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Post your favorite hentai / doujinshi where there's a high age gap between the lovers (keep it legal)
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>keep it legal
god save us from illegal pixels
Not fond of loli/shota content
which isn't allowed on the board anyway, how.new.ru
I dont live and breathe on /h/ mate, i just come here once in a while to find something i like so i can jerk off and decided to make a thread about something i dont really see here thats all
...it's a global rule tho, and ALSO repeated in the sticky, you really have no excuse
Sure now post age difference hentai/doujinshi that you jerk off or else youre a newfag too
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I like age difference but when it's more of a hunky guy with a beard and a young girl with big knockers who likes having her nipples sucked on
got any recommendations to read ?
got any more buddy
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go check out the femdom thread, they have a bunch of dilfy goodness.
Im worried if repost it here the thread might get taken down or the mod might get pist
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I'm looking for a doujin.
It was about an (I think) loli shrine goddess that hadn't decided what to rule over, that fell in love with a human teen, and when the guy disappeared for years, she manipulated the surrounding city with her divine powers to stop them from destroying the almost abandoned shrine, not soon before they do anyway, the guy, now a like 40-50 year old returns and has passionate sex with her. She then becomes the goddess of Marriage. Anyone knows the one I'm talking about? I can't fucking find it on exhentai nor nhentai.

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