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New VN announced from Bugbug.com!
Well another schoogirl game, but considering the fact that it's also called Ingoku no Houkago the MC is probably going to have a similar ability as in the first game.

As for the girls, personally I dig the bluie haired and black haired the most at the moment.

I wonder if one of those girls is also going to coperate with the protagonist from the start, like in the previous game or will they all start as virgins.
hmm, going by their clothes, i think the Silver haired-one is the teacher.
The plot: The school used to be unisex, but slowly turned into a girl's school. The MC (who is both a teacher and the dorm manager) is the only dude left. Most of the girls at the school have a misandry problem, though it varies, and want him out, and he just tries to deal with it.

One day, he finds a sex dungeon in the dorm, aparrently it been built before, and he can't help but get aroused there. One of the girls (the blue one) walked in on him there...and well you can guess where things go from there.
Nigger faggot
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Well then I guess at the moment we won't have assistant character's this time around, although one of the female's is still probably going to be relegated to a side character - I think the most probable one is the silver haired 'teacher' character.
Not surprising, Ingoku no Houkago is one of the most popular BISHOP games.

Looks like the sequel is going to be a mix between Reijou Kanritou and the first Ingoku, I wonder if the MC will have superpowers again.
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>MC will have superpowers again
Since it's released under the same title as the first Ingoku no Hokuago I think that the MC is going to have the same or similar capabilities as the INGK1 protagonis.

Although, I think it would be more interesting if he wasn't aware of them and discovered their existence due to his 'encounter' with the blue haired girl.
First of all i really liked the characters design for this game, im definetly looking forward to play this game, i hope someone share the others two pages from BugBug. I noticed something interesting when i translated the BugBug image, it says "Voice: Yes / Animation: Yes", what do you guys think about BISHOP adding animations to the scenes?
In Japan they are wondering if it's a typo or if it will actually has animated H-scenes. It's a bit weird because they don't mention it anywhere else.

I think that it could be a good addition if it doesn't mean that we are getting less scenes because of it, and the animation is decent like in Milk Factory games.
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The second page. Low quality :-(
I'd like animations. I dunno about the cost/revenue they'll get.
Does any anon have numbers on how the last Bishop game did, just revenue wise? I'm thinking that Bishop may be able to get a reasonable profit if they added animations and an official english translation.
A recent eroge called Summer Clover sold 250k copies. That's about $4 mil in revenue. How does Bishop compare?
Thanks for other BugBug page, sadly the quality is too low to try to translate anything, if we get a high quality image in the future im interested in reading the interview in the last page.
Official english translations are pretty much unlikely considering the length of Bishop games and the theme they have.

As for animations, I find it unlikely that the next game is going to have them, unless Bishop adds some changes to the engine they use to run their games.

As revenue ... I don't think Bishop ever revealed those numbers - although from what I remember Kyousei Shihai has been in the 1 best selling rank on the getchu store for sometime time, so I think they are getting pretty well.
>no akagi rio
At least blond looks good.
Man, I dunno who did this one, but something's different. I'm usually Mr. Haughty Blonde fan club in BISHOP settings, where taking her down a peg or four ends up with a sweet sex slave makes my dick hard, but the design on this one is not doing it for me.
when will it be released? approximately
It was mentioned on the first page in the BugBug magazine, January 2025 - most likely at the end of the month, but will see.
Honestly, can we just have a teacher game next? the last was SNK2. Sure we had CNS 2 and Shinshoku which had adult woman, but msot of those girls lacked a mature angle thats hot.
Fully expected a second Ingoku no Houkago considering how the first one sold well, but I think the silver-haired teacher is going to be relegated to side heroine if they keep the same pattern as the previous games since she is designed by Oonari.
I just hope the teacher will get as many scenes as the others. Purple is great, blue is classic, blonde looks off on the cover art but amazing on the preview.
But they brought back Mizoro Tadashi (Black-haired student).
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Sadly she is more a Fitness loving gyaru than a haughty blonde, that why her design dont match.

As for what i understood google translating 1st page (cant do the last two cause quality). Blue is a nice girl but hide feeling toward mc and they get out once she find mc in the dungeon. And Black is a refined big sister type (like that Rejou subheroine) that want the mc out cause its strange that he is the only man in the dorm.

Well that google translate give to me so we have to wait to get a better version for the two last girls and the interview. So far i would like to see more cause cast seems less interesting than the 1st game.

Ill attach an IA Kyrie/Tsumugi pic that what we wanted and did not get on Ingoku 1.
Kyrie was cool and had some funny lines, but man I wish she was used like Ryou in Yakata when it comes to helping Souji to break the heroines.

That's the kind of assistant heroine I like the most in the BISHOP games.
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>Blue is a nice girl but hide feeling toward mc

Has Bishop copied her background from Natsukawa Asami (Ura Kyoushi)?

Naturally there will be some differences, but that's the impression I got when I heard that the new blue girl has feelings for the MC
Not that kind of feeling, she actually hates mc. New BugBug article:
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So based on the character description ... the only females that 'initially' don't hate the protagonist is the teacher (Sakino Aine) and the ... oppai loli (Kirari Kusakabe).

Then it sounds like it's going to have a similar plot as Hokuago 3?
In the article is confirmed that there isn't any animated H-scenes. It was probably an error.

The teacher has the most distinct background in my opinion. Looks like she has been a friend to the MC for many years, but she isn't a slave or a helper. I don't think that they have ever done something like that before.

The game looks very good to be honest, but I hope they fix two things that I didn't like in their latest games. The lack of threesome scenes (we haven't got any since CnS 2) and the sub-heroines.
Teacher looks like she will be sub-heroine material, anon.

She has an established relationship of sorts with the MC and Oonari's second character has always gotten fewer H-scenes since the first InH.
I really like the designs of all heroines this time. Of course my opinion can change when new informations are released, especially when the voices are announced but for now this is the order i like most based on designs and background descriptions: Purple > Blonde > Pink > Light Blue > Silver.
Another thing to note is that at least with the information we have so far don`t look like the protagonist is going to have any kind of special power like in the previous games.
>protagonist is going to have any kind of special power like in the previous games.

Or it hasn't been revealed yet, since it' would be a plot spoiler.

Bishop could be going with the KTJK1 scenario where the MC awakens his power due to the blue haired girl...
Oh, the lack of threesomes and sub heroines being garbage is not something to fix anon, this is the fix. It's called streamlining the game to make it more accessible to a wider audience. This is also why we don't collect items to use on the enslavement of your girls like 10 years ago. Welcome to modern gaming, which has even infected visual novels and nukiges.
What are good tools to extract BISHOP game files? There was a tool that I used many years ago to extract the voice files from KS and MK2, but when I tried using them on SMIE, I only got menu music and a couple of other generic tracks.
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GarBro can manage it - here is the link to the latest updated version https://github.com/crskycode/GARbro/releases.
I have read the interview in the BugBug article and they say some things about the game:

- Aine is a sub-heroine as expected.
- They mention "main heroines" events, "sub-heroine" events and "harem" events, so it doesn't look like the game will have threesomes.
- The number of H-scenes will be close to 70 (so the same as previous games).
- The volume of text and event CGs will be the same as the first Ingoku no Houkago.
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Better resolution of the second page of the bugbug article
In the interview there is a part where it says the game is going to have the "re-training" like in previous games but that system was been adjusted for this game. Maybe they are going to try something new or maybe it just minor adjustments.
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So, I've played Sansha Mendan. Are all the protagonists of BISHOP like Ryou? Like, obsessed with his victims? He says he loves all of them and praises them as the best women in the world, and seems to be honest about it.
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Nope ... some of them, do think that their victim's are better then the other women, but I wouldn't say that it's to the point of being obsessed about them.

Generally each protagonist has some differences in their character, although they definitely share some similarities that you notice once you play enough Bishop games.
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So, considering the cg scene's that we got so far, it seems that INGK2 is mostly going to take place in the dormitory that the MC manages.

Meaning that I wonder if we will have scenes of the MC sneaking in to one of his target girl's room at night and doing some naughty things to them, while the girl is still asleep.
In the BugBug article it says something like this "Another key point is that you can violate the heroines in three different locations and situations: a private room in the girls' dormitory, the school, and the training room."
The CG quality seems much better on this new one. Call me what you want, but the detail on the bondage harness catched my eye more then the leg shape. It is pretty good looking.

Maybe it's because I'm a bondage enthusiast.
I just want a big tits teacher blackmail game like Shihai no Kyoudan with Rio. :(
M/y brother.
Where did you get this pic of Miria? is there a set/gallery you got a link to?
blonde and black sprites look shit, especially the blonde
It's AI art…
I'm 99% sure that is either from the blog or AI
Is this Akagi Rio's art? Ever since Otoha from Kazoku Haha to Shimai no Kyousei, I've been hooked on Rio's milfs with fat tits, I've been dying for another hit
No it's not. Akagi Rio hasn't done any art, at least in the visual novel market, since December 2022.
Pity. I've gotten some of the doujinshi she's made in the years since (they're great), but I'm hoping to see the next great MILF on Otoha's level from Akagi....
I was reading the interview again, to answer the person who asked if there is going to be a scene when the main character sneak in the girls room at night, the answer is yes. In the interview there is a part that says something like this "The protagonist is in a training room full of erotic tools. Since he is a man who is fascinated by women, the erotic scenes are often flashy and extreme, using sex toys to make his prey cum. Also, he sneaks into a girl`s room late at night, and there are situations that can only be found in a girl`s dormitory"
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That's nice.

Wonder how the map selection is going to look like, will we have a proper map style choices are will it be more similar to the one used in Kazoku.

I also wonder how often Bishop is going to use the heart eyes in this game.
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So considering INGK2 has the purple haired girl (Utsunomiya Shirayuki) wearing pantyhose as her uniform design.

Anyone else wants a cg scene where the MC tears them - bonus points if it's her first time and that he uses her asshole first - although it remains to be seen if she deserves it :)
Well, I would sure hope so, since that'd be the only function pantyhose would have in a BISHOP visual novel.
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Reservations will start on 25 october. We will probably have some kind of update this week from BISHOP. I found this today, there is a preview of the drama CD.
Maybe she is working on the new Milk Factory game.
Getchu page is already up https://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=1309740
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Looking at the cg samples ... when was the last time we had an handcuffed girl lose her virginity?

And from the looks of things she got invaded in her own room.

I don't know what to think about Kusakabe Kirar (pink hair)i having a small fang in one of her scenes ... she's not a vampire after all.
I really like Kirari's design.
INGK2 website is up: www.bishop.gr.jp/products/ingk2/index.html
Even through we don`t have much information yet, i`m already hyped for this game, a lot more than the previous games. This time i really liked all the heroines, and the fact that all main heroines are hostile to be the protagonist from the beginning make it better. Shirayuki is my favorite by far (i really hope she have a good VA), she have pretty much everything i want in one character (ponytail, elegant atmosphere with high pride and i like the contrast with purple hair and green eyes), sadly for some reason she was the only main heroine with no CG sample in the BugBug article and now she is the only main heroine with only 1 CG sample released on getchu.

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