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Bro, this happened 12 in this month.
What I don't get it though is, why weren't you guys talking about this when it happened?
Where do we get our points now?
Never mind, I was able to perches points from forbooks.jp.
Although, pointmarket.com is no go it seems..
Also, did you guys notice playasia and other weeb e-shops stop selling dlpoints?
What on earth is going on right now?
For a couple of months now an increasing number of Japanese services are getting cut off from Western payment processors. Not that long ago, someone from the Japanese parliament did end up going to Visa headquarters and asked them what all of that was about.
They claimed they didn't do shit and shifted blame on the banks and other middlemen handing out their credit cards. Not much has happened since then, besides more and more Japanese services no longer being able to use Western payment processors.
Dlsite tried to "negotiate" with said middlemen and submitted to some of their demands, but they asked for more than dlsite was willing to do. We had threads detailing all of this, but those are all gone as someone with elevated access decided to press the "delete all threads" button on multiple boards.
You forgot to mention afterwards that VISA was now acceptable to those sites again after the talks, so at least there’s progress, unfortunately this board has somewhat of a defeatist mindset somewhat often, I might be in the minority here lol
But none of that is available on dlsite, I no longer have any way of buying anything from them now. And my defeatist mindset is fueled by the shit we're facing now.

Another issue we're facing is the guy most likely to replace the current japan prime minister is anti loli and JK fanservice/hentai, if he wins and it's looking like he will this issue will worsen by a ton.
>defeatist mindset
Until DMM stops fucking around blocking us by not letting us access their page, I won't give a fuck about any good news
>Also, did you guys notice playasia and other weeb e-shops stop selling dlpoints?
Well that explains why I can't buy bitcash to convert to toracoin now. Are there any alternatives? If not then bye to all the folks I support on fantia
>if he wins and it's looking like he will this issue will worsen by a ton.
There's a lot of ifs.
>if he wins
>if he sees it as a priority over more important things like the economy, demographic crisis and the ton of shit japan has to deal with right now
>if his party back him on it
>if him or his party don't back down after industry lobbying
Where to buy Toracoin now?
Seagm doesn't work for Germany, it seems.
TOM dropped it altogether.
Playasia appearently sells it only once in a while.
I think many people haven't noticed yet, because they stock up points and it's been only a week.
But this just another disaster. It never ends.
Appearently TOM and dlpay had trouble with PayPal and so discontinued seeling the points and toracoins.
Even buying bitcash is horrible. I can see it on playasia, but I can't buy it. Fuck.
Wait a sec, TOM doesn't sell coins for fantia anymore?
Kinda surprised this isn't bigger. Maybe OP should have chosen another image.
>They claimed they didn't do shit and shifted blame on the banks and other middlemen handing out their credit cards.
Seriously, Japan needs to stomp that down HARD immediatelly. Not because of porn, but because now it's (legal!) lewds, next it's the wrong political party or organization.
Nip that in the bud.
Demand that credit card companies tell exactly who's doing this, because a state has the right to know, and make sure it has dire consequences, and if you throw out VisaMasterCard it's worth the price of preventing them using their power to manipulate politics.
And if they DO they the truth, it's the same, just a different target.
If it's some random billionaires order VisaMaster to reverse it or beat it.
Russia and China kill billionaires that don't bow down and think they're THE shit, that's how it SHOULD be - maybe less bloody, but at this point I don't care anymore.
Shit, I was going to buy more stuff and now it's not available. Well, good thing I've been buying in bulk after the credit card chaos started and I've got a pretty decent stash. Should've just bought points in reserve... oh well.
They'll most likely just keep juggling similar services for buying points for the time being, just use whatever they link to on their "purchase points" tab. (currently for books and point market)
>We had threads detailing all of this, but those are all gone as someone with elevated access decided to press the "delete all threads" button on multiple boards.
i wonder who could it be. A certain tribe control financial world?
joke aside, what jcb doing not step up.
At least DLsite, as always, tried to offer a route out.
Toracoin for fantia? A plague to get. Bitcash's the only option, but seagm doesn't work in most countries and playasia doesn't sell it right now (from what I understand only once in a while).

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