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New VN announced from Bugbug.com!
Well another schoogirl game, but considering the fact that it's also called Ingoku no Houkago the MC is probably going to have a similar ability as in the first game.

As for the girls, personally I dig the bluie haired and black haired the most at the moment.

I wonder if one of those girls is also going to coperate with the protagonist from the start, like in the previous game or will they all start as virgins.
hmm, going by their clothes, i think the Silver haired-one is the teacher.
The plot: The school used to be unisex, but slowly turned into a girl's school. The MC (who is both a teacher and the dorm manager) is the only dude left. Most of the girls at the school have a misandry problem, though it varies, and want him out, and he just tries to deal with it.

One day, he finds a sex dungeon in the dorm, aparrently it been built before, and he can't help but get aroused there. One of the girls (the blue one) walked in on him there...and well you can guess where things go from there.
Nigger faggot
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Well then I guess at the moment we won't have assistant character's this time around, although one of the female's is still probably going to be relegated to a side character - I think the most probable one is the silver haired 'teacher' character.
Not surprising, Ingoku no Houkago is one of the most popular BISHOP games.

Looks like the sequel is going to be a mix between Reijou Kanritou and the first Ingoku, I wonder if the MC will have superpowers again.
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>MC will have superpowers again
Since it's released under the same title as the first Ingoku no Hokuago I think that the MC is going to have the same or similar capabilities as the INGK1 protagonis.

Although, I think it would be more interesting if he wasn't aware of them and discovered their existence due to his 'encounter' with the blue haired girl.
First of all i really liked the characters design for this game, im definetly looking forward to play this game, i hope someone share the others two pages from BugBug. I noticed something interesting when i translated the BugBug image, it says "Voice: Yes / Animation: Yes", what do you guys think about BISHOP adding animations to the scenes?
In Japan they are wondering if it's a typo or if it will actually has animated H-scenes. It's a bit weird because they don't mention it anywhere else.

I think that it could be a good addition if it doesn't mean that we are getting less scenes because of it, and the animation is decent like in Milk Factory games.
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The second page. Low quality :-(
I'd like animations. I dunno about the cost/revenue they'll get.
Does any anon have numbers on how the last Bishop game did, just revenue wise? I'm thinking that Bishop may be able to get a reasonable profit if they added animations and an official english translation.
A recent eroge called Summer Clover sold 250k copies. That's about $4 mil in revenue. How does Bishop compare?
Thanks for other BugBug page, sadly the quality is too low to try to translate anything, if we get a high quality image in the future im interested in reading the interview in the last page.
Official english translations are pretty much unlikely considering the length of Bishop games and the theme they have.

As for animations, I find it unlikely that the next game is going to have them, unless Bishop adds some changes to the engine they use to run their games.

As revenue ... I don't think Bishop ever revealed those numbers - although from what I remember Kyousei Shihai has been in the 1 best selling rank on the getchu store for sometime time, so I think they are getting pretty well.
>no akagi rio
At least blond looks good.
Man, I dunno who did this one, but something's different. I'm usually Mr. Haughty Blonde fan club in BISHOP settings, where taking her down a peg or four ends up with a sweet sex slave makes my dick hard, but the design on this one is not doing it for me.
when will it be released? approximately
It was mentioned on the first page in the BugBug magazine, January 2025 - most likely at the end of the month, but will see.
Honestly, can we just have a teacher game next? the last was SNK2. Sure we had CNS 2 and Shinshoku which had adult woman, but msot of those girls lacked a mature angle thats hot.
Fully expected a second Ingoku no Houkago considering how the first one sold well, but I think the silver-haired teacher is going to be relegated to side heroine if they keep the same pattern as the previous games since she is designed by Oonari.
I just hope the teacher will get as many scenes as the others. Purple is great, blue is classic, blonde looks off on the cover art but amazing on the preview.
But they brought back Mizoro Tadashi (Black-haired student).
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Sadly she is more a Fitness loving gyaru than a haughty blonde, that why her design dont match.

As for what i understood google translating 1st page (cant do the last two cause quality). Blue is a nice girl but hide feeling toward mc and they get out once she find mc in the dungeon. And Black is a refined big sister type (like that Rejou subheroine) that want the mc out cause its strange that he is the only man in the dorm.

Well that google translate give to me so we have to wait to get a better version for the two last girls and the interview. So far i would like to see more cause cast seems less interesting than the 1st game.

Ill attach an IA Kyrie/Tsumugi pic that what we wanted and did not get on Ingoku 1.
Kyrie was cool and had some funny lines, but man I wish she was used like Ryou in Yakata when it comes to helping Souji to break the heroines.

That's the kind of assistant heroine I like the most in the BISHOP games.
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>Blue is a nice girl but hide feeling toward mc

Has Bishop copied her background from Natsukawa Asami (Ura Kyoushi)?

Naturally there will be some differences, but that's the impression I got when I heard that the new blue girl has feelings for the MC
Not that kind of feeling, she actually hates mc. New BugBug article:
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So based on the character description ... the only females that 'initially' don't hate the protagonist is the teacher (Sakino Aine) and the ... oppai loli (Kirari Kusakabe).

Then it sounds like it's going to have a similar plot as Hokuago 3?
In the article is confirmed that there isn't any animated H-scenes. It was probably an error.

The teacher has the most distinct background in my opinion. Looks like she has been a friend to the MC for many years, but she isn't a slave or a helper. I don't think that they have ever done something like that before.

The game looks very good to be honest, but I hope they fix two things that I didn't like in their latest games. The lack of threesome scenes (we haven't got any since CnS 2) and the sub-heroines.
Teacher looks like she will be sub-heroine material, anon.

She has an established relationship of sorts with the MC and Oonari's second character has always gotten fewer H-scenes since the first InH.
I really like the designs of all heroines this time. Of course my opinion can change when new informations are released, especially when the voices are announced but for now this is the order i like most based on designs and background descriptions: Purple > Blonde > Pink > Light Blue > Silver.
Another thing to note is that at least with the information we have so far don`t look like the protagonist is going to have any kind of special power like in the previous games.
>protagonist is going to have any kind of special power like in the previous games.

Or it hasn't been revealed yet, since it' would be a plot spoiler.

Bishop could be going with the KTJK1 scenario where the MC awakens his power due to the blue haired girl...
Oh, the lack of threesomes and sub heroines being garbage is not something to fix anon, this is the fix. It's called streamlining the game to make it more accessible to a wider audience. This is also why we don't collect items to use on the enslavement of your girls like 10 years ago. Welcome to modern gaming, which has even infected visual novels and nukiges.
What are good tools to extract BISHOP game files? There was a tool that I used many years ago to extract the voice files from KS and MK2, but when I tried using them on SMIE, I only got menu music and a couple of other generic tracks.
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GarBro can manage it - here is the link to the latest updated version https://github.com/crskycode/GARbro/releases.
I have read the interview in the BugBug article and they say some things about the game:

- Aine is a sub-heroine as expected.
- They mention "main heroines" events, "sub-heroine" events and "harem" events, so it doesn't look like the game will have threesomes.
- The number of H-scenes will be close to 70 (so the same as previous games).
- The volume of text and event CGs will be the same as the first Ingoku no Houkago.
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Better resolution of the second page of the bugbug article
In the interview there is a part where it says the game is going to have the "re-training" like in previous games but that system was been adjusted for this game. Maybe they are going to try something new or maybe it just minor adjustments.
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So, I've played Sansha Mendan. Are all the protagonists of BISHOP like Ryou? Like, obsessed with his victims? He says he loves all of them and praises them as the best women in the world, and seems to be honest about it.
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Nope ... some of them, do think that their victim's are better then the other women, but I wouldn't say that it's to the point of being obsessed about them.

Generally each protagonist has some differences in their character, although they definitely share some similarities that you notice once you play enough Bishop games.
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So, considering the cg scene's that we got so far, it seems that INGK2 is mostly going to take place in the dormitory that the MC manages.

Meaning that I wonder if we will have scenes of the MC sneaking in to one of his target girl's room at night and doing some naughty things to them, while the girl is still asleep.
In the BugBug article it says something like this "Another key point is that you can violate the heroines in three different locations and situations: a private room in the girls' dormitory, the school, and the training room."
The CG quality seems much better on this new one. Call me what you want, but the detail on the bondage harness catched my eye more then the leg shape. It is pretty good looking.

Maybe it's because I'm a bondage enthusiast.
I just want a big tits teacher blackmail game like Shihai no Kyoudan with Rio. :(
M/y brother.
Where did you get this pic of Miria? is there a set/gallery you got a link to?
blonde and black sprites look shit, especially the blonde
It's AI art…
I'm 99% sure that is either from the blog or AI
Is this Akagi Rio's art? Ever since Otoha from Kazoku Haha to Shimai no Kyousei, I've been hooked on Rio's milfs with fat tits, I've been dying for another hit
No it's not. Akagi Rio hasn't done any art, at least in the visual novel market, since December 2022.
Pity. I've gotten some of the doujinshi she's made in the years since (they're great), but I'm hoping to see the next great MILF on Otoha's level from Akagi....
I was reading the interview again, to answer the person who asked if there is going to be a scene when the main character sneak in the girls room at night, the answer is yes. In the interview there is a part that says something like this "The protagonist is in a training room full of erotic tools. Since he is a man who is fascinated by women, the erotic scenes are often flashy and extreme, using sex toys to make his prey cum. Also, he sneaks into a girl`s room late at night, and there are situations that can only be found in a girl`s dormitory"
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That's nice.

Wonder how the map selection is going to look like, will we have a proper map style choices are will it be more similar to the one used in Kazoku.

I also wonder how often Bishop is going to use the heart eyes in this game.
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So considering INGK2 has the purple haired girl (Utsunomiya Shirayuki) wearing pantyhose as her uniform design.

Anyone else wants a cg scene where the MC tears them - bonus points if it's her first time and that he uses her asshole first - although it remains to be seen if she deserves it :)
Well, I would sure hope so, since that'd be the only function pantyhose would have in a BISHOP visual novel.
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Reservations will start on 25 october. We will probably have some kind of update this week from BISHOP. I found this today, there is a preview of the drama CD.
Maybe she is working on the new Milk Factory game.
Getchu page is already up https://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=1309740
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Looking at the cg samples ... when was the last time we had an handcuffed girl lose her virginity?

And from the looks of things she got invaded in her own room.

I don't know what to think about Kusakabe Kirar (pink hair)i having a small fang in one of her scenes ... she's not a vampire after all.
I really like Kirari's design.
INGK2 website is up: www.bishop.gr.jp/products/ingk2/index.html
Even through we don`t have much information yet, i`m already hyped for this game, a lot more than the previous games. This time i really liked all the heroines, and the fact that all main heroines are hostile to be the protagonist from the beginning make it better. Shirayuki is my favorite by far (i really hope she have a good VA), she have pretty much everything i want in one character (ponytail, elegant atmosphere with high pride and i like the contrast with purple hair and green eyes), sadly for some reason she was the only main heroine with no CG sample in the BugBug article and now she is the only main heroine with only 1 CG sample released on getchu.
Err, I'm pretty sure Tsumugi (black hair) got handcuffed during her deflowering scene in the first Ingoku game.

By the way, it seems like the main heroine this time (blue-haired Satori) is actually a deep misandrist. We haven't had this type of heroine for a while, and so I am quite interested in her development.

But what do you guys prefer when 'breaking' a misandrist heroine type? Do you prefer her to change and now worship males but stay loyal slave to the MC only,or remain a misandrist as usual and only love the MC.
>remain a misandrist as usual and only love the MC.
This is the right answer. As my slave she's only supposed to shot that side of herself to me.
Well, she was designed by Yoshino Keiko, the one who designed Tsumugi (black hair) from the first Ingoku. Then again, every heroine in this game will be a "bitch" just like the first game. If anything, it is surprising that BISHOP doesn't do this more often, "bitchy" heroine is probably the meat for the choukyou genre, but BISHOP games usually don't have them (at most 1 heroine if exist at all).

I mean, I believe this is the first time we even have a misandrist heroine for BISHOP. I know I don't play every BISHOP game so it's possible I missed some, but I don't think we ever had a misandrist heroine before (especially as the main heroine)
>Calls men scum on the streets
>Thanks me for the opportunity to suck on my toes
That's marriage material
It is just me or this game have a lot of similarities with Houkago 3?

Both Main Characters are adult and employee in the school.

Mayu and Satori both have long hair and treat the main character well in the beggining of the game.

Suzuno and Shirayuki both have ponytail style hair and is the type of heroines with high pride, respected by others students and the the leader of the group who want to expel the main character.

Shizuka and Mihiro are both the blonde gal type heroine with small twintails and big boobs.

Miho and Kirari are both the pink haired loli heroine.

Hiromi and Aine both are teacher and sub heroine.
>I believe this is the first time we even have a misandrist heroine for BISHOP.
Boy you have some learnin to do.
You are right that BISHOP could use more bitchiness, but I'm fine with the all bitch cast being relegated to a single franchise, so that nice and wholesome girls who see nothing but good in us and try to redeem us from our enslaving ways can get a shot at becoming our willing cumrags as well.
You're actually right even if Satori actually hates the MC because of her misandrist nature whereas Mayu was your token nice girl.
Yes when I think about it, both games are about an adult protagonist being kicked out of school. Though in Houkagou 3, the protagonist is being kicked out for being a genuine creep, while in this new game, he's being kicked out just for being a male. So it's fitting for the main heroine to be a misandrist if you consider that. Both protag also don't have "Cheat Power" I guess.
It's been a long time for a BISHOP game to have a heroine to have a genuine crush for the protagonist though, who remains nice even after being raped. Then again, is it a coincidence that the game where all the heroines are hostile and bitchy to actually be their best selling title for a while?
I also believe this is the first time we have a game streamer for a heroine. Well, I'm sure we can already tell the ending scenes for that girl don't we? :)
Best selling does not equal best in quality. If that was the case, we would have all forgotten about best girl already.
Kutsujoku 2 beat you to it. There's a streamer heroine in there already, but it's ok, the only reason why people play Kutsujoku 2 is to play Rikka's route, and they never fire it up again, the rest of the cast is that forgettable
The pink-haired girl right? Is she a game streamer though? I personally put streamer and "Gamer Girl Streamer" in different category since "Gamer Girl" just feel different (for me anyway). Speaking of Kutsujoku, it's been a while for the protagonist to not have any Cheat Power.this time around.
Noeru (pink-haired girl) has the novelty of being the only non-busty character Rio Akagi has designed, but she deserved a better game than Kutsujoku 2.
Oh wow, now I want Satori (the blue-haired main heroine) to marry the protagonist in the ending. There is just something very "fitting" about a deep misandrist heroine to end up marring the MC
next bugbug magazine article
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Which girl from INGK2 would be you're first route?

Personally I'm going to aim to get the harem ending option unlocked in the first playthrough, but I'm still most interested in how Satori is going to develop from a misandrist to the usual Bishop slave personality...
I mean, it's not all that surprising, considering how limited the scope of what BISHOP can sell, it's either teacher rape or schoolgirl rape, with some experiment like Chijoku no Seifuku every blue moon or so.

At some point, you're gonna run into the same stuff, the same character arcs, the same cliches, etc. For another example, look at Fire Emblem. it's a series where they've pretty much recycled every character by now, because every game features 50 or so characters across around 20 games or so by now. Characters with simple motivations like "this guy is a mercenary who only does things for money" "this girl is in love with the main lord character" "This guy is an edgelord with a heart of gold" at some point, they were gonna start getting the same stuff over and over.
You have a legit point but at the same type the main character and heroines types are more similiar to Houkago 3 than any other game by far.
I agree that Satori misandrist is a interesting setting with a lot of potential but while Mizushima characters are not bad i still like more the others artists design. I will probably play Shirayuki first, i like her appearance more than the others heroines and the fact that she is a gaming streamer, lady with high pride and the leader of the girls that want to expel the main character can lead to some interesting CGs. I only hope they choose a good VA for her.
I wouldn't say all other casts are forgettable. Sure not all of them are memorable, but they tried some heroine types have not been done before, and the fact that KTJK2 is still a rare BISHOP game where the ending is 'crueler' for the heroines made it even more memorable.

For example, Noeru (pink hair) character, a timid girl who hates her personality and thus creates an alter fantasy personality of a cheerful idol streamer to cope. This was new character type for BISHOP and the ending for her is quite cruel, with her original personality "died" after the MC broke her. Miori (red hair), the noble girl, is the first heroine to be kept naked in his room as his masochistic pet in the ending because neither she nor the MC regards her as human anymore . Even Rikka accepts herself as subhuman and just a toy for the MC. They are all still happy in the ending of course, but the "crueler" ending make the characters stand out more desu (though t's debatable whether this approach is good or bad, I know people who have issues with this)
Just me personally, but I feel that her character traits combination is a bit off. I don't think "Elegant Lady" and "Gamer Girl Streamer" is a good mix together (if anything those are opposites). I think Otaku/Closet Otaku is a better mix, even better if she is a hardcore otaku with many hentai references.
Sorry, my comment above replied to the wrong comment. I was talking about Shirayuki .
Well, like everything it is a matter os preference, there is no right or wrong answer. I like her setting with gamer streamer and elegant lady. Just curious what is the route order you are going to play based on in the information we have right now?
I think this is the first time we have a misandrist heroine, so of course, I'm interested in how will this trope plays out. It's kind of funny that it took BISHOP this long to have a misandrist heroine, considering they are in the "Choukyou" genre. Blonde bitches are usually interesting in BISHOP as well.
They've had them before, it's just been so long that people have forgotten.
I really feel like (unsurprisingly) this game is just running back the cast of the first one. Looks wise, besides the main heroine having blue hair rather brownish grey hair, they are all similar to the character of the same archetype (though I suppose the blond is a gyaru, rather than a rich girl this time).
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The female cast might be similar, but the situation they are going to find themselves in is going to be different then in HG3.

For the simple reason that it doesn't seem from the cg's released so far,l that the INGK2 MC is capable of discharging the amount of white stuff that HG3 MC could.

While it's unknown if the MC is going to have any cheat abilities (since the feature page isn't out yet) it seems like he will need a slightly different method of trying to capture his target's compared to HG3.

Not to mention the setting is different as well, HG3 was school focused after all, while in the case of INGK2 most of the action is probably going to take place in the dormitory that the MC manages.
Man after playing through a decent amount of BISHOP's catalog, there's some top tier heroines even if the plot/setting can be repetitive at times. Any recs for nukiges/nukige companies on their level heroine wise?
If you don't mind the girls being passed around as public use cum dumps - then I would say that imo the girls from Guilty's Toriko series can have pretty good designs - it also keeps with the Bishop's theme of having to a large extent virgin female's in the cast.

Liquid's Saint Dorei series also have some nice designs imo.

But that is only if you can tolerate the girl being passed around to other guys - since as far I know only Bishop keeps up with the protagonist exclusive use policy.

Farside's Anata ga Iru no ni Netorarechau https://vndb.org/v27387 has a more Bishop like approach, since I don't think that the girls are used by anyone else then the protagonist, and the girls designs are pretty good imo, it also has an interesting NTR approach with all the girls being lesbians and the MC 'forcibly' turning them straight (or at least bisexual)
Believe it or not, it is hard to answer this if you want a similar formula with BISHOP games: Choukyou (Rape / Mind break / Sex Slavery) and "Exclusive use of the Heroine for the MC only",

Just like the comment above me, most Nukige games that operate in the "Choukyou" Genre usually have their heroines to be passed around and fucked by several guys (or monster in fantasy setting, especially in magical girls genre). Hence these games has various scenes that BISHOP games never do, like Gangbang , the heroines becoming public cum dump for any passerby, or rape with monster elements like tentacles,etc. If these are to your taste, then try Liquid, Lilith, Guilty, , Tsurumiku, etc.

If you don't want the heroines to be shared with other guys besides the MC, then "consensual/Non-Rape" Nukige usually does this. Most Nukiges are in this category (if you exclude low budget NTR), so there's plenty of options but you will not see mind-break / sex slavery the way BISHOP usually do. But there are some games where you "train" the heroines to gradually becoming a massive pervert for you but in "consensual/Non-rape" setting. Generally speaking, the "training" part will note as vulgar and the heroines will not be slaves for the MC in the ending, just becoming a pervert. But if you want to see Nukige in great art styles, try Atelier Kaguya (or other Atelier brand but usually the art is not as good),Milk Factory, Escude (for raising stat simulation games), Astronauts, Waffle, Argonauts etc.

Otherwise, if you don't mind low budget ones in Choukyou genre, try Miel. Lune is a bit inferior in terms of budget than BISHOP but generally dabble in Mind Control. You can also check POISON.
I have been interested the game from bishop and guilty for a while now. I am a fan of a pleasure/romantic break type scenario where the heroine fall for MC at the end, especially if it have pregnancy sex.
I am currently interested in Houkago 3 and maybe playing Mesu Kyoushi 4 and Kutsujoku in the future, so I'm curious on what does people here thinks of them.
that said, I saw it here before that Kutsujoku wasn't well regarded by the fan due to how cruel it is to the heroine compared to the other bishop game, so I would like to ask how much post breaking loving sex scenario are there?

On a side note, I was considering asking the guilty thread at some point. I am considering trying out Toriko no Kusari, how does it compared to bishop game in general, not in quality, but in term of scenario. It seem that there isn't any pregnancy ending, but I am curious if there are any ending where the girl fall to pleasure and enjoy getting fucked.

[spoiler]Also, why are appearance bishop small breast heroine so inconsistent between game? some game have them, and the sequel just went full on big breast.[/spoiler]
"Falling in love" is a pretty hard thing to define in this genre, since most of the heroines are trained to be with the protagonist. It's not like it's something they chose out of their own free will. You do have exceptions here and there, usually main heroines who, while not too thrilled about being forced to be a sex toy, they are either perverted enough, or fucked just the way they like it enough, that when they accept being sex slaves, they genuinely love it instead of being mindbroken into it.

The usual other "love" cliche that BISHOP gets into is the girl who is/was in love with the protagonist before being targeted as a potential sex toy candidate. Nomiya Nanako from Kuro no Kyoshitsu for example. Now on the Kutsujoku series, I personally find it a bit overblown when they say that it's "crueler" to the girls, considering we're playing rape simulators where we rape girls until they like it, so it's less that it's crueler to the girls, and more that it's a dose of realistic. In that a relationship where the base of it is "I can rape you anytime I want to and you can no nothing about it" leads less to love and more to an abusive relationship, where the girl is never happy. And that bothers some people who play these kinds of rape simulators. Don't ask me how this bothers them but the rest of the rape doesn't, I'm not a psychologist and I'm not gonna armchair one on the internet.
Guilty games have several different settings, but most of them (including the Toriko series ) are mostly about the heroines getting gangbanged by multiple guys, so is you are looking for romantic relationship, that's out of the question (there is some GUILTY games without gang bang but it's rare). So in BISHOP games, the MC rapes the heroine, but in Guilty the Heroine getting gangbanged are the MC (story is in their point of view, not the guys since there's multiple of guys at since). So in the ending, they are still used by multiple guys.
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Thanks for the reply
Falling in love in this case refers to the latter two case you refers to: came to actually enjoyed getting fucked by the protag and look forward to it, to actually falling for the protag and treat them like an actually lover, with either sense of possessiveness or eagerness to share him with her friends.

As for Kutsujoku I was curious if most of the girl are happily enjoying sex with the MC at the end, as there are at least one girl I wish have a "happy"(as much as it can get for these genre) ending. Personally, there is a huge difference between girl coming to enjoy getting fucked and whole hearty give herself to the protag and simply resigned to becoming the protag sex toy.
It's the change in or capturing the heart that I enjoy, perhap something like those from lune's Aku Onna Kanbu, or witchflame dokusenjima, where the girl more or less became the lover to MC, compared to general case of Kuroinu, where the girl either just enjoy the sex itself, or give up resisting. I was wonder which case each girls head toward.

For Guilty, especially, case of Toriko no Kursuri, I already expect no romance, I was wondering there are fall to pleasure ending, or it's just simply give up resisting ending.

that said, how was Houkago 3 considered here? asking out of curiosity.
The first Kutsujoku game is the most controversial because it is the first time modern BISHOP has not used its usual formula of "Happy Break." for their heroines The girls have different fates, but generally they just "broke" and not the usual "Happy-Broke". The MC is also not well like, dubbed as "Carrot Boy".

Perhaps BISHOP was just experimenting and taking risk for using different formula, but it was not well received. Hence why in the 2nd Kutsujoku, they bring back "Happy-Break", but the heroines' fate was still crueler than most in BISHOP games, but still happy as the MC sex slave, The 3rd Kutsujoku game completely forgo the "crueler" aspect of the series and plays as standard BISHOP games, the only thing the keep same was the MC's power.

As for Houkagou 3, the MC is an adult male, and a degenerate who can produce a lot of semen and ejaculate inappropriately in school due to having high libido. The students are disgusted so they make a movement to have him fired. After learning about his almost inevitable dismissal, the MC decided to rape the girls before he have to leave the school for good. Interestingly, the MC actually got fired in almost all of the endings, the heroine's route you "capture" decided to leave the school and abandon her family so she can follow and live with the MC to be his sex slave.
Is there a way for me to watch subbed playthroughs of bishop games, or at least the sex scenes?
Err, I'm not sure, but BISHOP does have a channel at https://video.fc2.com/. They post opening movies of their games, some short trailers, short sample videos, and countdown release trailers for their games. It's not much and is censored most of the time.

Either way, this is the link for the Opening Movie of Houkagou 3 (Censored unfortunately):

I see now, thanks anon.
>Happy Break
This is it, this is the term I was looking for. This kind of break is my favorite.

This is more of a personal curiosity at this point, what's /bishop/'s favorite game in general, and which is considered the best here?
>favorite game in general

Bishop's game have overall a pretty similar plot design structure so it ultimately depends on your female (victim) preference and what kind of personalities they have.

Ultimately it's based on the preference between schoolgirls (teenagers) or do you like teacher's (young adults)...

The best game also depends on those preferences, personally I like:

- Houkago 3
- Kuro no Kyoshitsu
- Kazoku - which has a nice balance between young adults and teenager females imo.
- Ingoku no Hokuago
- Kyousei Shihai
It used to be that the favorite game of /bishop/ was Sansha Mendan, but that was because it was the only one we got translated. Mind you, it's still one of the best things Bishop has ever made, but there was a clear bias towards it because we couldn't really read the rest of the catalogue.

I still have a soft spot for it too, not just because of the teacher subjugation, but because I want another game with a threesome gimmick. Give it to me Bishop. Other than that, as I already mentioned, teacher rape is my jam, so the Mesu Kyoushi series alongside the Shihai no Kyoudan series are my bread and butter.
When it comes to the Japanese fanbase, they really love the schoolgirl setting. So much so that Kagami (one of the most prominent BISHOP's artist at the time time) tweeted to beg the fans to let him draw something else outside schoolgirls for BISHOP games. In the end , he quit and now works for Gacha games (destroyed of all games in the industry). Kagami's departure marked the end of an era for BISHOP since his art style is really distinct. Post Kagami era is usually referred to as "Modern Bishop" while Kagami's Era is referred as "Old Bishop". Considering BISHOP rarely go outside the school settings(be it students or teacher) , I guess the Japanese fanbase never really changed all this time, even for modern BISHOP era.
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I wonder what kind of lewd outfits INGK2 is going to have.

So far the only leak is the gym clothing scene, which seems to me to be some early route content.
I think this is the first time that I saw a BISHOP heroine with a toned body and I actually dig that nice detail.
Gym clothes and themes is mainly for the blonde, her character description said so anyway. Hence why her body is toned.

Speaking of body, is it me or is the art style different for this game? I'm not sure why, but I feel that even though they are high school girls, as usual, they look somewhat older compared to the last games. I think their body proportion are different and look generally taller, hence why they seem more mature now. ( I mean, try to compare them with the image of Sarasa above from the last game).
Thats something i noticed too and like this detail. BISHOP games had a lot of athletes heroines for example but the body design looked the same was others heroines. To be honest i have high hopes that this game will be one of the best BISHOP games, this is the first time that im looking forward to all heroines routes. I still think BISHOP should make 4 main heroines and no subs through, this way the main heroines would have more scenes post corruption like Mesu Kyoushi 4 had.
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I'm surprised to see Poro is still working on Kazoku adaptation, but I won't complain, more Otoha is always good for my soul.
Speaking about Kazoku I wonder what are the chances that we will get a sequel to it.

Basically new MC and female's,but a similar theme as the first one.

I know that the original hadn't been selling well, at least that's what I got, but that might have changed slightly after Poro released so many adaptations of Kazoku.
Do Kazoku 2 but make the mother a principal/school teacher. Like in Sansha Mendan.
Kazoku sold alright, it just wasn't the best selling title BISHOP has ever done, which is the only thing the sales numbers people really care about, beating the previous one. Now, as far as another one it's gonna be hard. The premise itself is pretty unique "I hate that my father cheated on my superhot stepmon and pretty hot stepsisters, so I'm gonna claim them as my own using the strategic powers of penis" is not something you can really milk multiple times, so you're gonna have to come up with an entirely new premise.

And this is gonna sound like sacriledge to fans of Kazoku, but it's still true regardless of whatever they might think: there are better games out there doing the Oyakodon thing, including the threesomes. So it's gonna be harder to greenlight another Kazoku when they can instead cater to their niche by making more teacher/schoolgirl rape.
I'm not sure why Kazpku did not sell well enough to earn a sequel. It was still a schoolgirl-themed game. It's also not highly rated compared to other BISHOP games on Japanese websites Perhaps because of the NTR? Or maybe for having only 3 main heroines?. Or perhaps married heroines is not received well by BISHOP.
Personally I would say it was a family themed game.

Sure we had schoolgirls in it, but most of the action has been taking place at the MC house with the main feature being promoted as infiltrating the three main girls rooms while they were sleeping.

I think there are 3 main reasons, which combined and caused Kazoku to not be received well.

The first one, is that the route choices are a little more complicated compared to the recent titles we received, before and after Kazoku has been released.

The second one, if I remember correctly, is that Kazoku has been the first title were the separation between sub and main girl status has been so obvious, which might have prevented some potential buyers from actually buying the game.

The third is the non virgin status of two of the Kazoku girls - most of the Bishop player's probably like their girls to be pure - before they get dirtied by the MC hands - considering how quickly Bishop got rid of the gangbang continent after Kagami has left them and now, it's pretty much, absent from Bishop's recent game catalog.
It's a shame so much about selling these games is about quantity over quality, they probably would have had more success with just focusing on the watase girls and not putting the obvious side characters in but then people would complain they're not getting enough bang for their buck.

While it is fun to speculate on ways BISHOP could shake up the formula they are just incentivized to keep moving the chains and churning out the product they know will keep the lights on.

I'm curious which games and companies you think are doing the oyakodon thing better. Not that I disagree with your point (Sad as I am to admit that they are better off doing what they know) I suppose I'm looking for recommendations from someone who already played KZK (which is already one of my favorite oyakodon games).
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Sharing this from Guilty thread, for the previous anons wanting some romance, it seems there is a revival of the Harame series, which is basically knock up one or more girls. Likely some romance scenes but still mostly nukige.

no new cg, but Bishop revised ingk2 prologue page
It was expected that BISHOP was not going to update the website with new information in november. Last time with Kyousei Shihai was the same, they release the wbsite in the first month after the announcement of the game but in the second month we had no updates in the website. The only difference is that last time CG pages was released already but at the same time we had less CG samples in sellers websites like getchu, thats why we can say that we have more or less the same amount of information we had in the last game in the same period.

There are only two months left now to the planned release date, if BISHOP don`t start updating regularly from now on there is a chance that the release date will be postponed (i hope it doesn`t get postponed).
While I always appreciate the reference to other interesting games, I don't think this "qualifies" to romance or BISHOP-style romance. The game is about an AI telling you that your child can be great heir for a conglomerate family (with the protag being a child of the mistress of said family) and so they forced him to breed with the maids heroines, All of the heroines already give consent for it with their own personal goal and reason for accepting. So no real choukyou- training , but the protag have a twisted personality, so you can certainly expect twisted sex, but the game is mainly for to endure those and get impregnated. So in conclusion, not really a "rape-romance" genre.

If you want "vanilla romance nukige", I believe Atelier Kaguya Bare & Bunny is more suitable. The art style is really good (though mainly deal with older-sister type onee- san types).. They are also releasing a new nurse-themed game in January next year, the same date as with this BISHOP game
>I believe Atelier Kaguya Bare & Bunny is more suitable.
The problem with that is that it's downright impossible to get the stupid things to run. They either run with no problems or don't run at all.

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