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We have enough bro/sis and momcest threads, let’s do one about the best type of incest
Daughters belong to their fathers
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Love the girl from Ikenie Navy
So good
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I honestly don't get why Father/Daughter is so rare. Father+Wife+Daughter oyakodon is probably the peak of incest desu.
Anyway, here's an audio about you fucking your daughter who's in the swimming team, it ends with implied impregnation, which is bretty darn good too.
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Personally, I prefer when it's consensual, but I guess power dynamics would be enhanced for rape enthusiasts.
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This guy gets it.
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Voice of Submission; Gehenna II

A classic.
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Thoughts on NBR? Is it an acceptable compromise or just a copout?
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Copout that ruins it. Hate NBR.
Is there a place to listen to audios like this with subtitles and such?
Looking for this father-daughter incest work. It's about reincarnators who had the tendency to rape the other to jog their memory of their of past lives. In their current iteration it they are father and daughter. In their last one the father who was an elementary school at the time got molested by his teacher. Before that, when teacher was a kid, she got molested by the dad as a middle-aged man.
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This one is weird because they're RPing as F/D without actually knowing they're F/D. So it's incest, but it's lacking the psychological intensity of it.
A pair of lovers reincarnated in different forms and fucking in each one, including incest?
Sign me the fuck up
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Agreed, I rank loving, baby-making incest above any given pairing. Even if F/d is my prefered.
Hell, the trio of Momiji doujin is basically my fantasy. Loving wife, daughters as happy to see new sisters being made as to have my double-daughters. Just one, big loving family.

One of my other relatively recent favorites: (pic related)
[Kajimura Market (Kajimura Kajima)] Nakadashi! Papachin Junkie ~ Oyako Jusei Ninshin Bote H mo Aru yo

Strongly dislike. NBR isn't incest, it shouldn't be tagged as such.
That final page is all the psychological stimulation I need
i despise NBR but what i hate even more is that the fucking doujin sites put father and daughter in law as incest, not only they're not related, but is also NTR, fucking disgusting
I think the Kajimura Market ones are kind of weird, because the chronology would probably have the dude be very old at this point, hell even some of the daughters, but somehow nobody ages past a certain point.

There's one where for once it's not the father in law but her father but I forgot.
Yeah, age gets weird in most of these things.
Ikenie Navy is legendary i wish there was a 2nd part, also, Chichi ga Musume o Okasu Toki is also amazing
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I wish someone would translate the final segment of [hyper n] chichi to musume name koubi
True, but Father/Daughter is so rare that you kinda have to make do. Motherfuckers don't realize how easy they have it.
sometimes it's an uncle/niece
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[gemu555] Inmoralism
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Maybe I'm just retarded, but, for some reason, I don't even register cousin or aunt/uncle stuff as incest. Probably because I'm not particularly close to my extended family.
It basically isn't.
2nd cousin and further is legal pretty much everywhere, and 1st cousin is often legal even where incest is banned.
avunculate marriage (uncle/aunt) is legal in a couple of countries like I think norway, canada, australia and some others
What's the origin for this is it just some pixiv one page thing?
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It's a 24p doujin
Link doesn’t work

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