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Still Standing Edition

Previous Thread: >>8258147

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Pony: https://civitai.com/models/404802 | https://civitai.com/models/288584 | https://civitai.com/models/257749
Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765 *PRE-ALPHA*

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070 | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgnew/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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Previous Thread Highlights
how goes the sexy hentai?
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Spooky Gens
Spooky Thread
Spooky Board

holy motherfuckin shit man you need to kill yourself asap
>Dehya anon made it in
I'm so happy bros... we're all gonna make it one day...
Kill yourself.
So what's the meta for training character LORAs now? Anything I gotta do different for NoobAIXL?
who chose the fried op image lol
guess it's representative of the thread
is illust yd orangemaru the guiding force of this thread now?
kill yourself
haha the thread is dead finally
I'm a fan of ydk ciloranko even on Illust but I don't think I can post most of those gens here...
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idk I still use prodigy with adamw finish epochs even if it's a meme because I can't be assed to insert whatever the CAME optimizer is to the webui I use
sounds very based, maybe catbox one or two here and there
kill yourself.

the first highlight image felt entirely fucking satirical. I thought it was someone trolling with intentionally garbage highlights.
Like, what the fuck.
>in all 3 images
guess they really are highlight bait, keep yourself safe (krill yourself)
Did kohya_ss get entirely replaced by better stuff or something? I haven't been here in a year.
He is just picking these out of a hat kek. The lazy pov sex gens keep making it in, not to mention the slop ones.
kill yourself
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is this the slop thread
no, we're still using kohya because nobody on local can code and there's even this beauty of an issue thread showing that not scaling learning rates per layer like kohya does isn't a very great way to produce ideal results from a holistic model perspective
There's one anon that has been on a crusade to make everyone do full finetunes and lora extract that. He will kill your goldfish if you don't
>missed a spot
Thread going at a nice speed now. It did catch me off-guard. >>8260028 is what went there.
I will pray for your to be filled with happiness and fortune
he's intentionally picking shit gens to encourage spamming the thread with shitty sloppa. the nigger already destroyed /edg/
Only thing I've ever seen deleted or banned is guro and /aco/ relax bwo
Absolutely no clue what finetunes and lora extractions are, but thanks anyway for letting me know that nothing better came out (and probably never will).
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will you not be satisfied until this thread suffers the same fate as /edg/?
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basically a lora multiplies the numbers of a model (the amount of those numbers being the number of parameters you see in model names more commonly in LLM land like llama-8b has 8billion params) to get a new model with your trained data in its distribution. Kinda hard to explain this further without stats and linear algebra, but because of math magic Loras can be substantially small relative to the model therefore they are space/compute efficient in theory because you don't have to save an entire 6gb model every time. Finetune or full fine tune is just training the model itself like it originally was for some extra steps with the new data. It follows from this that calculating the values of the would be lora that would multiply the base model before extra training into the extra trained model would get you that small sized lora that you can export as a file to save and use as you would any other lora.
catbox please?
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why is it so fried?
he's gunning for the next OP image.
kek I can see it happening
why are nips so dogshit on noob, both e-note and w4rabimochi nips don't work at all

it's gooknai
Is there an upscale that doesn't make the image sharp? Even with Denoise strength at a very low value, it leave a super sharp image...
it's literally 0.1 release alpha, it's known to be undercooked lol
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I don't know, just apply a gaussian blur with low 2-4 radius on the image
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why does it never want to actually do 3girls
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thanks onono, very cute
that's actually a good question. too much stress on it or is it because the data is mostly around 1girl doing whatever?
2 women is the max it can deal with, 3 is too annoying
I can't find the scrubarakooct08 lora that's in your prompts in the mediafire, which artist is it supposed to be?
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at this point i assume the issue is that 1girl, 2girls and 3girls is too confusing for clip and we should be using words like solo, couple and group and then females only instead. this lora can easily do all three characters when it decides to render them, it just usually only does two.
it's in the noob directory under arako o.
scrub=trained on noob while slanted=trained on illustrious.
oh yeah there is also the gacha factor as well
Found it, cheers.
can you do porno from dohna dohna or is she too much of a literal who?
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it can do white bob cut pink eyes but outfit is no go
just the girl is fine. catbox it if you must. how is her style of outfit even called? other than "revealing clothes" or "strap" that's it? have seen it in other places but only a few times
there's so many details to her design and some even have overlapping tags, i've seen bondage outfit, heart hair ornament, eyepatch, two tone hair, multicolored hair, purple eyes vs pink eyes. i'd imagine without a lora it'd be a nightmare
box onegai...
>without a lora it'd be a nightmare
yeah and with not that many material of her it is quite hard. at least what little art of her thats out there is decent
Insanely good shit anon
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No gen = no opinion
Beautiful, anon, keep it up
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real nice anon
it's pretty weak on some artists even with more than 1000 booru entries, those guys in the 100s have like no chance lol
thanks anon, nice Baobahn
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>realized the arm was completely disconnected from the other hand so it was basically ghost hand syndrome right after posting
well, here's the ultra lazy fix, I guess.
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This one is amazing, box?
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Are you high, anon? Why?
yes but also no

the base model clearly knows who she is but it doesn't quite associate her strictly with that white chest piece thing in particular.

I put this toy box pic of her from a random j-list tweet I found:

into a tagger and got:

"bondage outfit, 1girl, gloves, solo, revealing clothes, eyepatch, black gloves, padlock, lock, thighhighs, strap, white hair, looking at viewer, gag, ball gag, flat chest, pink eyes, short hair, white thighhighs, multicolored hair, heart hair ornament, heart, ok sign, sitting, parted lips, elbow gloves, pink hair, loli, wiffle gag, :o, purple eyes, purple background, hair ornament, drop shadow, fellatio gesture, blush"

and then I just promped zoot with that plus `porno \(dohna dohna\)` added to the front of it, with no negative at all besides `sketch, worst quality`


so you could fiddle around with those tags or any other tags to kind of get certain looks but her unique oufit doesn't seem to exist as trained data anywhere in particular
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crazy, I leave for a few weeks and come back to see actual hentai being posted. What model(s) did you guys migrate too? The gens look great.
Noob here, Is there a list for baked in styles for Illustrious?
Looks like CSR
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and here's the non-lazy fix.
lesson learned: if you want to do cunnilingus from this sort of showing pose and want to do a grabbing action, thigh grab is the way to go. torso grab "works" but seems to have a bad habit of just disconnecting an arm or two.
illustrious or noobAIXL.
Why must feet be so hard to inpaint...
lora's: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/e9bd63vj786sf/slanted
nobody knows other than it has pretty variable recognition of artists that actually have their names as just real Booru tags, some don't work well or at all, some do
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This anon posted some styles >>8258314
Interesting, any anons compiling names
that's a cute butt
Sometimes moderately endowed women are a nice break from my ungabunga urges.
local4lyfe fags no longer have to pretend like pony could do hentai and only terminal retards like ayakon are still on it
everybody's using illustrious and noobai
unironically nice breakmaxxing prompt
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I like to use this for visual reference, not sure who made it
To me it's the shape that matters the most
nice style, love the detail around her waist and crotch
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Moderate asses and /h/ sanctioned dick sucking.
Is there way i could get pose out of this ? Via control net maybe?
Research purposes
why was THIS deleted?
>the base model clearly knows who she is
really? thats goo-
>but it doesn't quite associate her strictly with that white chest piece thing in particular
>but her unique oufit doesn't seem to exist as trained data anywhere in particular
of course that happened. the pic in the box is still good.
a literal fucking mystery.
I haven't been banned (yet).
catboxes for those interested tho
full processed image https://files.catbox.moe/bqo04u.png
raw upscale(with metadata) https://files.catbox.moe/vmy0qn.png
What the process between the full processed image and the raw upscale? Inpainting?
redrawing/filtering/adding film grain
psd for those so inclined
>anything below medium breasts gets deleted because muh (((advertisers)))
don't you love the modern internet?
Thanks for the generous sharing of knowledge anon, bless your soul
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>local4lyfe fags no longer have to pretend like pony could do hentai and only terminal retards like ayakon are still on it
went through old threads from a year ago when v3 was released and the coping and dishonesty from "local4lyfe" crowd is honestly absolutely insane. This is when based64 and maybe ef were the meta
Wait, I haven't been here in months. A good local model was finally made?!
>they lack detail
what, the aom2 ribs and eyelashes?
I want to go back to the internet circa 2007~. Times were better.
to be honest that's a really basic bitch tier psd compared to a number of my stuff and a lot of it isn't super reproduceable because, well, I'm literally drawing with a pen tablet and then tossing a really basic vibrance/saturation filter on top and I'm also not using smart filters or anything since, well, this isn't an actual paid work thing and that shit's cumbersome as hell.
think the important things(that you won't really find listed in there) is that noise is added at 2% uniform(also I cheated hard on skipping having to care about feathering on a mask). the vibrance/saturation filters aren't really set in stone on their values and in that case I was also really lazy and just copied them something else and lowered the group opacity rather than bothering with them directly.
I wouldn't try and copy anything from it directly, just take it as it is - a working file. And I guess you can see some layer by layer redrawing autism stuff.
Yes, the exquisite blurry latex shading on everything is what is considered to be "detail" I guess
Illustrious? The version released right now is a pre-alpha, but functional.
I'm looking at noobai some others mentioned. The examples and shared stuff look pretty good.
Never in my entire life will I understand the retarded necessity to call a FULL 7.5M DANBOORU TUNE for 20 FUCKING EPOCHS a "pre-alpha" model just because the author insists on calling it "0.1"
I dunno, anon. If the person who actually works with AI tells me the checkpoint ain't good enough yet and needs work, I am going to believe them, and not some random in a mongolian basket weaving forum.
It's just a shitposter that somehow convinced the baker to put it in.
What was on op pic? Did he do a cunny bake, kek?
this man? based
just think.
if this is a "pre alpha" what the FUCK do you call kohaku, arti or tofu?
anon the point is that illustrious is, straight up 65-75% a "complete" model at worst. that's not really "pre-alpha" that's a beta(or better).
it used this image
(which is still up)
>the same fucking pointless shitpost-argument again and again
hdg is in a prepetual state of groundhogs day kek.
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So post gens then. Be the change you want to see.
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I mean sure but that's not gonna stop them from having the same fucking arguments every thread
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Some old gens.
Comparatively speaking, illustrious 0.1 received roughly 3.7 times the ponyv6 compute.
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is it fine to make requests? I know /ddg/ is chill about that, but I don't know about here
I drew picrel since I'm too poor to generate my own images
if anyone has dehya paizuri / paizuri blowjob gens, I'd love to see them. thank you
that's a great sketch
>the person who actually works with AI tells
that newer checkpoints aren't much of an improvement over 0.1
thank you :)
what upscalers do you guys use for local?
realesrgan 6b
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I really wish that Illustrious didn't mangle architecture. My attempts at using stock pictures and repeated materials to create a background have all failed.

This is honestly pretty good. I will take a few stabs at it when I wake up tomorrow.
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How to improve pussy generation? I was thinking of maybe start the image in Illustrious, then inpaint the pussy with pony, then img2img back to Illustrious to try to keep things coherent. Has anyone tried something else or similar?
Here you go, anon.
>Footjob via tennis
>That priest lifting his robe to show his own tennis
>That other priest looking at him disapprovingly
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This was pretty hastily made, but something like this?
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Thanks for the tips, will look into the others pony and model.

Why ?
Local is back?
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This is also a low effort post, but does this help?
>The method to merge the two models is quite convoluted and complex, so I'll omit it for now.
le maow
is that her dick at the base of the guy's shaft?
I thought that was one of the guy's balls getting squished, but her dick makes more sense.
>>8260655 >>8260658
these are great, thank you very much
thanks, I'll be on the lookout
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Anyone merged Pony and Illustrious XL yet?
hey Advocat
go shill your shit somewhere else, nobody wants your gay slopmerge
the zoot version has really good backgrounds imo, and the default style of it is kinda similar to your gen here. some people don't like it here but it's one of my favorite Illus so far
it says "aesthetic" in name, retard-kun
that's not a Pony merge
But it's as fried as one
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isn't Advocat is the one who made SmoothFT / SmoothSPO
idk, i get great results from it. keep your CFG around 4.5 or 5 and stick to Euler A
Even the creator posts fried slop on the model page
boxes please?
houtengeki + nyalia
did anyone train copier loras for illustrious?
thanks but i wanna see the metadata please
i was drawn by the examples looking mostly cleaner than most illus, I dunno what you mean exactly. People post shit in here and get compliments all the time on stuff that's way closer to what I'd call fried
you gotta earn your ai artist badge jeet
>it used this image
>(which is still up)
I guess we should be thankful the thread is up... christ just when I thought we were out of the woods with bullshit janny shit
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fack man
>I want the jannies to stop enforcing the rules
Imagine being this deluded
delicious, suckable inverted nipples
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I can totally see the potential in illustrious + 4th tail img2img "cleanup" pass but ugh it requires a lot of handpainted tweaks when the details goo too crazy like the eyes or the hair
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I know that they make money with trash so they just let the floodgates open, like steam does, but Civitai would be much better if there was a "yet another useless copypasted slop producing model" button that nukes useless uploads if enough people vote on it
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Looks like it's penis inspection day at the company.
I'll call in sick
They're gonna laugh again...
sorry nurse i didnt clean it could you take care of me you look so sexy.
Your wallet may be empty, but willpower is full and brimming. Godspeed.

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