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暑いよ~ Edition

Previous Thread: >>8254046

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Pony: https://civitai.com/models/404802 | https://civitai.com/models/288584 | https://civitai.com/models/257749
Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070 | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgnew/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

first for highlights are stupid and i hate them
>most weebs want to lewd the waifus they see in anime/games/youtube
I don't, I fucking hate Rule 34 to the core. I've had NAI since the release of V3 and I've never ONCE proompted NSFW of existing characters. Kys.
Very odd opinion but ok
you are an outlier and honestly using v3 without characters is especially uncommon
Very strange man, I will never stop prompting Rosa and poplar's fat tits now that I have the power.
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>I don't, I fucking hate Rule 34 to the core.
What are you doing in a fucking /h/ then?
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nta but there are a considerable amount of non-parody doujin works
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Previous Thread Highlights
kill yourself
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reminder to hide and report highlighterfag for spam, he's wasting image slots on reposts
Live a long and prosperous life anon
Because it feels wrong. You spend so much time with these characters in wholesome ways that perverting them feels no different from perverting your favorite childhood cartoons. It's just not right. And although I obviously don't have an issue with characters from purpose-made hentai and porn games, I do with visual novel characters for the reasons mentioned above - before you get to the porn in proper, non-nukige VNs, you spend even more time with the characters without lewding them beyond a stray pantyshot than in most anime and games.
As stated before, purpose-made hentai and OC (including non-established throwaway designs) exist.
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ass cat
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Spooky Gens
Spooky Thread
Spooky Board
kindly post a wholesome image that will fill my cumfilled heart
>made it in
we got a new schizo, huh?
>made it into the highlight but not with the gen I expected
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>no ayakon-sama gens
has he fallen off?
keep posting your spooky gens, anon!
that jack-o lantern bunny goes hard
very nice style
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Making porn of your OCs is like fucking your own daughter, making porn of non-OCs is fucking someone else's daughter.
Incest is superior to non-incest so at all times possible you should be genning OCs. Remember to give them names and backstories as well.
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true wisdom and insight
agreed 100%
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based, thank you for your service
Wish Illustrious could keep up with Pony
It probably will, come v1.0 or v2.0.
kot supremacy
p sure most of those are gook, i know mine are
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I will only gen horror content this month
why won't you send pr then? kohya a bit of lazy or busy and most of the cool things are implemented by other people
kill yourself
Fucking around with lora settings and I have upgraded from an avr_loss of NaN to an avr_loss of 0. I'm pretty sure these are the same thing but it feels better somehow. Also I'm at 9.8it/s instead of my usual of 8.3 but I'm used to seeing it climb up at this point. Also why can't I search for any word with less then 4 letters in the /h/ archives, that would make it much easier to see if anyone else is doing the stupid shit I'm doing.
gib shiki lora
anon do you think the guy who comes to the anime porn board to brag about how smart he is and how the guy making the most used tooling in the hobby is retarded is actually going to contribute in any form and isn't just here to stroke his ego
I partially agree with you. There are some characters that I grew very attached to and that I don't want to see porn of. Most though? No qualms.
Shit taste.
>avr_loss of NaN to an avr_loss of 0
The fuck are you doing?
this thread is making me nostalgic for the days when I used sd 1.5 MeinaHentai,AbyssOrangeMix3
any way to make illustrious not generate super long torsos?
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Kannachads keep winning
gen 1024x1024 instead of 832x1216
ive had fewer such problems with noob than with pony, post a catbox may be settings related
That's deep
I usually use base sd-scripts but I used easyscripts recently and used RexAnnealingWarmRestarts as the scheduler. Considering there are no results about it anywhere on the internet, it uses different arguments then normal REX and that it's referred to as a custom scheduler in the code I'm assuming it was made specifically for Easy Scripts.
I'm trying to implement it into normal sd-scripts but it's not going well considering I don't understand code, it's extremely early in the morning and chatgpt isn't saving my ass. Also I'm trying to use CAME as my optimizer and that was suspiciously easy to do and gave me no errors so I suspect that is tricking me in someway as well. I'll figure out what's breaking everything when I wake up, I guess.
Still glad at how well illustrious handles halos. Just need to find a good mix for sex scenes.
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Also, are Lamia /h/ or nah?
i cant have anyone taking my artstyle as its currently my livelihood, i was just wondering if people were using negatives for it
does anyone know how the NoobAI-XL process is going and when the full version will be released?
Because it wouldn't get merged anyway for various reasons, and I didn't particularly put an effort (and I do not really want to) in making this shit maintainable.
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yeah but it fucks up the placement sometimes with weird poses
didn't he post like one joke gen?
Post your patch here then?
You've been warned
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So this is the power of illustrious...
I don't hate it, but I don't prefer it either. With stablediffusion I stick to r34/characters mostly because the models simply aren't as competent as something like Dall-E when it comes to trying to create OC. However when testing out style loras or new models i almost always just use archetypes rather than characters.
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>Can't reproduce any fucking seeds
>Inpaints are all weak as fuck and smudgy even with SPO

Should I just re-install forge? This is annoying as hell. I can't find what settings are fucked if any.
>reproduce any fucking seeds
why do people care about this shit so much
SPO is trash imo
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wtf, this is really good, thank you anon
These are great
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illust is good at cat core crystals
it doesn't throws hunk errors when applying to main branch file for you?
I'm using a modified version of https://github.com/sdbds/sd-scripts/tree/schedule_free
sexy sexy sexy
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Delicious kot, what is the artist tag?
*hits pipe*
but posting gens of your daughterfus is the ultimate cuckoldry
let's revive this thread post gen made in pony.
can you just upload the file? there are lines to delete that don't exist in the original file at all like this one
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I'm training my first lora on gooknai, what am I in for?
your first lora trained on gooknai prolly
just a hunch
dont mind reweik gens but nah, noob is just the best
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For me, it's the safest way to know my stuff is working properly since I don't know what settings are messed up. Right now it looks smudgy/blurry, where as other people's gens with the same settings look sharp.

Also inpainting detail either sucks cock or I'm doing it wrong.
relevant things for me beyond proompt wrangling are:
kohya deep shrink/hiresfix at 0.6 percent, which enables 1.5x scale on base gen
dpm++ 3m sde cfg++, except the last step is euler A cfg++
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>kohya deep shrink/hiresfix at 0.6 percent
Introduces very weird afterimage like artifacts for me at that strength with euler a. had to dial it down to .45
Is Euler A cfg++ available in forge or nah? It's not there by default obviously but idk if it can be downloaded. I thought that was a comfy only thing.
i think cfg++ itself is a fairly marginal benefit, and you have to spend some time figuring out its more sensitive CFG curve. id try just dpm++ 3m sde to start


have fun
>dpm++ 3m sde
what makes this better than dpm++ 2m sde?
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Cool! Catbox, please?
I've been liking euler a cfg++ more then euler a but I stopped messing with samplers after day 2 with illustrious just kinda settled on it. I didn't try dpm++ 3m sde or others so might try those today just to know.
Why is there no dpm++ 4m then?
mossad's keeping it locked up tight
it's inpainted
what artists
You are not entitled to a catbox. Post your best attempts to replicate the gen at the very least. The threads won't evolve if it's just lazy beggars getting handouts from the good prompters.
nta but looks like ebora (youngmanisdown) to me
>Post your best attempts to replicate the gen at the very least
Honestly kind of based
I think it would be a great transaction to post an attempt at a replication for something you want a box of
Not only will you learn something, but you also get something for your efforts
don't @ me retard
I wish civit had proper training settings so I could do something with my 8 million anlas
i decided to actually do some xys and i now also think 0.6 is too high, i might try 0.4 on the 3m sde sampler
Based opinion. I do appreciate when people box, so I see how other people do things, but yeah it's nice to see variety in artstyles
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yep, ill go with 0.4. even lower might still be better but i saw pretty low improvement from 0.45 to 0.4
My problem with kohya was it wasn't faster then using hires fix so I didn't see a point. Raunet is faster by far but it wants to act weird with illustrious for me in just making everything rough drafts or sketch styles.
i get better quality from kohya vs regular hiresfix, at least for the styles i typically go for
The generic catfag here, can't box but I presume the part you want is: (aoin, tony taka:0.8),
Cute snek, keep it up anon. love you
doing all this instead of SDE No Brown
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Sorry for being a faggot but is there an accepted best version between Pony and Illustrious for LOCAL GENERATION from the OP? Looking to have an end result looking like picrel, it was generated with novelai. I don't care about the quality being 100% as good (this was touched up as well), I just want the best option for the western-hentai-ish style.
regular highres is awful without ponys thick lineart as a guide. Even very conservative denoise will result in misplaced navels and odd skin creases
>western-hentai-ish style.
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IDK man the best way I could think to describe it is like what I see when I add the western search tag on a hentai site lmao
Ponymixes will give you a "default" sloppa style that doesn't require much beyond slapping some score tags on your prompt. Very biased towards 3d/2.5d realistic images if that's what you want. Will do degenerate furry adjacent kinks and sex well.
Illustrious does not come with a "default" sloppa style and is very biased towards 2d anime. You have to play around with artists/style tags a lot more to get what you want. Is more creative than pony, but does less well on furry adjacent kinks and 3d/2.5d.
there is no such thing as western hentai
what denoise are you guys using? I found that simply reducing it to 0.3 from the 0.5 or so I was using on pony works fine for hires fix on illustrious(-based mixes). either euler a/ euler smea for generation and then just regular euler for upscale, random seed.
Thank you, I vomit looking at csdg. Wanted more anime style than not, I'm just not very good at description.
>accepted best version
god I fucking hate you faggots so fucking much
how about you go to fucking civit and look at some models and pick some out that you think look good and then experiment and find something you personally like instead of letting somebody tell you what to use you braindead fucking zombie
Yeah that's exactly how you learn something new you don't ask for advice and try random bullshit until you give up and lose interest. kys faggot.
anyone got a concept toml for illust?
.3 with euler works, sure, but by that point you might as well completely forgo the second denoise because you're not adding any detail.
>you give up and lose interest if you don't get everything handed to you on a silver platter
holy fucking retard
What's the setup for kohya hi res, like 4 - 1.5 on the values top to bottom?
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i have block 3, downscale factor equal to your res scale vs regular SDXL, start 0, end 40%
only good image itt
Anyone got good vectorscope settings to make my gens dark for things like backlighting?
rape is based
actual autism
How many hurdles do I have to jump over if I want to create gangbang images of my obscure waifu?
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how am I supposed to recreate it if I dont recognize the artist?
dumb pretentious nigger
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will it fit?
double nipple?
Nonomi has very squeezable breasts!
Requesting paizuri
Still getting some fuck ups at 40% I'll fiddle some more, the drop from 4-3 helped a bit though I think
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good day sirs
honk honk awooooga wee woo wee woo moooooo hahaaaa milky milkers meow meow time for a feeeed hahaaaa jiggle jugsssss hahaaaa squidgy mounds eraser nipplesssss
the thread is saved
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4chan is going broke!
It's thicker than her arm but I have no doubt that it will fit.
Anon which Yukimaru?
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is this inpained? I cant get anything similar
right from the tap preferably!
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my dark nite doko
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yummy yum
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nope, just RNG.

love how she sucks on that cock
absolutely beautiful eye as well
That's a nice eye, I rate it highly
post your settings/worflow bwo
I just installed and typed in "Dark Precure gangbang sex with 4 guys" and tinkered with the resolution
absolutely based
Sona's the best. Full picture/catbox? I wanna see her slurping that weenie
idk if it's just my reforge being scuffed but extensions like kohyahrfix and multidiffusion don't do anything with CFG++ samplers
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>lewding precures
I hope you never figure it out.
super cringe
>there is no such thing which obviously there is
based retard
fucking great if made with illustrious
aco garbage if it's pony
super based
can relate besides hag part
download comfyui and comfyui manager
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thank you sar
What a lucky boyfriend
these you's should be going to shuten-anon
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shuten anon and his wife are long gone bud

died with his wife
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Spooky artstyle touhous
Running my own custom sd_scripts spaghetti. Mind putting up a gist of the code?
this one looks neat
wasn't he here like a week ago?
but luckyfag seems to be gone for good
>only good image deleted
its over
is this a ft/lora or does illust actually have that good of intrinsic artist knowledge? some are pretty hit or miss
just a lora, models can't learn styles properly
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base Illust, right now I'm genning most of danbooru artists tags for science, so far, all the artist I like work really well, when I finish I'll post a compilation
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Would you hit?
>didn't remove Cumfy
it's over
is that the (gpo:1.3)?
gpo lora finally hit illust
>Model: checkpoint-e3_s42000
much like with loras the more unique the style the easier it catches on, assuming the artist has ~100 images on gelbooru. negatives can also ruin some styles so dont test with schizo neg
What list are you using for the artists? I've seen someone post this mega with 10k artist examples:
Sadly, even this one is lacking some artists which should be in the dataset for some reason.
>didn't remove p*ny
Secret model from the 'cord.
is it good?
It's just the newest WIP noob checkpoint, they've gone fortress mode though because of how many insufferable faggots are annoying them.
you think we'll be able to turn the jordach arc into a 12ep drama anime with naiv5?
>high contrast, colorful, beautiful color, (muted colors:1.4), (monochrome)
>(black background:1.4), black background, (black background:1.3)
schizo prompt = schizo images it seems
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cant wait for the ep centering around b-'s dramatic exit
smuggle him into the euge discord and youve got it
NTA but personally didn't seem like a crazy improvement, not missing much honestly
It's very clean compared to base illust.
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Thanks, and yeah it was the style. Is that a pony image or illust though?
I like how the mods are fucking retards and gave me a warning for that post for being "toon". Jannies don't know about George Kamitani, amazing.
could you post some more of it? just anything really
Bless you, please post when you get the image set for it I've just been sticking to what I see in booru and my rebaked loras. Been kinda dreading going into the rabbit hole of artist mixes since it just feels like pure lotto.
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this has all tags on the booru, artists tags are category:1

I'll do all artists and keep the ones I like and have a noticeable effect
He joined chenkins discord but stopped posting there when he got no engagement. Sadly don't have invite permission for the artiwaifu discord
I felt like first 'release' of noob was pretty clean compared to illust too, for better or worse. Have they addressed the issue of contrast? Not to sound like a beggar asking for more. People will call me a cuck but I'm already grateful for what they've given us, particularly Angel
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looks stiff and gray but improves everything else. The bane of e621

my wife junker
Colors are still fairly fucked ngl, I honestly don't think that's gonna get fixed until the v-pred one.
Sorry, should've mentioned it was Illust SmoothFT SPO.
Nice thicc mommy
nice, thanks
looking forward to the curated collection bwo
Thank god for the great chinese wall keeping all of the western faggots out.
>I like how the mods are fucking retards and gave me a warning for that post for being "toon". Jannies don't know about George Kamitani, amazing.
wtf i love jannies now
chinese are just western taiwanese though
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>Mind putting up a gist of the code?
I just attempted to describe how multithreaded code works and I've got a huge headache so go fuck yourself. Essentially, it just creates three new threads, one of which is for spewing epochs, the second is for synchronizing precomputed batches and embeddings, and the third is for computing embeddings. The main thread consumes all three of them.
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Will do, i'll probably finish today or tomorrow, if by then you miss it in the threads just search "illust artist compilation" in http://archived.moe/
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it's made with noob
What are you doing in a thread full of non-OCs then?
Base SD1.5 or what
Now I wanna try it. Where do I get it anon?
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Cute fluffy hair
KYS epic
uhhh box for this one? damn
You wait
good morning bakariso sir
that's a three day, old chap
That's okay, all a work in progress. The gens in >>8256572 show that they're not always too bad, and that it might be worth it regardless for the better composition. Been using first Noob version for this too. Thanks for sharing
Pony could never
The colors in the newest checkpoint are fine, it's improving rapidly. Just have to let them cook.
>illustrious pony edition
kys yourself
Yeah sorry about that, I don't wanna be a downer but I all so don't want people to get unrealistic expectation which is a real problem in this thread. The anon using it rn in this thread is also using vectorscope so not a real rep of the model.
just get novelai and prompt with danbooru tags if you want a braindead solution
torrent plos
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neither could gooknai
i'll upload e3 tomorrow
>gooknai out of nowhere
nah, this general is full of useless retards who ruin everything they touch.
yeah, like you shilling smegmafied aco finetunes
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that would be the wd discord sir
I agree, that's why I'm still using autism. What else do you need?
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Is this model better at generating pussy and penetration?
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havent looked at hdg since b64 days, do multi character prompts like this one still need regional prompting/latent couple in order to not fuse the characters together?
see >>8256635
its useless, stick to pony
Nothing, that's why the insane shilling lately has been maddening and incredibly annoying. We don't need a whole new model ecosystem just because autism couldn't gen kids like you wanted it to.

Is there anyway to see the tags and the strength of the tags?
Does anyone know what artkoikoi uses to get such high quality images? I know there's manual editing involved but the resolution is so sharp
illustrious/noob is pretty deece at separating 2girls
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that third image is insane if not inpainted. even with some details wrong
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Return to pony, embrace tradition.
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Illust is pretty good with this most of the time

multi-character works better when the prompt has the appropriate context, you can easily do this by finding a multi-character image you like and then running it in:


with that, you can get a pretty good idea on how to prompt the scene
i really dont get peoples' issues with the colors on noob, once you tweak negs and other bits of proompt wrangling they're clearly better
Sorry sir, the model should do it for me automatically. Effort is for losers.
some artists are worse than others (and some are clearly better)
>i really dont get peoples' issues with the colors on noob
it's the really early access of it, I'll patiently wait for the full release
Based and jordachpilled.
overall the colors are weaker assuming same artists/prompt, with everything else the model is clearly better though
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Can I get some advice on how much these parameters matter? Can I set it at whatever size I want or should I stick to specific aspect ratios and sizes etc.? Using Pony.
Why is there no GPO or CES slider? Are you using the right UI?
With e3 many artists went pretty far from illust. It's nice because now I basically have 2 sets of artists if I switch between models. But considering the quality is for the most part getting only better on noob, I think illust will unfortunately soon go into recycle bin.
box for bottom left?
>Can I set it at whatever size I want or should I stick to specific aspect ratios and sizes etc.?
Stick to standard SDXL resolutions and set CFG to 5
even pony could do it 10 months ago, now with illu's great character knowledge it's even easier
Can I run SDXL and Pony/Illustrious whatever the hottest local thing is, on a GTX 980?
On forge unironically yes
Forge UI. It was linked to me here, been told it's a newer fork
>standard SDXL resolutions
Hmm alright. Kinda wish there'd be buttons to just select them instead of having to drag the slider every time
I haven't sucked any chink dick on discord so I'm only on base noob but yeah I can imagine
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>Hmm alright. Kinda wish there'd be buttons to just select them instead of having to drag the slider every time
But it does?
anyone know how to make decent things with animatedif? nothing complicated just some simple animations.
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Hmm so am I on some old version after all, or are these plugins I should download? I don't have those
Kek well I'll try it at least thanks anon. Should be getting better results on Windows than my RX 6650
Maybe, but the gen times may go up to like 4+ minutes per image.
what negs?
use (re)forge instead
AD is pretty old news at this point, look into cogvideo, it has a pretty ok I2V. The models are pretty big but I can run it on my 12gb vram (assuming nvidia)
Isn't that the opposite?
You can use arplusplus extension for the buttons. Don't bother with reforge, it's just bloated with useless snakeoil
This dude solution to fix NoobAI's colors works surprisingly well.


thanks ill check it out. im on reforge on a 4090 so the vram should be not a problem.
I think it's subjective what's preferable, but if you look at her hair in this example, you can see that the contrast is low range though, for better or worse. It's easier to remove contrast than it is to put it in I feel

flat color, muted color, greyscale. they're often excessive all together
Why do you think a comparison on a single seed means anything for this?
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t. Jason Schreier
>arplusplus extension
Sounds good, where can I find it?
Could've sworn that's what I downloaded back then... Don't feel like going through the effort of setting everything back up
Here you go, four seeds demonstrating noob being worse with color range: https://files.catbox.moe/r65r9b.png
Have another then, how many do you want?
id compare optimized prompts, not identical prompts
post a comparison between illust and noob with your tweaks
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Shut the fuck up.
>Using Pony.
kill yourself
>pale color,muted color,low contrast in Negatives
there sars, I fixed noob
sepia in negs and you're good to go :)
put good image in positive bad image in negative you are good to go saars simply do not redeem the worse colors
if im optimizing a prompt on one checkpoint, then switch to another checkpoint, im not doing a fair comparison because im comparing a tuned result to an untuned result. this goes regardless of what's being compared
>Using Pony.
love yourself
Genuinely can't tell if you're being sarcastic or actually fucking retarded.
I wish people here were nicer, I can never tell if people genuinely like the images I post or if they're just joshing me
But you didn't attach an image :)
Pony was the final in the coffin
>can fix muted colors with negative
>cant fix jpg artifacts with negative
>need to cope by using boring clean styles and upscaling
I think the winner is obvious
Just post things (You) like, if something is very wrong with it someone will say it for sure
is your image shit?
they're taking the piss and rubbing salt in the wound.
is your image hitting a real specific kind of niche/feel/type of content? probably genuine.
is your image middling? you didn't even get any (you)'s so it doesn't matter.
It's all ironically bwo, we're all friends here just shitposting from time to time. Don't worry too much about it.
how thin skinned are you? holy shit, people shouldn't really share their metadata yet they do out of good will too.
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eeyup. one box for the road
are your hentais sexy?
Color being flatter without a specific prompt to enhance it shows that it's knowledge of color and contrast information are flatter in a neutral state. I feel like having a wider gamut is the preferable option since it's easier to remove color detail than to add it
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smoothft has "greyscale" omitted from negs, was clearly too saturated with that
genning an image rn
This thread is filled to the brim with trolls and """"""ironic"""""" shitposters. If you don't know the thread lore, it's safe to ignore everything.
Thank you for the update <3
keep us posted
I am always genuine
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Anyone recognize the artist?
already better than 90% of the posters here
I'm a genuine, down to earth, fun loving guy who loves a good deep conversation
Send me a dm, I'd love to get in touch
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now smoothft is clearly too saturated in spite of weaker negs, ill try optimizing the smoothft output further on this prompt
awful attempt at haoni
Have you tried using f051 ?https://civitai.com/models/152040?modelVersionId=471632
ive used vae_c in the past and ultimately turned away from it, i could try it again tho
IIRC wasn't stable over consecutive passes for things like inpainting
pija, maybe fei (maidoll) in there too but a lot of pija. Recognize that cursed armpit
now smoothft is just "flat color" in neg, noob is still "flat color, muted color, greyscale"
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The fingers were a bit fucked so I cut them out of the image
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on a more /h/ prompt

i like the noob output better and after a couple tries at tweaking smoothft to match i couldnt really do it
>aco sloppa vs fried sloppa
noob does look a lot better
is this the civitai noob or one of those super sekrit later epochs?
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yeh, most of these VAEs cause issues, but f051 has never me given me issues
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okay here
Is there a .csv file of illustrious's data to use for auto tag complete or something to tell what's in the database? Trying stuff from booru's that doesn't pop up on the danbooru.csv file included with that works in illustrious but isn't in the record.

Basically an updated danbooru.csv or one that has illustrious's dataset tags.
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it kinda looks like that one tentacle is entering her nose
there's already a mega of a ton of artist names tested
just make a .csv of the danbooru2023 dataset
That doesn't mean there's no reason to give specific artists more rigorous testing, especially to highlight particularly good/working ones.
love her expression
nta but link?
honestly, something like that should be in the op
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it's civitai noob. but again, one reason i think these all look better in noob is because these are prompts from a noob session that i tried adapting to another illustrious checkpoint. not exactly a fair comparison for smoothft.

here i tried adding "blue light" in the smoothft positive, this got it closer but causes the seed to diverge more generally.

basically, you have to proactively try to some degree and figure out the right settings for each checkpoint.
>those massive watermarks/logos/signatures
That's one of the main things I hate about illustrious (and artist in general). I really wish they took the time to remove them. Things like watermarks are so ugly and ruin good images.
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What does it convey? Brain damage?
her love for bbc
looks more like a sea cucumber to me
astralite is such a genius...
Fuck off racist cunt
ummm thats racist bro
Reminder that combining artist/general style tags/etc is better than using single artist tags (just like NAI)
I've been sde pilled, fuck ode solvers
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Indeed there is, but there none with the settings and parameters I like, things like PAG/SAG, Kohya deep shrink, APG, Golden Scheduler and Samplers can change a lot of what can make some artist better or worse
redpill us
the point is looking at single images to get to know more artists, like a catalogue
looking through tags is useful if you already know the artist but it's different
>Kohya deep shrink, APG, Golden Scheduler
i was looking forward to this but nvm fuck snakeoil

ive had worse results with noob, compared to illiu when using graphite or concept art.
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kek, I agree most of the nodes in Golden Scheduler are snakeoil, I just use it since the AYS node has force sigma min, for these gens I'm not using kohya
in my brief a/b'ing of default and custom schedulers i liked just "ays" from the dropdown menu the best
I can't get illustrious to look good at all without stealing civitai prompts and at this point, I'm afraid I might be retarded.
It's alright lad, you're in good company.
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Agree, the AYS node from Golden Scheduler is also just AYS, but you can set it to take into account the min/max sigmas of the model, which works better for some samplers/models
It's a skill issue. Also, use noob.
i don't know why people recommend noob when it's not easier to use at all and it's more of a sidegrade to base illustrious than a straight upgrade
how long until ai can do this natty?
>look at some danbooru pics you like and copy the tags
>mix and match artists, try different weights
>setup some wildcards and let it run randomly for a while
>without stealing civitai prompts
You're problem might be worse than that if you think civ prompts are worth stealing.
>civitai prompts
Sadly blue is unusable garbage due to the text, patreon and other artifacts. Need a cleaner retro artist.
that schizo guy has pretty cool prompts, but they are genuinely some insane shit.
>become an artist and name myself 'dark-skinned male'
>make shitloads of dogshit art and upload it to boorus
>bbc enjoyers art always comes out looking shit because of it
all according to keikaku
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we do a little of epic trolling
is there any reason to switch to comfy over reforge/forge?
The general feeling of superiority.
(You)r particular autism
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yeah, its a shame, the artist has text on almost all their images
it gets consistent updates and it's endorsed by SAI™
if you have a bunch of free time you could give it a try
have you perhaps tried to set sigmas graph to similar that nai uses with twice higher value at the start?
>get an LLM to make a script for me that reorders tags alphabetically while also removing duplicates, so now I can build optimized prompts from bags of tags
Simple task that I probably could've scripted myself if I really wanted to but still. I love AI.
CUTE style
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damn nice composition
eyes out of frame is so erotic
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How this pose called? Would AI recognise it?
>Would AI recognise it?
No, but controlnet would work
I mostly need name of it. Even if AI wouldnt recognise it, i can just find lora of it (hopefully)
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I haven't, that seems like an interesting idea, it could tried with the manual scheduler node
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Start a patreon sir
The closest pose I could think of is reverse piledriver
looks like a reverse piledriver, it's tagged as grounded_piledriver_sex, but it has few images so probably won't work. you can try with piledriver and also add upside-down but i'm not sure if that's gonna work. good luck

based gen, ignore the shitposter.
I even found loras of it in Civitai. That is it, thanks a lot
how is he gonna ignore himself?
Thanks for awakening my enjoyment of this weird and impractical as fuck position. Gonna go find it
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bloody son of bitch fuck you racist guy saar!
im fucking dying lmaoooo
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canon shit eating king.
Those eyebrows look pasted on lol
How do I check what version of Forge I am on
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ayo i'm nuttin'
the imoco experience
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can you drop workflow once you build it? I think I'm too stupid to fuck with this formula
>((1 - cos(2 * pi * (1-y**0.5) * 0.5)) / 2)*sigmax+((1 - cos(2 * pi * y**0.5 * 0.5)) / 2)*sigmin

Almost as big as my own
This pose looks nice, dont know why this is so rarely used
how is this not just upside down missionary
Probably isnt reverse piledriver as well.
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sure, but it's c*mfy cuz of the compel https://files.catbox.moe/etfz9k.png
whats that? an extremely elongated torso? must be illustrious
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I'm genning a whole bunch of these for myself like you are but in trios: https://files.catbox.moe/2awgtv.png
Do you have any plans to organize or categorize them in some way? I'd like to start doing mine but I have no idea where to even begin. I thought about setting up a local booru which is a lot of work, but once it's setup it's probably easy to maintain across models because I'll already have the artists tagged and can probably copy data across new gens. Not sure if it's too autistic though...
it's based65
its pony
Both sides looking away from each other is kind of weird. No visual stimulation. Maybe that's why?
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Sounds great, you don't get to see the hag. Although the smell of rot... Yeah, still not perfect.
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It's not too complicated, I just got a txt with all tags from danbooru
deleted all non artists tags and artists with post count too low to affect the prompt.

then a node reads the txt and adds a different artist to the prompt each gen, until the end of the txt

Pic related shows the logic of it
gran is so lucky.......
epic has the test models but you don't, chuddies
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epic is probably the reason they just started ignoring everything, like one of those kids in school who acts like they know everything and never shuts the fuck up.
I'm kinda tempted to ask for access but don't want to stoop to the level of annoying jeets. Guess I'll wait and read manga
so what?
why should i care about some literal who? how does this affect my life or my gens?
You MUST care about niche 'cord drama.
Nice, so we should expect the leak and 'release' soon? Also it's a small consolation for him, remember that he has to live with himself for the rest of his entire life, think about that.
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why are the colors so washed out?
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why (You)?
its chinknai
Here is what is happening with noob based on everything I've read. The model they are training now is the model that they will continue to train until it is deemed complete. Once the training is deemed complete, they will than convert to v-pred. It also seems like they ignored all the retarded suggestions as the most current checkpoint is very good imo. We love Euge :)
What are your go-to artists for better hands in a mix?
it's never been more over
Artists and characters being baked into the model was a mistake.
fkey is good on nai for that dunno how it goes with illu but probably similar
AI was a mistake.
So out of curiousity, they're leaving out the NLP stuff Euge wanted?
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new models and loras were a mistake

I miss the days where all anons would become linguistics schizos trying to wrangle SD 1.5

Seems that way, probably because euge realized NLP is a meme right now based on the discussion that happened.
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Good morning Astralite
wow big workflow, why no tensorrt?
pretty reasonable course of action
wrong, i'm kuru
kurumuz is a hairy turk, he doesn't deserve a cute nickname
That's what happens when bakers don't have a god complex.
we are so back
No gens were a mistake.
Heads up, if you're sticking around /hdg/, you're gonna run into **nogens**—those anonymous crybaby fucks who never post images but are always there to stir up drama. These dudes are pissed their shit-tier gens never make it into the thread highlights, so instead of improving, they just shit on others. They go off on users for using certain models, whine about the latest trends, and throw shade at anyone who's actually contributing. But here's the kicker: they never attach images to their posts. Why? 'Cause they know their shit sucks, and they're scared of getting clowned for it.
These nogens are especially salty about the users they recognize from Discord. They’ll talk all kinds of shit in the threads but won’t dare say a damn thing in the Discord itself, 'cause they're cowardly little bitches who don't want to get called out for the trash they're spitting. They'll hate on model developers, spread rumors, and try to get a rise out of people they’re jealous of, but always from behind the veil of anonymity. Pathetic, right?
And yeah, they still want those sweet, sweet (You)s—so while they troll and piss on users, they *depend* on those same people for interaction. They won’t leave the threads 'cause they need that attention, even if it's just to argue or bait someone into a reply. But here's the truth: no gens, no respect. Don’t give these no-image, shit-talking cowards the time of day. They’re desperate for validation while hiding from the consequences of their weak-ass bitch behavior.
Ignore the noise, keep posting your work, and don't let these nogens live rent-free in your head.
lovely closeup
Very nice cool GPT-chan
did not read
Fuck yeah
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I'm happy for you bwo
Or sorry that happened
is sciamano240 style allowed on /h/ even tho hes not japanese
>who never post images
>These dudes are pissed their shit-tier gens never make it into the thread highlights
Which is it?
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I mean, NLP is indeed retarded if we're talking about CLIP, but in the end we only really needed A LITTLE MORE detailed tags, for example e6 system but more varied and specific. It would work perfectly fine for CLIP, but I get the point that at least you'd need to train a tagger using a curated dataset using hundreds of thousands of images using the new tag system for that... Ahh... That makes me sad...
A smarter model... Any day now...
Does anyone know the tags for Lucyla's style? I've mixed cute/yd/blushy/nyantcha, different UC, Samplers, Noise, and it's still not quite it
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i was supposed to respond with, i don't have comfy, its over. I guess my 4chan broke.
>Lucyla's style?
Who? given the artist tags you mention I'll just assume is going to be yet another BBCMAXX slopper
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if its still inflexible with unet compiling for specific resolution range then I think I'll pass
I don't know any extension for forge with compel weighting strategy, no norm is not enough for downweighting https://github.com/BlenderNeko/ComfyUI_ADV_CLIP_emb
real question tho, why can't I prompt neco-arc on illust?
Yeah, but i don't care about the BBC, I just like how the face and ass looks
she escaped from latent space
clean gens bwo
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Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah
honestly it needed a lot of help to do it
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I kneel...
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Quad nipples.
File deleted.
Skill iss- ACK
The 5 fingered man strikes again. Also the dude is like, high-fiving her thigh catching a face full of dick doing it.
I've come a long way since my nemusona days
can't we just create a new booru solely for the purpose of tagging the images using a new, improved and more detailed tag system, so bakers can later scrape it to train a good tagger? with blackjack and hookers, y'know, all that stuff
Meant to reply to >>8257095
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you guys can't be serious at least for once?
sometimes I fear my own creations
I think danbooru's system is not bad. A lot of the problems come from limitations of natural languages more than anything else
Someone has this idea every other week and nothing ever comes of it. We are ultimately just lazy coomers and can't coordinate or cooperate for shit. We'll amount to nothing. Jordach is sadly right about us
ill make the logo
>my fav artist combo looks bad on a different character
its over...
you're doing god's work, anon
can you upload all your findings on mega or something?
illustrious did irreparable damage to this thread
>padoru \(meme\)
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Post gens of your waifu enjoying the beach...
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i don't think so, 99% of concepts can be described using less than 6 consecutive words
>Jordach is sadly right about us
oh no...
yeah i guess shit won't happen until a team of at least 3 actually puts effort on this idea, well im right here, i just need 2 dudes...
good, website will be called "clipsucks"
sir she is enjoying the (white background:1.3)
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No problem bro
>yeah i guess shit won't happen until a team of at least 3 actually puts effort on this idea, well im right here, i just need 2 dudes...
If you want it done, the only way is to start doing it yourself. Grab the booru code, get a place to host (pay out of your own pocket), come up with your tagging specifications, start uploading and tagging images. If people see you doing work, they may join and even chip in. If you wait for a team, you'll wait forever.
>can't coordinate or cooperate for shit
That's not it. Hosting such a website will cost money. And this 90% of this thread was mindbroken because they couldn't afford $25.
File deleted.
I added it to the prompt I'm playing with.
>That's not it. Hosting such a website will cost money
Would cost peanuts if you're only indexing and not hosting the images
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nogens irl

This popped up when I searched for "make a booru"
https://goon.tools/ wtf
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we are SO back
File deleted.
I'm not click that.
my pants are now soiled, thanks anon
thats a kid...
You could just pester tree about it.
yeah i guess you have a fair point, sadly i don't have enough time rn to do such a big task by myself, at least not while i'm in college...
also, didn't jordach and tree talked about something like making a new website to tag images or sum shit some months ago? they probably could do a better job than me all alone
its not even /e/ at this point wtf why
https://github.com/aibooruorg/aibooru (fork of https://github.com/danbooru/danbooru)
>Error: You cannot delete posts this often.
Oh. Ok. I guess this one's staying up. Sorry bros.
Someone please do the needful and talk with jordach and tree about this, it's a thing that could actually be pretty damn useful for us instead of doing endless shit SD1 prototypes
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tree is dying and jordach is busy prepping his xl bake that'll end up inferior to the euge one anyway
dude do you even know how much time and effort retagging would take, and you already implied that you are unlikely to contribute as much as is necessary
please bro lets retag 8 million images bro
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oh god im GONNA GENNN
gen bros, status?
nice mantits bitch
I'm not that dude.
500k well-tagged images are more than enough to train a good tagger, idiot. It's about at least x16 times less that amount.
If you trained some tagger based on llama 3.2 along with the retagging, it wouldn't be an insurmountable effort. Still outside the capabilities of this place
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alright genius who do you nominate to devise the new bridged tagging system and how are you going to recruit people to tag hundreds of thousands of image comprehensively in a reasonable amount of time for free
>500k well-tagged images
as long as the base set spans an extreme wide variety of images, yeah
That's something jordach and tree needs to think about, not me. That's why I said "someone to talk to them".
that's a fucking nice style

box for the sexcat?
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ok even giving the benefit of the doubt that you magically find 54648564964151456 trustworthy people to retag a large enough dataset, who is going to pay for training it
Kind of off topic but how has it taken to the e621 content it apparently has?
Tried genning snake penis/hemipenes earlier and it went as poorly as you can expect.
As with every other time this topic comes up, Hydrus PTR is probably the most autistic tagging database for images you're going to find.
Now what could be a realistic project is a universal tag translator. You would pick the best possible descriptive tagging system as a base, then write a translator for every booru/tagged image database. Then we wouldn't have the issues with using the rule34 tag for x concept and the danbooru one for y concept.
>who is going to pay for training it
They could give some actual use to their funds for cascade 3.6b that never happened, instead of wasting it on fursuits.
catto, please!
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I think I like this style. It's cute, sexy and funny.

a janitor died for this post
I really like the eyes...
umm bro? thats a child from Pokemon
She is 18 years old, 0 months old, 0 hours old, 0 seconds old in the image. It's cool.
Are they even training the te?
Very well to be honest, but it needs more time in the oven to flesh our some of the more "niche" e621 stuff like snake dicks/etc.
post box please
Monster girls/boys are back on the menu then! Thank you anon.
Any good tag suggestions for like a sort of worried/scared but also pleasured expression?
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denosing bros, its over
Forge couple is not working with illustrious, has anyone tried it?
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>I can never tell if people genuinely like the images I post or if they're just joshing me
illustriouschads our response?

needs more denoising, cant fap to this.
>One pants leg, one shorts leg
Did you find your car keys though?

who care about slop ?
post example
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putting another baka into bakaturia
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>posted this as a merlin catalyst
>it actually fucking worked
fucking lmao
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Saarrs......redeem the bobs......
If you want neco arc this prompt works (stolen from Danbooru)

tsukihime, melty blood, neco-arc,
1girl, :3, animal ear fluff, animal ears, black socks, blonde hair, cat ears, cat girl, cat tail, chibi, closed mouth, meme, neco spirit, no fingers, purple skirt, short hair, skirt, slit pupils, socks, solo, sweater, tail, white sweater
I thought this or any tag with : didn't work?
Anybody use the [SEP] functionality for adetailer? Does it randomly just now work for you anymore? In my case it is ignoring the prompt after [SEP] and is just applying the first prompt to every face.
I've never heard of that?
they didn't work at all on pony and I guess the assumption is that the ":" part wouldn't get parsed?
Either way on illustrious :3 works perfectly fine(and =3 doesn't work at all)
so had this shit got you into specific fetishes you couldnt get to before because lack of art before AI?
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Why play on JP and why roll for Merlin when the female version exists?
No, it vanillafied me
before i could tolerate the occasional dark-skinned male picture. the flood of groidspam not just here, but everywhere has turned me away strongly. same with crappy futanari.
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Not really. My fetishes are basically the same as 10 years ago.
If only you knew how fucked up things really are in my head
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I use to fap to hags from time to time, now everything I prompt is cunny

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nice eyes
xir please post the metadata
>Why play on JP
foresight EX is a crutch that makes things really boring.
>why roll for Merlin when the female version exists?
they're two different supports for two different card types. and what makes you think I don't also have purin
also the name of the game is supports and merlin was actually the only support I was still missing.
same but other way around
I think anime hentai nsfw model might be too hard unless all the videos are about the same style, I'm debating instead of trying to build a sfm dataset of videos that might work better. anyone have suggestions for scraping videos from sankakucomplex or other video hosting boards that are tagged?
Not really a fetish but now I can fill a hole in my heart by generating my shitty OC donut steel characters in whatever style I like
because you dicks would never tell me how to tard wrangle breast sucking gens, and nais is the least resistant to Breast sucking gens when using the yuri tag it made me get into yuri.
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looking familar.
im curious you see
im curiosity cosby
https://civitai.com/models/834822?modelVersionId=934002 at 0.35 strength + ohisashiburi, (quasarcake:0.6), (j.k.:0.8),
These are nice eyes...
But these are REALLY nice eyes...
These are also great...
how are the eyes so good wtf
actually desu depending on the amount of training data you could scrape from one episode you could probably make a lora of any particular animation style. we've proven this with a couple test loras based on things like black and white walt disney. early stages of testing but finetuning of video is basically here
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>Even the best SDXL finetunes like pony and illustrious still fuck up hands
>FLUX can do hands and text
>But it will never get a NSFW anime tune

It hurts
thanks anon
i remember people who were training anime styles into flux noted hands get re-fucked up really quickly
bwo your inpaint reps?
>FLUX can do hands
flux mangles anime hands even more than sdxl models desu
Sasha Yakovleva, my dead (gay) waifu understandably doesn't have much art
>merlin was actually the only support I was still missing.
Sasuga whale-sama. I failed to get koyan on na 2 weeks ago and If I don't get her on the december banner either, I'll have another year long rage quit
my suspicion about that is, that maybe drawing hands can have radically different approaches depending on artists perhaps the solution is idenify hand style and develope a tagging system for them.
not an arist so i can be competly off the mark, just going by intuition and
alright ideas-ESL time to put you back in the goon chair
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Pony could never do this
I'm getting single digit views and 0 engagement on twitter. How do I even use twitter.
Lets get you back to the retirement home boomer-kun
You viewbot the fuck out of yourself till the algo picks you up. Also AI slop "art" is so oversaturated no one wants to see that shit.
porn is soft banned
you have to shill your stuff everywhere and shamelessly reply to other people with your aislop
Start making bbc + fotm anime character gens and get Ayakon to rope you in
Seeing people desperately try plug themselves in literally everywhere with their slop like ayakon does legit makes me sad.
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That's one way to pay rent.
nah. I think I've bought in to like 4 gssr's over the past four and a half years and the only support I got out of those was crane(and a reines dupe). waver was free, reines I lucked into right after starting, tamamo spooked me, I lucksac'd hard into skadi, summer skadi and purin(30 sq each), oberon was a few hundred sq, don't really remember what bride cost, hikari I lucked into on her first NY rerun after failing with like 600sq at her release and caster artoria was an absolute fucking bitch that took probably 1600sq between three rateups.
>If I don't get her on the december banner either, I'll have another year long rage quit
eh. while not having hikari sucks, if you've got caster artoria it's not a super big deal. Mostly only inconvenient due to bond cap bullshit.
t.had to get by with just bride/tamamo/reines/waver for the first two years of playing.
that's pretty much how twitter works if you don't already have hoards of followers.
discoverability is absolute ass.
Dunno about twitter but I get some engagement from the slop I post on pixiv/DA. I do go for either some fetish or more stylized stuff.

Actually got gifted a premium for abit on DA a few months ago.
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yeah I'm doing confortably on pixiv but you just post to the front page of your tags so it's easy
what are some good artist tags for reinforcing stability? i found sparrow to unironically be the best on autismix but i'm lost on noobxl
what ?
what kind of pic, give that ?
upload your shit to the rule34 booru "with username watermark" and include link to your twitter
if your shit gets reposted it WILL be from that upload which is why you want to watermark it, that booru has like 10 sites that randomly mirror its content
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i have the same problem, youll have to bot farm twitter.
twitter is dead
Oh shit, time for me to start genning for twitter, patreon, pixiv and whatever else the fuck. The thought of rule34 commenters commenting on my stuff is enough for me, that shit is a comedy goldmine
I saw random sloppers from trash getting 1k+ subs from posting really mediocre ass gens... I really doubt any of them bots. feels like getting a lucky repost from a big account is pretty much the key to getting followers on twitter now
Visibility on Twitter is near zero unless you already have a follower base. Getting one is extremely hard though unless you bot.
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doesnt rule34 usually delete ai related content?
try going to rule34 and checking the ai_generated tag
and then regret that you made that decision
Still unironically better than civitai image feed
civitai is genuine nightmare fuel
based ohisashiburi
sure, but it sure makes this place, even at its worst, look like some oasis in a desert of shit.
on the plus side, if you intend to submit shit to rule34 it means you have to make an account and if you make an account you can set up a tag blacklist to get rid of (most of) the infinite futashit. so that's something, I guess.
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Do you mean add watermarks to all my stuff or just link it in the comments or something
you can add a link to the source when uploading which shows up to the side
add a watermark with a username that could lead people to finding your shit because your stuff will more than likely get crossposted places without your handle tagged or source linked
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I switched to krita, it's neat.
Been a while since I last did onee-shota
Never been to Cancun?
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Anybody know any good prompts that will make sure the fur on the arms goes up to the elbow and that fur on the legs go up to the knee? Specifying that doesn't get me anything ideal with any consistency.
You could probably try something like [elbow gloves, kneehighs:0.5]. This way the first half of the steps gen with those tags and then swaps over to whatever fur tags you're using.
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boxes please?
full box please?
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This, prompt editing works. The step ranges can move a bit depending on loras and stuff.
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boxes please?
Comfy has a beta with LLM prompt integration. Don't know if it works with porn models.
I haven't watched this but I highly doubt it's anything you couldn't do with SillyTaverm and literally any other image gen program.
Pipkin Pippa!?
I must be retarded. Does nothing when inserted in my initial prompt for the girl, and when trying it on a fresh prompt paired with stuff like furry arms, furry legs, animal hands, animal feet etc it just gives me an actual anthro unless I beat it over the head so much with negative prompts that it just does nothing. Maybe I should just find a Lora.
Well guess the next best thing you can do is try directing people from the artsites to twitter then always post content on twitter a day before the other sites.
Yeah, sorry, I posted the wrong syntax. For the correct syntax for what I originally posted, it should be [elbow gloves, kneehighs::0.5] (with two colons). I did some experimenting and got decent results with [purple gloves, elbow gloves:purple fur, body fur, animal hands, claws:0.25].

But yeah a lora could help. And I'm sure you could get better results on Pony for obvious reasons.
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Illustrious XL does not understand some basic prompts like hyper inflation that e621 has. How do I prompt for that?
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Illustrious is really something else.
start collecting furry porn and train that shit
my boss just caught me looking at this pic
he was about to fire me, but then he noticed her vagina was censored, so he let it pass
pheww... thanks ai!
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Single colon adds, double colon removes, it helps to think of replacing as inserting a tag inside the double colon of removal.
On illustrious a lora probably isn't necessary, you just need to get the timing right, because too soon or too late in the gen has pretty drastic effect
1girl, presenting with broken fingers? so this is the power of illustrious...
saten san...

considering i just genned it and didnt bother looking twice at it yeah its pretty good.
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Hell yeah that actually works. And doesn't effect other things like a Lora would. Bless you my lad!
And the model I am using is Pony. WaiAniNSFW I believe?
maybe the colored extremities tag could do something?
Something else indeed
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Any general recommendations for noob? I'm trying it out for the first time now and I like the potential, but it does fuck up hands really bad for me, in general it feel inconsistent, but I could be entirely my fault
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fire this man right now.
its just problem of being underbaked, since we just have the early epoch version
Whats her name? Great work
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clasping hands is an issue with noob/illu, youll just have to use inpaint to fix it.
For my the <lora:Fixhands_anime_bdsqlsz_V1:1> lora helped with hands a lot, but also good artists choice
bro half of your gens have broken hands
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Ah, I see, I'll try that lora for now, but I guess the best option might be to just wait it out, I'm no perfectionist so I can live with what I get for now, it's fun enough that it recognizes a lot of artists from the get go unlike pony
Breedable thicc elves are the best
This is ultra fucking hot holy shit
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true and real
Has anyone made Takeda lora for Illus yet? The one on civit is completely overcooked to shit and the inbuilt style is more like his old manga style since danbooru barely has any of his newer game CGs.
Sorry I haven't been posting the good gens
Best way imo is to have hands do something, it messes up a lot more if there is no hand tag per se.
>pokephilia is canon
aw shit niggas
>Notice gen are a lot slower than usual
>Random Civitai page hidden in tabs
>Close it speeds back to normal
Fucking malware ass site.

always was
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Amazing breasts, I need more of that boxo
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Box please?
>she couldn't keep up the Miyanaga's but found good use of her cow tits with papakatsu
Steps: 84%|| 2507/3000 [7:41:35<1:28:54, 10.82s/it I'm suffering
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Ok never mind I'm retarded, go to /vp/ if you want to see it
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I can't tell which I like more, picrel with facedetailer or without.
>tried to do something slightly cute with censoring for pixiv
>got a warning for it almost immediately and told to reupload a proper censored version
and here I just wanted to try and do a <flat color> dick censor instead of the standard mosaic(it could've been something else slightly different but it's not worth trying to test to figure out).
Japan is such a weird nation, biggest porn industry in the world but scared of genitals
different guy here
i need that witch boxed up pls

there was a case where some jap called the cops on the company for some images that werent censored.
Just my shitty opinion, but I think I prefer the one attached to your post more. The eyes look a lot better and if it was drawn by a real person they'd pay more attention to details of the face
I also dig the grayscale gens, keep it up anon
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you got it anon
I like how the "with" looks but at the same time the borders have some errors compared to the "without". But if I just saw that image without any comparisons then I wouldn't have noticed the errors, so it's probably better with in the end.
how nice of you, thanks!
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Yeah its been why I save both because sometimes I feel like the non-facedetailer is also good.
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Been out for a while, how does this new illustrous thing compare to pony?
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I'm just wasting time while waiting for these last 250 steps, time to find out if the 8 hours was worth it. I've prepared another dataset to launch after this one, and need to see if I can run an actual auto captioner for my shadow in eminence dataset. sure hope I don't melt my 4090
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tessa? very based
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been a while since i watched fullmetal alchemist, the better heroine honestly
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now do sideview and she being lifted of the ground by a massive cock
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for the worthy
Daredemo Dakeru Kimi ga Suki
wow this shit is straight ass
Great idea, I can work on that tomorrow
i very creatively prompted for "sex"
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xir please provide metadata
tsar bomb in India any day now
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thank you, very nice
qt pie
damn, nice, box please?
Why is Flux is so fucking slow? Is it not optimised or is it just the future of image generation? Even my 4090 struggles with it compared to sdxl.
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Please tell me you're baiting....
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By gist I meant a file with the changes on something like github. Like how catboxanon's stealth script is on there.

Are you manually prefetching batches, or are you working with the inbuilt prefetch in DataLoader?
And what do you mean by "spewing epochs"? Doesn't sound like there'd be any intense IO or processing going on there.
oy vey remember the six gorillion parameters
nice, thanks
NTA but I love you adamW chan. Always helpful, always kind
very nice bodysuit
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How much money do you think this retard has burnt on captioning?
What is he even captioning with? If it's sub-GPT-4o level it's gonna be shit.
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>70 gpus
It's some local slop, so it's definitely going to be shit.
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now I can sleep
very hot. boxes please
pure sexo, thanks
>at least not while i'm in college...
If you don't have time while in college, then when will you have time? As a working adult? Being a college student if probably the best time to start side-projects.
>and =3 doesn't work at all
That's "puff of air"
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Left is the 3000 step variant, right is the previous 1000 step sibling. results further promising, still looks bad as t2v but shows much more restraint then its 1000 step variant in t2v, less prone to freakouts but for transparency I included multiple seeds to show the general improvement, I guess 3000 steps is better. even works on real photos with I included one as an example I ripped off a thumbnail
no I sleep while I bake another
>Once the training is deemed complete, they will than convert to v-pred.
I hope this means "they will start baking another one using v-pred" and not "At the end of the training run, we will pop on the v-pred setting before it finishes"
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these models are already available? are they planning to lock them behind a paywall or what?
Can someone explain to me what is Forge? Auto111 front end to SD, no? Forge is just like that, but better?
Ye, better memory management
No and never will be
Can thank this general for that
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Nice style, I like the highlights on the skin and tanlines.
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whre do I get SDXL's default vae to use with models? Using the contrast one right now because I saw it recommended but it's too... contrasty.
Illustrious-XL-v0.1, huh. Didnt know it is that good
I am saddened to report that the nipple detailer tends to make mistakes more often than not.
please redeem VAE here https://civitai.com/models/140686/fix-fp16-errors-sdxl-lower-memory-use-sdxl-vae-fp16-fix-by-madebyollin
Feet Anon. Could you make Misato too, please?
you forgot the inflammatory text
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CN-anytest_v4-marged_am_dim256 works well with Illustrious, but it tends to flip the image for some reason.
Shit reference image, in case you want to test it yourself.

I am reformed.
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>Won't even gen your shitty fetish yourself.
stop posting your SHITTED patreon grifter garbage
Saars please the needful and redeem my pixiv !
I miss pony times so fucking much man
Very nice, box?
where the fuck are the screenshots?
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But it was all endless shitposting by that one nihilistic schizo?
well, yours looks really good, can i get a box?
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Knock yourself out.

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sure bro
fuck spam filter btw
Fuck this 50 sec wait time for replies, I'm gonna put it all into one post. Also learned I can only reply to a certain number of people at a time, lame
Beautiful work, the style reminds me of kittew/sakimichan with the softened eyes
Cynthia paizuri is always a win, saved
What is this position called? Also lovely
So nice and deep, glad the expression matches as well
This girl is so familiar but I can't put my finger on why, what is she from? I have seen her before but don't remember, maybe she was the OP of a /h/ thread i visited a lot
I love these phone shots. Like evidence of her previous slutty behavior captured forever
This doesn't look like AI at all desu, could pass as hand drawn
I wish this face was possible IRL, its perfect, beyond perfect
She's so tiny, definitely need more of her taking dicks larger than her
I see this girl a lot, fapped to her in another thread, glad to see her again, no idea what she from tho
I can hear this picture, she must be letting out one of those long deep groans
I haven't seen jellytits in forever, his Galko and Cynthia stuff made me cum so much
The tranny I used to hang out with on Tv Tropes would hate this so much, he loves LWA and hates any time these girls are lewded
Almost perfect, love that fingering
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Me too, which is why sometimes I go back to it even though Illustrious is a thing
I love this girl so much, thank you for baking so many good gens with her
OH FUCK YES SHES BACK and with a nice fat load in her mouth
Honestly in love with these kinds of scenes, and wish I could replicate them on Illustrious easier. It keeps turning the surprised males into clones of the girl getting fucked, or turns everyone into the girl, including the men.
Illustrious isn't retard-proof yet
Fuck this got me super hard and Reimu isn't even my waifu
Utsuho please forgive me
The real one works a lot better, what's in your video dataset? Would be surprising if it's all animated porn.
All in all, this is promising for making a small specialized t2v or i2v model (One perspective + sex pose). Looks doable to train on local at that scale, as long as it can generalize somewhat well enough on the small dataset.
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck, this reminds me so much of an artist I used to fap to who drew exclusively succubi, he had this pure white one I blew so many loads to, her eyes remind me of that
There's nothing wrong with being a patreon grifter
If poor people who don't have good PCs wanna buy AI smut, let em
how do you prompt for two belly buttons?
We so in so in it we Pop Stars
dangerops prangent sex? will it hurt baby top of his head?
Strangely enough it didnt kill my boner, can't wait to see the actual pic
Underappreciated Pokegirl. I love the steam coming off of them, like she's been riding so good that its making their sweat evaporate
Not fond of fisting but with Raiden I'm starting to warm up to it
Bitty girls getting knocked up <3
Oh fuck yeah, whats her name? Genki slut
Ugh fuck, absolutely beautiful. Paizuri + :>= has become my favorite 1girl position to see, so simple to gen and ultra satisfying
Actually hilarious
By using Yodayo image generator
Wait its called Moescape now
Wait they stopped supporting NSFW generations
Dope. Got a link to the lora too?
Newfag here, why do people hate Pony again?
I need to gen more punk/goth/emo gakis
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>not moving
If you look long enough there's a neco-arc jumpscare
It's broken and ugly, with small dataset that is only good for creating smut of the lowest caliber, utterly soulless and purposefully sabotaged by its mentally ill horsefucking creator.
I finally deleted my 350gb of pony loras today.

I'm finally free.
now you have 350gb free to download loras for Illustrious-XL
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>purposefully sabotaged by its mentally ill horsefucking creator.
what do you mean, purposefully sabotaged?
hash codes for artists, etc. He really fucked that up.
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he made it impossible to prompt for whatever he doesnt like and tried his best at removing artist prompting (which is one of the main reason illus is not dogshit)
aliased artist tags and some of the characters so people couldn't prompt for them
YOKO LITTNER!!!!!! omg nostalgia
>(which is one of the main reason illus is not dogshit)
illus would be better even without artist tags
loras work much better
better danbooru knowledge
not ugly as fuck (artifacting is another issue)
much more creative
character knowledge
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its shit btw lower the weight a ton

uoooh i love these anon, especially that last Miku
great work
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saar thank you for doin the needful

i send hot baabhabhiat to you
Ah, Tharja. Good times.
Is that why stuff like nyantcha, hella p, ilya kuvshinov, yd and fei /maidoll/ don't seem to work?
I tried some artist tags but yeah, noticed that they don't really change the image at all.
And by aliases does that mean that they were secret and you'd need to type something different to use them? or they were just outright removed?
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Sadly, artifacting (which isn't even minor, it's extremely severe) completely overshadows all of that.
There's a shit ton of 3 letter codes that map to artists, people found out by accident. This fucked the text encoder in subtle ways, like prompting for miniskirt has style implications because isk is an artist code.
Well, seems like it doesn't overshadow that for 95% of the thread who had moved to illu and noob from pony/nai.
Are these artifacts in the room with us right now?
Why the fuck did they do that?
Is what this thread has been wondering for ~6 months. That is one of the most retarded decisions I have seen in my time.
shiki (psychedelic g2) works with no issue on illu, no need for a lora

kek, it's exactly what I was testing out since I made a lora for it on pony. She's 85% promptable with "shiki (psychedelic g2)" + traits, but probably going to need to retrain my lora to get the details right like the eye, wings and hair.
pretty sure the 3 letter codes are not the full aliases, we just discovered the bleed from full tags
> yet
>shiki (psychedelic g2)
thank you for the nostalgia blast anon
what is the zac equivalent for illustrious
what is the (gpo, ces:1.3) equivalent for illustrious
Yeah, I found one called KAB that I don't know which artist it's meant to represent.
This would be so retarded that it's really fitting. If he had like a full on random string hash, this would mean most small words would also carry style implications (because the tokenizer would break those random strings into small word tokens). That certainly would explain the feeling early on that the pony style would shift all over the place by just adding one tag. lol.
>95% of the thread who had moved to illu and noob from pony
Maybe half tops.
Illustrious is literally "NAI at home", there's no reason to use it if you have NAI since it's basically the same model but much more unstable.
Yes, very much so. You'd have to be blind not to see them, or are you one of those retards who argued 1.5 can do hands well back in the day?
zac stayed behind in the pony latent space. He'll forever protect us from the monsters trying to escape it.
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shit hands
bad genitals
worse anatomy
those 3 are too big of an issue to call the model a straight up upgrade
does tailjob actually work on illus and is jane working out of the box? got a box so I can see how you did it?
Careful, the IIDF is gonna chimp out again if you keep dropping tvkes like that.
>there's no reason to use it if you have NAI
Illu has a newer and slightly bigger dataset and isn't as overfit and wrecked by "aesthetic tuning" as nai
How come I never see anyone post NAI images in these threads then?
>there's no reason to use it if you have NAI since it's basically the same model but much more unstable.
you pay a sub fee for nai and you can't get styles and characters from it that the base model doesn't know. If money is of no concern at all using both is the way, but just stopping paying sub and moving to illu is also alright, it's not a (ces, gpo:1.4) furry smegma model, it's actually usable with some tardwrangling
you faggots are STILL apologizing this ponyfucker
you deserve the shit you've all been eating all this time
NAI hasn't changed in a year so FOTM is working in Illustrious' favor. Remember when EasyFluff with the anime LoRA was all the rage?
actual braindead illiterate retard
>You'd have to be blind not to see them
Point out some gens that have artifacting so bad that they become less appealing than ponyslop
keep slurping aco feces, faggot
don't forget to post on civit gallery
I've posted several Pony images people then use to dunk on Pony as they say they are Illustrious images. Lol.
>around the time that jeets would be returning from school
>pony slop defense comes online
really makes you think
show me the post where people are actually praising pony you dumb fuck
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>every opinion I don't agree with is held exclusively by jeets
>EasyFluff with the anime LoRA was all the rage?
yeah, i remember constant shitting on it and "queen of hdg" spam
same was with pony, but anons have come to terms with it due to lack of other options
i still use nai just barely post here, i'd gladly move to illustrious if I was using a proper desktop gpu though
not a feet fag but im actually impressed
same as the Asuka one but with "katsuragi misato, neon genesis evangelion, pencil dress, red jacket" replacing the Asuka stuff, and with "no panties, pussy" replacing "white panties" - seed is 1845515049
Could you share the metadata?
What settings do you use for CN-anytest?
>artist tags don't work
So what exactly is supposed to be superior about illust? The only downside of pony was having to install shitty loras to make anything other than inconsistent or default sloppy styles. If I have to do that again, what's the fucking point?
anyone find a good BBC mix on illustrious that can compete with Novel AI yet?
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anyone who can feed a jeet the bbc recipe?
>not a feet fag but
if i had a dollar every time i read this on 4chan...
My top 5 pony models (in no particular order) after doing a blind comparison with several dozen other models, comparing the same set of seeds amongst them:

honeyMixXLHighContrast_v1: https://civitai.com/models/644900
matrixClassic_v10B: https://civitai.com/models/771057?modelVersionId=862431
snowpony_snowalt: https://civitai.com/models/522596?modelVersionId=862763
waiANINSFWPONYXL_v90: https://civitai.com/models/404154
pixelMix_v20: https://civitai.com/models/472174

My priorities are how they follow character loras and don't make stupid mistakes.
why is this crap so blurry
it's gooknai
This. I installed Illustrious and the txt2img is complete shit
Most people here are trolling, but there are unironic ponyjeets that got filtered by illu
sexy SEXY vampire
would a nursing handjob be too much to ask for
can't tell if this is falseflag or this civitjeet is this retarded
>illustrious shill is a racist
to no one's surprise
>pony scat lover is a onions zoomer
to no one's surprise
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no reweik?
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hmm, since switching to ReForge all the issues i had kind of stopped. though the fingers might start going 1.5 on me again
try gweda and fkey at low weight (0.2) for better hands
none of the good posters use illustrious, it's always pedos posting melted shit but we are meant to be impressed it knows their trans aligned obscure character
That was a weak one bait-kun
embarrassing bait, rope yourself
miqo anon switched and hasn't made a good post since...
this but unironically, basically the only thing it has going for it over pony is being able to make tohus apparently
that's weird because he hadn't before either
>ugly rancid hag character
>intellectual deficiency
>fondness of pony
why it always goes hand in hand
the colors arent popping
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If you're asking me, no, because I have to sleep now.
But you're free to take my prompt and make it yourself.
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It's not in my deleted list of 50 or so models, so I haven't tested that one.
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Hmmm, Illustrious alright I guess
why does it look like pony
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I did not post last thread I am sorry to have let you all down
it's pony
>why was the IIDF making shit up about lusty being strictly better
gee i wonder
thanks, will experiment some
Ah, there's the fucked up hands. Was wondering when they were going to start showing up.
Honestly only now I realize how hard the inpaint model carried NAI for me. Schizo prompt adherence and occasional hand issues really didn't feel like a problem because fixing it was effortless. Illu being even more kinda schizo really forces you to either roll the dice even more or cope with manual inpainting.
wow, and he only had room for improvement
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catbox bugged? no meta there
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(cute reimu:2.7)
(not cute reimu:1.35)
the metadata wasnt the point of this box
>(not cute reimu:1.35)
No such thing
What was the point then
>Future of imagegen is going to be all paywalled censorslop because model makers don't want the people have too much fun or power

Shit sucks
you can't post cute images on this shit board without boxing them or having troons seething
reimu cunny
Pedophilia isn't cute, anon, no matter how often you say it
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I wasn't sold on noobai at first, but damn does it get milfs right
So the metadata was deliberately removed before uploading the image to catbox? Has this place gotten to a new low? This is /sdg/ level.
I can go to pixiv if I just want to browse images.
Some shitty drawings will never be pedophilia, no matter how often you say it.
Come up with your own prompts cuck
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uh oh cathag meltie
Colors are surprisingly salvageable with sde samplers
just post it then, why catbox? ;)
Almost like loli is only allowed on /b/ retard.
Any news about the full version of NoobAI-XL?https://huggingface.co/Laxhar/sdxl_noob
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They haven't uploaded new epochs in more than 2 days. It's over!
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butakoma lora?
now that's good food
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noob doesnt need one
yukkuri... motto yukkuri

but you said it's not pedophilia?!?
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this is my most spooky gen yet
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lick his asshole too bitch
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Anyone have this lora?
are you implying that you are only here to leech prompt?
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why does it look so fried
is this illustrious?
I've been noticing illustrious gens look really fried
I remember the horrid shitposting.
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Yeah it came out quite fried, but i think its because I'm trying to mix a bunch of styles together.
And I realized that something during my upscaling seems to fry the images even more.
have you ever seen a pony gen so fucked up and fried? of course its gook trash
testo testo
The /hdg/ booru for training idea will not solve prompt bleeding. That is a tech issue, not a tagging issue. All the models have prompt bleeding problems.
prompt bleeding is like the least important issue
Pony is trash because it produces (ai-generated:1.5) aco slop if the user is retarded.
Illustrious is trash because it produces (sketch, jpeg artifacts, oversaturated:1.5) if the user is retarded.
Noob is trash because it produces (muted color, greyscale:1.5) if the user is retarded.

In the end, it's retarded (You) who is trash:)
As I understand, the point of the /hdg/ booru was to come up with better tagging, to avoid prompt bleeding.
why did you not mention novel ai
Balanced, and depending how close the end result I want it to be, I normally choose weight between 0.7 to 1, and ending step from 0.5 to 0.8
i would argue that some issue are harder/impossible to fight against so that could be a gauge at how trash a model is
prompt bleeding is an issue with CLIP/tokenization not with captions/tagging
>Pony is trash because it produces (ai-generated:1.5) aco slop if the user is retarded.
it always produces (ai-generated:1.5) aco slop no matter what you do
getting rid of Illustrious on the other hand is possible
are the chink actually spending ressource finetuning a v0.1 of a model?
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She lost a bet, but she'll honor it. She's a girl of her word.
What's wrong with fine-tuning a base model?
this. all you need is based65 if you're not trash
>freeturds get a new toy
>reeeeeee it's not shiny enough
every single time
You just stated what I did. It's a tech issue.
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Why do you hate this thread so much? What drives you to shit this place up for months?
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roach money
do not reply to me ever again shizo
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holy nice, box please?
What? Kill yourself
I'm not him, I'm giving you the reason why he's doing this
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did nai shills rape your mother?
it was kurumuz himself
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why not make their own model instead of building on wet sand
havent tried making your goat on noob?
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I have but honestly it's been fun being able to prompt a lot of the SFW styles and schizo prompting again that I missed being able to do when I was subbed to NAI so I've done a lot more of those and they're not really all that /h/.
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Casual stealth sex at the swimming pool is a pretty good idea.
Holy based, he uploaded them all to huggingface. Do you know if he will make loras for illustrious?
squeezable booba
migu should check if they taste good too
aight have fun
She said she liked it a lot, no hard feelings son.
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The good part is Illustrious in general seems to do way better with freckles. A lot of the styles I've messed with don't have the issue that Pony had where a lot of freckles end up looking like a skin disease or just a bunch of fat moles.
Genning some deranged onee-shota horror right now.
What should be the next horror theme?
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Yeah, last one, I stopped spamming.
pony gens are pretty horror to me
shredded pumpkin head dude with a huge dick shooting orange cum on your favorite anime girl
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seems to good enough to eat
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nogenbros, not like this...
How do you get pixel perfect results?
HakuImg -> PixelOE
Don't worry, we always claim hdg back. We'll reach 2k posts again.
Am I the only one or do negative quality prompts actually make the end result worse?
>No comfyUI node
yeah illus has better grasp on a lot of concept, like heart hands on pony kinda sucks but that one is pretty nice,make me wonder what we could do with a complete model
also very cute gen
(arms behind back:1.2)
ol' reliable
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"Motherfucker, I'm beating you off for 30 minutes now, my stop was two stops ago. You better cum now."
>afterimage actually work
we are so fucking back
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afterimage works, but that one is motion blur.

>motion blur is actually good
also on pony motion blur was going on the ass most of the time even on handjob

caveat: This is a still training finetune of illustrious.
Oh yeah, this works great. Also hides the fingers, so I don't have to inpaint around the penis.
Anyone know any unique artists with cool eyes?
Negative prompts are a mixed bag. They are useful if kept short and limited to tags that aren't to vague or broad. Long schizo negs will always force the model to produce mediocre results by diluting style and stifling creativity.
why is her hand so blurry?
>They are useful if kept short and limited to tags that aren't to vague or broad.

Yeah but what are those? The shit neg prompts on civit are too broad and always make the end result look bland.
stop comparing to pony
it was a joke of a model and I still don't know how localfags coped with using that piece of shit
just let it go and forget about it forever
motion blur, anon.
Boxes pls
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Tailjob does but is a bit RNG, Jane doesn't
Depends on the prompt. I'll neg oiled, shiny skin and wet if I'm going for a more matt skin texture for example. You can keep worst quality as a boilerplate tag, but beyond that there probably aren't any tags that consistently improve gens across different seeds and prompts.
You think shit like (bad hands) actually helps with hands I kinda feel like its placebo and hands are always a pure luckroll anyway
>Tell claude to write me script for x
>It writes me script for x that works first try
Love that fella and am almost tempted to give anthropicc some of my money
you can only really neg things that are tagged somewhere (so the model knows what that means). Do you think there's a lot of images tagged with "good hands" or "passable hands" or "bad hands"?
bad hands is a danbooru tag with almost 3k entries, but it's too vague for a negative
Do you need 3D in neg for illus?
bad hands in neg is pure jeet prompting
positive or negative prompting anything is all placebo. leave your prompts empty and hit infinite generate, you'll get what you want eventually.
well, yeah, there's also that. negging "unknown" won't make it randomly produce known characters, too, I guess.
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wrong board, fuck off
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bros I tried going back to pony and it sucks so much wtf
same prompt on noob gives me much better results
Right board, stay.
wrecked anatomy for me the few times i tried it
whoops meant for >>8257743
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>breast sucking through clothes

I never tried this on pony, but I somehow feel that this was too easy.
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Objects In The Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear
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I missed the upload, box please?
What makes Pony magical for you?

Pony is obviously amazing. For me it's all the concepts and forms it understands, how it can do basically anything.

And the legion of danbooru, for when you need exact things. A simple workflow that feeds JoyTags from a dropped image back into your favourite Pony model is like a photocopier, except with your own scores and specifications and settings and what-not concatenated into the start, or end or both ("spitroast"!). *ahem*

It's a like pony slave you can whip and it responds. That does it for me. The responsiveness.

What does it for you?
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me irl (the penis)
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What are some good inpainting models?
(mostly for fixing fingers)
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Thank you anon
post the gen you want to fix
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Much appreciated anon
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Well for example the fingers in this one
Or would the easier solution be just manually edit them?
easily doable manually before upscaling and then upscaling will smooth it out
Is that slap mark or bun mark
Super hard slap marks, it does look a bit too red on my 2nd monitor now that I think about it.
oh yeah much better here
It's inpainted.
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Ok but can Illustrious/Noob/whatever FOMO do this? Genuinely asking, not trying to stir shit up whatsoever, because NAI couldn't do it for shit and I struggle to imagine how the "NAI at home" could do it. The metadata is there.
I can imagine a way to do with regional prompting (like that couple extension)
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First result I got out of Noob.
Considering loras and other local tools yeah you'll be able to do this even if it struggles out of the box.
Although I'd say this does not look hard to do with NAI either if you know ho to use the inpaint. Plenty of concepts likes cunnilingus it kinda doesn't like to do with txt2img but is relatively easy with 1-2 inpaints if you know how
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I did it with pony a while ago, I may try it with illust later
>external tools and inpainting
That defeats the point of the comparison, you could do it on 1.5 with those. Besides, when I set Batch Count to 4 to get a set of images to coom to, I'm not gonna spend 10 minutes inpainting them.
Almost OK until you get to the right side. Also artifacts out the ass, where's that artifact-nonbeliever blindschizo from a few hours ago?
Very nice gen, do leave your feedback (how hard/easy it was) once you're done.
It was just 13 purely captioned videos, one of which was real porn whole the rest were anime, pretty much any video i had that would fit the 480x720 resolution at the time. While the motion is the main thing I wanted this one to learn, others are training for style as well. We also have better cogvideo models which can do other resolutions so once we can train on those that might be even better
>I'm not gonna spend 10 minutes inpainting them
This is why illu will fail
PonyGODs we won
it already did for everybody who isn't a pedo
Mangled details because of lacking resolution aren't artifacts, retard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_artifact
It did the second 1.0/2.0 was cancelled.
>That defeats the point of the comparison
You can set up a controlnet once or train a lora and get all the consecutive slop gens you want
ok catfag, get a trip btw
forgot your meds?
is "catfag" in the room with us right now?
last brave pony warriors fighting against pedo cabala which took over the thread!
Yes! I get a thrill out of seeing that wee pony on the corner of thumbnails on CivitAI for roughly that same reason.

Some non-corporate entity comes along and transforms base SDXL into something truly magical and with the onslaught of LoRA and checkpoints, the likes of CivitAI had no choice but to respond to community. The Pony has landed! The people won!

*aah" those were the days! lol
i used to trawl aibooru for bits of metadata but it's been nothing but trash on there for a while. model pages and followed accounts on civitai are better now
oh boy... I have like 1900 loras for ponyxl alone ;'[

Every single character I know and some obscure cool looking ones that I find loras for? Download

interesting styles and some of my favorite r34 artists? download

unhinged meme loras? again... download.
Yer right in that it isn't one model to rule them all, which I'm sure you would agree would be boring anyway.

When I throw random images into an ad-hoc danbooru tags interrogator (CXH_JoyTags+) I'm amazed by the things it discovers in the most mundane photographs; things I definitely don't see. Pony's ability to translate these discovered danbooru tags back into a custom-similar-image is truly remarkable. I find this understanding breathtaking.

I used Pony for a fair while before I even knew about danbooru. Even now I only use it when Pony won't comply in more regular terms. It's like a sledgehammer that, while deadly effective, removes a lot of the fun, for me, from working with Pony; disabling so much of its vast available knowledge.
Why are you posting civitai comments?
Camera zooms into eyes. The eyes dart left. <rattlesnake sound>. Thundering Timpani...

Okay, trying my example from the original post I (2 minutes later) get three, admittedly shapely, young people of the correct sex and ratio, except they are in flames, mostly around the underwear.

They seem impervious to the flames which makes for spangly Marvel-O-Lovely images, but not what I asked for; a thing Pony would understand instinctively.

So I'm thinking some way to do it the other way round (No! Pony! Down! I didn't mean flip the female, ffs!), using Pony to create the composition, using Flux to recreate, "with Flux Detail" might be just as much fun. Thanks for both ideas!

Which brings us to Pony7. We hope. Pony + T5.

It's Terminator all over again.
just a mindbroken schizo having a meltie, what's new
Yes. Getting Pony to pull back the camera is challenging.

If I need that, I try to focus the model on a defined space. e.g. I do "crowded" and get a main character up front and a vast crowd way in the background. Or something like that.

But "crowded bar" or "crowded fair" or glade or clearing or room or whatever, can coax it out of portrait mode, so to speak. It's far from an exact science, of course. Sometimes it takes a combination of things. Defining a space and then the number of characters, forcing it to put them into that space.

Defining objects at points in space can work; in front of, behind such-and-such, layering things along the z-axis. I'm writing in general now, not just replying! For anyone who stumbles here and follows this thread.

Or perhaps some future AI spider, sucking the aggregate contents to produce some ultimate LoRA for its corporate master! *ahem*

I've noticed some LoRA will amplify the close-up effect of Pony, especially LoRA designed to make skin details more real. I guess they focused on close-ups in their training. Some authors on CivitAI have noted this in their own LoRA pages, and even specified ways around the effect, namely; apply the LoRA only in the later layers.

If that made your head go Skibbidy, what I mean is; use a node like Inspire's "LoRA Loader (Block Weight)" and a set of block weights something like: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1.5,1,1,1,1

Or whatever your own testing says is best for whatever LoRA you are working with. Your mileage may vary. Carpe Diem, Etc..

I've had some stunningly detailed cinematic backgrounds from Pony, but not without effort.
Illu fags getting mad at Pony supremacy
if we get a pony equivalent on flux it would be golden
IIDF falseflagging to make ponyCHADs look bad.
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westoid falseflaggers getting mad at east asian supremacy
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Anyway, 3 images left
well 2 after you posted that
If I don't make it into the highlights this time there will be consequences.
Add some highlight anon roleplay, will make it easier to jack him off assuring your seat in the highlights
I can't remember what made this gen so schizo
im going to create a computer virus that erases all trace of gachasluts from all computers
except for shuten
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i sometimes get results like that with negative weights via clipnegpip
Posting unironic opinions from pony users is the fastest way to quell trolling
New Thread:

>By gist I meant a file with the changes on something like github.
Already posted one >>8256283 but it's based off of my own (local) repo for implementing experimental stuff.
>are you working with the inbuilt prefetch in DataLoader?
pytorch's dataloader doesn't implement synchronized non-blocking entities I think.
>And what do you mean by "spewing epochs"?
That's mostly a hack to make as little changes to kohya code as possible. The purpose of that change is to convert the main thread into a consumer thread.
You should email their CEO and ask..
This is fucking great, I love this so much
thank you Oosuki anon
Just turn off quality tags and default UC.
Take it easy
And yet she's wet.
that's women for you.
two horse cocks have been deposited into your anus
Back from a 1 week hiatus, what's the point of noobnai? Is it really an improvement?
I noticed people will wipe their Metadata and link their patreon on aibooru, so you have to pay to get access to the metadata
loli is pedophilia AND you're a retard
Don't do it
I subbed and they limit the shit out of you
and it's no where near as smart as you'd hoped
I've been trying to get it to fix one script for 3 days straight and constantly have to wait 5 hours for limits to be up. It frequently forgets shit it literally just fixed and repeats the same error problem solving loop you just went through wasting so much time and tokens. And if the length of the convo (included anything you uploaded to help it out or ask for help with) exceeds its retarded limit you get ass fucked and have to start a new convo, it'll even start to give you an answer then cut off mid way using up your rate limit then forcing you to new convo anyway with none of your previous context

I can't believe this is paid, it's like what if expect from the free version. Claude is honestly pretty fucking shitty, there's no way there isn't a better coding AI out there jfc
Oh bonus, all its info seems to be super outdated, any kind of module requirements will use ancient incompatible versions if you let Claude decide
I hate this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe but I'm getting my money's worth til the months up fuck it
noob here, why do people ask and post on catbox instead of in the thread? What's the benefit?
why do i always get gradient walls when I prompt a background in pony? like the walls don't have any color details, they all have this gradient design

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