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anything with clothed and covered women humiliating or parading naked men for their amusement
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Good thread, OP.
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thanks anon!
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Not really hentai but still a favourite scene of mine.
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Still definitely counts, Inukami had a lot of scenes like that too! loved that show
Really wish this trope was more popular in current shows, I almost love it as much as ENF.
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I personally find it more wholesome because the woman in this situation won’t always hate it
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That's fair, seeing a cute boy being embarrassed for being naked in public can be hotter than a girl not being into it and hating the whole experience.
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That and even hotter when girls enjoy this
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High quality advertising
Would be /e/ if it allowed dicks
Underrated fetish
This artist draws some great cfnm.
Second one is the best.
Is it just me or has there been more cfnm lately than the last few years?
Has there now? Doesn't seem the case to me at all.
Girls taking the initiative and enjoying it is the best type of cfnm
Inukami was so real for its copious amount of cfnm! I wish more anime would follow.

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