what did you use?
i would also appreciate it if you upload a mega with his other loras
Jordach is such a petty existence
He is right though
Harvester bros, we won
he's not wrong, but even if the model is absolutely godlike at everything else he won't let go of that one point. he'll claim his model is infinitely better just by the nature of being 'uncensored' just like how he does against pony. he can't seem to grasp that being a warrior against censorship isn't enough to make his model good. he cares more about going 'haha look im right!' in childish arguments than proving himself right in the long run by baking something actually good. and this frequently leaks into his decision making which is WHY his models remain so shit
looks like a much more promising project than anything jordach has delivered so far. shame I'm not a furry
you say that and yet I don't see any loras for the 1996 game harvester
Call me schizo but I can see nochekaiser working FOR civit.
You are a gentlemen AND my savior, thank you so much.
Also, seconding >>8191336, the prune is getting crazy.
Is there way to download CivitAI models with all the information from the page?
I didn't know they made such tiny ones
now I just need a lora for tiberium
Can someone tell me how to make good fingers with a pony model? Also, does high hires denoise actually affect this? (I usually use 3x/4x upscale with 0.5 denoise)
If someone told me these were deleted for low quality, I'd believe them
yes, it's way too high denoise and probably what's breaking your fingers
>hit image limit
>prompting some mayomonkey basic missionary scene
Why does no one call him out for being such an absolute faggot? I want those screenshots
He used to come here in the past and got some unfiltered opinions which resulted in him crawling back to discord and sulking. He even changed his handle to "/hdg/ are lazy gooners" after people her told him to fuck off
This level has been achieved a million times already. They always fail when they try to go further.
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any artists suggestion for lanklet girls?
don't even have to use artists for it, jsut prompt 1boy, pussy and you're good
like clockwork, sir
and yes, i really experimented with this
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Jokes aside, just put some (skinny) in there and neg chibi, wide hips; that's usually all it takes.
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I use DesignDoll with any anytest controlnet to inpaint over hands. Even the trial version for DesignDoll should suffice for hand posing, you can also find the cracked version on archive or some other sites.


hey anons, here's a funny joke i just thought of, here it is:

Is there a way to centralize loras and checkpoints and have multiple versions of SD point to that directory so I don't have to keep moving or copying the files whenever I want to open up a different webui version?
use better lora and you wont get any finger problem

Use admin elevated cmd to make Symlink directory. Or use config.yaml to point it all to the same models folder.
glad to see that my designdoll shilling from a while ago took roots
Is this less work than drawing the finger outlines manually? Doesn't seem like it.
What an insufferable faggot
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I don't get it.
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My hands drawing skills is shit. Maybe yours is better. Whatever float your boat.
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tried every checklist I could think of,What other tags can make it more erotic & sexier?
that's my usual way, but after rediscovering jima and finding his lora, i get much better results, namely no spaghetti chest typical for skinny tag or too big head
huge breasts, mature female, dark-skinned male, interracial
long nipples
heart choker, arthoe glasses, tanlines, annoyed, open mouth, loose hair strands,
You have the polar opposite taste of me so I cant give you any advice
hair over eyes, black lipstick
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I got lucky with the prompt gods - but inpainting can help
thx, found a video that guide me through and it works.
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Can you give me a small tutorial on how to use it?
nipples roughly corrected in gimp
It's colonizing time
I expected a redskin for some reason
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Use what? DesignDoll? For hands only, you need to hide the body. Sliders to open and close hands. It should be relatively retard proof and intuitive to use.

>Created by anon on here.
Models are so biased towards BBC it's hard to get good interracial variations, not to mention the annoying double meaning of "Indian" for redskins
ahh I see, thanks.
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Mouse controls to rotate.
>you were expecting cute native american girl, sir? to bad it's me, sir
What's the advantage of forge over A111 again? Trying A111 solved all my problems that I encounter with older versions of forge and all the extensions work unlike with the new version of forge.
What tag or lora did you use for the slave outfit?
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"dark-skinned female" perhaps?
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Filled condom works but it's like a 50/50 if it's proper, sometimes it's leaking a condom or the condom is like flying into the sky or whatever, usual AI nonsense.
Cool thanks.
You can try a bunch of different ones:
slave clothing, loincloth, harem outfit
Some are gacha for the type.
This gives black guy every once in a while unless you also add tags for "white man, white penis, etc". Works fine if you want mulatto tanned girls, but terrible if you want real dark skin.
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Should be even better with a few based c-word tags https://files.catbox.moe/gmj865.png
Luckily native american works
how did you get a color scheme like this? box if you can
Just set your CFG to 20
Why don't you just color match with something pink or edit it yourself in a different editor?
I love this face design so much
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shower sexo
this is pretty much namefagging in my opninion
when I opened gemini tonight it gave me some prompt about imagen 3 arriving, anything decent or still dall-e tier?
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I think her pussy is backwards
Sure, but idk how, just testing new tail and it gens strange results sometimes https://files.catbox.moe/tx59g4.png
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i assume that this lora isn't style one?
Nice I got one in and not bad considering that both highlights are full of amazing gens
this hot
more ass
He posts like once every other thread. Waifuism=|=Avatarfagging. Start complaining once he starts making off-topic conversation along with his posts
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It's a style lora, but it should output something like this, so it's all up to tail with making the image to look strange. He will drop it in a few days or something and looks like it will be prompt sensitive
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I like this new tail's look, when release??
Posting same girl every once in a while is waifuism
using your twatter handle as a signature in your filenames is not waifuism
i agree though its not full-blown avatarfagging
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>>8191581 >>8191579
Kek SORRY, was distracted while reading your message and literally skipped "release in a few days".
>twatter handle as a signature
Guess you're right then. How did you even spot that?
He's been posting here for a while, and filenames are not exactly hard to see when you browse from desktop
what have you experienced that you have to include it in the negs kek
his posts are good and if you inspect every file name to find something to get annoyed at, that is on you
*my posts
Does that tan JK that hangs around Claire have a Lora already? Also stop slopping delta so hard
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you could only find it strange that people notice filenames if you're a retarded phoneposter in which case you should kill yourself
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none of the eminence chars have enough data for a good LoRA without also using screenshots and manual tagging (ie any effort the tag slop civitai LoRAs never do)
>his posts are good
define "good" because this one on particular is fucking slop >>8191588
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Why investigate random strings in a filename? Not like the image is titled "my twitter handle is @ayacondom"
i've experienced 1girl growing a huge cock and performing a fellatio on herself while getting railed
it can show up too often in pov, from above, lying, on back, fellatio sex, 1girl 2boys gens, multiple views/comic gens too, especially with flat girls, which is understandable but undesirable
i use alternate init noise often which adds additional layer of random shit/schizo things that can show up. considering the way i prompt i'm not surprised my gens are often unstable
i'm negating cuntboy for the same exact reason kek
also cba changing the negs every time
Why does her face look so odd on some of those? Sasuga noche-sama
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His discord isn't secret. You can go do that right now if you want.
I have been thinking of turning back down all the 2.5D art in my mixes, I do kinda like the more detailed style though
The complaints are more about the obvious flaws in the gens and less about the style
well, you probably flew too close to the sun with you prompts kek
the only meme thing i ever got out of nowhere was black dick
cavedweller here, just checking in if there's anything better than autismmix?
reweik is kinda nice
where do I find that one?
I use matrix but it's basically maybe a bit improved autismmix?

have to test reweik yet

not sure if there are better models out there
godfuck misspelled it when i searched civit
ill have to check it out.
bleh, matrix has been deleted, anyone have the files or a link?
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flying close to the sun can be quite fun
where should I put "1girl" in the prompt?

<scores> <lora trigger> <character description>

before or after which one?
Is that arti
Its aom
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post hags strapped into hyperspeed spacecraft against their will, enduring increasing amounts of extreme acceleration while their boobs and pussy are exposed to g-forces
is there a new 4th tail?
where do i find this, hello?
Soon bros.... SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NAIkeks your response? >>8191699
How much better is it compared to 0.4.5?
it's locked for some few for now
Looks perfect already can't wait
Kinda nauseous now.
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Minthy gonna drop it in a few days, and if I got it correctly there is gonna be one more bare xl tune too
Has some quirks when prompting it with (((gorilla female:1.4))) civit style. I found some flaws already, fangdong is not trained properly owarida https://files.catbox.moe/rkbus9.png ciloranko is pointing to opossum https://files.catbox.moe/nyrdl6.png opossum by itself seems fine https://files.catbox.moe/wkjkbi.png porforever is probably fine too https://files.catbox.moe/lxvbqz.png zankuro https://files.catbox.moe/itupe6.png
Suggest if you want some specific test
A bare XL tune? Another baker enters the arena....
Can you try this prompt?
by aki99, 1girl, 1boy, princess_zelda, facing away, close up, huge ass, bedroom, recording, from below, white shirt, facesitting, face in ass
>left: average local user
>right: average NAI user
Now thats what I call penetration!

>volume 3
>5 easy payments of 29.99
it's not stopping here folks the potential is LIMITLESS we already saw how great its been so far and its finally locking in.
blood on penis tag goes a long way
>ciloranko is pointing to opossum
how does that even happen? that makes no sense
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somebody please tell him that nobody gives a shit about 1b and to start training 3.6b for the love of god
how has it been almost a full month since he finished training the te and he still hasn't fucking started the 3.6b
>potential is LIMITLESS
it already was limitless you just had to learn how to pick up a pen and draw
The 3.6b has been abandoned lmao
please kindly do the needful
Yeah, here it is batch with pony https://files.catbox.moe/lvivzp.png
And yeah just confirmed, there will be xl tune called tofu, which I just got my hands over https://files.catbox.moe/ngi7mw.png. Doesn't look too good, shouldn't there be more tags like pov?
Looks like it can do hentai either, maybe not that good as pony, picrel just got out from it https://files.catbox.moe/yig20y.png
Ayo thats me on the back
Idk, dataset just got fucked up probably at some point, and some artists was not trained from the start also
I feel like its worse than 50/50 for condom, condom play is really hot to me but its so bad at it I just gave up, just put random condom in random place and somehow adetailer love to add condom in the mouth or the hair for some reason
Probably needs more tags yeah
wait hold up
kek I see it now
any idea why vae decoding (that pause after all gen steps are done before it shows the final image) is so fucking slow on latest reforge? if i backup to the month old commit it works fast
Was just curious~~
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Level with me for a moment, anons. How many of you are the solve purveyours for pornography for a very rare or fairly unknown waifu?
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Requesting Akko Kagari buttjob.
>he's also got a resident trooncord shill shitting up this thread
it's jordachover
oh fuck, i'm retarded. my nvidia ram offloading was on
it seems like older commits of reforge use less vram than newest ones
oh hey thats my image, I feel obligated to reply to you now. Who are you trying to do? You will need a lora made, there are ways to make character loras with very few images.
>"sm": true
it really is a magic local-destroying button, i'd weight it as more valuable than the weights themselves
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Anyone have any advice for inpainting? Trying to get better at it, but I just can't get the 6th finger off this left hand no matter what prompt I enter or what denoising strength I use.
Ooh, nice! I like to see more, please.
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A challenger has entered the arena
inpainting doesn't fix bad hands by itself most of the time, you have to draw a rough outline of what the fingers are supposed to look like to help it (even a very rough sketch will help)
A 80s anime, Venus Wars, character, and the only images available are from the anime itself. But she has so many accessories she might as well be a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure character.
If you dont count civitai preview then there is one character OC from an ecchi doujin that im the only one to use
damn it all... the 3.6b was a lie??? it really is not better than the 1b? was our last hope just snuffed out? what did we spend all those months waiting for?
no, surely jordach wouldnt waste our time. there is more going on here, perhaps there is more to this than meets the eye. what if, the 1b IS all you need. in fact, maybe the 1b is even BETTER than the 3.6b and stabilityAI tried to cover up the truth about the 1b with a disclaimer on their release page warning people that it's shit.
holy fuck i knew jordach was smart, but this is just another level
whats her name
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Lol, too close
Like an inpaint sketch? But how what that work on something that's already been generated without a reference image?
Thousands of dollars doing what exactly? kek
Although I guess most of the donations came from one dude, sucks to be him.
what do you mean bro just open your gen in paint and draw an outline of the fingers
Nevermind, I just noticed someone uploaded a model not long ago.
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Oh is it really that simple? I'll be honest I rarely use that method. I'll give it a shot.
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Yeah I was about to share it with you, but it looks like you found it.
just realized the reason why most hentai is off-model big tits stuff is because it's safer to upload everywhere
flat chest stuff could get you in trouble depending on what sites you use and what country you live in so people would rather not take any risks
so jordach just walked away with the 40k huh
no refunds
>check thread
>still all NAI and SDXL
>no flux
it's a hentai board sir
Someone needs to train Flux on the entirety of rule34.xxx and various boorus, then it'll work correctly for hentai. That's the only way. Until that very thing happens, I'll be using Pony.
good morning sir!!!
that one is literally the most popular one
it has the most ai hentai too.
There's must be somewhere some rich coomer who enjoys AI. It shouldn't be hard for them to cough up 100k to finetune flux.
>it has the most ai hentai too
where do you think you are
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man i can't believe people like you post here these days
presenting a masterclass in scamming
Thank you Bro.
Tofu is based
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What part of MOAR BACKGROUNDS do you don't understand?
what model is that
Can you please not go the easy path and inpaint composition yourself?
this 'girl dead center' screams 'generated by AI' and feels icky.
Make it feel like it was created by a human
Holy shit, is that the WIP finetune from the 4th tail guy?
that guy is just a reposting old gens from other people, i don't think he even gens himself
Am a newbie pleb,are there any other models besides autismmix that also handle nsfw/sex stuffs really well?
Yes, it's model he just gave me to test and shill a little, it looks really hopeful to breakout from damn endless pony cycle. It's also not perfect dark and white, but thats still way more better than default
There are pony shitmixes I remember liking. It is fine to try them. But yeah, I always returned to autism after a bit of experimentation.
>not vpred+ztsnr
can someone show this to jordach
this seems better than what lodestone tried to do
Impressive, how big is the dataset? From the images you've posted, he must be pretty far along into training no?
>screams 'generated by AI'
ok I know what you mean but it still made me laugh
personally i'd much rather have a hll type lora (like what 4th tail is) so a lycoris (or any other type) could be extracted to use with any pony based model
This shit does not feel any less AI generated
At least girls are on the right instead of dead center
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Anatomy is hard sometimes and I don't have the artistic talent to fix it.
I don't know all the details, can't ask him right now cause it's bedtime. But it was baked for about 3 months iirc with some black magic on top of it, he said that he will release both 4th and tofu in a few days. It's bad that he can't post here himself, has rangeban or something, not even his fault, never posted anything. You may go to 2ch on ai board in anime thread to ask him, he is posting there almost everyday
yeah instead of being in the center they are now on the side very creative
Based on the images you posted, it seems infinitely better than arti/neta/animagine/etc at NSFW Looking forward to trying it. Shame he cant post here though like you said.
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>it knows naizuri
damn two new XL tunes coming up soon, both seem pretty good. and both managed to bake within the timespan of cascade kek

Do they have their own lora collection if they don't use Civtai?
creator of 4th tail is russian?
ĐœĐžŃ…yя ceбe)
Don't worry, the next cascade partial will change everything.
you can't be this petty
Yep, he's also a /g/ tier attentionwhore, how did you not knew that?
Nothing wrong with an attention whore if they actually deliver
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I feel you bro, I really do
go back
If another e-celeb drama is something to look forward for you, you'll be extremely pleased. Also, you should kill yourself.
It was dec 22 - feb 23 collection from lora baking thread, pretty much dead by now. Everyone just using civ and hf now
Hy ĐŽa, oĐœ eщё c 1.5 ĐœaŃ‡ĐžĐœaĐ» ĐșaĐș бы, ĐČ Ń‚Ń‚ oбcyжЎaлО Đżpo этo ĐŽaĐČĐœo eщё
Boт этo ĐżoĐČopoт
OĐșaĐ·Ń‹ĐČaeтcя, ecть шapящоe люЎО
Tofu will save us, 2 weeks.
It is finetune on proven platform, that seems to work, works better than competition, and is close to completion. This is probably best news in a while
aхyeть we are so back
jordachsissies, should we jump onto the minthy tofu train?
what platform
i don't know about tofu, but if you're still on jortrainwreck, there's something really wrong with you
just jordachsissies?
you got the whole:
eugesissies, astrasissies, kohakucks, negglessissies and any other group jumping right off to tofu train
They are literally the same people.
I will reserve my judgement on Tofu until the first partial epoch comes out. I'm experienced enough to know that it doesn't start cleaning up until at least partial 0.25
hello bakariso, have a good day! your loras are great by the way, did you already start baking for tofu?
anyone use these and get any improvements or is it all just snake oil https://github.com/Clybius/ComfyUI-Latent-Modifiers
>using comfyui
> comfy
forge/reforge has the same thing called LatentModifiers too, was wondering if anyone used it
all of this shit is snake oil. sampler, schedulers, freeu, thresholding, all of it. its just cope to try and milk placebo gains out of dogshit models.
is smea a snake oil on nai?
its copium but not snake oil because nai is actually good. smea local, however, is snake oil because it's complete trash
smea is also more of a stylistic change than a quality improvement, checking it on isnt guaranteed to 'improve' your image quality but rather just make it look softer. none of the local samplers do anything more than make the image look even more deep fried
would all of those 'local snake oils' stop being snake oils and become a 'stylistic change' if we got a single good local model?
nai's smea does more than just make the image look softer. with fitting artist tags it also tends to make compositions more interesting, makes the shading more detailed and improves prompt adherence.
if the artists aren't "fitting" for smea it does more harm than good
no, because they're all shit. adjusting 'latent sharpness' is complete snake oil nonsense. just like plugging freeu onto a mythical good local model won't suddenly make it even better. go back and look at some 1.5 sloppa and tell me you can see all the freeu++ dynamic threshold rescale sampling going on. it all looks the same in the end. none of it ever made a difference over using the stock euler settings. the nature of local models being dogshit isn't directly linked to local 'tools' being snake oil. it's just that they don't do shit to warrant using them and it's just stacking placebo. NAI smea on local wouldn't be snake oil, just like lora isn't snake oil either.
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Wait what, why did lllyasviel removed the option to use a different sampler or/and scheduler on the hires fix. section?
I mean, I still could do that by doing i2i but having everything on the same place was convenience
Jordach is implementing sepia in cascade to improve the quality.
Top is normal, bottom is his experiment with rescale applied. His quotes on the matter:
>trust me, it just works
Was this the major leap forward Cascade needed? With this patch it looks like all the issues have been resolved. It just keeps getting better with every partial epoch
oh how bad can it b––
my piss is less yellow than that on average
jesus fucking christ
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Make sure you have the setting enabled
Ohhhhhh it's back, thank you bro
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that's not tanoshii
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Too bad the eye pupil sizes are unmatched.
omg it's pure pale Migu
The only fanart of her is a patreon suggestion by me, and now my gens
It's a thing
Nice setting and idea but those the colors do make those look like ballons.
>there are ways to make character loras with very few images.
what's the strat old man
ntom but once you exhaust the source material it depends on your skillset. You can draw/comission a character sheet, make a 3D model and pose it from different directions, etc. Worst case you can train a lora even on just a single image, or use the NAI inpaint gimmick. To generate new images that can be used to make a slightly better lora, rinse and repeat ad nauseam.

Keep in mind it will never be perfect. You gotta call it at some point, or at least take a break for a while.
three quarter view doesn't work very well, huh
Doesn't work at all imo. I use (from side:0.7), along with something you can only see up-front like pubic hair, abs, etc.
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"view" tags doesn't work well at all, it's pure gacha most of the time
when i'm experimenting with proportions usually want front view and this tag alongside danbooru straight-on do nothing even with from side, from below and from above in negs
always get all those views randomly
tried to weighmaxx it and it completely butchered anatomy thanks to the furry heritage
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This pornfu isn't even out of early access for her game.
from side/below/above/behind seems to be very strong for me

it's just the frontal and three-quarter view that don't do anything
Anons, I'm going crazy here. I made this image on Krita from scratch, but the preview image on controlet keeps adding those scattered dots despite the original image having none, making the AI hallucinate things that should not be there. Is there any way to fix this?

What even is the preview, with a preprocessor of "None" it shouldn't do anything. Maybe you need a comfier UI.
Paint the background black in advance?
I don't get it.Which model is that?
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pls resbond
yes, they're significantly better in simple composition but still not so consistent in more complex ones, worse part is that they don't do much in negs, but that's probably negs thing in general
but what do you mean exactly? have you tried "impossible clothes" tags?
If you meant a lot of detail on clothes, I think maybe NAI?, I don't believe pony can do it. Maybe with upscaling and some strange lora like this slop: https://civitai.com/models/481765/ai

Idk about other lines of model (arti, kohaku).

If you meant being faithful to the character, just a lora should suffice?
reweik11, faces are inpainted with artiv2

cfg rescale is similar in the way it can make an image look way better or way worse depending on the artists etc, there's quite a few variables for all these things and there isn't a single ideal setting for all scenarios

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Many thanks, Prometheus.
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Just open up the pony rentry and look at previews, either for loras or innate artists, they have clothes on too. This is real_xxiii.

f you don't mind the side effects, you can also add ai-generated. The base AOM look had those overly detailed clothes.
Pony based models REALLY don't like to see empty space. They simply must add something to the void. No wonder that the subject of the image is always front and center.
>subject of the image is always front and center
if you put in enough scenery tags it'll start putting the subject at the sides
Is there a way to sort rule34 artists by image count? I found a few more innate ones already:
>dark mangaka
/aco/ warning

It's just as bad as danbooru, have to find the softspot where they have enough images to be recognized but not enough to be hashed.
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Yeah, we just talked about it last thread. Outpaint the background with Flux or foocus-patched Animagine.
Could you please show a 2w x 1h one? And which prompt did you use for both?
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What do you mean?
Prompt for "actions" is just standing, (wooden wall:1.1)
I do admit there may be something "different" with my setup, as I use comfyui and a guidance limiter https://github.com/pamparamm/ComfyUI-ppm, and I cherry picked the gen. Also, too many gens are just bad or weird in some ways, like these unprompted borders, or sometimes a white background flooding in. I was just being contradictory, pony is fucked
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anyone know what artist mix/prompt he's using here? i want those juicy looking dicks
I mean as in more wide than tall. Like a 512 in height with 1024 in width image.

I have had poor luck doing it with just prompts, but had more luck with regional prompting. I would post what I mean, but I am running some batches.
damn, what an amazing composition... pony truly is a beautiful model
I am currently playing something GPU intensive so I cant gen, but I'll try when I get to it.
I know bro, look at the wall
more /aco/ warning
>devil hs

Think I'll make a chart of all the ones missing from the rentry. Do you guys have any more?
sir, do you have patreon? i want to give you my money
wait a second here thats not your gen
hey everyone this guys a phony
It's very poetic, that aqua is just past it!
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Out of 6 gens, only one was not in the center, and one had duplicate aquas.
don't care, just want moar pools
There's a distinct AI Ishikei look to it but it's definitely mixed with a lot else
can't box
style is ((saz)) which is abmayo
(colored skin, white skin, blue flesh), the rest is self-explainatory, if you don't do (colored skin) it'll just make her regular human pale and not literally white
Okay, I think it's time to look inside the local smea implementation's code... Local will never win until that's done right.
so, where is it?
controlnet for sdxl are STILL bad? i'm kinda shocked.

has anything changed since cnet LLLite?
Do it for us.
sdxl or pony? sdxl based ones the default ones are ok, for pony use anytest
we have anytest and xinSAAR
anyone try this yet? no documentation as usual
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why are you people so opposed to high-res passes?
xinsir didn't seem to work well from what i tried yesterday. i'll give anytest a shot. but there are so many versions. should i grab the bigger files or the newer smaller files?
i also found another one called mistoline.
what problems did you have with xinsir? for anytest you want v4 pn 256
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It's not that I'm opposed to it, it's just I played the seed gacha for a long time and I'm ready to move on. You're talking about the forest, right? If anything what I'm gonna do is just outpaint anyways or splice the scene into the background later.
Bigger is better but takes more vram, pn is pony, an is animagine. I use the "v4-marged" which is I guess a merge for both
any forge webui plugin like the one to automatically copy the tags from e621 but for boorus?
nah bro, look at her eyes or hair accessories, anything really. It's all completely melted.
nta but it's also the melted eyes, unfinished earrings, wreath, choker, blurred pussy, mismatched nipples, etc. Even some of the sperm cells are transparent or missing a head.

The model just can't draw proper detail at this resolution.
Alright thanks. I'll see how it looks after I tile and upscale it. Or maybe just retry seeds at lower resolutions tomorrow.
we are SO back!
she likes it BLACK!
It's a meme test, and people now include training data specifically to pass it. It has no relation to whether the model can produce a wide color range in regular gens.
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I spent a lot of time on this, andoriginally with a plan for high-effort degeneracy, but realized I'm just not cut out for it. But maybe there's still something nice here.
Have a 25* page thing I made.
why not just put it in a catbox collection i dont want to download anything
because its 4am and I dont want to deal with 25 different links
im going to sleep, goodnight
>25 different links
if you make a catbox account you can make an album and it just gives you one link
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im not making an account for a site i rarely use at 4am.
just take it, its not good enough to justify all the effort anyway i just wanted to put it up because i dont want to work on it any further
nah i dont want to download anything
Le Jordano will NEVER train a 3.6b model because those mythical vendors do not exist (and tree is his second acc to make him seem competent)
>1girl, standing, looking at human trash
it's better than porn
any characters for this feel?
one of the best /hdg/ poster
I can tell it's well done and you put in effort. Just don't see the point. There's like three somewhat fappable images, and most people don't come to /h/ for feels.
Wtf our chinese prodigy meant by this?
>if i + 1 // 2 == 1:
>if i + 1 // 2 == 0:
These lines make no sense. Did he mean "(i + 1) % 2" instead? I'm confused. i + 1 // 2 is just i + 0, obviously a bug. And it's not the only place where he potentially misuses //.
If anyone's awake who can code, tell me if I'm retarded, for now this doesn't seem right at all.
dunno about characters, but emotionless, disgust and tsurime, also this is style dependent
disgust gives usually too angry face for my taste, i don't want for them to be angry, just disappointed
I only know big ones like Esdeath and Albedo
I can read code but I can't read minds. It does look like a mistake though for sure, no reason to do math on constants.
But that would be i % 2...
>>8192262 Misreplied, was meant for >>8192260
Also his dy step is rescaling latent to x0.5, his smea step is rescaling latent to x1.25?
That's not what NAI does I'm sure, because in NAI activating smea is what changes the whole image, dyn is barely doing anything.
I think what this guy calls "dy" is probably what nai calls "smea", but who knows.
Also I'm not sure if rescaling latent with nearest-exact is good. Maybe this is what kills backgrounds and details when his sampler is used for upscaling. In fact maybe his sampler works for t2i only because the bug with // 2 makes his sampler active only for the first 2 steps and then it's just normal euler kek.
Seems like the buggiest most meme implementation I've seen.
The time has come to put some minds together to make something better, anons...
Yeah, I basically ignored your conclusion then arrived at the same, and also make a mistake writing it out.

Wouldn't this mean that running euler-dyn and euler-smea-dyn should produce the same result? Except he made the same mistake slightly different on line 136 in the dyn sampler, and maybe that's why he didn't notice it in tests.
He tried to explain the rescale here https://github.com/Koishi-Star/Euler-Smea-Dyn-Sampler/tree/d98a504c8419be5274068ad91ca6bbf2e13635a8?tab=readme-ov-file#the-technical-principles

It does sound like he's just guessing at what SMEA actually does on NAI.
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/pk2rcc.png
My question is why are those retards trying to reinvent the wheels by making model on those garbage architecture like cascade or auraflow when SDXL has been proven to work, our best model is SDXL with a completely garbage dataset, why not try a good dataset before throwing everything away?
Then even those two steps seem to greatly improve consistency at higher resolutions. You can raw gen into 1440 square without broken limbs.
local just CANNOT implement zsnr/vpred on SDXL to get actual good colors
judging by our refinerchad's posts, they actually didn't bother to
>Wouldn't this mean that running euler-dyn and euler-smea-dyn should produce the same result?
It's not the same, but they are both wrong.
In sample_euler_smea_dy he runs: smea_sampling_step at step 0 and dy_sampling_step at step 1.
In sample_euler_dy he runs: dy_sampling_step at steps 2 and 3 (that's what i // 2 == 1 does)
That's it? All other steps are just normal euler? Gonna run some experiments and see if I can fix any of this...
plenty of model have good colors now
Wait, you might be onto something. What if he's secretly an anti-AI artfag and is doing this just to string along the localjeets while funding his fursuit collection?
can they do night scenes?
if yes, then the only real issue is underbaking
sdxl is hard to train and clearly euge has been trying with a good dataset
idk why you would want to stay on sdxl to keep getting raped by the vae and relatively small parameters at this point
Wait, why are you catboxing a NAI image? You almost gave me a heart attack thinking local produced this!
models like arti certainly have better colors than pony (an extremely low bar desu) but vpred is still very desirable for contrast/dynamic range and overall picture quality
>copypasted tags
Probably a usually local poster trying nai out for the first time
or a newfag who read the faq and installed a catbox script
>SDXL has been proven to work, our best model is SDXL
This "we have to stay on SDXL" is just NAI shill cope because they're the ones stuck on it.
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He's not wrong tho. unfucking sdxl and adding a 16ch vae seems more doable than finetuning flux or making the other models (hyuandut, kolors, pixart, etc) usable
may I ask you what are localchads "stuck on" when it comes to anime/hentai?
furries are successfully finetuning flux already
So what are ideal models to fine-tune for local then, besides SDXL? SD3 medium does have a 16 channel vae, and a different architecture but less params than SDXL.

Cascade 3.6b could also be an option but again we are still waiting for a certain SOMEONE to get "the compute..." to actually see if it's a viable option.

Then there's FLUX which ideally would be the best, but it's not really feasible yet imo for someone to locally start baking it due to the sheer size of it.
>furries are successfully finetuning flux already
we apparently have some very different definitions of successful.
what artist for veiny, detailed penis? kinda like >>8192133
>furries are successfully finetuning flux already
it's been proven countless times that furrys have much lower aesthetics and quality standards than weebs
Based on some pictures from Jordach discord, the furries making that flux fine-tune are being stupid and "ethical" and have cut anything in the dataset they do do not like, handicapping the fine tune in the process.
i dont think there is one, maybe if stability released 4b, or 8b if someone is brave enough
there is pixart that should be coming this month but who knows how good it will actually be
it seems to me that it isnt really a pretrain problem since successful local finetunes have had to pretty much retrain the entire model from scratch anyways, someone just needs to provide the architecture, maybe downsized flux would be nice
i generally agree, but have you seen this general?
euge will make the model better...
Wait I thought pixart was already released as a model, or are you talking about a fine-tune of pixart?
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new version, probably bigger and maybe using larger vae since they knew about it before starting the new training
Oh neat, love me some competition. Hopefully it will be good to finetune hentai on.
Btw, what discord is this, I would like to follow them as well for developments
He's cute. Also, his model is a beast for 1girling and styles, he was our saviour all along, not false prophet like Jordach...
its the pixart discord
of course, thats why i stopped genning myself as a localet and interacting with posts that have pony gens in it, i've trained my brain on skin highlights and gens composition so much i puke whenever i see a pony gen
advocating for people to move over to different models would work if only we had any other choice, keeping mouth shut and enjoy cartoon sepia sloppa like furfags do on /d/ with deepfried sd1.5-tier gens is unacceptable however
it's nai so it's most likely a mix of the usual 10 artists giving good results. The extra details are from generating at high rez for a insane anlas cost
desu i don't really see the insane penis detail that dude is talking about. and those pics looks gan upscaled to me
>The extra details are from generating at high rez for a insane anlas cost
you can get really good details if you inpaint with the api extension but 99% of nai users will never
To be fair most don't even know it exists
why dont more nai user use the api so they can at least use adetailer? isnt it free to use?
>lost inspiration
>my mixes of lora are shit
>can't find a new mix
>leave for a few days of vacation
>still the same
Pony certainly isn't the prettiest model but people her have a major case of grass is greener syndrome. large part of the thread quality taking a dive is nobody but newfags and sloppers posting gens anymore
yeah true. it's for the best desu.
either don't know about it, too lazy or too computer illiterate to use it. or phoneprompt.
>It does sound like he's just guessing at what SMEA actually does on NAI.
Yes, it's just fanfiction.
It's third-party, the company doesn't acknowledge its existence so it only spreads on word of mouth.
welcome to the club
getting burned out from ai
Any non-slop looking progress on flux? I'm getting tired of the limitations of sdxl like having to fix the hands every fucking time, or having to drive things with img2img even for simple concepts
no matter how good model local will ever get, general representation will always be expressive h all disney princesses slop or custom insta roasties
and handful of people, including me will trow tantrum about it
maybe it's the time to move on
Complaining about quality and not posting anything is really just shitposting.
It doesn't work well
>large part of the thread quality taking a dive is nobody but newfags and sloppers posting gens anymore
browse the archives, i was scrolling thru threads from february and majority of posts were afrobull princes peach, incase, asura (asurauser), gobbos and other typical pony "anime"
>majority of posts were afrobull princes peach, incase, asura (asurauser), gobbos and other typical pony "anime"
at least we don't see much of the patreon style
artist:j.k., artist:blushyspicy, {{{artist: yd orange maru}}}, artist:Cutesexyrobutts, artist:redrop,realistic,2023,
for the love of god stop using the entire score string and some 3 paragraph long schizo neg in your preview images. I can never tell what the fuck the lora is even supposed to look like because it gets overpowered by the rest of the prompt
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>its all newbies and trolls!
i wonder where did quality posters go
He's aesthetically blind, I wouldn't use his loras. Said it many times, if one doesn't know how to judge stuff he trains, one cannot improve. And that man absolutely cannot tell shit from gold, so I'm not surpised he tests his loras the way you described.
>penis under clothes tag doesnt work
Another day, another disapointment
works for me
a bit unreliable though
maybe buttjob dont work with it then
Have you tried both erection under clothes and penis outline at varying weights? Can also add flaccid of it's too erecty.
I dont think thats what im trying to do, im trying a buttjob with a miniskirt and the penis bulging the skirt
>having to fix the hands every fucking time
have you seen flux's anime hands? flux isn't saving us from this
I've gotten some really bad ones myself, people said it's from using the smaller TE. But its default anime style draws very thin fingers and thin outlines, both of which make them prone to breaking on SDXL at least.
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I haven't seen anything anime flux that isn't super basic slop
Man over on /g/ they just casually ignore this every time I ask about it. Why are the hands so fucked on flux for anime? It's honestly so much nicer otherwise, don't have to inpaint eyes or do a second pass or anything... But those fucking hands. Every lora I make for flux has extra jacked hands too, even with low LR and no hands visible in the dataset. I fucking hate it.
It only has one anime style, and loras are coming in slow. Not to mention needing a concept lora for just nipples. Doubt it'll be useful before a finetune, but the base look is nice.
i think that it just sucks at extrapolating its knowledge of hands to anime styles right now. all we can hope for is that a full anime finetune would fix this
It breaks hands when doing photorealism as well
Flux's main issues is that 1) There's no good finetune and 2) No one knows how to actually train on it. So you have people at the moment just throwing things to the wall and seeing if it sticks or not
not nearly to the same degree. in my experience it's like 2 of every 10 photorealistic gens have fucked hands versus 9 of every 10 for anime
onegai anons
do you know any artists for tallflats like this >>8191378 (me)?
best one so far is jima but want to try something with different style
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look up trap artists
nope, traps are too curvy for my taste
Maybe [by jima:by anyone else you want:0.4]
Except if you want to do this with loras you probably have to use comfy.
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Interesting. I guess things must be really different in ComfyUI than reforge.
are we still using pony? I haven't come here since March.
hands in the default flux "anime" style aren't so bad, but loras seem to completely fuck it up. lets hope it's just some quirk with baking that hasn't been figured out yet
you probably already know this one
if you go through the pages he draws a lot of lankier girls with smaller chests even if not all are fully flat
if you just want long square torsos then you can manipulate that with positive and negative tags but it's not gonna be 100% reliable for every gen
rectangle lol
but you get it
Tofu is coming!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh shit, local is saved!!!!!
I won't believe it till I have it running on forge
I wanna help, but it's so far away from my taste I can't comprehend what you want.

The bodyshape is easy to get in base reweik with just prompts, no loras or artists. https://litter.catbox.moe/hb9yta.png
Although I'm only preparing to be disappointed tbhsenpai.
(as always)
>loras seem to completely fuck it up
surely these people arent training off of nai/pony gens and teaching flux bad hands
jordachsissies, what do we do...
Yeah. The one lora I trained on NAI outputs couldn't make good hands once in a hundred images.
compared the actual artist the lora is pretty fucking close. Don't really see the style shift you'd get through a layer of pony/nai
now look at personasalami lora on civit
it's identical
was it you who mentioned yamamoto souichirou ?
thank you
didn't know that mixing loras works different in comfy, by throwing multiple in webui never got good results
problem with jima is that it's very strong style and have some quirks to it, so i'm trying to find something more neutral
yeah, i know him, also tried with as109, muk, takunomi, alphonse and many more, but results were meh, probably tried all the combinations of tags like skinny petite, etc both in positives and negs, but it's very inconsistent to really using it
it makes the whole body too narrow, and with style loras usually too big head is a problem
but i guess it's one of those thing you see it when you are into it
forehead weirdo i am kek
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foreheads are based
damn I got myself a noodle
>didn't know that mixing loras works different in comfy, by throwing multiple in webui never got good results
I'm not suggesting mixing loras. I'm suggesting dynamically loading them. Load jima for the first 40% steps, you'll get your composition and body shape, load a different lora for the remaining steps, you'll get your shading and details from another artist.
Thing is it was only possible with a1111 through loractl addon that was never ported to forge because forge's optimizations make it impossible to port allegedly. That's why I'm talking about comfy.
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what is a hand? a miserable little pile of fingers
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Hello friends, can you tell me why this dude has this on hundreds of his lora? What's the point and why would he train to not use 8?
You could retrain jima with a trigger tag and use regular prompt editing.

Or use a refiner that's the same model, just with different loras. I don't know if Forge can do that.
very erotic body
i'm stuck on a1111 because i'm amdlet so will try the extension
the trick is to not generate hands
amputee loras are the best
Score 8 is a really bad tag to use because it has way too much effect on the generation and can make Loras function some what wonky, especially if they are a more flat 2D style, because Score 8 will try to push towards an almost 3Dish shading.
Score 9 and score 7 are generally safe to use because I believe score 9 is more or less just a quality tag and score 7 is anime stuff.
What in the hell, how was that found out?
this is just schizo rambling. just ditch the score tags altogether
people are able to edit their prompt to test stuff instead of just copy pasting like retards
People just genning a lot. I personally discovered that score_8 was shit because I was testing a character lora that included loads of flat 2D in the dataset and could only wonder why I was getting this weird ass 3D look until I removed score 8.
You run an XY with all the scores one by one and see. 8 and 7 seem to have the most /aco/ bias imo which doesn't match up with >>8192492 though, so better test for yourself.

Lately I just use 6, or nothing when doing chibi styles.
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Another thing to note is that score tags overpower style loras, but not so much those with activation tags. And even less so innate artist tags.
holy fuark i was about to post the same thing, guess we both can't contain our excitement. and to think the journey is still only beginning, there are still so many amazing epochs to go. backers must be pleased with the news. to think they were only supposed to get 5 epochs of the 1b and now he's giving us 20+, FOR FREE!
i just creamed my pants
ask jordach for his opinion in triangular wheels instead of round ones. after all the limited ground contact should make for a much smoother ride
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Reminder if you're using the latest cascade epoch to crank the CFG Rescale up to 0.5+, you can see how much better it looks >>8192017
it really helps bring out the fine details
IM GONNA CUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why the hell does he have "novelai" style trained? what the hell is this bizarre product placement? can't get away from this shilling even with local models holy shit man
don't worry, it's not shilling! after all, what he trained as novelai is a large amount of gens from the v1 leak!
I would be shitting my pants if I was a NAI shill right now.
It's basically the "AI-generated" tag on other models. NAI, Pony and Animagine at least.
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Based Owlposter.
Tofu is going to change the game
based ia autist
qrd on tofu? never heard of it
Has anyone tried tponynai v6.5? is it an improvement compared to v6?
who fucking cares about tponynai
Minthy says he'll probably be releasing the new 4thtail and tofu tomorrow, he just has to finish the artist grids.
I do. v6 is quite nice
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Anyone knows what style this guy is using? And no, it's not the usual BBC slop mix

artist:j.k., artist:blushyspicy, {{{artist: yd orange maru}}}, artist:Nyantcha, artist:Cutesexyrobutts, artist:redrop,realistic,2023,

Does as109 require a lora on pony, and if so, anyone have a good one?
that's super hype unironically
I'm more of a hag enjoyer myself
it's local
looks like pony
it's a variation of that mix, go ask on trash, the mix was invented there
>that object permanence
yup, it's pony
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Is this worth fixing? seems good but also kinda bad
this guy couldnt make gayer thumbnail if he tried
It'll almost certainly support that, those were just the examples we got from the guy testing it.
AI is such shit at perspective and foreshortening, doesn't even matter the model.
it works fine on nai
yeah, I had to go through gacha hell for something barely decent. Maybe in 10 years we'll get there.
Consider it more like the statue of the Dying Gaul, a monument to the decisive victory Cascade won over every other model while still honoring the valiant fight his adversaries put up. The inclusion of the "by novelai" tag is a very complex topic, and to quote Jordach directly:
>It’s also a case of people not realising how deep I am as a person, :surprised_pikachu_face: is their reaction to my much nuance I have
So while shilling might be a part of it, it's important to approach the topic with an open mind if you really want to comprehend the depth of it all.
if you don't have an eye for anatomy, it sure does
am i supposed to pretend that nai isn't 1000 times better at perspective and foreshortening than pony or what
making a solid turd instead of diarrhea isn't exactly a huge accomplishment.
it's a rare thing for actual artists to do that correctly too
Cascade can do this, just one more partial.
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So... is it starting to look like SMEA or does it just look like extra blur?..
try gens with x ray sperm, find one which gens a flawed sperm, see if smea fix it
I like it
reroll some more
I dont care but right is just better
Is nai getting worse after the update for anyone else?
Try it with just backgrounds as well
they changed the default setting to fuck with the slopper on purpose, guess you were one of them all along
she needs to get blacked
You probably need to rework your samplers and steps.
I hate groidposting as much as anyone but when you're right you're right
Anyone manage to get mermaid sex in pov? Always gives her human legs.
i'm trying to get all sorts of povs, but how the fuck it's suppose to look with mermaids kek
I would need to know how the fuck that is supposed to look like

So Jordach is the last element of the AI centipede and we are supposed to stand behind him?
Pussy on front, same as like a lamia or anything. How pleb are you people
link any example from booru if you're not shitposting
ugly bastards are better
Just bend the tail backwards or sideways https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/547221
cut off the link
The dark skinned female tag doesn't give me dark enough skin bros...
There's also black skin. It's normally meant for Mr. Popo, but if your style is being stubborn it might help.
seems doable, but povs are always very gacha for me
what have you been able to do so far? have you tried different negs and so on? if you catbox your attempts it will be easier to advice you something
I need the darkest of women and the whitest of men, how do we achieve this.
I have a pixiv account of exclusively dark skinned girls, the trick is to use photoshop selective color on the main layer, make the skin darker, clip away the background and elements you don't want to darken (like the clothes or the eyes) and then img 2 img it.

Western style warning:
you're lucky that I happened to be in the thread. Like I described here, you can do the same thing with the guy but lighten him up instead >>8192668

there are some interracial pics on the account and I normally leave the guys with a neutral skin tone, but nothing stops you from making them ghost pale
so, you are still here, wizard
Normally no, but I was looking for flux updates. Like it or not, this is the least retarded and most up to date with the tech thread of all the variants haha.

Cloudflare also keeps fucking going on a verification loop so posting on 4chan became a pain in the butt
Yeah I'm thinking too much effort for me m8
shame, the ebony goddesses won't smile on you
Can't even do anything below DD in cup size. I'm not even into genning underage but I like small chested milfs and I feel like part of the point of AI is getting results you can't just find on danbooru en masse.
is that finetune available to try?
Furries are a literal meme. They'll cry about MUH ethics when cooming to and training on feral shit.
Doesn't pony respond to all kinds of retarded r34 tags cause that's where astra got most of the dataset? You can probably prompt for ultra slay african melatonin eastside queen and get a black anime girl
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Yeah, that worked - ignore all the other imperfections with the image since I was only worrying about testing the skin color. I did a super quick and dirty recolor job without any refining of the edges or even making sure I colored everything properly just to see if it would work and it definitely achieved the desired effect.
You can see how light her skin was before based on the parts I didn't paint over properly
you're welcome, if you're using photoshop, the object selection tool is good at highlighting just the girl directly
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Is the a way to prevent the cupholder breast shape for clothes?
It's raita
would you mind sharing a catbox with the prompt?
he doesn't share
i lost my way along the way, its been a rough few weeks for me
Unfortunate, why does he even catbox then just to save posts? He's posting jpgs that will surely fit in the file size limit
it's loli so he can't post it directly here
why? some patreon prompt hoarding faggotry?
Sounds like he intentionally added more of it though
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You can just use the color range to pick the tones you want to change
If you have an eye for anatomy, even many human artists are shit at it though.
I don't think they have a patreon just prompt hiding for any of the weird reasons to not share. We aren't entitled to a prompt just feels weird with how genning works to hide your secret combo that ended up giving good results. Even if there was a bunch of editing after the fact could still share the base
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Tracing is a thing
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Real test, dark enough? https://files.catbox.moe/joe4eh.png
can you share a box? I suspect you messed up the prompt in adetailer
sir, this isn't civitai
>nose hooks
definitely near the top of my "I don't understand who finds this hot" fetish list
Model creativity is something only desired by autistic spergs without a mind's eye. creativity is ultimately the responsibility of the user and should be facilitated by the model through superior prompt adherence and generalization capabilities
Tofu sir, can you try to prompt for a gangbang? Want to see how coherent it is. Bonus if you use a newer character like frieren.
SO TRUE fellow Cascade user. Really the only limitations are your own ability. People complain about Cascade a lot, but did they try prompting each finger individually? The model shouldn't make assumptions about how many fingers a hand should have. It's really all up to the user to manipulate the limitless latent knowledge that lurks within these amazing models.
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I just leave it blank
its also inpainted a lot for the nose hook
>I don't understand who
finally something that looks like actual style mixing and not stacking loras cope
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I understand it but I don't like it.

I prefer other ways for degradation.
Tofu will never compete with Cascade, you know how many more partials we can get out of this thing?
Kinda nice for looking like base autism. Her rotted off little toe irks me a bit notwithstanding
Jordach wants the opposite of that tho? He'll cut the parameter count until your prompt becomes nothing more than a vague suggestion
>I just leave it blank
imo, for better adetailer results you should use a prompt and use [SEP] and [SKIP] to avoid having girls lips on the guy
How about back-pussy?
uh oh, aphantasiac melty!
Nvm I got it. https://litter.catbox.moe/0b2muq.png

Took a mix of standing sex and standing in water. Then I had to figure out which layer of her skin the pussy goes on. Wonder if her original artist ever thought about that.
My tastes lie exactly between this >>8192625 and this >>8192749
why can't everyone be normal like me?
Not enough artists do it.
https://files.catbox.moe/6f1p3y.png at least one out of that grid seems to be fine, 2-3 if you inpaint some little fuckups on two lower pics
he thinks whatever is does is good, regardless of the outcome. if it doesnt make assumptions then the user is just lazy. if it does then the model is a creative genius outperforming midjourney. there is no world where cascade is bad, no matter what it generates.
Funnily, the autist who spergposted about muh mind's eye and critical importance of controlnet always posts the most basic boring slop.
Your txt2img prompt can be interpreted and generated in a number of ways, and if the model snaps to one pose at one camera angle it's not a great look, it's just lack of knowledge. There's more than one way to interpret your prompt.
Getting something that doesn't strictly adhere to your prompt but still is cool might be a good inspiration as well. "Hey, that's actually pretty nice! I can work with that". Although yeah it's not good if it happens way too often.
they could pose and trace 3d models and get much better results, but they autistically refrain from doing so
nah man, that just looks wrong
guess there's a reason why all mermaid and snake girls only do it from the front
My tastes are everything from >>8192625 to >>8192749
Why can't we all just be friends?!
That's miles better than anything arti/animagine/etc could do, i'm impressed. Even pony will mess up gangbangs often. If you don't mind, can you try prompting for sideview doggystyle in an outdoor environment? Include tags like night/forest/etc.. can be any characters.
Wrong. It should adhere strictly to the specified parts and be creative about the unspecified part, but without being unreasonable. Defaulting to the common canon outfit(s) for a character is desirable in absence of a specified outfit. In absence of a specified pose, there is no need to always output the 1girl in a t-pose or something, that's where the model should be creative. There will always be poses you cannot fully describe in a textual manner, unless you give three dimensional joint rotation vectors for all joints on a body, and nobody does that.
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I didn't know you could skip faces, thanks for the tip
Should I just leave out most facial detail token of the main prompt?
I blame doujin artists for my affliction, specifically Kakugari Kyoudai

Same except I'm too pussy to post anything close to loli
Is Gardevoir too /d/ for /h/?
Furry is /trash/.
AMD bros... we may have hope
>Should I just leave out most facial detail token of the main prompt?
what gave me the best results is, using the usual rating tags, the loras (you can even use a different mix of lora to have to body in one style and face in another) and everything related to the face including the character name, you can even use BREAK, it's very useful when prompting more than one character. Don't forget to check the detection and limit the inpaint to 1024x1024 if you use img2img upscale.
>be creative about the unspecified part
That part should be solved by a slapped on seperate model similar in functionality to kohakus llm thingy. basically a smart wildcard. the model itself should be deterministic and always plug the holes the same way
Fat hags are disgusting.
Well time for their gaming GPUs to be even more garbage like they were with GCN
that's kinda funny
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vega 2.0? not sure if it will go good. Radeon VII was a fiasco except if you were mining in the old times
impeccable taste, requesting Boudica in similar style
>it knows 2hus
its already miles more anime than pony
hey, i liked vega
It just continues to impress. Can you try doing an image with 2girls on a black background? Use any girls, want to see if it can separate them (probably not, but worth a shot).
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I usually go full autism with details but I didn't catch that one.
Whoa! Who is that girl?
Does anyone know why sometimes ebara makes hair really blurry? Like it was a rough sketch.
touhou isn't anime doe
character design with that many details will always be reserved for gachawhores
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Eclipse from BD2.
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I'm trying to play around with tifa, how can I avoid remake outfit from showing up? I always get either gloves, suspenders or other parts of the outfit. I added those into the negatives but no luck.
OK, thanks.
Photoshop tricks = model can't do it
This makes it useless since it won't give actual dark skin creative variations unless you force it.
lower the strength of the character tag to 0.8 or so. having completely nude as the last clothing related token at .7-.9 strength also helps
Try weighting the character tag down like (tifa lockhart:0.7) or 0.8. I usually have to do that with characters that have a shit ton of results as their outfits are really strong
Any proper anime model should
No, it will not succeed in that and would be fully random, it's just impossible for 1.5-xl generation models and could be only solved with regional prompting of any kind https://files.catbox.moe/a3eggh.png or future dit models
"photoshop tricks" == actual artistic intent on AI garbage. This shit takes like 5 seconds to do.
should I use those?
>it's just impossible for 1.5-xl generation models and could be only solved with regional prompting of any kind
nai3 is an xl model and while it will fail with unpopular characters, reimu+marisa will probably be a 100% success rate so that's bs
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I'll give it a shot. I think it could be especially useful to avoid any side effects of a lora like the ohogao one I was using
The Boudica lora I have is kind of overcooked but here you are.
Here's an uuuoohh to go with your fat hag. https://files.catbox.moe/j1s9b2.png
Thanks for trying. Does it know asura? kek
>it's just impossible for 1.5-xl generation models and could be only solved with regional prompting
have you never used naiv3?
>the dwnsty boudica lora
guy made so many shit fate loras early on and somehow nobody bothers uploading better versions
>it's just impossible for 1.5-xl generation models
shuten anon was genning shuten, lucky girl and someone else in one image with consistent character features so its just not true
Very noice, I like how soft the colors are, got a box for it?
sfw/nsfw, but even those are usually unnecessary
pretty sure even pony can do that with strongest character tags, issue is that it's character knowledge is weaker in general
actually same with pony, as long as they're different enough from each other or a common pairing
did a bunch with rwby and genshins
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based, love me some fate milfs
This is a retarded question but I'll ask anyway. Is there a way to get free novelai image gen access via perhaps a loophole?
disgust and arousal can often coexist
Yeah, by sucking my cock and I'll pay for it for you
That is quite the retarded question for so many reason indeed
Whats some good prompts (pony sdxl) to add during blowjob + sex scenes that makes the faces more lewd?
did the old lady accidentally redeem the giftcard again or why do you lack money for goods and services?
What would be the prompt for that on nai?
Not much, maybe about for a week, judging just from local models, it was almost everytime just a gacha to roll until it will drop correctly
Lol, yeah
when you realize majority of 'local' users arent actually local users but just pay $3/month for some shitty service like seaart or civitai because they cant afford NAI
I've never seen a young girl that I liked generated by a fat hag lover. Sadly this time isn't an exception either.
Not in the case of fat hags...
Use your mom's credit card
And you "realized" this based on what?
Unfortunately for you I'm a dude so it won't do for either of us. I'll bless you with good luck without any gay shit, how does that sound?

$27 is a lot in a shithole where I live.
Paying $300 a year also for a 13B LLM that you aren't going to use sounds like a bad deal.
I pay for NAI but I feel they should separate their things between txt2img and llm, 25USD is a lot when you just want to gen images and discard the LLM
nai can't do multiple unique different characters, like one girl with red eyes, black long hair, hime cut and another with tanlines, freckles, brown hair. it can only generate multiple named characters
Sure, here's the original without all the editing.
fuck off thirdie
just inpaint
Holy based
Can you try wamudraws and healthyman?
if my chilean friend can afford it so can you
Just drop the model link anon, i'm tired of the tease.
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2girls, kirisame marisa, hakurei reimu, touhou, yuri, kiss, best quality, amazing quality, very aesthetic, absurdres
Just set your seed to 42, always, then it is.
Thanks, didnt expect it to be raw autism
this is actually true for most of the other imagegen generals on this website and even here we're starting to get more "people" like that
I wonder what they're going to do once they start hosting a 70B model or a bigger image gen model. The "infinite generations" thing starts to become expensive after you remove the wiggle room of the shitty 13B LLM.
Fuck you too, asshole
we back
time to try the bbc mix
Start charging more, it's not rocket science
I got into discord channel that have nai bots someone else paid for. It's lacking inpainting and few other features but it works well enough for me
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ahh, so that's what that filename was about
Oh no localsisters our response??????
uhh ohh thirdie meltie
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unironically looks like flux lol
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just uhh use regional prompter, inpainting, controlnet and train a lora
hurting girls is cringe
Just a quick test.
based effort poster, more of her
Local could never
That's easy though??
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how to get more over the top perspective like https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4930159?q=parent%3A4930159 ?
foreshortening and close-up don't do much
no artists in prompt, yeah
If they split them, they would probably cost $24.99 each.
its a slop machine. look at it, its just slop. its hard to pinpoint why, but its just the sort of nature of it all. local has actual good models like cascade which are being used by high-level creatives who want to level-up their workflow.
use nai
Good preview of what V4 will be like without artist tags
If they give more features deleting llms on the txt2img side i wouldn't be mad

or 20usd for what it is now without llms, etc
im fine with moving on to a different hobby
True, cannot believe how uppity NAI shills are getting.
but NAI can do cum on forehead?
https://files.catbox.moe/dpjx3l.png https://files.catbox.moe/6kwj2x.png
I can't, it's not my model, minthy will upload it on civ
Nai won then lol, it can't gen properly with this prompt and even quality just dropped significantly for some reason https://files.catbox.moe/lk8cge.png
What mix?
have you tried inpainting with low denoise?
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easy enough
I love marine so much, and to think you are lewding her this much! I hate you, you are evil ):< /s
Oh the classic
Orange color is my new favorite color
NAI really is dying right before our eyes, huh?
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Post a gen then bro I want to see your tastes
>Nai won then lol, it can't gen properly with this prompt and even quality just dropped significantly for some reason https://files.catbox.moe/lk8cge.png
nai is slightly overfit and pony is deepfried. tofu could probably do it with some more training
Damn, fat hag hate to the max, the absolute cunnychad.
kill yourself mass replier
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this. nai is for defects without a functional mind's eye
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same prompt
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what to get the perspective or unfuck the gen? it's just quick slop as example
Oh no naisisters our response???
god i hate pony so much
Try with some gacha girls instead, like asuna and somebody else it knows really well. Pony's 2hu knowledge is trash.
aphantasiasisters, our response????
They're doomed really. With so many state-of-the-art local models emerging like WDV and Cascade there is simply no reason to pay for NAI anymore. Flux finetunes are progressing majorly as we speak, and I expect them to land quite soon as well. This is local's D-Day moment, the ships are coming, the swarm of unstoppable quality local models is about to hit the beach. Every day the future of local looks brighter and brighter, it's simply over for SaaS.
Two more weeks
Really wonder how much money nai lost due to pony.
Not a single cent, in fact they gained more subscriptions
how come NAI gens are only ever posted in these threads with the express purpose of trolling or shitposting. everytime i see one posted it is always accompanied by an antagonistic post
There's just no way that is true. What's funny is if you go to the NAI discord there are people who bitch about shit like tensorart being better because it "knows more characters"
Its all jeets all the way down kek
The /u/ thread could use more anons.
My bad, I meant img2img
I usually do img2img with low denoise for really specific gens
why would nai users post our amazing art on the designated shitting thread? we only post them on the 'cord
Not really. They've never really been fast with anything. I was expecting a new text model back in June but stuff is progressing too fast for them to keep up.
I'm pretty sure that most of you would do horrible things for a local version of V3 despite what people in this thread say.
That's not really true. There are some naifags who just post gens in silence.
It is kinda annoying that if you post some nai gen there's always a chance that some shitposter will immediately "LOCAL COULD NEVER". That's why I actually usually refrain from posting pics now, it's just tiresome.
Because they need to justify the 25 dollars they constantly give to this company
Sour grapes do be like that
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NAIfags are too busy shilling their patreons on pixiv and twitter full of BBC porn.
people who complain about that don't even pay for nai in the first place
To a lot of people NAI and Pony are indistinguishable. It must be like the leak for them all over again.
It could be underfitted. The main point for minthy was to gerenalize the old knowledge of xl without overfitting like pony or nai to save at least some backgrounds, that is what I know for sure https://files.catbox.moe/dh690e.png
pony is an excellent ad for nai
I actually have a thread full of my gens: https://treechan.net/nsfw/thread/202.html (1 post with 4 chloes and 1 with 2 tomokos aren't mine, rest are all me iirc)
I think everyone have seen it already though, linked it plenty of times.
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I was gonna do a "pony can do it too, retards". And it mostly can, except Reimu is hashed. But I found out something more interesting. It handles character separation way better at lower CFG values.
good tip
Naisissies...our responses...?
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I have no idea how those characters are supposed to look like but surely it doesnt get more mainstream than this right
Wait wtf
Can you try this with the CFG++ sampler?
dunno. multiple people itt stated that they switched to pony or only occasionally sub to nai for various reasons (lacking char knowledge, lacking local tools, cost)
kek I knew it's you shitposting about fat hags
Can you try prompting for donald trump
I mean I have it right in that thread's OP post!
>multiple people itt stated that they switched to pony
lol no
What is tensorart?
>except Reimu is hashed
she isn't, but every other 2hu character is pruned
no idea i have a tensor wallet for my crypto, is it like the same thing? ai crypto porn?
You have to be retarded to believe this isn't true.
Feel free to post your local gens.

civitai but for chinks
They wouldn't be happy about girls with cum on their faces.
This shit is ugly nigga, use another style.
whatever helps you sleep at night
A website similar to civitai
it's just one mentally ill pajeet spamming all the local images and /aco/ images and hag images and reporting pedo gens and making fun of nai. Rest of the thread are all based nai using cunnyseurs, you have to believe me!
ah, you meant to img2img danbooru picture, well getting character features will be nightmare
thought that maybe i'm missing some perceptive tag or something, if it's not possible by txt2img then i will not bother
kek another horsefucker L
I'm not sure it's usable with Efficiency Nodes' XY graph. They make a point of being non-compatible with other nodes.
just go up to the beginning of this thread lol
meant for
Local could NEVER
bruh isn't it tiresome to bait with the same fucking shit for almost a year now
not until it stops getting you's
I knew I was right to gen at cfg 3
cfg++ doesnt change that sort of things, should be the same
Tofu will barely be on the level of Animagine, Kohaku, Arti, Neta and Sanae, screenshot this.
Our local finetuners really are baking the exact same model every month.
These are a bit older but maybe closer to your taste
tried with v2 which is a 1.5 model and it seems to do fine too, although sometimes it fails
I think ef could separate popular characters too iirc, so 1.5 isn't completely braindead
I... dislike them both. Idk what to tell you, I'm not being contrarian on purpose, I swear!
let me try too, this is my old "can't we all just get along" image https://litter.catbox.moe/fpsx9j.png
oh no no no no no. local could never
>mogged by a 1.5 model
it's over
This is even worse bro...
Tofu shills, your response?
Is the bait AI generated?
Localbros how do we recover
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You are so mean...
Yeah I guess it's hard to make stuff when you don't see the appeal. Wonder how artists do it when they get swamped with futa commissions.
>2hoe again
Can't you pick a proper franchise to fangirl about? no wonder 2ch is constantly mocking this place
That's why getting along isn't an option. I'm all for AI board with separate threads by taste. You can even have your own "get along" thread with everything. Not happening on 4chan though.
it's always funny when an artist does a single futa comission and then instantly gets flooded with 20 more
i guess the money helps but i imagine it has to get pretty annoying at some point
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local should be ugly bastard
Should be miqo though. It's the pinnacle of local aesthetic.
Dumb ape, you die now
Nothingburger or the final nail in comfytroons coffin?
it could be an option if posting flat chests wasn't a 3day risk, like it used to be here. people did fine posting both hags and reasonable cunnies, I like both unless it's some grotesque shit and is done right, and I believe most anons are also like this
I showed my "normie" friend NAI and pony gens to see if he could tell the difference when it came to aesthetics, and he said it all looked the same to him kek
still didn't got my 3days for a flattie from yesterday
equally as tiring as using the same shitty models for almost a year too.
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hdg has fallen
Its all AI garbage, i dont know why so many morons here delude themselves. We are making garbage, theres no 2 ways about it.
All the evil mods went to /edg/, that place got fucked, /hdg/ is untouched for a while on the other hand, only some loli loli posts are removed, and then not always even them.
You've got it backwards, he thinks it all looks like actual art but he doesn't see a difference in "Aesthetics" between the images when it comes to like dynamic range/etc/etc. We all have fried our brains by looking at millions of ai images, normies are on a whole other level.
garbage that is still better than 90% of real artists
>pedo+bbc spam combo
Real NAI hours
Show them to a Japanese otaku who's not into AI instead.
That one is literally local though, he even shared his ip adapter settings and opossum lora.
it's local
its the lack of bbc
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What exactly was the point of this? There's virtually no porn here. If you wanted to tell a story you could have just greentexted this.
Strange that I like many of my "AI Garbage" gens more than my most favorite images done by real artists.
quite a few post got down for lolicon, so i'm surprised that absolute cutting board can still remain in this shithole
really does feel like it but probably copium
It's meant to be about age not breast size anyway
What server is that? I assume all the prompts you post to the bot there are public?
Dare I say that the posts that got removed recently are reasonable (even if I wish it wasn't banned). Not so long ago the bans/removals were absolutely insane to the point where posting miqote was the only safe move almost unironically
t5 is far worse than clip and has done catastrophic damage to every model that uses it
so true jordach!
Is T5 what Dall-E 3 uses?
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Wow those text boxes are dogshit. Never do this again.

Anyone know or have an idea of the artist mix
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>ah, you meant to img2img danbooru picture, well getting character features will be nightmare
I mean, if this is what you want, I just copy-pasted your prompt and used img2img with the pic you linked with 0.75 denoise.
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rabbits are for ___
i mean, tbdesu perspective from the original pic is mostly gone, but i will try it with different pictures and denoise strengths
nai won
nai shitposting is done by falseflagging localfags
Best style you got out of NAI yet, like these gens very much. Maybe I'll gen some myself too.
ngl I occasionally do that, but not right now
why? proof? which sources? what statements? someone made a analysis? a written scientific paper stating this?
it was revealed to me in a dream
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Ah well, my final attempt.
I like some of your Enma Ai gens though.
nta, based but she's out of character lolish here
not him but im pretty sure that he won't like this either, all his gens feature slender slightly melancholic teen girls and some scenery; your gens are just lolis, which is fine though
not sure why you try to please him though, people like what they like
They just all look synthetic to me, I don't like your gens aesthetically, not for content.
Chloe is almost decent but the radioactive eyes are abhorrent and I'd prefer black background for this particular gen.
so can flux do porn yet or what
just nudity, with loras
depends on what continent you live in
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It's a 2hu server. Dunno if the invites is still up but try looking up /b/ archives. And yeah it's public but no one cares about c word over there, it's a degenerate safe space
cant you just post link, don't really feel like dumpster diving b right now
dont even need the bot
splendid anime gens, remind me of the first anime that i ever watched: ディă‚șăƒ‹ăƒŒăƒ”ă‚Żă‚”ăƒŒć†°é›Ș愇緣2
nice try kurumuz
is the best autotagger interrogator still wd-swinv2-tagger-v3?

Ive had a lot of issues lately with it not hitting backgrounds on images and fucking stuff up and I hate going thru a ton of images to fix that.
i think i remember some 'cord invite links posted on b few months ago but ignored that shit
it's just that a cord server for degens sounds comfy
>not sure why you try to please him though, people like what they like
Just a reason to post gens and discuss, why not. I got to see his gens too.
I haven't tried aesthetics focused gens for younger girls much before (just once), mostly coom focused, but you're making me want to try harder. I like your post #231 and 214. Another time though, back to fat hags for now.
you missed the latest one:
although i don't think it's that big of an improvement over swinv2 v3 and you'll still have to go through a ton of images to manually fix stuff for the foreseeable future
Decided to check it out after seeing all the complaints and this is pretty nice actually, better than I expected. Text boxes could be better for sure, but I've enjoyed it. Good job.
>Good job.
Been lurking the thread after waking back up. I'm not surprised people dont like it, but im glad you do, and that one other anon.
Had some unexpected events not happened the past 2 weeks I'd have made something completely different
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231 is my favorite as well, also got nuked from /e/ instantly for it kek, though almost all other ones I posted there were fine.
As a story it sucks, feels odd and disjointed, but the gens themselves and the temporal consistency are quite good
nta, but how do you even add these to the tag manager?
>got nuked from /e/ instantly for it kek
satellite-san requires a space for his masterpieces, please understand
>feels odd and disjointed
it is, i got my shit kicked in a few times this week and couldnt keep it coherent
>almost no curves
peak of feminine physique, unironically
Yeah, that's a lot of effort. And pretty consistent too. Good job.
could lifting have saved you?
i probably should have mentioned this originally. i used 5 style loras, and nothing else. it was all inpainting and bruteforcing it to do stuff. no extra concept loras, just a model, some styles, thats it
no, it couldnt
if you're using the wd14 tagger extension then go to your extensions folder, open \tagger\utils.py and add:
'wd-eva02-large-tagger-v3': WaifuDiffusionInterrogator(
'WD EVA02-Large Tagger v3',
>peak of feminine physique, unironically
physique that doesn't let you tell girls and boys apart if seen from behind is peak feminine?
>no, it couldnt
damn, hope you're holding up
yes, for me feminine look was always about subtle and sort of weak body, not about huge red baboon ass
Thanks I can use it that way, but I would like to be able to use it in the boorudatasettagmanager so I can edit the tags there, any ideas on that one?
there's nothing wrong with liking androgynous looks, but trying to twist definitions is always kinda odd
we'll see, friend died, girl i fumbled with is now going out with another guy i know, i am hitting joker tier and coping with it turned into a weird incest plot. not like I was any good at this anyway, but at the very least I can say I think its nice I did all of this without using any nvidia hardware as an accomplishment in itself. if youre curious the original plot was
>dad and daughter are the only characters
>dad finds out his daughter's a degenerate gooner
>bonding happens and she becomes an e-whore, and dad helps with production of it
>eventually she falls for her dad
>dad now debating wether to commit to it fully or not
reason i backed out is because i dont like father/daughter incest. shits weird but i feel like it would have been more simple

for now though I'm going to see what the market for pc hardware does for the next few months and see where it goes while i get a new job. I originally intended to do all this to pass time between it, but the fact is the job market sucks more dick than the anime girls in these threads and i dont have much of a safety net left anymore.
As a man of exactly the same taste I came to conclusion that for me it's about the fact that I can assert dominance over a weak female and I exclusively like dominant roles in sex. While if it's some huge fucking monster of a female all I can think is "wtf she'll fucking crush me man". I don't find that to my liking at all.
not from the front either
i don't use that so no idea
You can generate the tags in whatever, then open them later with Booru thingy
It's getting hard to control.
look what they need to mimic a fraction of controlnet+regional prompter
Since you did it from t2i without smea, there's probably just not enough attention (it's limited to 1024x1024 in sdxl iirc) so that's why it may be harder for NAI, not necessarily because of 4 girls.
Typing words is hard man.
but anon, they're looking nothing like males, like really
never thought about it, but yeah half of the shit i'm genning are some sort of bondage, spanking, leashes, etc.
localoids don't look
Makes sense. For me they're workout motivation.
ok thanks for showing me how to do it in forge, that worked.

I figured that's what I was going to have to do, but I would prefer to use them in the tag manager so its all done in one UI.
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man, local its ALMOST there, but as always we need to wait another 12 months of nothingburger just for something that pops up out of nowhere and save local (hopefully)
flux can be better than what we currently have, but... its kinda half bad judging by its parameter size, and its 16ch vae could definitely be better, making it not that appealing for local users in general, its not funny to use a quantized model because of the loss of precision
if tofu rapes pony it will be the new best model for anime porn but i can only see this as a win for 4090 users
very few people are barely capable of baking loras
good work amdanon
>if tofu rapes pony it will be the new best model for anime porn but i can only see this as a win for 4090 users
Tofu is base sdxl though, not flux, difference from 4tail it that it's not trained from pony. At least that's what I got from anons posts about it. Actually if you Ctrl+F tofu the first post about it says XL finetune.
>if tofu rapes pony it will be the new best model for anime porn but i can only see this as a win for 4090 users
what? it's an sdxl model. and it definitely won't be better than pony
you should not be allowed to post here without a 4090 or better
>if tofu rapes pony it will be the new best model for anime porn but i can only see this as a win for 4090 users
Based on the tofu images that got posted, it absolutely mogs pony when it comes to the funny (i.e. it understands naizuri as a tag/etc). Will have to see which artists/characters it supports (minthy is putting together grids). If it's based on the 4thtail dataset, it should be around 1.2 million images. It's definitely miles ahead of models like arti/animagine when it comes to nsfw, so I have high hopes.
I'm very sorry to say this, but Tofu creator fell out of his apartment window. Police is now looking for a suspicious male with dark complexion, presumably Turkish.
bringing here my proto custom h200s tomorrow, prepare your anus vramlet
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Shout out to that anon from the last thread for the ntr-coded idea

bro don't say this please, I want to get out from pony hell
>It's definitely miles ahead of models like arti/animagine when it comes to nsfw
i'm not convinced of this yet from the examples we've seen so far
anima will mog tofu
I mean creases, highlights, subtle sheerness. None of the models I've tried are as detailed even with tags like impossible clothes, taut clothes, shiny clothes, see-through etc...

I was worried only 1.5 and NAI can do it but I guess that's the case. I'll try ai-generated and see.
Guess we'll know tomorrow
There's going to be a new 4thtail model to.
Yeah my guess is it could become the best /e/ model for a while, we'll see how it stacks up against Artiv2. Won't struggle with styles as much as pony, but there's no way it's getting better nsfw knowledge with just danbooru.
i've never been able to get detailed clothes with pony desu
Any tips for combining artist tags into a custom shitmix?
>its sdxl
oh damn, mb anons
just forget what ive said lol
still i dont retire a single word about what i said of flux

i honestly though it was flux because it looked like it, also, the details were superior to what im used to, but not extra detailed, just like flux kek
actually the tofu gens looks very nice and clean for being just sdxl, i guess thats what you get when you dont convert your entire dataset to jpeg two times in a row
sounds terrible really find someone to talk to man, this place isn't exactly the best fit for it. and that girl lol, you dodged a bullet
>did all of this without using any nvidia hardware
what the fuck
get nvidia when you can and dive into genning
artist:j.k., artist:blushyspicy, {{{artist: yd orange maru}}}, artist:Cutesexyrobutts, artist:redrop,realistic,2023,
leave burgerland or whatever 3rd world country you're in and return to the cradle of civilization
Yeah and maybe don't blogpost so much on an indian discord screenshot forum
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I wonder how that one anon who used to draw those cute little doodles is doing, I hope he didn't kill himself
>get nvidia when you can and dive into genning
my passionate hate for nvidia is stronger than my desire to gen better
>find someone to talk to man, this place isn't exactly the best fit for it
well considering how few gens are actually posted i beg to differ, but youre not wrong
love how it generated a hole in her ear and then placed the loop besides it
he showed up in this thread, he's been posting aco black queens on his pixiv this whole time
Thread was kinda comfy without them tbhsenpai, nobody is even sperging out much anymore, it would be better if they keep never coming here.
Just got off the phone with Trump, NAIV3 will be open sourced within his first 100 days.
does he even have a shot? don't really follow burgerpolitics and sn is pure leftist propaganda
is this BA or what
kurumuz in shambles
seems like /e/ was a necessary sacrifice
Their vote is always close, no matter who's running. Such a weird system.
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works much better with nyantcha!
why, he's said that it's never going open source before
don't forget dark-skinned male,interracial,
Is there any early 3d renderer(like 90's no lights baked shadows) or y2k aesthetics kind of Lora?
Nice bursting breasts
this breaks the penis
does orange maru have a special tag for pony like urer for mimonel?
fuuuuuck shortstacks are so sexy
that's a child you sick fuck
Where is the stack you moron? Where do you see abnormally large breasts for her build, you absolute imbecile?
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Tell me if you ever find out. I'm coping with 2-3 loras to get something close to his style
just using the danbooru tag doesn't work?
nta but his stuff is pruned from danbooru.

You need to cut up doujinshi panels and tag them, yes this will require some work but get to it.
Upload your tagged panels here when you are done so someone else can also make probably a better LoRA
>nta but his stuff is pruned from danbooru.
I show him with 1.7k listings, unless I'm misunderstanding
oh I was looking at orange_maru not yd_(orange_maru), yeah no excuse for not being able to make a LoRA from that.
Pony in general is pretty shit at copying styles though
>Pony in general is pretty shit at copying styles though
heavily artist dependent
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>Generate dataset for a V3 Mix
>Train dataset
>Rinse and repeat
It's going to be a real shame if NAI does prune artists for V4 since I think the real fun of V3 is purely in the mixing.
Try the 4th tail extract in conjunction with a Lora. There's something about full fine-tuning that lets pony pick up parts of a style that always get lost on lora training
4th tail sucks at styles most of the time though
i know

shortstack doesnt always mean big tits, look at fucking midna you giant buffoon
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Last one
take it to /d/
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holy based
Especially with pony-refiner workflow.
Flux won
based based so fcking zased
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I need some cake
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stay hydrated
Someone explain to me like im retarded how can adding a lora remove knowledge from your model, something must be fucked up for that to happen
When you pour some more water into a glass that is already full to the brim, what's supposed to happen?
I would expect a virtual glass to be able to handle more water
no need to imagine you're retarded when you can't even formulate your question properly
loras aren't added to the model
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Question for people with more experience with inpainting. I managed to fix her side drill, and sew her hand back together, but I cannot figure out a way to fix the hair between her chest and right art.
its injecting and hard-replacing model knowledge, this is why loras are copium and why flux is a complete waste of parameters. 12b for it to all go towards complete slop as styles/characters were washed out by garbage AI captioning. if your parameters are not properly balanced then your model becomes shit. base model can do sonic and mario shaking hands, but what if you want to use two loras to have vegil and dante shaking hands in the style of raita? good luck, enjoy stacking layers of additional copium tools to wrangle lora bleeding and frying. loras are a fundamentally copium flawed tech, they have the same limitations they've had since day 1.
lmao, some artists are just not meant to be mixed.
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She's my star pupil, bros.
tofu just flew over my house
On my knees waiting for tofu
What do you even want to inpaint there? Tendril texture?
Her back drills, pretty much.

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no i'm just trying to figure out why i can't post from edge anymore but every other browser works
>The mother died
What the fuck killed her?
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Try using this as the base for your inpainting.
What is your process to reach this point?
You could cut bread on that flat ass
tragic ass eating accident. it was all over the news
I drew it manually
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Well, I did not expect anyone here to go through all that effort. Thanks.
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I copied a section from the right side where the drill is visible and pasted it a bunch of times until it looked decent. No need to draw if you get creative, just inpaint that to fix any minor issues.
No problem
> no pubes
Non-canon and disrespectful and gross. Give her some pubes, Anon.
Any recs for sampling/scheduler for adetailer & hires? I've normally stuck to using the same I used to gen my image but noticing a few upsides/downsides when switching to others. Any advantage to some beyond placebo?
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I know your type. Unless the girl has more hair than a grizzly bear, it ain't enuff.
Brazil Miku must have pubes though. That's one of her charm points.
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She still can't figure out this Diglett.
>refiner doesn't work on forge
>fp8 doesn't work on reforge
it's actually over
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any anon here that knows what model/lora was used for this image or how to achieve a similar style?
Return to A1111. It basically solved all my issues.
not a good decision for a vramlet
inpainted midjourney
what makes you say that?
it's good
local can't do good
because i've used every relevant image model ever released and can recognize their patterns when i see them
probably channeling some korean or taiwanese artist. which one i don't know.
prepare for the comeback...
How fucking convenient don't you think
>source: trust me bro
so no real argument, then?
I will say that I still essentially agree with you, the weapon and hold give me midjourney vibes but the head is clearly SD

>local can't do good
if you browse /hdg/ of course not
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>Himmel wouldn't have come so quickly...
Might be heavily edited, his other images look way more local https://x.com/black_hound1980/media
Probably a lora on some chink XL shitmix, overfit on one artist's style.
That is a Cool Pic.
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I don't know man. Her eyes are way too far apart, she's holding the sword by the blade and about to cut her right arm off. And the mechanical bits look like random noise, like there's no reason for her forearm or thigh to be segmented like that, and the holes on her torso also don't help probably.
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Alright folks - A1111, ForgeUI or ComfyUI? Why?
>she's holding the sword by the blade
Sometimes used for support, but yeah, you would be correct.

Wait, do most of you use NAI? How many local users are left?
Used to post my local images here but lately there has been such a quality gap from NAI that I get laughed out of the thread every time
make up your mind >>8192975
I use local but barely post my gen because people find them too aco...
>himmel wouldnt have cum
none, all the images itt are NAI at this point
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People run what they can afford, or if they have the hardware.

I'm simply praying for the RTX5090 do not rise more in price.
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my favorite painters of all tim, Rembrandt and Ciloranko
>I'm simply praying for the RTX5090 do not rise more in price.
I expect it to be both more expensive and not very impressive with the 28gb of vram
ive grown tired of making power supply jokes with nvidia cards. i simply wish for them to make these so comically big that people have to remodel their homes to even fit them
I used to be obsessed with local genning. But over the past half year, the slop look really started to wear on me. Especially when pony became the only model people made loras for.
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i tested out a number of "old master" artists and rembrandt gave me some horny images. i keep him in cause it's a good chuckle.
I used to use giger and beksinski in 1.5, I'm sad astralite blew ponies brains out and it lost all the original SDXL artist knowledge.
the only avaible beksiƄski loras are for base xl, will see just for sake of it, like they will look on pony
Rather than relying on half-overwritten leftover knowledge, it would probably be better to include these artists into a finetune. Well, better than including deviantart and ponies at least.
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animagine refiner
>does anyone know how X did Y
I get that the whole point is ripping off artists to make stuff, but are we still at that embryonic stage of just plugging in other people's prompts?
You can't even prompt by yourselves?
Unlimited possibilities at your fingertips but you'd rather have what he's having?
>Unlimited possibilities at your fingertips
nta but it's a good starting point, then you can branch away from his style into your own thing. If everyone were to start out with source_anime, score_9, score_8_up, etc like astra wants you to, most people would drop the model before making anything half decent.
it's way faster to reverse engineer a good prompt than making it yourself
I don't understand, should I install forge or ReForge?
going to the store....... anyone want anything
99% of prompting is a checkpoint or lora hard carry
lemme get uhhh sasha_(haguhagu) with fake cat ears and tail plug on nai
is that how it works
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2.87 MB PNG
You made me realize what I was missing.

I respect artists a bit more now. This shit is hard.

amazing, thank you
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Your daily dose of trooncord screencaps, sars
You are late. Your services are no longer required.
who needs 3.6b anyway, 1b is already perfect in every way
I can't wait for after all the fuss and delay, 3.6b will be shit because Jordach is incompetent and stuck up his own ass. At this point the gpu requirements for flux and flux lora training are less than cascade 3.6b as well, completely useless arch and a waste of time and money

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