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Let's fucking goo boys! The most Peak eak doujin finally here! Imma post my fave page as I read this
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She's so good with proper teacher attire
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Some rare anal action after five chapters lol
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Holy kino
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Absolute bangers, right in kokoros too..
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To be continued. Now to wait for the new chapter in 2025... Well, see you guys again until then I guess.
>148 pages
That nigga deserves a high-budget H-OVA adaptation by Bunny Walker + T-Rex
Would be nice if the girls get on with each other more, but they barely do.
H anime + Jav Collab too, seriously where's the jav adaptation collab at??? So many doujins got adapted but not this one
Literally the best doujin artist out there, no competition
>had lewd fantasies of him when he was a shota
Not only is that insanely hot(and was kind of hinted), but makes me imagine a time travel setting where both go back to that timeĀ“s bodies and decide to go at it during that change
Queen Bee you mean?
Is the OP a Chink? There are only Chinks posting in the comment section of this mediocre artist and over 50 of them posted within the first two minutes of the latest upload. And who else besides Chinks is fucked enough in the head to post every page instead of copy pasting the URL to Exhentai.
queen bee is the second best option after lunesoft studios
I love when women do this pose with the pants half on.
Just finished reading the proper translation, absolute cinema
im kinda annoyed that the artist literally reused his art for certain sex scenes with the mom. it's a literal copy and paste, damn.

like sure the new stuff is good shit but actually reusing the same art is so lazy, dont think ive ever seen that happen in a hentai doujin before

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