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We have enough bro/sis and momcest threads, let’s do one about the best type of incest
Daughters belong to their fathers
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Love the girl from Ikenie Navy
So good
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I honestly don't get why Father/Daughter is so rare. Father+Wife+Daughter oyakodon is probably the peak of incest desu.
Anyway, here's an audio about you fucking your daughter who's in the swimming team, it ends with implied impregnation, which is bretty darn good too.
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Personally, I prefer when it's consensual, but I guess power dynamics would be enhanced for rape enthusiasts.
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This guy gets it.
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Voice of Submission; Gehenna II

A classic.
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Thoughts on NBR? Is it an acceptable compromise or just a copout?
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Copout that ruins it. Hate NBR.
Is there a place to listen to audios like this with subtitles and such?
Looking for this father-daughter incest work. It's about reincarnators who had the tendency to rape the other to jog their memory of their of past lives. In their current iteration it they are father and daughter. In their last one the father who was an elementary school at the time got molested by his teacher. Before that, when teacher was a kid, she got molested by the dad as a middle-aged man.
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This one is weird because they're RPing as F/D without actually knowing they're F/D. So it's incest, but it's lacking the psychological intensity of it.
A pair of lovers reincarnated in different forms and fucking in each one, including incest?
Sign me the fuck up
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Agreed, I rank loving, baby-making incest above any given pairing. Even if F/d is my prefered.
Hell, the trio of Momiji doujin is basically my fantasy. Loving wife, daughters as happy to see new sisters being made as to have my double-daughters. Just one, big loving family.

One of my other relatively recent favorites: (pic related)
[Kajimura Market (Kajimura Kajima)] Nakadashi! Papachin Junkie ~ Oyako Jusei Ninshin Bote H mo Aru yo

Strongly dislike. NBR isn't incest, it shouldn't be tagged as such.
That final page is all the psychological stimulation I need
i despise NBR but what i hate even more is that the fucking doujin sites put father and daughter in law as incest, not only they're not related, but is also NTR, fucking disgusting
I think the Kajimura Market ones are kind of weird, because the chronology would probably have the dude be very old at this point, hell even some of the daughters, but somehow nobody ages past a certain point.

There's one where for once it's not the father in law but her father but I forgot.
Yeah, age gets weird in most of these things.
Ikenie Navy is legendary i wish there was a 2nd part, also, Chichi ga Musume o Okasu Toki is also amazing
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I wish someone would translate the final segment of [hyper n] chichi to musume name koubi
True, but Father/Daughter is so rare that you kinda have to make do. Motherfuckers don't realize how easy they have it.
sometimes it's an uncle/niece
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[gemu555] Inmoralism
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Maybe I'm just retarded, but, for some reason, I don't even register cousin or aunt/uncle stuff as incest. Probably because I'm not particularly close to my extended family.
It basically isn't.
2nd cousin and further is legal pretty much everywhere, and 1st cousin is often legal even where incest is banned.
avunculate marriage (uncle/aunt) is legal in a couple of countries like I think norway, canada, australia and some others
What's the origin for this is it just some pixiv one page thing?
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It's a 24p doujin
Link doesn’t work
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kissing is so lewd
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This page always makes me laugh
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>Father+Wife+Daughter oyakodon is probably the peak of incest
This. I like the thought a mage family having a brat daughter, and so they make her grow a temporary futa dick and rape correct her.
This doujin is insanely hot. Would be even better if the dad was an ikemen instead of an ugly bastard but whatever
Zero build-up, which is the opposite of what makes incest doujins interesting in the first place.
I have looked for but still not found a stoey about a father and daughter ship wrecked on an island.

The mothercons have like a dozen. any of you know one? I know Kajimura's Market's entire daughterfucker empire takes place on some remote island but I'm more after the ship wrecked type.
Listen bud EVERYTHING benefits from build up. Just imagine it.
I don't recall ever seeing one, I don't think they exist.
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Works on my machine
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Otou-san Daisuki. Lots of fetish overlap, full color, dad’s a little too old but the daughter’s great
I like father-daughter stuff, but it always seems to have some flavor of cheating or rape, and it's a total boner killer. Even when it's a scenario of "mom is dead, daughter takes her role", that just makes me sad. Maybe if the mom was also involved, something like "a girl loves her parents so much that she wants to join them in the bedroom" would be nice. Are there some good happy family stories like that?
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Oyako Honmono Seikyouiku
final chapter stil not translate but the whole story was good
Sounds wonderful. a complete happy family. Would love to read something like that
Main one that springs to mind is the (currently) trilogy of Momiji doujin by Takayuki Hiyori.
Second leans more into that, as the first is more an initiation/coming of age thing.
Third is MC and Momiji being sent on a hotsprings vacation by their kids. So, not incest. But does support the loving family angle.
>Are there some good happy family stories like that?
It is somewhat closer to it
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Parental incest as part of a sex ed school assignment. No mother involvement, but she's fully on board with it and her background says she went through it herself as well.
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This one has exactly what you want but it's kinda ass.
nice and wholesome
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>they're RPing as F/D without actually knowing they're F/D
their genes know it
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This is Imouto Collection btw, there’s another 90 pages that’s just the bro sis that results in the creation of Yuka the daughter. A classic
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Does anyone know the name of the doujin where the father/daughter don’t know their relationship but in a relationship, dad finds out but fucks her one more time anyway before she finds out. Then they try to have a standard father/daughter relationship before watching a movie on the couch together and succumbing to their desires. Can’t find it anymore.
It's by Doumou.
Has there been any father-daughter romance stories? I don't think there's been much of the idea
is filename the source for the image? Because im not getting any results and yandex cant find it either. Can you give exhentai link?
If you can get over the art (and lack of translation):
Seems that the arrival of F/D AI images caused a surge of non-AI images on Pixiv
care to share a few? I don't use pixiv anymore
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Thank you so much dude. I didn’t even realize there was a first half of the story. Also found his great old momcest story. Dumping the F/D here now
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so good. I’ll dump the second half later.
My only gripe is that he looks 10 years too young to be her dad.
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I’ll take looking too young vs too old. For me I need the guy to be not distracting, just care about the daughter
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I dunno how you accidentally put in your incest porn tapes. You just have them in the living room? You don’t remember what they are?
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i have decided that the middle school comments are just roleplaying for the tapes
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Any manga where the father/daughter incest relationship is wholesome?
You see it a lot for mother/son, but for this one is almost always rape and drama.
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This one is actually pretty cute.
I do love how the last page or so is Mom getting home and being annoyed that they started without her.
Loving families are the best.
>Gives his daughter up
Ruined by having her experiment.

I've always wondered, would you guys prefer an NBR story where the sexual relationship is established after years of intimacy (nonsexual, parental) like >>8202763 or would you prefer BR but the relationship is only established later (literally as the work starts like in >>8203652 and >>8289383 )?
I guess a better way to phrase the question would be, what makes a better story, blood relation or the actual descent into immorality? Personally, neither of these separately do it for me. I only ever end up favoriting stories where both are present.
>I only ever end up favoriting stories where both are present.
Unfortunately (or fortunately?) these stories tends to always be loli focused. The amount of non-loli stories that feature both BR and a "vanilla" relationship (as far as you can consider parental incest as vanilla) is probably somewhere under 20.
One of my favorite father/daughter works is papa nanka daikirai, but it's all loli and mods get pissy about the age of fictional girls, can't even post the cover.

So I'll just leave a panda link.
Based, I remember reading that particular Nekogen tank a decade ago.
I love Holiday Yasumi's tank, the only bad story is the second one. https://exhentai.org/g/1160643/ee8abd2bf8/
It's like bringing a motorized wheelchair in a car convention.
NBR is NBR no matter how you look at it and I was annoyed by one work that had this really nice buildup only for it to be revealed at the very end that the reason the daughter got interested was that she read her mother's diary and found out someone else was the father, and didn't want to lose him.

BR only for the sake of BR doesn't really do it for me either, because the psychological aspect is important in any kind of incest pairing. Credit due to >>8289383 however, as it explored the mental impact of the reveal. It doesn't really carry the same punch as a pre-established blood relation however.
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This needs a translation, it's really good. In general this trope of "guy looks for a hooker and accidentally becomes his daughter's client" works really well.
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Another one in the same vein
>Girl ready to whore herself out to whomever walks through that door
That's just a feels bad kind of story.
NBR is always worse. The doesn’t meet until later trope is fine but you miss out on the element of him knowing her her whole life, seeing his little girl grow up. Also, daughter might be a fatherless whore, and every cock in her besides her father’s in the story is an issue.
And perhaps even, or more importantly, it's usually a lazy cop out that makes both sides unhappy.
People like incest because of the taboo, and people that don't are going to find it icky regardless of if it's NBR or not.
NBR is a way of trying to please both side, while pleasing neither.
What's Zeke doing there?
I offer Oyako Danran by Hitaki Ni:

>left to right
Can i make a thread to id a doujin in this board?
yes you can but it will be delete for being a request, try asking in a relevant thread or the sqt

or, you know, go to /r/
I like to imagine a world where genetic defects caused by incest have been cured, and a guy can make a big loving family with his small loving family. I want something like Tomaru Sawagoe's family tree, but change any rape to happy sex and change any other male parent to him.
Heck, if you want to get fantasy with it, maybe we could use time travel and/or reincarnation to be the *only* male in the family tree, letting you bang a girl who is simultaneously you mother, sister, and daughter without having to compete with any fathers, brothers, or sons.
Only chapter 2 of this one is translated, and it only happens for a limited number of fathers and daughters in its setting, and the girls are a bit aggressive/yandere, but this one may be alright for what you're looking for.
asmr .one is the go to piracy site for me and the other audiofags in the /h/ voice threads. If you're actually interested in buying them, they are almost all sold on dlsite. The majority do not have subtitles, but if they do, you can view them on asmr. one's built-in player iirc. You can find the ones with subs pretty easily by going on DLSite first, searching for ones with subs, and then pulling those ones up on asmr. one.
Probably what anons itt would do to their daughters… if they had one
This is my theory as to why F/D is rare. Everyone has a mom, even degenerates. Many degerates have sisters. But to have a wife and children and thus a daughter requires some degree of success in life that selects against degenerates. Thus larger populations in circumstances tending to produce the fetish in them.
I mean, I'm likely never going to be in a position to have children at all, and while I would my mom, sister, and niece, my fascination is definitely on the idea of reciprocal love between a daughter-con dad and electra-complex daughter.

But hey, I posted my thing up in >>8208617
Bro, sorry to burst your bubble but LOTS of teen girls have their first fully fledged intercourse with daddy… most women into DDLG or rapeplay were usually fucked by their fathers and then it comes the dichotomy of hating the experience of even the person while loving the actual sex. That’s why it’s often so destructive for the teen girl.
There’s probably the impulse of conquering all the pussy of the house and marking them with your seed, thus starting a clan… that’s why many find extremely erotic the prospect of a double-daughter, you already passed 75% of your DNA
my father would definitely fuck my sister if given the chance, but it's hard when your wife and your other kid would prevent you from doing so. we don't live in hentai world where they go to pocket dimension whenever they have sex.
Probable he did, you just would never know for sure
But there is no procreation with the double-daughter shown there
It's arguably harder to properly use NBR because it feels like a cop-out but at the same time, any story that manages to do use it properly will usually beat most BR except for the undisputed gems and a few authors.
An idea came to me recently for something a Father/Daughters work could do. Start with an opening narration from the father introducing himself, then as it enters into an in media res scene of him fucking some of his daughters, end it with "and I have X daughters." By the end when he's knocked them all up, close with the same narration, but now ending with "and I have at least X daughters."
In the Kajimura one? Outside the chance that the main girl of the one linked is (dunno the family tree, but she isn't one of the first two. Nor do I think she's any of their 5 in the untranslated image gallery.)
In the momiji ones alluded to, the first if with his first daughter, the second is with his double daughter, the twins he also knocked momiji up with in the first one. Third one is the lot sending MC and momiji to a hidden hotspring, so no incest, but is some loving sex.

But yeah, a lot of them end at the sex. Is a Bro/sis one I hope gets a third entry, but not holding my breath. Their parents were bro/sis, and they had a son and twin girls at the end of the second. With the implication that their parents were going at a third themselves.
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Cant really explain it but I love this artist's doggy style
I'm not sure what you're meaning by "double daughter" but this is a sequel. He originally had 4 daughters, knocked them up and these are the daughters he had from those original 4. They're ALREADY double daughters? If that's what you mean by the term. It's just that the original is a CG set so a lot of people probably aren't aware of it. In fact, because most of the girls on the island now are his double and triple daughters the girls often take time off from school when they're pregnant leaving the school empty. This is commented on in one of the manga and is a result of their father continuously knocking up his daughters/granddaughters, etc.
Anon he's pointing at, but yeah, daughter through daughter/grand-daughter = double daughter.
At least, is what I call it.
There should be much much more procreation with double-daughters... that's pure Heaven
More natural and fresh
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kissing in incest is honestly just as lewd as the fucking, if not more so
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It's really hot when they got their whole family involved.
I didn’t post that far because it strays outside of the thread’s scope but thecomic ends with a few panels of the mom involved (who’s also hot). It’s a great doujin
Hey, I know this is breaking the rules but fuck it I'm desperate. But do you know a hentai where her mom gaslit their children into thinking incestual sex is part of their family tradition? Pov is from the daughter, she wants to find a bf but difficult because of her family antics. First half is showing how she had sex with male family members in the family, it's a gentle oneshota with the little brother, passionate heavy sex with the father, then casual sex with older brother. In the second half, the daughter confronted her mom because she wants to be free of this wicked practice, then they had a sex competition where whoever cums first lose. The daughter lost of course and she gets fucked silly, the end.
I forgot the author and the title. I tried hitting up exh, hitomi, nh, random hentai site with the tags "mmf threesome, incest, english," and found nothing. I havent tried dlsite but I couldnt navigate that cranky ass nip site.

Thanks in advance to whoever answered the question
sounds a lot like this, check for yourself
Thank you, I've been looking for it for months. I thought it was a wet dream. It left a huge impression that I still remember everything vividly.

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