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Where do we go now that the incompetent wimps at kemono have dropped the ball?
Feel free to post whatever while we wait for answers.
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what is going on?
Hasn't been updated for a month
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fix it ;_;
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>kemono admins
Pay them.
>kemono makes hundreds of thousands selling its users' data every month
>some retarded faggot says we should pay them
How about no.
It's annoying that I can't get any Pixiv updates for months, especially Kok ;-;
Well then you get what you pay for. No complaints.
What a stupid comment. You could apply that logic to virtually any website. Go troll another thread, cunt.
Mods are dumb. Artist was ねごと (Negoto) a Japanese artist.
so it's dead?
it's just resting
It's literally just one guy
Yeah, bullshit. They hired on a few developers a couple of years ago.
Eh maybe he just literally died.
desu now that most of my usual porn artist paywall their shit I quickly grab the sample and close the window, ended up with a lot of free time.
Also, do most artist even gain any money with this? because everyone, their mothers and their dogs paywall their shit nowadays
never paid for pron, never will
How long does it take for the website to shut down if they don't pay their domain fees?
Apparently it's only one retarded faggot left running the site, and he's a stupid bitch that doesn't care about the site or the userbase. He finally made a post telling everyone to go fuck themselves.
I'm curious how long it will take to create a new site.
so why did they drop the project?
Well this was lucky. I don't use the site, but I actually did use the site for the first time last week as a very rare one-time thing that I really needed. Had been a little later wouldn't have been able to I guess.
Anyway how is this site even possible? Is it pulling from a Patreon API or what? I don't get it
link? qrd? i ain't going through their shitfilled partychan
judging from the last two times it happened, about one or two years
God I don't wanna wait that long
then you're gonna have to take matters into your own hands
AFAIK Patreon doesn’t send anything from the back end without the proper credentials.
Kemono &c may have ways to automate the process, but ultimately they rely on people who pay for the content uploading it for others
That would take longer though since I don't know anything about making sites or ripping Patreon posts
Oh I see
we just give our session cookie to kemono so it can download the stuff on its own, we don't actively upload to kemono

but patreon can easily tell that too many IP addresses are active for one account and so it's easy to detect the importers and shut them down again
I guess we're back to creating threads for specific artists we want and hope someone could provide us.
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I've been convinced for years that there are private discords that share content which never sees the light of day. The internet has turned exclusive and compartmentalized.
I'm almost certain that if kemono were to die (it's looking more and more like it every day) that another web-scraping site would not take its place.
Did they fix it? I see patreons getting updated
You're hallucinating.
Yeah I'm asking on /r/ to see if anyones willing to do it
I wish nekohouse had more artists, it's severely limited.
aforementioned retarded faggot can go kill themselves then frankly
yeah that's gonna help
Since this is a thread about kemono.su, I'll have a rant here.

Access to kemono.su, coomer.su and their partychan is currently all blocked in my country, so I have to use certain VPN services.

One day, I came up with a little idea to improve the sites and tried to post in on partychan:
>Could the user's profile, including the profile picture, banner, and public-facing nickname, also be updated whenever the archive of a user is updated? For instance, when the [URL] page is updated next time, the name currently displayed on this site could be changed to the one currently used on the original service. Similarly, could the profile also be flagged for an update?

But then, when I hit the "Post" button, I couldn't get my writing posted at all! The reason? Well, apparently, I was a "Glow [n-word]" for trying to post something while using a VPN.

Rant over.
Furries can literally do nothing right.
Alternatives where?
>discord became like the old forums
too bad it comes with extra viruses, scams and doxing
Not to mention they log all of your data.
Discord popped up inorganically around 2015 iirc, but all the kids had to use it, for reasons unknown.
because you could create and own whole servers on the internet, something that up to then was only possible for internet gurus
nevermind that their "server" is just a fancy name for chatroom... it fooled a lot of kids I think
Why's kemonoparty telling me to join a simple chat server on their banner
They moved the info channel there due to Telegram being compromised.
Some one asked them that and offered hands, they straight up told them to fuck off.
Not just a new site, but some hero has to scrape kemono again.
What on there would make it worth joining though
The admin is an autistic furry.
It's just technical updates to the site. There's basically no reason to use it.
it's over.
kemono is dead and theres no substitute for it , its really over
Does it matter? It was circling the fucking drain with 32094832409238432094832049283 discord server updates making every update weeks behind..
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>It's over
well fuck
nekohouse . su has a proper importer, or so I heard.
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Yeah, but dumbasses aren't uploading yet.
(You) arent owed anything. Nobody has to risk their own account standing paying money and handing off their data so you can stroke your quarter-inch microdick, retard. Feel free to seethe about it in your inevitable reply.
I have uploaded what I'm subscribed to, and (you) are a gigantic pussy AND a faggot.
>seething in the inevitable reply he couldn't resist making
Damn anon you sure showed him
Is it over? Is it really overover?
I don't know who you think you're talking to, but it sounds like you're off your meds. Go troll another thread, cunt.
god fucking damnit. It's the only place I know where I can pirate Sam Hyde's KSTV and old MDE. Now I have to download all of them
Yep, Admin confirmed he cancelled servers' payments, website will shut down on November 22
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How did Kemono end up in this colossal faggot's hands?
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The closure was bait, he's just changing servers
nice, we can obsess over not getting updates ever again for much longer now
An update actually happened. It's shit but it did happen.
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>Have dozens of commissions
>Perdiodically check various boorus
>Dozens have never been seen anywhere other than the artist's Discord

I guess so. Makes me sad that a doujin I've been hunting for for years has never seen the light of day, though.
nekohouse could be the successor
Still fucking dead?

I see dates from September.
it's a nothingburger; a lot of gumroad galleries claim a new update date, but no actual content has been updated in them
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>Where do we go now that the incompetent wimps at kemono have dropped the ball?
was wondering why it stopped updating
>Where do we go now
maybe stop begin degenerates?
Congrats, you're the biggest shit lord in this whole thread and that's saying something.
It's crazy to me that people bother updating shit from people with like 3 subscribers on Patreon, but no one can be assed to do it for people who're way bigger
Literally who
>it's over for real now
Any word on when the importers besides gumroad and discord get fixed?
You have nowhere to go. It's over.
ne ko h o u se
That shit has no content tho
Doesn't have a single artist that I follow
Importers work all well and fine but the moment they die the moment the site dies and it all results in waiting on a single person (a huge point of fault). It's over for Kemono honestly, even if they were to get the motivation and headspace to update anything because Pixiv Fanbox has already implemented anti-scraping features which is probably why the importers are taking so long to "fix".
Why traditional filesharing like you would find on a private tracker wouldn't work for this, someone would have to explain. I know OppaiTime died but if we're being honest the reason people used it was because of JAVs and DLsite content, no one really went there for doujinshi you could find on exhentai.
be the change you want to see
the onlyfans importer recently came back
i'd say just wait, who knows what will happen
They're not as invincible as you think. Ex gets fucked by fakku for posting some doujins.
Hey, patreons updated.
0 fucks
Yes but also no. There's a lewd asmr creator that has a patreon and I keep hoping her stuff appears on kemono.
Guys wtf the whole page just broke

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