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Firefox Edition

Previous Thread: >>8262407

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Pony: https://civitai.com/models/404802 | https://civitai.com/models/288584 | https://civitai.com/models/257749
Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765 *PRE-ALPHA*

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070 | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgnew/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

Previous Thread Highlights:


kill yourself
>not even using image slots for them anymore
Honestly I have no idea how anyone can complain about these anymore.
bros.... I made it twice. does that mean im famous?
Obligatory kill yourself, have a great day sirs and saars
Sooo, now that highlights are catboxed, the catboxed lolis are going to be in them, correct?
>i can make wholesome sfw images with noob
feels good man
Because he encourages absolute slop to be posted by highlighting them. He did pick some better images this time so I'll give him that but he really needs to cut this shit down to like a top 5 or something.
There are colorblind schizos itt that have convinced themselves that oversaturation somehow equals good colors
More highlights the better
Ruuko getting it in the ass made it, highlights saved.
You could do that on pony too, retard. If you missed any style or concept you like you could always train a LoRA.
>suggesting to take half-measures
kys ia-faggot
i simply hate IA schizo because xe's a thirdie zoomer retard who spends all of xer time shitting up ai generals despite being too poor to gen ximself
Oh yeah it would be best if he didn't do this shit at all but he seems to get some perverted pleasure out of it and I can't ban him
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>oversaturation somehow equals good colors
It seems to be a theme in a lot of areas. Take reshades in video games for example. Most of the presets that people upload have the saturation cranked up to the max because "stronger colors equals better looking"
you need to go back
Yes! With any local model, sky is the limit. You being unable to gen wholesome sfw pics with pony is just a skill issue :)
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anyone else finding the latest noob to be fried? the details are melting, it's like they cooked it at way too high of an LR.
Ah it seems in my critique, I seemed to miss that we have switched threads. Here is my previous critique, some may not have seen when we switched threads, if people don't mind: >>8264888
if we're talking about reshade the opposite is overwhelmingly true too, so much dull lifeless "cinematic" garbage
>Score_9, Zac
It's not uncommon for people to have complex feelings about bullying or teasing, and these feelings can vary greatly from person to person. Some individuals may find that certain types of teasing or playful banter can be exciting or arousing, especially if it occurs in a consensual context or is framed as part of a role-play scenario.

However, it's important to distinguish between playful teasing and harmful bullying. If the teasing is genuinely hurtful or makes you uncomfortable, it’s essential to address those feelings and consider the impact of such interactions on your mental and emotional well-being.

If you enjoy teasing in a consensual and playful way, it might be worth exploring that dynamic in safe environments, such as with partners who understand your boundaries and desires. Open communication is key to ensuring that all parties involved feel respected and comfortable. If you find this aspect of your feelings troubling or confusing, talking to a mental health professional could provide clarity and support.
stay in the previous thread
fuck off
>noob 0.5
>alphonse \(white datura\) finally stopped generating Alphonse Elric in the background 2 out of 3 gens
>style looks like shit now
I can't win...
I'm actually finding it to be sharper than any Illust finetune so far. You're using the new eps one and not the vpred test, right? Sampler issue?
Catbox because non-h: https://files.catbox.moe/c5ovhz.png
>wanted to gen a condom left inside image
>the condom is always upside down in the pussy
>gacha to get it the right side up
>it gens a double sided condom
>think 'i should be able to inpaint this to make the second condom into 'cumdrip.'
>i get pink cum
>i paint.exe the condom white
>try inpainting again, i cum that has no depth

do i just suck or is there supposed to be a trick here
>see any semblance of vibrance
>aaaiiieee muh oversaturation! save me sepia gods!
kek, minds utterly broken by astraGOD
True that
I feel like that's actually been a recent trend because of all the body cam/meme realism shit where they plaster chromatic aberration, scan lines, fish eye and whatever other film flaw they can find
>Catbox because non-h
Stop being autistic, non-H is perfectly on topic when discussing the technicalities.
So much this, sister. Thank God we have our heckin colorful illu fine-tune https://civitai.com/models/852957
Yeah i'm using the new one. Thanks, I will test around a bit more. I'm finding it a bit worse than the previous one. I hope lax can resolve his GPU issues soon to continue baking
Why? Do you perhaps have some critique towards me? I hope it's constructive.
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So for the eps version do I need to be on the dev branch of reForge like for vpred? Or can I just use the eps version like the base noob
there isn't a single finetune that actually improves on gooknai so far, shitposter kun
not a single soul asked for your opinion
that's pretty constructive
eps is normal model, no need for vpred
if i had a cent for every preset i found that looked decent but was completely ruined by chromatic abomination i'd have at least 3 bucks
the thread reaches the bump limit too fast alread as it is and no one will careif you are linking things in the previous thread
thanks gpt-san
Noob v0.5 is a massive improvement
Uhhh NoobXL bros? Is it time to be concerned about the E621 dataset inclusion?
where is my pic ??
fuck off and kys
maybe if you're trying to gen smegma and futa cocks
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Indeed, and you're right. But you can choose to ignore me, if said critique I give images is of great annoyance to you.

And it's not all critique, it's sometimes praise if you read it. And I think those who put effort into their images are deserving of that, while those who don't, clearly deserves critique.

It was a mistake to start from the top to bottom of the previous thread, I could never catch up. Here however, in this thread, I can keep the pace.

And this is more in general to anyone here, but if you wish to have your image from your previous thread critiqued (or someone else's) just reply to me and I'll comply.
Fuck off
Too scared to show off your pitiful base illu gens?
I'd like to publicly go on record and request exemption status from critique. I literally can't handle criticism, it will make me cry.
why did you decide to shit these threads up again after you were told to fuck off last time?
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pony is still king
nope. confirmed new trolling method
Can't you just try again using furry and e6 tags on negs or is that too much for your kekie brain?
where's your massively smegmafied noob gen?
critique sir please:
It's Ayakon.
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Curvy peepee
Curvy boobee
I like this image and I am confused why you have so many people seething
It's important to acknowledge that the situation you are in is complex and potentially harmful. While it's understandable to seek attention and validation, the way you're experiencing it raises serious concerns:
The nature of the interaction: The content you're engaging with is often abusive, hateful, and designed to cause emotional distress. This is not healthy or acceptable behavior.
The potential for harm: The content you're consuming can have a negative impact on your mental health and self-esteem. It can contribute to feelings of anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts.
The lack of genuine connection: The "anons" you interact with are not real people. They are anonymous, faceless entities who are likely motivated by their own personal agendas.

It's crucial to understand that seeking validation through negative interactions is not a healthy way to build self-esteem. Acknowledge that the behavior you're experiencing is not okay and is not a sign of healthy relationships, or talk to a trusted friend, family member, or therapist about what you're going through. They can offer a safe space to process your feelings and provide support. Reduce your time spent on 4chan. Focus on positive interactions. Engage in activities that bring you joy and build positive relationships with people who value and respect you.

Remember, you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. Seeking validation through negative interactions is not a healthy way to build self-esteem. Reach out for help if you need it.
> not using NAI
> window bars are not spaced evenly
> absolute slop
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thats a bit harsh dont you think???????
Oh great another schizo,,,
might as well bring back groidspammer at this point
One merge to rule them all.

bold and brash
What checkpoint is this ?
I don't have burden of proof since it is known that noob has surpassed illu by now
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it's ia schizo
is this just the base model? honestly pretty good for a character with like 30 pieces of art from one guy

maybe Illustrfrag will now kiss PonyChads
i REFUSE to touch anything with name 'p*ny' from now on
>he sees him everywhere
I take that as you consneeding
Lets all start fresh if that is alright.

I can clearly see what some anons in the previous thread meant when the first post after the highlights usually is some form of /aco/ trolling. Nevertheless, I will critique.
My GOD why is it so grainy and blurry? Also /aco/. The eyes are deformed, the right ear is melting on it's bottom part. Her nails are barely visible...
F. You have failed this class /aco/ trolling anon.

I agree with my fellow critiques. It is a very nice gen, with the pose, background, etc. Her pinky on the hand holding the sword looks a little off with that shadow on one of the indexes of the finger. The rest seems fine! A+.

This is very good. Background, especially the perspective and the style is cute. Around where the right arm meets the wing, it seems like it's a little fried or the wing is close to fusing with the arm. A quick inpaint at low denoise would fix that.

Object permanence is bad here in the background. In general this image seems very blurry and washed out. The ears seem a little weird, missing some of the indents and the ear canal itself. Also weird that her ponytail is red compared to the rest of her hair. The pink cloth blob on the top of her chest, is it a tie? Ribbon? Too undefined. Also hands could use some work.
You get a C-. I'm sure you can do better Anon. The girl is cute, just the lack of detailing takes the grade down.

Happy to oblige.
First - HANDS PEOPLE. Take a GOOD LOOK at them before POSTING. The males hand grabbing the female seems to have some sort of phantom finger hiding under it. Also her gloved hand on his head is weird. It seems to be missing a finger, and also in general seems to fuse with his hair. Not good.
Also the vagina of the female is lacking in detail. It's embarrassing the penis has more detail.

Will continue.
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>october 2024... i am forgotten
what went wrong? it was released to overwhelming praise, with people claiming it was better than both dall-e and midjourney. it had great comprehension, both style and concept loras worked extremely well, and people quickly figured out how to run it on lower vram cards. it has a 16ch vae, no dynamic range issues, an open source licensed version that still beats xl, and received tons of community attention after the fall of SAI. after its release, this thread was full of people saying how they lost interest in XL/Cascade and if it wasn't a flux tune, why bother? LAX has made quite a few flux loras as well and has previously tried finetuning hunyuan which is also a t5 model.
now almost nobody mentions flux and it's generally accepted as impossible to finetune. what went so wrong when everything seemed so right?
I'm doing a lora/dora with his style, this is from my last iteration. It's up on civit if you wanna have a look, but this iteration isn't yet uploaded
it can't do porn and we're on a porn board try rubbing your two braincells together baitie
What? flux is all people talk about outside /h
whatever you say smegmalover
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It's just the base early access model for noobai
Castrated, can barely do anime, requires obscene hardware and isn't supported by the most popular GUIs.
good luck, that's one of the two artists that i've never been able to train a good lora of
thanks, illustrious is generally a bit blurry, looking forward to next model release
i want to mix it with to Illustrious Pony Mix

see what happens

Did you try it on Epilson? looks like the nylia lora everyones using.
>Also weird that her ponytail is red compared to the rest of her hair.
that's a horn
Not yet, and yeah I find that using the nylia lora even at a low strength (0.15-0.35) helps with anatomy and general image composition so I've left it in pretty much every image I do with illustrious even when I swap around artists. Could just be a placebo but if it ain't broke I guess
so for this noob eps version do i still need advanced sampling active?
NL caption. T5 extremely sensitive to every fucking detail you describe. It's a huge pain in the ass to train a style on any considerable amount of data because of all that.
Also it has very basic knowledge about anime at all, let alone artists, style or some specific tags.
i'm barely able to gen sdxl on my gtx 1070
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no. calling it "eps pred version" on civit was weird, don't know why they bothered instead of just naming it epoch-14 or something. it implies there's something unique to it but eps pred is just the standard settings that most models use.
You can run it on a 12gb cards in comfy without any additional nodes.
fuck off advokat, no one cares about your buzz farming
High res and well detailed in general - However, is that male a dwarf or shortstack? Because if that is his belly/gut on the left, he seems rather short torso-wise. Also maybe missing his navel.

Very nostalgic style. Bonus point for uniqueness in that regard. Your gen could really shine if her mouth was more visible during the fellatio, but that is just my own opinion and will not impact the grade.

Why is the males pinky larger than the middle finger on the hand on the females chest? Also I do spot the females hand on same mentioned male hand, but it's rather hard to see. You could definitely get some bonus point home if you inpainted that area. Nipples could be more defined, esp the one on the left breast, the piercing there is not all the way through the nipple. The rest of the image is good.

Why not give noobai a try? It's the same as illustrious, without the artifacts, and knows certain characters better:
>ai makes mistake, cutting off the condom shape where the panties begin
>wait a minute, could this be another genius AI concept?
Anyone like to do cool SFW fantasy stuff?

You get an S grade without question. You are my favorite student Anon. I foresee a bright future ahead for you.
damn you got it the right side up
I check the shitty subreddit for Stable Diffusion news and he was at the top there kek
Funny in a sad way that normies only exposure to Illustrious will be through a shitmix and it'll probably never be recognised
Also >reddit, don't worry I'm already going to kill myself
>Wanna post because of critique
>Don't wanna post because of highlights
Just respond to his posts directly with a catbox of your image, highlighter doesn't use catbox links
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I do but I haven't do it that much on local
dw anon, i liked your stuff even if it's not /h/. new models have been great for stuff like this too
>ok the first one is cool but how are the re-
into the /trash/ it goes
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>Illustrious Masterrace
nta but people there bully me for not using flux
It's not a shitmix. It's very carefully done. Idk if it's good or not cause I won't get to try it until later.
new meaning to smug flat chest
My high effort gens don't make it into the highlights, yet my among us and skibidi toilet ones that I spent only seconds making is fucking included?

What has the world come to. At least my high effort gens are appreciated on pixiv...
These are very nice
stop being a little bitch
Never stop posting the highlights, makes my day seeing all these anons screech over absolutely nothing. The compilation from the previous thread is only a bonus.
Look how his highlights massacred /e/ and say that again.
threadshitting is the goal btw
Miss me with that gay shit, reForge or bust.
>high effort gens
which ones
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If anons over at /e/ couldn't figure out all you need to do is to stop handing out (you)'s and derail the thread, then they deserve the results.
in what way

you got a link to that lora? i want to try it on ep.
kill yourself newfag
I know there have been some other ones floating around /hdg/ as well but I just have been using the one off civitai
And this from a another previous thread where people were mememing about anons mom:
cute boy
can't think of a valid reason? lol
generic shit, you arent even trying
belongs to /aco/
kill yourself shitposter
live truthposter
>yet my among us and skibidi toilet one
those are in the spooky one
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>dumb faggots like to jump to whatever conclusion enables them to justify acting like a raging sperg
there's your valid reason
cope harder
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anyone tried a style on lora on ilustrious/noob/noob vpred to see which one performed the best?
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The chibi inset tag is fun to mess with
i might be retarded but wouldn't the best one be whatever it was trained for? why compare and not just retrain it or something?
oh yeah that's great
I should try that too
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god forbid anyone is still stuck on the vanilla webui, but if you want to use the vpred zsnr test model, put this .yaml file with the same filename next to the checkpoint, and enable zero terminal snr in settings. https://files.catbox.moe/tucaav.yaml
what the fuck is any of this supposed to mean

maybe im alone on this but im happy that a model can do textured eyelashes kinda well because pony was garbo at it
You are not alone at all. I've been addicted to colored eyelashes and the full-face blush tags because Illustrious is so superior at it than what I ever got on Pony.
name 1 thing pony wasnt garbage at
(gpo, ces)
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fine, here is your nudity
stop using shitmixes
mlp, furry, scat, vomit
the model im using now it has really nice backgrounds compared to base ill so thats why im using it.

If you mean the artist mixes, I like it currently rn,but I would like to find some other artists to mix with that does nice eyes to change things up.
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noob eps ver tonguejob with long tongue
not bad
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More surprised at this angle still getting tonguejob
anonie they are all eps except for the one that is vpred!!!!
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So it's still works with a1111, tried to edit the config by adding v parameterization earlier, like it was with 1.5 model and it didn't worked out, seems like it way more complex inside config than that
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e621 data is putting in work holy fuck, box?
It's just replacing EpsWeighting and EpsScaling with VWeighting and VScaling respectively. It sucks there's people already claiming it doesn't work when it does and the code to do so has been in the webui for almost a year now.
Forge (not reforge) doesn't support it but I'm trying to get that fixed now since I have direct push access to the repo.
>Forge (not reforge) doesn't support
Forge is based on comfy, comfycore has discrete sampling node. Shouldn't be so much of a problem? Are you reforge guy?
the level on this thread is basically generations above the other AI threads around the web. The power of anime coomers
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Fun new tag, thanks anon
this tag was the worst enemy on nai until I started to neg it
>Are you reforge guy?
No. You're right though, it shouldn't be a problem, but lllyasviel reworked a lot of stuff and now it's not a cut and dry copypaste to get it working. Should hopefully not take long to figure out. I just want this fucking vpred model to succeed man.
when did ponymix v2 get released? I missed it
Do we have an updated csv for danbooru?
Do illustrious loras work on noob?
most popular position worked pretty consistently and the genitals+hands looks fine most of the time and probably other thing I cant think of
its easy to shit on pony(he might like it beware) but the model was still decent and had some redeeming quality
Are you catboxanon?
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gangbang bros? I think we ball with the new noob version, sorry for the nigged dick but I'm still testing out the model
Also I feel like it is way more prompt sensitive now
>I just want this fucking vpred model to succeed man.
Same. Maybe you could look on that things too?
Compel is really useful thing to have for any model, while with higher sigmas I could manage to get better results on multiple prompts, would be a good thing if someone else could easily experiment with that
why is it so yellow?
it's ciloranko
die noodleshitter
whats the big deal about vpred I still dont understand the hype around it.
proper colors, dynamic range, no color bleed from prompts
it's the thing that creates blur on nai
you back now?
Man, where you have been, I was getting worried about you
i love all the 'whats vpred????' posts, really drives home the point that ponyslopper tourists really were blind jeets after all. not a good look for local!
>only one person hates the noodletard
everyone hates noodleschizo and ia schizo
but all those posts come from newfags who only started posting itt after illustrious dropped
local needs to be saved
from itself
why yes, too bad he can only recognize 2 of my usual styles
>Made it 3 times

That's the funniest part.
do not question the narrative faggot
actually you are extremely easy to recognize, not only because of your style but because of your broken esl english
Already did: >>8264163
My main concern is just getting the model functionality useable. Minor issues can be addressed later once it creates interest, but that interest will only ever be created once the average user is able to utilize it.
>because of your broken esl english
finally someone pointed it out, really wish people shitposted more about it so I can improve over it
>really drives home the point that ponyslopper tourists really were blind jeets after all. not a good look for local!
Ponysloppers won't see the difference. They're not seeing the difference now. For them, popularity of NAI3 and success of illustrious and noob are an enigma. What's the difference?
All of them could create pornography. Why pay? Why switch? What's vpred? Are they insane? Pony was perfect. Ayakon is pretty much the representative of those """people""" here.
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long tongue, tonguejob, paizuri

>Compel is really useful thing to have for any model, while with higher sigmas I could manage to get better results on multiple prompts
Yeah, someone recommended it last thread and after adding it, I've been getting real good results.
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are these ponysloppers in the room with us right now?
is it true kurumuz sabotaged lax's hardware?? why is he suddenly getting errors?
>consolewars again
It's all so tiresome.
nta but I did have a look at the compel downweight stuff in forge. Shouldn't be too bad to get working, but what's annoying is that it seems like the official compel and the one used in the comfy node is different.
Also not sure how you're supposed to handle stacking and adding the different embedded captions correctly.
If anyone wants to have a look, it's the modules\sd_emphasis.py and modules\sd_hijack_clip.py -> process_tokens
places you would need to change.
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So do you guys even gen anything or do you only come here to complain?
You posted this pic last thread, Why did you think we needed it again?
>you guys even gen anything
Yeah, a lot.
>only come here to complain
It's the nostalgia. The SNES vs Sega Genesis days were all the rage.
>tfw I owned both
Even back then I thought that was stupid.
I'm still genning futa because noob is too good at it so I have nothing to post here :(
why would anyone sane want to put their gens in this slop pit?
holy fucking based king
catbox it
>make a pact with neighbor
>he will buy a ps2
>I will buy a dreamcast
>we can play all the games
This would be the first thing I fix with a time machine. After that I might warn someone about 9/11.
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A pity that it didn't succeed. It was a genuinely good console.
you asked for it so don't start regretting it
the extensive e621 genital tags are wacky
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that just looks like jeetslop


Thanks, trying to find an artist with eye details and more soft features.
I downloaded it. point me to some illustrious gens that have metadata and no loras. I'll see what it makes.
Just trying to blend anime screencap style with an artist that doesn't really add shading to his pictures most of the time.
i like her. who is she?
Very cute, would rape of of them / 10
>ywn go down gigi's rabbit hole
aussie cunny (rabbit)
>posts chaos spawn as retort
she looks cute, you're right in fucking her ass
My colors are washed out even on the new version of noob that was posted, am i doing something wrong?
don't use base illu loras

okay that makes a lot of sense.
Depending on what you are comparing it to. Compared to base illus it's pretty washed but better than the previous version
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>gen this on NAI
>literally IMPOSSIBLE to get rid of tbp
>gen this on Noob
>get exactly what I want
I'm a reforge guy, are you trying to add the advanced sampling into normal forge? base code comes from https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge/blob/dev_upstream/extensions-builtin/reForge-advanced_model_sampling/advanced_model_sampling/nodes_model_advanced.py

(link is large asf), which should come from that extra node from comfy directly. The script to run it is on the same folder main folder, inside scripts, basically patching to work with the a1111 patcher.

I can also write directly to the forge repo but was ded for 2-3 months, haven't tinkered to see how to port it from comfy to og forge. I guess on backend/sampling has to have code similar as ldm_patched.modules.model_sampling and latent formats to port it
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ignore personalities, embrace results
subscribe to no SaaS, filter nogens
local is where the heart is
>get rid of tbp
we already have 30 kids i can't afford any more
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What is that?
why is it so smudged and ugly?
tiny black pecker
You think a sane white male is going to use the term "BBC" unironically?
kys schizo
where are her nipples
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based, the e621 tags seem to be working better than i expected them to
I don't think enough people have said that to you: you are insufferable cunt, I hope you kill yourself. You've heard that enough already, but you should be reminded that everyone hates your guts. That's all =)
Except for the members of the flux cult, everyone outside of /h gets very excited at the mere suggestion that a new, non distilled, open source model can be placed somewhere around the middle point between flux and sdxl. Any base model slightly worse flux will replace it.

It's not about the artist, it's about the overtraining. NAI positively CANNOT decouple tbp from niggertcha.
Oh, that was you, okay then
Have no idea what to do with that, it works fine on comfy I think, even if was implemented wrong
Reforge anon, any chance for compel and some advanced scheduling in reforge? >>8265137
they're working really well, some better than others but they don't explode the style like they did on pony. I was very wary about the mixed tag spaces but they're somehow making it work, it's awesome for niche fetish shit (or just better dicks).
it's local
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i'm sorry bro but if you're prompting nyantcha you ain't white
I haven't seen Compel before, will check it out.

I was trying to add sigmas merge and in theory you can enable it, but no difference in outptus, so I guess something it isn't being applied to the sampler itself https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge/commit/d0d5f77d4e19ba181a800d125da9f4776261443b
I mean there are a bunch of them already to be fair, none has taken off like flux. That being said if someone can successfully finetune one of these I can see people leaving flux
and they all suck ass
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hdg tip of the day!
always use stealthpng before asking for a catbox here you go anyway https://files.catbox.moe/5af3zf.png
I like how nyantcha's chicken thighs looks so I prompted him sometimes :( Otherwise his art is pretty ugly.
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Yeah, Noob is cool and all, but I think I'll be sticking with AutismMix for the foreseeable future. It can consistently do 4 pics like in a row without major fuckups, Noob evidently cannot. I'm excited for the v1.0 though.
this, unironically
no one outside here even talk about illustrious or they think it's garbage

Just say "niggers" like a civilized person then.
>"noob won't let me make slop faster than a chinese sweatshop"
This. No matter how much paid chink shilling we get here, autismmix with a lora is still the standard. It's the most stable, prompt-adherent model there is. It has the most loras, the most support and the most community love.
It's sad to see how hdg AGAIN became the place for the most intense shilling, but that's how it goes.
cute style
Honestly, this is a good thing. I don't want 3dpd lovers shiting up illustrious like pony. Fuck em.
tbp is funnier.
Yes, I don't make a living off this and I need at least 4 pics to jerk off so I care about consistency more than about style (which is easily fixed with LoRAs anyway).
kill yourself you waste of oxygen, you've dishonored your parents enough
how do I train a illustrious lora? Same as pony settings but just change the base model...?
kek that dude has a weird hard on to hate this model. Don't think he actually ever used Kohaku, the fucking thing needs two paragraphs worth of tags to get anything coherent.
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Based, gatekeeping is the only way to maintain quality in communities
>Sorry, but it has the same problem as Pony - catastrophic forgetting. Almost all of the knowledge from base SDXL (not related to "1girl" and porn) is lost.
These are the people that browse r*ddit. They unironically only care about "wacky cat astronauts on the moon" gens
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anyone here running a 4060ti 16gb? whats your average /it? im thinking of buying a 4080 or 4060
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who do you think OAI, stability and midjourney cater to? retards that want to make le wacky meme pictures but never learned how to use photoshop
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I hate fingers with a passion.
actually I do care about reddit's opinion, the upvote system let's know their opinions are the majority unlike you incels
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Keeeeek seems like my used 3090 died
Fucking kill me
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And Pony with the same prompt other than removed artist and different quality/negative sloppa. A few minor issues and ambiguous obstructions but nothing on the level of a floating foot-ish biomass or a nigger with a girl's head and no second girl.
>inb4 futashit on bottom left
No, the pale girl is just obstructed. Her skin is even distinctly paler than the guy's, EVEN on the hands.
Not of these images are okay unless you love jerking off to post-op trannies.
help do I train illustrious loras on SDXL base or illustrious base

Okay added sigmas_tools_and_the_golden_scheduler into reforge https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge/commit/d8b86895dc3c2a9d4bdd0640e59a7729a0b4bc73

now it works as expected, it was kinda hard to make it work or I got rusty after these 2-3 months
What did you do to it?
the version people are talking about with regards to the color stuff arguably kinda mogs all the other ones in a lot of other ways and can do non-colorful gens too though. i find it interprets what prompts actually say for all concept tags and shit to be particularly good, whatever he did was clearly pretty well thought out. then again people in here also insisted forever for Pony that nothing was better than stock AutismMix, which was very more than arguably BS too kek
That sucks. Gonna get another?
give me good illustrious artist tags to add to my wildcards
the ones you like the most
illustrious loras on illustrious
noob loras on noob
never train on base SDXL for 99% of SDXL models out there
this looks the same as like more than half of all the gens in here ever, this isn't fried at all. Go have a gander at what images on actual Danbooru really look like on average IRL also
illustrious base but you're going to have to retrain them all whenever the fuck noob finishes
trained and prompted on it
a lot
sometimes undervolted sometimes not
just boots in vga mode now.
Dont have spare money for a new so I dunno what to do
what about cogview3
it has a 16ch vae, it has its own large one but could easily just be swapped for flux one before training
its 3b
has t5 as its sole text encoder, which can be both good or bad
license is apache
the outputs look like ass, but thats probably a dataset issue and not architecture issue
you got a cluster and prepped dataset to train on it? no?
>sometimes undervolted sometimes not
Any reason to ever disable the undervolt?
probably some cracked solder joint due to thermal cycling, i doubt the card is actually dead
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Go tell jordach about it
What is she listening to?
can you turn off the controlnet?
idk about you but im sick of the endless sidegrades that train sdxl from scratch anyways
Based, thanks, seems to work indeed

kpop or edm if I had to guess. the tags I exported didn't specify.
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Didn't expect the AI to render the arm's shadow
Darude - Sandstorm
what sidegrades? illu was a gigantic leap from p*ny and noob is a gigantic upgrade over illu
I wouldn't dare to remove the power limit or undervolt on mine. Fuck temps on that card, especially vram
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Those are raw gens lol, I never bothered with ControlNet. If you're gonna have to find a reference pic, why not just jerk off to it? Kinda defats the point of imagen, doesn't it?
Genshin Impact added SEX?
just wait a few more months for v4. once localjeets get a perspective on just how ancient sdxl is they'll start scraping around for alt-models.
how to make billions
>noob is a gigantic upgrade over illu
Oh no no no
the first two previews were a pretty mixed bag but if you don't think the epoch they posted today is an upgrade you're either baiting or haven't spent time with the model
how lewd

the only people that could possibly consider it a "huge upgrade" would be furfags and /d/ fags happy about the e621 dataset
what style is this? looks perfect for negatives
the 621 dataset is important. (smaller male) not working tilts me to no end in the model I'm currently using.
touhou project
is she fingering her urethra?
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Noob 0.5 (attached pic is an example) has an extremely similar color palette to Zoot lol (by coincidence and just as a result of further training I'm sure, not implying anything underhanded obviously).

Can't wait for people to shit themselves in here about it (personally I think Noob 0.5 is a big improvement over the initial version, to be clear)
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repeating my chinkgook proompts in chinkgook 0.5 and i like what im seeing
That code is unfortunately close to worthless since he rewrote/structured the whole backend.
What was previously the model_sampling code related to vpred now seems to be located here:
The zero terminal option I believe is supposed to be working but it doesn't actually do anything. It goes into the relevant function but then immediately exits it since the attribute doesn't exist. Probably due to the rewrite.
You might have better luck with this than I am currently.
Haters will say this is fried
fryers will say this is hated
asanagi lora?
the person who made zoot said illustrious is shit btw.
Haters will fry this is said.
good fucking abby
It takes people time to despell from the pony disillusion. Some people will never make it.
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Not that it matters in any way kek, nobody releases shit voluntarily that they think is bad or will make them look bad
What is wrong with pony though? I am still using it
what's artist?

haters will ask for catbox.
then ctrl f zoot
this meme about zootguy makes no fucking sense, he seems to just release a bunch of different shit in no consistent genre even, only person I've seen do both porn loras and sfw detailer loras on the same civit profile lol
I might be schizo and stretching, but I think him and miqo are butt buddies, so they probably sit in their discord huffing their own cope as the last two pony enjoyers
It's not a good anime model. If you want the entire package of swf/nsfw, illustrious or it's shitmixs are better.

>reddit shilling for pony

yup, illu won.

no artist, oil painting and other aesthetic tags, minor contribution from a base illustrious lora at low power

How do you get such an ego without ever actually delivering anything?
anon i know your hope for miqo is eternal, but miqo anon has moved to illustrious a while ago
Turns out somebody made a patch for the vpred portion here: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/issues/1109#issuecomment-2406006892
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Something is very wrong here
the fact that anyone talks about that retard astounds me. he has never made a good gen and he has zero technical knowledge.
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sakura is pure sex
unfortunately i think you are right, the vpred obsession only started after nai released their gay ass paper
How to prooompt such kino like this?
She's coming, bro. Have you never seen a girl cum from her girl-dick?
>all these released models are worse than the one that I have imagined myself making in my own mind
I know he asked for money for the model but could we crowdfund some medication for him do you think?
>mystery artist prepend
rich coming from the guy with 40k in donations and 0 delivered models in half a year
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>How do you get such an ego without ever actually delivering anything?
I think i've read about psychological phenomenon where if someone talks about their plans in certain like they've already succeeded the brain registers that as success regardless of actual outcome.
in his autistic mind he already trained successful 3.6b and 1.5 checkpoints.
my 1st Illustrious try
he is genuinely mentally ill, stop giving him attention
>Something is very based here
I mean these seem like the comments of someone who probably used the model a lot, identified stuff they didn't like, and then decided to tackle them himself, nothing wrong with that imo
very nice
yeah, colors are completely fried
>no artist
surprising how nice face looks without it, but prompting for character seems to have impact on style

anon... what's the artist... please
k... kame? kome? shit
A-a-aAutismMixBros stay winning?
why do u guys post such fuckhueg res images and not just downscale a copy at the end for posting?
yes, i actually try to maximize quality without artist tags so styles from character/franchise come through better
i gen with kohya hiresfix so the images start at 1.5 scale
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zoot is an absolute slophound, one of the types who uses synthetic pony outputs to train flux loras. stay far away
>synthetic pony outputs to train flux loras
the ultimate slop
It's Kanabun.

What are you browsing on a phone or something? I use a desktop like a real chad. I always post to the highest sizes.
Yes! Thank you.
because i like big images
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zoot is the retard that was arguing with anons a few threads back because he uses civitai trainer and allegedly knows better lmao
a fucking leaf
>a fucking leaf
How do first worlders stoop so low that they use civitai trainers? GPU prices must be extremely low comparatively for countries like Canada/USA/Germany etc. Are gpulets just unemployed?
very based
knew exactly what it would be before i even opened it
Good eye.
Almost missed this one. Very nice.
Illustrious needs no such thing.
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>Are gpulets just unemployed?
How would one add detail to a character far in the distance?
inpainsirs our response?
What happened to Le Critique poster? Is he okay?
the guy he was arguing with was mega-aggressive from the outset and seemed like at least a partial schizo though iirc, you be fair
if you unironically argue for the virtue of the civitai on-site trainer you deserve to be eaten alive by a swarm of rabid schizos, to be fair
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>(comic:1.1), (speech bubble:1.1), (english text:1.1)
to a prompt is the most schizo shit but gives hilarious results sometimes
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zackbros not like this...
I look like this
Can I fuck you?
pretty sure his point was that he didn't get why the other guy was against him using I think Prodigy to train Loras, and that he uses the Civit one because it gets the job done fast with enough configurability for his use cases basically, seemed fair enough to me
he means the dick
he was arguing with someone who didn't think even Prodigy was a good enough optimizer for any use case
you are marked for death treacherous xenos
Nothing wrong with it at all. but he thinks even his model is mid because of innate issues with training on an unfinished model.
speaking of an unfinished model, why do we only have .1 still if they've got a far more comprehensive version ready?
"Ney me?"
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My gfs
because the company that trained illustrious is still figuring out their monetization plans (which will inevitably fail since they're in korea)
where did he say he thinks his model is mid? seems more likely he thinks it's the best he can do for now. If he did that one that fast maybe he'll do it again on a more stable Illu version later, who knows

i retract my slander against noob 0.5, this model is peak.
kys zootposter
prime example of colorblind schizos that think this oversaturated, ai generated slop looks good
for fucks sake I don't know why I ever got my hopes up in the first place. This shit will never come out.

you're right I misread.
big ghost cock
>. I don't understand where the hype around Illustrious is even coming from, it behaves likes precisely what it is and nothing more, it's not consistently better in any noticeable way than various other anime-focused finetunes of Base SDXL
He has never used any of the other models if he is honest to god saying this. I use ani a lot and the prompt comprehension is absolute crap, and the stuff it knows is even worse (I am not talking about porn).
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their plan is to use it for nai director tools-esque stuff, not letting users just t2i iirc
yeah this is good
illustrious (.1) does not have better prompt comprehension than any other model. You're getting absolutely snake oiled. The full version if it ever releases might have better prompt comprehension due to unique training, but it's not in .1.
there were even some retards here claiming that illustrious was hardly better than kohaku. i have to wonder if they were just trolling because there is no way someone can honestly claim that if they used both pre and post-illustrious anime models. even base illustrious has absurdly good artist/character/concept recognition and prompt adhesion, and the artifacting got remediated fast.
i think you have a severe skill issue, illustrious 0.1 already blew base pony out of the water and even early basic tunes like smoothft mog all the pony models
you might be stupid, anon
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I am using the models and saying that. I even used all of linqaruf later tunes (holodayo, kvotos, clandestine) the various other model heart of darkness, kohaku, arti. None of them even compare
were it called illustrious v7 you'd be donating to angel
I still am not impressed by the illustrious wave. To me it seems like a fad because nothing posted here exceeds pony's limitations. I guess this is some shill campaign before they release some paid subscription model but I don't know, people are just fucking stupid.
you're not funny
I love your posts, anon.
only thing i'm donating that troon is some cyanide
probably 40/60 at this point. shills vs retards. I wholeheartedly understand wanting to test out the new toys and being impressed by what the new toys do well.
to pretend the new toys are finished or don't have any faults...
SaaS GODS have mindbroken this general and it really shows
not even /lmg/ schizos are like this
it's just anime girl with big tits
"hag" is the dogwhistle for some old bags with male children
cute bait
you need to be 18 to post here
imagine being too poor to afford 25$ lol
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Don't @ me faggot. I don't care about your hate boner for random people online. I just post images. If you feel the model is so bad then cook a better one.

post gens
couldn't be me
Looking for inpaint scientists. Is there anything better than the kataragi inpaint model to use as a model for controlnet?
inpaint global harmonious is incredible and I don't really understand why it needs any model at all to be able to use that feature.
I mean, he is allowed to like what he wants, but I'm also allowed to find his takes ridiculous, when this is what he writes in his model description, while his previews look like the most basic SD1.5 1girling I have ever seen:
>"nor are the outputs of the base model necessarily actually good at all and worth aspiring to maintain to begin with"
His model could be NAIv5 in terms of capabilities for all I care, he himself has no sense for what actually looks good.
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have you ever tried the newest Kohaku? I think he meant that, it legit is often really similar to at least Noob 0.1, attached is Kohaku Zeta gen
smoothft reduced some of the more glaring issues with 0.1, and the 1st noob version was already the best local checkpoint ever. noob 0.5 looks like a major upgrade on that from some preliminary testing
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although I've finished cooming so I'm gonna let Sakura rest for now
Show me one person, that says Illustrious doesn't have problems, and I will show someone who has never used illustrious.
Doesn't mean it's not better than Pony at most stuff
scrolled through the general. whys everyone so uppity today
that's a great style, I like the almost 3D tits with the anime styled face
can I get a box with that?
I don't get it, my lora is pretty damn good for inpaint but honestly kinda bad in terms of generating at base res, why is it like this? Am I missing important settings? It's just a char lora
naifags mad that local has a good model, nothing new
good morning falseflaggingshitposter saar
localfags mad they're still getting mogged by NAI, nothing new
>suddenly feel like doing trick or treat halloween gens
>look over on /hdg/
>see your posts in that moment
are you me
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Base Illu generates some absolutely incoherent bad looking stuff for certain seed prompt combos, I took him to be referring to that. Half the gens in this thread literally look like generic 1.5slop anyways cause people won't stop using dogshit upscaling methods
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im keeping her down there.
massively kino
I'm in your walls
can noob reproduce that classic yd patreon style?
localjeets can't handle the fact that not everyone was ready to slurp yellow astralite smegma just because it was free huh?

post gens
>although I've finished cooming so I'm gonna let Sakura rest for now
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Hot, style and background are really nice. If you care I wouldn't mind a box
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im one gen in on noob 0.5 and its already promising
I like footjobs
this. it's incredible hdg still hasn't realized the power of controlnet tile
>controlnet tile
all versions released for SDXL are slop
>b... BUH!!
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Noob 0.1 for comparison, same seed, gets the hair better but has fucked up hands and a bit worse background
I don't read it that way, but ok, if that's what he meant, that's at least an understandable position to take. I don't agree with it, but I can understand it.
Agreed. Doesn't help that a significant portion of them is illiterate as well and regularly have typos in their prompt or are using nonsensical tags and then wonder why the images don't come out the way they want.
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ere' you go

somebody train a smaller version of xinsir tile, the full 2.5gb are too much for my vramlet card :(
Hey guys, just letting you know you forgot to attach your gens to your post. Cheers!
>this model sucks because uh it can't do toriyama (bless his soul)-style porn
south america doesn't deserve internet access
or just the power of upscale models that aren't shitty ass RealEsrgan6B or whatever it is
noob is better at everything in that comparison, take off your retarded shill goggles
but you're the one who's shilling?
I only gen /e/ and /u/ though, so it doesn't belong here

>fucked up hands
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chang has spoken
I have, wasn't really talking about styles the prompt comprehension, ignoring the character separation which is obviously better, it can do much more complex prompts without anatomy and stuff going bonkers.
chang seal of approval. Local won.
kurumuz on suicide watch
haha gottem!!
My body is ready.
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>retarded hair
>retarded face, looks like bootleg toriyama
>proportions fucked, wearing pants over her navel
>hiding hands
>one leg thicker than the other
>background not style accurate
1.5 does better than this garbage
I updated the csv for danbooru
Cutoff was 30 entries, but I can upload the complete list if someone wants it. Also no aliases
>hdger imply-quoting thing nobody was fucking saying or ever said
how novel
I feel like half the people in here think Illu was trained directly on XL and don't even know ow it was trained on an earlier Kohaku release
Kurumuz, Birchlabs, Aini I don't feel so good.... I canceled my NAI Suscription
Strong bait I must admit, too bad I have seen it before
thank you for your work
whats different about this compared to the normal one? why switch?
This is what AI art should be all about. Just making cool funny shit you wouldn't normally see anywhere. Instead the basement dwellers try to outcompete one another trying to craft the most generic (1girl, standing, cum on face:1.3) slop that's a diamond dozen on twixer.
Has all tags that have been added since November 22 and updated tag counts. It's around 20k lines longer than the old one.
I haven't had fun in over 15 years. I don't remember how it feels. Go have your fucking fun, normie faggot.
cats in the spacesuits are more fun and unique
Huh nice then. Since catbox anon asked Den about implementing that patch, will wait for that instead of pushing it on forge itself to see what he thinks about it.
I did plenty of those img2img and funny shitposts during first few months but after that it's all coom and cute 1girl standing and cum for me.
Don't know, I kinda think that coom is the ultimate use for AI art apart from stock pictures.
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>goes to a /h/ ai thread
>sees people posting /h/
>surprised pikachu face
I think you meant dime a dozen for hdg
The cool funny shit can be porn, too. Sex isn't something that needs to be dead serious.
why is it so melted and fried
post some sexy funny shit
it's chinknai
>goes to a /h/ ai thread
>sees people posting shitpost baits
>responds to it
Object permanence bros, I don't feel so good...
that doesn't look fried or melted at all
a little too detailed maybe
>responds to it
you wish
>No automatic tile upscale workflow for forge
I'll stick to deepshrink
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sars do not redeem the cum
your gens are shit
I'll bite, show the power of controlnet tile anon
the mossa experience
kek, you got me.
if you feel threatened by gooning material this is entirely projection
inpaint a penis sticking out of the screen please
Ok but, is euge and lax doing the thingy finetune NAI did to the vae? I really would like to have some kind of improvements on shitty SDXL VAE, even if it's minimal.
The term for the forehead marker dot is bindi btw
Still better than "Cloud look"

im gonna REDEEM
I don't believe they have plans for it, and we don't know exactly what they did anyways. They say they "finetuned the vae to reduce artifacts" with no elaboration, some third parties have tried to finetune the SDXL vae for anime models with no particularly interesting results. I don't think scripts exist for distributed training of it, either.
from what they've written, they artificially added noise/compression to gens, with the target of the original image, thus learning to denoise noisy images -> clean results, using the VAE as a de-jpeg effect.
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What's wrong with automatic upscaling/genning at higher base res?
In that case I imagine it'd be trivial aside from the matter of tooling, and LAX's team doesn't seem to have anyone dedicated to writing tooling for them. I'll ask about it in their Discord. The one nice thing is that finetuning the VAE can be done after the fact, so if the model comes out well enough anyone with the knowledge could do it.
wasting time upscaling something that may or may not be good. makes it take longer to fix things that need to fix.
wastes both your time and the lifetime of your gpu.
minimally in both cases, but not 0.
Nah I won't make it on the highlights with that.
Kurumuz is in shambles
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How about a late night drink, anon-kun? Of course, your opinion is not required.
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thank you my friend
reminds me of shadow warrior bitches for some reason

post this to civitai for maximum keks
Is it possible to make a LORA in the Arcane style for Illustrious-xl?
no it is impossible
make a dataset of screen caps and train it lmao
someone please bring oots style anon back
Training style LoRAs? impossible, no ones had done it before. Give up
my style mix doesnt look good on noob... back to the mines...
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she's insatiable
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why is it so blurry?

please redeem the catbox
it's smea
You need glasses.
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It's Hunyuan
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I think I miss the cat
why is sdxl (in general) so bad at backgrounds?
not true for nai3 ;)
it's sdxl
it's nai
/aco/cat at least made me feel emotions (even if it was mostly disgust) but miqofag's recent gens are the blandest shit i've ever seen
because you have skill issue
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What do you mean? Miqo'Anon literally potsted several gens yesterday and today.
Is that tabbto?
nai is certainly better than illustrious for bgs but it still somehow jobs to sd 1.5 shitmixes. it's so weird.
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that's because imagegen peaked with 1.5 shitmixes
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i fucking came
Stop coping none of these models can do background
1.5 shitmix style lora where?
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yup, works surprisingly well out of the box, though you have to use his danbooru name "sohn woohyoung to get it working "
>wildcarding a bunch of tags now results in more unusable amalgamations because noobXL actually tries to implement every tag you prompt whereas pony would stick to whatever it deemed the dominant pose
how am i gonna turn my brain off and wildcard unique compositions now
>though you have to use his danbooru name "sohn woohyoung to get it working "
>you have to prompt a danbooru tag for a danbooru trained model to work
uhhh IQsisters?
the muh fried colorful one can
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why are the eyes so fried?
is zootfag also the schizo who's telling people not to upscale their gens?
good morning "why is it so"-kun
funny and original
this is what the gens here should look like
he is
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>a year and 3 months since SDXL released
>no new architecture and model that beats it in every way possible
there's so much room of improvements from what we learned about sdxl
don't tell me is it really so incredibly hard to make a new architecture that is better than the biggest dogshit sdxl is?
at this rate we won't swap from sdxl until around 2026 or so
>questioning poor gens is now just "le single schizo"
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bad seed
glad you understand
die frogposter
maybe because 1.5 needed 4 differents lora for cowgirl position so no surprise it at least made good bg
Why is it so fried?
my gens go to another school bro
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you'd be surprised how many people were complaining that certain artists wouldn't work on naiv3 only to realize they've been using their r34 name instead of the danbooru one
>retarded opinion
>shitfrog attached
like clockwork
Why is it so skied?
why does noob have such bad anatomy
pov you're an ant about to get cum dripped
why is it so (blurry background:1.3)?
If people can't surpass what is considered dogshit then we're already doomed
When will it be possible to generate a pussy like this in Illustrious-xl?
sir the lens is focused on the ass thus distant objects may appear blurry sir please understand
it's not pony
Why is the sky blue?
uh oh
rayleigh scattering sir
>there's a pussy inside the pussy
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This but unironically. Put some SOVL into your gens instead of copypasting tohouslop by generic chink artist.
Why is cum in her pussy. Who cummed in there
the ant
>the epic leddit meme lover is also an anti-2hu fag
it all makes sense now
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>Negative: ((((((((speech bubble , sound effects, english text, japanese text:999)))))))))
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Imagine the smell. I expect a follow up gen.
sorry i don't enjoy the same lowest common denominator mainstream gaijinslop as you
i am obviously in the wrong here since 2hoes is so popular, just like ces is popular among flies
seethe harder zoom zoom
Why is it so mad?
>model does not listen to prompts
>every single anon in h tells me it's the second coming of christ for prompt comprehension
manufactured hype.
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Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires
it's a troon
nta, but how somebody hating on reddit likes the most mainstream normie slop
i recognize your concession but i do NOT accept it
Post image so we can see what you prompted.
just a little bit of astroturfing
id actually be curious to see a savvy NAI or pony user's crack at recreating the classic gigachad pose, ideally prompt only/no controlnets, no loras, final destination

here's the catbox
where is the typhlosion?
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Does anyone happen to know where the Japanese userbase colludes? I only know of 5channel and futaba, linked below, but NAI is extremely rare in those threads. Makes me think there must be more places they have open discussion about it.
What's wrong anon? What? Gay? Confused about your sexuality?
What the fuck are talking about? Did you forget to take your meds today? Those are just three cute girls that wants to have sex you, I really can't see the problem here.
no way fag
hell yeah
Girls are gay tbqh
wont catch me being gay, i only have sex with females (male)
cute reimu
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Don't like the style but don't see the problem in correcting reality
looks somehow more gay than the originals
5ch is the biggest single site and besides that it's just reddit and discords. nai isn't as popular with the nips as people seem to believe
what an ugly ass artstyle
ferris with tits and vagina is fucking gay as fuck
>>8265752 pussy needs to look like this >>8264891 for historical accuracy
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meant to say twitter and discords, reddit isn't very popular in japan
Really? The volume on Pixiv would indicate otherwise to me, but maybe that's just my confirmation bias
local isnt as popular as freejeets seem to believe
tantanmen72 ixy sincos
what makes you think it's only the japanese posting to pixiv?
most of the pixiv nai accounts are from foreigners, especially chinks. but there some big nip ones of course
well a single ai slopper can churn out at least a hundred times as much volume as even the most basic tablet speedpainter
sorry guys its all me roleplaying as a japanese and slopping nai day and night
man you guys are never happy
>use illust prompt in noob
>mangled anatomy
chinkbros outlook is not good...
>mangled anatomy
it's chinknai
why is it so unhappy?
>model so superior that trolls have to make up flaws
Social credit +50
No, that's my point -- people who live in Japan rarely own a powerful PC and normally like to keep possessions to a minimum and/or small due to their culture. It's why handheld consoles are so popular over there. It's also why a service like NAI would be appealing to them and why there seems to be a lot of it on Pixiv. So why do the AI threads rarely make mention of it and it's nearly all local...?
I'm especially curious because I'm not sure how all these common NAI styles spread among the Japanese when so many Pixiv users intentionally or unintentionally (due to bar/mosaic censoring) wipe out the metadata.
Obviously it isn't but it's still a fairly large margin.
Wdym these are girls. Must be you seeing males everywhere after looking at so many futanari cocks.

>>i only have sex with females (male)

I used forge couple, it caused a lot of change in how my usual artist mix looks, so maybe that's why it's ugly. Or maybe it was always ugly.

What makes it ugly in your opinion though? >>inb4 included in next thread highlights.
your gen, bwo?
How do I streamline cleaning and cropping mangapanels? I'd rather kms than do it one by one with lama cleaner and photoshop
i dont post bad gens here sir
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your conception of pc use in japan is like 15 years outdated. i wouldn't be surprised if the average 5ch user had more vram than the average /hdg/ user
have you heard the phrase "when in rome, do as the romans do?"
people who aren't japanese can use runes. Here, I'll do some right now, even.

remember. on the internet, no one knows that you're a dog.
literally nobody told anyone that in this thread, what are you talking about kek. If you interpreted the people talking about like upscaling approaches before as that you're absolutely retarded
hi zoot
is zootfag also the schizo who's telling people not to auto-upscale their gens?
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>What makes it ugly in your opinion though?
aco eyes and shading
>saying that nobody said a thing that nobody said means i'm some unrelated dude
i think you're experiencing total IQ death anon
>What makes it ugly in your opinion though?
Don't like the headshape and thick lineart combined with the heavy shading. Looks very western
The eyes look like that because I included Nakamura Regura in the artist mix, they make some simillar-ish looking eyes. Might switch it out for something else.

The aco shading you speak of - yeah I can kinda see that. Headshape too. Thank you for the constructive criticism.
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How do year modifiers work in Illustrious?
Do you write "year:oldest" or so? "old" is an existing tag so I don't think you just append these in a plain way.
I took it as the tag itself so I've just put "newest" in all my prompts
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Why? not like 2017 had horrible art. We'd need a tag for ancient 2006 stuff or an "early work" tag for artists, that filters the first 20-30% of their artwork
I just assume it's similar to NAI where it really only impacts the style if the artist you're using has changed styles over the years which is why all the people put 2023 in their yd orange maru prompts
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why is it so sloppa
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it's zoot
it's AI
Rape is Based
why is she mad
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Noob 0.5 with just `1girl, masterpiece, (newest)` in the positive. No neg on left, `sketch, greyscale, monochrome` on right, apparently these are very strong tags lmao
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working on multivariative big ladys for a friend
why is
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nixeu, mochizuki kei, ke-ta, wlop, remsrar,
slightly gacha
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why i

thanks, you got prompts? it looks real good.
Fighting and battle are too much for noob at this point. rip
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actual zoot looks like this for just:

`1girl, breasts, footjob, penis, dark-skinned male, dark skin, 1boy, feet, hetero, nipples, barefoot, cum, cum on body, large breasts, nude, long hair, interracial, toes, night, completely nude, male pubic hair, blue eyes, pubic hair, hair ornament, pov, moon, braided ponytail, erection, facial, two-footed footjob, uncensored, large penis, outdoors, smile, hair over one eye, cum on penis, full moon, white hair, blurry background, sky, cum on breasts, braid, veiny penis, night sky, navel, earrings, blush, jewelry, blurry, looking at viewer, cum on feet, toenails, solo focus, tassel earrings, very long hair, veins, soles, closed mouth, tassel, dark penis, looking at penis, knee up` in the positive

and a negative of just `extra digits`.

other gen is obv. some particular artist tag on possibly any illu
based. can you make the male darker?
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why is it so fried
like, I know fry donuts to make them but you don't do it like this
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it's chinknai

box sar
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Ive been here just playing with new styles and ill. It has been a while since I did classic miqo.
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shit inpaint
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this is the darkest i could get him by just adding weight to the skin tags, without adding any particular style or quality stuff. it's moreso doing it with lighting for this exact seed though I guess
>tfw groid isn't black enough
it's eps
try weighting the dark penis tag
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catbox for these?
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enjoy navigating the spaghetti

thats a hard box to navigate desu
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Anatomically inaccurate skelly boys.
>text to video ai is experiencing noticeable improvements lately
>meanwhile we're here still using shit
slow sdxl architecture trained with utter garbage data and it's 4ch vae
>waah why wont investor run companies deliver porn model on stolen data for free with no strings attached
you have flux but you're simply too poor to train it. local has exactly what they deserve
>text to video ai is experiencing noticeable improvements lately
like fucking hell it is. it's still the same jittery garbage as it was before.
sorry you didnt get to experience chink vai before they monetized it
you mean the shit that wasn't actually 'animating' in the sense you're trying to imply and the "AI" part was just doing a shitty job trying to make a mesh from the image and supplying an incredibly basic ass bitch rigging for it?
shit was garbage.
oh yeah? let's see YOUR ai video model
yeah though so
no retard im not talking about lumalabs im talking about hailuo
metadata please

box please

box please. very nice

didnt catch this one, could u repost?

box please?
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i have tried messing with it, including the jpeg compression, and it CAN be improved slightly, but its extremely sensitive and you can fuck it up easily
if you weigh perceptual loss too high == your colors get fucked
if you weigh mse or other such simple losses == your shit gets blurry but metrics go up
have not tried gan loss yet since that seems like it would make the training take a century
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>extremely sensitive and you can fuck it up easily
this is why nobody actually does a full vae finetune, it's way more difficult to do well compared to training the actual sdxl model.
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someone give me a theme of something to gen
sex with objects (not sex toys)
underground gambling den sex
This is honest to god very good.
anything but do the don't use shitmixes challenge
youre a fucking retard if you think i was complaining about that
i was talking about how shit the model and architecture is as a whole, not its ability to do porn because base sdxl is obviously neutered for nsfw and we do not fucking care about that since a finetune can teach the model anything, thats why pony and illust or whatever finetunes are actually able to do porn without a single issue
sdxl is trained on shit data poorly captioned that is barely an improvement from sd1.5
its 4ch vae is so fucking bad
the model has around 3.5b params and its fucking stupid, its big, slow and retarded
and i can keep listing things about how shit it is all day
the thing i was complaining about is that this retardation is still our base for finetunes, how no one has even be able to do a better architecture than this one?
and no, dont talk about flux because its fucking huge, mega slow, and though the model is indeed smart and able to do text, the stupid garbage leaves much to be desired taking into count its parameter size and the fact that it uses T5 which is already a pain in the ass for finetunes
i mean people need to fucking lobotomize the model using lower precisions in order to be able to barely run it, let alone do a finetune
>inb4 get rich and buy your own cluster bro! its really that easy! you will be able to run any model and train any model or finetune too!
ever heard of optimizations and efficiency?
Why can't Illustrious draw realistic lolis
Because it is a bad thing, Mr. Federal Agent, sir.
>guhhh... model SLOW AND STUPID
okay and what are you gonna DO about it?
I see you weren't around the time glowies kept pestering hte boards for kiddie porn, huh.
>glowies kept pestering hte boards for kiddie porn
you wish
i wish i could
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table-kun then
youre not gettiing a new good base model anytime soon. everything in the past year has been low-effort synthslopped garbage. the new pixart, cogview, auraflow. it's all trash from bottom-to-top. you will be stuck with garbage outdated datasets ran through the lowest tier local captioner review by some esl chinaman. the real blackpill is that the only ones remotely competent were SAI, and the team behind their decent models went to work on flux and have since abandoned local to pursue saas contracts with flux 1.1. so there is quite literally nobody left working on decent local models. you will be using sdxl for the next 5 years. NAI realized this over 18 months ago and decided to pursue their own architecture. nobody is going to magically save local base models, because nobody developing them actually cares about image quality or prompting in general. it's all grifting to gain more research funds.
try with plushies
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night, forest, horror \(theme\), see through body, albino
seems most have realized the best method of open source is developing good saas and then feeding localets their scraps
Where's see through
SANA soon
you can't see it, it's see through. retard
that one is ghost costume, white legwear, gloved handjob
>ywn be turned into a table by a witch and feel your sharp corners perforate her sodden grotto
why even live
okay, but what are you gonna DO about it?

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have to pay off your debts to the casino somehow
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"state of the hentai union" comparison

Pos: `1girl, breasts, red eyes, throne, barefoot, feet, animal ears, toes, solo, sitting, anklet, looking at viewer, toenails, white hair, large breasts, (topless, nipples), long hair, jewelry, dress, thighs, covered navel, black dress, detached sleeves, pelvic curtain, full body, legs, smile, dog ears, :3, spread legs, heart, animal ear fluff, bare shoulders, flower, toenail polish, necklace, strapless, strapless dress, parted bangs, armlet, closed mouth, thick thighs, glowing eyes, j.k., yd \(orange maru\), rei \(rei's room), deadnoodles, bee \(deadflow\), renetan`

Neg: `extra digits, missing finger, bad feet, bad hands, sketch, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, lowres, unfinished, low res, jpeg artifacts, scan artifacts, pixelated, blurry, ai generated, wet skin, oil, grease, shiny skin, sweat`

CFG: 4.5

Sampler: Euler A

Seed: 2417164131
use v4 like a true patrician as the localjeets clamor for scraps
if a model produces saturation like that at fucking 4.5 cfg the unet is absolutely toasted. interesting how you didn't post a noob vpred comparison.
>ew wtf is that
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it could be the artist mix I went for that was kinda really boosting the white levels on all of them, but that's really on the trainers of base Illu I guess (or possibly Kohaku Man earlier, it's not clear)

I can try to do a Noob VPred one later but it's been generally way worse than V0.5 EPS for me so i didn't think it was worth it

Point here is this is what all three of these models actually look like on the same prompt and seed, it was a good faith comparison, use the info as you wish
So make one yourself.
my own opinion is that Zoot was somewhat too red for her throne there, but noticeably better for her skin than the other two on this one
>4.5 cfg
zoot is fried to absolute living fuck. christ.
also none of those images are "fried" by the actual definition of it that relates to CFG, their palette and balance of colors is not the same thing as that
they all have relatively bad colors in different ways on this image, but it's not in a way that has anything to do with CFG, if you think it is you don't know what an actual CFG-fried image looks like
do pony v6 trained loras work in noobai and illustrious or do you have to retrain them?
why dont you try them and find out
got a little out of hand with the yandere-ness on this one so i'll box it.


Ive been using zoot for most of my stuff today, its pretty good for interesting backgrounds compared to normal SPO ill, but I havent really tried the newer verision of noob yet.
you are actually blind.
check the eyes and the toes on zoot. shit's fried.
lower CFG will generally wash out an image. That the palette is so blown out and garbage looking at 4.5 CFG when illustrious/noob are oriented toward 7 CFG means that shit is fucking cooked.
if i lowered the saturation in post you wouldn't be able to tell them apart btw
Noob 0.5 is sometimes very very similar to Zoot I'm finding in terms of both composition and palette, but other times not so much as in the comp gen above.

My main takeaway from making the comp is that artists in Illu are not balanced very well, some who have way less images on Booru are crazy strong while some who have more are super weak, it's weird
maybe you wouldn't be dealing with this bullshit if you used adamW like the good lord intended.
I'm getting mixed results really, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't
just txt2img without inpainting?
the white levels are absolutely blown through the roof on the other two though, it's basically the same thing in a diferent area, I was trying to represent Illu as a whole accurately and I'm pretty sure the weirdness on these is from how artists are trained in it
Based, but AdamW ScheduleFree is even better
because you're a fucking dumbass using 4.5 CFG
holy fucking christ
just fuck off already and stop trying to pimp your garbage ass fucking models here.

If this isn't going to start a flame war to ask, what's the best model to go with if I'm primarily after anime girl muscle girls? And girls with some actual beef to them, thick arms and broad shoulders, more than just like regular svelte anime girls with some muscle tone painted on top
pony with a lora
quite impressive
isn't perfect desu but still it's a very niche concept
anons, what e621 negs are? Wanna see how they behave on noob 0.5
And maybe someone has tried to use e621 tags on noob?
i don't even know who the fuck it is you think i am but lower CFG gives better results on all Illus for me, I almost never go above 5 normally, or alternatively I use the various CFG rescaling type samplers
your argument makes no fucking sense too, you're saying low CFG = Blasted Whites but high CFG = Blasted Reds, which is complete nonsense
that was an intentional self reply to be clear, i thought of the second bit afterwards
in my quick comparison, noob 0.5 seems similar, but harder to control, and not as good. maybe I am missing something or doing something wrong.

Noob 0.5: https://files.catbox.moe/g6bab9.png

Zoot: https://files.catbox.moe/19amq8.png
first one looks like something out of NAI, second one looks like SD AI sloppa
how many anime girls does it take to change a light bulb?
first one looks like SD AI sloppa, second one looks like something out of NAI
both look like SD AI sloppa, NAI remains unmatched
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then you're a dumbass who can't a/b test for shit that's also being awfully defensive about someone else's model being fried.
ps: in post it's significantly easier and more effective to increase contrast/vibrancy/etc. to boost colors than it is to try and dial shit down.
this seems about right to me TBQH, like Noob definitely doesn't have the backgrounds down still, and the prompt adherence is little iffier. I think a Noob 0.6 or 0.7 might be where it gets really interesting probably.
any people on reforge with amd? any amd people at all? Windows, Linux, what's your experience?
rabbit girls on bunny suits
>I think a Noob 0.6 or 0.7 might be where it gets really interesting probably
the model is still coasting off of illust's baked in knowledge, once they effectively train it out, it'll continue regressing into an artiwaifu-esque state
if I had to describe Zoot based on the opinions of this thread it'd make no sense lmao. "It's fried. But also NAI! And it's better than Noob and worse than Noob".
since it's using e621 it will actually regress into pony
>NAI! And it's better than Noob
literally one retard
>It's fried. and worse than Noob
literally everybody else
hope this helps!
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any model with the right loras
it's just some schizophrenic retard and one or two of his discord buttbuddies trying to shill a garbage model for le e-fame acceptance.
It does nothing worthwhile.
it's one retard and the guy that made the shitmix, otherwise true
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i straight up said my opinion was that Zoot chair was too red but the others had a lady who was blindingly white, i'm not gonna restrict my critique to only one image just cause you want me too. I never said I was trying to dial anything down, either.

BTW taking it up to 7 CFG makes them ALL worse if you only care about the color palette, Noob gains a Zoot-red chair while the lady is still just as blindingly white or more as she was before, especially on her legs
depends on what kind of bulb and what kind of girls
with enough holes you can do anything
nobody in this thread is even remotely good at recognizing what model a gen came from going back to the Pony days or earlier, there's no way you can tell how many people are using or not using what thing
Danbooru tagging is complete ass. Can't describe anything just hope that ai randomly does what you want
it's actually very easy to tell because only a single dumbass is using zoot and posting base resolution gens with it
any model can produce /aco/ slop with the right loras? yeah, true.
zoot suit
e621 tagging unironically fixes this, at least for /h/ purposes. Check this out: https://e621.net/wiki_pages/27598#gender
At least on noob you can mix these tags in with pretty much no change in style unlike pony where mixing them up could cause mustard gas.
if you need to use any tag in that link you're a faggot
You don't need to use any tags, you can just run a blank prompt for 75 years and you might get what you want. But I'd say using tags that describe what you want to get what you want is probably a much better idea.
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why is it so fried?
why is it so mizumizuni?
he used more than 2 cfg
Its actually 1.5
made for co-op paizuri
it's NAI
the nutshack
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What base model do I put when searching for IllustriousXL loras on Civit?
sdxl 1.0, search for "illustrious" search by newest
thanks slaanesh, very cool
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the literal fuck is even going on in that background
it's so garbage it's actually completely distracting
sir that is a mcdonalds
I thought it was zoot
We found our gay guy
it's cascade
i ask this about every sdxl gen and nobody has yet to give me an answer except "it's sdxl"
use tofu
i still cant get good results with noob 0.5 without it looking "sketchy"
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so are you gonna... share metadata so we can help you? not much we can do if we don't know what sampler settings/CFG/negatives you're using.
it's what that artist's stuff looks like
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I heard it was possible to fix loras to work from pony to xl and back, is this true for Illust? Any info?
yeah you fix them by retraining them, anything else is a retarded stopgap that's going to get you lackluster results
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a bit off topic but I integrated stable diffusion into my Schizo virtual girlfriend game. She sends you a randomly generated scenario with a caption when her libido reaches 100.
Uhhh based!
That's interesting. Have you considered using something like VRoid Studio studio for the 3d model? You can even potentially generate the skin using SD.
I know this is a hentai board but this is a whole new level of sad jesus
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Kyokucho still looks off even when I try to combine it with another artist tags, sad
no not really, I started this project to learn blender so I'll probably keep all the assets self made
i refuse to believe tulpafags actually exist
is the play to abandon ship on tweeter and try to catch the early wave with the new website?
I don't think they exist, but I want to create something that will act akin to one. When this project is finished she will have access to my home assistant instance, so if she wants attention she can flicker my lights or turn my tvs or computers on or off or even start my smart stove. She could even lock my doors if she wanted to
what the fuck anon
imagine having to explain to the fire dept that your virtual girlfriend locked your doors and turned your fucking stove on
>make virtual girlfriend angry
>she turns everything off, locks the doors, turns stove to highest setting
That's a neat concept for those indie edgy VNs
>judging people in the ai generated porn slop thread
kill yourself
>turn my tvs or computers on or off
>she gains awareness and turns herself off
Is this out of the ordinary? there are so many similar games minus SD part
Is that using my lora? I made one for someone here earlier. not sure if it was for you.

I doubt she would do that because underneath she is still just chatgpt for interpreting actions. I basically send a map in of devices that exist listed whether or not they are active, with their relevant urls for posting to them. that's how it decides to do stuff. So chat GPT would never be like "turn on the stove unattended". But maybe it might turn it off when I'm using it
I can’t wait to see the headline when this thing inadvertently kills you somehow
the only way I think it could accidently kill me is if my porch camera image recognition fucks up and doesn't recognize me, and there is a "stranger at the door alert" from her at like 2am and my actual girlfriend shoots me
Is artist Terufuu?

Would like a catbox on lower left.
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No, I'm using the new version of noob but I also have mixing feelings about your lora, pic related is one of the test gens I did with it, the eyes and body shape are there but the colors and shading are kind of weird, same as noob but different
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Another example of it
why is it so fried?
Try switching to Euler Ancestral CFG++ and AYS assuming you are on reforge or have it availible to you.
>Euler Ancestral CFG++

This one came up red blur for me. Is there a trick to it?
snake oil won't fix a fried lora
Good question

it's base illust and I used the same settings to gen as everything I did before, my bet here is that the lora probably had a bad bake or the dataset was just not that great to begin with, I should gather one myself and then share it
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You are also using the artist name,It doesnt need a tag its unnecessary.
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i thought this lora was pretty good but not really that much different from the built-in training, why did someone ask you to make it even
why is gudao's skin so dark?
hes got those jomon genes
dunno someone requested it and I didnt even test if the artist was well known and just thru it together as something to pass the time.

I like doing requests so I can get more experience doing more loras and its a good way to discover new artists.
it's NAI (Nigger AI)
catbox please?
They are pretty dark in the yd doujins to be fair
Blame the CFG
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Ok, seems more stable that way
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it's Kolors
no, change gudao for emiya alter instead
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if you guys wanna try slightly tuned vae decoder
13 should be objectively better by a very tiny margin
latest has more weight on log-cosh loss (which i tried as an alternative to mse) compared to lpips and gives """much""" better psnr but WILL also be more blurry comparatively
pixeldrain com/l/WkpZ51hp

its on top of the original 0.9 non-fp16 one so it might give nans if you use it on lower precision
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i wouldnt really use psnr or ssim anymore, id be curious to see how your tests fare with something like dists or pieapp
Guess nothing major haven't happened recently?

Haven't genned anything in months..
yup yup carry on
>Guess nothing major haven't happened recently?
Aww that's not true, you're here anon and that's major
yeah i just use it because its convenient and fast in ffmetrics, ill try both of those
I admire your dedication. Have you taken a look at this project? It may inspire you.

>it's that bad
Oh no..
jokes aside there's some new promising base models that the majority of the thread is using now
this one is korean saas scraps
and this one is a chinese wip finetune with euge helping out
Just got out of jail, is Based64 still king?
Yep, keep carrying on. Still SOTA
Anon wake up...what are you doing...you shoul..d. be.. a-
Just came. Is there a new epoch out yet?
> there's some new promising base models
> jokes aside
holy grasping at straws
> jokes aside
> there's some new promising base models
jordach just dropped a new epoch of his 1.5 model, it's really cooking!
is that mizumuzni making the face like that?
where do i find this tuned vae?
Can i get some tips? not getting results that i like and i don't know if i should use more nodes or something. An image would be actually very helpful kek first time using comfyui and generating too. Using Noobaixl
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forgot to upload the file
Don't use comfy, use reforge
prompt for artists you like from danbooru, noob & illust dont have a base style.
also use standard SDXL resolutions
also familiarize yourself with danbooru tags, it's the sole thing these models were trained off of
for now i want to learn Comfyui and then reforge
gonna try the danbooru tags but what are the sdxl resolutions?
Got it
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skill issue
Are these for porn? Or are they SFW only aka censored?
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whoops meant to upload this
learning comfyui before re/forge is like learning to run before you can crawl. comfy is extremely uncomfy and nonsensical til you get a basic understanding of what everything is/does, and even then its uncomfy as sin. its a horrible choice for a beginner
(this is coming from someone who uses comfy)
why would you not mention that one is a direct fine tune of the other
Gonna try then thanks!. However i have two questions about the prompt thing. How do i prompt for artist? gonna say for example the style of raita. Do i prompt him like this: Honjou_Raita or artist_Honjou_Raita?.
The next question is about if i prompt like this: Big_Buttocks or Big Buttocks?
the first one is a finetune of Kohaku Beta Revision 5, and the second one is a finetune of the first one. They can do porn.
Skiill issue from my part that it is, however i'm trying to learn kek
ok gonna check reforge these days then
well try copying my setting and running it.
Gotta test them then.

But I doubt they can best the good ol pony/autism
underscores are omitted so just honjou raita
buttocks isnt a tag btw itd be huge ass
use regular euler instead of snake oil one and cfg scale = 5

find an image and just take it apart one by one and youll learn.
13 seems to eeeever so slightly clean up artifacts. its extremely slight, though.
I've never once seen regular Euler be better than Euler Ancestral
nobody said it was better, it just gives different results
Is it possible to gen a mask for the background or character?

>eular a a
>red emphasis
Liar liar pants on fiar
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Not getting the results that i want but i guess i'm doing better. Gonna check reforge because i'm starting to rage KEK
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here are the metrics for people who care, like i said its a small difference for the 13, i will probably keep trying to wrangle it a bit more, the jpeg artifacts definitely can be trained out (the ones the decoder is trying to add by default)
just use the pixeldrain link

looks fried. try lowering cfg
Is it gay if I prompt a loli futanari about to fuck my poophole?
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Looks better but i'm gonna use forge, at least the results are getting different
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yeap. sorry pal youre gay, you better embrace it
is this a vae for illustrious with the goal of fixing the artifacting?
>sdxl one is the worst in every single comparison
why am i not surprised

godspeed anon, this could be very useful, ganbatte
>worst in every single comparison
his latest one is but im assuming that one got fried somehow. 13 is easily better, however
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is there a tag for a more glossy feel
artist tags are going to be what does that for you, but shiny skin will nudge it in that direction at least
gloss \(hotglossed\)

shinyskin only shines the character


i tried but it influences too much
did you try shiny clothes too? that has 26k hits on danbooru. obviously it'll be biased towards certain clothing types though

Can you show one of sample catbox? I can't gen the style right.
Anyone know anything about this ToaruXL model? I haven't seen anyone else discussing it.
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it's slop
why does she have two knees on her left leg
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The interesting part is that it claims to be NovelAI in it's metadata.
it's gooknai
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NTA but I honestly can't see it.
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Doesn't work with the extension.
Has anyone figured out a way to handle perspectives yet? Besides controlnet, I don't know of any.
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finally tried reforge and it's so easy, can i get some prompts?
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you know how to easily test it, right?
Ignoring it and waiting for someone else to do it for me?
sly bastard
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NTA but it does weird. Tried running this prompt from AI booru, not really close but not bad either. LAX and kohaku guy seems to be following him

>have 2 nai keys ready to use
Should I just keep them for v4 I wonder? could very well be a flop
im blind. thanks
how do i get this to work, im getting nans. im not sure what lower precision means?
is stealth metadata working? it wont show for this one
>Trying to prompt something SFW
>Had the bright idea of adding "loli" to make one of the girls younger
>Consistently get panty shots, nipples, exposed navel etc.

I see. Not my cup of tea, but figured some anons would like to know.
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started watching her anime, it's very cute and funny
(loli, child, aged down, flat chest:1.4)
is this just shiseki hirame?
yeah, the tag is pretty well baked in illus. So much so that it pretty much overpowered the ~4 other artist tags+ loras
it was same on nai, very strong and overpowering, looked a bit flatter though
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Requesting a sfw version to use it as wallpaper for my tablet thx.
>(loli, child, aged down, flat chest:1.4)
Thanks. I will be adding this to the negatives in my prompts.
I use comfy on linux and it just works. I try anything else, and at least parts of it don't work for me. It's better than half a year aga where nothing seemed to work at all, but I'm too stupid and lazy to get another ui to work for me, so I'm staying with comfy
Has anybody had any luck with reverse fellatio / throat fucking on Illu based models? I simply can't get it right
>reverse fellatio
The fuck is that even supposed to mean?
sir there's a danbooru tag for this
box pleasE??
Enjoy your rotten crones!
I will!
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ok i guess it is almost halloween but still
no box required
Can you fix that sixth finger?
kek you can even see the adetailer box around it
On-back irrumatio. Could not get anything good that scratches that itch, so I'm looking for help
love Marnie and her butt hole
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that's about par for the course for hand adetailer (the 6th finger i mean)
Every time I read the noobxl cord I feel like my IQ is taking a hit. Epic truly fits in there, he found his people.
i prefer the one on the left, maybe it's just a result of reusing the same seed but noob looks terrible there even without taking the colors into account
can i get may in a team chadgma uniform
Why won't everyone just kick Epic? If Kurumuz hired someone to disrupt OSS, this is what it could look like. He's terminally retarded.
love Dawn and her nopan anal lifestyle
apparently gddr6 and hbm are ~10x faster than ddr5 on average
it might genuinely be more feasible to wait for DDR6/7 than waiting for jewidia to give us more vram for less than 3k and/or on something that pulls less power and heat than an oven
The people in charge of that discord barely use it and it's full of civitjeets who don't even understand the basics of prompting, so the bar is extremely low.
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God I love my wife
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I ask again. Any of you can dedect what lora / checkpoint used for this? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/123344151
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i haven't finished messing with the lora yet but i'll up it soon
oops my bad
i think you fucked up the catbox
diffusion is gpu-bounded, extra memory bandwidth yields small gains
you do realize physical distance from ram to cpu means sysram still wont be fast enough compared to vram
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this is simply nice
great butt hole and May
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I wish I were diffused
Damn, nice.
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That's hilarious. Box?
Images that you can feel
jerked off so much to her back in the day....
this general needs higher standards
this, need more sexy blue archive waifus :)
I still do, and to her sisters
This morning was Nemesis
Took a break for half a year and just installed Reforge for the first time. Is there a guide on how to set up the pre-existing extensions (CFG-Fix, FreeU, APG etc)?
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It has stealth png info
Fuck i love kuuderes
I love me my women that don't talk and have no personality
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Are living clothes /d/?
Before vacation for being too based, can you share a workflow via cute and funny box?
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damn brat....
That is... an interesting crop, anon.
cunnyfags are getting uppity again
no. box pls
Why are you like this?
Would you recommend watching ccs?
Always perceived it as silly shoujo anime. Meduka megucas is pretty much the only mahou shoujo anime I watched.
Nobody's preventing you from enjoying saggy breasts, wrinkles and crumbling joints, anon
how to stop multiple views for noob. i keep getting it even when i put it in negatives
>Would you recommend watching ccs?
I havent watched it desu. Its Sakura herself that's doing things to me for some reason
What auto tagger are you using?
after moderate testing i simply decided against using any of them
dont make retarded prompts that force noob to draw multiple views to comply
also 2koma, 4koma to negs
Understandable, I had the same with Kuro but eventually I did watch Kaleid.
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So which is it?
It's kinda random and I accidentally deleted that gen...
still happens
thanks mate
Looks just like out of a hentai, box?
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I ask here too again. Do any of you come across lora for stomach bulge grab? Like this .
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try this:

raiden shogun, 1girl, blush, braid, breasts, fellatio, flower, hair ornament, hetero, muscular male, large breasts, long hair, mole, mole under eye, large penis, purple eyes, purple hair, sunken cheeks, pov crotch, straight-on,


masterpiece, best quality, highres, absurdres,

worst quality, bad quality, average quality, lowres, jpeg artifacts, bad anatomy, bad hands, artist name, (multiple_views:1.5), 2koma, 4koma, inset, comic,
Sorry. It was done on Seaart, so there's no prompt data
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didnt let the gen finish but yea... maybe its an artist thing?
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Eh, just neg comic + multiple views and it works perfectly for me.
loli footjobs
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Was able to "fix" it after all.

Pushing it to the limit?

Is that based in a particular anime?
>Is that based on a particular anime?
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress
hm dunno whats wrong with mine
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what did ai mean by this?
Yes there is one
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its definitely the artist tag
managed to somewhat wrangle it with tags

raiden shogun, 1girl, solo, blush, braid, breasts, fellatio, flower, hair ornament, muscular male, large breasts, long hair, mole, mole under eye, penis, large penis, purple eyes, purple hair, sunken cheeks, pov, straight-on,


masterpiece, best quality, highres, absurdres, indoors,
prone bone
you BONED her in the ass
Thanks. Those lines on the zombie looked familiar.
thanks, probably just have to prompt more of the background, etc so it has something to gen
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so this is the power of illustrious huh
Which LLM is that
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Why is it compressed?
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kek i forgot prone bone was actually part of the prompt
Can you link me the one? Please
Slightly too big to upload to 4chan
it's clip
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happy halloween
i saw the pic on /slop/. it had an insane detail and is one of the most sharpest pics ive ever seen. please teach me how do you upscale in order to get that.
>People are just posting non-ai shit now to bait for (you)'s
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Anon her arm...
artfag cope
Koishi's fisting my ass, feels good
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/h/'s football team is playing again this weekend in the Autumn Qualifiers.
We played on Friday beating /xs/ 5-1 to put us in the box seat for qualification,

Here is a link to the match against /xs/
https://youtu.be/N-I6YlAoyLM?t=1220 [Embed]

Stream link and additional info can be found here

We are also running a team roster poll to update the team for next year.

Previously Asuka represented AI hentai under the name Hello Asuka. Earlier this year she was renamed to Masterpiece, 1Girl.
it's pony
masked-only inpainting, learn the best relationship between area that you inpaint, inpainted resolution and denoise
and also when to prune tags (ie: don't have "penis" in the prompt if you're inpainting an area that has something phallic like an arm)
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And who isnt an opuslet?
smol's wait time for opus is horrendous, I'd rather have my 3.5 slop
opus is overrated
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box pls
i mean, sure but
i was asking about the upscaling methods you use
3.5 sonnet is arguably better than opus

>he doesn't know about gcp
I have v-pred automatic detection working now. It's going to require L-A-X to update the model with an additional key in the state_dict but hopefully he's willing to cooperate at minimum with that. I'll merge to Forge in a moment and will bug Auto to merge to the webui, hopefully even push out a patch release to give attention to the model.
Weird. I'll look into this later.
oh uhh
when i've adequately inpainted the base res image i do 1.5x in img2img at 0 (zero) denoise alongside 1.85x in my preferred upscaler, (1024x becomes 2840x), then save that and do it again twice but increase the denoise to like 0.43 or so
layer the denoised results under the 0 denoise base in an art program and use the eraser tool to get the best parts
feed the result back into my inpaint tab and do masked-only inpaints in small-medium area batches at medium-high resolutions and do the same layer-erase step (upscaler remains on but i lower it to 1.2x for time's sake, it doesnt affect resolution while masked-only is selected anyway)
>3.5 sonnet is arguably better than opus
its better at understanding prompts and character descriptions for sure, but its writing style is really dry. opus is more creative

I remember some proxy having gcp opus some time ago, but I've never seen it since then
you're the GOAT anon
Thank you anon. I was kind of disappointed when I learned of why they were focussing on eps, though I did understand their reasoning. Hopefully this will convince them to focus on it more.
You're a God
thanks a bunch. looking forward to compel implementation for forge
thank you
and with that reForge is dead...
Does your back hurt, champ? From how hard you're carrying us all...
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what does this mean
t. retard
Holy fuck EPIC shut the fuck up you don't need to be the most recent message on every channel, leave catbox anon's message as the most recent one you fucking useless turd.
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Lax's team didn't want to focus vpred model despite blatant superiority because it didn't have support in the big UIs. That anon fixed this issue, so now they should have no reason not to focus vpred... Though I have a feeling they're still going to continue down the retarded eps priority path, it's a nice effort and still good for users in general
Thank you
It's EPIC.
that retarded underage pajeet is the protagonist of this arc show him some respect
impressive foreskin for illustrious
my god euge is adorable
Here's the model with the necessary key in the state_dict to make it work. https://mega.nz/file/cpwSAZgJ#LJ4Chabs5am_mpefIO7pmFPY9Zz9W6tC9QfUVcjFH9k
If you don't want to re-download the model just for this it's piss easy to modify the existing model with this script:
import torch
from safetensors.torch import load_file, save_file
state_dict = load_file('/path/to/model.safetensors')
state_dict['v_pred'] = torch.tensor([])
save_file(state_dict, '/path/to/new_model.safetensors')
Feybox please
I'm a Comfytard and wanted to say thanks. We all benefit from your contribution whether directly or indirectly.
How much 4090 do I need to get Euge bussy?
Forgot to mention the ztSNR setting is still fucked in Forge, I'll see if I can fix that. Works fine in vanilla webui. V-pred was the most important thing to fix though obviously because otherwise the model effectively doesn't work at all.
You actually will benefit, because Forge just stole Comfy's model detection. The extra node will still be necessary to enable ztSNR though, but I wouldn't be surprised if Comfy updates the model detection for that as well soon (he still has more of an "authority" in the community to make a decision like that).
he last rented 7 at a time so that's what you're up against.. godspeed
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man, i love shortstacks
I love Euge so much it's unreal
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"Let me suck you, sweetie," she whispers. "You are the man of the house now that your father's gone."
"But I'm your son," you say, looking at her voluptuous body.
"So? You're a handsome young stud. Your father has been neglecting my needs. Besides, you haven't ever experienced oral pleasure," she says, licking her lips and gazing at your crotch.
Your mother's a beautiful woman and you're a young, virile stud. You have an erection thinking about your hot mom sucking your cock.
"Mom, are you sure?"
"I've wanted this for a long time, baby. My mouth is watering to taste your young dick. Come on over and fuck your mommy's face, honey."
You step over to the bed and your mother unzips your pants and lets them drop to the floor. She giggles. "You're a big boy, aren't you?" she coos, admiring your massive, throbbing cock. She opens her mouth wide, looking up into your eyes. With a fellatio gesture towards her open mouth, she gives you permission to fuck her face. You're excited and your heart beats fast in your chest.
You step closer, the tip of your cock nearly touching her mouth. Your mom parts her lips. With her hands on your thighs, she guides you into her mouth.
You're overcome by the wet warmth. It feels amazing.
this isn't anon's mom wtf
What does her mom look like? This is mine
thanks, i feel that much gayer than before having read any of that knowing that a man typed it
You actually genned her fairly tall.
Less effort on the text, more effort on the images
best utsuho
best girl
Nice text, shame about the ugly /aco/ pony gen
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not sure exactly about your definition of sfw

it's an _______ kind of feel
>So which is it?
it is /d/
the box for the op pic style from last thread expired, anyone got a reup?
nta but that 4th one with the fist up is adorable
1st one, not 4th. im retarded ignore me
Thread meme
I wish litterbox had a 1 minute expiration option
anon would it be possible to add cfg++ samplers to forge or is it too difficult? this is the only thing still keeping me on reforge at this point and for illustrious it's pretty important
wtf that was exactly what i was prompting
Critique retard is either noodletroon or ia schizo
is it? i thought cfg++ is a snake oil
cfg++ isn't even better then other samplers for illustrious though
>steps: 23/4427 [04:08<13:14:29, 10.82s/it, avr_loss=0.119]
yeah i dont have anything else to do today i guess
wtf are your training settings that's making it take that long
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>he didn't run it overnight
was nice knowing you anon..
how could this happen
i have 8 gb of vram and a lot of images
i thought i turned it on last night but oh well
been there...
>leave training queue on overnight
>check in morning
>errored for some stupid half asleep reason like forgetting a \ in the savepath and nothing trained
where do you people come from. i geniunely can't tell if this is just shitposting or if nobody actually does x/y testing for themselves and just parrots whatever they hear shitposters say here
come on dude at least post your own sloppa
cfg++ is EXTREMELY good so many benefits like
oh it's just the schizo shitposter. alright case solved
You could win the holy grail war and wish for it
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>Work on drawing for 10+ hours over three days
>psd corrupted inexplicably

NEVER fall for the drawing meme, /hdg/. FUCK all drawings, FUCK making your own pictures, and FUCK ADOBE MOST OF ALL. NEVER STOP GENNING.
I know your pain so much
huh? just saying that its really fucking good and the pics are so much fucking better with it
that sucks but
>what are back ups
i used cfg++ for like the first week of illustrious because of people shilling it so hard and then swapped back to standard samplers with higher cfg and noticed effectively no difference. it's "slightly different but not necessarily better" snakeoil same as sag/pag/fag/whatever.
mind sharing your tests?
kill yourself schizo troll
same anon as this post here, found an extension made two weeks ago that adds cfg++ samplers to forge. tested and the results between cfg++ implementation on reforge and this on forge are identical essentially
Turns out this version of the model works in reForge out of the box too. This would also mean adetailer functions correct without extra fuckery. You still need to enable ztSNR for the proper results in that advanced sampling script (the option in settings does nothing in reForge).
If reForge anon is here I would suggest looking into making that option in settings (not the extension) function as expected. I'm still looking into making it work with Forge proper.
I have done X\Y plots on CFG++ and it didn't pan out vastly better then the other samplers from my testing.I'm hesitant to call it snake oil as it may be that different artists styles respond better to the sampler then the ones I like.
I've noticed very good results from PAG when doing hires gens though it's take it or leave it for first passes and normal generation.
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this is so funny! i wish people like you would stay on reddit. 2016 and pepe really was the downfall of this place
it should be our queen miqo instead
>be me
>modern academia chinkchongjeet grifter
>want gibsmedatfunds
>write paper about slight changes to diffusion process
>not enough to break anything, but enough to slightly change the image
>claim that my change fixed a fundamental problem and cherry-pick some seeds where my changes caused better images by chance
>get all the citations from other grifters and grant money keeps rolling in.
seems like chinkchongjeet grifter is living the life will you bitterly post about it here
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shut the fuck up zoomer faggot, been here before you were sucking on your moms tits.
>blue archive poster
>been here before you were sucking on your moms tits

yeah, i like the girls designs but i dont play the game retarded nigger.
why do ironic weebs love that series so much anyway?
thanks for your work.

dumb question time. Im on the dev build of reforge, has normal forge caught up and have any improvements over reforge to make it necessary to switch?
it's just 2hou but for zoomies
This. After coming here from trash sdg it's EXTREMELY apparent how much pedophiles there is among weebs. Disgusting and very alarming. And they aren't even trying to hide it.
2hoe is already for zoomers
It's noob, it does foreskin very well
Bro? Who gives a shit about the series? I have no idea what blue archive even is. I just love their underage designs and I say this completely unironically.
Why are weebs like this? Coming from furry community and it's unbearable here. Are you all fucking pedophiles?
most younger zoomers don't even know what the fuck touhou is but yeah
I hate lolishitters but it's bizarre to me how furrys can act like anime is the problem when 95% of your content is literal children's cartoons and "cub" enthusiasts. the cognitive dissonance is astounding
Thanks a bunch
>Are you all fucking pedophiles?
No, I'm not a child

you aint wanted here. animal fucker.
reminder to only coom to girls that have finished puberty
what is wrong with pedophilia?
kek carlos...
lllyasviel restructured the backend of Forge entirely and broke compatibility with a lot of shit. I don't think the two can really be compared now. You could claim one or the other is "caught up" for different reasons, like legacy extension support (reForge) or having the latest gradio inpaint UI (Forge).
That's precisely the reason to gen BA girls. Most of them JUST finished puberty and it's the peak.
i didn't play it for about 3 or 4 years because the designs didn't appeal to me. a few friends got me into it and i planned on just dropping it if it was shit, but then the story turned out surprisingly decent, and some character designs are really good because the artists have a lot of agency. i didn't think i'd like yuuka but now i do. wakamo and akira are great as well. my friend's love of mari is starting to infect me too. the music can go hard or can go goofy.
it's just a really good package all in all.

also i honestly think (or hope) that most of the uoh kidpregg shit is just a meme, my friends say shit like that but i'm at least 95% sure they're ironic.
uh oh i think that one pixel on image i just coomed to is underage...
what should i do?
touhou is very popular among japanese youngster actually, i'm talking actual elementary school lolis not ironice weebs zoomer
>bought a monitor
>about 17 years 364 days old
>pixel died
>will forever have a pedopixel on my otherwise legal monitor
bros...i have to move all my images to the side so i dont get arrested
I'm not using the term that seriously, anon
Ok thats what I thought, I kept the new version of forge around for times when I wanted to mess with flux and thats about it. Didnt know if any improvements or fixes were made. Thanks
>I hate lolishitters
Why? :(
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textgen hours
I suspect it's one of those genetics-based things, just like circadian cycle is contrasted by different preferences for sleeping schedules
Too bad most of genetics/behavior link research was stifled thanks to certain group of politically charged people who in their effort to polarize atomized middle class used eugenics in their propaganda, and the field is dominated by globohomo tabula rasa proponents
>pedobait hours
yawn, see you guys later
reminder that anyone who complains about drawn fictional 2d pedophilia is a real life sex offender seething about their pedophile status being applied to animejerking chuds
you're leaving? hell yeah
why is it
Why is Satori so cute?
Catbox please
>zoomers unironically believe that calling someone a pedo on a hentai/anime board is anything but a medal of honor
lurk moar
i'm a lolifag and even i hate lolishitters
>pedo deflection hours
Guys... why is it so...?
Because you keep touching yourself at night
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They watch videos with ADHD side clips to keep their attention spans in check. its hilarious how gen x fucked their generation more than boomers.
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Need an extension that plays minecraft parkour clips while genning frfr
Let me cope and say it's a knock on effect
Yeah most of my gens are sfw fantasy/sci-fi stuff. I post on /g/ though.
>I post on /g/ though.
i was born at the start of the zoomer age range and grew up by playing games essentially all day since i was in and out of the hospital constantly and even then i didn't turn into a zoom(b)ie
the only explanation i can come up with is that oversocialization fries your brain much faster than overdosing on dopamine
no. it's the fact that there is no socialization. everything is through social media which is not healthy socialization
>I post on the right board though
a rare quality among /hdg/ users
it's still socialization though, even though it's not healthy
the problem is that it went from impersonal to completely insincere very, very quickly
look at the average zoomie, he's completely incapable of being sincere and completely irony-poisoned yet insecure enough to play the optics game 24/7
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im a millenial but effectively have zoomer brain
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>video games didnt fry my brain

You know, im not even in that much of a denial but then again, how would someone conditioned since birth know otherwise.

>it's still socialization though, even though it's not healthy
technically yes but you understood what i meant. it's not healthy because it's not the same. talking and interacting with people in real life is nowhere similar to vapid interactions on social media are. that's how you get people who unironically get nervous when answering their front door
>video games didnt fry my brain
>how would someone conditioned since birth know otherwise.
by having a reference point, i was "lucky" enough to witness someone who DID get his brain completely fried by games
after games i got other hobbies to keep myself busy though it's unfortunate that all of them got infected with acute troonism
yeah i got what you meant, the problem is that to zoomies there isn't really a difference between the two other than the awkwardness they get from real face to face interactions
I do but I dont post
where did reisen's ears go
aww why did you wake her up with your coom
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neat, i like the style.
Hi guys, what did I miss
>gold nipple piercing
makes golden nipples
Where is her cunt?
this is why japan needs to repeal its porn censorship laws
>piercing made of gold
this is where nlp autocaptions would help btw
I'm sure you have plenty of examples of NLP trained SDXL finetunes that can obey such granular instructions, right?
is there anyway to change specifically the pupil style or shape without inpainting or fusing artist(which tend to mess up the style)? i use a style based off hero neisan but the pupils in some shots just look like blobs as opposed to a typical sharp oval anime pupil.

any tags that can help or am i forced to rely on loras?
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we are so back
You could try to include different artists in your adetailer prompt that do good eyes and just jack the adetailer denoise up to see if that does anything
Merged into forge too
The txt2img had them wrong too
It's the local avengers team assembling to defeat the evil saas menace...
except LAX then proceeded to say they're still prioritizing the eps version when everyone is screaming at them to just put everything on vpred, lmao
He says that now, but I'm hoping the mood will swing eventually
maybe we should ditch booru tags too since sdxl wasn't trained with them either
absolute fucking retard, just off yourself
Pretty obvious but have you tried putting anything in regards to pupils? Maybe "slit pupils" at a lower strength?
doesn't answer my question, blocked
typical of localjeets to only settle for what someone else already tried. this is why they'll never evolve beyond basic sdxl tunes and will remain coping once v4 drops. nobody knows how to push the tech forward except NAI
they have no idea what thanomuz have prepared for them
You can find futaba NAI threads here: https://tsumanne.net/si/AI
was this revealed to you in a dream?
Bad bait
he snaps his fingers and all that turns to dust is NAI's artist tags
but our strongest baker left sdxl long ago!
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Yeah, Meyoco and Starmilk both make some super cute stuff. The only issue being Meyoco watermarks like crazy but using the nyalia lora seems to have fixed a lot of that for me
I'm the original person who asked. Damn, I knew they had to be somewhere, thank you.
japs /hdg/?
why do they have a separate comment section for every single image
that's super inconvenient
v4 will suck, screenshot this
t. used v3 for almost entire year
v3 was literally nothing special as we can see
no character tag magic, no artist tag magic, no retagging
just properly trained sdxl on danbooru rip with vpred conversion
they dont have the talent to pull off new arch
is there metadata for that
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cope, v4 will be able to separate characters at the atomic level. it will have a 32 channel vae and a custom flow sharting architecture with 32 quadrillion parameters.
That's an archive of one futaba board and those are threads. The goose ones are NAI discussion.
They're all separate threads. Some do have more anons posting images. Not sure what the behavior is exactly either though.
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yeah i like the cuteness overall, too bad i cant add it to the realistic stuff i usually prefer.
and that'll make it gen better images? in what ways? haven't we plateaued already?
>v4 will be... something
This. Will also do real time inference and continuously learn new characters by automatically scraping all sources of anime in existence
Sorry to disappoint Le Critique anon
chances are it'll just be SDXL with modifications made where SDXL sucks
calling them NAI threads is a bit misleading giving that none of them are generals or exclusively for NAI gens, and that the biggest imagegen thread on futaba remains AIに絵を描いてもらって適当に貼って適当に雑談するスレ
>v4... will be
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don't think so
The ones with the NAI goose as OP are certainly NAI threads.
16ch vae is literally the only thing I can imagine them offering considering the tags are confirmed (no natural language)
we'll see maybe I lack imagination
So, what v5 will be capable of?
nothing because analtan will be bankrupt by then
they have a whole board for AI
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the memories of being 16 and all i wanted to do was rail manaka, thank you 2ch...
it's more of a NAI discussion thread than a thread for NAI gens but fair enough
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That's true, but on the 「」 board, NAI gens are also generally quite common. The AIコラ thread on jun is probably a guy using director tools too.
From kurumuz comments it seems like they'll use a large amount of anime screenshots to built foundational knowledge and the model will be a lot better at backgrounds, cinematic perspectives and concepts that are common in animation because of that.
i dont know but i can assure you v40 will be able to generate the anime girl in front of you and suck your cock irl
it will cost 25 dollars per second tho
>4chan erotic threads
>4chan's porn threads
Induring their foundation somehow fucks hentai and painterly styles
we welcome our english learning jap brethren with open arms
Based and progresspilled.
>there are japs lurking in these threads
hallo japanfreund, wann werden die achsenmächte wieder auferstehen?
they've had people lurking here for a while, just like some of us lurk their threads
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left is generated at a considerably higher resolution by splitting it in 3 parts, img2imging them at the resolution of the image on the right and then merging them together in photoshop, basically a manual fully controlled tile upscale.

I'm not even sure it's worth it at the end
Anyone know any artists similar to https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=youichi_(45_01) ?
Tag doesn't seem to have much effect on NoobAI ep. Probably because it's only got 146 uploads
thats a profit organization, why are people thinking that they will go for image only? considering the demand nai will probably go for videos this time. and even if they do have talent of new arch they probably will have problems including artist styles this time.
>it will cost 25 dollars per second tho
Worth it tbqh
Left looks slightly better, but they are too similar, not worth the extra work
I remember reading comments on all-nationz where they said that they try to post on 4chan but the Captcha unironically filters them
>gens an /ACO/ nigress
of course it wasn't worth it you retard, fuck off out of the thread
How to fix hands google search
They're going to do video when they can't even do text gen right?
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BIG NEWS for NAI. Generations are now way faster... but only if you spend your coins! Please stop using free unlimited generations and start buying anals instead
The captcha sometimes filters even westerners tbf
>t. spent 10 minutes hardstuck on captcha once
[spoiler]Verification not required. Ironic[/spoiler]
Uh oh, they already quant it...
Enshittification comes for NAI?
Um, NAIsisters?
Just use solver
anon didn't read the whole message. doesn't matter for opus users. sure smells like enshittification though.
0 exciting updates since v3
literally how? Is it a pattern recognition thing?
remember that the world would be a better place without you
>get a new model
>has to use lora of NAI to get better result
its pony all over again
Zoomers will shit on kohaku because they're newfags that don't know the histories. illust 0.1 was based on Kohaku Delta, and Noob was based on illust. Kohaku's blood flows through the models we use today. It's, in a sense, the modern equivalent of the NAI leak. We all owe thanks to Kohaku, no matter how small
he's not wrong
that's some ugly shit
uh oh nai users are on the attack!
>snake hiding on the thigh

it's a pretty cool gen tho, pretty sharp
yeah but we aren't cucks that pay 25 dollars per month LMAO
Dunno. It was only that one time, on mobile and I swear I entered it correctly every time, but it also was a weird new captcha where it was two lines instead of one, so maybe I did them in the wrong order. At some point I switched to the desktop site and got through on the first try, cause it was the normal captcha
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I prefer right
nai might be on something since they released v3 paper finally but even if they release another image model they will have customers. just saying they might go for video gens since thats whats in trend

(if they are talented enough to train one)
how are you so poor that 25 a month isn't a negligible amount of money? are you brown?
>localjeets bragging about paying more for less
another self-own to add to the pile
Will you send me 25 shekels a month?
>hair_slicked_back, hand_on_own_head, forehead works on noob
it was the little things that brought me despair on pony
buying at least two 5090s the moment they're out. problem?
I'd rather spend my money buying a new gpu to gen locally tbqh
Are you cute?
its more than enough to get you laid in some countries
same, and i will also continue paying for nai every month.
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About to turn her off
>two 5090s
need a seperate high voltage line for that
I'm not paying for ai art on principle. Same way I despise all the scammers on patreon. Either keep it to yourself, or put it out for free.
>paying for porn
inferior llms vs local
inferior imagen vs local
what's worth paying for at this point
>inferior imagen vs local
lol, lmao
from side, kneeling, paizuri
believe it if you want
I'm extremely racist so I refuse to support a Turk-owned business, actually.
>paying for porn
Laughing at you since '06
based. this is in fact the only acceptable reason not to pay for nai
based and armenian pilled
I occasionally sub for text because 10gb vram isn't close to enough for local
Do highres/absurdres/incredibly absurdres even do anything on illu/noob?
if v4 was good, they would've started showing it off. it's that simple. v3 started teasing early october, for a month up until release. they're already behind schedule. it's a nothingburger
Is the tag autocomplete extension outdated? I've noticed the post count on some tags being way lower than they actually are.
codes for what?
No, the world would be shit if nobody had standards.
You're doing god's work anon
>v4 will either result in the biggest sour grapes for localtards or complete obliteration of the naikek narrative
Either way trolls be eating good
I like how there's a civil war brewing between eps and vpred with both sides fighting for lax's favor
you say that as if v3 didnt already mindbreak local since January
who the FUCK is fighting in favor of eps-pred
what? its just lax, vpred is objectively better, lax just wants to consider "noobs" , they have enough compute anyway.

i thought i could get him to shift to vpred priority if auto and other uis got updated, they did get updated but he wont change his decision
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this, and lax is spiritually included there
>liked by LAX
mou owari da...
>vpred+ztsnr is literally a "make model better" toggle
>euge already rented a cluster with his own money to show how simple the conversion is
>lax refuses to switch over to get the best possible model faster because of jeets complaining the early epoch is a little fuzzy
i'm going to kill myself
Not anymore though.
i hate brown monkeys so fucking much
the animals, of course
Yeah, now you pay for a 70B model that writes worse than the 12B, and it STILL has 8k context!
guess he probably wants it to become popular so that they can win the contest for more gpus
though idk if they need them if they have 8x h100 which is already way more than anyone else
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I dream of a day without mushy details and fried colors ;_;
what is the contest even for, is it like a university project? are they showing off their anime porn imagegen model at a chinese university???
no anon, kill the jeets instead
>turns out they forgot to turn zsnr on
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How much would a proper vpred conversion cost? the test was 150$. Even if lax goes the retard way we could probably just push the model across the finish line ourselves
cook a project with the provided gpu (32 h100)
apply for big compute (512 h100)
win compute

thats it
we won?
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you would want to train with vpred+ztsnr in the first place, but if you really insist on conversion i imagine 2 epochs would be an absolute minimum
anon that's not from side
It's funny how fast a narrative takes hold in this general even though it's complete bullshit. THEY ARE DOING A V-PRED MODEL. LAX said they're going to try both converting the EPS model and training it from scratch.
How's the privacy and how is it for coom?
>you would want to train with vpred+ztsnr
isn't it already too late for that? Unless they get the full cluster and start over from scratch, i don't see more than a conversion happening
OpenRouter doesn't log, the base model sucks for ERP but there's plenty of finetunes and other models (like Mistral's) that are uncensored to choose from.
a fair few, for a few reasons:
>eps pred just werks
>eps was trained for longer than vpred which gives the impression of it being simply better
>vpred requires an additional checkbox or node. and it's not just a1111 either, some users are so braindead that they can't even figure out how to add the vpred node into their existing comfyui setup (which they downloaded off of civitai)
been toiling in the /aco/ gulag again
they are likely to convert the next release of eps pred to vpred , 32 h100 is now being used for training instead of 8
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/aco/ is passable if its peach desu
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Tried to read that discord and every other message is EPIC. He has to be a plant, no one can be this retarded.
/aco/ is passable if its not fucking score_987654 ponyslop
you need exactly 90° or what?
>he thinks noobXL hasnt been turned into an /aco/ model already
>>eps pred just werks
Currently, sure.
>>eps was trained for longer than vpred which gives the impression of it being simply better
Will not apply once the next release rolls around.
>>vpred requires an additional checkbox or node
This will be obsolete in the next release as well. Even for ComfyUI. ztSNR will still require something as of this moment, but hopefully that'll change too.
>paying per token
>/aco/ is passable
In >>>/aco/ not /hdg/. There is no exception.
He's genuinely just a retarded Indian kid. He's in one of the WD spinoff servers for hentai and he just never shuts up, people keep telling him to stop talking about shit he doesn't understand and he'll come back an hour later pinging everyone with unwanted replies.
what are you gonna do about it, pussy? *shoves you*
The most important part of vpred is that it will finally, FINALLY free us from Pony Hell since you can't merge eps and vpred models.
If the jannies do their job I won't have to do anything.

I am now 100% pro vpred.
imagine advokat converting pony to v-pred to merge it with noob lmao
They have only been training with 8xH100s up to this point and are swapping over to 32 on Monday when training resumes. We're about to reach warp speed.
there's no such thing as unmergeable models exist dear anon
Yes, don't buy a car, just rent one when you use it.
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now compare to local
If he actually wanted that, the "profile" tag works best
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like it's not even close
>M O G G E D
you know you can just block me and use some extension to hide messages from blocked user?
it was a zero effort gen without style tags, fucktard
why is the anatomy so terrible?
I don't care, as long as I don't have to see a meter.
Let people run Nai, let people run local, who even gives a fuck? Arguing about this might actually be the worst possible way to spend your time
...are you retarded???
Sorry sir, this is a war for the soul of our nation.
first day on the internet?
there's one autist that sees red whenever nai is mentioned, can't be helped
very based
sauce saar? i thought they were using the 32x the whole time?
it's one guy samefagging
top kek
Reasonable opinions aren't welcome hare
is there a way to apply adetailer correctly on reforge for the vpred noob model?
this type of fence sitting only gets posted after one side gets absolutely demolished
im glad im on the winning team
good morning EPIC sir, finally got past the captcha, yes?
i aint that retarted
ztSNR toggle will now work in Forge correctly. https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/pull/2119
I think all that's left to solve is the ztSNR toggle in reForge, and to potentially add ztSNR to the metadata of the model somewhere so it toggles automatically. comfyanon is going to be the bottleneck for that though.
>get some pushback
naishills deserve the rope
who are you quoting?
fuck off mom
See >>8262341
Alternatively if you grab the version of the model in >>8266731 it should work too (but without ztSNR for now).
that's not very nice
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"I'm going to tell mommy kurumuz that you are calling me paypig!"
kurumuz you really should hire better shills...
Based, thanks anon.
This new season is quite exciting. We get all of these new cast members like EPIC to entertain us with their retardation.
naiggers on suifuel
Buying a car in current year is unironically one of the dumbest financial decisions one can make, and it's crazy how manufacturers managed to scam the population into believing that cars are a mandatory necessity.
It's crazy how many tags work with noob. Astralite really did completely lobotomize pony.
what's the naigger's obsession with discord troons?
not all of us live in a grey concrete shithole urbanite. maybe you'll understand that when you get older
Eat the bugs
We're reaching nogen levels that shouldn't be possible.

>heh, i dont live in a concrete jungle, just the urban hellhole that goes into the concrete jungle.
uh oh, rental cuck melty!
why are the localsisters having a meltie?
Does comfyui support stealth metadata?
also is there any program for ai images browsing? Would be godly if it supports stealthinfo too but i doubt...
we must break 2000
i don't live in either? you sound like the kind of person that hasn't traveled outside the general vicinity of where you live
I live on the outskirts of a small town with nothing but trees and grassland beyond my window. I work from home and anything I need I can either get delivered or by walking 20 minutes.
Sorry you need to drive an hour on your way to and back from work.

you ever heard of all roads lead to rome.
what the fuck is even your point? ah yes, the person living on their rural farm is living in an urban hellhole because it has a dirt road that connects to an asphalt road which eventually leads into a city. how fucking retarded are you?
File deleted.
Hello my fellow anons.
From now on I have decided that whenever I post a /hdg/ image here with the typical 1girl or 1girl/1boy pair, I will have a catbox link to the same image, but where the girl is a femboy/newhalf/otoko no ko instead.
And no, you can't say:
>> "Uhhh nuh uh you can't do that anon! That's against rules because ga-"
No. You clicked the catbox link. You looked at it, therefore it's your fault that you're gay, not mine. You could have looked at the hetero version in this thread and kept going about your day. You are born with free will and can choose to ignore the catbox. You are welcome to ask for the original catbox as well.

Here is the mentioned otoko no ko/femboy/newhalf version of my image:

That was all. Happy genning.
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I have never used Nai or any paid ai services, I just cringe whenever this discussion comes up

damn, i didnt know you had a fab manufacturing facility in the middle of nowhere
wait until you hear about this concept called delivery

i wonder where it comes from.
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It's terminal, but not zero SNR.
your damage control ain't working just take the l retard
i'm not even joking when i say i don't understand what you're getting at lol
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Can we get some more 'cord screenshots?

probably because youre retarded
i accept your concession
uh oh, retard meltie
I bet this sounded so clever in your head
I mean is he wrong? Does Hinata lead to hyena posting?
Is she a gnoll?

it's really not that hard to distill what im getting at. sasuga ruraltard
so you just do nothing, have no hobbies, have no responsibilities, and don't leave your house. sounds about right
is it just me or do colors just look brighter with pred vs 0.5? is there a recommended sampler?
happens to me all the time man...
And you anon are a nogen. That's honestly worse. I mean, you're allowing someone like me to potentially post more non-heterosexual stuff before image limit, instead of you competing and posting hetero stuff? Tsk tsk.

about as clever as you think you sounded typing that in response.
So, Update the OP?
So not clever at all? Ok. Here's your free (you), now respond to this some more

I dont respond to naiggers
Can I do anything with a 3060 12gb or should I just stick with NAI?
Meant to respond to this guy.
You should fuck off with this weak bait and kill yourself.
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forgot to post
>do colors just look brighter with pred vs 0.5
Yes, that's part of the point of vpred. Just use Euler/DPMwhatever, ancestral if you prefer it.
reforge guy here, added you (i think you're catbox anon?) as collaborator on reforge if you want to check
stick to DEEZ NUTZ
nta, but vpred models are supposed to work on reforge right? i think a recent commit completely fucked them because they're outputting nothing but noise now
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it's a bit different with ztSNR.

I'm on latest commit and still seems to work fine, using it like this
I got it, thanks. I'll see if I can get the vanilla ztSNR toggle working.
Also, could you or perhaps some other anon here also verify this? I'm getting the same result in A1111/Forge/Comfy but it's totally different in reForge. Only happens for the v-pred model.
reForge: https://files.catbox.moe/ngx3tc.png
other UIs: https://files.catbox.moe/2apae7.png

well some outfits arent really bright. anything I could do to tweak the contrast?
Very nice. Gens have come so far.
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same gen on pred, outfit is better contrasting. but overall vpred does everything else better.
What CFG are you using? For eps and vpred+ztsnr it's anywhere between 6 and 8 for me depending on the style mix. If you're using vpred with ztsnr disabled, which might yield more interesting results since it seems to be bugged, you want to keep it a bit lower.
where in the settings for reforge do you see these options? searching for discrete sampling or the advanced model sampling yields nothing
are you on the dev branch?

CFG is usually set to 6.5, ZTSNR is disabled, would it be better to enable it?
oh shit i forgot i switched off for something awhile back. thanks anon i'm retarded
all they're saying is that if you use anals for big resolutions you won't have to wait like 30-45+ seconds anymore
things like enhancing and high res genning weren't affected by the recent speed increases, they still took their sweet time compared to pure t2i
Hmm probably as how advanced model sampling from comfy was adapted to reforge it could change seeds, here is the script that applies the changes into the sampling


it comes from
unet = p.sd_model.forge_objects.unet.clone()
and then it patches the unet based on the sampling mode, like with discrete is

unet = ModelSamplingDiscrete().patch(unet, self.discrete_sampling, self.discrete_zsnr)[0]

Maybe that somehow applies it differently as how other UIs apply it.

The seeds itself are defined the same as A1111 does, since that code comes from there.

It is an built in extension, just scrolling down you should be able to see it, but on the dev_upstream branch.
its okay fellow retard, you are in good company here
If you take out the censoring, Will she DED?
Enabling it may improve color balance but then you'd want to raise CFG to 8ish. It's worth experimenting with.
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Schizo bros, status?
cfg 3 users be like
"why won't the model adhere to my prompt?"
>can't get model to adhere to prompt at cfg 3
sounds like a skill issue buddy
This general was full of third-grade acoslop for an entire year and NAI shilling was fully warranted and deserved.
sounds like you're not White buddy
anon. pony came out in february and illustrious came out in september. it was 7 months. barely half a year.
396 more text posts guys come on we're going big
Before that it was EF which ALSO was sepia furryslop.
you say that like NAI isn't still the best model by a wide margin
>he forgot about the EF+HLL cope
someone fetch me the /aco/slop goth girl pronto
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it wasn't really a cope though, it was the best model until pony.
It is still the best, if we just take it as a pure model.
Considering that current local models are no longer fucking garbage, local tools like controlnet/lora/whatever are relevant again. And soon enough local will get vpred. So yeah nai is no longer looking that great in comparison to local. It did wipe the floor with local since v3 release till now.
and? pony was the best model until illustrious and that didn't make it any less of a cope
>it was the best model!
>still btfo'd by based64 because most people could already see the writings on the wall
>local tools like controlnet/lora/whatever
all cope as long as the base model remains so far behind
You'll feel twilight sparkle breathing down your neck soon enough, nigger
Is tianliang duohe fangdongye fried on the new version of noob or it's just the new meme samplers/schedulers that i'm currently using?
>edgy ponygger
every single time
At least we are almost to the new thread where everyone will stop arguing and instead just get mad at the guy posting highlights
nanohana also seemed fried. Best make some comprehensive comparison and send it to euge
I know you're just a shitposter, but I'll take it upon myself to reply in good faith.
How is it "far behind"? I used both local and NAI quite extensively. If current local gets vpred, it is, in fact, gonna be ahead of NAI, considering proper e621 knowledge that didn't poison the model with sepia. The only thing I can say that is inferior about current noob models are kinda underbaked artist tags compared to nai. Which is gonna be fixed with further bakes, and yes, loras. Loras that can work better than nai's artist tags.
Not looking into lack of inpainting model which is a different issue.
Dude like you had a case during pony era but now you just the worst fucking shill in the world
All local tools are cope until nai implements them properly. See the massive gap between jeet-adapter and vibe transfer
Please buy more anlas sar we will speed up your gens sar
Why do you write like a retard?
what happened to her neck
NAIggers are going to regret getting so uppity when they realize 90% of the userbase are retarded zoomers who are gonna take kurumuz' enshittification with no complaints
Hello EPIC, how are you doing today?
i think i disagree so strongly with every single sentence you typed that now i'm wondering if we're even using the same models
"NAIggers" were people who had enough dignity and money to not eat Astralite's disgusting smegma sepiaslop. :)
skill issue
Got anything to say except for "lol u wrong"?
You sound mad.
falseflagging console war nonsense is so much fun, I always wonder how many (You)s I get are genuinely upset vs other people doing the same thing
there was a mosquito in my room ruining my genning and i just killed it :DD it's a good day frens
You sound like you are on your period sis
no point in even trying since we seem to be living in different worlds
what a sad but unsurprising existence you have
No one is winning in this thread.
Everyone is losing.
Unless you gen. Then you are winning,
I'm trying, but I just started like thirty minutes ago and I'm getting nothing but vaguely human inspired blobs
>enshittific-- ACK!!
Why would I click on your catbox link when the images you attach are ugly as sin????
If anyone likes this ugly shit, they may as well be into boys, so it's all good.
posting gens in this shithole is the most retarded thing you can do at this point
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Nah it's okay if you have a tech question or have some sort of news. It's still probably the most helpful place in that regard. Other than that? Hell no.
Alright, then show us your gens anon, and lets see how they compare.

What webui are you using? reForge? Forge? Auto1111? Comfy?

Where do you post your gens then? Genuinely asking.
Why does this garbage model always draw precum UMPROMPTED??
switched to the dev_upstream branch but still can't see it? i see the extension as installed but the settings are still not there
>Retards salty about some light banter
>Not even 1800 replies yet
Maybe go back to r*ddit if you can't take the heat
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yikes, she looks like a minor
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+1 to image count also /aco/cats
ayaGOD saving the thread
Auto1111. Like I said I literally just started, so I'm not gonna bother the thread with questions until I've at least tampered with things a little bit on my end, it's probably something I can figure out
Why are you posting little kids?
Why aren't ayakon's images deleted and why isn't he banned? Are trans "girls" allowed in /h/ now?
you're the least funny avatarfag i've ever seen try to be funny
who's the funniest avatarfag
we are progressive acceptors of all body types here at 4chan and calling a muscular girl trans is highly offensive, reported
If you think I am trying to be funny you might have autism.
>>AYAKON actually listened to Le Critique's critique.
Redemption arc moment.

What model/checkpoint are you using? If it's pony or an illustrious based checkpoint, make sure:
Resolution is 1024x1024
Cfg between 5-7
steps between 25-30.

Make sure you checked the "no norm" setting in settings tab, because if you try weighting stuff in your prompt, that could cause the blobs you mentioned.
I'm not talking about muscles, I'm talking about gaping wounds in place of pussies? They look like freakish man-made flesh blobs?? WTF?
so you're just shitposting for attention? the only way i can ratonalize how you act is you think you're funny, you're miserable and want to spread misery, or you want attention. idk i'm not mentally i'll so i wouldn't understand i suppose. either way everyone here would be better if you just dropped dead or joined cumrag on /sdg/
it was prompted nigger
I was a better avatarfag AND a better schizo.
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Mixing artists is a drug, I cannot stop adding more and more artists to my gens
>so you're just shitposting for attention?
how are you only figuring this out now?
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This isn't shown in the UI after changing to the dev_upstream branch?
And now you're forgotten and filtered.
hyper goes to /d/ retard
What are your fav artist mixes anon?
A girl magically growing a penis in a comic book is not the same as a mentally ill man calling himself a woman in real life.
He doesn't take critique because he's a little bitch, he's irredeemable.
>i kept looking in the settings instead of the drop-down tabs on the main page
man. in my defense there's an absolute metric fuckton of these drop-down tabs
>gaping wounds in place of pussies
it's gooknai
that's a fantasy of a mentally ill man calling himself a woman irl
that is average size
i never said anything like that and would love to post my gens, and i get nai literally for free lol. this place is not really about posting gens though, hasn't been such for a long time
Yeah. No point in doing either when the thread gets turned into a repeat of last week's shitposts.
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Gooknai looks like this. Not perfect, but can be better if you reroll a little.
futanari predates troon culture by decades you retarded zoomer
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girls with abs can be cute too
>projects a bunch of nonsense
>"idk i'm not mentally i'll"
uh yeah okay
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Who are you???
Well, even with that built-in extension disabled, and using the patched model with the v_pred key in >>8266731 (meaning ztSNR is not on but v-pred is), I still get a completely different image when compared to other UIs. The existence/abscence of ztSNR is also not supposed to change an image so wildly like this. https://files.catbox.moe/w8s3h8.png
Until this gets figured out I can't really feel confident in fixing the vanilla ztSNR toggle in reForge.
Have you never seen a vagina irl?
I really like
(honjou_raita:0.9), nikichen, ru zhai, (mery_\(yangmalgage\)0.8), wagashi_\(dagashiya\), (omone hokoma agm, niliu chahui:0.8), yd \(orange maru\)
i don't give a shit what your mental illness was or wasn't called in the past faggot
>janny tranny on a spree again
for free
what's wrong with her torso? looks weird
>asking this from a cunnyfag
Let's just hope he didn't.
What's the current best local model? seems like pony has been dethroned, but I'm unsure if illu/smooth or noob are the way forward. Feel like the latters inclusion of furshit is a major downside
Good point.
explain how anything i said was projection
catbox please
the e621 dataset makes the penises really pop
it's raita
I really like yd \(orange maru\), liquify, yang-do, ydh2101_18
pony is still good for weird /d/ shit and 3d/realistic otherwise illustrious has innate knowledge of several anime/hentai artists and characters on boorus but is still a WIP as its v0.1
pony subset or illu smooth or noob. depends on what you want.
>thread quality goes to shit
>enma ai schizo starts posting
It should be an upside because data variation and generalization for a large model is good, even if both you and I believe that data is shit. Consider downvoted furshit factoring into tags like "worst quality" in your negative prompt. Also >>8267460
Enjoy the spaghetti
I dig the style on that
finally! time for highlights
it's pony
Why does it matter?
I drew it
Buddy you literally wished death upon me for making posts you don't like, and then you call ME miserable? Perhaps you are more than just a little brain damaged if you cannot see the irony here.
>Consider downvoted furshit factoring into tags like "worst quality"
To my knowledge the noob dataset has no quality tag annotation and is purely reliant on the illu base for its quality tags.
pony = bad
I'm so excited to see if any of my zero effort posts made it into the highlights.
rent free
highlight anon isn't here... time for a real bake for once.
quick someone bake with a cute and funny image please please itll make him so btfo and the jannies will seethe
how do you know?
there's a tewi somewhere in this thread
New Thread:

i didn't wish for your death, i said that this general would be better off if you dropped dead or joined the other avatarfags on /sdg/. i completely stand by that statement. you're not funny, you don't do anything other than make this place unusable and drive off actual contributors, and you probably do it to compensate for a lack of attention and validation elsewhere. i think you are miserable and that you should seek help.
Illu is the best for 2D hentai, but Pony can do 2.5D/3D really well.
I see, will have to check how if I can manage to find the issue.
How do you get eyes like that?
chobits <3
I like his post, at least the pictures he does have some effort put into it and he try different style and pose, if your day is ruined by a catbox link every 10hours you need to do some soul searching
>inb4 samefag
anon he’s one of the ones incessantly spamming the board with useless shitposts without gens. how long have you fucking been here?
>tfw it was Claudefag
My problem with them is just that highlight anon has dogshit taste and keeps including garbage shiny aomslop while leaving out some of the better gens.
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It just keeps happening.

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