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Fat Edition

Post custom made 3D Hentai structured around music here. Doesn't have to be MMD, doesn't have to contain dancing motions, and not to be confused with HMVs made with already existing 3D clips. MMD clips without music that would cause a fuss in the 3D hentai general are also welcome here.

Previous: >>8167306


>Better iwara browser

>3D SexDance index:

>Anon's VR Collection

>How do I create it?
Check out >>>/e/mmd for technical discussions

>Why not post it to the 3D Hentai General?
The focus on music and dancing of most MMD content has sparked endless drama and thread derailings there so there was a split. So far both communities have benefited from it.

>OP Sauce: nakatsup
I didn't make it on time to link to this thread in the last one :(
Ironically, it was this very thread that bumped off the old one.
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Why is she so FAT
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FAT edition (now in VR (featuring my mouse cursor because I'm retarded))
god i love thicc models so much
so does anyone know what happened to 老三? did they just die or is iwara being weird?
Patchouli is a pawg (phat ass witch girl)!
Probably a classic case of nuking their entire account for no reason.
taka84 is god and patch is so fat and cute
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I found this one in one of my old folders stashed deep inside hard drives. Could anyone say what those models are and if they are obtainable anywhere?
Insect bros...
BENGUGU i summon you! i command that you come forth and deliver unto me at least a screenshot of your WIP you bitch!
The original estimated release date was by the end of this month. So if nothing unexpected happened, a full release should be out soon anyways. No need for more WIPs. If he shows more WIPs that only means this video is going to take longer to finish.
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You know I have to say. Nyakumi's videos might be really stupid and cringe, but he can actually do a really decent dance video when he actually tries. Its too bad his faggot audience of underaged homosexuals would start a riot if he ever started doing dance videos more frequently.
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shame, does anyone have any of his more modern stuff?

I know he recently posted this month.
Is R34video dead? Can't access it
I lost this one on hard drive breakage, dangit.
>is now making a game w/ Yui
Wish he had at least finished and released his last video instead of just dropping it
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New slime girl kino.
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Anons, I am desperately scraping for any melonne MMD video I can find. Not many are saved on k.su. I am dying for a Mega link.
I have a sub, what do you want? I have access to everything up until april. Be specific, on both the post and version you want, I don't want to sit here downloading and uploading his entire collection.
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Its out.
does anyone know what the deal is with Kemono this time? Did the importer for one (or more) of the sites break again?
new bengugu when
This is the one I need. Thank you kindly for sharing, these make me diamonds
Sorry, by "everything up until april" I meant "everything from right now until april of 2024".
Oh bummer... but the girl in the OP webm already made sure I won't be sad
I kinda still like this one a bit better.

Probably because it's closer to the original 2D animation.
This looks like Raygun's dancing during the Olympics.
Looks like hentaitree cooked up something new
sexdance should be an olympic sport
Does anyone have this motion? 20 bucks for a motion is a bit much for someone who just started trying out eevee render
fucking kino
can someone share what they have of albatrossmmd's full videos
Do great meatchoulis

I wish Furui did 2hu again and he did some Patcho
>spend money on baidu account creation service
>spend money on qq account creation service
>baidu downloads at shit speeds
>qq spying on my phone 24/7
This hobby sucks...



I'd give anythig to see Furui remake his old kino strip club videos.
Is Bengugu dead or something?
are they still available anywhere?
The age of regular Bengugu releases has been over. No updates for 1 month isn't enough to be considered dead. Maybe if there's nothing after 2 months we can start suspecting it.
Plus he said it'll probably be done end of the month, so...wait until then?
yes. i saw the body. can confirm. he was fat.
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I'll add Harimau release to this list.
He always posts no earlier than 24 hours before end of month. Kinda scummy imo since you basically have to maintain subscription forever to get rewards. You have less than 1 day to download and unsubscribe if you want out. No previews before the actual release to help decide if you even want the reward.
Good to see maid Toki instead of her bunny alt, she's way cuter.
Yes but not the final release by any means
doesnt matter share it
no, fuck you beggars
They can beg however much they want, simply monitor the usual places and it will be there eventually
Nothing a bit of patience can't fix, hence why I did not response
So Bengugu had the animation done a couple of days ago but didn't release it because he thinks some parts need to be remade and some are not up to his standard. Dunno if him becoming more of a perfectionist is a good or a bad thing. More quality but less releases.
i have it fuck you too niggers
this is his worst work yet btw
Pingu bj? Continuity errors? Unsatisfying ending?
Any bare feet? I'm gunna take a wild guess and say no.
How can he possibly get worse? The guy is like Nyakumi but without the futa.
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[MMD] Oppa Do You Trust Me - [Motion Public Release][4K]

Are there any good insect creators aside from o-dio?
https://www.iwara.tv/profile/mokemokebox pretty rough, but he doesn't pull punches when it comes to insect content.
Oh man that new furui release made my dick twitch
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>camera angle cuts
>girl's clothes have magically disappeared
I understand why but I'm still disappointed every time. We deserve better, easier, more accurate cloth simulation
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does anyone know the artist behind this fubuki video?
>Hentaitree back from the grave
>Insectbro's newest video up for lower tiers in a few days
>New Tsukimi is up
Insect bros, we are back. For a short moment at least, unless either of those non-public videos knocks it out of the water.
Anyone have kusemono works in 4k or 6k? The one in the one in anon collection only has 8k which lags in quest 2
the only viable solution is to do it yourself
>1 month since kemono's last Patreon update
it's really over, huh
we've seen worse
8k shouldn't lag in quest 2 unless the bitrate is absurd, I don't have a quest headset but I have a friend who does and I've done some testing with him to figure out what bitrates his headset could handle. If I remember correctly anything below 200000kbps should work (and most videos are way below that because its a stupidly absurd bitrate), つらら is the only dumbass I know of who makes his videos that big, and in those cases we solved the problem by just re-encoding the video in H.265.

Kusemono's videos should not have this problem, his videos have very reasonable bitrates. But I don't know what method you're using to watch your videos, so I have no way to know if you're doing something wrong. The correct way to watch videos on a wireless headset like quest is via SMB. If you really suspect your headset is the issue, the only way to rule it out is to load it directly onto your headset's hard drive and play it that way and see what happens. There are also a ton of other factors to consider like what player you're using, whether or not you've been using PCVR, whether its just an issue with his specific videos, whether your connection is shit, etc. But there's absolutely no reason why a quest 2 should be unable to paly an 8k video.
I'm usually not upset about there not being a 'real' clothing removal animation if the edit on the clothing disappearing is good. Ya know, something like it the edit happening on a big distracting motion and then being surprised by looking at seeing 'or, the titties are out', that sort of thing. Or clever use of camera angles.
Disregard my previous post, I see the issue now: quest 2 doesn't support 8k AV1 decoding, but the quest 3 does. Kusemono is the only person in my collection that I know of that does AV1, or rather I should say that that's the encode Youtube uses. The simple solution here is to just re-encode his videos yourself as H.265 instead, rather than taking a quality loss by downgrading to a lower resolution (which might not even work, for all I know the quest 2 can't handle 6k AV1 either).
New o-dio doko
Anyone with Zzpai access that can spoil what girl he did?
man its so refreshing seeing a dude share his stuff with no paywall
Is there a good guide on diving into animating, rigging and such in MMD?
Feels like such a steep learning curve, and I wonder how much that would transfer over to animating in blender.
I've done pixel animations before, but the whole complexity of 3D tends to make my eyes glaze over.
Anyone have any of busan's later stuff? Kemono only reaches up to some of the older AV works.
Hello! I recently started looking into R18 MMD, and I started setting up a model to try to do one myself but rendered in Blender for a a better look (using Korone from Holo, a basic choice but I like her so I went with it), and I was curious if anyone here got any suggestion for a motion/song to use? I would probably still animate manually some things like clothing removal and such.
Where do I watch deleted Iwara videos? There's one where Honey whip miku is jumping on bed to the rythm of the music, then handjob, then boobjob, etc. pov but no male parts visible. she's also fully clothed
Why are there so many vocaloid songs about being a slut?
Ohhh makes sense I was wondering why I couldnt run his vid. thanks!
>read this
>go in expecting the worst
>ends up being wildly mediocre
Couldn't put my finger on why it was so unappealing while watching, but >>8235051 is a pretty solid summary. I'm enough of a lost cause that even the pingu BJs aren't dealbreakers anymore but the weird transitions and nothingburger ending make it largely un-erotic. Sucks to see him waste such hot models on such a mediocre work.
It sucks that the guy who made some of the best sexdances that set trends and inspired many creators now produces mediocre slop.
All good things come to an end.

Some, abruptly, often at their peak. Others, after a long and tedious decline.
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Why do you think you do? Have you done anything for that? And yes, make them yourself.
Use MikuMikuMoving instead or go straight to Blender. There's a guide on proper stripping specifically: https://www.iwara.tv/forum/guides/c20f367d-87b8-48bd-aa3b-50f0b02ac751/how-to-make-a-realistic-undressing-animation-using-the-op-function . Having the ability to bake and manually edit physics with layers helps with that a whole lot. And it adds a whole lot of work as well, but hey, isn't perfection what you wanted? Once you're ready, start splitting individual basic structure bones (torso bones, skirt base) for clothing into individual movable bones in Blender, using locks to re-normalize properly. Didn't feel like posting it here, but the dance part of this is particularly relevant, and it's not even everything:

Pro tip: with MMM you need to enable and assign external parent keys in PMXE wherever you do complex external (outside) parenting (arm IK attachment, holding skirt sides , etc.). The attachable bones will be ordered according to their position in the list regardless of the assigned key value, but I think assigning different values helps the program remember them in some way. It doesn't hurt anyway. Go to the technical thread for other such questions (and thoroughly search the archive and in Google before asking something) though.

MikuMikuMoving also supports soft bodies, by the way, but...... you'd have to have really high-end hardware for it, and cloth physics are better even in Blender, let alone Marvelous Designer, both of which are something you can connect to MikuMikuDance via MMDBridge, but I think you'd have less control than with baked rigids.

Try Ifuudoudou, the deeper-voiced covers in particular. Or Clutch by STRLGHT. ErenaRin's works can help you find really obscene-sounding songs. If you want a rhythm, try BassHunter.

There are too few.
I used to be upset but then I tried to make an MMD myself, gave up, and now I understand.
Marked 1
xiangweitudou - also announcing a 3 month break



also potentially new uozumi kino at the end of the month
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Bengugu knows that the work can be improved and plans to remake some parts and most of the ending. This release was only because he wanted to give something to his supporters instead of waiting one more month
does someone have a good crime type miku model ? looking for some good place to look for models too
>New Hentaitree is only 2.5 minutes long
>Slightly better than his last one
>Had to wait almost a year for this
The world still awaits the successor to banana, and all we received was an attempt.
There's always the JustLooking edit. You may have better luck using the modeler's actual name: Tsumidango.
Where is this? I want to try it in VR
I liked this guy's old stuff he used to post on iwara but then he vanished for years and came back and now it seems for his new releases he wants you to message him some 2hu lewds and he will give you a link in return? I'm afraid to message him because he doesn't clarify much on that.

I was able to get the HD versions of his older releases when he temporarily made them available though.
I some how forgot to reply to this >>8237300
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Its Mocumocudance.
Thank you. Now I gotta figure out how to get and add models and stuff.
>hachikuma deleted his iwara page but left the fantia/fanbox ones
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A preview for the next VR collection update since I'm busy for a few days and can't upload right now.
insectbro's pretty good for a noob but he takes forever too
>already better than bengugu
HiliCHADbros...we won...
Does anyone have this video?
It seems to have been deleted quickly.
Its actually really funny how pretty much all the bengugu imitators ended up being better than him. And not because any of them are particularly any good, but because he's just gotten so bad.

Xiangweitudou hiatus until next fucking year, suddenly everyone is lazy now

annoying as shit, he could just keep making strip tease exhibitionist videos with yui over and over and I would be permanently diamonds.
>Some madlad on arca posted what looks to be 332's entire collection, both NND and Fantia versions of his works
Unfathomably based.
2 month break still shorter than the chinese glowies scare
>suddenly everyone is lazy now
thats why you dont donate or give money to them outside of buying stuff they make. then they stop having something to work towards.
Let me in REEEE!
Imagine busting your ass making videos and then entitled motherfuckers watching your paid content on kemono call you lazy for wanting to take a break.
>just 30 seconds of churl content
What? Also do you know that guy is one of the ones Bengugu mentors, right? I think he also offers them to buy his models that's why they have that much quality
damn his frieren vids were good
New DM144 for striptease bros
who do I have to harass and cajole to get this fixed
>Make a poll to see which direction he should take for future videos
>Post poll results
>Proceed to not work on videos

Shame, the work that won that poll was probably the one I liked the best.

Very nice, probably the best currently strip artist, at least on a technical level. Bless him and his fetish of removing everything piece by piece. Crazy that he's pumping out works so frequently too, no idea if that will last, but for now we're eating good.
Meet preview out of nowhere:

>tfw his previews are as long as other creators' full-length videos
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Does anyone know where the source of this vid of Sulleta Mercury in bowlroll?

k-keep me posted
Thank you.
I've always wanted to see this video.
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Do you like sexual relations with children or robots made to look like children?
Why the fuck is every video littered with niggers now? This shit was basically non existent in hentai a few years ago. Did the jews poison Japan as well? It used to be fat bastard, or tan Yakuza like guys.

Maybe it's time for me to stop watching porn because seeing that is a cuck line I'll never cross
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VR collection updated. Its a small update, yet there are some decent things here, like imajin's video. A surprisingly sex-filled update rather than just dancing. I'll post some webms but I also have something extra to share.

Sashimi Cream's videos are boring as hell but I never get tired of Atago's huge tits.
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Since OP seems to like this dance (based taste)
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Finally a bonus. Not MMD, but I think you guys will like this nonetheless.


Note that you should NOT expect these to stay up for very long, get them while you can. I can stick them in the collection if there's demand for them later, but most of these are all on kemono or f95 anyway.
how the fuck do I search for an artist on arca if they all type with symbols to mask the names?
ty anon but this should probably go >>8167855
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>private all videos
>hasn't released anything since 2022
I foresaw this issue way before, the best I got was deal with it.
Who made this picture?
that's by design, they're autistic like that
you just have to be there when things release since most uploads are set to expire in a few weeks anyways
I just wanna find the most recent shiron, god damn

>bengugu is mediocre and lazy now
>xiangweitudou hiatus
>mitsuboshiL dead
>Shantianxiaozhi too scared to comeback
>TSOF and zxc '2 updates per year'
>everybody else doing KKslop
>kemono wont comeback again
Feels bad man...
Get used to steadily lowering your standards until you fap to nothing but clothed girls dancing in 720p. Like the rest of us.
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it's a combination of increasing numbers of westerners getting into HMV/MMD creation and western porn influence on japan, so basically jews are responsible yeah

i'm sick of it too, i didn't give a shit when it was just faceless tan guys but as soon as i see a fucking QoS tattoo i click off and filter the uploader
whats the password for this
I miss MMDfans...
is iwara shitting itself again?
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Works on my machine.
So for the few VRfags in this general, which media player do you use to watch stuff? Been using DEOVR but there's probably better ones that are free
That's answered in the collection FAQ. Yes there is a better one, but no it is not free. You can of course always pirate it, but its not even necessary because there's a free demo with no real downsides to using it over the paid version. No idea if the quest app version has a demo though.
What mmd artists do vacuum fellatio animations?
JAX made a couple kino ones years ago but he can't seem to get away from his futa+tentaclejob scenarios nowadays
futa is gayer than just having males in the videos
Trips of truth. I hate that TS is starting to become way more common now too. It's fucking lame, why do fags and trannies have to invade and ruin everything?
I hope this dude does his own version of Inazuma Go/Boom. Would be nice to see Sara fully naked for once.
anyone have a collection of etron's videos?
im a big fan of the misaka ones and his entire account is gone
they're both gay. double dildo is the best option because it's not a real male organ so the gay factor is 0 and you get the added bonus of both girls being penetrated at the same time. real life concerns like being awkward to use don't matter since it's not real life. the only reason people prefer futa is because they're gay and want to see cocks and semen.
I recently found this guy, does anyone know if his stuff is on kemono or anywhere else? Maybe I'm not putting it in correctly. I'm especially looking for the latest cynthia video

Someone just posted a bunch of it on anime-sharing. I also have some but probably most of the same stuff that was posted in that thread.
i wish more people bothered with making their own motions
i am so tired of having 300 mmd videos all using identical motion and song just with different model and clothes
who wants to watch that shit more than once?
>find out password through zip hacking
>archive is corrupted
it's all for nothing
>> spend several weeks making a motion
>> 1,000 downloads in a year
>> out of them, a whopping 3 other creators have used it in their videos, and you only like the first one, while the latest one is a fucking abomination
I often make at least one sex scene animation from scratch in my videos, but a whole 3 minute dance scene is an insane amount of work.
Auto-generated motions using computer vision can cut that time down somewhat, but it won't even get you 50% of the way to a polished animation.
but when using someone elses motion that has already been used 200 times it makes me ask what is even the point? because at that point i wouldn't even bother making the animation at all.
it's better to do a custom animation and maybe a shorter one even 20 seconds and have it be original rather than just do a clone animation #201 with an overused motion
I'd say the main reason is because people like specific characters. There are also elements of style and small bits of customization like stripping, etc. that are unique
He just never updated the link after the site change. https://www.iwara.tv/profile/user2010485/videos
However, he did basically abandon the Iwara except for a throwaway video earlier this year so you're half right.
>mmdfans is kill
what happened
Screw the wheel, nipple penetration is human kind's best idea.
you mean worst along with personality excretion
Because animating from scratch is hard as hell so I'll just use someone else's motion as a reference and work from there.
why not get mocap and make your own dances? you can even do it for free these days with ai camera mocap
damn really, what was the password?
speaking of zip hacking could you findout these these two vids?

That probably seems so easy in your head but not only do you have to be able to dance but there's also a lot of cleaning up that's required afterward for the motion to not look like ass.
And I'm still making it sound easy by not going into more details.
>That probably seems so easy in your head
not really considering that is what i'm actually doing
i just don't use AI but a rokoko suit instead
A what?
I want to try mocap at some point but it'll only be for simple arm and leg animations to integrate into my work.
fapping to a motion captured from a man is gay
Women don't make MMD porn so its not possible to fap to MMD and be straight.
touching a man's dick is also gay, including your own
What happened to strangerMMD again?
Did stuff for melody then died?
Basically? A year or two ago I dug through Melody's Kemono to see if she said anything about him, and a post mentioned that he was either taking a break or a leave of absence. I can't remember which. Either way since it's been so long I honestly don't expect him to come back (and even if he did I expect him to probably go back to making things for Melody again).
guys what are some good MMD videos with a randoseru?
it's a mocap suit, but these days with ai mocap i can't really recommend it anymore since it costs a hefty amount
camera based mocap is definitely the future of mocap
Are the videos in iwara all he did?
They were good quality just very few
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As far as I know, yeah.
...I was gonna check his Twitter to make sure he didn't upload any WIPs or something that I had forgotten about (which I don't think he did), but it looks like someone else has his account now?
Either way, the stuff on Iwara should be everything to my knowledge.
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This is a long shot but did anyone download @afninja1's (あふろ) distribution on Fantia? https://fantia.jp/products/715491
He said he's taking a break from MMD/might not come back. He's deleted his twitter account https://x.com/afninja1 though his backup/alt is still up but private https://x.com/afninja2. My dumbass didn't notice he had a new distribution until it ended today. I'm assuming it's motion downloads. Thanks in advance for any anon that can share this.
kanaebros we are so back
What's with the Playmobil style hair?
>Two Kanae videos in the same month
Unfathomably based. All that's left is for Akomni to rise from the dead and bring us Kanae's Halloween 3.
Damn, almost perfect but that kinda ruins it a bit
looks like shit
she needs to be dp-ed and gangbang
new cornfed vid
just a classic sexdance, feels like 2020 iwara
gura sexo.......
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what the fuck?
I thought it would have been funnier to just have the one in the blue suit join in with the other one I having sex with Shirogane after he was staring at them while Gura just continues dancing.
shoddy, arms clipping through breasts, ugh
us DFC bros just can't stop winning
Not as good as his previous vids, too much focus in noeleshit
horrendous, never post again
Whoever hacked or took the account just uploads shitty OW2 videos
Man that sucks
wis zinc


just edit it slightly with changed expressions and camera angles and stripping. It's the little parts that count.
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saw this on /vg/, hope it inspires some hot mmds, either the motion or a model.
Idk about MMDs, but if it's from any of the Hoyoshit games, you'll see a ton of Koikatsu slop, that's for sure.
Bumping this as well. I can't find anything on afninja1 anywhere.
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I hate that you're right.
unironically westerners are doing a pretty good job on making porn for hoyo games
shame the longer videos are fucking rare while everything else are shitty loops
Too bad they're all over designed crap.
VRanon, can you upload the new Koyote when you have time?
I asked on AS and this is the reply I got:
>This guy is probably one of the single most autistic mmders around honestly. Here's a general timeline from what I remember over the years. He nuked his original iwara several years ago and made a new one, nuked that new one, made the fantia silently so people wouldn't know quickly, he'd make posts and then delete them regularly, and then finally made the twitter (where he also deleted works if "they underperformed").

>Anyway to answer your question though, that product is just a text file that says the following:




>I do not understand English, so this distribution is for the Japanese market. Thank you for your understanding.

>I will only give the password question to those who have commented on my videos at least once on the fan tier by September 9, 2024.
So you're not likely to get shit. I just downloaded whatever's left on his fantia. Shame since his Taihou and Marin videos were so good.
It'll be in next month's update, you'll have to hold out until then.
Anybody got videos from this user?

Desu star (Dasu)

Looking specifically for these videos from him:

That's a damn shame. I'm gonna try and look through my hard drive for any videos from him. I'm pretty sure I saved a couple that haven't been reuploaded. If not, oh well.
Man the Kangxi model ErenaRin has been using in the last videos is so shit, the pussy and tits look weird. The videos despite having better and less reused animations don't seem as good as the older ones.
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Don't mind me, just posting a cute Rukia.
Actually... Is this Koikatsu slop?
All good, thanks much.
Who's the creator?
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Dunno, it was some guy named Accel in Asterisk's discord. I'm not certain he has his own page.
axelerator7996 is his discord, he might be a thirdie from the way he types. Pretty great taste in characters though.
Looking for this, F95 ded so cant see there
Anyone have GFS MMD stuff? Nobody's posted about this account on the zone and the discord isn't on the party either.
Mostly just looking for the Gura stuff.
Shame, I like that model.
Someone responded to your ask on AS and dumped what they had
The second image is definitely Koikatsu, so I assume the first one is as well.
Sometimes the slop isn't so bad...

Are there any existing/ported MMD props like the phone here?
>that shota clips with her
Muh dick
Yeah, I'll drop it here too for anyone else that might be interested. Like I said over there it isn't particularly organized but it's a decent bit of what he posted. https://pixeldrain com/u/9dDjzX15
Hey bro could you tell me the name of the motion so I can download it
I completely forgot and when I loaded it up and searched I couldn't find it, sorry. If I remember or find it again I'll tell you.
I found it: its the double peace version of SHU Q dance.
What happened to the guy?

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