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Discuss all forms of NTS-themed images, manga, anime, doujinshi, visual novels, games, etc EXCEPT:
-Content/Discussions about IRL cuckolding / Larping. This thread is only intended for 2D NTS.
-Content/Discussions about straight NTR or NTS --> NTR. (This belongs in the NTR thread)
NTS with NTR elements is okay as long as it stays NTS.

Also: long discussions are okay but make sure your post has an NTS-related image.

NTS works/illustrations:
- https://koharu.to/?s=tag:^netorase$
- https://hentainexus.com/?q=tag:netorase
- https://exhentai.org/tag/female:netorase
- https://exhentai.org/?f_search=female%3Anetorare%24+female%3Aswinging%24 (replace x with minus if you're a newfag)
- https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E5%AF%9D%E5%8F%96%E3%82%89%E3%81%9B

Popular NTS Artists: https://pastebin.com/KhVhhGMK
NTS Games: https://pastebin.com/Pw97kzWb
More NTS Games: https://f95zone.to/threads/complete-netorase-sharing-games-master-list.90458/
NTS Twine Novels: https://pastebin.com/gY3SPHbQ

Source: pixiv.net/en/artworks/122312673
Previous Thread: >>8167913
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NTS with a second girl corrupting the wife + teasing the cuck is HEAVEN
These kind of intros are very hot since you know in a few moments that loving, gentle face of hers is gonna turn into that of a nasty whore enjoying some consented cheating sex...
Anyone knows any other work with similar scenario?
yuri netorase?
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That's really fucking hot and even hotter if you're a female. But as a male it doesn't elicit the same feelings as normal NTS. Like, I rather be the bull in this scenario, lol.
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This is the only one I know. I came a shitton on this scene. It unfortunately ends in NTR but goddamn the gyaru taking such lovingly care of the cuck made me diamonds.
Abundance of cock cage in nts is so cringe.
Yeah, I fucking hate that too.
NTS is when you like NTR and get a gf but dont want her to actually leave you for the other guy
Nts is vanilla, ntr isn't
NTS is consensual and It won't end the relationship, and NTR is not consensual, just outright cheating in some cases and will end relationship in most situations. .
Unfortunately real vanilla nts(doesn't end in ntr and doesn't have abusive gf/wife who doesn't give a fuck about the cuck) is really rare.
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Such an innocent gesture, and yet so evocative and arousing...
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Vanilla NTS would probably be stories where cuckold reporting, sloppy seconds, and other cuck x wife interactions stand central in the story. The cheating sex is not the focus. But since most JP artists don't understand NTS, they'll just fill it up for 99% with cheating sex and add a "teehee I still love you" panel at the end if it didn't end in NTR already, very cringe.
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On a side note, I hope we can keep this thread's quality up. Now that the Hinakosaurus and her essayfags have died, it should be a huge improvement.
>I hope we can keep this thread's quality up.

As long as that BBC obsessed poster is gone the quality can improve.
It occured to me that some of you might be into the new Doijin3aries game. It's shota, cause that's their MO, but one of the options is to play as the girl's boyfriend or husband, meaning you're taking her around and offering up to kids on the street. I'm more in it for the ridiculously sexy customizable gyaru, but thought it might be in some of your strike zones.
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There IS good NTS that does not effeminate the husband, does not deny the husband having loving sex, is purely consensual, and does NOT lead to NTR

Hitozuma Uregoro Niku-kyun
[Tsuzura Kuzukago]
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Post BWC instead of crying about BBC retarded racist faggot cuck
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And with just this panel I've disproven everything you said, back to the NTR thread you go!
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Another fine addition to my collection.
>slop, complete with extra fingers
Ah yes, a high quality image worth posting.
Just look at that neck and imagine someone saying "Yeah, that look good".
>thread not even 30 posts in and people are already crying about their personal retarded definition of NTS not being adhered to by artists that don't even speak their language
never change, schizo retards
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I liked this post-ntr doujin with netorase elements. Guy breaks up with his gf after she ntr's him, but can't forget her and kinda developed cuck fetish. They meet again after two years. Tons of very hot scenes and happy ending.
Nobody asked, NTRfag
I dont know if I am in the minority here, but I hate when netorase revolves around humilliating the male partner.
I prefer the absolute opposite actually, when it's the guy ordering the girl around to for example fuck some ojisans or hobbos and other humilliating tasks, I loathe with every clel of my body when the guy is the one being humilliated with dick cage or being mocked (teasing is fine I guess) but so many nts arts and doujins dive into mocking and humilliating the partner that finding one to get off too becomes hard
>I hate humiliation
>Teasing is fine
would be nice if unsure faggots could shut the fuck up until they know what they want instead of telling everyone who can't do shit about it what they dislike..
Same. I don't enjoy when teasing crossed into humiliation. On similar lines, I don't like the trope of the small dick BF and the girl having a big dick awakening, and then the whole thing about how the husband won't be able to satisfy her anymore. Way too into NTR camp. I respect that some are into it, but it's a complete turn off for me.
I feel like stuff of this type, even though it literally fits the definition, wouldn't usually be counted as NTS. It's just orgy/slut-taming. Have read many doujins like this that weren't tagged NTR before NTS became an actual tag on most sites because it doesn't really make sense to have a term encompass two polar opposite target demographics.
>when it's the guy ordering the girl around
yeah you don't actually enjoy NTS, you just want to larp as a pimp
like a lot of the posters itt
>And with just this panel I've disproven everything you said, back to the NTR thread you go!

She had a childhood crush.
He found the guy, now married, and set up a sex session so she have completion.
There is no NTR, he KNOWS she had a crush on the guy and is allowing her to play out the emotions.
She is in a happy marriage and is VERY happy that her husband set this up for her.
He get the BEST NTS FEELINGS knowing she truly does love the crush BUT is also in love with her husband. He has enough experience with her to know that she can have sex with other men but always come home to him.
She is NOT hiding anything from him and even asks him if it is OK if she continues to se the crush.
This is 100% NTS ... he gets all emotional rush rush of losing a his love and seeing the sexual happiness she is having fucking another man she loved, but the pure joy when she comes back to him happy he let her have the experience, and wanting loving sex with him.
I feel like I've played every nts game that's actually decent :(
There isn't a ton of them and it's even less if you're picky, Probably why 80% of the thread is pictures and manga based.
Same. Teasing is fine, but full-blown humiliation often gives me NTR vibes.
I understand that some people prefer this aspect, tho.

How is preferring dominant over submissive cucks an indication he isn't into NTS?
Possibly. Games where you pimp out your girls, like Secret Care Cafe and Custom Order Maid, came up here too.

But I’m not sure if you can play RJ01204507 without knowing moonrunes.
>But I’m not sure if you can play RJ01204507 without knowing moonrunes.
Fair. You could definitely play cause it's just figuring out what different buttons do. If you can't into moon, though, you'll miss a lot of the flavor that provides the netorase feelings. Without that, it's just a shota/slut simulator.
>wahhhhh waycism! You’re the pathetic one!
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>instead of posting content he likes he chose to be retarded
Here's more BBC NTS stuff for you to seethe about. Cry more, okay? I'll make sure to keep you fed.
Wrong. She is still in love with her crush, don't pretend it was a thing in the past. If the woman loves another man it's NTR. Gtfo now.
Just because you like to gargle on another man's cum doesn't mean everyone likes that. You're a beta cuck who has high chance of getting his wife stolen. Stay submissive and in your pathetic cuck chair while the dominant cucks enjoy their stuff and remain having a loving wife.
NTS = another man fucked your girl and you’re glad it happened
NTR = another man fucked your girl and you would rather it didn’t happen

Some works are hybrids.
NTS to NTR = you asked your girl to fuck another man, she had too much fun fucking another man and she left you in the end
NTR to NTS = you found your girl cheating on you, your world crumbled and you have so many questions. In the end you conquered your pseudo cuckphobia and asked yourself the ultimate question “what’s wrong with being a cuck? cmon~”
Wtf is this headcanon definition
NTS = cucked with consent
NTR = cucked without consent
This. People looking at the end to know if they are enjoying something deserve to be hurt instead of simply enjoying the ride.
Not everyone likes to have their dick in a cage or fucking drink other's man cum while being mocked, if that's your thing good on you tho.
>t. NTS --> NTR lawyer
Disagreed. If I order vanilla ice cream I don't want nigger shit at the bottom of the cone.
>He can't tell tasteful teasing from humilliating mocking
I'm sorry for you
Don't be, I enjoy both but saying you can always tell, you're most likely full of shit.
Are you perhaps retarded?
>I enjoy both
>I can't always tell
Well anon, its fiction, you can easily tell by reading the series?
ITT: Cucks calling cucks cucks
>Well anon, its fiction, you can easily tell by reading the series?
uh, i don't read.
People looking at the end to know if they are reading actual ntr are sane people who want to read actual nts.
The "sanity" of arguing at which point NTS is not NTS anymore.
Is it the same two or three people arguing on every single NTS thread?
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Not, it's actually just one guy.

That being said, post your ideal netorase body
Yea when I first saw a vanilla to ntr it fucked with my head that I was jerking off to it thinking it was wholesome vanilla so I got in the habit of checking tags and stuff and also checking the last pages to make sure I'm not being tricked with slop.

It sucks cuz it did make it harder to jisy read a story in peace and enjoy the ride cuz I have the right to demand that ride not lead to certain places. I can appreciate depraved sexual art even if it's an ntr but that's a different kind of fap than vanilla story that gives u that good heart fap if that makes sense. Ppl refuse to understand why some guys just don't want to waste the82wrir nut on whores.
Whores are the best though
Oh my fucking hell.

NTS: Your girlfriend fucks someone with your permission.
NTR: Your girlfriend fucks someone without your permission.

That's it. Whether the protagonist likes it or not is irrelevant. The reason is irrelevant. Does she have your permission or not? That's the difference and that's the only difference. Everything else is sauce.
Nigger, NTR is when the girl gets STOLEN. Your definition of NTR is actually just cheating. Dumbasss cunt.
NTS by definition means lending, hence it means it has to be consented by the cuck. If you want a simple explanation, it should stop here.

The argument starts from the "lending" part, more specifically "why" or "how" it happened or even if it's just "literally" lending.
By literal, it means that as long as the protag lent his girl to others, it's already NTS no matter what the case is.
By how, it means that some people liked NTS for the humiliation part of it. This can also mean the opposite where the cuck is in control of the relationship and some people love it that way.
By why, it means that some (including me) focus more on the loving relationship of the cuck and the girl with just the added cuckolding. As long as they truly love each other, anything goes.
There are probably some other reasons for why they love or hate some NTS works like BBC, bull/cuck impregnation, cuck getting to fuck the girl in the end, the girl getting corrupted, etc. In the end, it's just a matter of preference.

tldr, there is the actual definition which is the "lending" part. People just have different tastes on how or why the "lending" works. There's really not much point in arguing. Just ignore the ones you don't like and move on.
Give me some good blood related Imouto netorase. I fucking love slutty little sisters that show their older brothers how they get fucked. Anything that I might've missed from dlsite or panda.
I remember Minato Itoya's All for Brother. I'm not really fond of it but it fits your criteria.
Actually, I've been trying to find one with a loli imouto that as a christmas present show her brother how she fucks some old guy.
Whoa, thanks dude.
[Minato Itoya] When I Gave Her What She Longed For...
[Taira Issui] The Case of My Little Sister Being XX! 2
Still read part 1 of the Taira Issui one
Nice, yeah I fapped a lot to that one, the first one I had it bookmarked and didn't remember till now. It's such a niche category so thanks anyway.
With 4chan X extension, pressing F will display only posts with pics.
Old threads go to archived.moe.

QUESTION: Is there a method to display only pics in archive sites?
Anyone here who tried creating chatbot NTS cards? I have created some for myself but I'm not comfortable sharing it yet. Unless some people here shared their own first.
I thought about it but haven't gotten around to making one. Chatbots are not great at it though and you can convince chatbots to do it even if it wasn't in the card at all.
It's a shame she's got no tits.
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>small breasts but child-bearing hips and huge ass
Fantastic taste.
We need a smug mesugaki imouto who's head over heels for her onii-chan but teases him about his cuck fetish. And once she has given him the idea that she's fully stolen away, she returns to him and they have baby-making sex until he's fully reassured again.
One of my all time favorites. Reading fun about cheating the night they get engaged was cute.
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Tried my hand in chatbots. I wrote in char definition to always ask user permission before engaging with other guys. But she fucked someone behind my back anyway. 10/10 for realism.
Try putting it in the character's note or author's note instead. Some models also just like to forget things.
What's the source for this cropped image?
Anon from a thread or two ago shared this NTS worldbook: https://rentry.org/eh4fcyuz
I haven't tried it but I like the idea, allowing you to easily do NTS with most/any character cards
I need help with a NTS plot NTS bros, is it still NTS if the GF is getting gangbanged but the BF joining in or it this something else?
Are you blind?
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(Otochichi)] Fella Mask Fujin - Takahashi Reiko Fujin no Baai
It's NTS if he's sexually excited by her getting gangbanged by other dudes.
It's just swinging if he doesn't care beyond trying to please her himself while she's also being pleased by other guys.
It's literally just a gangbang from the description given, you would need to give us more information to be able to give an opinion if it's NTS or not. Might even be rape without knowing how she feels about it.
The focus and main POV should be male and female protag. Any other participants should be depicted as human dildos and onaholes.
Otherwise, you cant really differentiate it from the typical immoral group sex genre.
3 seconds loop of silhouette, amazingly original.
>being a cuck
such a kino combo
Netorase is from the POV of the cuckold
Netorare is from the POV of the hotwife.
Spreading so confidently misinformation should result into death of your family
No one cares about the definition of an otter.
And death to all Hinakoniggers too. They're just NTRniggers in denial.
Do you call people in the rape thread rapists too?
Sure why not. You're not sucking literal dicks but people still call you a faggot after all.
Thanks for proving my point
>Just because I fap to yaoi doesn't mean I'm gay!
Found the r*dditor who calls lolicons pedophiles
I still don't understand their logic.
>yeah I may be fapping to male genitalia, but I'm 100% straight guys, trust me!
There is also male genitalia in straight porn... Are these cucks trying to make this thread there safe space or something? They're trying to force their ficton=reality narrative while the thread clearly says larping is forbidden. They've thrown nuance in the trash so there's not much point in discussing with them.
you're right, I should have elaborated
>yeah I may be fapping to male genitalia going up the asses of other guys, but I'm 100% straight guys, trust me!
there you go
This is some real masculine insecurity. Wait til you try to make sense of femboy porn.
>This is some real masculine insecurity
no, that's fapping to gay porn but insisting you're not gay
nice try though
at this point a modo should just nuke this thread, half of it is literally off-topic.
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I normally just ignore koikatsu content because most of it from what i see is supbar but i like what this user makes. thanks
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I blame the irl cucks
Wish Kaya was NTS
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Just ban that guy who can't separate fiction and reality and keeps derailing. Back on-topic, NTS without smug cuckold reporting is boring.
Honestly, I have mixed feelings on cuckold reporting in VNs. I love the teasing but I rather be present for each session and see it happen with my own eyes instead of only seeing the sex happen at the last scene. I also hate female pov NTS/NTR so maybe it's just a me problem.
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You can have both though? Be present and later on she tells you details you would never notice as a man. Also rewatching the sex tape you shot yourself of your waifu is super hot.
>>8202381 Mostly just talking about some Atelier Sakura titles like the first marina and the most recent one I played https://vndb.org/v16043. This one utterly blue balled me you don't see anything in the male pov its nothing but cuckold reporting(unless I'm miss remembering).
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Muripoyo chads, we be feasting tonight!
I can see where you're getting at. I like reports because the teasing is so much different during a report scene versus the in person scene. It's always so sultry and builds great tension towards the MC finally seeing it in person. Hearing Marina report to Kenji in Marina 1 using that low, slow, seductive voice is so fucking good.
I love female POV. While what's going on in the guy's head is interesting, what's going on in her head is WAY more interesting. Her surprise at hearing the idea, coming to grips with it, reluctantly going through with it for hubby's sake, the internal conflict with finding pleasure in it and fighting temptation. The female POV route of 僕に抱かれ喘ぐ妻は is peak in this regard. There's a bunch of unique dialog and even voice lines that really add to the experience for me.
>we be feasting
we know what you are
NTA but female POV really sucks all the enjoyment out of it for me. Personally it's all about being spoiled and teased - I want the character arc to be about how the cuck gets more and more comfortable with the play as he lets his boundaries slip. There's no point in writing the girl's perspective unless she's going through some kind of internal conflict or turmoil about what she's doing, which stinks of actual NTR.

Even if it is executed tastefully though it still pisses me off because if they could be bothered to write a whole side 2 to the narrative for her, they could've spent that time making the main narrative a lot longer instead. Terrible, infuriating practice in the current VN scene.
>There's no point in writing the girl's perspective unless she's going through some kind of internal conflict or turmoil about what she's doing, which stinks of actual NTR.
You lost me in the second part. Her being conflicted is what makes it different from NTR. She's faithful to her husband yet she's being made to sleep with other men for his sake. It should instill turmoil. If sleeping with other dudes is no problem, or if she actually wants to do it of her own volition, then that's more in the NTR camp. Her not wanting to do it, feeling like she's challenging her faithfulness, is what makes NTS juicy. Hearing those thoughts is pretty cream imo.

There's exceptions to the rule. Yumi skirts this well, managing to not feel too conflicted, but her faithfulness is ironclad, so it somehow works.
Ore-tachi no Netori Netorase Swapping Seikatsu
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Last night I was roleplaying with gf while she jerked me off. The roleplay was basically about her working as a waitress while using a lewd uniform and being flirty/seducing the costumers.
Came so hard, get yourselves a gf with with an exhibithionist kink.
Roleplaying with your gf and fantasizing is the only correct way to enjoy netorase. Real cucks deserve death though
wake up
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I'm trying to find something that seems to be scrubbed from every site, or the tags are so diluted it's hard to find. Of four college kids, mm ff, who go to an onsen and do a king's game series of dares that stop just shy of stripping then start fucking in the night. The male MC watches his childhood friend go insane from fucking his friend while the other girl fucks him.

In the end he watches his friend get creampied and has this soul-dead look of shock and horror on his face while he simultaneously nuts in the girl that's been riding him the entire time. The artist had a few works like that but I don't remember who they are and can't find even that one at all.

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Even bigger retard for not even trying to see what the result of their 'answer' is.
You're such a fucking braindead retard. Do you see the other options besides saucenao?
taniguchi disuke school trip x king's game
gfs and wives should show as much skin as possible
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this what America does to people
>Do you see the other options besides saucenao?

Yes... please feel free to show your link to the source because none of the other options do.
Next time do not be an asshole, check your 'obvious solution' before looking like a jerk.
NTA but it works for me, both on the thumbnail and the full image. Google reverse image search has been notoriously finnicky the past few years though, so it's extra sensitive to retardation.
>so it's extra sensitive to retardation.

So how the fuck will it work for me then!
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Fuck, if this didn't turn into bullshit at the end it would have been perfect NTS.
Stop being retarded. If it works, it works.
>perfect NTS
>spineless cuck
>0 reclaiming
>0 teasing
>0 actual cuckold reporting
Kek sure ntrfag
>If it works, it works.

But it does not work, and you still have not been able to identify the source.
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It does work. Just in 2 clicks you can get your source. Too bad you're retarded. Last (You) you're getting from me.
>Perfect setup
>Awful conclusion
NeuTRal Actor syndrome
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He wanted a fat sloppy cow body like the “mom” type in hentai
Not American
>0 reclaiming
>0 actual cuckold reporting
The sequel literally had a lengthy reporting scene followed by reclaiming across multiple pages/panels.
It's still NTR trash, but the potential was there.
It did? I don't tend to remember NTR shit. Also why is the cuck an ugly pig? I'm a muscular chad irl, where are the chad cucks ffs
translation when
When you pay for it of course
the perfect woman
im not into the whole blacked BS... but, this does not have any of that annoying racist shit in it. also damn this is wholesome! its been a while since ive seen something this heart warming.
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Yeah dark skinned bulls without anything extra are fine.
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>Eating bull-cum straight of your bull-impregnated woman in chastity while he takes your ass.
Thinking about Yura...
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Words of truth, but I also like baggy clothes without anything underneath.
>light dress at home, just enough to not catch a cold
>skimpy outfit in the public
Love the darkened labia and nipples. What prompt do you use?
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Have you tried changing medications?
It's made by someone else, Mikers157 on Pixiv.
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I love the nipples on this set.
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And I love you
If a girl would love me she’d do this to me
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I think any girl who truly loves you would do some roleplaying at the minimum. At the moment looking for a big tiddy gf so I can receive a nursing handjob while she smugly whispers in my ear she's gonna unapologetically cheat on me.
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Good god, this woman was born to be an NTS queen. Her teasing was so good. Coomed gallons.
Didn't she cheat for real at the end though? I don't remember it quite well
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Her cute face turning into a smug one is so fucking hot
Yeah, the last few pages ruin it.

I just do NOT get these authors.
They always go too far.
It would have been great if she would have stopped after the baby making sex with her husband... but NOOOOO the author has her cheating, breeding with the bull
Netorase is suppose to to fun for the husband and wife to grow THEIR relationship...
why end in NTR??!
NTS -> NTR means failure by the author
It's fine to be disappointed but it's not really healthy to get fixated on an artist not going the way you want it to go, they still have the freedom to draw what they want and didn't own you anything.
It's ambiguous who impregnated her. The husband got to creampie her first so he actually has a higher chance to be the dad.
She does sleep with the bull behind his back but that's riding the line of still NTS, some setups give the wife free rein to choose her own schedule instead of planning everything beforehand.
>wife having raw sex with the bull behind the husband's back with intention of making the husband raise the bull's baby should she get knocked up
>riding the line of still NTS
Actual delusion.
what happened to nt robo stuff on irodori?
Kill yourself
He probably stopped working with them
Do you have the full set anyway for his work? Kemono hasn’t updates in a month and I think he’s only on discord now
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hear me out
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latest update was kino lads
it keeps getting better
Game is vulgar reverie
This was so fucking hot, especially part 5. Made me cum ropes of euphoria
Do you know what happened to Kemono?
furries killed it
well it certainly was interesting
my favorite subgenre of nts is when the main character is somehow magically made to enjoy nts, like netorase sword princess, except that one sucks because it's basically ntr
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best part of this is when he starts masturbating with the floor
I love when the cuck does that while watching the show
I'm the opposite to me NTS needs to be consensual, anything involving mind control, mind alternation or hypnosis lower my enjoyment
It's really nice but for whatever reason I can't skip through the dialog and having lost my last save, I just don't want to sit there mashing for an actual hour to see the new shit. Am I missing something obvious? I looked up all the tricks for Ren'py VNs and none of them have worked
Very hot
>marriage proposal during sex
The set-up works best when the guy already had an NTS fetish, so the magic bs acts as a convenient plot device to do something he was already interested in.
the dev keeps trying to implement a skip button but it keeps bugging every update
if you check the F95zone thread you might be able to find a save, I can try to upload one later so check the F95zone thread again Ill post it there
hold ctrl to fast forward/skip in renpy
Apparently Ctrl to skip doesn't work in the executable, but I guess you meant it skips "in renpy" because opening the game just now with the Renpy IDE let me skip just fine

Thanks anon, I was using the executable and it turns out I can skip if I open the project with RenPy so I'm just doing that. Now I can see the flavor text for both routes!
I realize it's a super-kink for some people, but this is why I turn down poly shit. I don't care if she's a "hotwife," the idea of some cuck getting off to me "ruining" her or something is just fucking weird. I'd sooner just straight up cheat, and that's not high on my list of moral actions either.
I don't think I'm macho enough to be a bull, but man, the disgust others feel for you is extremely real. Damn near turned my stomach just now.
Depend what include by poly to be honest, as far as i know it could be the wife having a gangbang, several bulls at once or several bulls but one at the time or all the above.
Personally i feel most work barely touch upon these already there might be a gangbang here and there but it's hardly more than once and the one involving several bulls at once are pretty rare.
I think a guy being fine with it is better than some weird gooning session in the corner trying to work himself up into Hell. Like, we met at a bar or a fucking volunteer job, come on. Seattle's full of goddamn freaks.
Im pretty hyped for the next Yumi update. I hope we get one close to the curtain set. That was his best scene for me
Eh the end ruined it for me. It just became sad
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Why is it so hard for Jap artists to make actual NTS where the cuck actually enjoys it or at least gives no fuck? I'm tired of NTS->NTR or NTS where the cuck "likes" it while crying and sobbing pathetically.
They're just drawing from reality.
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Because nips are true cucks who don't understand happy endings are possible in NTS.
It's a Japanese reality. Western cuck chads let their wives get fucked only to make them look sexier when they devour them back.
This had such a nice setup for a good netorase story but then they fucked it up by having the main character desire and fuck other girls.
Sorry bro, spineless cucks aren't welcome
lol fuck off with this shit and come back when it's complete
it has gotten consistent monthly updates of high quality and the devs have expressed wanting to finish the game and move on to new games and not milk it
what's their roadmap?
You know your way out, gay cuck.
What does high quality updates mean
updates with significant actual content that progresses the game
one major update every month. afaik they plan to try and have the game in a finished state by next year. If they hit certain monthly income goals they're going to go back and animate some scenes later, add voice acting, etc.
Are any of the twine authors still active?
You should never think any of the twine stories will ever be completed. I think of all the one i followed only one was actually completed and it's size was rather modest.
>modest size
Damn, first SPH and now word-count shaming?
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Based, better bull.
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From loving wife
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To whore pig
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To smug Goddess
the last few updates have been pretty good, hopefully he can keep it up
and give us the damn Jin rimming scenes already
In less than a week dinosaurs will roam this thread once more
Source on this? Nothing on saucenao/etc
That's because the source is the shittiest edit of an AI result.
please anon what's the image from
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Seems like pic related got translated. I've seen it discussed and praised here before. Was wondering if anyone happens to have the translation patch. It's on Capu's patreon, but alas, poorfag.
>Was wondering if anyone happens to have the translation patch
To answer that part, yes.
thanks for the recommendation anon, this game is super hot, the bar and the vacation stuff is so hot its crazy
yea it's great
Im more interested on the counter part of the curtain scene. That scene was peak imo. The perfect mix between ntr and nts while also being in person but still cant perfectly see it. Just this scene alone made me a strong fetish with any nts play involving a curtain to see the shadows
Not enough nts have aftercare and reconnection at the end
I only look for NTS because I like seeing married milf getting fucked without all the NTR bullshit and milf vanilla is exceedingly rare. Turned out that many "NTS" are just NTR with extra steps anyway.
Set your expectations lower for Japanese NTS. Most of them are retarded. Western NTS is way better when it comes to having a loyal wife and getting to reclaim and stuff.
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Need more medieval/isekai NTS.
I thought it ended last month...
And all of them will get banned for posting off-topic NTR
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What does /nts/ think of this?
I'm fine with it but you will have someone who is not because they can't put their preferred flavor with it.
Don't care. Nts is all about consent
This doesn't make sense.
If A instigates B and C to have sex, A and B love eachother, and B consents BUT A never touches another woman it's not swinging. It's just netorase.
They just want B to not know about it or at the very least uncertain about doing it so it doesn't interfere with the swinging tag that has been there for longer hence why they want the netorase and swimming tag in this case, nobody said it wasn't netorase.
also note while a lot of people consider swinging is between couples, there is no real definition and e-hentai tag doesn't apply to one or other.
What the heck is this hypothetical scenario where A is instigating B to have sex, but there's no reciprocal romantic relationship? What does that mean?

If you ignore that bit, then that whole left tree is simple netorase. A and B love each other, A requests B to have sex with a third party, and B consents. I'd argue a fourth clause not present here is important though, which is B remain faithful after the sex. If that changes, that turns from NTS to NTR.
>What the heck is this hypothetical scenario where A is instigating B to have sex, but there's no reciprocal romantic relationship? What does that mean?
Prostitution is probably a common example, you see that dynamic in some RPG Maker games.
that's not netorase though
that's just being a pimp
I wouldn't be surprised if whoever made that chart agrees, netorase is probably just the current closest tag for that situation, like how netorare is used for BSS
Any chance you please could upload it anon? I'd appreciate it.
A wants to watch B fuck someone. One example would be that Ryo series where a brother gets off on watching his sister do porn. He never seems like he wants to fuck her, but he does want to watch her get fucked.

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